ties and triplets

2005-11-08 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I have problems regarding ties and triplets with Lilypond version 2.7.12 
for Windows 98. Here is the entire file for your reference (if you copy the 
file to Notepad, every line consists of four(4) bars):

\version 2.7.12 
\relative { 
\time 3/4 
\key a \major 
\partial 8 a'8 e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) d4-. r8 d-. cis16( e) d( b) a4.
( b8) bis( cis) cis4-. r16 d( e fis) 
e( cis) d( b) a4.\( \appoggiatura cis16 b8\) a4 r4 a'8.( gis16) fis4 r8 d d d 
bis4( cis) a'8.( gis16) 
fis4 r8 d d d bis16( cis) cis-. cis-. cis( d) d-. d-. dis( e) e-. e-. eis( fis) 
fis-. fis-. fis( gis a gis) fis( e d cis) cis8.\trill b32 cis b4 r4 
r8 cis16(\p e) r8 a16( e) r8 cis16( e) r8 e16( d) r8 cis16( d) r8 b16( gis) r8 
a16( cis) r8 a'16( e) r8 cis16( e) r8 e16( d) r8 cis16( d) r8 b16( gis) 
a16-.( cis-. d-. e-.) fis-.( fis-. e-. e-.) fis-.( fis-. gis-. a-.) a8\f( cis b 
a gis a) fis( a gis fis eis fis) e( fis16 d) cis4 b8.\trill a32 b | 
a8 e4\p d16( cis b cis d e) d2( cis8) a\p\noBeam e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( 
d16) d4-. r8 d-. 
cis16( e) d( b) a4.( b8) bis( cis) cis4-. r16 d( e fis) e( cis) d( b) a4.( b8) 
a8 e'16\f( fis) e8-. e-. e4-. 
r8 e4\p d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) d4-. r4 \times 2/3 { cis8( a e') } e8[( d) 
d( cis]) cis4( b8[) gis'32( fis gis a]) b16-. b-. b-. b-. 
b4. e8( dis cis) cis( b) b[ gis32( fis gis a]) b16-. b-. b-. b-. b2.:16 b4: b16
( dis e dis) e( b a gis) 
fis8 fis fis fis fis fis fis4 fis r4 r8 gis16( b) r8 b16( e) r8 e16( gis) r8 a16
( fis) r8 dis16( fis) r8 dis16( a) 
r8 gis16( b) r8 b16( e) r8 e16( gis) r8 a16( fis) r8 dis16( fis) r8 dis16( a) 
gis4 d'2\f~d4 cis-. r4 | 
 e,8\p( gis fis e dis e) cis( e dis cis bis cis) cis( a') gis gis fis fis b4. d8
( cis bis) 
\times 2/3 { cis8( dis e) } e4 r4 \setTextCresc r16 gis16 gis gis gis gis gis 
gis gis gis\ gis gis\! fis2.:16 e4\f r4  e8.( dis16) | 
cis4 r8 a8 a a fisis4( gis) e'8.( dis16) cis4 r8 a a a fisis16( gis) gis-. gis-
. gis( a) a-. a-. ais( b) b-. b-. 
bis( cis) cis-. cis-. cis( dis) dis-. dis-. dis( e) e-. e-. e( cis) b( a) gis4 
fis8.\trill e32 fis e8 b gis4 r8 b8\p b4. a8( b cis) | 
cis8( d) d8-.[ b32( a b cis]) d16-. d-. d-. d-. cis4. b8( cis d) dis( e) e8-.[ 
e32( d e fis]) e16-. e-. e-. e-. e4( d cis) 
cis8[( b]) fis' fis b b b4 b r8\fermata a,8 e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) 
d4-. r8 d-. 
cis16( e) d( b) a4.( b8) bis( cis) cis4-. r16 d( e fis) e( cis) d( b) a4.( b8) 
a4~a8[ cis'32( b cis d]) \stemNeutral e16-. e-. fis-. fis-. g8[( e]) e e e e d 
d d d d d d d cis b a g g g fis[ d'32( cis d e]) fis16-. fis-. fis-. fis-. 
fis8 fis d cis b a a4 gis! r4 r8 cis16( e) r8 a16( e) r8 cis16( e) r8 e16( d) 
r8 cis16( d) r8 b16( gis)
r8 a16( cis) r8 e16( a) r8 cis16( a) r8 d16( b) r8 gis16( b) r8 b,16( gis) a4 
g'2\f~g4-. fis-. r4 
fis,8\p( a gis fis eis fis) d( fis e d cis d) e( fis16 d cis4 b) bis( cis) r8 
e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) d4-. r8 d-. cis16( e) d( b) a4.( b8) cis( d 
cis b a g) | 
g8[( fis]) fis-. b32( a b cis) d16-. d-. d-. d-. cis8( e) d( cis) b( ais) b4 a 
gis a4. ais8( b cis) | 
\times 2/3  { d8 e fis } fis4 r4 e8( cis) fis( cis) d( b) a16 cis cis cis  { 
cis2:16 } { \setTextCresc s8\ s8  s8\! }  b2.: 
r8 a16\p( cis) r8 e16( cis) r8 gis'16\f( a) r8 a,16\p( d) r8 fis16( d) r8 gis16
\f( a) r8 a,16( cis) r8 e16( cis) r8 fis16\f( g) r8 g16( fis) r8 dis16( e) r8 
e16( d) 
cis e,4 r4 r4\fermata a4 r4 a'8.( gis16) fis4 r8 d d d bis4( cis) a'8.( 
fis4 r8 d d d bis16( cis) cis-. cis-. cis( d) d-. d-. dis( e) e-. e-. eis( fis) 
fis-. fis-. fis( gis) gis-. gis-. gis( a) a-. a-. 
fis( a) fis( d) cis4 b8.\trill a32 b 
a8 e4\p e e8~e8 e4 e4 e8 e8 g4 bes g8 } 

