Re: GDP: renaming Program {usage, reference}

2007-11-09 Thread ian_hulin

I hope this contribution isn't too late, but here goes.  I'm commenting here
before I have a look closely at the PDFs and possibly get bogged down in

Isn't the purpose of the Internals Reference to show Lilypond users how to
customize/interpreter the compiler to produce source code which will
represent and produce music notation in a way that is convenient and
comprehensible to them?   Don't they then have the option of doing this by
programming at either one of two levels, i.e. using the Lilypond language
(variables, accessing Lilypond 'objects', 'attributes ' or 'methods'), or if
needed, dropping into Lilypond's internal macro language, Scheme.

If I understand correctly your Internals Reference needs to cover both these
levels of usage, and maybe a good title may be Customization and Internals
Reference Manual (CIR)?

Or have I missed several points in taking my helicopter view of the GPD
green fields site :-)?

 Ian Hulin
(Now off to have a look at the PDFs).

Graham Percival-2 wrote:
 The strong editorial decision from a few months ago is this:
 Notation Reference: defines the lilypond input syntax.
 Application Usage: how to compile the syntax, how to convert to/from the 
 syntax (including old versions), including the syntax in other programs, 
 Internals Reference: defines the under the hood lilypond stuff.
 Learning Manual: prepares users for those other manuals.
 (this is explained at the top of policy.txt -- if it's not clear, please 
 suggest a rewrite)
 For people who like to print out PDFs, I expect them to print out the 
 LM, NR, and AU.  If they want to save paper, by all means pick and 
 choose -- for example, I wouldn't print out any of NR chapter 2, since 
 I've never used any of the notation in it.  But there is certainly no 
 the NR is the only manual you should print out thing.
 - Graham
 lilypond-user mailing list

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lilypond-book poet and composer cut off

2007-11-09 Thread René Brandenburger

after upgrading from an earlier version to 2.11.34, composer and poet
get cut off, see the p in the attached png. Is there a tweak or
workaround available or should it be considered a bug? Using 2.11.34 on
ubuntu gutsy.

thanks in advance


--- 8 --- lily-snippet: --- 8 ---



Here we write some great looking LaTeX Text

  title = Title
  composer = Composer
  poet = Poet
\relative c'' {
a4 b c d


--- 8 --- END lily-snippet: --- 8 ---
attachment: lilypond-book_cut_off.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Roman numeral chord notation in lilypond

2007-11-09 Thread Patrick Taylor Ramsey
Hello, all.

I'm a bit flummoxed; I've been searching for the last hour and a half for a way
to typeset roman numeral chord notation (ii, V65/V, N6) under a staff in
lilypond and found nothing, except for a lone message dating from 2003
stating that said notation wasn't yet supported.  Is this still the case?  And,
if so, why?  It does seem like there are far more arcane notations which *are*
supported... and this one is used by every beginning music theory course in the
us (and most likely elsewhere)

Just curious.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Newbie question about variable durations

2007-11-09 Thread Rune Zedeler

(going back on list)

Ben Fagin skrev:

I've revised my implementation to set up
variables using the make-pitch function instead of variables and it
works now. Thank you!

Now that I think about it, you do not have to use make-pitch. You can 
extract the pitch information from a note, like this:

%%% BEGIN %%%
\version 2.10.0

#(define (getpitch mus)
   (car (ly:music-property
 (car (ly:music-property mus 'elements))

myPitchnames = #`(
(myowndeepceses . ,(getpitch #{ ceses, #} ))
(myownf . ,(getpitch #{ f' #}))

pitchnames = #(append pitchnames myPitchnames)
#(ly:parser-set-note-names parser pitchnames)

  c' d' e' f' myowndeepceses2 g'4 a' myownf1
%%% END %%%


lilypond-user mailing list

page breaks related to header size

2007-11-09 Thread Paul Scott


In this example there is clearly room for another system on the first 
page.  Removing anything from the header will allow another system to 
move to the first page.  Whatever is removed from the header clearly 
doesn't take as much vertical space as one system.

