Multimeasure rests not compressed

2019-05-05 Thread Davide Liessi
Dear all,

in the following example I expected to see two identical scores, but
in the first one the full bar rests after the rehearsal mark are not

\version "2.19.82"

\score {
  \new Staff <<
  \mark \default

\score {
  \new Staff {
\mark \default

Is there a solution?

Best wishes.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Unterminated slurs in multi-voice volta alternative ending

2019-05-05 Thread
Hi Thomas

Despite or thanks to the rather lenghty code example you have been able
to grasp and answer almost every aspect/problem I had in mind.

I decided for two separate voices and omitting repeats according to your

The single (better: double ;-) ) voice as well as the SAATB (ChoirStaff)
scores are absolutely suitable.

The only disadvantage: Having 3 separate female voices now makes the use
of \partcombine for the right hand of the piano reduction unusable.
Instead I went for a simple three-voice staff, which misses the optical
optimisations of \partcombine, but works for rehearsal purposes.

Thanks a lot!
Cheers, Stephan

Am 05.05.2019 um 11:23 schrieb Thomas Morley:
> Am Sa., 4. Mai 2019 um 23:30 Uhr schrieb :
>> Hello everbody
>> The following example produces 2 compile warnings (cannot end slur,
>> unterminated slur). I'm missing the slur between dis in bar 3 and d in
>> bar 4, both in an additional temporary voice context.
>> It's a snippet from a SATB arrangement with 2 alto voices put in one
>> staff. In order to align the text to alto 1 I chose to add temporary
>> voice contexts for alto 2 (which is most of the time).
>> (The only alternative I could imagine is to
>> * write alto 2 in a completely separate voice, hiding notes during
>> "oneVoice" portions with invisible breaks (s)
>> * to combine the alto 1 voice and the alto 2 voice together in one
>> (multi-voice alto) staff,
>> * add the lyrics to alto 1 (alto 2 lyrics are identical to alto 1 lyrics).
> Hi Stephan,
> please try to break down the problem to a minimal.
> Superfluous code obfuscates the problem and may prevent people to have
> a deeper look at your request.
> You may have arrived at:
> \new Staff { \new Voice b( \new Voice b) }
> Which reproduces the mentioned warnings.
> Reason: two _new_ Voices are done in sequence, but they are not
> related to each other, apart from being printed one after the other.
> Thus the Slur does not work from one Voice to another.
> You rather want to _continue_ the already started Voice. This is
