Re: Fixing issue 786 (lyric extenders) again

2010-01-04 Thread Chris Snyder

> Yes, I am top-posting

I notice that issue 786 was just marked as critical. I sent the 
following message to -devel four weeks ago but never received a 
response. I'd appreciate advice on how to write messages that are more 

Chris Snyder wrote:
Issue 786, which was caused by a patch I submitted back in March, was 
recently re-opened with another case of an extender being completized 
too early. Looking at the example, it's easy to spot what's going on. 
The fix, however, looks to me to be less straightforward.

Some background:
The original patch fixed an issue where an extender would go too long 
(sometimes to the end of the score) when the lyrics ended before the 
associated voice. This was because extenders were only completized when 
the next event in the Lyrics context came along, which would never occur 
if the Lyrics block ended with an extender. My original patch added a 
check to see if the voice was in a melisma and to completize the 
extender if not.

One problem this caused (original issue 786) was with manual melismata, 
which the melisma_busy(voice) function doesn't know about (and can't - 
it doesn't know about Lyrics contexts at all, nor should/could it, since 
multiple Lyrics contexts can be associated with one voice). This was 
fixed by changing the Lyric_engraver to add empty LyricText objects. The 
Extender_engraver checks both melisma_busy and for the presence of an 
empty LyricText object, and only completizes the extender if neither is 
true (as well as another check to fix issue 800).

The case that caused issue 786 to be reopened, however, poses yet 
another problem. It is more general than just happening with beamed 
notes - I've verified the same behavior with slurs and ties as well. It 
happens whenever an automatic melisma (beam, slur, tie) is followed by a 
manual one (underscore in Lyrics). Looking at the checks I added, it's 
obvious what's happening: On the last note of the automatic melisma, 
melisma_busy returns false, but the empty LyricsText object won't occur 
until the next moment, so the Extender_engraver thinks it should 
completize the extender.

Under the scheme as it exists now, the Extender_engraver would have to 
somehow check for an empty LyricText object occurring in the future. 
This doesn't seem to me to be the correct approach.

Alternatively, I've thought of another solution that seems to be more 
elegant than this growing list of checks for various cases: what if the 
parser created an empty LyricText object at the end of each Lyrics 
block? That would solve the original issue I fixed back in March in a 
way that would allow us to revert that part of the Extender_engraver to 
the way it was before my original patch. Before I try to learn how the 
parser works, does this seem like an acceptable approach?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Fixing issue 786 (lyric extenders) again

2009-12-14 Thread Chris Snyder
Issue 786, which was caused by a patch I submitted back in March, was 
recently re-opened with another case of an extender being completized 
too early. Looking at the example, it's easy to spot what's going on. 
The fix, however, looks to me to be less straightforward.

Some background:
The original patch fixed an issue where an extender would go too long 
(sometimes to the end of the score) when the lyrics ended before the 
associated voice. This was because extenders were only completized when 
the next event in the Lyrics context came along, which would never occur 
if the Lyrics block ended with an extender. My original patch added a 
check to see if the voice was in a melisma and to completize the 
extender if not.

One problem this caused (original issue 786) was with manual melismata, 
which the melisma_busy(voice) function doesn't know about (and can't - 
it doesn't know about Lyrics contexts at all, nor should/could it, since 
multiple Lyrics contexts can be associated with one voice). This was 
fixed by changing the Lyric_engraver to add empty LyricText objects. The 
Extender_engraver checks both melisma_busy and for the presence of an 
empty LyricText object, and only completizes the extender if neither is 
true (as well as another check to fix issue 800).

The case that caused issue 786 to be reopened, however, poses yet 
another problem. It is more general than just happening with beamed 
notes - I've verified the same behavior with slurs and ties as well. It 
happens whenever an automatic melisma (beam, slur, tie) is followed by a 
manual one (underscore in Lyrics). Looking at the checks I added, it's 
obvious what's happening: On the last note of the automatic melisma, 
melisma_busy returns false, but the empty LyricsText object won't occur 
until the next moment, so the Extender_engraver thinks it should 
completize the extender.

Under the scheme as it exists now, the Extender_engraver would have to 
somehow check for an empty LyricText object occurring in the future. 
This doesn't seem to me to be the correct approach.

Alternatively, I've thought of another solution that seems to be more 
elegant than this growing list of checks for various cases: what if the 
parser created an empty LyricText object at the end of each Lyrics 
block? That would solve the original issue I fixed back in March in a 
way that would allow us to revert that part of the Extender_engraver to 
the way it was before my original patch. Before I try to learn how the 
parser works, does this seem like an acceptable approach?


lilypond-devel mailing list

CG improvements-collector position (was: [frogs] Frog's Lament)

2009-12-02 Thread Chris Snyder

Graham Percival wrote:

Despite my agreements to both paragraphs above, I agree more with
the first than the second.  Namely, I don't see the point of
keeping a list of stuff to add to the docs; that's a recipe for
not getting anything done.

I think that can depend on a particular person's work habits. I won't 
dispute that making lists often serves as a substitute for actual work; 
other times, however list-making can serve as a catalyst. I know that I 
work much better when I have a list of tasks, divided into 
manageable-sized portions, that I can tick off as I get work done. Many 
"life hacking" self-help gurus also suggest such strategies (such as's "Most Important Tasks" for each day).

Add stuff directly to the CG.  If you really can't figure out what
somebody talking about, just add something like
Han-Wen wrote something about contexts and accessing property
data?  @uref{http://lilypond-user-mailist/01234123.html}

to the docs.  But get it into the actual docs, not yet another
random webpage or issue list.

The problem I see here is that there will be many times when the content 
of the documentation improvement isn't the only issue - rather, there is 
a question as to what part of the CG is the appropriate place (maybe the 
appropriate section isn't even written or outlined yet) - or at times 
the CG isn't the appropriate place at all (perhaps code comments in some 
cases, etc.).

The process of deciding on the appropriate place for the content, and 
then writing it, takes time - not a lot for each incident, but enough 
that each issue can't be addressed immediately. Therefore, the issues 
would start piling up in whatever personal tracking method I use (in the 
absence of a public issue tracker, I'd probably just create a "CG TODO" 
IMAP folder). Why not make such a list public to give others the 
opportunity to contribute?

