French problems

2004-05-08 Thread Gailliez Jean-Baptiste
Here is my problem :
I am a programmer.
I am an organist too. Not to play concert : I only play on sunday during the
office, in a catholic church. It means I have about a thousand scores on
paper, which take a lot of place. But during rehearsals, I need two things :
- about twenty different scores ; the majority of them were foreseen, some
were not.
- on demand, the ability to transpose up or down some of the canticles,
because our choir has limited capacities ... And me too : I prefer to play
transposed scores instead of transposing in real time.

So I am dreaming of a tablet-PC containing all the canticles I have, with all
the scores in PDF, and very few manipulation to generate transposed scored.
I think such a system would address a market in christian musician, all over
the world. here is a site that offers such a system :
Is Lilypond part of this system ? Is it possible de create a GNU version of 
this system ?

I have another problem : the french chords ... I modified a little the file 
"chord-name.scm" (see annexed file) to print the french chord names, but it 
is not perfect. One problem, for example, appear with chords like "fa4", 
translated into "Fa 4es/is" (approximately). I did this way because I didn't 
manage to create a file french-chords.scm from the german-chords.scm.

With this modification, I began to rewrite a psalter (see the file
"psaume121.jpg" in annex). And there appeared some problems :
- on the first line of the verse, the time signature is wrong : I was unable
to make it disappear
- on the second, third, and fourth line of the verses, unable to align all
 the verses to the left
- some syllable of the verse should be in bold font
- I can't reduce the space between two lines of lyrics (to make the verses
occupy less space) ; nor the space between the anthem and the verse
- I can't write the carachters "left quote" nor "right quote"

Can you do something for me ?

By the way, do you know anyone in France (near Maubeuge / Valenciennes / 
Lille) that is using Lilypond, specially for christian use ?

Again, congratulations for your program, and thank you in advance for your

Jean-Baptiste Gailliez

\version "2.1.0"
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
title = "Psaume 121"
%   subtitle = "Gloire à Dieu"
%   composer = "Léon Guillou"
tagline = ""


Antienne = \lyrics
Al -- lons dans la joie \`a la ren -- con -- tre du Sei -- gneur.

NotesAntienne = \notes \relative do'
s2. do4 | fa fa8 sol la[ fa] la[ sib] | do[ do] do[ re] do4 \bar "||" \break

AccordsAntienne = \chords
s1 | fa1 | s2 fa4


VersetUn = \lyrics
Quelle_joie_quand on m'a dit_:
`Nous_irons_\`a_la_maison du Sei -- gneur'
maintenant_notre_mar -- che prend fin
devant_tes_portes,_J\'e -- ru -- sa -- lem_!

VersetDeux = \lyrics
J\'erusalem,_te_voici dans tes murs_:
ville_o\`u_tout_ensemble ne fait qu'un.
C'est_l\`à_que_montent les tri -- bus,
les_tribus du Sei -- gneur.

VersetTrois = \lyrics
C'est_l\`a_qu'Isra\"el_doit ren -- dre gr\^ace
au_nom du Sei -- gneur.
C'est_l\`a_le_si\`e -- ge du droit,
le_si\`ege_de_la_maison de Da -- vid.

VersetQuatre = \lyrics
Appelez_le_bonheur_sur_J\'e -- ru -- sa -- lem_:
`Paix_\`a ceux qui t'aiment_!
Que_la_paix_r\`egne dans tes murs,
le_bonheur_dans tes pa -- lais_!'

VersetCinq = \lyrics
A_cause_de_mes_fr\`eres_et de mes proches,
Je_dirai_: `Paix sur toi_!'
A_cause_de_la_maison_du_Seigneur no -- tre Dieu,
je_d\'esi -- re ton bien.

NotesVersets = \notes \relative do'
%   \property Staff.Clef_engraver override #'transparent = ##t
%   \property Score.timing = ##f 
\cadenzaOn do'\breve \cadenzaOff sib8 la sib4 \divisioMinima \bar "" \break
\cadenzaOn la\breve  \cadenzaOff sol8 fa sol4 \divisioMinima \bar "" \break
\cadenzaOn do\breve  \cadenzaOff sib8 la sib4 \divisioMinima \bar "" \break
\cadenzaOn la\breve  \cadenzaOff sol8 fa sol4\bar "||"

AccordsVersets = \chords
fa\breve s4 sib4
fa\breve s4 do4
fa\breve s4 sib4
fa\breve s4 do4

\context ChordNames { \Ac

Slight spanner problem

2004-05-08 Thread Doug Asherman
I'm not quite sure how to describe this: if it's not clear, please let 
me know.

I have a score that has a lot of words spanning bar lines; but the 
person I'm doing it for doesn't want any words outside the confines of 
the bars, so I've set up the Lyrics context like so:

\context {
  \LyricsContext \consists "Bar_engraver"
  \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
and the elements are grouped like so:

No problems with the words; they're within the bar lines (even though 
the bar lines aren't visible). But if a line of music ends with a tie 
and the word it ends on has an extender spanner, then the extender juts 
out a bit beyond the (invisible) bar line.

Also, when I'm compiling the source, I get:
"programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; 
decreasing blot"

The spanner problem is extremely slight; but I wondered if there was 
perhaps some other way to keep the words inside the bar lines.



lilypond-user mailing list

Profile missing

2004-05-08 Thread Ken Kupisz
I am running Suse 9.0 and I installed a binary version of lilypond using Yast. The 
automatic install didn't produce a bash profile or the 
buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile. Where should I look for either of these files or 
work around the problem?
Ken Kupisz
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond and MIDI

2004-05-08 Thread Julien Salort
Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you are using Macintosh OS X, Jaguar or later, try "Mighty Midi"-
> should have it.
> It's a bit buggy on Panther, but it gives you lots of control and does
> read the tempo.

