Re: a suggestion

2008-01-01 Thread Werner LEMBERG

>   I have got a great progress during these few days since I began to
>   learn Lilypond.  But I find a problem at the appendix of the
>   Notation Reference Manual.  The diagram of articulations and
>   ornaments is a picture, both the Lilypond syntax and the music
>   signs are inaccessible to me.

Are you aware that you can click on the image, and the link gives you
the source code of the snippet?  All ornaments have self-explaining
names (I already mentioned this in a previous email), so please be
more precise and tell us which of the symbol names are not descriptive
enough for you.


lilypond-user mailing list

again: extra accidental-style

2008-01-01 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Valentin,
I've read Your messagea concerning the new accidental style and I
must say, this is exactly what I'm searching for. Could this problem
be solved? Or have You found another solution for Yourself?
Thanks for Your support,
Stefan Thomas
Siebengebirgsallee 9
50939 Köln

lilypond-user mailing list


2008-01-01 Thread Graham Percival
With the end of 2007, I am announcing my intention to leave

I began using LilyPond in the summer of 2001.  For the next three
years, I wrote a lot of music, and gave a tiny amount of help for
the project.  Then I finished my first degree and moved to a
different university.  I also became the Documentation Editor,
since nobody else was willing to do it.

For the next three and a half years and almost three thousand
hours, I gave a huge amount of help to the project, but only wrote
a tiny amount of music.  Two pieces, to be exact: both chamber
music, and both under five pages in full score.  Music composition
is no longer a part of my life; I'm now a grad student in
computers science.  I'm still connected to music: I'm working on
Computer-Assisted Musical Instrument Tutoring programs,
particularly focusing on violin.  (if anybody's curious about this
area, I could send them some of my conference publications.)

I remain committed to open-source projects -- more than ever,
since I am now a capable programmer.  But I think I've done enough
for LilyPond: as some users have noted, we have one of the
best-organized docs of any project.  Now I would like to
contribute to other projects, and begin sharing my *own*
open-source projects.

I am not abruptly leaving, though.  That would be unfair to
whoever replaced me: I have a lot of experience with the lilypond
docs and project management.  I will therefore remain in the
project for the next few months.  This is _solely_ so that I can
mentor my replacement(s), please see the email "Leaving:
replacements".  Don't treat my staying for another X months an
excuse to remain inactive until then; please begin helping *now*,
so that I can teach you how to do these tasks efficiently.

- Graham Percival, LilyPond Documentation Editor and Bug Meister.

lilypond-user mailing list

Leaving: replacements

2008-01-01 Thread Graham Percival
An previously announced, am I gradually leaving LilyPond.  This
leaves a large number of tasks unfilled.

Please seriously consider helping lilypond.  If one person
attempts to do everything in this list, they will quickly get
burned out.  Some of these tasks might seem trivial, but spreading
the load would help a *lot*.  In addition, freeing up these
trivial tasks lets the more technically advanced volunteers work
on... well, more technically advanced problems.  :)

Some jobs naturally go with other jobs in this list, but they can
all be done independently.  My greatest wish is we get enough
volunteers such that these jobs _will_ be done independently: that
will severely limit the amount of burn-out.

Times are given in hours per week, and the estimates are generally
slightly exaggerated -- in other words, if it says "2 hours per
week", it should normally take you less than that.

EASY  (no technical/unix skills, low lilypond knowledge required)

- lilypond-user secretary (0.5 hours**): we need to somebody to
  read the user mailist and direct inquiries to the appropriate
  place.  In other words, whenever somebody says "this should be
  in the docs", you send them a link to
  Whenever somebody says "is this a bug", you send them
  Whenever there's a nice example, tell them to submit it to LSR.

  The ** indicates that it's 30 minutes if you normally read
  lilypond-user.  I don't (well, I don't want to), so this
  suddenly balloons to over 5 hours a week.  This is easily the
  second-worst job I had, but _definitely_ the easiest for
  somebody else to do.

%  currently done by Valentin
- LSR adder (0.5 hours): when there's a nice example on
  lilypond-user, add it to LSR.

