Re: Combining verses into one chorus

2007-05-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson

When it comes to typesetting practice, I think it is just as common to to
typeset this kind of situation without a brace (in particular if you add a
line break before the chorus). However, if you really want a brace,
you could do something along the lines of the trick described in

(I have just added the same example to the LSR).


Jebus wrote:

Good day.

I'm *very* new to lilypond, and I have no musical background. (Just 
thought I'd get that out of the way). My wife does though, and some of 
her loose sheet music is getting ratty, so I thought I'd transcribe 
some of it into a file for lilypond so I could print it out and it 
would nice and clean.

I've come across many problems while doing this, but I've been able to 
find answers to all my questions (by either reading the lilypond 
website or searching for clues using google) save one. I just can't 
for the life of me figure out how to combine two sets of verses into 
one centered chorus. I know this may sound strange and/or anal, but a 
picture is worth a thousand words, so with the following code:

\relative c' {
\new Staff <<
\key es \major
\time 4/4
c c c c
			r d d d 
			f2 f

\addlyrics {
\set stanza = "1. "
This is verse one.
This is the chor -- us.
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = "2. "
This is verse two.
I produce this output:

Combining verses into one chorus

What I'm looking to achieve is this:
Combining verses into one chorus
I just used some image editing software to produce the above image.

Can anyone shed any light on how I can achieve the desired results?

Thank you very much for your time.

View this message in context: Combining verses into one chorus 

Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive 

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond-book and latex

2007-05-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Sebastian Menge wrote:

It's not especially clever, but I wouldn't dream of using
lilypond-book without a Makefile to run the commands.  So just set the

yes, i thought of that too, but then i would loose so many features of
vim-latexsuite like:

   * recompiling if necessary (aux-file change etc)
   * quickfix (directly jump to the line where an error occured, based
on output of compilation)
   * forward and reverse search (from vim to xdvi and back again, very

Essentially I would like to simply run latex on a file containing
lilypond markup.
It shouldn't be hard to write  a script in your favourite scripting 

that performs the necessary steps in a single command. Then you can replace
the call to latex by a call to your script in vim. If you make sure
that the printouts from latex are echoed on standard output, then the 

should work.

Perhaps since most of the work I do is on the text rather than on the
music, i could imagine to only run lilypond when i changed something
with the music. how would one do that?

That's already taken care of in lilypond-book, which only runs lilypond if
any of the music has changed, otherwise it just goes through the LaTeX
code and makes sure that the lilypond code is replaced by the suitable
\includegraphics commands.


lilypond-user mailing list

corrective to Problem while using with macro OOoLilyPond/basic/script.xlb -see attachemnt-

2007-05-14 Thread Ledocq-Boccart

Dear Antanas, thank you for your answer,

the problem is I cannot edit the dialog box  anymore as I receive the 
following error message after entering Ctrl+M: "valeur ou type de 
données incorrect(e).Index hors de la plage définie" translated in 
englich = error message of 2.0:  "incorrect value or data

type. Index outside defined range".

It happens that way even afetr uninstalling, LilyPond and 
OOoLilyPond, and having cleaned up the registry keys.

It looks as if the PC had irreversibly memorized the initial incorrcet 



I am using version 2.0.3 on winXP . My problem is :

on with macro Ctrl+M from OOoLilyPond (version 2.10)

The Ctrl+M macro does not start anymore, even after new installation of
all LilyPond, OOoLilypond and version 2.0.3 !
I even have cleaned the registry (I use regularly Regseeker without

This happened after having modifies the path of the LilyPond executable
file in the dialog window, because I had an error message "file
c:\program ... not found"

OOoLilypond, and LilyPond are all installed in c:\Program
The library script.xlb and the ctrl+M have been carefully installed
according to the instructio given with OOoLilyPond, excepted that the
macro is refused to be installed in the Macro OpenOffice Library (the
***Append*** button is not activable when selecting the radio button
OpenOffice"; I have installed it in My Macros file, wihch allows to
activate the button ***"append"***.
Customization of ctrl+M has been done according to instructions.