Now please observe the ties in bar 43/44, 71, 83/84, 113/114. The ties are 
incorrectly positioned vertically on the notes. Why is this? Is this another 
bug in 2.7.12? I've included the entire file because when I tried to replicate 
the individual bars with the ties, everything is ok( the ties are correctly 
positioned when I only generate that particular bar). I know for certain that 
this problem doesn't appear in versions 2.6.x

Secondly, why are there brackets appearing underneath the triplet notes, above 
the 3 symbol in bars 31 and 97 respectively? I know from experience that only 
the 3 symbol appears when using version 2.6.x Is there a way to get rid of 
the brackets for the triplets? 
I'm assumming that since both these problems occur in 2.7.12 and not in 2.6.x 
that the problem lies in the programme and not the file itself. Can anybody 
please help?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.
P.S. I would be happy to send the pdf file if anyone would like to see it 
instead of generating it themselves. I don't know if these problems are system 
related (I'm using Windows 98). So if you use XP the problem might not appear 
in your pdf file.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond fonts and inkscape

2005-11-08 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Pedro Kröger wrote:

Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

put emmentaler-20.otf in ~/.fonts.

thanks, it worked. But there still one blank box left:


you need to put the aybabtu.otf font in there too.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

lilypond-user mailing list

figured bass extender lines

2005-11-08 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I have a problem regarding figured bass extender lines in Lilypond version 
2.7.12 for Windows. Here is the file: 

\version 2.7.12 
\relative {  
\context Voice { 
\time 4/4 
\key c \major 
\clef bass
c,8 c c c d d e e f4 } 
\context FiguredBass \figuremode 
{  \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t 
6 42 6 52 5 34 }  }

  Here, what I intend to do is to put the figured bass 6 4 for a duration of 
a half note and 6 5 for the same duration, and 5 3 with a quarter note 
duration. I would like extender lines to appear after 6 4 and 6 5 and run 
the duration of figured basses. However, 3 problems crop up.
First, the extender line from the figure 6 extends from the first beat until 
the 3rd beat, erasing the 6 from the 6 5 figure. How do I make the extender 
line stop before the second 6 and start again after it, stopping at the end 
of the bar? 
Secondly, how do I make 2 extender lines to begin after 6 and 4 for the 
first and second figured bass?
Lastly, if you look at the file, the order of the figured bass is from the top 
(6 4 means 6 appears on top of 4). However, when I put 5 3 on bar 2, the 
order is reversed in the pdf file. Why is this?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: faqs leftout

2005-11-08 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Aaron Mehl wrote:

I happened to look at the faqs and under guis Denemo
wasn't mentioned at all.
Is there a reason for this? or just an oversite?

If its an oversite here's the address.


If its on purpose let us know why so we can
fix/upgrade Denemo accordingly.

It's been left out since it has been rather dead for a long time.
Patch appreciated.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Installation de lilypond sous FC4

2005-11-08 Thread Maurits Lamers


C'est plus facile si vous parlez anglais.
Je pense plus de 95% sur cette list parle pas francais :)
(Et je parle que un petit peut ... )


On 4-nov-05, at 21:52, LIBON Victor wrote:


Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de FC4.

Ayant programmé sous MsDos puis sous Windows, je suis un fervent
défenseur de l'idée de logiciel libre.

Etant aussi musicien, je m'occupe actuellement de réduction de
partitions (quatuor à cordes, petits ensembles, piano...) pour duo de
guitare (baryton et alto).

Lilypond m'est apparu comme la solution idéale.

Malheureusement je ne parviens pas à installer votre logiciel,
j'obtiens systématiquement l'erreur:

ghostscript-devel 7.07,40
ghostscript-gtk   7.07,40


J'ai alors utilisé la commande rpm indiquée sur votre site:

rpmbuild --rebuild


suivi de:

rpm -U /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/ghostscript*8.15.1*

le message suivant s'est alors affiché:

le fichier /usr/lib/libgs.so de l'installation de
ghostscript-8.15.1-1 entre en conflit avec le fichier du paquetage
le fichier /usr/lib/libijs.so de l'installation de
ghostscript-8.15.1-1 entre en conflit avec le fichier du paquetage

Ensuite j'ai réessayé d'installer lilypond, et j'ai obtenu l'erreur

Paquetage non localisable Requis par

ghostscript   ('lilypond','2.6.4','1')

Pourriez-vous m'aider à solutionner ce problème?


LIBON Victor
118 rue des Français
6020 Charleroi


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond fonts and inkscape

2005-11-08 Thread Pedro Kröger
Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 you need to put the aybabtu.otf font in there too.

I did. In fact I put all otf fonts there:

[17:52:21] phoenix kroger $ ls  /home/kroger/.fonts/*.otf 
/home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-11.otf  /home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-20.otf
/home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-13.otf  /home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-23.otf
/home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-14.otf  /home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-26.otf

but the problem remains.