% three volunteers so far: 
%Garrett Fitzgerald
%Stan Sanderson
%Alexander Deubelbeiss
% it's great that we have so many interest in this, but it
% might be good if one or two of you took other jobs
- Regression test checker (0.5 hours): I never actually did this
  job, but I should have been.  Whenever a new version of lilypond
  is released, look at the regression tests to see if anything
  broke.  There's even an automatic system that highlights
  differences between versions.

MEDIUM  (no technical/unix skills, moderate lilypond knowledge)

- lilypond-bug secretary (3 hours): if a bug report is minimal,
  add it to the google tracker.  If it isn't minimal, either
  create a minimal example, or ask the submitter to do a better
  job.  If you reject any non-minimal submissions, it's 1 hour per
  week.  If you're a nice guy and create minimal examples
  yourself, it's 5 hours.  I try to be somewhere in the middle.

- Bug Meister (0.5 hours): when a bug is marked fixed and that
  release is available, test the fixed bugs and mark them
  verified.  Occasionally goes throught the list of bugs, checking
  if they still exist, if any comments were lost, etc.
  Ideally the same person as the lilypond-bug secretary, but it
  could be somebody else instead.

% Valentin
- LSR editor (1 hour): review new submissions (or corrections for
  existing submissions) for LSR and approve them.  (the time is
  for the ongoing maintenance of LSR, not the initial setup.  :)

HARD  (knowledge of git, how to build the docs)

% John
- LSR->GIT (0.25 hours): download the LSR tarball, run the
  buildscripts/ script, then carefully review the
  changes to make sure that there's no nasty unsafe scheme.  (once
  per month is fine)

- Documentation Writer (1 hour): write new documentation for new
  features (or old features that were never documented).
  (time for ongoing maintenance, not for GDP)

- Documentation Editor (1 hour): when there's a submission to
  lilypond-devel (*not* lilypond-user) for new docs, add them.  If
  there's a bug discussion that requires noting the bug in the
  docs, do it.  Review the new docs written by others (for
  spelling, grammar, general English, how they fit into the docs
  as a whole, etc).  Occasionally rewrite old docs if they can be
  significantly improved.
  (time for ongoing maintenance, not for GDP)

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Leaving: "I can't help"

2008-01-01 Thread Graham Percival
Some users may have read the emails "Leaving: replacements" and
and thought "gee, I wish I could help, but ``I don't know
enough''".  I would like to debunk this myth.

I don't know enough, either!

Neither did I when I began.  I was a music composition student,
with no experience with unix development tools.  No previous
experience writing documentation.  I'd never used LilyPond to do
anything other than string music -- no piano, no vocal music --
and only simply chamber music parts -- no cues, no polymetric
stuff, no \overrides.

These days, you don't need to know any unix development tools to
help with the lilypond docs.  And you don't need to know
everything about LilyPond to be helpful.  In fact, some tasks
require *NO* lilypond knowledge _at all_.  (ie lilypond-user

And you know what?  After three years of being the doc editor, I
_still_ don't know how to do piano music, vocal music, or cues.
I've learned how to do \overrides, though.

I would like to emphasize this.  IF I HAD TO WRITE VOCAL MUSIC, I
WOULD NEED TO READ THE **TUTORIAL**!  I don't even know how to use
\lyricAdd, which is the easiest way to do vocal music!  And I
don't think that anybody would claim that I haven't been useful to
the project.

So trust me: if you're willing to help, we can find something
that's within your abilities.

I'm spend all my time writing music, so I don't have time!

This is my favorite excuse for not getting involved... and by
"favorite", I mean "makes me grind my teeth".  If you're a
professional composer and use lilypond every day, then IMO you
should be the _most_ involved, not the least.  I mean, if the
heaviest users don't contribute to the project, then who else

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Changing header font name

2008-01-01 Thread sdfgsdhdshd

Is it possible to change the font name (or default font name) one time for
the entire header (title, subtitle, composer, poet, ...) instead of changing
it field by field?

Is it possible also to change the font name (or default font name) one time
for all markups, whereever they are: inside a score, outside a score, ... ?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Leaving

2008-01-01 Thread Trevor Daniels


I'm sure everyone on this list will wish to express their
appreciation for everything you have done for the LilyPond
project and the many users of LilyPond.  To say we shall
miss you is the biggest understatement of the year!  If
every user was willing to contribute just 1% of the effort
you have put in, the project would be transformed.