What happens now:
while opening a writer document with

typing Ctrl+M, Enter
   gives an error message of  "incorrect value or data
type: index outside defined range"

together with a sreen showing the basic instructions with one marked
with ared arrow flag in the left column "ReDim Preserve sTemplate(i-1)
As String".

Could somebody help to find a solution to this?

Thanks for answer


lilypond-user mailing list

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: figured base with suspensions

2007-05-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson

If you please send a small (but complete, so it can be ran directly through
LilyPond) example mailing list, showing what you tried so far, it is 
much easier

to provide a relevant answer.


Alan Jones wrote:

I'm trying to use lilypond to prepare homework for my first
year theory class, so the figured base feature is of interest
to me.  However, my text book and teacher use base figures
with suspensions, e.g .:
... for first inversion triad with base voice 2-3 suspension.
I've tried using mutiple base figures spaced on 32'nd note
intervals, however the vertical allignment doesn't work very
well.  Is there anyone who has already looked into this that
has a better solution?

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

STDIN problem on Windows platform - How to make it work

2007-05-14 Thread Clifford W. Racz
The STDIN does not work in NTShell command line as it should.  This is 
NOT a problem with lilypond, but rather with Windows.

I have solved this problem and I am posting for others who may RTFM to 
solve it.

It seems that there is a comment on this as a general problem with Windows:

The EOF is [CTRL+Z] on the Windows platform, but it cannot be sent at 
just any time.  It must be at the beginning of the line (or an entire 
line by itself).  So, it works like this:

*$ *lilypond.exe -b eps --pdf --output=foo3 -
*GNU LilyPond 2.10.23
Processing `-'
\paper {
 #(define dump-extents #t)
 indent = 0\mm
 line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in
 ragged-right = ##t
 force-assignment = #""
 line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.00))

\relative c' { \sourcefileline 10 a b c d e f g' }

*-: 0: warning: no \version statement found, please add

\version "2.10.23"

for future compatibility
Interpreting music... [1]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Writing foo3-systems.tex...
Writing foo3-systems.texi...
Layout output to `foo3-1.eps'...
Converting to `foo3-1.pdf'...
Layout output to `foo3.eps'...
Converting to `foo3.pdf'...*

The key-strokes are
at the end of the music code

Hope this helps someone else.  This software is really great!

Clifford W. Racz
Purdue University
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
225 South University Street
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2093
Office: ABE316
Phone:  (765) 49-45731
Fax:(765) 49-61356

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TeXShop and Lilypond

2007-05-14 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi, Michael:

At long last Lilypond and TeXShop are working together on my system.

Thank you so much for this post -- I now have Lilypond-TeXShop  
working here, too, and it's fabulous!

Hopefully, others will benefit from your work as well.

One quick note:

Turning the engine source code into a correct engine file was a  
problem for me.

Using Firefox, I was able to save the file directly as a text file  
(no Word intervention), with the filename already correctly set  
(i.e., without the .txt extension).

Best wishes,

lilypond-user mailing list

chord syntax (Cm7M)

2007-05-14 Thread Iacopo

How to write in \chordmode this chord?
Notes: [C, D#, G, B] or [C, D#, B]
Intervals: min, maj, maj
Name: Cm7M
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template for a leadsheet (vocal, chords, lyrics, several verses)

2007-05-14 Thread Jens Meyer

Hello Mats, hello Jack!

Thank you very much for your helpful answers to my request.

Based on Jacks example-template I made the next steps forward. But I 
still have a problem to add several verses to my score.

Of course - the basic example from the DOCs is working for me.

But in this case I have a chorus with a single line of text first and 
three verses after that. Jack, you used fix positioned text for further 
verses but because I want to use this template for several layouts I 
would like to avoid this to save editing-time. ;-)

Find attached my template. Sorry for sending template in full - but I 
don't want to shorten the wrong lines.

My two concrete problems are:
- How to print out/show all three verses?
- Why are there many unwanted "-" in the Score (i.e. bar 18/19, 23, 26, 

Thank you and kind regards!


Mats Bengtsson schrieb:
Take a look at the section on Divisi lyrics in the manual, which shows a 
very similar situation. Exactly the same principle can be used for your 


Quoting Jens Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello Lilypond-users!