Here's the crux of my argument: I'm offering my time in a way that I 
think will be beneficial to LP. In the worst outcome - my fading away 
after contributing nothing other than another list of TODO's (not going 
to happen, but I understand that you don't know me well enough to 
believe me) - nothing will have been lost, and no Jan- or Han-Wen-hours 
- LP's most valuable assets - will have been wasted.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [frogs] Frog's Lament

2009-11-30 Thread Chris Snyder

Valentin Villenave wrote:

May I suggest using the existing tracker on

That would be excellent. Thanks.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [frogs] Frog's Lament

2009-11-30 Thread Chris Snyder

Graham Percival wrote:

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:12:26PM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:

We are not talking about explaining concepts to potential contributors
in private.  We are talking about explanations happening on the
developer list.  Those can be skimmed off into documentation, without
requiring all too much advance knowledge, because they were written for
the sake of people without all too much knowledge.

I agree COMPLETELY.  Are you volunteering?

Perhaps it would be worth of another task master just to tick any such
article with the potential "more useful than existing docs" into a list,

I agree COMPLETELY.  Are you volunteering?

It seems to me that such a list would best be maintained in a 
bug-tracker of some sort (though IMHO not the official issue tracker due 
to the noise it would generate).

Since I'm obviously not up to the task of attempting to fix code 
indentation, I'd like to volunteer for the task-master job, starting by 
setting up an issues tracker. My initial thought is that it would be 
prudent to set up another Google Code project where this tracker could 
be housed. If the PTB would instead prefer a different solution, let me 

I'll wait for official guidance before proceeding.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Code formatter

2009-11-13 Thread Chris Snyder

Graham Percival wrote:

Whatever.  You're giving up.  All this time I've spent trying to
help you on this was wasted.  I'm sure that more experienced
developers list are either laughing at me, or shaking
their heads sadly... "oh that Graham, he's trying to help the
beginners, but he still doesn't understand that it's just not
worth it"

I'm not giving up. I would be happy to find and configure the proper 
tooling - automating it, even - if given a consistent, consensus-driven 
style standard - which doesn't currently exist.

I'd be happy to start posting messages to the mailing list with subjects 
like "Allow tabs in source code?" and "Bracket alignment," but I don't 
think many people would appreciate the noise. Also, it seems to me that, 
on some issues at least, the discussion has already occurred and is 

You're approaching this as if it's a technical issue. As of now, it's 
not. I don't have the standing in the community to resolve the social 
issues that must be dealt with first.

As an aside, there is a Windows binary available for download from the 
astyle website.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Code formatter

2009-11-13 Thread Chris Snyder

Graham Percival wrote:

I know that you're thinking "this is ridiculous", but unless
somebody does it, newbies will continue to face this difficulty.
This job won't get done by itself.

Yes, I do think it's ridiculous. As I understand, you're saying, "go 
find a tool that makes the code conform to a standard we haven't defined 

I've found such a tool. I'm sure it's already installed on all of the 
developers' machines. For more information, run "man cat". Windows users 
can probably use "type" instead.

Why should I (or anyone else) spend so much time wrangling with a 
formatting tool to get it to comply with what I think the standard is 
(or should be), only to be told, "Sorry, that standard isn't 
acceptable"? Shouldn't the standard be set first? If so, I contend that, 
as Bertalan says, "Someone, a lead architect should decide upon rules." 
I feel I'm already being pretentious - imagine me trying to tell Han-Wen 
and Jan how to format their whitespace.

Again agreeing with Bertalan, I think we need some fascism here. I don't 
see how this will ever be accomplished via a "grassroots" effort.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Code formatter

2009-11-13 Thread Chris Snyder

Graham Percival wrote:

1) running astyle will change lines of code.  This makes the
history harder to look at... if we want to know who wrote a
particular line (say, "there seems to be a bug here; hey Joe, why
did you write "if (x = 3)" ?"), then it will appear that *you*
were the last person to change that line of code.  Even if all you
did was run astyle on it.

That seems to me to be unavoidable - or at least not worth the cost 
(investigating whitespace-aware diff tools, etc.) of avoiding it. Since 
the commit message would be "Automated formatting cleanup" we would just 
go to the previous commit in the tree (looking back on the Frogs list 
discussion, I see that you suggested exactly that).

2) many programmers view code style in a highly personal,
quasi-religious manner.


...Han-Wen and Jan have different views...

If the standard isn't even completely defined then how could the job of 
code janitor be given to an inexperienced Frog? It seems to me that no 
one can solve this problem until an official LilyPond coding standard is 
fully set in stone. In the meantime, newbies are left wondering what 
code style they should adhere to (perhaps having to predict which dev 
will be looking at a particular patch).

Any automatic tool will probably result in everybody having to
give up at least one closely-held belief (whether it's the
supremacy of tabs, or lining arguments up after an opening brace,
or how a switch/case command looks, or whatever).  So when you
propose a tool, we need to know what it will change.  And for all
those changes, we need to be convinced that it's an ok change.

I'm going to "come out of the closet" here, in a manner - I'm primarily 
a Java programmer. I don't think I can count on both hands the number of 
personal formatting preferences (not to mention an intense dislike of 
C++ - but I'm not about to touch *that* dead horse) I've suspended in 
order to contribute. I'm not complaining about this - as a newcomer, 
it's my duty to adhere to established standards - but I'd like to know 
what the standards are.

Sometimes, the automatic tool will just make existing
badly-formatted code meet our own standards.  In other cases, it
*will* change the standards.  Some of us won't care; others will
care deeply.

I know I'm not in a position to credibly admonish those that have put 
countless hours into what's essentially a labor of love, but it seems to 
me that these personal holy wars often get in the way of real 
productivity (the amount of time you've expended responding to me, for 
instance). It looks to me that 99% of the coding style is agreed upon - 
is the 1% really worth all of this frustration?

How about a compromise for tabs vs. spaces: even lines use spaces, odd 
lines use tabs. I'm sure we could create an emacs rule for that.

