RE: Italian/Spanish: multiple vowels on one note

2006-02-02 Thread Nahum wengrov
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Subject: Re: Italian/Spanish: multiple vowels on one note

>>cordilow (sent by wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been searching for a way to represent what looks like an upside
>> down breve, and also what looks like a breve spaced as low as an 
>> underscore.

>breve?  I think you mean fermata?

This is confusing. In English, "breve" means an accent above the vowel, not
necessrily the musical notation. He means some cute curve above the letter,
as an accent, which is part of the language, I think.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Question about error message

2006-02-02 Thread Graham Percival

On 2-Feb-06, at 7:22 PM, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

When I leave out the end bracket to a triplet figure in line 18,23/24 
(in jedit) [see example below]  the error message is that I have 
something wrong with

\new Staff \ melody

when in fact the problem is way before that - a missing bracket.
This doesn't make sense to me, can someone explain it?

Two explanations:
1)  Error detection is hard -- by assumption, something is wrong with 
the file, and computers don't deal with unexpected input very easily.

2)  Since the bracket isn't there, lilypond thinks that you're defining 
a \score outside of the main body of the lilypond file (or outside of a 

I mean, how _should_ lilypond know that you only intended to have three 
notes inside the \times?  Remember that \times 2/3{ a8 a a b b b} is 
perfectly valid input.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Question about error message

2006-02-02 Thread Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence

When I leave out the end bracket to a triplet figure in 
line 18,23/24 (in jedit) [see example below]  the error 
message is that I have something wrong with

\new Staff \ melody

when in fact the problem is way before that - a missing 

This doesn't make sense to me, can someone explain it?
Thanks Jay

This example is correct if you remove the second bracket 
from the first triplet you get the error I describe

\version "2.6.4"
\header {
title = "An Israeli Mode"
  composer = "Jay Hamilton"
  subtitle = "clean note picking"
  copyright = "CC some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2006"

#(set-global-staff-size 20)
melody = \relative c' {
\clef bass
\key bes \major
\time 4/4

d,4 es!8 fis!4 g8 a bes! c4 d2 r4 \break
d,2 es2 fis8 g4 a8 g4 d d4. es fis8 g8 ~ g a8 bes! d c4 
a fis8 g bes8 a4 fis8 d4\break

c8 d es fis g a bes c a fis bes es, c d4.\break
\times 2/3 {d'16 [d d]}\times 2/3 { es [es es]} \times 
2/3 {bes [bes bes]}
\times 2/3 {a [a a]} \times 2/3 {c [c bes]} \times 2/3 
{a [fis es]} a8 g ~ g4
\times 2/3 {g8 a bes} d,4 \times 2/3 {g8 a bes} e4 d8 
c4. \times 2/3 {g8 fis a}

d,4 bes'8 g4. r4
\bar "||"

\score {
\new Staff \melody
\layout {}
\midi {\tempo 4=60}


Childhood is a Journey not a race- Emma Sadinsky aged 8
Jay Hamilton
Sound and Silence

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staccato in polyfony

2006-02-02 Thread Graham Percival

On 1-Feb-06, at 7:57 AM, quasd (sent by wrote:

 Is this a bug? The staccato marks are displayed on the wrong side of 
the note. I tried both the latest stable release and the newest 
development release.

 \context Voice << { r4 c4-. d2. e4-. f2 } \\ { e2. f4-. g2. a4-. b2.} 

I believe that this is standard for polyphony.  You can force any 
articulation direction by using ^ or _ instead of -.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: midi2ly in osx

2006-02-02 Thread Graham Percival

On 2-Feb-06, at 11:44 AM, bbarros wrote:

I got from the terminal:

-bash: midi2ly: command not found

what i did wrong??

Please keep lilypond email on the mailing list.

You didn't read the README file with lilypond.  You need to follow the 
instructions in there to set up your computer to use command-line 
lilypond tools such as midi2ly.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Strange Key Signature Change

2006-02-02 Thread Charles Stevens

I don't know if this is a bug, or an unknown-to-me music theory issue.  The issue: in base or treble clef, changing key from b-major to c-major is fine; changing from d-flat major to c-major, the naturalization of the g-flat is on the upper g instead of the lower g.  Looks very strange.  Is this acceptable notatation?


\version "2.6.0" 
\time 4/4 
\clef treble

\key des \major c1 \key c \major c1 \key b \major c1 \key c \major c1 

Thanks, Charles
lilypond-user mailing list

symphonic, continuos movements, percussion, midi

2006-02-02 Thread alexandre reche e silva
Peace and Health in Jesus Christ

\version “2.4.5”

I'm about a orchestral piece. As a lily newbie it have been an endure to
me. It is like to learn driving with a truck.

