Re: Emacs lilypond-mode or possibly Bash glitch

2009-03-08 Thread Tim McNamara

On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:45 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

On 07.03.2009, at 17:29, Tim McNamara wrote:

When I try to compile a .ly file in lilypond-mode, it fails with  
the message:

-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Desktop/Downloads/ 
Music Charts/Lilypond Charts/Dead Tunes/Days Between/" -*-

Compilation started at Sat Mar  7 10:22:25

lilypond /Users/tim/Desktop/Downloads/Music\ Charts/Lilypond\  
Charts/Dead\ Tunes/Days\ Between/Days\

/bin/bash: line 1: lilypond: command not found

is lilypond in your path? Does emacs know about your path? In my  
~/.emacs, I have

(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "elisp" (getenv "HOME")))
(setq exec-path (split-string "/Users/jamesebailey/Applications/ 
bin:/usr/sbin" path-separator))

(setenv "PATH" (mapconcat 'identity exec-path ":"))
(setenv "MANPATH" "/Users/jamesebailey/share/man:/usr/share/man:/ 
(setenv "INFOPATH" "/Users/jamesebailey/share/info:/usr/local/info:/ 

Compilation is still not working with those additions; the problem  
seems to be in Bash rather than in Emacs or LilyPond.  Your fix for  
viewing the PDFs does work, though, so that's nice.  Thanks for  
that!  Adding:



  /Applications/  (which is there the  
lilypond executable lives inside

to $PATH in .bashrc and in my .emacs doesn't resolve the problem,  
even though "which lilypond" now returns the correct response in the  
shell.  I'll have to ponder this some more.  My skills at this are  
rusty because it's so rarely necessary to fiddle with things at this  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: songbook from Lily scores

2009-03-08 Thread Arvid Grøtting
Zoltan Kota  writes:

> I have been using Lily for a year now, and I have several music scores
> as separate lily files. I would like to make a songbook including
> them, with cover page, table of contents, correct page numbering, etc.
> How should I start? What sectiones should I learn in documentation?
> Lilypond-book? Any useful info and tips are welcome!

Apologies for replying so late, but another option is using PDFLaTeX
and the pdfpages package to include the PDFs made my Lilypond.

This combination can take care of title pages, table of contents, page
numbering, indexing, etc.  For print, cover pages are usually produced
separately as far as I know.

I used this to typeset a song book for my choir.

Here's a smaller (and quick and dirty), real-life example:

%% æøå -*- mode: latex -*-
\usepackage[% papersize={15cm,220mm},

%% This makes your chapter headings, etc, go away.
%% If you don't understand it, just consider it magic.
% different chapter headings

%% A command to include a PDF file with a corresponding title
  % #1: file name without ending
  % #2: title
natheight=10\cm,% completely bogus
% offset=5mm 0 % 14 0 % 5mm out (?)

%% First, include a ready-made front page:
%% Makte table of contents page.  Include ISMN there for lack of a
%% better place to put it.
Den norske Studentersangforening, Oslo, 2007--2009
\hfill ISMN~979-0-66118-094-4
%% Here comes the music, one PDF at a time:
\includemusic{Jeg_lagde_mig}{Jeg lagde mig så sildig}
\includemusic{Badn_lat}{Bådn Låt}
\includemusic{Toro_liti}{Torø Liti}
This gives us a blank page to reduce page turning:
\includemusic{Kvalins_halling}{Kvålins Halling}
\includemusic{De_e_den_storste}{Dæ æ den største Dårleheit}
\includemusic{Han_Ole}{Han Ole}
\includemusic{Dejligste_blandt_Kvinder}{Dejligste blandt Kvinder}
\includemusic{Den_store_hvite_Flok}{Den store, hvite Flok}
\includemusic{Rotnams_Knut}{Røtnams Knut}
%% And that's all there is to it, really.
%% This example does not demonstrate indexing.
%% Google the ISMN (without the ~) to see (or print) the result.
%% Individual PDFs available.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problem with horizontal shift of note

2009-03-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Tom Cloyd wrote:

Well, I'm really really stuck.