(since you don't know me very well, let me assure you that the former 
paragraph was written with tongue firmly implanted in cheek)

Thanks, and sorry for taking up everyone's time.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Code formatter

2009-11-13 Thread Chris Snyder

Graham Percival wrote:

I'm afraid that you won't get many positive responses until you
look at the previous discussion about this issue.  Again, the main
developers have been bitten by people in the past asking many
questions, spending hours explaining things to them, but then
ultimately giving up and disappearing.

Before I started looking at formatters, I did search lilypond-devel and 
the issues tracker, but didn't come up with them (other than an issue 
for automatically formatting .ly files). It looks like I didn't do an 
extensive enough search or use the correct terms. The issue that Neil 
linked to brought me up to speed (I wasn't even aware that the frogs had 
their own mailing list).

I don't want to be discouraging, but most people won't take you
seriously unless you prove that you've done your research.  I'm
sorry, I know this *does* sound discouraging... but we have had
*years* of experience with people not following through.  You know
the expression "once bitten, twice shy?"  for us, it's "ten times
bitten, twenty times shy".

Understood, and I realize that I haven't exactly proven myself in this 
community yet. I'm also comfortable enough here now that I'm not taking 
your response personally.

I'm sorry to be discouraging -- again, I think this would be a
*fantastic* project, especially if it handles scheme as well --
but it will be a *lot* more work than you're envisioning at the

There is one thing that bugs me about this discussion (and others) - it 
seems like sometimes improvements are rejected as being "not good 
enough," even if they're still an incremental improvement. Wouldn't 
running all of the C++ code through astyle still be an improvement over 
the current situation? It wouldn't prevent future formatting mistakes 
and it wouldn't help with the Scheme and ly code, but it would still be 
a step in the right direction.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Code formatter

2009-11-12 Thread Chris Snyder
After the on-going discussion that included talk about formatting, I did 
a quick search for automatic code formatters, starting with one for the 
C++ code (I think it's reasonable to expect to use a different formatter 
for each programming language). I came across one - astyle - that has the GNU style built in and is 
painless to use. I gave it a try, and it seems to work quite well.

I'd be willing to run all of the C++ code through astyle and provide a 
patch, but it seems like it would be easier if someone with push access 
to git would do it. Any takers?


Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Quit [now definitely O/T]

2009-11-12 Thread Chris Snyder

Hi Carl,

Thanks for the response. I had one of those "should I want to take that 
message back?" moments after sending my previous message - I regret the 
confrontational tone I took at times.

Carl Sorensen wrote:

Thanks for your contributions.  I'm sorry for whatever part I've played
in discouraging you.

Thanks. I've appreciated your patience the few times we've interacted, 
and I agree with Graham (at the risk of turning this into a "praise 
Carl" thread) that you do excellent work with shepherding new developers.

I assume you're talking about the issue 415 stuff,


So please, pick up your code again, and try to get the patch for 415 into
shape so that it can be applied.  Joe will help you, I'm sure.  And Han-Wen
isn't trying to keep you out; he's just trying to keep the code up to
standard.  We really do *like* patches, even if sometimes it doesn't seem

Looking back at the thread, it does look to me now that I took Han-Wen's 
response too personally and I ended up tuning out a lot of the rest of 
the conversation. I revisited the branch I was working on, and - not 
surprisingly after eight months - it could not be cleanly rebased. I'll 
try to take a look at it, but it will take me a while to get back up to 
speed on it.

I think my experience does illustrate the care necessary in shepherding 
new developers. I think the LilyPond developer community would do well 
to treat newbies with kid gloves - contributing to a project for the 
first time can be intimidating. The Frogs program is a good step, but 
it's not very well publicized.

If we had a perfect code-formatting tool, we could just run the files
through the tool.  But we don't.

I vaguely remember some discussion on this at one point, but I can't 
find anything in the mailing list archives. I'd like to do some 
investigating as to what tools are available - it would save a lot of 

I realize that it seems like jumping through mindless and unnecessary hoops.
I've been there (had patches rejected because of bad indentation) and I
remember the pain it was to completely reindent the file (as part of that
process I learned to use the automatic indentation in vim).  But my code is
easier to read (which is *really* important for Scheme code IMO), so it's
worth the hassle.

I'm not going to argue against the benefits of readable code - I agree 
wholeheartedly (as my wife, who has done some first-draft engraving for 
me, can attest, I'm a stickler for formatting). It is difficult, 
however, to write code in a different style than the code right before 
and after the area I'm working on - especially since I was previously 
unfamiliar with the GNU style.

However, a lot of the code
is difficult to follow - when is stop_translation_timestep called in
engravers, for instance? It took me a while to understand that it will
be called even due to rhythms in other voices besides the one the
engraver is interested in.

I didn't even know that.  I hope we can get this documented.  Would you be
willing to take a stab at how events are passed to engravers (or how various
routines inside an engraver are called from outside the engraver)?

Perhaps this could be part of a developer tutorial that details creating 
a new engraver from scratch? I'm envisioning a LM-equivalent for the CG 
with the same relationship that the LM has to the NR (the full names of 
which must not be named).

"Thanks for your willingness to help. Unfortunately,
we don't have a lot of documentation for that right now. And I can't think
of a good discussion that took place on lilypond-devel, but you might find
something if you search the archives.  The recommended way to figure out how
LilyPond works is to read the source.  As you do, you may find some more
specific questions to ask. Please feel free to come back with any further

Unfortunately, this is often abbreviated as "Our entry point is in 
main() (lily/" - I'm thankful that verbiage has not been 
carried over to the new site.

I hope this hasn't come across as defensive.  I'm sincerely trying to help.

Thanks. I appreciate your willingness to put up with me.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Quit [now definitely O/T]

2009-11-12 Thread Chris Snyder
As a frequent LilyPond user (25-50% of my day job) and aspiring 
contributor, I'd like to throw in my two cents (USD, so not worth much - 

Over the past year, I've submitted patches on occasion for possible 
inclusion in the trunk. On one occasion (accidentals in chords not 
spaced properly), I spent quite a bit of time implementing a solution 
proposed by one core developer, which took quite a bit of time 
(including a steep learning curve, which I'll discuss below), only to 
have another core developer reject it out of hand as being the wrong 
approach. The rejection left a bad taste in my mouth - it was fairly 
terse, and didn't acknowledge the wasted effort I had expended. Not 
surprisingly, I haven't found the motivation to touch that code again.

