Re: my barline "split arrows" function needs improvement

2017-06-03 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Kieran,

I think you need an event function, not a tweak,

split-arrows =
#(define-event-function ()

I have not figured out how to incorporate \break in that. Others will know!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
Indeed, totally stupid! I totally overlooked that line. Thanks!

Am 03.06.2017 um 17:31 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb  writes:
>> Thank you for answering.
>> I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
>> often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
>> usual old time sawmill tuning   
>> sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.
>> I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
>> fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .
> So why do you then write
>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
> ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: my barline "split arrows" function needs improvement

2017-06-03 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi again,

D'oh again…

My "fix" appears to work as a global override, but not as a one-off tweak (see 
attached modified snippet).
I played around with \stopStaff & \startStaff, but couldn't find the magic 

Help re-requested.  =)


\version "2.19.60"

#(define-markup-command (arrow-at-angle layout props angle-deg length fill)
   (number? number? boolean?)
   (let* (
   (PI-OVER-180 (/ (atan 1 1) 34))
   (degrees->radians (lambda (degrees) (* degrees PI-OVER-180)))
   (angle-rad (degrees->radians angle-deg))
   (target-x (* length (cos angle-rad)))
   (target-y (* length (sin angle-rad
 (interpret-markup layout props
#:translate (cons (/ target-x 2) (/ target-y 2))
#:rotate angle-deg
#:translate (cons (/ length -2) 0)
#:concat (#:draw-line (cons length 0)
   #:hspace -0.125
   #:arrow-head X RIGHT fill)

splitStaffBarLineMarkup =
  \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
  \override #'(thickness . 1.5) {
  \hspace #0.375
\raise #0.4 \arrow-at-angle #30 #(sqrt 4) ##t
\lower #0.4 \arrow-at-angle #-30 #(sqrt 4) ##t

staffOverride = {
  \override Staff.StaffSymbol.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(ly:staff-symbol::print grob)
(grob-interpret-markup grob splitStaffBarLineMarkup)

splitStaffBarLine = {
  \once \staffOverride \break

\markup \bold "STAFF OVERRIDE:"
  c''1 \break
  c''1 \break
  \time 3/4 c''2.

\markup \bold "SPLIT TWEAKS:"
  c''1 \splitStaffBarLine
  c''1 \splitStaffBarLine
  \time 3/4 c''2.

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: my barline "split arrows" function needs improvement

2017-06-03 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all,


> I tried attaching the arrows to the StaffSymbol — that seems the most elegant 
> solution — but my attempt didn't work.

User error. Works great. Sorry for the noise.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

my barline "split arrows" function needs improvement

2017-06-03 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all,

In the snippet included below, I show how I use angled arrows to indicate a 
staff will split into multiple staves after the system break.
(Note: It doesn't actually happen here, since I wanted my WE to be reasonably 

The problem is, the function attaches the arrows to the carline, which fails in 
the case of cautionary signatures (see second system). I tried attaching the 
arrows to the StaffSymbol — that seems the most elegant solution — but my 
attempt didn't work.

Would love help on fixing this snippet so that it always Does The Right Thing™.


\version "2.19.60"

#(define-markup-command (arrow-at-angle layout props angle-deg length fill)
   (number? number? boolean?)
   (let* (
   (PI-OVER-180 (/ (atan 1 1) 34))
   (degrees->radians (lambda (degrees) (* degrees PI-OVER-180)))
   (angle-rad (degrees->radians angle-deg))
   (target-x (* length (cos angle-rad)))
   (target-y (* length (sin angle-rad
 (interpret-markup layout props
#:translate (cons (/ target-x 2) (/ target-y 2))
#:rotate angle-deg
#:translate (cons (/ length -2) 0)
#:concat (#:draw-line (cons length 0)
   #:hspace -0.125
   #:arrow-head X RIGHT fill)

splitStaffBarLineMarkup =
  \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
  \override #'(thickness . 1.5) {
  \hspace #0.375
\raise #0.4 \arrow-at-angle #30 #(sqrt 4) ##t
\lower #0.4 \arrow-at-angle #-30 #(sqrt 4) ##t

splitStaffBarLine = {
  \override Staff.BarLine.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(ly:bar-line::print grob)
(grob-interpret-markup grob splitStaffBarLineMarkup)

  c''1 \break
  c''1 \break
  \time 3/4 c''2.

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pushing items "through" or "beyond" other contexts

2017-06-03 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all,

To clarify/expand:

> That being said, I was (am still?) hoping for a more robust and extensible 
> solution: in the real-world situations I'm looking at, this method/mechanism 
> either won't work at all, or at the very least would seem to be a coding, 
> reusability, and maintenance nightmare.