I used music-printing with my Windows-sequencing-software since several
years until I "met" Lilypond yesterday.

Wow - I am deeply impressed about this software! I spent several hours
(and a part of the night...) to understand the basics and to print my
first layout.
Printing vocals with chords and lyrics was successful now. ;-)

But I can't find a solution for printing a leadsheet like this:

- chorus (including "\repeat", chords, one line lyrics)
- verse (including chords, 3 lines lyrics for 3 verses)

I had a look at the examples and snippets but I can't find an example
for that. I would suggest that this is no major problem for this great
software, isn't it? ;-)

Do you have any hints or template for me?

Thank you in advance,
kind and musical greetings,


lilypond-user mailing list

% Template based on Leadsheet-template from Jack Cooper - thank you!

 \version "2.11.23"
 \include ""

% SZ is one of 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23 and 26
#(set-global-staff-size 16) 

\paper {
  between-system-space = 10\mm
  % paper variables hsize and vsize
  #(set-paper-size "a4")
  %linewidth = 8\cm
  indent = 0\mm
  % nothing: paperheight = 15.0 \cm
  % nothing: paperwidth = 12.0 \cm

\header {
   dedication =""
   title = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) \fontsize #5 
\bold { Sei behütet }
   subtitle = ""
   subsubtitle = ""
   poet = ""
   composer = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  { (C) 2001 
C. Bittlinger}
   meter = ""
   opus = ""
   arranger = ""
   % instrument = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  { 
Leadsheet }
   piece = ""
   breakbore = ""
   % copyright = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) \italic 
\bold { -- To play the chords shown in the fret diagrams, place capo on second 
fret -- }
   tagline= "Engraved using Lilypond -- - based on 
leadsheet-template by Jack Cooper"   


intro = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0   
%r1\bmin | r1\gmaj | r1\bmin | r1\gmaj \bar  "||"
\skip2 es'4 f' |

verseone = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
\mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Verse}} es'8 c' es' c' es'4 c' |
es'2 g'4 b'~ | b'2 r2 | r2 b'4 b' | b' as' as' g' |
es'2 g'4 f'~ | f'2 r2 | r1 | es'8 c' es' c' es'4 c' |
es'2 g'4 b'~ | b'2 r2 | r2 b'4 b' | b' as' as' g' |
es'2 g'4 f'~ | f'2 r2 | r2 es'4 f' |

chorus = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
\mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Chorus}}
% \skip2 es'4 f' |
g'2 g' | r4 g' as' g' |
g'2 f' | r2 f'4 g' | as'2 as'4 as' |
as'4 g' f' es' | f'1 |
r4 f'4 g' as' | b'2 b' | b'4 b' c'' b' |
b'2 g' | r2 f'4 g' | as'2 as' |
as'4 g' f' es' | f'1 | r1 |

song = {
 \set Staff.voltaOnThisStaff = ##f
 \clef treble
 \key es \major
 \time 4/4
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1 

 % Auftakt...
 \new Voice = "intro"   {\intro}
 \repeat volta 2 {
\new Voice = "chorus"   {\chorus}
\new Voice = "verseone" {\verseone}
% \new Voice = "verseone" {\versetwo}


lyrIntro = \lyricmode {
  Sei be --

lyrVerseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1. "
  \set associatedVoice = #"verseone"
  Mit -- ten in die grau -- e All -- tags -- welt,
  " " die sang- und klang -- los mich be -- engt,
  hö -- re ich ein Lied, das mir ge -- fällt
  " " und das mir Pers -- pek -- ti -- ven schenkt.
  Sei be-

lyrVerseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2. "
  \set associatedVoice = #"verseone"
  Manch -- mal, wenn ein Tag zu En -- de geht,
  und die Nacht durch al -- le Rit -- zen dringt,
  spü -- re ich den Wind, der uns um -- weht
  " " und

Re: Italic Greek and nonroman Unicode?

2007-05-14 Thread Trevor Bača



Hi Tom,

Just adding answers in here for posterity in the archive ...

