Re: Edition engraver verbosity

2019-03-17 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Andrew,

> I am now using edition-engraver and page-layout

Welcome!  =)
Anyone working with Lilypond at the level you are will find the EE invaluable.

> I am overwhelmed by the sheer brilliance of this code.



Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Need help with Lily Pond File

2019-03-17 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek

I see four lines of code in your word document. Each has some very minor 

1) remove the braces {  }
2) remove the braces {  }, change \trill to \startTrillSpan
3) remove the brace, }, after the \afterGrace and the brace, }, at the very end
4) remove the brace, }, after the \afterGrace and the brace, }, at the very end

Yes, 3 and 4 have the same error.


-Original Message-
From: lilypond-user [] 
On Behalf Of Yerko Difonis
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2019 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Need help with Lily Pond File

Dear all,
Thank you very much for your replies, and I apologize for the inconvenience. As 
I am blind, and it was late when I sent the e-mail, I didn't feel I could 
figure out the errors on my own. Thomas, I asked permission of the people who 
transcribed the music into braille for me, so that I could transcribe it for 
the flautist I have to play a concert with. Andrew and Brian, thank you for 
your suggestions. I went through the file, copied everything after that which I 
knew to be correct into a Word file, and pasted in the code bit by bit to find 
out where the problems were. I corrected some errors, and the piece now 
processes successfully. The compilation file still gives me some errors having 
to do with bar checks and characters, but it is compiled. Thank you.

I do have a question about pitched trills and trills that end in grace notes. 
Are the attached examples correct?

Thank you again.

On 3/16/19, Brian Barker  wrote:
> At 03:05 16/03/2019 -0300, you wrote:
>>... I am new to Lily Pond. I am writing because I tried to write out a 
>>piece of music, but it gives me a lot of errors when I tried to 
>>compile it at the end.
> I think this is your first mistake. Don't wait until you have 
> completed your source file before compiling. Instead, repeatedly 
> compile it as you go. That way, you can correct any simple slips or 
> misunderstandings gradually, instead of being confronted with pages of 
> error messages at the end. You don't need to compile the complete 
> source every time: see 
> d-music
> for how to skip parts that you are confident are correct.
>>I used all the rules of syntax as I understood them.
> It's very easy to make slips in coding, of course.
>>If you could please help me with this, I would truly appreciate it. I 
>>have attached the .ly file, and the compilation  report.
> Reading through the log file and determining what needs to change in 
> your source file is very much your job, and you shouldn't expect 
> anyone to do your work for you. If you exhaust what you can do and ask 
> about remaining genuine problems, there will be plenty of help 
> available from people on the list. But you are expected to do at least 
> some work by identifying exactly where your problem lies. In this 
> process, you will be able to create a small example file - not your 
> actual source file - that is just enough to show the problem.
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc - Flute Sonata - III. 
>>error: unknown escaped string: `\italics'
>>   \markup {
>> \italics "léger et mordant"
> It is very easy to see what is wrong here:
> Lilypond does not recognise "\italics". That is not surprising, as the 
> keyword is "\italic" - without the "s". See 
> .
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc - Flute Sonata - III. 
>>Presto warning: non-UTF-8 input
>>   \markup { \italics "l
>>éger et mordant"
> You have saved your .ly file in ASCII format. If you need characters 
> outside the ASCII character set (as here your accented characters), 
> you need to save it in UTF-8 format. See 
> .
> In addition, you can use \markup without braces here:
> \markup \italic "léger et mordant"
> or with braces:
> \markup { \italics "léger et mordant" }
> - but you have an opening brace but no closing brace. That has left 
> the rest of your source file within that braced expression, thus 
> disabling it.
> Make this simple correction and most of your errors disappear.
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc - Flute Sonata - III. 
>>error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode cis4~ 
>>cis8{) r8 | r2 | r | r | c4--\f b8-- b-- | bes\( c16 bes aes8 ges\) | 
>>\pitchedTrill { b4\trill cis } ais8( b | c4) f8( c) | \pitchedTrill { 
>>b4\trill cis } ais8( b | c4) f8( c | ees2)\> | ees,2~\p | ees8 r8 
>>ees4( | ees'~) ees8 r8 |
> That opening brace after "cis8" is simply an error, isn't it?
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc - Flute Sonata - III. 
>>Presto error: EOF found inside st