Over the past couple of days, I've been working on fixing a couple of 
bugs that were caused by an earlier bug fix I submitted (that was 
accepted). Joe Neeman has given me very constructive comments and asked 
for reasonable improvements. At times, however, I've been struck by the 
level of perfection required for patches such as mine, which seem to be 
much higher than the current code. For instance, I was asked to correct 
some indentation - never mind the fact that the code right around my 
patch was indented incorrectly (I thought about fixing the whole file, 
but didn't want to add noise to the patch set).

As I mentioned above (and others have mentioned), the learning curve for 
developing is quite steep. I applaud the effort by Graham et al to 
improve the documentation, especially the Contributor's Guide, which has 
been a big help even in its incomplete form. However, a lot of the code 
is difficult to follow - when is stop_translation_timestep called in 
engravers, for instance? It took me a while to understand that it will 
be called even due to rhythms in other voices besides the one the 
engraver is interested in.

A common response to questions about the code is to 
RTFlilypond-devel_archives, which can be helpful. The problem that I've 
found here is that often I'll find outdated discussions that describe 
the code as it worked in 2001 instead of now, and it's difficult to 
determine when the behavior changed.

I understand the frustration inherent in helping newbies (until you've 
had to explain to an 85-year-old customer how to find the Start menu in 
Windows, you haven't seen anything), and I understand that a big 
problem is the lack of person-hours to improve the developer 
documentation. However, a change in tone could go a long ways toward 
recruiting and maintaining developers - instead of "RTFlilypond-devel, 
n00b!" how about, "Thanks for your willingness to help. Unfortunately, 
we don't have a lot of documentation for that right now. There were some 
discussions on lilypond-devel about it a while back that should give you 
some guidance, though be aware that the behavior changed in the fall of 
2004, so disregard anything before that. And feel free to come back with 
any further questions."

Of course, my accusation doesn't apply to all of the LilyPond 
developers, some of whom have been very helpful and pleasant to work 
with. The reason that I'm still hanging around, however, is a testament 
more to the quality of the product than to any welcoming atmosphere in 
the community.

(sorry if this message doesn't thread well - I couldn't figure out a 
good place in the conversation to reply to directly)

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Fixing issue 800 (extender ending early if other voices present)

2009-11-12 Thread Chris Snyder

Joe Neeman wrote:
> Now I'm even more confused. get_current_note_head finds a note head
> (from the associatedVoice) that ends strictly after the current moment.
> We only check melisma_busy if get_current_note_head finds something.
> Therefore, we will only check melisma_busy if we are in the middle of a
> note. Am I missing something?

Nope - that's how I understand it as well. The problem is that 
melisma_busy always returns false if we're mid-note, necessitating the 
additional check.

> To answer your original question, btw, I have a slight preference for
> leaving melisma_busy as-is and modifying the call site.

I've worked out a solution that seems to work. It's now included in my 
Rietveld issue for bug 786.


Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Fixing issue 800 (extender ending early if other voices present)

2009-11-11 Thread Chris Snyder

>> 1) Change melisma_busy() to return true if in the middle of a note
>> 2) Alternatively, add the check in
>> Extender_engraver::stop_translation_timestep instead
> I'm confused: isn't the current check in
> Extender_engraver::stop_translation_timestep?

For solution #2, I meant that we can add a check in 
Extender_engraver::stop_translation_timestep to see if we're in the 
middle of a note, in addition to the melisma_busy() call (since 
melisma_busy() doesn't currently do such a check).

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Fixing issue 800 (extender ending early if other voices present)

2009-11-11 Thread Chris Snyder
I've done some work towards fixing issue 800, and at least now 
understand what's happening:

The patch that introduced the bug added a check in 
Extender_engraver::stop_translation_timestep() to check if the current 
voice was in the middle of a melisma (calling melisma_busy(voice) ) and, 
if not, completizing the extender. This fixed the neverending-extender 
bug, but introduced issue 800.

The reason that this is happening is not simply because there's another 
voice, but specifically because of the rhythm in the second voice: 
Extender_engraver::stop_translation_timestep() is called after the 
second beat in the measure, while the first voice is in the middle of 
the dotted quarter-note. At this point, melisma_busy() returns false - 
it apparently doesn't know how to handle being in the middle of a note.

It seems to me that there are two possible ways to address this:

1) Change melisma_busy() to return true if in the middle of a note
2) Alternatively, add the check in 
Extender_engraver::stop_translation_timestep instead

Any guidance on which approach is preferable? Thanks.

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Span_arpeggio patch

2009-11-10 Thread Chris Snyder

Carl Sorensen wrote:
> Way back in January  (10 months ago!!!), Chris Snyder was working on 
a patch

> for spanned arpeggios.
> <>
> I was asked to shepherd this process, but I have apparently dropped
> the ball on doing so.

You didn't drop the ball - the patch I submitted was rejected as being 
the wrong approach. I offered to do a second take on it, but never 
finished (I got overwhelmed trying to wade through everything). I could 
give it another shot - I'm more familiar with the LilyPond code now.

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Fixes issue 786, "Extenders in lyrics stop prematurely if a single underscore is found."

2009-11-10 Thread Chris Snyder

> I can't verify #800 here; the extender's still too short.

You're right - I assumed 800 would be fixed because it looked like it 
was the same issue, but it seems unrelated. I've done some 
investigation, and am stumped so far.

> Can you check
> I've just run a regression test check and there's a missing hyphen
> following "Ky", though the melisma is correct (see attached image).

I'm working on it; I fixed the hyphen issue, but now there are a bunch 
of other lyrics that are spaced wrong. I'll keep investigating.