For getting italic Greek characters --

1) Do you have a font with italic Greek characters installed on your
computer?  (I don't on mine.)

Yes, which is visible when, say, you check the fonts menu in a GUI
program like InDesign.

2) If so, is that italic Greek font file included amongst the fonts that
your installation of LilyPond knows about?

No, and this turned out to be precisely the problem. This is visible
running -dshow-available-fonts and the solution for how to work this
out under OS X is here ...

If an italic Greek font is not available to Lily, it probably chooses a
best-fit font, which would be a Greek font with upright characters.

In addition, if the only italic Greek font you had installed were a
sans-serif font, then

   \markup { \italic \roman "G-r-e-e-k-c-h-a-r-s" }

would almost certainly *still* pick upright roman Greek as the best fit.

Right, and this is exactly what happens until you teach lily about the
location of the correct font using fondu.

-- Tom

Trevor Baca wrote:

>The output of \markup \italic { "θ" } is upright instead of italic.
>(Compare with \markup \italic { "th" } which is, in fact, italic.)
>Is there a way to get italic Greek (and other nonroman) Unicode markup?
>Trevor BaÄ^Ía

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dynamic page size

2007-05-14 Thread Arjen Bax
Jonas Nyström schreef:

> Is it possible to specify the page size to dynamically relate to the
> content?
> For example, is it possible to create a single system page with dynamic
> width, corresponding to the number and the width of the bars?
> (Like Finale Scroll View?)

I don't think so, but I would start by specifying a ridiculously large
page width (wide enoug for your music to fit on one system) and
ragged-right = ##t and using the eps backend.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: chord syntax (Cm7M)

2007-05-14 Thread plutek

>From: Iacopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>How to write in \chordmode this chord?
>Notes: [C, D#, G, B] or [C, D#, B]
>Intervals: min, maj, maj
>Name: Cm7M

for a quarter-note:

c4:min 7+


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template for a leadsheet (vocal, chords, lyrics, several verses)

2007-05-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson

You just need a new "\New Lyrics" for each separate lyrics line.
For example, you can replace your \score section with the following
one to get the desired layout:

\score {
\set Score.skipBars = ##t

\context ChordNames = mychords {

\override ChordName #'font-series =#'bold
\override ChordName #'font-size = #1 
% \override ChordName #'word-space = #1.0
% \set chordChanges = ##t

\set majorSevenSymbol = "maj7"
\set voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
\override VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #2

   \new Staff = "song" { \song }

   \new Lyrics <<  
\lyricsto "intro" \lyrIntro

\lyricsto "chorus" \lyrChorus
\lyricsto "verseone"\lyrVerseOne
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "verseone" \lyrVerseTwo

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "verseone" \lyrVerseThree

Note that I replaced your \new Voice with \new Staff, since you
already define your voices within the \song identifier.
You can also remove all your
 \set associatedVoice = #"verseone"
settings, which are not needed when you use \lyricsto.


Jens Meyer wrote:

Hello Mats, hello Jack!

Thank you very much for your helpful answers to my request.

Based on Jacks example-template I made the next steps forward. But I 
still have a problem to add several verses to my score.

Of course - the basic example from the DOCs is working for me.

But in this case I have a chorus with a single line of text first and 
three verses after that. Jack, you used fix positioned text for 
further verses but because I want to use this template for several 
layouts I would like to avoid this to save editing-time. ;-)

Find attached my template. Sorry for sending template in full - but I 
don't want to shorten the wrong lines.

My two concrete problems are:
- How to print out/show all three verses?
- Why are there many unwanted "-" in the Score (i.e. bar 18/19, 23, 
26, ...)?

Thank you and kind regards!


Mats Bengtsson schrieb:

Take a look at the section on Divisi lyrics in the manual, which 
shows a very similar situation. Exactly the same principle can be 
used for your case.


Quoting Jens Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello Lilypond-users!

I used music-printing with my Windows-sequencing-software since several
years until I "met" Lilypond yesterday.

