Re: get space left in markup function

2019-05-02 Thread Robert Kubosz
Hmm, maybe I will introduce you to the problem I am now tackling and why
I need to know the available free space in markup command.

I'm modifying the book template shared by Nicolas Sceaux. Now I'm
working on table of contents. The table of contents looks beautiful on
one condition: sections don't have a lot of pieces, so the whole section
fits on one page in table of contents.

Here is an example:

The problem is shown on page 5. The section has so many pieces, that
they don't fit on the page (there's a gap between pieces 19-43).

Of course, the problem with not fitting them on one page could be fixed
with proper page breaking. The result could be as such:

blah blah blah





piece a    piece f

piece b    piece g

piece c    piece h

(page break)

piece d    piece i

piece e    piece j


(page break)

Result like this above will not satisfy me, because it's just ugly and
unprofessional. And it could be frustrating for users of books. I want
it to look like this:

blah blah blah





piece a    piece d

piece b    piece e

piece c    piece f

(page break)

piece g    piece i

piece h    piece j


(page break)

And to generate multi page toc section like this I need to know the
space left on page, so markup function could calculate how much toc
pieces could fit in the free left space on page and which pieces pass to
the next page.

On 01.05.2019 12:39, David Kastrup wrote:
> At the time markups are evaluated, the page breaking decisions have not
> yet been made, and of course those decisions depend on what your markup
> command will produce.  So this information is still to be established at
> this time.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: get space left in markup function

2019-05-02 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hello Robert,

It seems to me wishful thinking to try to get inside the machinery of the
markup commands to do your own custom layout. What you are after is what I
refer to as newspaper columns, or snaking columns they are sometimes
called. This properly belongs to the domain of powerful text processing
programs. I suggest instead to trying to second guess the lilypond markup
engine that you perhaps should invest the time learning TeX, of some
description. If as you mention you are interested in fine book design done
professionally. then that would be a good way to go. There are those that
maintain that TeX produces the finest typesetting in the world, a view I
respect. There are lots of people on the list experienced with integration
of lilypond and TeX (all the various variants).

As David says, the markup can't know the remaining space as it is not
available at that time in the processing chain sequence.


On Thu, 2 May 2019 at 19:33, Robert Kubosz  wrote:

> Hmm, maybe I will introduce you to the problem I am now tackling and why
> I need to know the available free space in markup command.
> I'm modifying the book template shared by Nicolas Sceaux. Now I'm
> working on table of contents. The table of contents looks beautiful on
> one condition: sections don't have a lot of pieces, so the whole section
> fits on one page in table of contents.
> Here is an example:
> The problem is shown on page 5. The section has so many pieces, that
> they don't fit on the page (there's a gap between pieces 19-43).
> Of course, the problem with not fitting them on one page could be fixed
> with proper page breaking. The result could be as such:
> blah blah blah
> foo
> bar
> piece apiece f
> piece bpiece g
> piece cpiece h
> (page break)
> piece dpiece i
> piece epiece j
> (page break)
> Result like this above will not satisfy me, because it's just ugly and
> unprofessional. And it could be frustrating for users of books. I want
> it to look like this:
> blah blah blah
> foo
> bar
> piece apiece d
> piece bpiece e
> piece cpiece f
> (page break)
> piece gpiece i
> piece hpiece j
> (page break)
> And to generate multi page toc section like this I need to know the
> space left on page, so markup function could calculate how much toc
> pieces could fit in the free left space on page and which pieces pass to
> the next page.
> On 01.05.2019 12:39, David Kastrup wrote:
> >
> > At the time markups are evaluated, the page breaking decisions have not
> > yet been made, and of course those decisions depend on what your markup
> > command will produce.  So this information is still to be established at
> > this time.
> >
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
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Is anyone using "tabr" ? (tablature oriented package)

2019-05-02 Thread Gauco Wander Beall
Hi there:
This is my first post,
and i like to ask about "tabr":
Is anyone using it ?
It's a package for guitar tablature,
that  wrapps around LilyPond.
Although it generates (.ly),
it not generated this output data.
I used the following code:

# My First Score
p("r a2 c f d a f", "4 8*6", "x 5 5 4 4 3 4") %>% track %>% score %>%
  tab("phrase.pdf", key = "dm", time = "4/4", tempo = "4 = 120")
outfile <- file.path(tempdir("C:/Users/gwb70/Documents/Tabr Sessions"), 
lilypond(x, outfile)
Can anyone re-write this code to yield (.ly) ?
* This package requires R and Rstudio installation.
Thank you in advance:  GWB70.
lilypond-user mailing list

cues overlapping compressed multi measure rest

2019-05-02 Thread Alex Jones
I am trying to replicate an odd structure, which places cue notes over top of 
the conclusion of a compressed multi measure rest.  

