Re: Footnote separator line too close

2013-04-03 Thread Richard Shann
Thanks for the suggestion, but what I need is to leave more space before
the first footnote text.
I have made progress: the bug arises only when you don't have a
superscript, (e.g. when you are not using the numbering) **and** when
you have the footnote markup text long enough to extend underneath the
horizontal text.
You can see this if you take the only example in the documentation

that does not use a superscript and extend the line of text:

\book {
  \header { tagline = ##f }
  \relative c' {
\footnote * #'(0.5 . -2) \markup { \italic * The first note - with this 
footnote text extending a long way across the page  is too close to the 
line above }
a'4 b8
\footnote \markup { \super $ } #'(0.5 . 1)
  \markup { \super $ \italic  The second note }
e c4
\once \override Score.FootnoteItem #'annotation-line = ##f
b-\footnote \markup \tiny + #'(0.1 . 0.1)
  \markup { \super + \italic  Editorial } \p

With the first footnote line extended the hline is unpleasantly close to
the text.
The workaround it to include a superscript :)


On Wed, 2013-04-03 at 07:08 +1100, Nick Payne wrote:
 On 03/04/13 06:24, Richard Shann wrote:
  I've found that the line dividing the footnote from the music is rather 
  close to the footnote text.
  I can see I need to override this definition
  footnote-separator-markup = \markup \fill-line { \override #'(span-factor . 
  1/2) \draw-hline }
  but I can't see what to add to provide more space under the line ... any 
 Just use \vspace within the footnote markup. eg:
 \version 2.17.15
 \relative f' {
\footnote * #'(2 . -1) \markup\teeny { \column { \left-align { \line {
  \concat { \vspace #1 \lower #0.8 \super { * }
At this point the performer may insert an improvisation in the 
 form of a 
  \italic Cadenza furiosa } } \line {   } } } } c4
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread lists

Zitat von Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

A question which has come up, and where I'm not sure what the answer or
intention is.

Lilypond is licensed under the GPL and reading through the license file, I
didn't come across any granted exceptions (IIRC the fonts have an  
exception for

embedding them into a document).

So, how does this affect things when e.g. you \include a file in  
your personal
Lilypond project?  While I can't see it affecting distribution of a  
PDF or other
graphical version of the score produced, the lack of an exception  
surely means
that any .ly file distributed would be obliged to be released under  
the GPL or a

compatible license.  (For example, is explicitly licensed under
GPLv3+ without any exception.  Yes, I know that these days you should use
\language english, but that's beside the point.)

I was sure this must have been discussed previously, but cannot find  
anything in
past mailing list discussions.  So can anyone advise on whether this  
was indeed

discussed before -- and if so, what were the conclusions?

I can't imagine it's intentional that Lilypond copyleft should  
extend so far as
the .ly files of scores created by users, but as things stand I'm  
concerned that

this may be the strict letter of the licensing.  I'd welcome being pointed to
obvious reasons why I'm wrong.

Thanks  best wishes,

-- Joe

I think there is one thing this discussion proves impressively: Things  
are much less non-ambiguous than most of the participants assume.
If we can't find an agreement on how the license under which LilyPond  
is distributed affects the use of LilyPond it is very clear that we  
need some _qualified_ input.

So I suggest that Joe makes a draft for an email requesting such  
input, the most important aspects being:

- how does the use of the GPL affect the use of its functions,
- given the complication of .ly files being a hybrid of user document  
and source code.

The question of licensing a library that is separate from the LilyPond  
distribution (which was the original motive for this questions) is  
basically independent from that.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: force bookpart to start on left-hand page?

2013-04-03 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Kieren,
On 10/01/13 18:24, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 Hi all,
 Is there a way to force a bookpart to start on a left-hand page?
 (i.e., to leave a blank page if necessary)
There's no direct way of doing this easily at the moment.  I think this
is worth forwarding to the bugs list as an enhancement request, probably
getting hold of

\on-the-fly \fromproperty header:first-page-number and
working out the current page and wrapping these up as recto? and verso?
predicates, so you could do some scheme-function type stuff

forcelefthandpage = #(define-scheme-function ( layout )
  (let*  ((current-page (stuff to get hold of current output page))
 (fpageprop (get hold of header first page))
 (thepageno (- current-page fpageprop)))
(if (even? thepageno)
(#{ \pagebreak
\markup {\null} #})) ) )

Probably we could supply builtin recto? and verso? predicates so this
could be simplified to

(if (recto?)

Cheers, Ian

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread Wols Lists
On 03/04/13 03:21, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
 On 04/03/2013 01:14 AM, Anthonys Lists wrote:
  If your work does not include any of their work, then you don't need any
  permission to not copy their work! :-)
 But I'm not talking about copying.  I'm talking about the right to use.
  And if you read the GPL, version 2 (I presume 3 has similar wording) says 
  use of this work is outside the scope of this licence. The GPL explicitly
  rejects anything to do with the USE of the work.
 You presume wrongly.  Section 2 of GPLv3 opens with:

Dare I suggest you look at section zero? The second paragraph of which
says, and I quote:

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running
the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is
covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program
(independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that
is true depends on what the Program does.

