RE: 17th century keyboard ornament

2006-07-22 Thread Fairchild
Peter -

Tune to suit.


\version "2.8.5"

doubledash = {\once \override Voice.StemTremolo #'beam-thickness = #0.2 }
ddashg = _\markup { \postscript #" 0.4 setlinewidth -0.7 3.3 moveto 1.5 0.5
rlineto stroke -0.7 2.3 moveto 1.5 0.5 rlineto stroke " }
ddashb = _\markup { \postscript #" 0.4 setlinewidth 0.5 6.7 moveto 1.5 0.5
rlineto stroke 0.5 5.7 moveto 1.5 0.5 rlineto stroke " }

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
\score { \relative c' <<
\new Staff { \time 3/4 \doubledash g'':16 g g   g\ddashg g g }
\new Staff { \clef bass << { r4 \doubledash bes,,2:16 } \\ { g2~ g4 } >> 
<< { r4 bes2\ddashb } \\ { g2~ g4 } >> }
>> }


For clues, see

 - Bruce

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Peter Van Kranenburg
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: 17th century keyboard ornament

Hi all,

I'm trying to typeset some 17th century keyboard music from the Southern
Netherlands. An often used ornament is a slanted double dash through the
stem of the note (zie attached image - sorry for the bad quality).

I tried to adapt the tremolo:

\version "2.8.5"

doubledash = {\once \override Voice.StemTremolo #'beam-thickness = #0.2 }

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
\score {
\relative c'
\new Staff { \time 3/4 \doubledash g'':16 g g }
\new Staff { \clef bass << { r4 \doubledash bes,,2:16 } \\ { g2~ g4 } >> }

This doesn't satisfy me. The vertical space between the dashes is too 
large. Especially when the stem is short (as is with the bes in the 
above example). I can't find a parameter to control this distance.

Can someone give me a suggestion how to typeset this ornament?

thanks in advance,
Peter van Kranenburg

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategy - A Compromise

2006-07-22 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 13 July 2006 12:04, Anthony Youngman wrote:
> Might be an idea to look at Antlr then ...
> I don't know how effective it would be, but part of the purpose behind
> the v3 rewrite is to increase the number of languages that Antlr can
> generate. If you can define the grammar in Antlr it could then chuck out
> a lexer/parser written in Scheme :-) Is the current lily parser
> hand-written? 

no, it's written in bison. The lexer invokes an external parser to parse 
Scheme expression when needed.

> And yes, preservation of white space is apparently fairly easy.
> Although, I'm half inclined to say that if you "convert-ly" a piece,
> then it will or can output stuff according to a "pretty print" standard.

question is whether it's possible to write a grammar that is useful both for 
convert-ly and paper production at once, or if it's a better idea to use a 
simplified grammar for convert-ly. E.g.: in { \foo c4 c2 } it's difficult to 
know whether c4 and/or c2 are parameters to the function foo, or if foo just 
is a variable -- it might be that foo has been defined in an \included file. 
For convert-ly purposes, it might be sensible to always treat \foo as a 
variable, because that makes life simpler.

> Take a look at Antlr - I'd go straight to v3, which is
> due for release this summer. What you would need to do is define the
> lily grammar using a BNF style notation (I think the technical term for
> the style of grammar is LA or LLA). Antlr itself is written in Java -
> run it over your grammar and it will spit out a lexer and parser for
> you. You could either use the current C++ templates which would create
> your lexer and parser in C++ for feeding the results to Scheme, or write
> a bunch of Scheme templates and output the lexer and parser directly in
> Scheme. I don't mean to teach grandma to suck eggs but it sounds (from
> the implication that the parser is mixed-language) that you're not using
> a compiler-compiler such as flex/Bison, PCCTS or Antlr.
> And of course, going down this route, things head towards the typical
> nix "toolkit" approach :-) Grammars to input lily ASTs in various
> versions, grammars to output "pretty printed" or converted .ly files in
> various versions, grammars to transform ASTs especially ones generated
> from eg abc, Sibelius, Personal Composer files :-) 

I think it's easier to import from other formats directly to .ly, or to a 
known format such as MusicXML.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Accent vs. slur

2006-07-22 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi, Ralph:

I'd like to move the accents that are touching the slurs upwards,  
without moving the slurs

Did you try adjusting the Script #'padding property?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sponsering LilyPond if download works

2006-07-22 Thread Graham Percival

I tried version (I believe) 2.8.5.  I saved the 
to my desktop (that is C:\Program Files\Welcome .) but it never 
appeared on my desktop.  Something like My112### appeared on the desktop 
that I dragged & dropped on the LP icon.  I also went into the HD & 
scared up the various LP files that appeared there. the Welcome... 
program appeared here so I dragged it onto the main LP file & an Adobe 
Reader PDF file was created, but I saw no place on it to manage (or 
create) input.  Please advise.