Normally when I make cues I use the << {} \\ {} >> structure such that I might 
have code like the following, but it breaks up the multi measure rest, any 

\version "2.18.2"

\layout {
  \context {
skipBars = ##t
autoBeaming = ##f
PartPOneVoiceOne =  \relative g'' {
  \clef "treble" \key e \major \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4 | % 1
  cis4 -. r b-. r
  R1 \fermataMarkup
  << {\set fontSize=#-2 s1*2 
  s2 s4 4 ( 
  2) s2 s1 \unset fontSize } \\
 { \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
R1*3 | % 44
r4 c2 \pp ^( \stemUp a4 ~ | % 45
a4 f2 d4 ) 
  } >>

% The score definition
\score {
\new Staff <<
  \context Staff <<
\context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \PartPOneVoiceOne }

  \layout {}
  \midi {}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is anyone using "tabr" ? (tablature oriented package)

2019-05-02 Thread Carl Sorensen

From: Gauco Wander Beall 
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 11:20 AM
Subject: Is anyone using "tabr" ? (tablature oriented package)

Hi there:

This is my first post,

and i like to ask about "tabr":

Is anyone using it ?

I have never used tabr, and cannot imagine a reason why I would want to do it.

Have you read the CRAN documentation for the package tabr?

It appears to show how you build up objects before you pass them to lilypond.  
You need to create some phrases, then combine them into a score, and call 

Personally, I’d rather just write the lilypond code instead of writing R code 
that will do a conversion to lilypond with whatever restrictions are built into 
the R data structures found in the tabr package.

I’d suggest you ask for help on R forums; you are the first person I’ve seen on 
the LilyPond forums asking for help with tabr.

Sorry I can’t be of more help.


lilypond-user mailing list

[no subject]

2019-05-02 Thread Craig Dabelstein
Hi everyone,

Has anyone encountered this error in Terminal before? I'm on a Mac (latest
OS) and invoking Lilypond on about 30 parts. This error came up on about
the 25th part.

warning: g_spawn_sync failed (0): gs: Too many open files

All the best,


[image: photograph]
*Craig Dabelstein*
Maxime's Music, QLD, Australia
[image: facebook icon]  [image:
twitter icon]  [image: youtube icon]
 [image: instagram icon]
lilypond-user mailing list


2019-05-02 Thread Andrew Bernard
ulimit -a please. Lilypond version? What version of 'latest OS' exactly
(that varies depending on how old your Mac is nowadays)?


On Fri, 3 May 2019 at 09:48, Craig Dabelstein 

> Has anyone encountered this error in Terminal before? I'm on a Mac (latest
> OS) and invoking Lilypond on about 30 parts. This error came up on about
> the 25th part.
> warning: g_spawn_sync failed (0): gs: Too many open files
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Is anyone using "tabr" ? (tablature oriented package)

2019-05-02 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Gauco,


Welcome to lilypond. What is your use case? Are you simply wanting to produce 
guitar tab, or are you wanting to do programmatic/algorithmic composition which 
outputs to lilypond? If the former, lilypond is fine for TAB as is, and many 
people use it. As for the algorithmic programming in R using lilypond as a 
backend, I have a feeling you will need to contact the tabr user community, if 
they have a mailing list or forum.





lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Edition Engraver master vs refactor override branch: changing bound-details

2019-05-02 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Hi Stefano,

a lot of lilypond-unrelated business prevented me working on the
edition-engraver and especially in the refactor-override-branch for
quite a while.
Meanwhile there where some small issues to fix in master so the two
branches diverged.
So the old and stale 'refactor-override-branch' is a development branch
removing and changing code related to \override, \set et al..
Now I merged master into 'refactor-override-branch' so it is up to date
with master.
For now I suggest using the updated branch. I am going to test it soon
so that is fit to be merged into master.
And the next development branch is 'absolute-timing' meant to introduce
anchors and the correct handling of cadenza sections.

If there are any problems with the 'refactor-override-branch' please let
me know and I am going to fix it asap.


Am 30.04.19 um 17:16 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
> Hi Jan-Peter,
> Sure! Please let me know if you manage to solve it so I can update.
> Thank you!
> El dom., 28 abr. 2019 a las 16:05, Jan-Peter Voigt ( >) escribió:
> Hi Stefano,
> sorry for the delay. I've been away for several days.
> I have to look into this deeper ... I guess it is related to the
> grob-property-path 'bound-details.left.text'.
> Hopefully I can solve this issue soon.
> Best
> Jan-Peter
> Am 21.04.19 um 20:42 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
> > Hi all, long time since I posted here, hope you all have been well!
> >
> > While using the Edition Engraver today I noticed that the following
> > override works in the old refactor override branch, while on the
> > current master it prints a textless spanner and a warning:
> >
> > \version "2.19.80" \include "oll-core/package.ily" \loadPackage
> edition-engraver \consistToContexts #edition-engraver Voice
> \addEdition test \editionMod test 1 0 Voice.A { \override
> TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = "span this" <>\startTextSpan
> } \editionMod test 2 3/4 Voice.A \stopTextSpan \new Staff { \new
> Voice \relative { c' d e f g a b c } }
> >
> > Said warning is
> >
> > warning: type check for `bound-details' failed; value `"span this"'
> > must be of type `list'
> >
> > In the current master I could set this like this:
> > \override TextSpanner.bound-details = #'((left . ((text . "span
> this"
> > but this has the undesirable effect of resetting all the other
> > settings of the bound-details alist
> >
> > Without having been able to dive down into the code, this looks
> like a
> > simple issue with type checking, but I realize this may have been
> > implemented this way to circumvent other problems.
> >
> > So, how can I achieve this with the current master? Or should I go
> > back to using the earlier branch until this is solved?
> >
> > Thanks for your help,
> > Stéfano
> >
> > ___
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> > 
> >
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

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