Re: autoBeamOff bug

2005-04-04 Thread Russ Ross
Yes, but manual beaming is really tedious and error-prone, and the
existing autobeaming already does a great job.  The standard for vocal
music is to not beam notes unless there is a melisma, and in that case
the same rules apply as for instrumental music.  Autobeaming is the
natural solution, and coupling autobeaming with melismas really cleans
up vocal scores.  I know this from typesetting 150+ pages using the
style I've described and generating the lilypond input from that.  I
started out using manual beaming, and that was really ugly.  The score
was dominated by formatting, not by music.  Switching to using
melismas and toggling autobeaming helped quite a bit, and adding a
macro to simplify that made the vocal parts as easy to enter as the
instrumental parts.

- Russ

On Apr 3, 2005 10:34 PM, Erlend Aasland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 3, 2005 6:55 PM, Russ Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Also, what do you think of adding syntax like what I've described to
  better support vocal music?  a8[[ b c]] d is much more pleasant than
  \autoBeamOn a8\melisma c b\melismaEnd \autoBeamOff d, and it is

 Did you read the manual (page 13, 83 and 84)? [ and ] sets manual beams:
 \autoBeamOff a8 c b c a[ b c] d


  pretty common in vocal music.
  On Mar 30, 2005 10:25 PM, Russ Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   There seems to be a bug in \autoBeamOff.  If it is issued in the
   middle of a sequence of notes that would be beamed together, it
   doesn't take effect until after the end of that group.  It seems that
   the correct behavior should be to stop automatic beaming at the point
   where the command is issued.  It poses a particular problem for me
   with some (partially) generated input.
   Here's an example showing the problem:
   \version 2.5.15
   \score {
 \relative c' {
   \autoBeamOn d'8 cis d b cis b cis ais |
   b ais b d~ d \autoBeamOff cis d b |
   The final d cis d b sequence is beamed in the current code, but it
   shouldn't be.
  lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: autoBeamOff bug

2005-04-03 Thread Russ Ross
I tried fixing this problem with mixed results.  This small patch to

   if (b)
   bool on = to_boolean (get_property (autoBeaming));
   if (b || !on)

did the job in most instances, but it happened to fail in the first
case I tested, which included an \autoBeamOff immediately followed by
\autoBeamOn.  I was hoping to be a break in the beaming at this point,
but since the autoBeaming property had been updated twice by the
time the consider_end function was called, it amounted to a no-op.

In vocal parts, autobeaming generally coincides with melismata.  I
usually turn autobeaming off so that a single word or syllable matches
a single, unbeamed note.  When a word is held, I turn on a melisma and
I also turn on autobeaming, which matches the conventions of my source
manuscript  (Bach).  Because this is so common, I use a shorthand in
my own work, namely [[ to start a melisma/autobeaming group, and ]] to
end it.  Then I run a perl script to expand those into the
corresponding lilypond commands as part of my build process.

This leads regularly to the situation above, where one melisma group
is followed immediately by another, which manifests itself as
\autoBeamOff followed directly by  \autoBeamOn.  Note that \noBeam
isn't suitable here, as the notes on both sides may be in beaming

Is there a way to work around this?  Or better yet, a way to fix it? 
It seems like autoBeamOff needs to trigger some kind of an event
rather than just setting a property.

Also, what do you think of adding syntax like what I've described to
better support vocal music?  a8[[ b c]] d is much more pleasant than
\autoBeamOn a8\melisma c b\melismaEnd \autoBeamOff d, and it is
pretty common in vocal music.



On Mar 30, 2005 10:25 PM, Russ Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seems to be a bug in \autoBeamOff.  If it is issued in the
 middle of a sequence of notes that would be beamed together, it
 doesn't take effect until after the end of that group.  It seems that
 the correct behavior should be to stop automatic beaming at the point
 where the command is issued.  It poses a particular problem for me
 with some (partially) generated input.
 Here's an example showing the problem:
 \version 2.5.15
 \score {
   \relative c' {
 \autoBeamOn d'8 cis d b cis b cis ais |
 b ais b d~ d \autoBeamOff cis d b |
 The final d cis d b sequence is beamed in the current code, but it
 shouldn't be.

lilypond-devel mailing list

autoBeamOff bug

2005-03-30 Thread Russ Ross
There seems to be a bug in \autoBeamOff.  If it is issued in the
middle of a sequence of notes that would be beamed together, it
doesn't take effect until after the end of that group.  It seems that
the correct behavior should be to stop automatic beaming at the point
where the command is issued.  It poses a particular problem for me
with some (partially) generated input.