Re: Need help with Lily Pond File

2019-03-17 Thread Yerko Difonis
Dear all,
Thank you very much for your replies, and I apologize for the
inconvenience. As I am blind, and it was late when I sent the e-mail,
I didn't feel I could figure out the errors on my own. Thomas, I asked
permission of the people who transcribed the music into braille for
me, so that I could transcribe it for the flautist I have to play a
concert with. Andrew and Brian, thank you for your suggestions. I went
through the file, copied everything after that which I knew to be
correct into a Word file, and pasted in the code bit by bit to find
out where the problems were. I corrected some errors, and the piece
now processes successfully. The compilation file still gives me some
errors having to do with bar checks and characters, but it is
compiled. Thank you.

I do have a question about pitched trills and trills that end in grace
notes. Are the attached examples correct?

Thank you again.

On 3/16/19, Brian Barker  wrote:
> At 03:05 16/03/2019 -0300, you wrote:
>>... I am new to Lily Pond. I am writing because
>>I tried to write out a piece of music, but it
>>gives me a lot of errors when I tried to compile it at the end.
> I think this is your first mistake. Don't wait
> until you have completed your source file before
> compiling. Instead, repeatedly compile it as you
> go. That way, you can correct any simple slips or
> misunderstandings gradually, instead of being
> confronted with pages of error messages at the
> end. You don't need to compile the complete source every time: see
> for how to skip parts that you are confident are correct.
>>I used all the rules of syntax as I understood them.
> It's very easy to make slips in coding, of course.
>>If you could please help me with this, I would
>>truly appreciate it. I have attached the .ly file, and the compilation
>> report.
> Reading through the log file and determining what
> needs to change in your source file is very much
> your job, and you shouldn't expect anyone to do
> your work for you. If you exhaust what you can do
> and ask about remaining genuine problems, there
> will be plenty of help available from people on
> the list. But you are expected to do at least
> some work by identifying exactly where your
> problem lies. In this process, you will be able
> to create a small example file - not your actual
> source file - that is just enough to show the problem.
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc -
>>Flute Sonata - III. Presto
>>error: unknown escaped string: `\italics'
>>   \markup {
>> \italics "léger et mordant"
> It is very easy to see what is wrong here:
> Lilypond does not recognise "\italics". That is
> not surprising, as the keyword is "\italic" - without the "s". See
> .
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc -
>>Flute Sonata - III. Presto warning: non-UTF-8 input
>>   \markup { \italics "l
>>éger et mordant"
> You have saved your .ly file in ASCII format. If
> you need characters outside the ASCII character
> set (as here your accented characters), you need
> to save it in UTF-8 format. See
> .
> In addition, you can use \markup without braces here:
> \markup \italic "léger et mordant"
> or with braces:
> \markup { \italics "léger et mordant" }
> - but you have an opening brace but no closing
> brace. That has left the rest of your source file
> within that braced expression, thus disabling it.
> Make this simple correction and most of your errors disappear.
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc -
>>Flute Sonata - III. Presto
>>error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
>>cis4~ cis8{) r8 | r2 | r | r | c4--\f b8-- b-- |
>>bes\( c16 bes aes8 ges\) | \pitchedTrill {
>>b4\trill cis } ais8( b | c4) f8( c) |
>>\pitchedTrill { b4\trill cis } ais8( b | c4) f8(
>>c | ees2)\> | ees,2~\p | ees8 r8 ees4( | ees'~) ees8 r8 |
> That opening brace after "cis8" is simply an error, isn't it?
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc -
>>Flute Sonata - III. Presto error: EOF found inside string
>>   \
>>midi {  }
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc -
>>Flute Sonata - III. Presto error: Unfinished main input
>>   \
>>midi {  }
>>C:/Users/YERKO/Google Drive/Lily Pond/Poulenc -
>>Flute Sonata - III. Presto
>>error: syntax error, unexpected end of input
>>   \
>>midi {  }
>>fatal error: failed files:
>>"C:\\Users\\YERKO\\Google Drive\\Lily
>>Pond\\Poulenc - Flute Sonata - III. Presto"
> These errors almost certainly come from unpaired
> braces somewhere in your source text.
> Brian Barker - privately