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Issue #786 (lyric extenders completing too early)

2009-09-09 Thread Chris Snyder

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

> I have not really thought it through, but would that work with the
> following code in
>  if (melisma_busy (voice)
>  && !to_boolean (get_property ("ignoreMelismata")))
>text_->set_property ("self-alignment-X",
> get_property("lyricMelismaAlignment"));
> There is the ignoreMelismata property, which makes Lilypond ignore all
> melismata. If melisma_busy would return True for "_", would this
> affect the skipped note? Or in other words, does the processing of "_"
> rely on the code above or not.
> And then there is the Lyric_combine_music_iterator::start_new_syllable
> function. would that still work?

I thought of another potential problem: Does melisma_busy know about 
Lyrics contexts at all? Perhaps I'm barking up completely the wrong tree 

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Issue #786 (lyric extenders completing too early)

2009-09-09 Thread Chris Snyder

Valentin Villenave wrote:
> seeing your work getting forgotten is understandably frustrating, but
> I'm afraid this is but a consequence of our lack of resources (people,
> time, energy). I *could* mark the issue as "started" if you do provide
> us with a possible way to address the problem, not necessarily a patch
> but even pseudocode that someone can help you implement.  That *might*
> give it more visibility -- but please keep in mind that there are
> currently 290 open issues in our tracker.

Hi Valentin,

I didn't mean to express any frustration with the process - I just 
figured that it probably got lost amidst a lot of bug updates on 
bug-lilypond. My goal at the moment with this bug is to decide whether 
it's an issue with the code form my patch or an issue with the 
melisma_busy() function. I'm happy to try to address the problem 
further, but need some guidance as to where I should be looking - should 
melisma_busy() know about the melisma being extended with underscores in 
the lyrics, or should an additional check be added in the extender engraver?



Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Issue #786 (lyric extenders completing too early)

2009-09-09 Thread Chris Snyder
I posted a comment about this issue a while back, but it seems that it 
was drowned out by other bug updates.

The issue is that when underscores are used to extend a melisma, the 
extender line does not continue over the melisma as it should. Here's 
what I wrote about it:

I've done some looking into this, and am not sure of the best way to fix 
this. My original patch (the one that caused the regression) added the 
following code:

if (!melisma_busy (voice))
   completize_extender (pending_extender_);
   pending_extender_ = 0;

The more I think about it, the more I think that the patch is correct - 
if melisma_busy is intended to behave like I think it should. The 
documentation for the melisma_busy function doesn't make it clear, but I 
would expect, based on its name, that it should return true whenever the 
associated lyrics context is in the middle of a melisma. Since single 
underscores extend the melisma ("You can define melismata entirely in 
the lyrics, by entering _ for every extra note that has to be added to 
the melisma." --LNR 2.1.3), the fix would therefore be to alter the 
behavior of the melisma_busy function.


Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Issue #612 still not fixed

2009-07-04 Thread Chris Snyder
Joe Neeman wrote:
> The problem IIRC is that the solution I had suggested to Chris wasn't
> acceptable (with good reason) to Han-Wen. Chris understandably doesn't
> seem too keen on throwing his work away and starting again with another
> idea of mine.

Part of the reason I haven't followed up yet is because of the initial
discouragement, but right now it's mainly due to lack of time - I have a
home improvement project that's gone far longer than it should have, and
I'm exhibiting at a couple of American Guild of Organists conventions
for my company (I frequently hear comments about the quality of the
engraving, BTW). I'm still intending to follow up on it at some point,
but I don't see myself having much available time until August.


Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Tied accidentals in chords still taking up space (was: Issue 415 in lilypond: Hidden accidental of tied note still takes space)

2009-03-28 Thread Chris Snyder
On Saturday, March 28, 2009, Joe Neeman wrote:
> The problem is that the current support for conditional accidentals is
> insufficient if there are multiple accidentals, not all of which are
> tied (see bug 612). The reason is that the positions of all the
> accidentals can change completely when an accidental is added or
> removed. So I think we need to run the whole layout algorithm twice,
> once with the conditional accidentals and once without, and I suggested
> that copying all of the accidentals is the simplest way to do it. I
> realize that this goes against the convention of only cloning items in
> the breakable columns, but I don't see another way to do it; the
> formatting of such accidentals seems to be completely tied to their
> break status which justifies copying them for the same reason that we
> copy items in the breakable columns.

The only other way I see to do it would be to have each accidental
actually store two sets of spacing properties, and reference the correct
one depending on line-breaking. This approach doesn't seem any better to
me than what you've proposed.

>> I've glossed over the patch, and I am less than enthused: it seems to
>> add a lot of special casing and duplicate code for the reminder and
>> normal accidentals, and I have seen very dubious constructs like
>> get_property("accidental-grob") rather than get_object.
> I'll review the code shortly; I agree that it should be get_object.

I changed the get_object calls to get_property because the accidental-grob
callback I added to notehead to return the correct accidental grob wasn't
being called. What is the difference between objects and properties,


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Tied accidentals in chords still taking up space

2009-03-28 Thread Chris Snyder
I've uploaded my patch to Rietveld:

(lilypond-devel is cc'd, but the main address on my Google account is
different than the one I use here, so I'm not sure if messages it's
sending to the list will go through)

Joe Neeman wrote:
> I think you should do it as soon as you clone() the accidental (in
> Accidental_placement::add_accidental perhaps?).

I couldn't do it there because the accidental_placement didn't have a
full family tree going back to a system. I changed accidental_engraver
to create both copies of the accidentals, and announced them there.

> That would be better, yes. You can determine which accidental is the
> right one using the same logic as Accidental::print. Note that this
> logic is only valid after the line-breaking has taken place, so you
> should note that in the documentation in scm/define-grob-properties.scm.

That approach worked well. I had to change all of the
get_object("accidental-grob") calls to get_property to have the callback
get called, though I'm not really sure what the difference between those
two functions is otherwise.

> In Accidental::print, are the correct accidentals committing suicide?
> You might need to change the logic there.

That was the problem.