Pedro Kröger

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: help needed: how to align lyrics with melody

2005-11-08 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Ytsen Kooistra wrote:

I'm trying to  align my lyrics to a melody, but I can't find out how. 
Here is an example where I'm trying to put a syllable on each 8-th note 
of a 6/8 piece; but it doesn't work... I'm running the latest version on 
MAc OS X. I would like to be able to put in the length of a syllable of 
the text... can somebody please help me out?

just remove \lyricsto foo

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: faqs leftout

2005-11-08 Thread Aaron
Denemo's current development will implement a script to keep it in much
tighter sync with lilypond.

One of the long term goals is to integrate it with editors such as
emacs/vim/jedit so that working in the gui will update the text and
working in the text will update the gui.

Anyone who feels the itch to come over and help in the development of
denemo is most encouraged to do this.

On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 10:59 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Aaron Mehl wrote:
  I happened to look at the faqs and under guis Denemo
  wasn't mentioned at all.
  Is there a reason for this? or just an oversite?
  If its an oversite here's the address.
  If its on purpose let us know why so we can
  fix/upgrade Denemo accordingly.
 It's been left out since it has been rather dead for a long time.
 Patch appreciated.

lilypond-user mailing list

non-english lyrics in elder version(s)

2005-11-08 Thread Herczeg , Olivér
Hi folks,

i've a question: is it possible to add non-english lyrics to staves in version

.. found more fresh version can

thx, bests: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond fonts and inkscape

2005-11-08 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Pedro Kröger wrote:

Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

you need to put the aybabtu.otf font in there too.

I did. In fact I put all otf fonts there:

[17:52:21] phoenix kroger $ ls  /home/kroger/.fonts/*.otf 

/home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-11.otf  /home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-20.otf
/home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-13.otf  /home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-23.otf
/home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-14.otf  /home/kroger/.fonts/emmentaler-26.otf

but the problem remains.

You should be able to figure it out yourself, by looking at the PDF 
original, or opening the XML view for the box in  inkscape.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ties and triplets

2005-11-08 Thread Edward Neeman

--- Seng Liang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the ties in bar 43/44, 71, 83/84,
 113/114. The ties are 
 incorrectly positioned vertically on the notes. Why
 is this? Is this another 
 bug in 2.7.12? 

I don't know.  It looks OK to me.

 Secondly, why are there brackets appearing
 underneath the triplet notes, above 
 the 3 symbol in bars 31 and 97 respectively? I
 know from experience that only 
 the 3 symbol appears when using version 2.6.x Is
 there a way to get rid of 
 the brackets for the triplets? 

This bug is related to the 'if-no-beam value for the
TupletBracket bracket-visibility property.  It is
meant to hide the bracket when there is a beam
connecting all the notes in the tuplet, but it doesn't
work in 2.7.12.  You can get rid of all the brackets
by setting the bracket-visibility to #f, and then add
them where necessary with the \once \override command.

Edward Neeman

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! News: Get the latest news via video today! 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can an identifier contain a \score?

2005-11-08 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Sunday 06 November 2005 05:47 pm, Mark Cookson wrote:
 I'm going to use Lilypond to write out some scales for my students, 
and I'd
 like to define each scale as an identifier, so that I can then simply
 \include a file full of scale definitions and type the name of each 
scale I
 want to write out for a particular student.
 When I do it this way...
 cmajoroneoctave = {
 \new Staff  \relative c' {
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t \cadenzaOn c8[ d e 
f] g[ a
 b c] b[ a g f] e[ d] c4 \cadenzaOff \bar ||
 \book { \header {\title = Grade 5 Scales}
 \score {
 ...things work fine, but what I'd really like to do is to make the 
 block part of the \cmajoroneoctave identifier, so that the \book block 
 just contain a list of scale names.
 However, I can't seem to get anything along these lines...
 cmajoroneoctave = { \score {
 \new Staff  \relative c' {
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t \cadenzaOn c8[ d e 
f] g[ a
 b c] b[ a g f] e[ d] c4 \cadenzaOff \bar ||
 \book { \header {\title = Grade 5 Scales}
 ...to work.
 Am I just using the wrong syntax, or is this not possible?
 Thanks in advance

Meanwhile, why not do this by selective removal of comments? daveA

Free download of technical exercises worth a lifetime of practice:
Dynamic Guitar Technique.  Nothing else is close.


To write to me privately please include my full name, David Raleigh
Arnold, in the To or CC field along with the address, and do not
send html.  dra..at..openguitar.com darnold4..at..cox.net

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \book usage

2005-11-08 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Sunday 06 November 2005 05:24 am, Erik Sandberg wrote:  On Sunday
06 November 2005 02.40, Graham Percival wrote:   On 4-Nov-05, at
12:40 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:If you get two PDF output files,
then you still have some \book{...} leftin one of the

on the last page,  so I don't think it would make sense to change
those settings locally for one  \score.

Indeed it wouldn't, because a copyright notice on the first page is
copyrighting the whole publication.  A tagline is for a whole
publication.  Having a copyright field for each score would not help,
because then if you had a notice for each score there would be no
copyright for the whole publication.  You just need to add the notices
as text before each piece, or you can put it after any piece which is
on a single page including the notice, since the notice is supposed to
go on the first page of music.  The sure way of getting it right is
to put each notice into a subtitle or second author line as text, and
use the copyright field only to copyright the whole thing.  daveA

Free download of technical exercises worth a lifetime of practice:
Dynamic Guitar Technique.  Nothing else is close.