Poulenc Flute Sonata Examples.docx
Description: MS-Wo

Re: The Guide to getting Point and Click going with Gvim under Ubuntu 18

2019-03-17 Thread David Wright
On Sat 16 Mar 2019 at 18:25:45 (+1100), Andrew Bernard wrote:
> Hi David,
> I made a mistake here - total lack of comprehension on my part. Not taking
> the time to study the format of the apparmor profile files, I misunderstood
> that the '#" in the '#include' was a comment character that had to be
> removed to activate the line. The comment character is '#' but '#include'
> is a single unit. Indeed the standard usr.bin.evince contains:
> #include 
> and has no need of modification.
> My apologies for misleading readers - I am a complete idiot!
> The curious thing is that on my system where the '#' is removed the file
> appears to be included and works just fine, so maybe that's a peculiarity
> of the grammar? Or maybe I am totally mixed up.
> Thanks for pointing this out.

No problem.

I think this is because, by chance maybe, Ubuntu managed to put
  # Site-specific additions and overrides. See local/README for details.
in two places, usr.bin.evince and abstractions/evince, instead of just one.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Edition engraver verbosity

2019-03-17 Thread Urs Liska

Hi Andrew,

Am 17.03.19 um 12:34 schrieb Andrew Bernard:

Voluminous output of


hundreds of lines.

OK, now I see what you mean.

I just commented out the ly:message call, but I think a switch would 
be good.

I find the message "trying \break" pretty useless without any context 
(like measure number, context and input location), so I have the 
impression this is just a development debut message randomly forgotten 
to be commented out.

I think a switch would be good (=> should be implemented using 
(getOption '(edition-engraver debug-messages)) (or any other useful 
option name list). But only if the produced output is of actual use.

Another suggestion would be to replace ly:message with oll:debug here. 
What do you think, Jan-Peter?



On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 17:32, Urs Liska > wrote:

Am 17. März 2019 01:23:23 MEZ schrieb Andrew Bernard>>:
>I am now using edition-engraver and page-layout. I am overwhelmed by
>sheer brilliance of this code. Thanks Jan-Peter and Urs and others!
>Is there an option to switch off the 'trying...' messages and on on?

I'm sorry, but what messages are you talking about specifically?


>annoying when using gvim and make as it just causes one to have
to quit
>'more' and so on because of long pages of output, for no real
need. If
>there is a verbose switch, could  you let me know? If not, can I put
>one in?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Edition engraver verbosity

2019-03-17 Thread Andrew Bernard
Voluminous output of


hundreds of lines.

I just commented out the ly:message call, but I think a switch would be


On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 17:32, Urs Liska  wrote:

> Am 17. März 2019 01:23:23 MEZ schrieb Andrew Bernard <
> >I am now using edition-engraver and page-layout. I am overwhelmed by
> >the
> >sheer brilliance of this code. Thanks Jan-Peter and Urs and others!
> >
> >Is there an option to switch off the 'trying...' messages and on on?
> I'm sorry, but what messages are you talking about specifically?
> Urs
> >It's
> >annoying when using gvim and make as it just causes one to have to quit
> >'more' and so on because of long pages of output, for no real need. If
> >there is a verbose switch, could  you let me know? If not, can I put
> >one in?
> >
> >Andrew
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