> possible with \context instead of \new
> \new Staff { \new Voice b( \context Voice b) }
> Though, in polyphonic cases this may fail again.
> This can be cured by using named Voices:
> \new Staff
>   <<
> { \voiceOne d'2( d') }
> { \new Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo } b( \context Voice = "2" b) }
>   >>
> Albeit, using this approach in your example leads to the code below,
> which is hard to read, with all those equal settings needed again and
> again:
> \version "2.19.83"
> global = {
>   \key g \major
>   \time 4/4
> }
> altoVoices = \relative c'' {
>   \global
>   \repeat volta 2 {
> <<
>   {
> \voiceOne
> g4 g g g
>   }
>   \new Voice = "down" {
> \voiceTwo
> s2 d4 d
>   }
> >>
>   }
>   \alternative {
> {
>   <<
> {
>   \voiceOne
>   fis2 r2
> }
> \context Voice = "down" {
>   \voiceTwo
>   d2 r2
> }
>   >>
> }
> {
>   <<
> {
>   \voiceOne
>   g4 r fis2(
> }
> \context Voice = "down" {
>   \voiceTwo
>   d4 r dis2(
> }
>   >>
> }
>   }
>   <<
> {
>   \voiceOne
>   g1)
> }
> \context Voice = "down" {
>   \voiceTwo
>   d1)
> }
>   >>
> }
> altoLyrics = \lyricmode {
>   \repeat volta 2 {
> This is a new
>   }
>   \alternative {
> {
>   song.
> }
> {
>   song, uuh, __
> }
>   }
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff {
>   \altoVoices
>   }
>   \addlyrics {
> \altoLyrics
>   }
> }
> I'd recommend to code the two Voices completely separate, putting them
> together in \score
> global = {
>   \key g \major
>   \time 4/4
> }
> one = \relative c'' {
>   \repeat volta 2 {
> g4 g g g
>   }
>   \alternative {
> {
>   fis2 r2
> }
> {
>   g4 r fis2(
> }
>   }
>   g1)
> }
> two = \relative c' {
>   \repeat volta 2 {
> s2 d4 d
>   }
>   \alternative {
> {
>   d2 r2
> }
> {
>   d4 r dis2(
> }
>   }
>   d1)
> }
> lyr = \lyricmode {
>   \repeat volta 2 {
> This is a new
>   }
>   \alternative {
> {
>   song.
> }
> {
>   song, uuh, __
> }
>   }
> }
> \new Staff
>   <<
> \new Voice { \global \voiceOne \one }
> \new Voice { \global \voiceTwo \two }
>   >>
> \addlyrics \lyr
> Looks much cleaner and easier to read.
> Although one could simply remove the structure:
> \repeat ... \alternative ...
> in second Voice and Lyrics.
> Additionally I'd go for \new Lyrics ... instead of \addlyrics for all
> but most simple cases.
> addlyrics is a shortcut, sometimes more "cut" than "short" ;)
> I'm aware some people don't like entering Voices separately as I recommend.
> Then  \parallelMusic may be the way to go:

Re: Edition Engraver master vs refactor override branch: changing bound-details

2019-05-05 Thread Stefano Troncaro
Oh I see.

For that reason I moved away from using the << ... \\ ... >> construct and
now I use \voices which by the way I find way more suited for my use case
of engraving piano music and then editing it with the edition engraver. I
use only one Voice per Staff, called "main", and spontaneous voices are
called "sub", "subb" for the second simultaneous extra voice, etc., so I
can always reach the main voice with \musicPath PNO.right.Voice.main and
all the other voices with PNO.right.Voice.sub. This way I don't have to
worry about counting them or giving them IDs, it can get confusing in long
scores if you have 20 or more total voices in a staff all named Voice.A,
Voice.B, etc, even when some of them are only active on one or two bars.
And the input files are really easy to read and mentally parse when written
in this way.

Now that I wrote this I think it would be interesting to find out how other
users use the tools to fit their needs and workflows. Lilypond is so open
in this regard.

What I meant to say with this is that this limitation of the Edition
Engraver can be worked around. In fact this could be an interesting
addendum to the guide in the wiki.

El dom., 5 may. 2019 a las 6:31, Jan-Peter Voigt ()

> Hi Stefano,
> Am 05.05.19 um 06:12 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
> Hi Jan Peter,
> I tested the newly merged refactor-override branch a little bit. As far as
> I could tell it seems to be working fine and the problem I described in my
> original post (where there was an error when a grob-property-path consisted
> of a list) is solved.
> A minor issue I find is that the Edition Engraver is now printing a lot of
> superfluous warnings of the type "edition-engraver overriden by music!". I
> say superfluous because the overrides are clearly working as intended and
> there is nothing in the music overlapping with the overrides I want the EE
> to make
> However, I've been unable to replicate this problem in small contained
> examples. This happened in projects of some size, and when I try to extract
> the problematic measures to create a self-contained one or two bar example,
> then the warnings are not created anymore. Because of this I hesitated a
> bit about describing the problem, but since the same projects create no
> superfluous warnings when compiled with the current master branch I thought
> it might be useful to tell you about it either way.
> If I recall correctly this used to happen some time ago? Maybe it
> reappeared because it was still present in the refactor-override branch.
> I'll see if tomorrow I manage to narrow it down and create an example.
> I hope this was of some use,
> o yes, it is of use. It reminds me of making this log message optional and
> to narrow it down to really affected cases. The problem is that in certain
> cases an override inside the music stream can override an override injected
> by the EE. The problem may not obvious on first sight: Some LilyPond
> constructs inject overrides into the music stream like for example
> simultaneous music (<< .. \\ .. >>). Now when you have such a section of
> simultaneous music and you want to affect stem-direction in Voice "1" the
> EE-override will be overridden on the first moment the simultaneous music
> is introduced.
> I introduced this log message to identify possible cases. IIRC this was
> the main reason to not merge into master yet.
> I'll look into it the next days.
> Jan-Peter
> Stéfano
> El sáb., 4 may. 2019 a las 14:13, Stefano Troncaro (<
>>) escribió:
>> Hi Jan Peter, I'll update and let you know if I find any problems with
>> the updated refactor-override branch.
>> Thank you for all your work in the Edition Engraver!
>> El vie., 3 may. 2019 a las 3:37, Jan-Peter Voigt ()
>> escribió:
>>> Hi Stefano,
>>> a lot of lilypond-unrelated business prevented me working on the
>>> edition-engraver and especially in the refactor-override-branch for quite a
>>> while.
>>> Meanwhile there where some small issues to fix in master so the two
>>> branches diverged.
>>> So the old and stale 'refactor-override-branch' is a development branch
>>> removing and changing code related to \override, \set et al..
>>> Now I merged master into 'refactor-override-branch' so it is up to date
>>> with master.
>>> For now I suggest using the updated branch. I am going to test it soon
>>> so that is fit to be merged into master.
>>> And the next development branch is 'absolute-timing' meant to introduce
>>> anchors and the correct handling of cadenza sections.
>>> If there are any problems with the 'refactor-override-branch' please let
>>> me know and I am going to fix it asap.
>>> Jan-Peter
>>> Am 30.04.19 um 17:16 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
>>> Hi Jan-Peter,
>>> Sure! Please let me know if you manage to solve it so I can update.
>>> Thank you!
>>> El dom., 28 abr. 2019 a las 16:05, Jan-Peter Voigt ()
>>> escribió:
 Hi Stefano,


Re: Ties over repeat boundaries

2019-05-05 Thread

Thanks for your in-depth explanations. They help me understanding
lilypond more and more.

Your tips lead me to an absolutely satisfying result:
* Use \repeatTie and \laissezVibrer - clean code, comprehensible score
* Lyrics without \repeat / \alternative (in fact: not relevant in the
context of rehearsal midi output with \unfoldReapeats)
* \tweak X-offset #-0.3 \markup \null  __