To write to me privately please include my full name, David Raleigh
Arnold, in the To or CC field along with the address, and do not
send html.  dra..at..openguitar.com darnold4..at..cox.net

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond fonts and inkscape

2005-11-08 Thread Pedro Kröger
Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You should be able to figure it out yourself, by looking at the PDF
 original, or opening the XML view for the box in  inkscape.

thanks for the clue. I didn't knew any of this (this is the first time
I'm using inkscape).

It's definitely  related to the Aybabtu font. This is the char that is
not been shown:


I'll look further to see if there is something broke in my system.

Pedro Kröger

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hello! Complicated newbie questions!

2005-11-08 Thread Markian Hlynka
On Nov 5, 2005, at 9:07, Mats Bengtsson wrote:Quoting Arthur Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I'm on a steep learning curve also, and the list has been great.  There are acouple of other things you can do.  Download the manual onto your machine andthen do word searches for what you are trying to do.  For example, if you doa search for "transparent", you 'll find ways to make bars, notes and stemstransparent, among other things. I hope you have realized that there is an index to the manual.indeed I have, and I do searches through the pdf as well, sometimes, though, I either can't quite find what I'm looking for, or can't figure it out.Another thing I have been doing is finding templates wherever I can and thenusing or adapting them.  People will often send you a template if you tellthem what you are trying to do.  Another good place to look iswww.mutopiaproject.org.  There you'll find lots of different styles of musicwith both the pdf and .ly files. Don't forget the LSR, linked from lilypond.org - Documentation. Mostof these examples are also included in the Tips and Tricks and Regression Tests document.Thanks for the tips. I found the LSR, but where do I find the Regression Tests?You sound really excited about Lilypond, as are we all.  But you might getmore responses if you split up your questions into separate emails with theirown subject line.Yeah, I should know better, but I didn't want to spam the list with half a dozen emails first-off; I figured one would be a cleaner start!It seems that you have missed the \lyricsto feature which tells which lyrics line should be aligned with wich music. This should also answerthe next question. Read in section "The Lyrics Context" for more information.I have re-read the section you specify, and have looked at the vocal template in section 3 of the manual too. I guess one thing that I'm not clear on is what the Voice context is for. I wanted one voice per staff, so I figured I could ignore it. I gather that I can't. But, for some reason voice also implied no chords to me, which I didn't like. I suppose I'm probably wrong there.I'll try it out soon and see what I can do.Thanks for your help!Markian___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \lyricsto was: Complicated newbie questions!

2005-11-08 Thread Markian Hlynka
On Nov 6, 2005, at 4:29, Mats Bengtsson wrote:You just give a name to the voice of music you want to attach yourlyrics to. To make it clear what is what in the syntax I didn't use theobvious name "mainvoice" but "THEMUSIC" in the following example:\score{      \context Voice = THEMUSIC \mainvoice    \lyricsto THEMUSIC \new Lyrics \mainwords  }If you want to split lyrics when the music splits into several voices,use separate Voice contexts with separate names and just attach thelyrics to the corresponding voice. Read in "7.3.6 More stanzas" to seeone example.Hi, Matt.I must not quite understand how Voice is intended to work. Is it possible, then, to have 2 voices, call them A and B, in the same staff, where voice B only occasionally has separate lyrics and or notes? I mean, without having a whole lot of rests in B? Like, I'd align parts of B to marker in A or something. Or am I totally off my rocker?Thanks,Markian___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hello! Complicated newbie questions!

2005-11-08 Thread Markian Hlynka
On Nov 5, 2005, at 6:32, Ishizaki wrote:How about this ?Maybe works for v2.6 series.a little complicated to my eye, but works quite nicely, thank you, ありがとございました!!Is 2.7 still an 'unstable' realease? Any idea when it will be stable? Or, should I just use it now anyway?Thanks,Markian\version "2.7.12"\relative c\new Staff {  \clef bass  { c4 c c c f f e2   d4 d c c b g  c2 \\            \tiny            \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t           c,     g'4 e  {      \override Stem #'transparent = ##t      \override NoteHead #'extra-offset = #'(-0.3 . 0.0)      c' b     } \\ {       \tiny      \revert NoteHead #'extra-offset       \revert Stem #'transparent      \override Stem #'lengths = #'(7.0  4.5)      \stemUp      c, b     }   }}___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \lyricsto was: Complicated newbie questions!

2005-11-08 Thread Markian Hlynka

On Nov 6, 2005, at 4:29, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

You just give a name to the voice of music you want to attach your
lyrics to. To make it clear what is what in the syntax I didn't use  

obvious name mainvoice but THEMUSIC in the following example:
\context Voice = THEMUSIC \mainvoice
\lyricsto THEMUSIC \new Lyrics \mainwords

If you want to split lyrics when the music splits into several voices,
use separate Voice contexts with separate names and just attach the
lyrics to the corresponding voice. Read in 7.3.6 More stanzas to see
one example.

Ok, I've been working with Mats' suggestion, and I'm making progress,  
but I'm still confused. First, I don't understand the distinction  
between THEMUSIC in the example above and \mainvoice. mainvoice is  
where I defined my melody line:

mainvoice = \relative c
\key a \minor
\repeat volta 2
\partial 8*3
e8 a8.  [ b16] c2~c8 b16 a gis8.( a16) b2 r8
e,8 gis8. [ b16] d4 c8 b e8. c16 a4 ~ a2 r8

so, is THEMUSIC what I'd name the staff? I don't quite understand the  
intention behind this.

