Re: Moving notes in a chord to the opposite side of the stem?

2012-04-10 Thread Paul Morris

Hi David,

David Nalesnik wrote:

Hi Paul,

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Paul Morris wrote:

Thanks David and Nick!  More below...

David Nalesnik wrote:

Hi Paul,

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Nick Payne wrote:

On 10/04/12 06:56, Paul Morris wrote:

Thank you!  This works, but unfortunately (like the Hydra's
heads) it introduces two other problems, one with horizontal
spacing collisions and one with ledger lines.

1. Because the spacing engine does not take into account
this low-level tweak, the tweaked notes sometimes collide
with bar/measure lines and sometimes with other adjacent
notes.  Is there a way to use Scheme to also increase the
horizontal space given to the chord?  (I am still a beginner
at Scheme.)

Can't help with the second problem, but for the first you
could add additional horizontal space to either the barline
or stem to increase their separation:

\version 2.15.36

barspace = #(define-music-function (parser location extent)
(pair?) #{
\once \override Staff.BarLine #'extra-spacing-width = #extent

stemspace = #(define-music-function (parser location extent)
(pair?) #{
\once \override Staff.Stem #'X-extent = #extent

\relative c'' {
c2 c c c \barspace #'(0 . 2)
c c
\stemspace #'(-2 . 0) c c

lilypond-user mailing list

This seems to do the trick as far as horizontal spacing is concerned:

\version 2.15.36

#(define ((shift offsets) grob)
  (let ((note-heads (ly:grob-array-list (ly:grob-object grob
  (lambda (p q) (set! (ly:grob-property p 'X-offset) q))
  note-heads offsets)))

displaceHeads =
#(define-music-function (parser location offsets) (list?)
\once \override NoteColumn #'before-line-breaking = #(shift

  \displaceHeads #'(0 1.2 0)
c' e' g'4
  \displaceHeads #'(0 1.2 1.2)
d' f' a'

Hope this helps!

Actually, David's approach appears to fix both problems!  Ledger
lines are extended and appear twice as wide, just like with other
chords that have notes on both sides of the stem.  The horizontal
spacing seems to be working with standard noteheads.  (Looks like
a good candidate for the LSR.)

Unfortunately a function I'm using to substitute custom stencils
for NoteHead grobs seems to disrupt the horizontal spacing in some
instances (particularly noticeable with bar lines).  I haven't
figured out the pattern yet.  But worst case, that's something I
can fix manually using the tweaks Nick suggested.  Or maybe there
is a way to expand David's function to access the Stem from the
NoteColumn and automatically give it an X-offset too?

A stripped down version of my code is below, if anyone is
curious.  It is still a bit long.

Again, thanks so much!  I really appreciate it, as it would take
me forever to try and figure this stuff out on my own.


\version 2.15.32

%Begin TwinNote scripts
%Customizing note head stencils based on pitch
%Defining stencils

upTriangle =
(list 'embedded-ps
  currentpoint translate
  -.1875 -.5 moveto
  .65625 .5 lineto
  1.5 -.5 lineto
  grestore )
(cons -.1875 1.5)
(cons -.5 .5)

downTriangle =
(list 'embedded-ps
  currentpoint translate

  .08 .34 moveto
  .65625 -.4 lineto
  1.2325 .34 lineto
  0.12 setlinewidth

  -.0775 .43 moveto
  .65625 -.43 lineto
  1.39 .43 lineto
  0.1 setlinewidth

  -.1675 .48 moveto
  .65625 -.48 lineto
  1.48 .48 lineto
  0.04 setlinewidth

  grestore )
(cons -.1875 1.5)
(cons -.5 .5)

%Based on the pitch's semitone, which note head
#(define (semitone-to-stencil semitone)
(if (= (remainder semitone 2) 0) downTriangle upTriangle)

%Get the pitch from the grob, convert to semitone
#(define (stencil-notehead grob)

Re: Avoiding tie/prall collision

2012-04-10 Thread Janek Warchoł
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 6:31 AM, Helge Kruse wrote:
 What is the benefit of the two voices approach and when should I avoid the
 stem up/down?

It's not a matter of benefits - using stemUp/Down instead of
voiceOne/Two/.. simply produces typographically wrong results:
stemUp/Down only changes the direction of stems, while the direction
of ties, slurs, articulations, dots, positioning of rests etc. should
be changed, too.