May I just add that in writing part of the documentation
is great for learning how LilyPond operates!  I have learnt
more from doing this than from any amount of transcribing
music.  I am certainly willing to continue to contribute
to the docs in this way, although at a less intense level
than before.

I know you're not disconnecting right away, but good luck
with your new projects.

Trevor D

> -Original Message-
> [
> Graham Percival
> Sent: 01 January 2008 10:52
> To: lily-devel
> Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist
> Subject: Leaving
> With the end of 2007, I am announcing my
> intention to leave
> LilyPond.
> I began using LilyPond in the summer of 2001.
> For the next three
> years, I wrote a lot of music, and gave a tiny
> amount of help for
> the project.  Then I finished my first degree and
> moved to a
> different university.  I also became the
> Documentation Editor,
> since nobody else was willing to do it.
> For the next three and a half years and almost
> three thousand
> hours, I gave a huge amount of help to the
> project, but only wrote
> a tiny amount of music.  Two pieces, to be exact:
> both chamber
> music, and both under five pages in full score.
> Music composition
> is no longer a part of my life; I'm now a grad student in
> computers science.  I'm still connected to music:
> I'm working on
> Computer-Assisted Musical Instrument Tutoring programs,
> particularly focusing on violin.  (if anybody's
> curious about this
> area, I could send them some of my conference
> publications.)
> I remain committed to open-source projects --
> more than ever,
> since I am now a capable programmer.  But I think
> I've done enough
> for LilyPond: as some users have noted, we have one of the
> best-organized docs of any project.  Now I would like to
> contribute to other projects, and begin sharing my *own*
> open-source projects.
> I am not abruptly leaving, though.  That would be
> unfair to
> whoever replaced me: I have a lot of experience
> with the lilypond
> docs and project management.  I will therefore
> remain in the
> project for the next few months.  This is
> _solely_ so that I can
> mentor my replacement(s), please see the email "Leaving:
> replacements".  Don't treat my staying for
> another X months an
> excuse to remain inactive until then; please
> begin helping *now*,
> so that I can teach you how to do these tasks efficiently.
> Cheers,
> - Graham Percival, LilyPond Documentation Editor
> and Bug Meister.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: getting line feeds and page feeds in \markup between scores

2008-01-01 Thread Nicolas Sceaux

Le 1 janv. 08 à 00:44, Jay Ricketts a écrit :


I'm using \Book to put a hymnal together, and have hit a total snag
trying to get some sort of intelligent pagination and line spacing to

I'm using \include to pull in stand-alone scores I've written, and
using \markup lines between the scores to show title, composer, and
copyright info.

It all works, sort of, but I can't figure out a way to force page
feeds.  LP doesn't like \pageBreak outside of a score context

You didn't mention what version of LilyPond you're using.
In 2.11.xx series \pageBreak does work at toplevel (or
inside a \book block).

\markup { blah blah }
\include ""
\markup { hohoho }
\include ""


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: caesura usage

2008-01-01 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op dinsdag 1 januari 2008, schreef Paul Scott:

\version "2.11.36"

caesuraOn = \override BreathingSign #'text = 
  #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.caesura.straight") 

caesuraOff = \override BreathingSign #'text = 
  #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.rcomma") 

  \caesuraOn \breathe 
  \caesuraOff \breathe 
  \caesuraOn \breathe % \caesuraOff

I think you should only use \caesuraOff after the next note, not directly 
after the \breathe.

caesuraOff could be changed to:

caesuraOff = \revert BreathingSign #'text

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-- Mahatma Gandi

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leaving

2008-01-01 Thread Deacon Geoffrey Horton
My thanks also. One of the great flaws of most Open Source projects is
a manual that's helpful only to the people who originally wrote the
program. You deserve a lot of thanks for all your work in making sure
that's not the case for LilyPond.

lilypond-user mailing list

combining little complete pieces in one "book"?