> I can't think why the accidentals would be printed over the noteheads,
> though. You might get a clue if you check the value of
> ape->grobs_[j]->relative_coordinate(common[X_AXIS], X_AXIS) after

The reason that the accidentals were being printed over the noteheads is
that the wrong accidentals were being printed. Those incorrect
accidentals should never have the possibility of being printed, so they
had no spacing calculations done to them. Everything worked fine once I
told the correct accidentals to commit suicide and announced the copied
accidentals properly.



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Tied accidentals in chords still taking up space

2009-03-27 Thread Chris Snyder
Joe Neeman wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 10:26 -0400, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Joe Neeman wrote:
> It's not necessary to announce every grob (for example, of the three
> copies of every breakable grob, only the middle-of-line copy gets
> announced). The code for creating these non-announced grobs is in
> Item::copy_breakable_items. In particular, you need the
> get_root_system(original_grob)->typeset_grob(cloned_grob) line to give
> your clone a layout_.

That makes sense - when does this announce need to happen? Right now, I
have it checking accidentals during calculate_positioning_done to see if
they have layouts, and announcing them if not. Is this acceptable?

> This is a bit tricky. To do this properly, you might need to add a
> Note_head::get_accidental function that has the logic for finding the
> right accidental (you could create a new property,
> "break-reminder-accidental-grob", for the new copy). Then you'd need to
> change every place that does get_object("accidental-grob") to use the
> new function; there aren't very many such places. It should be safe to
> just pick one copy if you want to put this off until later.

How about making the accidental-grob property point to a callback? I'm
not sure if it's better or not, but I figured I'd consider the

I've gotten to the point where the spacing is being calculated
correctly. However, it's not printing the correct accidentals - after a
line break, there's a space where the accidentals should be, then
accidentals printed over the noteheads. I've confirmed that the
misplaced accidentals are the copies that aren't supposed to be printed,
and the correct accidentals are not being printed.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Tied accidentals in chords still taking up space (was: Issue 415 in lilypond: Hidden accidental of tied note still takes space)

2009-03-26 Thread Chris Snyder
Joe Neeman wrote:
> [explanation of spacing code...]

> One solution might be the following, which involves modifying only
> accidental-placement: make 2 copies of every accidental, one for the
> start-of-a-line case and one for the middle-of-a-line case (so the
> start-of-a-line accidentals would be, in the terminology of
> Accidental_placement::split_accidentals, the break_reminder accidentals
> and the real_accidentals while the middle-of-a-line accidentals would
> have copies of only the real_accidentals). Run the accidental layout
> algorithm (currently in Accidental_placement::calc_positioning_done, but
> you'll want to move it to a different function and make
> calc_positioning_done call it twice) twice, once for each set of
> accidentals. Then modify Accidental_placement::get_relevant_accidentals
> to return one of the sets of accidentals.

I've looked into this approach, and have a few questions:

I tried cloning the accidentals in Accidental_placement::add_accidental,
but that led to a segfault later on while trying to calculate the
X-extent of the cloned accidental, since its layout_ was null. From what
I can tell, this is because the cloned grob was never announced. Perhaps
I should modify accidental-engraver as well, and have it create two
copies there, passing them both to Accidental_placement::add_accidental?

Which copy of the accidental should be put into the accidental-grob
property of the note head?



lilypond-devel mailing list

[patch] Lyric extenders

2009-03-16 Thread Chris Snyder
Last month I sent a patch to the list dealing with lyric extenders.
Since it seems to have gotten lost in the deluge of list traffic, I'm
re-sending it, this time posting it on Rietveld:



lilypond-devel mailing list

2.13.0 source archive

2009-03-03 Thread Chris Snyder
When I browse the download site, the source for 2.13.0 is at rather than
Perhaps someone did a "cp lilypond-2.13.0.tar.gz [...]/sources/v2.13
before creating the v2.13 directory?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Patch: Fix lyric extenders to end properly

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Snyder
I'm attaching a patch that fixes lyric extenders to end properly in some
cases where they hadn't been. Basically, if an extender was at the end
of a Lyrics section, while the voice continued further, the extender
line was not ended correctly. In some cases, I've had it continue for a
single extra note. In others, it's continued all the way to the end of
the music. I've run into this issue quite a few times when I've had to
add some text because one vocal part has an alternate rhythm for a
couple of measures.

As I understand the code, extenders are stopped when the next Lyric
event comes along. Since these situations do not have another lyric
after the extender, the extender goes for too long. My patch adds a
check to make sure that the notes the extender sees are still part of a
melisma, and completes the extender upon encountering the first note
that is not (i.e. the last note of the melisma).

This bug is described in Issue #331, but the two test-cases provided
there work properly in recent versions. I've created a test-case that
demonstrates the problem with the latest code in master:
Two result pngs are included: one with 2.13.0 (current master as of a
half-hour or so ago) and one with my patch applied.

I have a case in a bigger score where the extenders go for pages and
pages too long, but I haven't been able to boil that down to a precise
test-case. I have verified, however, that this patch fixes that instance
as well.

Thanks. I look forward to any comments.

-Chris Snyder
>From ae36a3f6e79ce3a15d4e254a8919108b9feed440 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Snyder 
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:02:17 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Fix lyric extenders to end properly when there are notes but no more lyrics.

 lily/ |5 +
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lily/ b/lily/
index f3f711d..d29f5a3 100644
--- a/lily/
+++ b/lily/
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ Extender_engraver::stop_translation_timestep ()
 	  Pointer_group_interface::add_grob (pending_extender_,
 		 ly_symbol2scm ("heads"), h);
+ if (! melisma_busy(voice))
+ {
+   completize_extender (pending_extender_);
+   pending_extender_ = 0;
+ }

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2009-01-23 Thread Chris Snyder
Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
> I think if you want to have two spanned arpeggios at the same music moment
> with different kinds of arpeggio symbol, you need to use \tweak instead of
> \override.
> I wouldn't worry about that for now.

That's not my main concern - how would two (or more) spanned arpeggios
be differentiated, so that the engraver would know which ones to connect
to which? There'd need to be some kind of syntax to specify which
spanned-arpeggio an individual arpeggio belongs to.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2009-01-23 Thread Chris Snyder
Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
> Sounds to me like we have a winner.  Chris, will you take on this task?  I
> think you'll find that the people on -devel are happy to answer coding
> questions.  Everybody wants more people who can fix/modify LilyPond code, so
> we're all happy to help somebody get up to speed.