Wow - I am deeply impressed about this software! I spent several hours
(and a part of the night...) to understand the basics and to print my
first layout.
Printing vocals with chords and lyrics was successful now. ;-)

But I can't find a solution for printing a leadsheet like this:

- chorus (including "\repeat", chords, one line lyrics)
- verse (including chords, 3 lines lyrics for 3 verses)

I had a look at the examples and snippets but I can't find an example
for that. I would suggest that this is no major problem for this great
software, isn't it? ;-)

Do you have any hints or template for me?

Thank you in advance,
kind and musical greetings,


lilypond-user mailing list

% Template based on Leadsheet-template from Jack Cooper - thank you!

\version "2.11.23"
\include ""

% SZ is one of 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23 and 26
#(set-global-staff-size 16) 

\paper {
 between-system-space = 10\mm
 % paper variables hsize and vsize
 #(set-paper-size "a4")
 %linewidth = 8\cm
 indent = 0\mm
 % nothing: paperheight = 15.0 \cm
 % nothing: paperwidth = 12.0 \cm

\header {
  dedication =""
  title = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) \fontsize #5 
\bold { Sei behütet }
  subtitle = ""
  subsubtitle = ""
  poet = ""
  composer = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  { (C) 2001 
C. Bittlinger}
  meter = ""
  opus = ""
  arranger = ""
  % instrument = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  { 
Leadsheet }
  piece = ""
  breakbore = ""
  % copyright = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) \italic 
\bold { -- To play the chords shown in the fret diagrams, place capo on second fret -- }
  tagline= "Engraved using Lilypond -- - based on leadsheet-template by Jack Cooper"   


intro = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0   
%r1\bmin | r1\gmaj | r1\bmin | r1\gmaj \bar  "||"

\skip2 es'4 f' |

verseone = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
\mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Verse}} es'8 c' es' c' es'4 c' |
es'2 g'4 b'~ | b'2 r2 | r2 b'4 b' | b' as' as' g' |
es'2 g'4 f'~ | f'2 r2 | r1 | es'8 c' es' c' es'4 c' |
es'2 g'4 b'~ | b'2 r2 | r2 b'4 b' | b' as' as' g' |
es'2 g'4 f'~ | f'2 r2 | r2 es'4 f' |

chorus = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #

Re: Combining verses into one chorus

2007-05-14 Thread Jebus

Thank you Mats for pointing me in the right direction!

For those who care, the following code will produce the desired(as pictured
in previous post) results:

leftbrace = \markup {\override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces) \lookup
#"brace175" }
rightbrace = \markup {\rotate #3.14 \leftbrace }
\relative c' {
\new Staff <<
\key es \major
\time 4/4
c4 c c c
r d d d 
f2 f
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = "1. "
This is verse one. __
\override LyricText #'Y-offset = #-2%Move 
Lyrics down
\override LyricHyphen #'Y-offset = #-2  %Move 
Lyric Hyphens down
\override LyricExtender #'Y-offset = #-2%Move 
Lyric Extenders down (Is
there one property for all 3?)
\once\override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\markup{\rightbrace " This" }   %Line 
is Right-Aligned so the
curly brace is right after the verses
is the __ chor -- us.
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = "2. "
This is verse two. __
\override LyricText #'transparent = ##t "." 
%Required to end the __ at
the proper place

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at
lilypond-user mailing list

Spacing with arpeggio

2007-05-14 Thread Helge Kruse


I edited a small piece for harp. Everything looks quite nice, except the 
final chord in the last measure.

How do I avoid the nearby collision between arpeggio and previous note (D)?
How can I draw the arpeggio over lower and upper staff?

Best regards, Helge%
%	Give Me Your Hand
%	second harp

\include ""

upperNotes = \relative c' {

	r8. e16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. g,16 h e r8. g,16 h e
	r8. fis,16 a d r8. g,16 h e
	r8. fis,16 a d r8. e,16 g c
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. fis,16 a d r8. g,16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d 
	r8. g,16 h e r8. g,16 h e
	r8.	fis,16 a d r8. g,16 h e
	r8. fis,16 a d r8. g,16 h e
	r8. g,16 h d r8. g,16 c e
	r8. c16 e g r8. d16 fis a
	r8  4\arpeggio 	r8  4\arpeggio 	
	r8  4\arpeggio 	r8. e'16 g h
	r8. e,16 g h r8. e,16 g h
	r8. d,16 fis a r8. d,16 g h
	r8 4\arpeggio r8 4\arpeggio
	r8 4\arpeggio r8 4\arpeggio
	r8. e'16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. c16 e g r8. c,16 e g
	r8. h,16 d g r8. g,16 h e
	r8. fis,16  a d r8. g,16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d
	r8. e,16 g c r8. g16 h d r8. fis,16 a d 4.\arpeggio