2008-01-01 Thread Ole Schmidt

Dear list,

Is it possible to create one file/pdf out of many little files who  
look like below with the

 \include command? (Having all the titles included...)
using the\book { } command...?
I can produce only lots of error warnings...

thanks for a hint


\header {
title = "bla"

staffClarinet = \new Staff  {
staffTrumpet = \new Staff  {
\score {
\layout  {
\context { \Score
\remove "Bar_number_engraver" }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Questions from new lilypond user ( guitar string indication)

2008-01-01 Thread Jay Hamilton
Change the \ to a hypen -
Someone else has probably already told you this.


Jay Hamilton

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 21:20:32 -0800 (PST)
From: guitarmiami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Questions from new lilypond user
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I'm trying to learn Lilypond by transcribing Dowland's Lacrimae Pavan from
lute tablature to guitar.

I have a few questions:

* when I generate the PDF, each note links to the file on my desktop.  Is
there a way to de-link the PDF file?

* In the piece below (intro to Dowland's Lachrimae Pavan) the string
indication isn't showing (\3).  I want to indicate that the f# is on the 3rd
string (open).

* I'm writing it with three voices.  Should I write out the entire piece on
those three lines? Or are you supposed to start new lines? e.g., every four

* Any other suggestions based on my snippet below?

\version "2.10.25" 

  \key e \minor
  \voiceOne { <> d''16 c''16 b'4 g''4 } \\
  \voiceTwo { g'4. fis'8\3 g'8 a'8 b'4 } \\
  \voiceFour { e4 e'4 e2 }

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at


lilypond-user mailing list

End of lilypond-user Digest, Vol 62, Issue 1

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: again: extra accidental-style

2008-01-01 Thread Rune Zedeler
Citat Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I've read Your messagea concerning the new accidental style and I
> must say, this is exactly what I'm searching for. Could this problem
> be solved? Or have You found another solution for Yourself?

We are working on a solution.
It will hopefully (and probably) appear in 2.12.

If you know how to build lilypond yourself, you can check out dev/rune from git,
- a temporary (but fully working) version.
Added accidental-styles 'neo-modern and 'neo-modern-cautionary.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leaving

2008-01-01 Thread Rune Zedeler
I also want to acknowledge the huge amount of work, you have put into this
Lilypond development will not be the same without you.
Best whishes for your future projects, and I hope we will see you again in the
future - if you should find your self in a situtation where you start using
lilypond again.

Regards, Rune

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Questions from new lilypond user

2008-01-01 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op dinsdag 1 januari 2008, schreef guitarmiami:
> I'm trying to learn Lilypond by transcribing Dowland's Lacrimae Pavan from
> lute tablature to guitar.
> I have a few questions:
> * when I generate the PDF, each note links to the file on my desktop.  Is
> there a way to de-link the PDF file?

Either call lilypond like:
lilypond -dno-point-and-click
or put:
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
in your lilypond file.

On my Linux system, I have in my ~/.bashrc:
alias lilypond='lilypond -dno-point-and-click'

> * In the piece below (intro to Dowland's Lachrimae Pavan) the string
> indication isn't showing (\3).  I want to indicate that the f# is on the
> 3rd string (open).

It seems the note must be inside a chord to get stringnumbers to work, so I 
changed fis'8\3 to 8 which works (but the number is close to the 

> * I'm writing it with three voices.  Should I write out the entire piece on
> those three lines? Or are you supposed to start new lines? e.g., every four
> measures...

You can just press enter to put a long piece of music on multiple lines, like:

d''16 c''16 
b'4 g''4

is the same as:
{ <> d''16 c''16 b'4 g''4 }

Whitespace is insignificant in most cases.

> * Any other suggestions based on my snippet below?


> \version "2.10.25"
> {
>   \key e \minor
>   <<
>   \voiceOne { <> d''16 c''16 b'4 g''4 } \\
>   \voiceTwo { g'4. fis'8\3 g'8 a'8 b'4 } \\
>   \voiceFour { e4 e'4 e2 }
> }

- When the duration of the next note is the same as the current, you don't 
have to repeat the duration, so d''16 c''16 is the same as d''16 c''  .