I was afraid that would happen. 

I'll take it on; I've looked at this section of the code enough that I
have somewhat of an idea what's going on, so this would be a good place
to start.

One thought: perhaps this would be a good time to fix the current
inability to have spanned and non-spanned arpeggios in the same point in
time? The first issue with this would be the notation: I'd propose
adding a \spannedArpeggio command alongside of the \arpeggio command and
removing the connect-arpeggios property. Span_arpeggio_engraver could
then be included by default in the Score context, since it would be
harmless unless \spannedArpeggio's are used. The question is then: what
about two spanned arpeggios at once? We'd need some kind of identifier
mechanism (\spannedArpeggio="xx" ?). That starts to get ugly.



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2009-01-23 Thread Chris Snyder
(a caveat to the following message: I'm still learning how the LilyPond
code is organized - please gently correct me when necessary)

Joe Neeman wrote:
> My approach can work at the same granularity as \set connectArpeggios.
> That is, if the Span_arpeggio_engraver is at the PianoStaff level (which
> it is by default) then you can override PianoStaff.Arpeggio #'stencil to
> affect only the Arpeggios in that PianoStaff.

The issue for me with this approach is that the NR instructs the reader
to use the \arpeggioXx macros. I think your initial suggestion was to do
the overrides at the Score.Arpeggio level instead of the
PianoStaff.Arpeggio level. Modifying the macros to either of those
approaches produces issues, however: Score-wide leads to potential
issues with much bigger scores (such as orchestral scores), while
modifying it at the PianoStaff level makes the macros not work in any
non-PianoStaffs (at least I assume that would be the case - I haven't
tested it).

> I should probably explain my objection to the original approach: every
> time we set a user-overrideable variable in an engraver, we make it
> impossible for the user to set that variable directly. What's more,
> there is no indication in the automatically-generated docs that the
> user's override would be ignored. Maybe it's a contrived example, but if
> someone does
> \override Voice.Arpeggio #'stencil = #foo
> \override PianoStaff.Arpeggio #'stencil = #bar
> then they might wonder why the spanned arpeggio has a "foo" stencil even
> though it is created in the PianoStaff context.

That is true. I'm guessing, though, that most users - even moderately
advanced ones (the category I would describe myself as being in) - don't
even think to use \override commands in this case, since the NR gives
instructions for using the very convenient \arpeggioXx macros. The
current caveat in the NR (1.3.3: "The parenthesis-style arpeggio
brackets do not work for cross-staff arpeggios.") could be changed to
instruct users to use \override commands rather than the macros.

> I think Han-Wen's approach is the "real" solution, but it's also a bit
> more work. You could create a new SpanArpeggio grob that gets Arpeggios
> as children and has, as default properties, callbacks that check the
> children. You need to decide what happens, though (this is also an
> admittedly pretty negligible problem with Chris's original patch) if two
> "child" arpeggios have different stencils: what happens to the span
> arpeggio?

I agree that Han-Wen's approach is better from an architectural
standpoint. I'd be willing to undertake such an endeavor if everyone
agrees that it would be desirable, as long as no-one minds the
occasional possibly-inane question on -devel. I think the problem you
mention with both approaches (which I did recognize when I was making
the patch) is a non-issue - LilyPond should not be expected to produce
sensible output from non-sensible input, such as a spanned arpeggio
comprised of arpeggios of different styles. I think that throwing up a
warning would be the most desirable outcome.



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2009-01-22 Thread Chris Snyder
Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
> Can you make a brief regression test that shows why this patch is desirable?
> Joe seems to feel like it's unnecessary, because you can set the
> span-arpeggio style by setting Score.Arpeggio #'stencil.

Well, I put together a regression test, but it's not exactly "brief" (I
demonstrated all of the approaches).

The files are here:

There are four tests:

arpeggio-1.png: Using standard \arpeggioXx commands (without the patch)
[*] arpeggio-2.png: Joe's idea
arpeggio-3.png: Joe's idea extended to actually modifying the
\arpeggioXx commands
[*] arpeggio-new.png: the first test again with my patch applied.

The starred versions were rendered flawlessly. Joe's way, however,
required some non-intuitive \revert commands, as \arpeggioXx had no
effect after the \override Score.Arpeggio commands, even if they were in
different staves.

Explanation of desired output:

First chord: Connected, normal
Second chord: Connected, bracket
Third chord: Unconnected, top bracket, bottom normal
Fourth chord: Unconnected, top slur, bottom arrow-up

> Is there a reason why somebody would want to have different arpeggio
> stencils for different staffs? If not, then I think we ought to change
> the predefined arpeggio commands to work on Score.

Two possibilities: organ music (which I engrave a lot of) could require
such a situation; even more likely is in orchestral music, where there
are often a lot of independent parts. Those possibilities, plus the
possibility that existing scores could be broken, suggests to me that
modifying the \arpeggioXx commands is the least desirable approach.

Given the minimal invasiveness of my patch, it seems to me that even the
slight possibility of someone needing this functionality should support
its inclusion. My patch also makes LilyPond handle connected arpeggios
in an intuitive way (to me, at least), negating the need to add caveats
in the documentation.

I understand, however, the reason for your thoroughness in evaluating
patches, and I appreciate the excellent-quality code that results.

Thanks for your time.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2009-01-21 Thread Chris Snyder

Joe Neeman wrote:
> In general, the best approach is to nag us from time to time. If we
> don't like the patch, we'll say so; if you get no response, your email
> probably just got stuck under a pile of other stuff.

I was guessing that that was the case, given its proximity to the
release of 2.12. I tried to nag as gently as possible, given my
inexperience with this project.

> That said, I'm not sure why this patch is necessary. I see that the
> prebaked commands like \arpeggioBracket don't work on span arpeggios,
> but the following does "work" without your patch:
> [...]
> \override Score.Arpeggio #'stencil = #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-slur
> [...]
> I put "work" in quotation marks because the result looks quite horrible.
> I think this is what the documentation meant when it said that
> cross-staff arpeggios don't work with the slur-like look (unlike the
> other sorts of brackets, the slur brackets take up more space when they
> go cross-staff and this space isn't accounted for).