Am 05.05.2019 um 12:24 schrieb Thomas Morley:
> Am Sa., 4. Mai 2019 um 23:39 Uhr schrieb :
>> Hello again
>> I'm having problems with ties over the repeat bar lines when adding lyrics.
>> First let's look at the melody alone - without lyrics:
>> The tie over the repeat bar line between the two volta spanners is wrong.
> Yep.
> It's a known limitation, in
> look for
> "Ties may be added to a second ending:"
> LilyPond can't tie notes in alternative endings back to the start of the 
> repeat.
> This is due to how LilyPond processes repeat-alternative.
> See this minimal:
> \displayMusic \repeat volta 2 { b1 } \alternative { b~ bes }
> You will get in terminal:
> (make-music
>   'VoltaRepeatedMusic
>   'elements
>   (list (make-music
>   'NoteEvent
>   'articulations
>   (list (make-music (quote TieEvent)))
>   'duration
>   (ly:make-duration 0)
>   'pitch
>   (ly:make-pitch -1 6))
> (make-music
>   'NoteEvent
>   'pitch
>   (ly:make-pitch -1 6 -1/2)
>   'duration
>   (ly:make-duration 0)))
>   'repeat-count
>   2
>   'element
>   (make-music
> 'SequentialMusic
> 'elements
> (list (make-music
> 'NoteEvent
> 'duration
> (ly:make-duration 0)
> 'pitch
> (ly:make-pitch -1 6)
> Disregarding all the subtleties and simplifying in pseudo-code this reads:
> (
>   ;; alternative endings of repeat
>   (list note-alt1-with-tie note-alt2)
>   ;; repeat starts with
>   (list note-1))
> LilyPond always reads from left to right, so above Tie will try to
> connect note-alt1-with-tie and note-alt2.
> This is never what we would want and fails frequently ofcourse.
> This limitation was discussed already, but is currently not solved.
> Which is a pity because
> \unfoldRepeats \repeat volta 2 { b1 } \alternative { b~ b }
> works fine. And the workarounds will disturb it.
> Part of the workaround is mentioned in the linked section of the NR.
> For the other parts see below.
>> When we add the lyrics, somehow unpredictable things happen:
>> * repeat barlines and volta spanners get messed up
> Here
> I wrote \repeat - \alternative could be removed from lyrics.
> I'd better written they _should_ be removed.
>> * the first g in the 2nd volta alternative (bar 4) is missing the
>> melisma line from "eight___"
> A consequence of the Tie-problem.
>> Questions:
>> * How should I fix the tie(s)?
> Current workaround is to use \repeatTie and \laissezVibrer
>> * How should I best align the lyrics?
> Remove \repeat \alternative from lyrics.
> To get the LyricExtender in second alternative, enter something
> invisible and move it until it looks fine, see below.
>> * Is the tie problem similar to the glissando challenges in
>> 8-#
> Yep, it's the same problem.
> The proposed glissando-workaround would work with Ties as well.
> Though, would make for unneeded complex code. \repeatTie and
> \laissezVibrer is simpler.
> If it does not work sufficiently you may resort to the glissando-workaround.
>> I still hope for a "standard default solution" - without too much
>> manual/ugly tweaking ;-)
> Here my proposal:
> global = {
>   \key c \major
>   \time 4/4
> }
> \header {
>   title = "Ties over repeat boundaries"
> }
> myMelody = \relative c' {
>   \global
>   c4 d e f8 g8~ |
>   \repeat volta 2 {
> g4 g g c8 g~
>   }
>   \alternative {
> {
>   g4  r r d8 g\laissezVibrer |
> }
> {
>   g4\repeatTie r c4\accent r4 |
> }
>   }
>   \bar "|."
> }
> myLyrics = \lyricmode {
>   One, two, three, four, five, __
>   six, sev -- en, eight __ a -- five
>   \tweak X-offset #-0.3 \markup \null  __
>   yeah!
> }
> \score {
>   <<
>   \new Staff \new Voice = "mel" \myMelody
>   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel" \myLyrics
>   >>
> }
> HTH,
>   Harm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties over repeat boundaries

2019-05-05 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Sa., 4. Mai 2019 um 23:39 Uhr schrieb :
> Hello again
> I'm having problems with ties over the repeat bar lines when adding lyrics.
> First let's look at the melody alone - without lyrics:
> The tie over the repeat bar line between the two volta spanners is wrong.

It's a known limitation, in
look for
"Ties may be added to a second ending:"

LilyPond can't tie notes in alternative endings back to the start of the repeat.

This is due to how LilyPond processes repeat-alternative.
See this minimal:

\displayMusic \repeat volta 2 { b1 } \alternative { b~ bes }

You will get in terminal:

  (list (make-music
  (list (make-music (quote TieEvent)))
  (ly:make-duration 0)
  (ly:make-pitch -1 6))
  (ly:make-pitch -1 6 -1/2)
  (ly:make-duration 0)))
(list (make-music
(ly:make-duration 0)
(ly:make-pitch -1 6)

Disregarding all the subtleties and simplifying in pseudo-code this reads:
  ;; alternative endings of repeat
  (list note-alt1-with-tie note-alt2)
  ;; repeat starts with
  (list note-1))

LilyPond always reads from left to right, so above Tie will try to
connect note-alt1-with-tie and note-alt2.
This is never what we would want and fails frequently ofcourse.