- It is better to put \voiceNNN inside the music expressions, like:
  << { \voiceOne c d e f g } \\
{ \voiceTwo a b c d }  >> etc.
\voiceNNN just sets some parameters regarding the direction of stems etc, and 
\voiceThree and \voiceFour also add a slight horizontal displacement. In 
\oneVoice : al directions (stems, slurs etc.) neutral, decided by lilypond
\voiceOne : all stems up (and also slurs, etc.)
\voiceTwo: all stems down (and also slurs, fermatas etc)
\voiceThree: like One, but a little moved to the right
\voiceFour: like Two, but a little moved to the left

But the { } \\ { } construct actually adds the settings for voiceOne etc:
<< { a } \\ { b } \\ { c } >>
is already equal to
\new Voice { \voiceOne a }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo b }
\new Voice { \voiceThree c }

- Inside a voice you can use  instead of <> when you just want a 
chord (more than one note attached to the same stem).

- You could use relative mode to make note entry even more simple.

Which these suggestions in mind I changed your file to:

\version "2.10.25" 

  \key e \minor
  \relative c'' { 4. d16 c b4 g'4 } \\
  \relative c'' { g4. 8 g a b4 } \\
  \relative c { \voiceFour e4 e' e,2 }

More improvements:
- it is not clear that the circled 3 belongs to the fis in voice 2,
add \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(left) right before that note
- the third voice does not need the displacement everywhere. (simply make it 
voiceTwo as well, and ignoring note collisions could be done, and temporarily 
change to voiceFour to get the displacement which gives:

\version "2.10.25" 
oops = \once \override Staff.NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
fleft = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(left)
  \key e \minor
  \relative c'' { 4. d16 c b4 g'4 } \\
  \relative c'' { g4. \fleft 8 g a b4 } \\
  \relative c { \voiceTwo \oops e4 e' \oops e,2 }

Hope this helps!
Happy new year,
Wilbert Berendsen

more nice lilypond guitar tips.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-- Mahatma Gandi

lilypond-user mailing list

tupletspanner duration

2008-01-01 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Lilypond-users,
in the below qoted file I have a problem with the tuplet spanner,
wich is to short in the 5th measure.
I think it has to Do with the
" \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) ". Is there a
possibility to revert this?
Thanks for Your support.
Here the short example:
t = #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
 #{ \times 2/3 $music #} )

\relative c' {  #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
\time 3/4 8  168~
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\times 2/3 { 8~ |
\time 4/4   ~ ~   ~
~ 4 8~ |
 8   ~   ~} 8 ~ 16 8 16 |
 4. des~ \t{ des8  } |
 8 4 des8~  \times 2/3 { des4  ~} |
 8 2.. |
 des16 r16 r8 r4

\version "2.11.34"

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tupletspanner duration

2008-01-01 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op dinsdag 1 januari 2008, schreef Stefan Thomas:
> in the below qoted file I have a problem with the tuplet spanner,
> wich is to short in the 5th measure.
> I think it has to Do with the
> " \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) ". Is there a
> possibility to revert this?

\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
or maybe better
\unset tupletSpannerDuration

just before the last \times .

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-- Mahatma Gandi

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: again: extra accidental-style

2008-01-01 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Rune,
could You be so kind to tell me, what this "dev/rune from git" means?
At the moment, I don't understand the meaning of it.
Rune Zedeler schrieb am 01.01.2008:
>Citat Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I've read Your messagea concerning the new accidental style and I
>> must say, this is exactly what I'm searching for. Could this
>> be solved? Or have You found another solution for Yourself?
>We are working on a solution.
>It will hopefully (and probably) appear in 2.12.
>If you know how to build lilypond yourself, you can check out
>dev/rune from git,
>- a temporary (but fully working) version.
>Added accidental-styles 'neo-modern and 'neo-modern-cautionary.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tupletspanner duration

2008-01-01 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Wilbert,
thanks very much!
It worked fine.
Op dinsdag 1 januari 2008, schreef Stefan Thomas:
> in the below qoted file I have a problem with the tuplet spanner,
> wich is to short in the 5th measure.
> I think it has to Do with the
> " \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) ". Is there a
> possibility to revert this?

\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
or maybe better
\unset tupletSpannerDuration

just before the last \times .