OK. Thanks.
It works.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on a mailing list?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: RemoveEmptyStaffContext and TabStaff

2004-05-08 Thread Stef Epardaud
On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 01:39:53PM -0400, Richard Schoeller wrote:
> You need to include something like
> \context {
> \TabStaffContext
> \remove "Axis_group_engraver"
> \consistsend "Hara_kiri_engraver"
> \override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #'()
> }

Hi, I tried this before, but \TabStaffContext is not defined, that's
where my lilypond hacking non-skills leave me :(
StÃphane Epardaud

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: RemoveEmptyStaffContext and TabStaff

2004-05-08 Thread Richard Schoeller
You need to include something like

\context {
\remove "Axis_group_engraver"
\consistsend "Hara_kiri_engraver"
\override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #'()

BTW, the same problem arises with drum staves.

On Sat, 2004-05-08 at 12:43, Stef Epardaud wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some tablature scores that looks like this:
>  \context StaffGroup = staffI<<
>   \context Staff<<
> % Hide fingering number
> \override Staff.Fingering #'transparent = ##t
> \set Staff.instrument = "Guitar 9"
> \set Staff.instr = "Gtr9"
> \guitarI
>   \context TabStaff<<
> \override Staff.Stem #'direction = #1
> \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(4 -1 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25)
> \guitarI
>  >>
> in other words, they have both the normal staff and the tabstaff.
> I want to hide empty staves, so I tried:
> \paper {
>  \context { 
>   \RemoveEmptyStaffContext 
>  }
> }
> But this only removes empty Staff objects, not empty TabStaff, is it normal,
> and is there a way to do it otherwise ?
> Thanks
Dick Schoeller

lilypond-user mailing list

RemoveEmptyStaffContext and TabStaff

2004-05-08 Thread Stef Epardaud

I have some tablature scores that looks like this:
 \context StaffGroup = staffI<<
  \context Staff<<
% Hide fingering number
\override Staff.Fingering #'transparent = ##t
\set Staff.instrument = "Guitar 9"
\set Staff.instr = "Gtr9"
  \context TabStaff<<
\override Staff.Stem #'direction = #1
\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(4 -1 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25)

in other words, they have both the normal staff and the tabstaff.
I want to hide empty staves, so I tried:
\paper {
 \context { 

But this only removes empty Staff objects, not empty TabStaff, is it normal,
and is there a way to do it otherwise ?
StÃphane Epardaud

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond and MIDI

2004-05-08 Thread Stan Sanderson
If you are using Macintosh OS X, Jaguar or later, try "Mighty Midi"- should have it.
It's a bit buggy on Panther, but it gives you lots of control and does  
read the tempo.


On May 8, 2004, at 3:29 AM, Julien Salort wrote:

Jan Kohnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm still using 2.0.3 and it works (so it should in 2.2.0).
Are you using the tag "\midi { \tempo 4 = $FOO }"???
if you set that $FOO to a specific tempo (e.g. 100) you should get  
midi output.
I am but it doesn't work, at least when the MIDI file is played from
From what I've understood, it is a bug in lilypond.
See : 

Thus, I was wondering if it has been corrected in later versions.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on a mailing list?

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tempo mark

2004-05-08 Thread Thomas Scharkowski

> Search the mailing list archives of lilypond-user for
> "tempo markup" to find some examples of typesetting the
> metronomization as part of a text markup.

Sorry, I did not find an example.

> To change the position of the metronome mark, you have to find out
> what kind layout object in LilyPond is used to typeset it. To do that,
> you could start from the manual section on Metronome marks:
> and follow the links
> MetronomeChangeEvent -> Metronome_mark_engraver -> MetronomeMark
> which gives the name of the layout object "MetronomeMark" and
> a list of the properties that are set by default. To see more
> properties that can be set, you have to follow the links to the
> different interfaces.
> To conclude, you could raise a tempo indication by
> \override MetronomeMark #'padding = #2.0
> for example.

This does not work in my example (see below), could you tell me where 
I made the mistake?

Thank you,

\version "2.2.0"
\header {}
staff1 = {  
\new Staff {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (steel)"
\set Staff.instrument = \markup \bold \large {No. 145}
\override MetronomeMark #'padding = #4.0
\tempo 4=108
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\notes {
\key c \major
\relative c''' {
c2%^\markup \large \bold {\hspace #-4.0 {Adagio}}

\score {
\paper {raggedright=##t}
\midi {\tempo 4 = 108}

lilypond-user mailing list

Repeats with partials and alternatives

2004-05-08 Thread Roman Stawski
I think that there seems to be a problem with the way the repeats and 
are handled

In the page 
(documentation for repeat syntax) the last example seems
strange. The second alternative follows on from the end of the first, 
rather than
from the end of the common part of the repeat. The bar checks just mirror this

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond and MIDI

2004-05-08 Thread Julien Salort
Jan Kohnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm still using 2.0.3 and it works (so it should in 2.2.0).
> Are you using the tag "\midi { \tempo 4 = $FOO }"???
> if you set that $FOO to a specific tempo (e.g. 100) you should get correct
> midi output.

I am but it doesn't work, at least when the MIDI file is played from
>From what I've understood, it is a bug in lilypond.
See :

Thus, I was wondering if it has been corrected in later versions.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on a mailing list?

lilypond-user mailing list