Threre was a change in the documentation to underline this difference,
but apparently it's not enough.  Maybe you could suggest what we
should do to make this issue clear for all users?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New LilyPond scores -- video editing software

2012-04-10 Thread PMA

Interesting!  I do like these styles (per-system or
continuous-line) for Mike's and Jay's audio entries.
My audios, though, will be long -- Franck, Busoni,
etc. -- and may, if displaying only very local score
views at a time, hide the forrest for the trees.

I'll experiment to see, probably, how much score
YouTube's box can display *readably* at once

Thanks all for the feedback.  I'll look into kdenlive
first, along with the LilyPond extensions.


Jay Anderson wrote:

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:58 AM,  wrote:

I'm planning similar YouTube entries, i.e., music
performances sync'd with their score-page turns.

But this will be a first for me, and I see a hefty
bunch of (Linux) softwares for video editing.

If any of you has a favorite among those options
(or among how-to docs), I'd appreciate hearing.

I've done some similar videos which set the score in one continuous
horizontal line:

I haven't touched it in a couple months though. It was completely
automated after entering beats into the score and audio. If you're
interested I can try cleaning it up a bit. (I'm out for the weekend
though so I won't be able to respond for a few days). I'd be
interested to see how mike's scores would look in this format.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Multimeasure rests over a cadenza

2012-04-10 Thread James Harkins
At Mon, 09 Apr 2012 21:31:08 +0800,
James Harkins wrote:
  the cadenzaToMusic-function _replaces_ \cadenzaOn and \cadenzaOff.
  If you delete these commands it works and there is no need for manual bars:
 Ah, OK, I didn't get the replacing part. Thanks for clarifying.
 I have a deadline for tomorrow so I can't try it right now, but will do it as 
 soon as I can.

Indeed, it's gorgeous now.

Glad this is going to the LSR too. It's very useful.


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal.  -- Whitman

audio clips:
more audio:

lilypond-user mailing list

musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-10 Thread Josiah Boothby
A composer recently gave me a messy part he'd prepared with Sibelius,
and I asked him for a musicxml file on the off chance that it might
work in Lilypond and I could clean it up. With Lilypond 2.15.36
(Slackware 13.37, x86), I get the error below along with no output
file. I tried the prebuilt lilypond stable as well, and the only
difference in the console output are line numbers in the musicxml2ly
script. Should I send this to the bugs list, or is there something I
can do as a user (without access to Sibelius) to improve the
likelihood of getting this to work?

# # # # # Console Output

$ musicxml2ly -v --loglevel=DEBUG --nd --nrp --npl --no-beaming -o moore.xml
Setting loglevel to DEBUG
musicxml2ly: Reading MusicXML from moore.xml ...
musicxml2ly: Converting to LilyPond expressions...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2984, in module
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2979, in main
voices = convert (filename, options)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2885, in convert
(voices, staff_info) = get_all_voices (parts)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2572, in get_all_voices
part_ly_voices[n] = musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice (v)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2174, in musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice
for a in musicxml_direction_to_lily (n):
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 1534, in musicxml_direction_to_lily
ev = tmp_tp (entry)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 1465, in musicxml_metronome_to_ly
if isinstance (children[index], musicxml.BeatUnitDot):
IndexError: list index out of range

# # # # # End Console Output

lilypond-user mailing list

System in different colors

2012-04-10 Thread uunail

Hi everybody

Using this wonderful tool I again have a problem.

I want to use different colors in a piece to illustrate that they are played
by different people (and not using multiple systems).

The snippet below works almost fine with only one little thing that I want
to have changed:

\version 2.14.2
#(set-global-staff-size 18.65)