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-- Mahatma Gandi
Wilbert Berendsen schrieb am 01.01.2008:

\unset tupletSpannerDuration

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: again: extra accidental-style

2008-01-01 Thread Rune Zedeler
Citat Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> could You be so kind to tell me, what this "dev/rune from git" means?
> At the moment, I don't understand the meaning of it.

In this case unfortunately I don't think you will be able to use this approach.
You will need to be able to build lilypond yourself, which is a quite major

As said, 2.12 will probably include the new code, so I suggest you wait :+)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Questions from new lilypond user

2008-01-01 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Dec 31, 2007, at 11:20 PM, guitarmiami wrote:

I'm trying to learn Lilypond by transcribing Dowland's Lacrimae  
Pavan from

lute tablature to guitar.

I have a few questions:

One more minor, but perhaps helpful point. I have found that looking  
at Lilypond-encoded
guitar pieces in places such as has often provided  
answers to questions
such as yours. Pieces using a Lilypond version equal to or greater  
than the one you are using

are more helpful. I stumble much, but enjoy the trip!

Happy New Year-


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: again: extra accidental-style

2008-01-01 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Rune,
thanks for Your support.
So I'm looking forward to 2.12.
But let me ask one last question about these accidental-things.
I don't understand, why in the below quoted example the natural signs
for "e" and "a" are missing. Has it to do with the make-moment thing?
And if yes, what can be done to avoid this?
Thanks for Your support.
Here the above mentioned example:

\version "2.11.34"
\relative c' {#(set-accidental-style 'forget)
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) 
\times 2/3 {
8  ~
   ~ ~ 4 8 } 

Rune Zedeler schrieb am 01.01.2008:
>Citat Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> could You be so kind to tell me, what this "dev/rune from git"
>> At the moment, I don't understand the meaning of it.
>In this case unfortunately I don't think you will be able to use
>this approach.
>You will need to be able to build lilypond yourself, which is a
>quite major
>As said, 2.12 will probably include the new code, so I suggest you
>wait :+)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: caesura usage

2008-01-01 Thread Paul Scott

Wilbert Berendsen wrote:

Op dinsdag 1 januari 2008, schreef Paul Scott:

\version "2.11.36"

caesuraOn = \override BreathingSign #'text = 
  #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.caesura.straight") 

caesuraOff = \override BreathingSign #'text = 
  #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.rcomma") 

  \caesuraOn \breathe 
  \caesuraOff \breathe 
  \caesuraOn \breathe % \caesuraOff

I think you should only use \caesuraOff after the next note, not directly 
after the \breathe.

That is what I discovered and was saying.  Is that a bug?

caesuraOff could be changed to:

caesuraOff = \revert BreathingSign #'text

Thank you and I will do that but it doesn't change the point made above.

Thanks again,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leaving

2008-01-01 Thread Paul Scott

Graham Percival wrote:

With the end of 2007, I am announcing my intention to leave
I must also add my megathanks to you for the huge amount you have 
contributed to this great project!!!  I wish you the very best in 
whatever you do next.  I hope you will keep us informed of your next 

Paul Scott

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leaving: replacements

2008-01-01 Thread Paul Scott

Graham Percival wrote:

An previously announced, am I gradually leaving LilyPond.  This
leaves a large number of tasks unfilled.ate lilypond knowledge)
I would consider the job of Documentation Editor.  Does it require 
building on multiple platforms?  I have a GNU/Linux x86 box capable of 
doing the builds and a Mac G3 and possible access to an XP box.

Paul Scott

- Documentation Editor (1 hour): when there's a submission to
  lilypond-devel (*not* lilypond-user) for new docs, add them.  If
  there's a bug discussion that requires noting the bug in the
  docs, do it.  Review the new docs written by others (for
  spelling, grammar, general English, how they fit into the docs
  as a whole, etc).  Occasionally rewrite old docs if they can be
  significantly improved.
  (time for ongoing maintenance, not for GDP)

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leaving: replacements

2008-01-01 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
2008/1/1, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Graham Percival wrote:
> > An previously announced, am I gradually leaving LilyPond.  This
> > leaves a large number of tasks unfilled.ate lilypond knowledge)
> >
> I would consider the job of Documentation Editor.  Does it require
> building on multiple platforms?  I have a GNU/Linux x86 box capable of
> doing the builds and a Mac G3 and possible access to an XP box.