In my first post, I said

> As one (obvious) example, say I start with [this dynamics thing]

What I *eventually* hope to do is have/build a method to easily push note 
columns, markup, lyrics, etc. around an entire system. Some examples:

1. If one lyric needs to sit on top of a choral staff (becuase of a voice 
split), I want to define it in the main Lyrics context and just "pop" it above 
the staff for that one moment (while another lyric might simultaneously appear 
on the main lyric line). Right now, I need to define a whole separate Lyric 
context, keep it alive (with spacers), etc.

2. In my musical theatre works, I have a custom TextLine context (containing 
stage directions). Generally, this sits just above the top staff of a system. 
Depending on the situation, tempo marks (which I always keep in a custom 
ScoreMarks context) might be above the TextLine contents, or they might be 

3. Another related thing (though not exactly the same issue as above) would be 
to have "cross-staff" stuff jump across multiple staves, or have "connective 
tissue" (e.g., glissando, arrows) between notes in one staff/context and notes 
in another one (possibly not adjacent).

etc. etc.

Any thoughts (even off-list!) on how to best accomplish all of these things — 
hopefully with a single, fairly concise mechanism — would be appreciated.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pushing items "through" or "beyond" other contexts

2017-06-03 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Simon,

> here you are with an elaboration: 

It's good to know what the "solution" is, in this MWE context.
It might even be feasible — albeit frustratingly verbose — in a simple 
situation (e.g., piano with centred dynamics).

That being said, I was (am still?) hoping for a more robust and extensible 
solution: in the real-world situations I'm looking at, this method/mechanism 
either won't work at all, or at the very least would seem to be a coding, 
reusability, and maintenance nightmare.

> BTW, your snippet would have been more compilable without the typographical 
> quotes

Sorry!  =(

> (it seems your mail client inserts them - can you send as plain text?)

My emails *are* plain text!  =)  Unfortunately, it looks like my last Mac OS 
upgrade turned on a [system-wide] preference to auto-substitute "smart quotes". 
I've now turned that off. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pushing items "through" or "beyond" other contexts

2017-06-03 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hi Kieren,
   here you are with an elaboration:> BTW, your 
snippet would have been more compilable without the typographical quotes (it 
seems your mail client inserts them - can you send as plain text?)   Best, 

 Am 02-Jun-2017 21:53:59 +0200 schrieb 

 > Couldn't you do \new Dynamics { \alignAboveContext = "upper" s4/p }?

 No. =\

 p.s. I've now included a compilable snippet, if anyone wants to try stuff out.


 \version "2.19.61"

 upperStuff = {
 c''2 d''4( c'')

 centredDynamics = {
 % I want the following dynamic above the upper staff.
 % Currently, I have to use extra-offset (or similar)
 \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(0 . 8.5)

 lowerStuff = {
 \clef bass

 \new PianoStaff >

 > On 06/02/2017 09:00 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 >> Hello all,
 >> No compilable code/snippet here just a thought-experiment/question for 
 >> discussion.
 >> Is there any way (currently possible, or relatively easily coded) that 
 >> items in one context can be independently pushed "through" or "beyond" 
 >> other contexts?
 >> As one (obvious) example, say I start with
 >> \new PianoStaff > \new Staff = "upper" \upperStuff
 >> \new Dynamics = "dyn" \centredDynamics
 >> \new Staff = "lower" \lowerStuff
 >> Now let's say I want one particular dynamic (in the centred context) to 
 >> appear *above* the upper staff. I would love to write
 >> \once \alignAboveContext = "upper" s4\p
 >> or whatever. (Right now, I just use the edition-engraver and an 
 >> extra-offset tweak.)
 >> Thoughts?
 >> Thanks,
 >> Kieren.

 Kieren MacMillan, composer
 ‣ website:
 ‣ email:

 lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pushing items "through" or "beyond" other contexts

2017-06-03 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Mark,

> What about
> \context Staff = "upper" s2^\p

You mean

\version "2.19.60"

upperStuff = {
 c''2 d''4( c'')

centredDynamics = {
  \context Staff = "upper" s2^\p

lowerStuff = {
  \clef bass

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = “upper” \upperStuff
  \new Dynamics = “dyn” \centredDynamics
  \new Staff = “lower” \lowerStuff

?? That doesn’t work (at least here).


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread David Kastrup
bb  writes:

> Thank you for answering.
> I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
> often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
> usual old time sawmill tuning   
> sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.
> I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
> fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .

So why do you then write

> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo


David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
I wanted to show that a transposition does show the error as well. But
wrote the opposite! Sorry for that!