\header {
title = System in different colors 

\language deutsch

staffVoice = \new Staff {
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
\time 2/2
\key f \major
\clef treble
\tempo 2=78
\relative c' {
\context Voice {
\override Staff.Clef #'color = #red
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'color = #red
\override Staff.KeySignature #'color = #red
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
\override Stem #'color = #red
\override DynamicText #'color = #red
\override Tie #'color = #red
\override TextScript #'color = #red
\override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
\override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
\partial 4*3
d' b4^\markup{ \larger {Part 1}}_\f  c a 
\context Voice = melodyVoi {
%\partial 4*3
\revert Staff.Clef #'color
\revert Staff.KeySignature #'color
\revert Staff.BarLine #'color
\revert Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color
\revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'color
\revert NoteHead #'color
\revert Stem #'color
\revert Tie #'color
\revert DynamicText #'color
c4\(_\mf h c\)
\bar ||
f c f c f c f c
f c f c f c f c
f c f c f c f c
\context Voice = melodyRep {
f1 R1
\bar |. 
\context Voice = interlude {
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
\override SystemStartBar #'color = #black
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
\override Stem #'color = #red
\override DynamicText #'color = #red
\override Tie #'color = #red
\override TextScript #'color = #red
\override Accidental #'color = #red
\override Rest #'color = #red
\override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
\override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
f4^\markup { \larger {Part 3 }} e f g
c,4 r h f' g r
\bar ||

\score {
\layout {}

\paper {}

The double bar in front of part 3 is printed in red but I want to have it in
black as it belongs to part 2.

So the color change obviously works fine within a bar (as in bar 2). However
when the color change is done on a bar the behaviour is different and not
the way I want it to be.

Can someone help me.

Best regards


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lilypond-user mailing list

node head positions

2012-04-10 Thread Huang
Hi LilyPond experts,

  I am new to LilyPond and I am impressed by the beauty of the music
printout. I am just wondering if there is any way to extract the node head
positions from a Lilypond score? Since the Lily file is compiled and
arrange for the page layout, I assume there may be a way to extract these
positions. Thanks in advance!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-10 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: Josiah Boothby

To: lilypond-user Mailinglist
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:34 AM
Subject: musicxml2ly from sibelius

A composer recently gave me a messy part he'd prepared with Sibelius,
and I asked him for a musicxml file on the off chance that it might
work in Lilypond and I could clean it up. With Lilypond 2.15.36
(Slackware 13.37, x86), I get the error below along with no output
file. I tried the prebuilt lilypond stable as well, and the only
difference in the console output are line numbers in the musicxml2ly
script. Should I send this to the bugs list, or is there something I
can do as a user (without access to Sibelius) to improve the
likelihood of getting this to work?

# # # # # Console Output

$ musicxml2ly -v --loglevel=DEBUG --nd --nrp --npl --no-beaming -o moore.xml
Setting loglevel to DEBUG
musicxml2ly: Reading MusicXML from moore.xml ...
musicxml2ly: Converting to LilyPond expressions...
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2984, in module
 File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2979, in main
   voices = convert (filename, options)
 File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2885, in convert
   (voices, staff_info) = get_all_voices (parts)
 File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2572, in get_all_voices
   part_ly_voices[n] = musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice (v)
 File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2174, in musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice
   for a in musicxml_direction_to_lily (n):
 File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 1534, in musicxml_direction_to_lily
   ev = tmp_tp (entry)
 File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 1465, in musicxml_metronome_to_ly
   if isinstance (children[index], musicxml.BeatUnitDot):
IndexError: list index out of range

# # # # # End Console Output

lilypond-user mailing list

I'm a bit surprised you have musicxml from Sibelius.  As far as I was aware, 
it doesn't export into _any_ useful interchange format, including musicxml.

How big is the XML file?

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-10 Thread pls

Am 10.04.2012 um 06:34 schrieb Josiah Boothby:

 A composer recently gave me a messy part he'd prepared with Sibelius,
 and I asked him for a musicxml file on the off chance that it might
 work in Lilypond and I could clean it up. With Lilypond 2.15.36
 (Slackware 13.37, x86), I get the error below along with no output
 file. I tried the prebuilt lilypond stable as well, and the only
 difference in the console output are line numbers in the musicxml2ly
 script. Should I send this to the bugs list, or is there something I
 can do as a user (without access to Sibelius) to improve the
 likelihood of getting this to work?
 # # # # # Console Output
 $ musicxml2ly -v --loglevel=DEBUG --nd --nrp --npl --no-beaming -o moore.xml
 Setting loglevel to DEBUG
 musicxml2ly: Reading MusicXML from moore.xml ...
 musicxml2ly: Converting to LilyPond expressions...
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2984, in module
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2979, in main
voices = convert (filename, options)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2885, in convert
(voices, staff_info) = get_all_voices (parts)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2572, in get_all_voices
part_ly_voices[n] = musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice (v)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 2174, in musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice
for a in musicxml_direction_to_lily (n):
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 1534, in musicxml_direction_to_lily
ev = tmp_tp (entry)
  File /usr/bin/musicxml2ly, line 1465, in musicxml_metronome_to_ly
if isinstance (children[index], musicxml.BeatUnitDot):
 IndexError: list index out of range
 # # # # # End Console Output
This is a Python error probably resulting from a missing closing tag.