Your example does make the issue more clear to me - it looks like the
issue could also be solved by changing the
\arpeggio[Bracket|Parenthesis|etc.] command, which overrides the
property on Arpeggio instead of Score.Arpeggio. Changing those
predefined commands, however, would have the adverse effect of altering
arpeggios on different staves even when they are not being connected.

Perhaps the solution lies in the documentation: how about adding
information on altering spanned arpeggios using explicit \override's
instead of the macros? If that sounds like a good plan, I'm willing to
write the necessary instructions and examples.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2009-01-21 Thread Chris Snyder
On December 20, 2008, Chris Snyder wrote:
> I did realize that the ly_symbol2scm call was not needed. I've
> attached a new patch that does not include it.

Is there any chance of my patch being accepted into master? What can I
do to make the process easier? Thanks.

-Chris Snyder

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2008-12-20 Thread Chris Snyder

Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

You should use get_property("stencil") unless you're doing something
special.  Still better is to use a callback in the spanner which
copies the stencil from its children.

I originally tried get_property, but the result was that the spanned 
arpeggio copied the exact stencil from the child arpeggio, resulting in 
only part of the spanned arpeggio being drawn. It appears to me that 
get_property causes the stencil callback to be executed (using the data 
from the child arpeggio), while get_property_data got a reference the 
callback, allowing it to be run later. I looked for documentation or 
mailing list posts to figure out what was going on, but couldn't find 
anything that explained to me the difference between the two functions. 
Looking at the code in, it appears to me that my 
analysis is correct, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm oversimplifying 
things or just plain wrong.

The second option you gave does not appear to me to be possible without 
changing the way that spanned arpeggios are constructed. Unless I'm 
mistaken, spanned arpeggios are not aware of their children - the 
Span_arpeggio_engraver steals the stems and side-support-elements from 
the children and feeds them to the spanned arpeggio. It seems to me that 
the strategy I implemented (stealing the stencil property from a child 
and feeding it to the spanned arpeggio) fits this pattern.

I did realize that the ly_symbol2scm call was not needed. I've attached 
a new patch that does not include it.


>From 327618ff4ee5e1e275dfb461aa325510e3f21c97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Snyder 
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 15:14:44 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Altered spanned arpeggios to inherit the stencil property of an included arpeggio
 (it isn't very smart - it just gets the property from the first arpeggio it finds)

 lily/ |1 +
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lily/ b/lily/
index 07958a8..9b5f0d6 100644
--- a/lily/
+++ b/lily/
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Span_arpeggio_engraver::process_acknowledged ()
   span_arpeggio_ = make_item ("Arpeggio", SCM_EOL);
   span_arpeggio_->set_property ("cross-staff", SCM_BOOL_T);
+  span_arpeggio_->set_property ("stencil", arpeggios_[0]->get_property_data ("stencil"));

lilypond-devel mailing list

PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

2008-12-18 Thread Chris Snyder
I'm working on a score where I'd like to create a cross-staff vertical 
bracket, which I have LilyPond engrave as a bracket-style arpeggio. This 
was not possible because spanned arpeggios always used the default 
stencil - the NR alludes to this in 1.3.3 under "Known issues and 
warnings," where the following note is included: "The parenthesis-style 
arpeggio brackets do not work for cross-staff arpeggios. " The note is 
accurate, but not complete, as the parenthesis style isn't the only one 
that doesn't work.

Wanting a solution, I figured this could be a good place for me to make 
my first code contribution to LilyPond. The solution I came up with was 
for the Span_arpeggio_engraver to copy the stencil property from one of 
the included arpeggios. On some levels it feels slightly hack-ish 
(perhaps because the patch ended up adding only one line of code - quite 
the result after hours of work), but the functionality seems quite 

I've attached the patch according (I hope) to the standards set forth on 
the LilyPond web site. Feedback (both code- and process-wise) would be 
greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800
>From 49ed7b275a9c83154e70dca0a32496d0ba3793fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Snyder 
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:49:00 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Altered spanned arpeggios to inherit the stencil property of an included arpeggio
 (it isn't very smart - it just gets the property from the first arpeggio it finds)

 lily/ |1 +
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lily/ b/lily/
index 07958a8..adbd0b0 100644
--- a/lily/
+++ b/lily/
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Span_arpeggio_engraver::process_acknowledged ()
   span_arpeggio_ = make_item ("Arpeggio", SCM_EOL);
   span_arpeggio_->set_property ("cross-staff", SCM_BOOL_T);
+  span_arpeggio_->set_property ("stencil", arpeggios_[0]->get_property_data (ly_symbol2scm ("stencil")));

lilypond-devel mailing list

Slur collisions

2008-08-07 Thread Chris Snyder
During the course of engraving a fairly complex choral piece, I've run 
into quite a few slur bugs, including 307 (slur collision with tuplet 
bracket) and 379/586 (slur issues across line breaks).

Hoping to be able to fix some of the issues myself and learn about the 
internals of LilyPond, I started out trying to fix bug 307. As I learned 
more about the slur code, however, I realized that I was in way over my 
head. It appears to me that the problem is that slurs currently have no 
way of avoiding lines (such as a tuplet bracket), but instead focus on 
avoiding points (such as a fermata). It seems to me that adding 
line-avoidance would be a good idea, but I don't have the expertise and 
understanding of the code necessary to implement such a far-reaching change.

I've benefited greatly from LilyPond's excellent engraving capabilities. 
I'd like to give back - and it seems that the slur code is one of the 
areas of greatest need of attention. Since I do not have the expertise 
to do this, I'm willing to sponsor some work here - especially dealing 
with the issues named above.

Would anyone be willing to tackle this? If so, what do you think would 
be a reasonable sponsorship amount?

Thanks for producing such an excellent piece of software. I'd like to 
contribute, but feel that I can better contribute finances than code at 
this point.

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