I tried renaming \voiceTwo to \voiceThree: I got an explosion of "too
many clashing note columns" warnings, and NO change in my note collision

I tried sticking \shiftOn in various places in the program - beginning
of the voice, beginning of the measure, other places. No effect.

I have tried putting getting either in b in the upper voice or the a in
the lower voice to shift - I want the b to go to the right. Nothing 

No matter what I do - no note shift. My current version of measure 15 is:

 a-1 ^"[2*]" \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #2.0 b |

The b is still colliding with the a in the lower voice.

Any ideas?
I recommend you to read Section 3.2 "Voices contain music" of the 
Learning Manual included in the LilyPond documentation for the latest 
version, especially subsection 3.2.2.

Applying the ideas described there, to measure 15 of tenor voice of your 
example, would lead to

  \new Voice {\voiceFour < e-1 >2 < a-1 >4 g |}

  { < c,-2 a-4\6 >2 < d g,-2 >} |

which gives the desired note shift and no warnings.


lilypond-user mailing list

Tremolo functions

2009-03-08 Thread Jay Anderson
I made two tremolo utility functions today which may be of interest to
some here. Before adding them to LSR I just want a few people to take
a look at them.

\tremolos #16 {c4 d8 e f g a4 b c2}

expands to

\repeat tremolo 4 c16
  \repeat tremolo 2 d16
  \repeat tremolo 2 e16
  \repeat tremolo 2 f16
  \repeat tremolo 2 g16
  \repeat tremolo 4 a16
  \repeat tremolo 4 b16
  \repeat tremolo 8 c16

See the attached excerpt from Beethoven Symphony No.3 for an example use case.

The other is simply \unfoldTremolos. I usually use the midi to check
for errors I don't want to unfold the volta repeats, but not unfolding
tremolos sounds strange. \unfoldTremolos does just what it says.



In use here: 

#(define (tremolo-repeat-count dur music)
  (let* ((elements (ly:music-property music 'elements))
 (music-dur (ly:music-property (car elements) 'duration))
 (length (ly:duration-log music-dur))
 (dots (ly:duration-dot-count music-dur))
 (beats (* (- 2 (/ 1 (expt 2 dots))) (/ 4 (expt 2 length)
  (* beats (/ dur 4

#(define (make-tremolo dur music)
(tremolo-repeat-count dur music)

#(define (tremoloize dur music)
  (if (eq? (ly:music-property music 'name) 'EventChord)
(make-tremolo dur music)

%dur is 8, 16, 32, etc.
tremolos = #(define-music-function (parser location dur mus) (integer?
  (music-map (lambda (x) (tremoloize dur x)) mus))

#(define (unfold-tremolos mus)
  (if (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'TremoloRepeatedMusic)
(unfold-repeats mus)

unfoldTremolos = #(define-music-function (parser location mus) (ly:music?)
  (music-map unfold-tremolos mus))
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Emacs lilypond-mode or possibly Bash glitch

2009-03-08 Thread Tim McNamara

On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:45 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

On 07.03.2009, at 17:29, Tim McNamara wrote:

When I try to compile a .ly file in lilypond-mode, it fails with  
the message:

-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Desktop/Downloads/ 
Music Charts/Lilypond Charts/Dead Tunes/Days Between/" -*-

Compilation started at Sat Mar  7 10:22:25

lilypond /Users/tim/Desktop/Downloads/Music\ Charts/Lilypond\  
Charts/Dead\ Tunes/Days\ Between/Days\

/bin/bash: line 1: lilypond: command not found

is lilypond in your path? Does emacs know about your path? In my  
~/.emacs, I have