Am 03.06.2017 um 17:11 schrieb bb:
> Thank you for answering.
> I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
> often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
> usual old time sawmill tuning   
> sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.
> I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
> fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .
> In the example I used   
> oud = \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >,
> the usual  tuning of the arabic Oud. There are turkish variants as well,
> that differ with a third step on different positions. Actually not a topic.
> Anyway, obviously there is a bug(?) as the a on the a string will show
> correctly in the TAB, but  for b, c  will be added a fifth. If I 
> transpose the example an octave, it will be show correctly.
> \version "2.18.2"
> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>fourth =  \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >
>Scale= {
>   %\relative c
> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
> \time 4/4
> \transpose f, f
> {
>  f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
> a d e f |   % with string definition
> }
>  \bar "|."
> }
> \new TabStaff \with {
> \tabFullNotation
> \stemDown
> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
> stringTunings = #fourth 
> }
> {
>   \Scale
>   }
> Am 03.06.2017 um 16:47 schrieb David Kastrup:
>> bb  writes:
>>> the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
>>> even with predefined string 5.
>>> I  kindly ask for help.
>>> Kind regards BB
>>> \version "2.18.2"
>>> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>>>fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
>>>Scale= {
>>>   \relative c'
>>> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
>>> \time 4/4
>>>{f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
>>> c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
>>>  g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
>>>  e'' f'' g''  a''
>>>  \bar "|."
>>> }
>>> \new TabStaff \with {
>>> \tabFullNotation
>>> \stemDown
>>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>> stringTunings = #fourth 
>>> }
>>> {
>>>   \Scale
>>>   }
>> Banjo tablatures
>> LilyPond has basic support for the five-string banjo.  When making
>> tablatures for five-string banjo, use the banjo tablature format
>> function to get correct fret numbers for the fifth string:
>>  music = {
>>g8 d' g'\5 a b g e d' |
>>g4 d''8\5 b' a'\2 g'\5 e'\2 d' |
>>  }
>>  <<
>>\new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber }
>>{ \clef "treble_8"  \music }
>>\new TabStaff \with {
>>  tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>  stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
>>{ \music }
>>  >>
>> The definition is:
>> (define-public (fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>> context string-number fret-number)
>>   (make-vcenter-markup
>>(number->string (cond
>> ((and (> fret-number 0) (= string-number 5))
>>  (+ fret-number 5))
>> (else fret-number)
>> So this is intentional (don't know how to play the banjo).  What kind of
>> 6-string banjo do you actually use here?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
Thank you for answering.

I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
usual old time sawmill tuning   
sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.

I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .
In the example I used   
oud = \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >,
the usual  tuning of the arabic Oud. There are turkish variants as well,
that differ with a third step on different positions. Actually not a topic.

Anyway, obviously there is a bug(?) as the a on the a string will show
correctly in the TAB, but  for b, c  will be added a fifth. If I
transpose the example an octave, it will be show correctly.
\version "2.18.2"

#(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
   fourth =  \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >
   Scale= {
  %\relative c
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
\time 4/4
\transpose f, f
 f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
a d e f |   % with string definition

 \bar "|."
\new TabStaff \with {
tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
stringTunings = #fourth 

Am 03.06.2017 um 16:47 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb  writes:
>> the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
>> even with predefined string 5.
>> I  kindly ask for help.
>> Kind regards BB
>> \version "2.18.2"
>> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>>fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
>>Scale= {
>>   \relative c'
>> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
>> \time 4/4
>>{f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
>> c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
>>  g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
>>  e'' f'' g''  a''
>>  \bar "|."
>> }
>> \new TabStaff \with {
>> \tabFullNotation
>> \stemDown
>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>> stringTunings = #fourth 
>> }
>> {
>>   \Scale
>>   }
> Banjo tablatures
> LilyPond has basic support for the five-string banjo.  When making
> tablatures for five-string banjo, use the banjo tablature format
> function to get correct fret numbers for the fifth string:
>  music = {
>g8 d' g'\5 a b g e d' |
>g4 d''8\5 b' a'\2 g'\5 e'\2 d' |
>  }
>  <<
>\new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber }
>{ \clef "treble_8"  \music }
>\new TabStaff \with {
>  tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>  stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
>{ \music }
>  >>
> The definition is:
> (define-public (fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
> context string-number fret-number)
>   (make-vcenter-markup
>(number->string (cond
> ((and (> fret-number 0) (= string-number 5))
>  (+ fret-number 5))
> (else fret-number)
> So this is intentional (don't know how to play the banjo).  What kind of
> 6-string banjo do you actually use here?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pushing items "through" or "beyond" other contexts