In other words, the GPL restricts itself to the activities covered by
copyright law, and EXPLICITLY does not cover USING the program, which it
assumes is a right for which permission is not required.

And I took a look at version 3. Take a look at section 2, which starts,
and I quote:

All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

Note that it affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified
program. It's not GRANTING permission, it's AFFIRMING permission. In
other words, it assumes you have that right regardless of what the
licence says, and it's making that explicit. Worded differently, it's
saying you DO NOT need the copyright holder's permission to USE the program.

So there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do that will cost you the right
to run an unmodified copy of the software on your computer.

What you seem unable to comprehend is that it is the law that gives the
GPL its teeth. Therefore, if the law says you don't need the GPL, then
the GPL is absolutely powerless! (and meaningless :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread Wols Lists
On 03/04/13 10:22, wrote:
 I think there is one thing this discussion proves impressively: Things
 are much less non-ambiguous than most of the participants assume.

Something I've learnt from my time on Groklaw is that the GPL is, in
fact, extremely clear.

The problem is that many people read into it what they want to see. I've
been guilty of that in the past :-)

And the problem here is very simple - it is the question What
constitutes a derived work?. Which Joseph is convinced is determined by
the wording of the GPL, and Tim, me, and probably most other people are
convinced is determined by the law.

Because if the law says you don't need a licence, how are the copyright
holders going to enforce said licence? It's as simple as that!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 04/03/2013 01:08 PM, Wols Lists wrote:
 Dare I suggest you look at section zero? The second paragraph of which
 says, and I quote:

You're talking about GPL version 2, not GPL version 3.


... where the second paragraph of Section 0 is exactly as you describe, with:

... which is the current and (to this case) relevant version of the GPL.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread Shane Brandes
Can we all agree now that the law, justice, and licences are three
different entities. And it would take the opinion of someone well versed in
all three to quiet this ruckus. And furthermore even if we have a solid
answer from a respected source, either justice or law could still supersede
such an opinion if ever put to an legal actual contestation no matter how
well worded a licence's permissiveness is worded or then misconstrued.
Especially since the licence is contrary to the nature of normal copyright
laws which in fact vary from nation state to nation state.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 7:37 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

 On 04/03/2013 01:08 PM, Wols Lists wrote:
  Dare I suggest you look at section zero? The second paragraph of which
  says, and I quote:

 You're talking about GPL version 2, not GPL version 3.


 ... where the second paragraph of Section 0 is exactly as you describe,

 ... which is the current and (to this case) relevant version of the GPL.

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: RemoveEmptyStaves and the ambitus_engraver

2013-04-03 Thread Janek Warchoł
On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Roman Stawski wrote:
 I'm not top posting.

 It seems that \RemoveEmptyStaves doesn't play very well with the

 In this example, I'm trying to get the treble staff removed in the
 first two systems, and appear with an ambitus on the third.

 It is removed correctly in the first system. But reappears in the
 second. If I comment out the line (*), then the staves are removed as
 needed, but the ambitus is too of course.

Interesting.  If i were you, i'd place the skips inside MainSequence
and have the ambitus appear at the very beginning, and keep that first
system alive (which makes
some sense in my opinion):

  \new Staff \relative c' {
\clef treble
\new MainSequence {
  \skip 1*8
  \repeat unfold 2 { e1 e'1 }

Janek Warchoł

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: LilyPond featured in Demo videos.

2013-04-03 Thread Eduardo Silva

 Subject: LilyPond featured in Demo videos.
 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:00:56 +
 Dear LilyPond,
 LilyPond features in a demo video that I have posted at  to publicise the new version 1.0.0 of
 Denemo, just released. It points out the quality of LilyPond's
 typesetting without manual tweaking. It also shows LilyPond adjusting
 the layout of the music after transposition without any further user
 intervention (though this example was not chosen to illustrate this
 point, and another example with dynamics, tempo changes etc would do
 that better).
Thank you, Richard. These examples are making me consider Denemo for note 
entry.I had never taken the time to see what it could really offer. I'm glad 
it's not a dead project as it appeared to be in the past.   
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: vowel aligned lyrics - want to improve it

2013-04-03 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On 22 February 2010 09:01, Wolf Alight wrote:

 What a way to start the monday morning!
 Thank you Neil!

 I will put this in the Snippet Repository. I just thought of one
 enhancement I want to make and one feature that came up:



Someone on the French users mailing list would like to align lyrics
on the first vowel.

I found this thread but searching the LSR with the keyword vowel
gives no result (and, of course, nothing about this in the doc).

1. Could someone confirm me this is the latest version of the code for
vowel aligned lyrics feature?
2. If it's effectively not on the LSR, could it be added?
3. It would be great to have vowel aligned lyrics directly in
LilyPond; could this be added to the tracker as feature request?