I have worked for several hours reducing my real example to the 
following.  If a simpler example is needed I will see what I can do.


Paul Scott

\version 2.11.34
#(set-default-paper-size letter)
#(set-global-staff-size 20.8)

 paper-size = letter
 ragged-bottom = ##t
 ragged-lastbottom = ##t
 top-margin = .2\in
 bottom-margin = .4\in
 head-separation = 0\in
 foot-separation = 0\in
 between-system-space = .08\in
 between-system-padding = .08\in
 before-title-space = .01\in
 between-title-space = .01\in
 after-title-space = .01\in

timingi = {
 \time 4/4
 \bar |.

asiii = 
 \relative c'' {
   \repeat unfold 32 d4
   \repeat unfold 128 f'4
 { s1\f s1*7 s1\f s1*15 s1\p s1*7 s1\f }

asiiilii = \relative c {
 \repeat unfold 160 e4

\header {
 title   = \markup{ Page Break Test }
 subtitle= \markup{ Subtitle }
 subsubtitle = \markup{ Subsubtitle }
 composer = \markup{
 \line{ Line 1 } \line{ Line 2 } \line{ Line 3 } \line{ Line 4 }
 \line{ Line 5 }
 piece   = \markup{ Test }

 \layout {
   indent = 0 \in
   \context {
 \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
   \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
\score {
   \set Score.restNumberThreshold = #0
   \new StaffGroup 
 \new Staff  \timingi \asiii 
 \new Staff  \asiiilii 

lilypond-user mailing list

LSR - lilypond docs

2007-11-09 Thread Graham Percival

LSR finally has tags, so it's time to describe how LSR and the lilypond
docs are linked.

I seem to be incredibly bad at describing this, so bear with me.  I've
described it to the devel team at least three times, and they're a lot
more familiar with our source tree than anybody else.  But let's try it
anyway.  (if you're familiar with the previous LSR-lilypond stuff, this
is exactly the same, except snippets can have multiple tags instead of
one category/directory)

I'm reserving this subject for describing the actual link.  Discussion
about what this means for the exact tags in LSR and writing the docs (in
particular, the @commonprop sections) will go in a separate subject.

Open up a web browser, and go to LSR:

Type in rhythms in the search.  This gives you a relatively short list
of snippets tagged with rhythms.

Now open up a new browser window, and go to the GDP docs:

Go to the Notation Reference, and look at 1.2.1 Writing rhythms:
Tuplets.  Scroll down to the bottom.  Click on the
Snippets: rhythms/

See the similarity in the examples?
NB: the snippets currently display may or may not remain there -- we
still need to decide which kinds of snippets to include in this.  Also,
it's possible that some of these snippets are broken.  This is just a
quick tech demo, not the final product by any means.

LSR snippets that are tagged with rhythms and docs are magically
added to our docs every so often.  If a snippet is updated in LSR, it's
updated in our docs.  If it's removed from LSR, it's removed from our
docs.  This process only takes a few minutes, and it's easy for any
developer to do.

LSR snippets tagged with rhythms but not docs are not included in
this.  This means that LSR can have a whole bunch of rhythms snippets,
of which only a subset will be added to the main docs.

These snippets are available as a PDF as well; go to the main GDP page
and follow the Snippets link.

The LSR-lilypnod docs link has the potential to simplify the Doc
Editor's job -- snippets may be added or updated without the need to
edit texinfo files in git.  Any new (or updated) snippet must be
approved by the LSR editor, so there is still some quality control for this.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

GDP: the snippets vs. texinfo

2007-11-09 Thread Graham Percival

OK, it's finally time for the big fight!

In managing the docs, I need to weigh multiple contradictory demands.

PDF vs. HTML: pdf readers generally prefer to have consecutive 
documentation, with few links.  HTML readers generally prefer to have 
links everywhere.