The piece has 3 parts but they are not distinct movements, instead,
sections to be played continuously.

What have I been done: 
1. after type instruments in separated files (for example,, and,
2. I did prepare separated files to each section (, and and, finally, 
3. I made a central file which calls the sections.

Then, one demand arose in relation to the setting of the sections names
(once the titling procedure was left behind, because they were thought to
distinct movements, I think). Gently, mr. /Mats suggest me the following:


movementOne = {c d e f}
movementTwo = {g f e d}
movementThree = {c e g c,}

\mark "Movement 1" \movementOne
\mark "Adagio" \movementTwo
\mark "Finale"  \movementThree
[end of quote]

A) Nevertheless,  marks alignment cannot be tuned and is centred “by
nature”. How to force left align? In other words, they are displayed
centered to the barline and my texts (the name of the sections) are quite
long so we got it over two or three measures (centered at bar 46, for
example), like this:

 I - The Great Name of The Section
44   454647
|c d e f | g a b c || d e f g |...

But we need (bar 46 left align):

I - The Great Name of The Section
44   454647
|c d e f | g a b c || d e f g |...

B) Other question.  The last notes of first section tied with first notes
of the second section dont tie, indeed. What to do?

C) The metronome mark collide with high notes in the first staff. How lift
it up?

D) And, at last, to the ones engraving symphonic music or something:
   D1) Which is the better way to deal with percussions? (I've studied
\drummode, \drums, \DrumVoice, \DrumContext, DrumStaff, \DrumStaffContext
and a suggestion on this issue will be very appreciated.)
   D2) How about the percussion midi be audible, e.g., the relation
graphic versus sound? I mean, is there a “WYSIWYG practice”
dealing with (simple) symphonic percussion under Lilypond?

Thanks in advance,
^“a r s”

PS: In time: using /mark to "titling" also adds a empty staff at the top 
of the others?!?!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MIDI Input/Invoke

2006-02-02 Thread Graham Percival

On 2-Feb-06, at 9:07 AM, James McFadyen (sent by wrote:

The Lilypond manual isn't user-friendly enough in this respect, it 
tells you what to do but doesn't give you a working example. It also 
says to invoke it from the command line. Does this mean I click Start 
- Run and then type in cmd to bring up the command prompt and then 
invoke from there, if so I've tried it with no luck...

Yes, the command line (in windows) is start-run-cmd.  Invoke it from 
there.  If you get an error message, search the mailing list for that 
error (in case the question has been answered before), otherwise post 
it here.

1) How do I 'invoke' MIDI (ie where EXACTLY does the code get written 
in order to start the invoke process)

Not in the code.  You run "midi2ly input.midi" from the command line.

I need to know everything there is to turn a MIDI file into a Lilypond 
file. I have been using Sibelius, but have recently saw the light and 
started using Lilypond (what a fab program) Just need a way to get my 
Sibelius scores into Lilypond format and the only way to do that at 
present is to export the Sibelius file as a MIDI file and somehow 
change the MIDI file into Lilypond by so-called 'invoking'.

You will lose a lot of formatting data by exporting to midi; it might 
be faster simply to start again from scratch.  Many lilypond users have 
reported that it was easier in the long run to do this.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: symphonic, continuos movements, percussion, midi

2006-02-02 Thread Graham Percival

On 2-Feb-06, at 5:02 AM, alexandre reche e silva wrote:

A) Nevertheless,  marks alignment cannot be tuned and is centred “by
nature”. How to force left align? In other words, they are displayed

This is explained in section 8.1.3 Text marks in the manual for 
lilypond 2.7.  I'm not certain that it will work for you in 2.4.5, 
though.  But give it a try:

\override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
\mark "Allegro"

It should work in lily 2.6; you may want to consider updating.

B) Other question.  The last notes of first section tied with first 

of the second section dont tie, indeed. What to do?

You could fake this with invisible notes and slurs.

C) The metronome mark collide with high notes in the first staff. How 

it up?

See section 4.3 Fixing overlapping notation in the manual for 2.6 or 

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

MIDI Input/Invoke

2006-02-02 Thread James McFadyen (sent by

First of all, sorry if this has come up before (I did try the search function but couldn't find what I was looking for)

I'm look for help on invoking MIDI, that is to convert a MIDI file into a .ly Lilypond File. I'm using Lilypond 2.7 on Windows XP.