Second, I've had success fixing my lyric problem, but I now have:

\time 4/4
\context ChoirStaff

%\context Staff = bari
\context Voice = themusic \mainvoice
\lyricsto themusic \new Lyrics \mainwords

\clef bass

%\context Lyrics = bari \mainwords

\context Staff = bass

\clef bass


This produces 3 staves: the first bass clef, which I want, the second  
a treble clef, which I don't want, using the music of the first part,  
and the third a bass clef, second part, which I want.

But, if I remove:

\clef bass

My top line becomes a treble clef. Not right. So, I put \clef bass  
above \context Voice =...

That gives me a blank bass staff as the first line!

if I remove
\context Staff = bass

\clef bass

now my _bottom line is a treble clef!

What's going on here? Clearly I don't understand the intent of the  
syntax somewhere here. Clarification would be much appreciated!



lilypond-user mailing list

lyrics melismata

2005-11-08 Thread Markian Hlynka

Could someone please clarify for me the difference between

my words_ and so forth


my words __ and so forth



Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man stupid and blind in the  

 --Mazer Rackham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \lyricsto was: Complicated newbie questions!

2005-11-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Markian Hlynka wrote:

On Nov 6, 2005, at 4:29, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

You just give a name to the voice of music you want to attach your
lyrics to. To make it clear what is what in the syntax I didn't use the
obvious name mainvoice but THEMUSIC in the following example:
\context Voice = THEMUSIC \mainvoice
\lyricsto THEMUSIC \new Lyrics \mainwords

If you want to split lyrics when the music splits into several voices,
use separate Voice contexts with separate names and just attach the
lyrics to the corresponding voice. Read in 7.3.6 More stanzas to see
one example.

Hi, Matt.

I must not quite understand how Voice is intended to work. 

Is it possible, then, to have 2 voices, call them A and B, in the same 
staff, where voice B only occasionally has separate lyrics and or notes? 
I mean, without having a whole lot of rests in B? Like, I'd align parts 
of B to marker in A or something. Or am I totally off my rocker?

You are right on the spot. The Voice context in LilyPond is intended to
correspond exactly to the musical concept of a voice. See
the Section on Polyphony in the manual and the example template
for SATB vocal score, for example.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \lyricsto was: Complicated newbie questions!

2005-11-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Markian Hlynka wrote:

On Nov 6, 2005, at 4:29, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

You just give a name to the voice of music you want to attach your
lyrics to. To make it clear what is what in the syntax I didn't use  the
obvious name mainvoice but THEMUSIC in the following example:
\context Voice = THEMUSIC \mainvoice
\lyricsto THEMUSIC \new Lyrics \mainwords

If you want to split lyrics when the music splits into several voices,
use separate Voice contexts with separate names and just attach the
lyrics to the corresponding voice. Read in 7.3.6 More stanzas to see
one example.

Ok, I've been working with Mats' suggestion, and I'm making progress,  
but I'm still confused. First, I don't understand the distinction  
between THEMUSIC in the example above and \mainvoice. mainvoice is  
where I defined my melody line:

Do you have any experience of computer programming? In that case, just
think of mainvoice as a macro definition or a variable. It is just a
way to structure your input file. For example,

mainvoice = { c d e f }

is completely equivalent to

  { c d e f }

Naming Voice contexts is something completely different. For example, in

\context Staff = mystaff { \context Voice = ABCD { c d e f } }

you explicitly tell LilyPond to create a Staff context (corresponding to
a printed staff/stave) which contains a Voice context (corresponding to
one line of music). LilyPond will create most of these contexts
automatically even if you don't specify them, for example a Voice
context is created as soon as you have some music and a Staff context
as soon as there is a Voice. However, in certain circumstances you want
to specify a name of the voice or stave to be able to refer to it.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyrics melismata

2005-11-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson

A underscore within a syllable will be replaced by a space. For example
if you want two words to be written together and treated like a single
syllable, then you can use something like

For the remaining question, read about Hyphens and extenders in the


Markian Hlynka wrote:

Could someone please clarify for me the difference between

my words_ and so forth


my words __ and so forth

lilypond-user mailing list

making sense of templates in manual

2005-11-08 Thread Markian Hlynka
Ok, I'm looking at templates in the manual, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3.rather than reprint, you can see it here:http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.6/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond/Piano-templates.html#Piano-templatesThe first one (3.2.2) makes perfect sense to me:it has \score, and within that it has a voice, and then a pianostaff in the form        \context PianoStaff            \context Staff = upper \upper           \context Staff = lower \lower        That makes sense. Now, 3.2.3 says it will remove the separate vocal line. I would expect it to look something like        \context PianoStaff            \context Staff = upper \upper           \lyricsto upper \new Lyrics \text           \context Staff = lower \lower        or something like that. Instead, you see, in part,         \context Staff = upper {             \context Voice = singer \upper }         \lyricsto "singer" \new Lyrics \textWhat really confuses me is that the lower staff is now within its own  , whereas the upper staff has none of these, only { } . But not entirely! the \lyricsto section is outside of the upper staff context's { } !! So, it appears to me that the upper staff has no syntactic bound!Why doesn't the upper voice need   ?! This seems counter-intuitive to me. Or, if it is intuitive, can someone please explain how?Thanks,Markian Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes.                                                     --Mazer Rackham ___
lilypond-user mailing list

