Re: Polyphonic rests

2007-06-22 Thread Claus Rogge
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As I already pointed out, you may be able to get even better help from
> the mailing list, if you include some examples of
> LilyPond code where you have trouble.

OK I´ll cut it down ...

\version "2.11.14"

\paper{#(set-default-paper-size "a4") top-margin = 0\cm left-margin =
1\cm right-margin = 1.5\cm bottom-margin = 1\cm between-system-space =
\header{title="Sonata op.15" composer="Fernando Sor" opus=""}

one = \relative c' {4 4  r g r g g }

two= \relative c {s1 s \times 2/3 {r8 b' d} \times 2/3 {r8 b d} \times
2/3 {r8 b d} \times 2/3 {r8 b d} }

three= \relative c, {d'4 d d d d d d r g d g g }

{\clef "G_8" \key c \major
\time 4/4<<


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Re: Tuplet Bus error

2007-06-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Please always send bus error or segmentation fault problems directly
to the bug-lilypond mailing list (I have done it for this email, as you 
can see).

It seems that the problem is that the code that handles the tuplets
needs to have stems available. The solution is to use
  \override TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \remove Beam_engraver
  \remove Stem_engraver
  \remove Tuplet_engraver
instead. Also, I don't know where you have found the
\override TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f setting, there
is no such property (but you can do
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
on the other hand).


Quoting Joey Coyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Why is this tuplet in \partition bad?  I copied it from the docs...   
 Slowly but surely, I may figure this out


  title = "A scale in LilyPond"

\version "2.10.10"

   \override TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
   \remove Beam_engraver
   \remove Stem_engraver
   \override TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f

partition = {
\key e \major

\times 2/3 { f8 g a }

\new Staff {
\clef "G_8"
\partition }
\new TabStaff {

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Polyphonic rests

2007-06-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson

As I already pointed out, you may be able to get even better help from
the mailing list, if you include some examples of
LilyPond code where you have trouble.

For the voice where you want the rest to stay in the middle of the
stave, you can use
\revert Rest #'direction


Quoting Claus Rogge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you want the two upper voice to have stems up, then
you could use
<<{ \A } \\ { \B } \\  \\ { \D } >>

Thank you, also to Zoltan, this helped me understanding that. Depending
on the order of my voice, I have 32 or more "Warning(s): too many
colliding rests" and this is, as I now understand, because a voice (or
do you say "part") is either upper or lower to LP.

So there´s still the problem of the rests that I want to appear in the
middle of the staff, because they are in the middle voice. If it isn´t
possible to do taht any other way, I guess I´ll have to place every
single rest ... this is a bit awkward really.

I won´t bother you with any examples because it´s a five page
arrangement and the file must be enormous.

My new CD "Know Greed":

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hard-to-engrave bits involving polyphony

2007-06-22 Thread Neil Puttock

Hi Benjamin,

First off, I have a situation like this:

\relative c'' {
<< { f8 e ~   } \\
   { c4 s4 } >>

where I need the c4 tied to the c in the first —in other words, I
a chord where one note needs to be tied to a note in the same voice and
other note is tied to a note from a different voice!  What's more, I need
arpeggio to the left of the first notes (the c and the f).  How can I
accomplish this?

For the tie issue, if you create an invisible note in the second voice, you
can fake a tie between the two voices:

wipeNote = {
   \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
   \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

\relative c'' {
   << { f8 e ~   } \\
  { c4 ~ \wipeNote c } >>

Secondly, I have a similar situation involving polyphony:

\relative c'' {
<< { a8 d } \\
   { e,8 a } >>

where the first a8 needs to be tied to the second a.

I can't really help you with this, unless it's possible for the a's to be in
the same voice, i.e.

\relative c'' {
  << { a8 ~ \stemDown a } \\
 { e8 \stemUp d' } >>

Finally, I have a grace note situation like this:

\relative c' {
<< { c4 e g r } \\ { s2 s4 s8 \acciaccatura b8 s8 } >>
\acciaccatura b8 c1

where I need both grace notes tied to the c1

Using \aftergrace and \grace with an override for the acciaccatura stroke
will allow you to keep this in one voice, which solves the slur problem:

\relative c' {
   c4 e g \override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace"
   \afterGrace r b8( \grace b8 \revert Stem #'stroke-style c1)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hard-to-engrave bits involving polyphony

2007-06-22 Thread Gilles THIBAULT

\relative c'' {
   << { f8 e ~   } \\
  { c4 s4 } >>

[...] I need an
arpeggio to the left of the first notes (the c and the f).  How can I
accomplish this?

The problem with the arpeggio in 2 separate voices, has just been resolved 
in the french list yesterday !

And a LSR  has been added (search : "arpeggio").

You can try something like that

\version "2.10.20"

\new Staff
\with {
 \consists Span_arpeggio_engraver
\relative c'' {
  \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
 { f8\arpeggio e ~   }
  { c4\arpeggio s4 } >>


For the other problems I have no solutions.


lilypond-user mailing list

temporary extra voice

2007-06-22 Thread yota moteuchi

I have a violin part which, for some bars, split into two voices.

I first tried this :
- create a violin_voice_a
- add a violin_voice_b, containing rests everywhere except on those few bars
where there is two voices
- stack the two vioces using a hara_kiri context for the second one in order
to hide empty staves

The result is schematized as Fig 2 (see the picture)

Which is far different from what I can find in the litterature (fig 1)
where, on the splitted staves but unsplitted voices, the violin_voice_a is
printed on both the upper and the lower staves of the system.
How could I obtain this result automagically ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Polyphonic rests

2007-06-22 Thread Claus Rogge
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you want the two upper voice to have stems up, then
> you could use
> <<{ \A } \\ { \B } \\  \\ { \D } >>

Thank you, also to Zoltan, this helped me understanding that. Depending
on the order of my voice, I have 32 or more "Warning(s): too many
colliding rests" and this is, as I now understand, because a voice (or
do you say "part") is either upper or lower to LP.

So there´s still the problem of the rests that I want to appear in the
middle of the staff, because they are in the middle voice. If it isn´t
possible to do taht any other way, I guess I´ll have to place every
single rest ... this is a bit awkward really.

I won´t bother you with any examples because it´s a five page
arrangement and the file must be enormous.

My new CD "Know Greed":

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