upperStaff = {

	\clef treble
	\key e \minor
	\time 6/8


lowerNotes = 	\relative c {

	c16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	e,16 h' e r8. g,16 h e r8.
	d,16 a' d r8. e,16 h' e r8.
	d,16 a' d r8. c,16 g' c r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	d,16 a' d r8. g,16 h d r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	e,16 h' e r8. g,16 h e r8.
	d,16 a' d r8. e,16 h' e r8.
	d,16 a' d r8. g,16 h e r8.
	g,16 h d r8. g,16 c e r8.
	\change Staff=upper \stemDown
	c16 e g r8. d16 fis a r8.
	\change Staff=lower
	g,4. g4.
	g4.	\change Staff=upper \stemDown e'16 g h r8.
	e,16 g h r8. e,16 g h r8.
	d,16 fis a r8. d,16 fis a r8.
	\change Staff=lower
	c,4. h4.
	g4. d4.
	c16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	\change Staff=upper c16 e g r8. c,16 e g r8.
	h,16 d g \change Staff=lower r8. g,16 h e r8.
	d,16 a' d r8. g,16 h d r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8. 
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	c,16 g' c r8. g16 h d r8.
	d,16 a' d r8. 4.\arpeggio

lowerStaff = {
	\clef bass
	\key g \major
	\time 6/8

\book {
	\header {
		title = \markup { \italic "Give Me Your Hand"  }
		subtitle = " "
		arranger = \markup { \column {"Arr. B. Kerscher" " " } }
		dedication = { }
		tagline = \markup { "Give Me Your Hand - abgepinselt von Helge" }
	\score {
		\context PianoStaff <<
			\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Harfe 2" 
			\context Staff = upper \upperStaff
			\context Staff = lower \lowerStaff
		\layout { }
		\midi { }
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template for a leadsheet (vocal, chords, lyrics, several verses)

2007-05-14 Thread Jens Meyer


Thank you very much for your help! Everything works fine now.

Now I started the finetuning. ;-)
Wow - really a great piece of software...

Kind regards,


Mats Bengtsson schrieb:

You just need a new "\New Lyrics" for each separate lyrics line.
For example, you can replace your \score section with the following
one to get the desired layout:

\score {
\set Score.skipBars = ##t

  \context ChordNames = mychords {
\override ChordName #'font-series =#'bold
\override ChordName #'font-size = #1 % \override 
ChordName #'word-space = #1.0% \set chordChanges = ##t

\set majorSevenSymbol = "maj7"
\set voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
\override VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #2

   \new Staff = "song" { \song }

   \new Lyrics <<  \lyricsto "intro" \lyrIntro
\lyricsto "chorus" \lyrChorus
\lyricsto "verseone"\lyrVerseOne
>>  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "verseone" \lyrVerseTwo
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "verseone" \lyrVerseThree

Note that I replaced your \new Voice with \new Staff, since you
already define your voices within the \song identifier.
You can also remove all your
 \set associatedVoice = #"verseone"
settings, which are not needed when you use \lyricsto.


Jens Meyer wrote:

Hello Mats, hello Jack!

Thank you very much for your helpful answers to my request.

Based on Jacks example-template I made the next steps forward. But I 
still have a problem to add several verses to my score.

Of course - the basic example from the DOCs is working for me.

But in this case I have a chorus with a single line of text first and 
three verses after that. Jack, you used fix positioned text for 
further verses but because I want to use this template for several 
layouts I would like to avoid this to save editing-time. ;-)

Find attached my template. Sorry for sending template in full - but I 
don't want to shorten the wrong lines.

