
I hacked together an engraver for diatonic accordion. Its based on the guitar tab engraver. It generates row/button and bellow direction info.

Here is a link to the output generated for the example below:


Do you think there would be a wider interest? If so I can clean it up and bring it up to the latest version.



\version "2.9.29"
#(set-default-paper-size "a4" )
\paper {
  ragged-right = ##f

push = \set DiatoTabStaff.diatoDirection = #1
pull = \set DiatoTabStaff.diatoDirection = #-1
rins = \set DiatoTabStaff.diatoRow = #0
rmid = \set DiatoTabStaff.diatoRow = #1
rout = \set DiatoTabStaff.diatoRow = #2
rany = \set DiatoTabStaff.diatoRow = #-1

frag = {
  \relative  {
    \key d \minor
    \time 2/4
    \repeat volta 2 {
      d8. e16 f8 g | a2 |
      a8 d cis d | a4. a8 |
      bes8. a16 g8 e | f8. e16 d8 f |
      e d e f |
    \repeat volta 2 {
      a'8. g16 f8 g | a8. g16 f8 g |
      a8 g a bes |
      a16 bes a g f8 g |
      a8. g16 f8 g | a8 g a bes |
      a16 bes a g f8 e |

\score {
  \new StaffGroup

    \new Staff { \frag }
    \new DiatoTabStaff { \frag }
    \new ChordNames \with {
    } \chordmode {
      d:min d:min d:min d:min g:min d:min a:7 d:min
      d:min d:min d:min d:min d:min d:min a:7 d:min


  \midi { }
  \layout { }

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