The Lilypond manual isn't user-friendly enough in this respect, it tells you what to do but doesn't give you a working example. It also says to invoke it from the command line. Does this mean I click Start - Run and then type in cmd to bring up the command prompt and then invoke from there, if so I've tried it with no luck...

So here's what I need to know..

1) How do I 'invoke' MIDI (ie where EXACTLY does the code get written in order to start the invoke process)

2) How the syntax of the code should be written. The manual give a breif description but it isn't clear on what the exact syntax is.

I need to know everything there is to turn a MIDI file into a Lilypond file. I have been using Sibelius, but have recently saw the light and started using Lilypond (what a fab program) Just need a way to get my Sibelius scores into Lilypond format and the only way to do that at present is to export the Sibelius file as a MIDI file and somehow change the MIDI file into Lilypond by so-called 'invoking'. 

Like I said, I'm using Windows XP (not Linux) so would appreciate any advice anyone can give me to turn my MIDI files into Lilypond files.

View this message in context: MIDI Input/Invoke
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list


2006-02-02 Thread MX

Hi all,

It seems that there is something changed in the rests' position command  
from 2.6 to 2.7  release.

I have  the 2.7.19  release.  It's  now  difficult  to  tune vertical 
position of rests with the \rest command. The position of the rest does 
not fit closely anymore the position of the pitch of the note associated 
with the \rest command.

What about that ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Footers/headers and line breaks

2006-02-02 Thread Cameron Horsburgh
cordilow (sent by wrote:
> Oh,
> That's awesome!  About the HTML, with Lilypond-book, I mean.
> Wow--that makes me happy.  All you have to do is surround your lilypond file 
> in  and then type something like lilypond-book -o thePathOfOurputPlusFileName 
> nameOfFile.
> Of course, you have to change the extension to html instead of ly.  Anyway, 
> then it makes a webpage of your html file, using a png image.
> Anyway, that is intensely cool . . . but I had something a little different 
> in mind.  The only difference is, I want a PDF file out of the HTML file 
> afterward (provided I edit the HTML to set up the text how I want).  I mean, 
> I just want to use HTML code for the layout, not the actual file format.
> With this, however, I can still format things the way I want--it's just not 
> all compact into one file in the end--is there a way to do this?  I don't 
> care whether it's pdf or png, though.  Thanks, by the way.

It sounds like you need to learn Latex or Texinfo--these are markup
languages (not unlike HTML) that can produce pdf files more appropriate
for printing, and can be used by lilypond-book in the same way. might be a good place to start, but others may have better
suggestions. What operating system are you using?


lilypond-user mailing list

Can't get midi2ly to work.

2006-02-02 Thread Bob Coppedge
I've tried to get this to work, and I get nothing but error messages.

I created a file with notepad with the instruction midi2ly song1.mid.

I can't seem to get anything but error messages.  I saved the text file 
as "" and dropped it onto the icon. This is what the log shows:

# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop'
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/'
C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/ error: syntax error, 
unexpected DIGIT, expecting '='
2ly song1.mid
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Bob Coppedge.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: a new LilyPond music page

2006-02-02 Thread Dave Phillips

Graham Percival wrote:

Chapter 4, "putting it all together".  You may also want to read that 
chapter in 2.7; it was recently updated with a lot of info.

In general, you may wish to read the manual for 2.7; most of the info 
applies to 2.6 as well.

Many thanks to Graham and Mats !

I'll peruse the relevant manual sections and experiment. If Demudi ever 
syncs with the etch dev packages I'll upgrade to the LP testing branch 
too. Meanwhile I have to use 2.6.3 (which seems to work pretty well).

I'm currently working on a much longer piece, about 9 pages, for a mixed 
quartet. It's looking good. :)



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Linux installer problems

2006-02-02 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Joel Mayes wrote:

/usr/local//lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: error while loading shared
libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or

This error is (most likely) caused by the lilypond package you are using 
having been compiled against a different version of libstdc++ then you have 

You need to find what package in your distribution provides and 
install that package, then everything shold be fine

The error is on our side. Something went wrong packaging the linux 
build, we actually intended to include a copy in the 
package. The error is masked because said build was done on a linux box 
that does have the correct installed. I will try to fix 
this for the next release.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Italian/Spanish: multiple vowels on one note

2006-02-02 Thread David Rogers

On 1-Feb-2006, at 8:06 PM, cordilow (sent by wrote:


I've been searching for a way to represent what looks like an  
upside down breve, and also what looks like a breve spaced as low  
as an underscore.