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: System in different colors

2012-04-10 Thread James

On 10 April 2012 10:41, uunail wrote:

 Hi everybody

 Using this wonderful tool I again have a problem.

 I want to use different colors in a piece to illustrate that they are played
 by different people (and not using multiple systems).

 The snippet below works almost fine with only one little thing that I want
 to have changed:

 \version 2.14.2
 #(set-global-staff-size 18.65)

 \header {
        title = System in different colors

 \language deutsch

 staffVoice = \new Staff {
        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
        \time 2/2
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
        \tempo 2=78
        \relative c' {
        \context Voice {
                \override Staff.Clef #'color = #red
                \override Staff.TimeSignature #'color = #red
                \override Staff.KeySignature #'color = #red
                \override NoteHead #'color = #red
                \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
                \override Stem #'color = #red
                \override DynamicText #'color = #red
                \override Tie #'color = #red
                \override TextScript #'color = #red
                \override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
                \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
                \partial 4*3
                d' b4^\markup{ \larger {Part 1}}_\f  c a
        \context Voice = melodyVoi {
 %            \partial 4*3
            \revert Staff.Clef #'color
            \revert Staff.KeySignature #'color
            \revert Staff.BarLine #'color
            \revert Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color
            \revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'color
            \revert NoteHead #'color
            \revert Stem #'color
            \revert Tie #'color
            \revert DynamicText #'color
            c4\(_\mf h c\)
            \bar ||
            f c f c f c f c
            f c f c f c f c
            f c f c f c f c
        \context Voice = melodyRep {
            f1 R1
            \bar |.
        \context Voice = interlude {
                \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
                \override SystemStartBar #'color = #black
                \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
                \override NoteHead #'color = #red
                \override Stem #'color = #red
                \override DynamicText #'color = #red
                \override Tie #'color = #red
                \override TextScript #'color = #red
                \override Accidental #'color = #red
                \override Rest #'color = #red
                \override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
                \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
                f4^\markup { \larger {Part 3 }} e f g
                c,4 r h f' g r
                \bar ||

 \score {
        \layout {}

 \paper {}

 The double bar in front of part 3 is printed in red but I want to have it in
 black as it belongs to part 2.

Can't you just use \once \override and then pick the colour you want?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: node head positions

2012-04-10 Thread Tim Roberts
Huang wrote:

   I am new to LilyPond and I am impressed by the beauty of the music
 printout. I am just wondering if there is any way to extract the node
 head positions from a Lilypond score? Since the Lily file is compiled
 and arrange for the page layout, I assume there may be a way to
 extract these positions.

For what purpose?  What would you hope to do with this information?

LilyPond's output is Postscript.  Postscript is a programming language;
it's certainly possible to interpret the Postscript to extract position
information.  However, that doesn't tell you anything about the notes. 
You could find out that there is a half-note glyph positioned at 4.25
inches across and 7.162 inches down, but what good would that do you?

LilyPond can also output MIDI.  If you are hoping to extract musical
meaning, that might be more useful.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: node head positions

2012-04-10 Thread Tim Roberts
Huang wrote:

Please keep your replies to the list, where others may benefit.

   Thanks for your information. I am thinking to highlight these notes
 if I can get their positions. I will look into the PS to see if I can
 get these positions. It is good to know that LilyPond can output MIDI,
 which is definitely useful.

Highlight in what way?  LilyPond was designed for printed output,
where dynamic highlighting is not generally possible.  LilyPond is not a
GUI.  There is no window where you can drag notes around.  LilyPond
files are usually viewed in a PDF viewer.

The LilyPond PDF output does include PDF hyperlinks on each note that
tell you which line number and character number it came from, to help
with editing.  Without more information, we can't tell whether that
would be useful or not.

 Another question, I am using Mac Lion, and I found that LilyPond
 doesn't support it yet. Is there any timeline for supporting Lion OS?

The list will know that.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: node head positions

2012-04-10 Thread Janek Warchoł
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 8:01 PM, Tim Roberts wrote:
 Huang wrote:
 Thanks for your information. I am thinking to highlight these notes
 if I can get their positions. I will look into the PS to see if I can
 get these positions. It is good to know that LilyPond can output MIDI,
 which is definitely useful.