(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "elisp" (getenv "HOME")))
(setq exec-path (split-string "/Users/jamesebailey/Applications/ 
bin:/usr/sbin" path-separator))

(setenv "PATH" (mapconcat 'identity exec-path ":"))
(setenv "MANPATH" "/Users/jamesebailey/share/man:/usr/share/man:/ 
(setenv "INFOPATH" "/Users/jamesebailey/share/info:/usr/local/info:/ 

Hmmm.  I'll have to look closer at that.  I don't bother with X11 any  
more on my Macs so I don't need (and don't have) that stuff in  
my .emacs file.  I haven't found anything I need to use that requires  
the X11 environment in a long time.  However,

(setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name"/Applications/")) load-path))

doesn't get the job done since it only points at the Lisp for  
lilypond-mode.  I'll try adding the



Thanks for mentioning this.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-08 Thread James E. Bailey

On 08.03.2009, at 12:58, Anthony W. Youngman wrote:

In message <>,  
James E. Bailey  writes

On 07.03.2009, at 17:20, Tim McNamara wrote:

On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape  
open -a 'Mighty MIDI' /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/  
Choral Music/Windhauch/Windhauch.midi
2009-03-07 10:59:31.767 open[465] No such file: /Users/  

I'm having trouble making sense of what you are trying to do with  
this command and from where you are trying to do it.
Sorry, I'm trying to use the midi command in lilypond mode from   
within emacs. Since I'm on a macintosh, I change the timidity -ia  
and timidity in the lilypond.mode.el file to be open -a 'Mighty  
MIDI'. It works for opening the pdfs from within emacs. I use the  
emacs  shortcut to view the pdf and it opens. I've changed the  
default xpdf  to open -a 'Skim' and everything works perfectly.

That open command looks incorrectly stated for Emacs on two
fronts. Are you typing this command in somewhere (Emacs or the
shell) or is this command being generated inside Emacs from one  
of   the lilypond-mode menus?

As previously stated, I'm typing this in the lilypond-mode.el file.

First, Emacs doesn't use an "open" command to open files, it uses  
the sequence Control-x Control-f (C-x C-f [and note the case]).   
If lilypond-mode is generating that command, it seems guaranteed  
to fail.

it works for the pdfs

Are you *sure* it's exactly the same syntax?

Note that your pathname is *un*quoted and *contains* *a* *space*.  
This is GUARANTEED to fail if typed at the command line.

Not knowing MacOS, I can't tell you what's the correct way to quote  
it, but I'd try putting a backslash before the space.

The path quoted is not something I have control over, that is the  
output copied directly from emacs.

That is the problem: emacs does not correctly escape pathnames when  
upening a MIDI file.

I thought I made that clear, but everyone else here is discussing  
bash, and not how lilypond-mode opens a MID file.

Does anyone else have this problem? Can anyone else reproduce this  
issue (using the command midi C-c  or even Midi all C-c return>) errors when opening a file with a space in the path?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fwd: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-08 Thread Johan Vromans
"Anthony W. Youngman"  writes:

> "space" has been an illegal character in most
> filenames in most OSs since the dawn of computing 

This is very much not true. Not being able to deal with spaces (and
therefore banning spaces as much as possible) is typical for command
line based OSs that use whitespace to separate command line args. Many
OSs predating Microsoft could deal with spaces. Amiga, Commodore, even
ancient DEC systems.

> and the grief it's caused ever since is immense.

Again, not true. 

> It's bad enough that you can't predict the behaviour of things like
> "cp" in nix just by looking at the command

It copies a source to a destination. If the destination is a file,
source get copied under that name. If it is a directory, source gets
copied into the directory. That's what everyone wants.

> Every
> other copy command I've ever used behaves consistently ... :-(

See .

But this is getting off-topic...