Here's an example showing the problem:

\version 2.5.15
\score {
  \relative c' {
\autoBeamOn d'8 cis d b cis b cis ais |
b ais b d~ d \autoBeamOff cis d b |

The final d cis d b sequence is beamed in the current code, but it
shouldn't be.



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: failed assertion in 2.3.18

2004-10-03 Thread Russ Ross
I tested 2.3.20 and it still crashes on a bunch of scores.

- Russ

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:06:39 +0100, Russ Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm getting segmentation faults now, with those two scores and with
 several other smaller ones.  Not sure if its related to the fix or
 something different.
 I can successfully compile several others, so it is probably something
 more than a completely broken installation on my machine.
 One of the scores that causes it to crash is here:
 It contains two files and can be compiled using:
 This is the full version of the score I used to generate the original
 test case.  It had the failed assert before and has the segfault now.
 - Russ
 On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 01:37:22 +0200, Erik Sandberg
  On Thursday 23 September 2004 18.33, Russ Ross wrote:
   I just compiled 2.3.18 on a Debian system and got this error:
   lilypond: ../flower/include/array.hh:149: T ArrayT::elem_ref(int)
   const [with T = void*]: Assertion `i =0isize_' failed.
  Seems to be fixed in 2.3.19. Can you verify with your big scores?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: failed assertion in 2.3.18

2004-09-29 Thread Russ Ross
I'm getting segmentation faults now, with those two scores and with
several other smaller ones.  Not sure if its related to the fix or
something different.

I can successfully compile several others, so it is probably something
more than a completely broken installation on my machine.

One of the scores that causes it to crash is here:

It contains two files and can be compiled using:


This is the full version of the score I used to generate the original
test case.  It had the failed assert before and has the segfault now.

- Russ

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 01:37:22 +0200, Erik Sandberg
 On Thursday 23 September 2004 18.33, Russ Ross wrote:
  I just compiled 2.3.18 on a Debian system and got this error:
  lilypond: ../flower/include/array.hh:149: T ArrayT::elem_ref(int)
  const [with T = void*]: Assertion `i =0isize_' failed.
 Seems to be fixed in 2.3.19. Can you verify with your big scores?

lilypond-devel mailing list

failed assertion in 2.3.18

2004-09-23 Thread Russ Ross
I just compiled 2.3.18 on a Debian system and got this error:

lilypond: ../flower/include/array.hh:149: T ArrayT::elem_ref(int)
const [with T = void*]: Assertion `i =0isize_' failed.

I got a similar error on 2.2.2 and 2.2.5 under Cygwin.  I was working
with a rather large source file, so I started removing parts and
deleting measures until I came up with the smallest example that still
crashed it; if I remove any more measures from this (beginning, end,
or middle), it compiles fine.  I haven't tried any changes other than
removing things, so an even simpler example may be possible.

The example is included below.



\version 2.3.18

sopranoNotes =  \relative c'' {
  cis4 cis b2~ |
  b r |
  R1*4 |
  r2 e,2 |
  fis4 gis a gis |

sopranoLyrics = \lyricmode {
  schwe -- re B\urd __
  an dem Kreu -- ze

organoEContinuoBassNotes =  \relative c {
  e16( gis) gis( fis) fis( e) e( dis) dis( cis) cis( b) g'4~ |
  g16 d-. d( cis) cis( b) b( ais) ais4 r |
  r16 b'-. b( fis) fis( a) a( b,) b4 r |
  r16 e-. e( b) b( d) d( e,) e4 r |
  r16 a'-. a( gis) gis( fis) fis( eis) eis4 r |
  r16 fis,-. fis( a) a( cis) cis( e) dis8 e cis a |
  cis8 r dis r gis,16 gis'-. gis( fis) fis( e) e( b') |
  b4 r8 b, fis'4 r8 gis |