Anyway, I have music I want to notate, in Italian and Spanish, that  
uses these characters (the first for Italian, the second for  
Spanish).  They use them to show that two different words, or  
syllables from words, are to be associated with the same note  
(basically, you just sing them both quickly).  I've been using a  
miniature circumflex for this, and sometimes a breve, but I want to  
use the actually characters.  Is there a way to add these in  
Lilypond?  I ask because I haven't found such characters in the  
unicode character set.  Is there a font I can use that has them?

This is what a breve looks like: ˘

Here's the circumflex character I've been using: ˆ (it's smaller  
than ^)

I would like a breve spaced as low, or lower, than an underscore  
(i.e. _), and preferably one that looks like it's trying to connect  
the two sounds.

Unicode 203F and 2040, Undertie and Overtie, look to me like the  
characters in question. On Mac OS X, Lucida Grande has them. I don't  
know what other fonts they might be in, and I haven't tried to use  
the characters in lyrics yet.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Linux installer problems

2006-02-02 Thread Joel Mayes
On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 07:55, Robert Memering wrote:
> Hello all,
> when using the Linux installer, and after a successful (I assume)
> istallation trying to run lilypond, I get this:
> /usr/local//lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: error while loading shared
> libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory

This error is (most likely) caused by the lilypond package you are using 
having been compiled against a different version of libstdc++ then you have 

You need to find what package in your distribution provides and 
install that package, then everything shold be fine



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Italian/Spanish: multiple vowels on one note

2006-02-02 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

cordilow (sent by wrote:


I've been searching for a way to represent what looks like an upside 
down breve, and also what looks like a breve spaced as low as an 

breve?  I think you mean fermata?

> Is there
a way to add these in Lilypond?  I ask because I haven't found such 
characters in the unicode character set.  Is there a font I can use that 
has them?

I can add this as a sponsored feature: I could make a markup command 
that makes a lowered mini-slur, for 45 EUR, then you could do

  \markup { \elision { syllable1 syllable2 } }

and get a little bow between syllable1 and two.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano introduction marks

2006-02-02 Thread cordilow (sent by

Nevermind, actually!

I think I found what I was looking for: ┌  (U+250C) and  ┐(U+2510).

The tops are a little shorter than the bottoms, though, but I think that's font-dependent, anyway.

View this message in context: Re: piano introduction marks
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Footers/headers and line breaks

2006-02-02 Thread Cameron Horsburgh
cordilow (sent by wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering how to create a footer.  The documentation talks about them, 
> but it never says how to make them.  So far, I've only been able to make a 
> footer by using tagline in the header.
> The following does not work, or compile for that matter:
> \footer
> {
>poet = "some poet"
>composer = "some composer"
> }

The term 'footer' isn't understood. All of the 'footer' type things in
Lily at the moment are put in the 'header' block.

> Also, I was wondering how to make line breaks in a header or footer.
> I was also wondering how to make additional pieces of text in a header or 
> footer.
> I mean, if I want something besides the poet or composer--like a reference, 
> and/or a copyright notice, for example--or even just a note.  I mean,
> \header
> {
>otherHeaderItem = "this or that"
> }
> Does seem to work.  Also, if such can be added, how do I position it where I 
> want?

This will compile, but all you've done (internally) is define a variable
called 'otherHeaderItem'. All of the other header things--title,
composer and so on--are the same, but they're defined in a file called (somewhere in your installation.) Since this file
doesn't tell Lily what to do with otherHeaderItem, it just says "that's
nice!" and continues.

If you know any Scheme you might be able figure out how to define
otherHeaderItem the way you want it.

> Hmm . . . Is there a way to just arrange it with HTML, and have it pretend 
> that the music (staves, notes, and lyrics) is a picture in between?  That 
> would be extremely nice.

Yes! Check the docs for lilypond-book. It can also use other formats
like latex if you're familiar with those.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problem with cue notes

2006-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson

This is possible in the latest development versions using the new
\tweak command, see the NEWS for version 2.7.


cordilow (sent by wrote:

Here's part of the bass part to a song:

b, 2 4 4 4. a,8 d2

I want the lower notes in the interval brackets (i.e. the g, in g,>) mentioned to be cue notes.
How is this possible, the way I have it set up?  Is it possible?  I 
don't want to make another voice, because it'll mess up the formatting 
of the stems, and make things rather inconvenient, even if it's just 
full of invisible rests.