polyphonic music with tablature

2005-11-08 Thread Art Sulger
I'm not having much luck printing out polyphonic music on a treble clef with 
guitar tab just below. The following code prints the notes twice on the 
treble clef and nothing on the tab. I've tried several variations of this, 
but so far haven't hit on the right way to do it. Please help.
\version 2.6.4
\layout {

melody = {
  \time 4/4
  \key c \major
%  \stemUp
  f'4\1 c'8\2[ c'\2] ~ c'4 f'4\1 |
  f8[ f'\1]~ f'4 s4 s8 f'8\1
%  \stemDown
  f2\4 a2\3 |
  f2\4 a2\3
\context StaffGroup 
  \context Staff { \clef G_8 \melody }
  \context TabStaff { \melody }

lilypond-user mailing list

Measure confusion

2005-11-08 Thread Kress, Stephen
Title: Measure confusion


I have been happily using lilypond for a while now but have run into a real mystery. I've attached the .ly file I'm working on. I'm using 2.6.4.

If you generate the PDF, you'll notice bar lines are missing between measures 71 and 72 and thereafter, until measure 75. The text 75 for the measure number should be on the double bar one measure later. It really looks like something has made lilypond's timing go very strange. I thought it might be because of the triplet 16ths, but I can comment those out and the problems before them are still there.

I'm not doning anything complicated at all here so I am at a loss as to why lilypond stops drawing bar lines and stops counting properly (or at least gives the appearance of not counting rignt).

Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!


% Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Clarinet


#(set-default-paper-size a4 'landscape)

copyright = \markup { \hspace #0.5 \raise #0.75 { \circle {\small C} } }

title = Great Is Thy Faithfulness
composer = William N. Runyan
arranger = \markup { \italic { Arranged by Key Barker } }
poet = Clarinet I
copyright = \markup { \copyright Copyright (various)  All rights reserved. }
tagline =  

\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #-1
\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #0
\override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 1.5 )
\clef treble
\key d \major
\time 3/4

\relative c''
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1

R2. r4 a( a') R2. r4 d,( d' 

\repeat volta 2
\mark \markup { \box A } cis2.)
R2.*7 a2.~ a~ a~ a4 g2\ \breathe fis4(\! e d
a2.~ a2) r4
{ R2.*2 } { R2. }
r4 a8(\mf d fis g \bar ||
\mark \markup { \box B } a4) a e g8.( fis16) fis4 d16( e fis a b4) b fis a8.( g16)
g2 a4(\ b cis\! d a b cis d b\ a2.)\! R2.*7 \bar ||
\mark \markup { \box C } fis4\mf^\markup { \italic { a tempo - With Movement } } fis fis fis4. e8 e4 \bar ||
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\key e \major
e4(\ a) a--\! a( gis2) \breathe cis4( dis cis b a gis) b2( cis4)
e( fis e) dis8( b fis'4 dis e4. dis8 cis4 b a gis8 b16 e gis4 fis) fis,16( gis a
b cis4 dis e e4.( b8) b4-- gis gis( fis e2.~ e2) r4 \bar ||
\mark \markup { \box D } R2. r4 r8 b( e[ gis] cis2.)~ \startTrillSpan cis2 \stopTrillSpan \breathe
a16( b cis e) fis8( dis16 fis) e8( cis16 e) dis8( cis16 dis)
e8[ a] gis[ e] cis[( b]) fis'2.~ \startTrillSpan fis2 \stopTrillSpan
r8 dis16-. e-. fis8( gis16 fis e4) dis16( cis b a gis8.) a16 b2
r8 b16-. b-. b8-- b16-. b-. b-. b-. b8-~ b4 a gis8( fis) e2 gis8( cis) e4.( b8) b4 gis a dis,
e r8 e16[( fis gis a] b4~ b) r8 b16-. b-. b4-- b'2.~\ \startTrillSpan b4.\! \stopTrillSpan
a16[( gis] fis[ e \times 2/3 { d cis b] } \bar ||
\key f \major
\mark \markup { \box E } c4) c g
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: non-english lyrics in elder version(s)

2005-11-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Yes, as long as the characters are included in latin1 (ISO 8859-1).
Save the file using latin1 encoding and it should work.
Note that the answer is completely different for version 2.6 and newer.


Herczeg wrote:

Hi folks,

i've a question: is it possible to add non-english lyrics to staves in version

.. found more fresh version can

thx, bests: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Measure confusion

2005-11-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Why not ask LilyPond itself to assist you in finding the problem.
Just insert a | where you expect to have a bar line (it will also
help you read your own input when working with the score), then
LilyPond will print a warning every time it finds bar that does
not end where you put the |.

However, here it shouldn't be hard to find the problem anyway, since
the b4 in bar 71 begins an 8th before the bar line.


Kress, Stephen wrote:


I have been happily using lilypond for a while now but have run into a 
real mystery.  I've attached the .ly file I'm working on.  I'm using 2.6.4.

If you generate the PDF, you'll notice bar lines are missing between 
measures 71 and 72 and thereafter, until measure 75.  The text 75 for 
the measure number should be on the double bar one measure later.  It 
really looks like something has made lilypond's timing go very strange.  
I thought it might be because of the triplet 16ths, but I can comment 
those out and the problems before them are still there.

I'm not doning anything complicated at all here so I am at a loss as to 
why lilypond stops drawing bar lines and stops counting properly (or at 
least gives the appearance of not counting rignt).

Any help would be very much appreciated.  Thanks!


% Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Clarinet


#(set-default-paper-size a4 'landscape)

copyright = \markup { \hspace #0.5 \raise #0.75 { \circle {\small C} } }

title = Great Is Thy Faithfulness
composer = William N. Runyan
arranger = \markup { \italic { Arranged by Key Barker } }
poet = Clarinet I
copyright = \markup { \copyright Copyright (various)  All rights 
reserved. }
tagline =  

\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #-1
\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #0
\override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 1.5 )
\clef treble
\key d \major
\time 3/4

\relative c''
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1

R2. r4 a( a') R2. r4 d,( d' 

\repeat volta 2
\mark \markup { \box A } cis2.)
R2.*7 a2.~ a~ a~ a4 g2\ \breathe fis4(\! e d
a2.~ a2) r4
{ R2.*2 } { R2. }
r4 a8(\mf d fis g \bar ||
\mark \markup { \box B } a4) a e g8.( fis16) fis4 d16( e fis a b4) b 
fis a8.( g16)
g2 a4(\ b cis\! d a b cis d b\ a2.)\! R2.*7 \bar ||
\mark \markup { \box C } fis4\mf^\markup { \italic { a tempo - With Movement } 
} fis fis fis4. e8 e4 \bar ||
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\key e \major
e4(\ a) a--\! a( gis2) \breathe cis4( dis cis b a gis) b2( cis4)
e( fis e) dis8( b fis'4 dis e4. dis8 cis4 b a gis8 b16 e gis4 fis) 
fis,16( gis a
b cis4 dis e e4.( b8) b4-- gis gis( fis e2.~ e2) r4 \bar ||
\mark \markup { \box D } R2. r4 r8 b( e[ gis] cis2.)~ \startTrillSpan 
cis2 \stopTrillSpan \breathe
a16( b cis e) fis8( dis16 fis) e8( cis16 e) dis8( cis16 dis)
e8[ a] gis[ e] cis[( b]) fis'2.~ \startTrillSpan fis2 \stopTrillSpan
r8 dis16-. e-. fis8( gis16 fis e4) dis16( cis b a gis8.) a16 b2
r8 b16-. b-. b8-- b16-. b-. b-. b-. b8-~ b4 a gis8( fis) e2 gis8( cis) 
e4.( b8) b4 gis a dis,
e r8 e16[( fis gis a] b4~ b) r8 b16-. b-. b4-- b'2.~\ \startTrillSpan 
b4.\! \stopTrillSpan
a16[( gis] fis[ e \times 2/3 { d cis b] } \bar ||
\key f \major
\mark \markup { \box E } c4) c g

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

lilypond-user mailing list

FW: Measure confusion

2005-11-08 Thread Kress, Stephen
Title: FW: Measure confusion

Thanks for the tip! The music I'm working with has an extra eighth (possibly the rest) in a couple of measures. I thought I had gotten them all.

Would it be worthwhile to have a debugging your ly files FAQ? It would be nice to have documented that measure bars will disappear when you've counted wrong.

Thanks for the quick response!

-Original Message-

Why not ask LilyPond itself to assist you in finding the problem.
Just insert a | where you expect to have a bar line (it will also
help you read your own input when working with the score), then
LilyPond will print a warning every time it finds bar that does
not end where you put the |.

However, here it shouldn't be hard to find the problem anyway, since
the b4 in bar 71 begins an 8th before the bar line.


Kress, Stephen wrote:


 I have been happily using lilypond for a while now but have run into a
 real mystery. I've attached the .ly file I'm working on. I'm using 2.6.4.

 If you generate the PDF, you'll notice bar lines are missing between
 measures 71 and 72 and thereafter, until measure 75. The text 75 for
 the measure number should be on the double bar one measure later. It
 really looks like something has made lilypond's timing go very strange.
 I thought it might be because of the triplet 16ths, but I can comment
 those out and the problems before them are still there.

 I'm not doning anything complicated at all here so I am at a loss as to
 why lilypond stops drawing bar lines and stops counting properly (or at
 least gives the appearance of not counting rignt).

 Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!



 % Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Clarinet


 #(set-default-paper-size a4 'landscape)

 copyright = \markup { \hspace #0.5 \raise #0.75 { \circle {\small C} } }

 title = Great Is Thy Faithfulness
 composer = William N. Runyan
 arranger = \markup { \italic { Arranged by Key Barker } }
 poet = Clarinet I
 copyright = \markup { \copyright Copyright (various) All rights reserved. }
 tagline =  

 \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
 \override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #-1
 \override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #0
 \override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 1.5 )
 \clef treble
 \key d \major
 \time 3/4

 \relative c''
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1

 R2. r4 a( a') R2. r4 d,( d'