\score {
  \new StaffGroup \simultaneous {
\context Staff = sopranoStaff
\context Voice = sopranoVoice {
  \time 4/4
  \clef treble
  \key e \major
\lyricsto sopranoVoice \new Lyrics \sopranoLyrics
\context Staff = organoEContinuoBassStaff  {
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass
  \key e \major
  \paper {}

lilypond-devel mailing list

lyrics problems: Bar_engraver, ß (SS), ü, hyphens

2004-09-23 Thread Russ Ross
I've just compiled Lilypond 2.3.18 and noticed a couple of differences
in lyrics output:

Before (in 2.2.x) I'd put this in my \paper section to prevent lyrics
overlapping bar lines:
\context \LyricsContext \consists Bar_engraver
convert-ly changes \LyricsContext to \Lyrics but this no longer seems
to work.  I now have lyrics overlapping bar lines in numerous old

The second things I noticed was with the German ß character which now
seems to be rendered SS.  Not sure if this is a problem with my setup,
or a bug that has been introduced to Lilypond.  I'm including ß
directly, not using some variation of the TeX/LaTeX \SS.  \u used to
give a ü character, but now it seems to give a u with a hyphen (or
something) overlapping it.  Has the syntax for these changed, or do I
have something wrong in my setup?

Finally, hyphens within words are not always displaying properly. 
Where before they would be centered between two syllables, now they
sometimes stick to the second syllable.

These seem to happen generally in my old scores, but if you'd like a
specific example of any of these issues I'd be happy to pick out a



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: lyrics problems: Bar_engraver, ß (SS) , ü, hyphens

2004-09-23 Thread Russ Ross
  Finally, hyphens within words are not always displaying properly.
  Where before they would be centered between two syllables, now they
  sometimes stick to the second syllable.
 I don't think I have seen this problem. Could you find an example?

Certainly; here's a snippet from a recitative that shows the problem:

\version 2.3.18

altoNotes = \relative c'' {
  a8 d, c' b b b r fis |
  dis dis dis e fis r r b, |

altoLyrics = \lyricmode {
  J\un -- ger t\o -- richt strei -- ten, daß
  die -- ses from -- me Weib mit

\score {
  \simultaneous {
\context Staff = altoStaff
\context Voice = altoVoice {
  \clef treble
  \key b \minor
\lyricsto altoVoice \new Lyrics \altoLyrics
  \paper {}

In this example Jün -- ger and tö -- richt both show the problem,
rendering as something like Jün  -ger and tö  -richt respectively.
 If you comment out the second measure, the problem is corrected: as
the first measure expands the hyphens move to the center.

By coincidence, the example also happens to include both a 'ß' and two
'ü's that render incorrectly, which you indicated was a known issue
with character encodings.



lilypond-devel mailing list

heuristics for picking neutral stem directions

2004-09-06 Thread Russ Ross
I've been setting a large choral/orchestral work and noticed one way
in which the default output from LilyPond is suboptimal.  I'd like to
request a feature to address this, and I think it fits nicely with the
philosophy of output being correct by default.

When the stem direction of a note or group of notes is neutral (a
single note on the middle line or a group like a8[ b c] in the treble
clef) the current policy is to always set the direction arbitrarily,
either by system default or by user choice.  A better default (which
could be overriden on demand) would be to have some affinity with the
notes around in.  In particular, a few rules like:

* If the note (or group of notes) is surrounded on both sides by notes
with stems in one direction, set the direction of that note or group
of notes to match.
* If the note is adjacent to a rest on one side and notes on the other
side, emulate the stem direction of the adjacent notes.
* When the directions of adjacent note stems are different, look for
natural boundaries like bar lines, major beats, etc., and favor
matching the stem direction of notes with the least significant
boundary, i.e., favor changing the stem direction over a measure break
or major beat to provide a visual distinction over the break and
greater affinity with the other nearby notes.

would go a long way to improving the default output.  I'm not sure
exactly what the rules should be, but even a few simples ones would do
a lot of good.  I've come across many cases where the default LilyPond
output differs in this respect from the classic score I am using as my
source.  I'm not familiar with the code base, but hopefully this would
be a relatively low impact feature as the decisions are all fairly



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