Please keep lilypond emails on the mailist, so that other people may 
help.  Unfortunately I am not familiar with the windows version, but 
somebody else here should be able to help.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sponsering LilyPond if download works

2006-07-22 Thread Stewart Holmes
lilypond.exe is purely a command-line tool. Lilypond (.ly) files are plain 
text files... you can edit them with notepad, or your text editor of choice 
(I believe the Windows installer associates .ly files with LilyPad, included 
with Lilypond). To compile a file, right click on it, and you should see 
"generate PDF".

- Original Message - 
From: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "lilypond-user Mailinglist" 

Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: sponsering LilyPond if download works

I tried version (I believe) 2.8.5.  I saved the to 
my desktop (that is C:\Program Files\Welcome .) but it never appeared 
on my desktop.  Something like My112### appeared on the desktop that I 
dragged & dropped on the LP icon.  I also went into the HD & scared up 
the various LP files that appeared there. the Welcome... program appeared 
here so I dragged it onto the main LP file & an Adobe Reader PDF file was 
created, but I saw no place on it to manage (or create) input.  Please 

Please keep lilypond emails on the mailist, so that other people may help. 
Unfortunately I am not familiar with the windows version, but somebody 
else here should be able to help.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sponsering LilyPond if download works

2006-07-22 Thread Rick Hansen (aka RickH)

1) Create a new folder on your desktop (right click the screen and select
"new folder")

2) Open the new folder and right click inside of it and select "new text

3) In the new text doc enter the following 3 lines, verbatim:

\version "2.8.5"
\include ""
{ c4 d e f g a b }

4) Close the text document and save it as "" in same folder (make
sure the file extension is .ly and not .txt)  (The files icon should be a LP
icon not a text document icon)

5) Double click the in the new folder.

6) You should then see the pdf and ps file in that same folder.  Note runing
LP for the very first time requires Windows to register the fonts (I
believe), so your first execution will take longer.  But after that its fast

7) If you see a pdf file, you're on your way, just "read the fine manual",
also download the many examples.  If no PDF then take a look at the .log
file in that same folder.


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Chord name exception not getting a match

2006-07-22 Thread Rick Hansen (aka RickH)

If you would be so kind as to run the following code snippit (just paste and

\version "2.8.5"
\include ""

jazzyChordsMusic =
  -\markup { "foo" }
  -\markup { "foofoo" }
  % Add more as needed

jazzyChordsAdd = #(append
  (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions jazzyChordsMusic #t)

jazzyChords =
  \set chordNameExceptions = #jazzyChordsAdd

\new ChordNames \with {
   voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
   chordChanges = ##t
   chordNameSeparator = " "
   \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
   instrument = \markup { \sans "Guitar" }

{ \jazzyChords
   \relative c 4
   \relative c 4

The first chord name exception "C m add11" matches fine to my score and
provides the exception "foo".

However the second chord name exception "C 7 b9 add13" does not match and
does not provide an exception in my score (even if the score root is C).

Even if I reverse the order of the 2 exceptions in the list above, still no
match for the C7b9add13 chord.

Why would one chord name exception work and another one not work?

I'm trying to eliminate the word "add" from some of my chord names to save
space on the page.

I think the chord exceptions table lookup routine might have a bug when
looking up chord name exceptions.

Can someone on the coding side please verify this test and maybe provide a
work-around I can use in my music?


View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Accent vs. slur

2006-07-22 Thread Thies Albrecht
Hi Ralph!

> In the following snippet, I'd like to move the accents that are touching
> the slurs upwards, without moving the slurs, in order to make the score
> more clear.
Have a look at the extra-offset property. It moves an object after all layout 
work has been done, so no other grob is affected by it.

Kind regards,
Thies Albrecht

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