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond-book with included files in LaTeX

2009-03-08 Thread Wolfgang Mechsner
Hi John,

thank you so much for you help. But the solution - oh no - very
simpel: lilypond-book needs obvoiusly the whole path:


So it works :-)

Have a nice sunday

2009/3/7 Jonathan Kulp :
> Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> somehow lilypond-book doesn't work with an LaTeX-file with inclduded
>> files.
>> I have a big file with a lot of lilypond-examples: it works great. But
>> if I try, to separate the big file in many small files (with \include
>> or \input) it doesn't work.
>> Has anybody the same problem?
>> Wolfgang
> I use lilypond-book this way all the time, with many \input files.  I seem
> to recall having trouble at some point, getting an error saying something
> like "output would override input file," and the problems were solved by
> using a .lytex extension instead of .tex on all of the LaTeX source files,
> even if they didn't contain any lilypond code.   Your description "it
> doesn't work" is sort of vague, but if you're not already using .lytex as
> your file extension, you might try that.  If that doesn't work please send a
> more detailed description of what happens when you try to run the files.
>  Best,
> Jon
> --
> Jonathan Kulp


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fwd: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-08 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message <>, Tim 
McNamara  writes

On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape 
open -a 'Mighty MIDI' /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/ 
Choral Music/Windhauch/Windhauch.midi
2009-03-07 10:59:31.767 open[465] No such file: /Users/ 

I'm having trouble making sense of what you are trying to do with 
this command and from where you are trying to do it.

Addendum:  I was able to replicate this bheavior in Bash under 
Terminal. The problem appears to be how Bash handles spaces in 
filenames. Weird, in this day and age you'd think that shells would  be 
intelligent enough to cope with this.  There is a new revision of  Bash 
out in the past few weeks, which perhaps gets around this.  I  wonder 
if lilypond-mode is for some reason calling to the shell and  running 
into a problem there; IMO it shouldn't, it should use the  standard 
Emacs commands.


Actually, I'd be rather horrified if bash was modified to "handle spaces 
in filenames". "space" has been an illegal character in most filenames 
in most OSs since the dawn of computing - it's only MicroSoft who 
thought it was a great idea - and the grief it's caused ever since is 
immense. Making shells "intelligent" is only likely to add to the grief.

It's bad enough that you can't predict the behaviour of things like "cp" 
in nix just by looking at the command - I don't want bash behaving 
"randomly" too!

(Hint - the behaviour in cp is dependent upon, not least, whether the 
target already exists and whether it's a file or directory. Every other 
copy command I've ever used behaves consistently ... :-(

Anthony W. Youngman -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-08 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message <>, James 
E. Bailey  writes

On 07.03.2009, at 17:20, Tim McNamara wrote:

On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape 
open -a 'Mighty MIDI' /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/ 
Choral Music/Windhauch/Windhauch.midi
2009-03-07 10:59:31.767 open[465] No such file: /Users/ 

I'm having trouble making sense of what you are trying to do with 
this command and from where you are trying to do it.
Sorry, I'm trying to use the midi command in lilypond mode from  within 
emacs. Since I'm on a macintosh, I change the timidity -ia and 
timidity in the lilypond.mode.el file to be open -a 'Mighty MIDI'. It 
works for opening the pdfs from within emacs. I use the emacs  shortcut 
to view the pdf and it opens. I've changed the default xpdf  to open -a 
'Skim' and everything works perfectly.

That open command looks incorrectly stated for Emacs on two   fronts. 
Are you typing this command in somewhere (Emacs or the   shell) or is 
this command being generated inside Emacs from one of   the 
lilypond-mode menus?

As previously stated, I'm typing this in the lilypond-mode.el file.

First, Emacs doesn't use an "open" command to open files, it uses the 
sequence Control-x Control-f (C-x C-f [and note the case]).  If 
lilypond-mode is generating that command, it seems guaranteed to fail.

it works for the pdfs

Are you *sure* it's exactly the same syntax?

Note that your pathname is *un*quoted and *contains* *a* *space*. This 
is GUARANTEED to fail if typed at the command line.