That would you also make you a candidate for testing all the different
binary builds. :-)

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

A spacing issue - moving a single note

2008-01-01 Thread Alasdair McAndrew
I have a situation like

f8.[ \clef alto c'16]

where the alto clef and the extra beam on the 16th note overlap.  I want to
keep the beam, as I want my typeset score to reflect as much as possible the
original 17th century manuscript from which I'm working.  So what I want to
do is to move the c'16 to the right a little bit.  Alternatively, add some
"hard space" (such as can be done in TeX/LaTeX).  What is the best way of
doing this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leaving: replacements

2008-01-01 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, 01 Jan 2008 12:48:35 -0700
Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Graham Percival wrote:
> > An previously announced, am I gradually leaving LilyPond.  This
> > leaves a large number of tasks unfilled.ate lilypond knowledge)
> >   
> I would consider the job of Documentation Editor.  Does it require 
> building on multiple platforms?  I have a GNU/Linux x86 box capable
> of doing the builds and a Mac G3 and possible access to an XP box.

No, you don't need to build on multiple platforms... although as
Han-Wen mentioned, there are vacant jobs that require such a

To clarify one possible misunderstanding, the Documentation Editor
is a editor-in-chief position, overseeing all the documentation
work.  There are some people editing the documentation as part of
GDP, but that's different from this position.  The DE needs to be
able to handle git, patches, diffs, building the docs, and fixing
broken doc-builds.

For the moment, I suggest getting involved in GDP.

If you want to jump into the technical side of things, see
"advanced-tech.txt" (or perhaps you have already done this).  To
get an introduction to the non-technical side of the job, I
recommend editing one of the unclaimed sections of NR1.  (see
"current.txt")  "Text" has not been touched yet, while "Pitches"
is almost perfect.  Are you familiar with texinfo?

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A spacing issue - moving a single note

2008-01-01 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op dinsdag 1 januari 2008, schreef Alasdair McAndrew:
> I have a situation like
> f8.[ \clef alto c'16]
> where the alto clef and the extra beam on the 16th note overlap.  I want to
> keep the beam, as I want my typeset score to reflect as much as possible
> the original 17th century manuscript from which I'm working.  So what I
> want to do is to move the c'16 to the right a little bit.  Alternatively,
> add some "hard space" (such as can be done in TeX/LaTeX).  What is the best
> way of doing this?

On my 2.11.36 the extra beam does not collide with the clef, but you could 
look at \shiftOn, \shiftOnn etc. to move a note column:

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-- Mahatma Gandi

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leaving: replacements

2008-01-01 Thread Paul Scott

Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

2008/1/1, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Graham Percival wrote:

An previously announced, am I gradually leaving LilyPond.  This
leaves a large number of tasks unfilled.ate lilypond knowledge)


I would consider the job of Documentation Editor.  Does it require
building on multiple platforms?  I have a GNU/Linux x86 box capable of
doing the builds and a Mac G3 and possible access to an XP box.

That would you also make you a candidate for testing all the different
binary builds. :-)
Testing or building and testing.  The other machines are not fast enough 
to do reasonable builds.


lilypond-user mailing list

text encoding compatibility

2008-01-01 Thread hhpmusic
Hi, I'm writing my piano transcription of a Chinese folksong. But when I typed 
the Chinese title and related header info, Lilypond reported error message of 
incompatible font. I think Lilypond is an English based program, so, can you 
make it free to accept other types of text such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian 
and Arabic languages?
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: text encoding compatibility

2008-01-01 Thread Paul Scott

On Jan 1, 2008, at 10:11 PM, hhpmusic wrote:

Hi, I'm writing my piano transcription of a Chinese folksong. But  
when I typed the Chinese title and related header info, Lilypond  
reported error message of incompatible font. I think Lilypond is an  
English based program, so, can you make it free to accept other  
types of text such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Arabic languages?

LilyPond fully supports UTF-8.  Just make sure your editor supports  
it and it is enabled.

Paul Scott

lilypond-user mailing list