Stable docs vs. wiki: some people want an unchanging, complete, finished 
set of docs, particularly if they print them out.  Other people like the 
constant flux of web 2.0 stuff.

Me vs. everybody: I want a set of easily maintained docs.  I also want 
to set realistic goals.  I feel no compunction about rejecting any 
suggestion -- no matter how good from a documentation standpoint -- 
which we do not have the resources (ie volunteer time/effort) to create 
and/or maintain.

Out of all of these concerns, I naturally feel that my own position is 
the most important.  If anybody wants me to relax my we don't have the 
resources to do this position, please volunteer in GDP.  If I have more 
resources, of course I'll accept more good doc ideas,

Consider NR 1.2.1 Tuplets, for example.  (if you haven't already, please 
see the LSR-lilypond docs email)

Currently, the Commonly tweaked properties contains five examples. 
These demonstrate a number of neat tricks you can do with tuplets... but 
what happens if something needs to be updated?  (ie a property name 
changes, somebody thinks of a better explanation, there's a nicer way to 
achieve a particular tweak, etc)

1)  The helpful user could download the lilypond source, edit 
rhythms.tely, compile the docs to check that it works, make a patch, 
send it to -devel.  That's a lot to expect from people.

2)  The helpful user could send an email explaining what to do, 
according to the documentation suggestions page.  I honestly don't 
think that's too much to ask from helpful users, but in the past two 
years I've received less than ten such emails.  Clearly people are shy 
about sending emails.

Now, suppose (for the sake of argument) that all of these tweaks were in 
the Snippets: rhythms/ link at the bottom of that page.  This means 
that these tweaks are in LSR, and that gives helpful users a third 
option to fix examples:

3)  The helpful users edits the snippet in LSR.  The LSR editor is 
notified about the modified snippet, approves it, and the main lilypond 
docs are magically updated in a few days.

I confess that I'm not totally convinced that hordes of users are going 
to follow #3... but whenever I complain about the lack of users helping 
with the docs (pointing out #2, all you need to do is send an email to 
me -- if you can complain about the docs on this mailist, then you can 
help fix the docs!)  I always get people claiming that if there was a 
wiki, they would be committing updates.

Some PDF users may not be so fond of the snippets because they move 
material out of the main docs.  I'd like to point out that the Snippets 
are available as PDF, so that might mitigate this concern.

Now that we have the technology in place and a description of how it 
might work, we need to decide how this affects the docs.  In particular, 
 what do we keep in @commonprop, and what do we move into LSR (and the 
Snippets) ?

My proposal, taking into consideration all the contradictory demands 
laid out at the top of this email, is to have one or two tweaks in the 
@commonprop.  The main goal of @commonprop is to pique the interest of a 
reader, to encourage him to follow the Snippets: foo, bar links.

For example, in Tuplets I would suggest keeping the first and 
second-last examples in the @commonprop section, and moving everything 
else into Snippets.  Not because I don't think the tweaks are useful, 
but just to direct readers to the Snippets, and from there the LSR. 
Hopefully the easily-updateable LSR will generate a culture of 

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: page breaks related to header size

2007-11-09 Thread Paul Scott
Michael David Crawford wrote:
 Paul Scott wrote:
  In this example there is clearly room for another system on the first
  page.  Removing anything from the header will allow another system to
  move to the first page.  Whatever is removed from the header clearly
  doesn't take as much vertical space as one system.

 I have also found that increasing the height of the text at the bottom
 of the first page will increase the page count.  My piece Recursion
 was seven pages, but when I reformatted its Creative Commons license
 to be a couple lines longer, the score went to eight pages.  I fiddled
 with it for quite a while, but was completely unable to get it back to
 seven pages and still be sensibly laid out.
Thanks for replying.

It seems to me there might be a bug in how the vertical size of the next
system is calculated or subtracted from the available vertical space on
the current page.

I have posted this in case there is some setting I am missing.


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