My two concrete problems are:
- How to print out/show all three verses?
- Why are there many unwanted "-" in the Score (i.e. bar 18/19, 23, 
26, ...)?

Thank you and kind regards!


Mats Bengtsson schrieb:

Take a look at the section on Divisi lyrics in the manual, which 
shows a very similar situation. Exactly the same principle can be 
used for your case.


Quoting Jens Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello Lilypond-users!

I used music-printing with my Windows-sequencing-software since several
years until I "met" Lilypond yesterday.

Wow - I am deeply impressed about this software! I spent several hours
(and a part of the night...) to understand the basics and to print my
first layout.
Printing vocals with chords and lyrics was successful now. ;-)

But I can't find a solution for printing a leadsheet like this:

- chorus (including "\repeat", chords, one line lyrics)
- verse (including chords, 3 lines lyrics for 3 verses)

I had a look at the examples and snippets but I can't find an example
for that. I would suggest that this is no major problem for this great
software, isn't it? ;-)

Do you have any hints or template for me?

Thank you in advance,
kind and musical greetings,


lilypond-user mailing list

% Template based on Leadsheet-template from Jack Cooper - thank you!

\version "2.11.23"
\include ""

% SZ is one of 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23 and 26
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
\paper {
 between-system-space = 10\mm
 % paper variables hsize and vsize
 #(set-paper-size "a4")
 %linewidth = 8\cm
 indent = 0\mm
 % nothing: paperheight = 15.0 \cm
 % nothing: paperwidth = 12.0 \cm

\header {
  dedication =""
  title = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) 
\fontsize #5 \bold { Sei behütet }

  subtitle = ""
  subsubtitle = ""
  poet = ""
  composer = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  { 
(C) 2001 C. Bittlinger}

  meter = ""
  opus = ""
  arranger = ""
  % instrument = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  
{ Leadsheet }

  piece = ""
  breakbore = ""
  % copyright = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) 
\italic \bold { -- To play the chords shown in the fret diagrams, 
place capo on second fret -- }
  tagline= "Engraved using Lilypond -- - based on 
leadsheet-template by Jack Cooper"   }


intro = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0   %r1\bmin | r1\gmaj | 
r1\bmin | r1\gmaj \bar  "||"

\skip2 es'4 f' |

verseone = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
\mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Verse}} es'8 c' es' c' es'4 c' |
es'2 g'4 b'~ | b'2 r2 | r2 b'4 b' | b' as' as' g' |

RE: corrective to Problem while using withmacro OOoLilyPond/basic/script.xlb -see attachemnt-

2007-05-14 Thread Paul Harouff
When I received this error, there was a line of code highlighted. In that
line I edited the index (i-1) to (i) and the script started working.

Note that you also will have to edit Subs.xba to change the 4 occurrences of
"-b eps" to say "-dbackend=eps"

Finally, I found that changing templates\2.10\ to something like
the following allows using \score blocks in the snippets:

\version "2.11.15"

\include ""

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)
  #(set-paper-size "letter")
  paper-height = 11\in
  paper-width = 8.5\in
  top-margin = 0.5\in
  bottom-margin = 0.5\in
  left-margin = 0.5\in
  line-width = 7.5\in
%  between-system-padding = 0.5\in
%  between-system-space = 0.25\in
  ragged-last = ##f
  ragged-bottom = ##t
  ragged-right = ##f
% system-count = #1
% print-first-page-number = ##f
% print-page-number = ##t
  oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \hspace #0 { \bold \fromproperty
#'page:page-number-string } } }
  evenFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { { \bold \fromproperty
#'page:page-number-string } \hspace #0 } }
  oddHeaderMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \hspace #0 { "" } } }
  evenHeaderMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { { "" } \hspace #0 } }

global = {
  #(set-global-staff-size 14)
  \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0.5 . 0.5)
  % \override Lyrics.LyricText #'font-size = #0.0
  % \override Lyrics.LyricText #'word-space = #0.6
  % \override Lyrics.LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.0

% ly snippet contents follows:
c' d' e'
% end ly snippet


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 5:24 AM
Subject: corrective to Problem while using withmacro
OOoLilyPond/basic/script.xlb -see attachemnt-

Dear Antanas, thank you for your answer,

the problem is I cannot edit the dialog box  anymore as I receive the 
following error message after entering Ctrl+M: "valeur ou type de 
données incorrect(e).Index hors de la plage définie" translated in 
englich = error message of 2.0:  "incorrect value or data
type. Index outside defined range".

