Web-layout: Examples in the documentation

2008-11-23 Thread Till Rettig


just saw that the examples page doesn't have yet the new layout. It 
would be nice if there would also a contents where it would be much 
easier to see what examples are available. I hope this is no big work.  
Also it appeared to me that it would be nice to have some examples of 
ancient music. At least the headword from the ancient section could be 
here, when the spacing issue is solved.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2008-11-23 Thread Werner LEMBERG

 o) Each page is layed out separately, so that the staff for one
instrument continues at a completely different position on
the next page.  This makes reading full scores (and trying to
follow one instrument) while conducting almost impossible

I disagree.  This is the *normal* situation for traditional full
scores.  Just take, for example, an opera from Richard Strauss.
Facing pages virtually *never* have the same vertical positions of
staff lines, even if the used instruments are the same.

However, such an option would be useful in some situations.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Centered Textspan for Piano music

2008-11-23 Thread stefankaegi
Thank you very much, Mark, for your generous help. This was exactly what
I was looking for. :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2008-11-23 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Reinhold Kainhofer

 - -) partcombine in general: It's very aggressive and as such noch suitable 
 full scores: it combines even single notes so that at worst each note in a
 measure will get a2, Solo, a2, Solo, for example if you do
{ \partcombine \relative c'{ d4 r d r } \relative c'{d4 g d g } }
 partcombine will also never create a note with two stems, but rather always
 combine it to one note. Also, in printed scores, part-combination is mostly
 done on a measure-base rather than per note.

the partcombiner is severely limited and should probably be written
from scratch again.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

lilypond-user mailing list

automatic Beam positions

2008-11-23 Thread Tao Cumplido
Dear lilyponders,

the Beam positions can be tweaked by
\override Beam #'positions = #'(a . b)

Is it possible to tell LilyPond that the difference between a and b should 
automatically not be greater than 1.
For my taste LilyPond spreads the ends to far away from each other but I don't 
want to fix every time it happens manually.


Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: 

lilypond-user mailing list

Page numbering position

2008-11-23 Thread Siddharth Patil
How do I change the position of page numbers so that they are on one side,
instead of the default alternating page numbering? Alternating page numbers
are annoying when the music is printed on one side of the page.

Siddharth Patil
PGP Key ID: 0x8E1CE870
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: automatic Beam positions

2008-11-23 Thread Mark Polesky
November 23 2008, Tao Cumplido wrote: the Beam positions can be tweaked by
 \override Beam #'positions = #'(a . b)

 Is it possible to tell LilyPond that the difference 
 between a and b should automatically not be greater 
 than 1. For my taste LilyPond spreads the ends to 
 far away from each other but I don't want to fix 
 every time it happens manually.

I'm sure there's a way, but adjusting the beam damping
is easier, for example: \override Beam #'damping = #4
The individual slope still depends on the interval
between the end notes, but you can probably find a 
value that suits you the majority of the time. The 
default value is 1, and setting it to +inf.0 gives
flat beams every time. See the test file below and the
attached png.

Hope this helps.
- Mark

\version 2.11.64-1

notes = {
  \repeat unfold 4 { f,16 e' d' c' }
  \repeat unfold 4 { a,,16 f' d' b' }
  \repeat unfold 4 { b,,16 f' c' g' }
  \repeat unfold 4 { d,16 g c f }
  \repeat unfold 4 { e,16 g b d }
  \repeat unfold 4 { g,16 a b c }  

damping = \repeat unfold 6 {
  %% default beam damping is 1:
  \override Beam #'damping = #1 s4^1 (def.)
  \override Beam #'damping = #2 s^2
  \override Beam #'damping = #4 s^4
  \override Beam #'damping = #+inf.0 s^+inf.0

\markup \override Beam #'damping =

\score {
  \relative {
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f


  \layout {

  attachment: beam-slope.PNG___
lilypond-user mailing list


2008-11-23 Thread Keith Weintraub

  I am using version 2.10.33 on Mac OS X, Leopard.

I can't seem to get left-margin to work. In addition when I change the  
line width the header width doesn't change.

Thanks for your time,

Here is my code:

#(set-default-paper-size letter)
#(set-global-staff-size 26)

\paper  {
%line-width = #(* mm 160)
indent = 0\mm
interscoreline = 2.\mm
between-system-space = 15\mm
ragged-bottom = ##f
horizontal-shift = 0.5\in

modernAccidentals = {
  \set Staff.extraNatural =  ##f
  \set Staff.autoAccidentals =  #'(Staff (same-octave . 1) (any- 
octave . 0))

  \set Staff.autoCautionaries =  #'()

\layout {
  indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 5\in
  left-margin = 2\in

\version 2.10.33

\header {
title = Four Winds
instrument = Guitar
composer = Dave Holland
meter = Bright, Jazz 8ths
opus = Conference of the Birds

#(set-default-paper-size a4)
#(set-global-staff-size 26)

#(define  (unhair-pitch p)
  (let* ((o (ly:pitch-octave p))
 (a (ly:pitch-alteration p))
 (n (ly:pitch-notename p)))