Not knowing MacOS, I can't tell you what's the correct way to quote it, 
but I'd try putting a backslash before the space.

Anthony W. Youngman -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fwd: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-08 Thread Daniel Hulme
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:
>>> On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape  
>>> filenames.

On Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 04:44:41PM -0600, Tim McNamara wrote:
> Addendum:  I was able to replicate this bheavior in Bash under Terminal.  
> The problem appears to be how Bash handles spaces in filenames.  Weird, 
> in this day and age you'd think that shells would be intelligent enough 
> to cope with this.
Guessing whether something is a filename or not is a really bad idea,
and can lead to very surprising behaviour. The accepted behaviour - that
spaces separate command-line arguments except when escaped or when the
whole argument is enclosed in quotes - is simple, consistent, and offers
few opportunities to accidentally delete all your files.

> There is a new revision of Bash out in the past few weeks, which
> perhaps gets around this.
I strongly doubt it. Any change like that would break backcompat and
startle all of its users.

> If double quotes are put around the path, that seems to properly escape 
> them, although even this was flakey on my Mac:
That's not enough. What if your path has double quotes in it? Or
backslashes? Anything that generates shell commands always needs to
fully escape the arguments.

"The  rules  of  programming  are  transitory;  only  Tao  is  eternal.
Therefore you  must contemplate Tao before you receive  enlightenment."
"How will I know when I have received enlightenment?"  asked the novice.
"Your program will then run correctly," replied the master.

Description: Digital signature
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Pushing a note to the side

2009-03-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson

James E. Bailey wrote:

On 07.03.2009, at 16:56, Alberto Simões wrote:


I am having this warning:

  warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns

It is normal, as there are, in fact, clashing notes.

I would like to make some notes to be displayed a little to the right
(so we can see them, and they do not clash so much).

Is there any way to tweak lilypond to do this?

The predefined functions \voiceOne, \voiceTwo, \voiceThree and 
\voiceFour were designed specifically for this purpose.
Are the colliding notes in the same Voice context or in different Voice 
contexts? James' answer assumes that they are in different Voice contexts.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problem with horizontal shift of note

2009-03-08 Thread James E. Bailey

On 08.03.2009, at 06:24, Tom Cloyd wrote:

After 3 months away from Lilypond, I'm back, thankfully. All  
updated and sailing...right into a wall. I could really use a hint  
about this current problem.

I cannot get a horizontal shift of a note, resulting in an ugly  
collision. I think the problem is the "too many clashing note  
columns" warnings I keep getting. I dimly recall someone telling me  
what to do with that, but it's long gone from my memory, and in any  
case hasn't been a problem (that I'm aware of). My score is, and  
has been, working well. This is an old problem I'm trying to fix  

At the risk of overload, I'll include the full program and CLI  
output, the latter first:

I haven't begun to compile your score, but I see something (that I've  
corrected a lot of in the past weeks).

You have, essentially:
\version "2.12.2"

vOne = \relative c'' \new Voice {
c d a c
d e d c

vTwo = \relative c'' \new Voice {
a g f a
%% The following two lines are equivalent
<<{b c a a}\\{a g g f}>>
%	<<\new Voice = voiceOne {\voiceOne b c a a } \new Voice = voiceTwo  
{\voiceTwo a g g f } >> \oneVoice


\score {\new Staff <<\vOne \vTwo>>}

You'll notice here that in vTwo, there is a section that puts music  
in voiceOne, which already has music, that'll cause collisions. You  
may want to change to voiceFour, and then do your manual note  
shifting using:

vTwoFour = \relative c'' \new Voice {
  a g f a
  <<{b c a a}\new Voice = vFour { \voiceFour \shiftOn a \shiftOff g  
\shiftOn g \shiftOff f}>>\oneVoice


\score { \new Staff <<\vOne \vTwo>>

lilypond-user mailing list