It happens that way even afetr uninstalling, LilyPond and 
OOoLilyPond, and having cleaned up the registry keys.

It looks as if the PC had irreversibly memorized the initial incorrcet 



I am using version 2.0.3 on winXP . My problem is :

on with macro Ctrl+M from OOoLilyPond (version 2.10)

The Ctrl+M macro does not start anymore, even after new installation of
all LilyPond, OOoLilypond and version 2.0.3 !
I even have cleaned the registry (I use regularly Regseeker without

This happened after having modifies the path of the LilyPond executable
file in the dialog window, because I had an error message "file
c:\program ... not found"

OOoLilypond, and LilyPond are all installed in c:\Program
The library script.xlb and the ctrl+M have been carefully installed
according to the instructio given with OOoLilyPond, excepted that the
macro is refused to be installed in the Macro OpenOffice Library (the
***Append*** button is not activable when selecting the radio button
OpenOffice"; I have installed it in My Macros file, wihch allows to
activate the button ***"append"***.
Customization of ctrl+M has been done according to instructions.

What happens now:
while opening a writer document with

typing Ctrl+M, Enter
gives an error message of  "incorrect value or data
type: index outside defined range"

together with a sreen showing the basic instructions with one marked
with ared arrow flag in the left column "ReDim Preserve sTemplate(i-1)
As String".

Could somebody help to find a solution to this?

Thanks for answer


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lilypond-user mailing list

figured base does not track notes in staff

2007-05-14 Thread Alan Jones

I took the following example from the documentation, but added
the tailing g's.  No matter how many notes are cramed into the
line, the figures remain in the same place.  Aren't the figures
supposed to track with the notes similar to lyrics?

\version "2.10.17"
\new Voice {
 \clef bass dis4 c d ais g fis g g g g g g g g g g g g g
\new FiguredBass \figuremode {
 <6>4 <7\+>8 <6+ [_!]>
 <6>4 <6 5 [3+]>
 <_>4 <6 5/>4
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: figured base does not track notes in staff

2007-05-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Please read the section "How LilyPond files work" in the manual.
There you will learn that your example below is equivalent to
 \new Voice{ ... }

 \new FiguredBass \figuremode { ... }

In other words, you have typeset two separate scores, one
with the notes and one with the figures.

You have to tell LilyPond that you want these two to be
typeset together as a single score with two simultaneous
lines, see the section on "Music expressions explained"
in the Tutorial. For example, you can use
   \new Voice{ ... }
   \new FiguredBass \figuremode { ... }


Alan Jones wrote:

I took the following example from the documentation, but added
the tailing g's.  No matter how many notes are cramed into the
line, the figures remain in the same place.  Aren't the figures
supposed to track with the notes similar to lyrics?

\version "2.10.17"
\new Voice {
  \clef bass dis4 c d ais g fis g g g g g g g g g g g g g
\new FiguredBass \figuremode {
  <6>4 <7\+>8 <6+ [_!]>
  <6>4 <6 5 [3+]>
  <_>4 <6 5/>4

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spacing with arpeggio

2007-05-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Helge Kruse wrote:


I edited a small piece for harp. Everything looks quite nice, except 
the final chord in the last measure.

Please always tell what LilyPond version you are using.
I also strongly recommend you to add a \version statement
in your LilyPond files, see the section on "Version number"
in the Tutorial.

How do I avoid the nearby collision between arpeggio and previous note 

This is something that has been fixed (or at least looks much
better) in the latest development version. However, I think
there are good reasons to stay with the latest stable (2.10.xx)
version anyway. There, you can fix the problem by using the
trick described below "Bugs" in the section on "Horizontal
spacing overview" in the manual.

How can I draw the arpeggio over lower and upper staff?

Read about the connectArpeggios property in the section on


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