Xavier Scheuer
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: vowel aligned lyrics - want to improve it

2013-04-03 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Xavier,

 Someone on the French users mailing list would like to align lyrics
 on the first vowel.
 I found this thread but searching the LSR with the keyword vowel
 gives no result (and, of course, nothing about this in the doc).
 1. Could someone confirm me this is the latest version of the code for
 vowel aligned lyrics feature?
 2. If it's effectively not on the LSR, could it be added?
 3. It would be great to have vowel aligned lyrics directly in
 LilyPond; could this be added to the tracker as feature request?

Ultimately, it would be great to have two settings:
1. glyphs which don't count for width calculations (e.g., the LyricText 
amazing— should be centred as if it were just amazing); and,
2. glyphs which don't count for left-edge determination (e.g., all 
consonants, if you want vowel-aligned lyrics).

Just wanted to throw my feature request into this thread.  =)

lilypond-user mailing list

more custom articulations...

2013-04-03 Thread luis jure

hello list,

with the help of the code provided by harm, i've been able to create my
own custom articulations, but i still have some problems i haven't been
able to solve on my own. the two more important right now are:


studying script.scm i see that in the definition of each articulation
there's an expression of this form:

(script-stencil . (feta . (lcomma . rcomma))

is it possible to define an articulation using glyphs other than the
script glyphs? i mean glyphs in the feta font but belonging to arrowheads
or noteheads or flags or whatever.


following harm's code, i learned to define articulations using a previously
defined custom stencil, thus:

(stencil . ,my-crazy-stil)

what i can't figure out is how can i define a pair of glyphs, to be used
for up- and down-stem notes, as in the default lilypond articulations

thanks for any pointers.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond \include statements and the GPL

2013-04-03 Thread James Harkins
Wols Lists antlists at writes:

 On 03/04/13 10:22, lists at wrote:
  I think there is one thing this discussion proves impressively: Things
  are much less non-ambiguous than most of the participants assume.
 Something I've learnt from my time on Groklaw is that the GPL is, in
 fact, extremely clear.
 The problem is that many people read into it what they want to see. I've
 been guilty of that in the past 
 And the problem here is very simple - it is the question What
 constitutes a derived work?.

At risk of prolonging the discussion (which, I'll state again, really
doesn't need much further prolongation without actual legal
input)... Here are the questions where I would be interested to know
the FSF's legal position. I think these questions provide additional
detail on What constitutes a derived work?

1. Is Lilypond an interpreter, or more like a compiler/linker pair?
(The GPL's covered work seems to depend on the idea of linking. This
idea is fuzzy to me. Intuitively, it seems to me that Lilypond code
that merely invokes LP commands is more in the realm of interpreter
behavior -- including \include.) It's hard for me to imagine how LP
could be considered a compiler/linker.

2. Related to #1, I see the phrase intimate data communication
floating around as the standard for distinguishing a covered work
from one that is not covered. Possible test case:

\set tupletSpannerDuration = #'(ly:make-moment 1 4) \times 2/3 { c8 [
d e ] d [ e f ] } g4

Does it count as intimate data communication to quote a scheme
function *invocation* in the LP code? (I tend to think if yes, if
merely calling a GPL'ed function in an interpreter requires the
calling code to be GPL, it would essentially erase the distinction
between interpreting and compiling/linking -- but the GPL supports
this distinction! So I highly doubt the answer would be yes.)

3. Scheme functions in a .ly file that invoke LP scheme functions
(without modifying or quoting those functions) would seem to me to
fall in the same category. The question for the FSF is whether it
constitutes linking if I write (ly:make-moment 1 4) in a scheme
function. Intuition would say no, it's not linking, but since when
does the law have anything to do with what is intuitively right? [1]

4. It seems almost certain to me that, if you copy the text of a
scheme function from LP's source into your .ly or .ily and modify it
(if you don't modify it, why would you bother copying it?), at least
this part of the ly code then becomes a derivative work requiring
GPL. As I understand it, the reason to require the GPL when releasing
derivative works is that modifications enhance the behavior of a GPL
program, and those enhancements should be contributed back to the
community. Releasing the entire LP source code for a piece, /including
a copied/modified function definition/, under restrictive copyright
would violate that intent.

5. In #4's case, is there a distinction between the GPL'ed new scheme
code and the Lilypond score code that invokes the new function? I
guess, if LP's processing of the score code is considered
interpreting the code, then you could make a distinction between
*providing* a new function to the interpreter (GPL) and *using* the
interpreter (non-GPL). More concretely -- could you release your new
function as a GPL extension to LP in one file, and *use* the function
in another file that is not GPL (where the non-GPL file contains no
scheme definitions)?

I don't know the answer to these questions. From what I've read on
this list, nobody else *really* knows the answer either. We have a lot
of educated guesses (with varying degrees of education). So at this
point, I'll say explicitly that I'm not interested in opinions about
the questions, and I'm not going to respond to those. (Though, my
opinion about them seems close to David K's reading.) I write these
out with the hope of clarifying (?) the questions and suggesting some
questions for Joseph to ask in his letter.



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