 \repeat volta 2
 \mark \markup { \box A } cis2.)
 R2.*7 a2.~ a~ a~ a4 g2\ \breathe fis4(\! e d
 a2.~ a2) r4
 { R2.*2 } { R2. }
 r4 a8(\mf d fis g \bar ||
 \mark \markup { \box B } a4) a e g8.( fis16) fis4 d16( e fis a b4) b fis a8.( g16)
 g2 a4(\ b cis\! d a b cis d b\ a2.)\! R2.*7 \bar ||
 \mark \markup { \box C } fis4\mf^\markup { \italic { a tempo - With Movement } } fis fis fis4. e8 e4 \bar ||
 \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
 \key e \major
 e4(\ a) a--\! a( gis2) \breathe cis4( dis cis b a gis) b2( cis4)
 e( fis e) dis8( b fis'4 dis e4. dis8 cis4 b a gis8 b16 e gis4 fis) fis,16( gis a
 b cis4 dis e e4.( b8) b4-- gis gis( fis e2.~ e2) r4 \bar ||
 \mark \markup { \box D } R2. r4 r8 b( e[ gis] cis2.)~ \startTrillSpan cis2 \stopTrillSpan \breathe
 a16( b cis e) fis8( dis16 fis) e8( cis16 e) dis8( cis16 dis)
 e8[ a] gis[ e] cis[( b]) fis'2.~ \startTrillSpan fis2 \stopTrillSpan
 r8 dis16-. e-. fis8( gis16 fis e4) dis16( cis b a gis8.) a16 b2
 r8 b16-. b-. b8-- b16-. b-. b-. b-. b8-~ b4 a gis8( fis) e2 gis8( cis) e4.( b8) b4 gis a dis,
 e r8 e16[( fis gis a] b4~ b) r8 b16-. b-. b4-- b'2.~\ \startTrillSpan b4.\! \stopTrillSpan
 a16[( gis] fis[ e \times 2/3 { d cis b] } \bar ||
 \key f \major
 \mark \markup { \box E } c4) c g


 lilypond-user mailing list

 Mats Bengtsson
 Signal Processing
 Signals, Sensors and Systems
 Royal Institute of Technology
 Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463   
 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
 WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

lilypond-user mailing list

Whats wrong with my midi file?

2005-11-08 Thread Jannik Jeppesen

Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong in the 
following file? It shall create a midi file 
first play drumvoice 
1 6 times
then nr 2 6 times
then 3, 4 and 5.

Now it is playing only the last one [with some 
other stuff as well)
I really dont get it...

I Hope some of you have the answer...


\version "2.6.3"

\score {\new DrumStaff  \new 
DrumVoice { \drummode { \repeat unfold 5 
{ bd hh8 hh sn hh hh bd 
hh hh sn hh hh bd hh hh 
sn hh hh bd hh bd hh sn hh 
hh } }

 \drummode { \repeat 
unfold 5 { bd hh8 bd hh sn 
hh bd hh hh hh sn hh bd 
hh hh bd hh sn hh hh 
bd hh bd hh sn hh hh } 

 \drummode { bd 
hh8 bd hh bd sn hh hh hh hh sn hh bd 
hh hh bd hh sn hh bd hh bd 
hh hh sn hh hh }

 \drummode { bd 
hh8 hh bd sn hh hh bd hh hh bd sn hh 
hh bd hh8 hh bd sn hh hh bd hh hh 
bd sn hh hh }

 \drummode { bd 
hh8 bd hh bd hh hh sn hh hh hh bd 
hh bd hh8 bd hh bd hh hh 
sn hh hh hh bd hh bd hh8 bd 
hh bd hh hh sn hh bd hh bd hh sn 
hh bd hh8 bd hh sn hh bd 
hh sn sn tomml toml }}\midi {\tempo 

lilypond-user mailing list

\score, \midi, etc.

2005-11-08 Thread Markian Hlynka

ok, I think I've solved several of my ongoing issues. But, I'm not  
sure I understand why. I now have:

\time 4/4
\context ChoirStaff

\context Staff = bari

\clef bass
\context Voice = themusic \mainvoice
\lyricsto themusic \new Lyrics \mainwords

\context Staff = bass

\clef bass

\layout{ }
\midi { \tempo 4=20 }

But, I needed to put in the extra { } around the music inside there.  
What's up with that? The templates in chapter three don't do this, so  
I'm completely confused.

And then there's the midi thing. no matter what I set the midi tempo  
to, I always hear the same thing. I'm using Lilypad... could that be  
a cause? But I've tried exporting to a file and playing in an  
external player, and it makes no difference!

Should I be setting up my score in a different way?



Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man stupid and blind in the  

 --Mazer Rackham

lilypond-user mailing list

Unicode confusion

2005-11-08 Thread Kurt Starsinic

I've been using lilypond quite happily for about a year, and recently
I've been delving into multilingual issues.  I'm trying to set some
German language text, and I'm having a hard time entering it.

I've looked at the example typography-demo.ly file, which produces
beautiful output.  The beginning lyrics there display as:


The actual bytes in the sample score that correspond to the LATIN

The *proper* UTF-8 encoding of U+00FC requires two bytes:  C3 BC.

The two-byte encoding I suggest looks correct in every Unicode viewer
I've tried (e.g., gvim, yudit, Firefox).  The four-byte encoding looks
like line noise.  The four-byte encoding is actually the UTF-8 for
Correct UTF-8 encodings of Unicode characters do *not* display
properly in my lilypond scores.

As near as I can figure, lilypond is expecting UTF-8 to be
twice-encoded--U+00FC is encoded to C3 BC, which is then *re*-encoded
to C3 83 C2 BC.

Am I missing something here?  Is anybody creating lilypond scores such
that they can read the lyrics *both* in .ly files and in the .pdf
output?  If not, how in the world do you manage to input your lyrics?

Thanks in advance for any advice,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Lilypond through jEdit in Windows

2005-11-08 Thread uunail (sent by Nabble.com)

According to your message you wanted to upload the 2.6 compatible version onto the jEdit plugin central.

Until now (two weeks later) this is obviously not yet done.

I tried to use the downloads you refer to, but after installation of the files I get java error messages while running.

Is there any way you can help me? I'm using the native windows versions of both Lilypond and jEdit.

Best regards


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at Nabble.com.
lilypond-user mailing list