Why can't cue notes be made as simply as grace notes?  All I want is 
the note head size to be smaller (I don't care about the stem size and 
all that, as the stem is attached to the other note in the bass part; 
the cue notes are meant to be optional alternative bass part).

View this message in context: problem with cue notes 

Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User 
 forum at

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Donating to lilypond

2006-02-02 Thread Pedro Kröger

Fellow lilypond users,

I just donated $25 euros to lilypond and I intend to do this every month
for at least one year. It's not very much but it's something.

The sponsored feature seems to be working really all (please keep that
up!), but there are things other than new features that have to be done
like fixing bugs, refactoring code, and so on.

This donation is not intended for any feature in particular, Han-Wen can
use it to fix bugs or to add to the amount required for a feature.

I hope more lilypond users will start donating regularly, even if a
small donation. I suppose many users don't donate because they can't
expend much money, but suppose that 200 users donate 5 bucks each, the
total will be 1000. That's not bad for a 5 euro donation. 


Pedro Kröger

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Footers/headers and line breaks

2006-02-02 Thread cordilow (sent by


That's awesome!  About the HTML, with Lilypond-book, I mean.

Wow--that makes me happy.  All you have to do is surround your lilypond file in  and then type something like lilypond-book -o thePathOfOurputPlusFileName nameOfFile.
Of course, you have to change the extension to html instead of ly.  Anyway, then it makes a webpage of your html file, using a png image.

Anyway, that is intensely cool . . . but I had something a little different in mind.  The only difference is, I want a PDF file out of the HTML file afterward (provided I edit the HTML to set up the text how I want).  I mean, I just want to use HTML code for the layout, not the actual file format.

With this, however, I can still format things the way I want--it's just not all compact into one file in the end--is there a way to do this?  I don't care whether it's pdf or png, though.  Thanks, by the way.

View this message in context: Re: Footers/headers and line breaks
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vertical lyric/stanza spacing

2006-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Basically, the answer is found in the section on "Vertical spacing".
There, you can see how to change the minimumVerticalExtent for
a Staff, but you can do exactly the same for a Lyrics context.
To find the default value, go to Program Reference -> Translation ->
Contexts -> Lyrics.
If you need more details, search the mailing list archives.


cordilow (sent by wrote:


I've been trying to figure this out for months and months--ever since I started 
using Lilypond, anyway.

I've looked at the documentation (2.6.4), and I could not find a way to change 
the vertical spacing, or padding, or whatever it is in this case, between 
verses of lyrics (stanzas).  I've found ways to change the horizontal, however. 
 Preferably, I would like to do it with addlyrics.  Is there a way to remove 
*all* vertical padding and spacing between stacked verses?

Anyway, if you know how, please tell me as much information as you can.

I suppose this would be done with something like \override someCommand 
#'verticalPadding = #0.0
or such, but I don't know where to put it, even if I knew what commands to use.

If I had the following:

  \stanza = "1. "
  here are some ly -- rics
  \stanza = "2. "
  here are ly -- rics for the se -- cond verse

How would I make those two stanzas closer together, veritcally?

View this message in context: Vertical lyric/stanza spacing 

Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User 
 forum at

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Footers/headers and line breaks

2006-02-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson

cordilow (sent by wrote:


I was wondering how to create a footer.  The documentation talks about 
them, but it never says how to make them.  So far, I've only been able 
to make a footer by using tagline in the header.

The following does not work, or compile for that matter:
   poet = "some poet"
   composer = "some composer"

As has already been pointed out, the word "header" in \header{...} shouldn't
be interpreted verbatim. In the \header{...} block you can include all 
kind of

information related to titling, page headers and page footers.
By default, you can only specify the footer of the first page (using 
copyright = ...)

and last page (using tagline = ...). If you want footers on every page, you
have to redefine how footers are printed, see information at the bottom of
the page of "Creating Titles" and the default implementations in the file
/usr/share/lilypond/2.6.4/ly/ or wherever your LilyPond
installation resides.

Also, I was wondering how to make line breaks in a header or footer.

Use text markup (i.e. the \markup{...} command).

I was also wondering how to make additional pieces of text in a header 
or footer.
I mean, if I want something besides the poet or composer--like a 
reference, and/or a copyright notice, for example--or even just a 
note.  I mean,

   otherHeaderItem = "this or that"

The only field that's printed in the page header by default is the 
(from page 2 and on). Otherwise, you have to redefine the default 
layout, see



lilypond-user mailing list