 Highlight in what way?  LilyPond was designed for printed output,
 where dynamic highlighting is not generally possible.

I guess Herbert may want to synchronize highlighting notes with MIDI
playback - that would be very cool and useful for learning the music.
Having Lily automatically produce interactive pdf files with MIDI
playback and note highlightning would be absolutely awesome.
Herbert, i suggest you to install Frescobaldi - it has a feature
called double-way-point-and-click: when you select some code in the
input, respective notes in the output are highlighted.  Maybe that'll
give you inspiration.

hope that helps,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: node head positions

2012-04-10 Thread Huang
Yes, I am looking for a way to highlight notes while playing MIDI. I will
definitely check Frescobaldi to see how it works. I need to understand how
Lily generates these notes and find out their positions.


2012/4/10 Janek Warchoł

 On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 8:01 PM, Tim Roberts wrote:
  Huang wrote:
  Thanks for your information. I am thinking to highlight these notes
  if I can get their positions. I will look into the PS to see if I can
  get these positions. It is good to know that LilyPond can output MIDI,
  which is definitely useful.
  Highlight in what way?  LilyPond was designed for printed output,
  where dynamic highlighting is not generally possible.

 I guess Herbert may want to synchronize highlighting notes with MIDI
 playback - that would be very cool and useful for learning the music.
 Having Lily automatically produce interactive pdf files with MIDI
 playback and note highlightning would be absolutely awesome.
 Herbert, i suggest you to install Frescobaldi - it has a feature
 called double-way-point-and-click: when you select some code in the
 input, respective notes in the output are highlighted.  Maybe that'll
 give you inspiration.

 hope that helps,

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

flageolets near noteheads

2012-04-10 Thread Paolo Prete
Hi all,

is there a way to place the flageolet symbol always NEAR (above or below) the 

I can see that if the notehead is within the staff, the flageolet is placed far 
from the notehead, above or below the staff.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: flageolets near noteheads

2012-04-10 Thread Nick Payne

On 11/04/12 07:50, Paolo Prete wrote:

Hi all,

is there a way to place the flageolet symbol always NEAR (above or below) the 

I can see that if the notehead is within the staff, the flageolet is placed far 
from the notehead, above or below the staff.

\version 2.15.32

\relative c'' {
\once \override Script #'staff-padding = #'()

attachment: test.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: flageolets near noteheads

2012-04-10 Thread Paolo Prete
thanks very much

--- Mer 11/4/12, Nick Payne ha scritto:

 Da: Nick Payne
 Oggetto: Re: flageolets near noteheads
 Data: Mercoledì 11 Aprile 2012, 00:05
 On 11/04/12 07:50, Paolo Prete
  Hi all,
  is there a way to place the flageolet symbol always
 NEAR (above or below) the notehead?
  I can see that if the notehead is within the staff, the
 flageolet is placed far from the notehead, above or below
 the staff.
 \version 2.15.32
 \relative c'' {
     \once \override Script #'staff-padding = #'()
 -Segue allegato-
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: musicxml2ly from sibelius

2012-04-10 Thread Josiah Boothby
 I'm a bit surprised you have musicxml from Sibelius.  As far as I was
 aware, it doesn't export into _any_ useful interchange format, including

 Googling suggests there is an expensive 3rd party program.

Googling also suggests that Sibelius is confident of their MusicXML
output in version 7.x.

Using xmllint to test for xml validity, it does not appear to have any
problems there, so it seems to me that there are problems either with
Sibelius's export to xml or with Lilypond's conversion scripts.
Sibelius's dev team primarily tests transport to and from Finale, so I
think both export and conversion are likely culprits for problems.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: node head positions

2012-04-10 Thread Tim Roberts
Huang wrote:
 Yes, I am looking for a way to highlight notes while playing MIDI. I
 will definitely check Frescobaldi to see how it works. I need to
 understand how Lily generates these notes and find out their positions.

I just want to caution you about how difficult this task will be.  The
PDF output does contain a link for each note that tells you where, in
the original LilyPond input file, that note or chord originated.  It
does NOT tell you the note's pitch or duration, and that information is
not trivially derivable from the original source, either.  There's no
good way to line up the PDF with the MIDI.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

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