2017-06-03 Thread Mark Knoop
At 15:53 on 02 Jun 2017, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> Couldn't you do \new Dynamics { \alignAboveContext = "upper"
>> s4/p }?  
>No.  =\
>p.s. I’ve now included a compilable snippet, if anyone wants to try
>stuff out.
>\version "2.19.61"
>upperStuff = {
> c''2 d''4( c'')
>centredDynamics = {
>  s2\f
>  % I want the following dynamic above the upper staff.
>  % Currently, I have to use extra-offset (or similar)
>  \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(0 . 8.5)
>  s2\p
>lowerStuff = {
>  \clef bass
>  c1
>\new PianoStaff <<
>  \new Staff = “upper” \upperStuff
>  \new Dynamics = “dyn” \centredDynamics
>  \new Staff = “lower” \lowerStuff

What about

\context Staff = "upper" s2^\p


Mark Knoop

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread David Kastrup
bb  writes:

> the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
> even with predefined string 5.
> I  kindly ask for help.
> Kind regards BB
> \version "2.18.2"
> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
>Scale= {
>   \relative c'
> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
> \time 4/4
>{f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
> c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
>  g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
>  e'' f'' g''  a''
>  \bar "|."
> }
> \new TabStaff \with {
> \tabFullNotation
> \stemDown
> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
> stringTunings = #fourth 
> }
> {
>   \Scale
>   }

Banjo tablatures

LilyPond has basic support for the five-string banjo.  When making
tablatures for five-string banjo, use the banjo tablature format
function to get correct fret numbers for the fifth string:

 music = {
   g8 d' g'\5 a b g e d' |
   g4 d''8\5 b' a'\2 g'\5 e'\2 d' |

   \new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber }
   { \clef "treble_8"  \music }
   \new TabStaff \with {
 tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
 stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
   { \music }

The definition is:

(define-public (fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
context string-number fret-number)
   (number->string (cond
((and (> fret-number 0) (= string-number 5))
 (+ fret-number 5))
(else fret-number)

So this is intentional (don't know how to play the banjo).  What kind of
6-string banjo do you actually use here?

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re:RE;re; beaming with cadenzaOn

2017-06-03 Thread Sam Frybyte
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 12:08:09 +0100
From: "Phil Holmes" 
To: "Sam Frybyte" ,  "lilypond user group"
Subject: Re: RE;re; beaming with cadenzaOn
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

- Original Message -
From: "Sam Frybyte" 
To: "lilypond user group" ;

Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 11:47 AM
Subject: RE;re; beaming with cadenzaOn

> Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 18:29:51 +0100
> From: Brian Barker 
> To: lilypond user group 
> Cc: Sam Frybyte 
> Subject: Re: beaming with cadenzaOn
> Message-ID: <> (added by
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> At 10:16 31/05/2017 -0700, Sam Frybyte wrote:
>>If there is a time signature the beaming of 8th notes with
>>acciaccaturas between them is created as I expect.
>>in version. 2.18.2
>>with \cadenzaOn
>>\stemUp\acciaccatura c'8 \stemNeutral a8
>> \stemUp\acciaccatura b8 \stemNeutral ges8
>> \times 2/3 {f16 [des des]} des4
>>I have not been able to figure out or find a way for the 8ths to be
>>>Just as you would beam any other notes: follow the a8 with a >>left
>>>bracket "a8[" and the ges8 with a right bracket "ges8]".
>>>If you wrote your triplet as { f16[ des des] } you might see more
>>>readily how the notation works: the brackets do not enclose >>anything
>>>but separately follow the notes to which they apply.
>>>I trust this helps.
>>>Brian Barker
> Mr. Barker
> It doesn't work.  I tried this and at least in version 2.18.2 nothing
> happens- Unless you mean I must include the quotation marks? and if
> you do where is this information in the manual?  Otherwise without the
> marks nothing happens.
> Thank you

It does work:

{ \cadenzaOn \acciaccatura c'8 a8[
\acciaccatura b8 ges8]
\times 2/3 {f16[ des des]} des4

Phil Holmes

Phil- (and Brian) the quotes that were included in the first message
confused me.  And mentioning the triplet where it did work did too.
Without the quotes I was able to understand where the brackets should
go (I was putting them in the wrong places and continued to have to
experiment to get it 'right' individually/per situation.) Thank you
both for your help

lilypond-user mailing list

what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
even with predefined string 5.

I  kindly ask for help.

Kind regards BB

\version "2.18.2"

#(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
   fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
   Scale= {
  \relative c'
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
\time 4/4
   {f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
 g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
 e'' f'' g''  a''
 \bar "|."
\new TabStaff \with {
tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
stringTunings = #fourth 

lilypond-user mailing list