 ((and ( a 1) (or (eq? n 6) (eq? n 2)))
  (set! a (- a 2)) (set! n (+ n 1)))
 ((and ( a -1) (or (eq? n 0) (eq? n 3)))
  (set! a (+ a 2)) (set! n (- n 1

 ((eq? a 4)  (set! a 0) (set! n (+ n 1)))
 ((eq? a -4) (set! a 0) (set! n (- n 1

(if ( n 0) (begin (set!  o (- o 1)) (set! n (+ n 7
(if ( n 6) (begin (set!  o (+ o 1)) (set! n (- n 7

(ly:make-pitch o n a)))

#(define (simplify music)
  (let* ((es (ly:get-mus-property music 'elements))
 (e (ly:get-mus-property music 'element))
 (p (ly:get-mus-property music 'pitch)))

(if (pair? es)
 music 'elements
 (map (lambda (x) (simplify x)) es)))

(if (ly:music? e)
 music 'element
 (simplify e)))

(if (ly:pitch? p)
  (set! p (unhair-pitch p))
  (ly:set-mus-property! music 'pitch p)))


topLineA =   \relative c'' {
   \time 4/4  \key c \major
   \repeat volta 2 {
\bar |: d4 \times 2/3 {b8( a g ) } e4 a8 fis~ \bar ||
\time 3/4 fis4. b4. gis2 fis8 e fis4. b \bar || \break
\bar empty \bar ||  \time 2/4 e4 r \bar ||
\time 3/4 fis8-[ ( dis b ) cis-]  ( ais[ fis] )
gis2 b8 ais fis2 a8 gis
e4. a d cis8 b a \bar ||
\time 4/4 fis2 r4 e8 fis \bar ||
\time 3/4 g8-[ (fis g) a-] (g[ a]) | \break

topLineB = \relative c'' {
   \time 4/4 d4 \times 2/3 {b8( a g ) } e4 a8 fis~
   \mark \markup {\small \musicglyph #scripts-coda }
   \bar || \time 3/4 fis4. b4. \bar ||
   \time 4/4 gis1^\markup { \bold {Solo section ...}}
   \bar empty \break
   s2. \hideNotes f4~ \unHideNotes
   \mark \markup {\small \musicglyph #scripts-coda }
   \bar || \time 3/4 \grace s8^\markup { \bold {ending last time } }
   fis4. b4.
   \bar || \time 4/4 gis2
   fis4 e fis1

bottomLine =\relative c' {
\key c \major
\time 4/4 g2 a4. b8~ \time 3/4 b4. d, e2. d4. e4.
b4. fis4. e2 b'8 ais8 d,2 a'8 gis8 c,4. f4. a4. a4.
d4 g, gis d e4. fis4.
g2 a4. b8~ b4. d, e4 s2.
\hideNotes g2 a4 b4~ \unHideNotes
b4._\markup{\italic {rit. ...}} d,4.
e4_\markup{\italic {molto rit. ...}} s2.
a d,1

topLineAT =  \transpose c f { \topLineA }
topLineBT =  \transpose c f { \topLineB }
bottomLineT = \transpose c f { \bottomLine }

 \context Staff 
   #(set-accidental-style 'modern-voice-cautionary)
{ \topLineAT  \topLineBT } \\
{ \bottomLineT }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: left-margin

2008-11-23 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Quoting Keith Weintraub [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I am using version 2.10.33 on Mac OS X, Leopard.

There are good reasons to upgrade to the latest development version 
2.11, which soon should turn into the next stable version 2.12.

I can't seem to get left-margin to work. In addition when I change 
the  line width the header width doesn't change.

According to 

left-margin should be set in the \paper{...} block, whereas you have 
set it in a \layout{...} block.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: left-margin

2008-11-23 Thread Johan Vromans
Keith Weintraub [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I can't seem to get left-margin to work. In addition when I change the
 line width the header width doesn't change.

You have several confusing and/or conflicting settings.
The paper size settings, \paper and \layout interact unexpectedly.

When you move the second set-default-paper-size and
set-global-staff-size to the front (and/or remove the unneeded lines),
and move the contents of \layout to \paper everything should work as

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

Create PNG Files at a custom size.

2008-11-23 Thread Brad Landis
I would like to create PNG files for use in presentations. I can't seem to 
change the output size to custom dimensions. What would be the easiest way to 
get a 4:3 or 16:9 dimension png file?

lilypond-user mailing list

Using the 'avoid-slur property

2008-11-23 Thread Patrick McCarty

I am trying to modify the 'avoid-slur property for various grobs, but
Fingering is one of the few grobs that I've had success with.

According to the Internals Reference, DynamicText and TextScript
support 'avoid-slur.  Is there anything I'm doing wrong in the
following example?

%% BEGIN %%
\version 2.11.64

\new Staff \relative c' {
  %% changed from the default setting
  \override DynamicText #'avoid-slur = #'inside
  g2( g' \sf

\new Staff \relative c' {
  %% changed from 'around
  \override TextScript #'avoid-slur = #'inside
  g2( g'_Test

%% Only this example works
\new Staff \relative c' {
  %% changed from 'around
  \override Fingering #'avoid-slur = #'outside
  g2( g'_1
%% END %%


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