This limitation was discussed already, but is currently not solved.
Which is a pity because
\unfoldRepeats \repeat volta 2 { b1 } \alternative { b~ b }
works fine. And the workarounds will disturb it.

Part of the workaround is mentioned in the linked section of the NR.
For the other parts see below.

> When we add the lyrics, somehow unpredictable things happen:
> * repeat barlines and volta spanners get messed up

I wrote \repeat - \alternative could be removed from lyrics.
I'd better written they _should_ be removed.

> * the first g in the 2nd volta alternative (bar 4) is missing the
> melisma line from "eight___"

A consequence of the Tie-problem.

> Questions:
> * How should I fix the tie(s)?

Current workaround is to use \repeatTie and \laissezVibrer

> * How should I best align the lyrics?

Remove \repeat \alternative from lyrics.
To get the LyricExtender in second alternative, enter something
invisible and move it until it looks fine, see below.

> * Is the tie problem similar to the glissando challenges in
> 8-#

Yep, it's the same problem.
The proposed glissando-workaround would work with Ties as well.
Though, would make for unneeded complex code. \repeatTie and
\laissezVibrer is simpler.
If it does not work sufficiently you may resort to the glissando-workaround.

> I still hope for a "standard default solution" - without too much
> manual/ugly tweaking ;-)

Here my proposal:

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

\header {
  title = "Ties over repeat boundaries"

myMelody = \relative c' {
  c4 d e f8 g8~ |
  \repeat volta 2 {
g4 g g c8 g~
  \alternative {
  g4  r r d8 g\laissezVibrer |
  g4\repeatTie r c4\accent r4 |
  \bar "|."

myLyrics = \lyricmode {
  One, two, three, four, five, __
  six, sev -- en, eight __ a -- five
  \tweak X-offset #-0.3 \markup \null  __

\score {
  \new Staff \new Voice = "mel" \myMelody
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel" \myLyrics


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Edition Engraver master vs refactor override branch: changing bound-details

2019-05-05 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt
Hi Stefano,

Am 05.05.19 um 06:12 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
> Hi Jan Peter,
> I tested the newly merged refactor-override branch a little bit. As
> far as I could tell it seems to be working fine and the problem I
> described in my original post (where there was an error when a
> grob-property-path consisted of a list) is solved.
> A minor issue I find is that the Edition Engraver is now printing a
> lot of superfluous warnings of the type "edition-engraver overriden by
> music!". I say superfluous because the overrides are clearly working
> as intended and there is nothing in the music overlapping with the
> overrides I want the EE to make
> However, I've been unable to replicate this problem in small contained
> examples. This happened in projects of some size, and when I try to
> extract the problematic measures to create a self-contained one or two
> bar example, then the warnings are not created anymore. Because of
> this I hesitated a bit about describing the problem, but since the
> same projects create no superfluous warnings when compiled with the
> current master branch I thought it might be useful to tell you about
> it either way.
> If I recall correctly this used to happen some time ago? Maybe it
> reappeared because it was still present in the refactor-override branch.
> I'll see if tomorrow I manage to narrow it down and create an example.
> I hope this was of some use,
o yes, it is of use. It reminds me of making this log message optional
and to narrow it down to really affected cases. The problem is that in
certain cases an override inside the music stream can override an
override injected by the EE. The problem may not obvious on first sight:
Some LilyPond constructs inject overrides into the music stream like for
example simultaneous music (<< .. \\ .. >>). Now when you have such a
section of simultaneous music and you want to affect stem-direction in
Voice "1" the EE-override will be overridden on the first moment the
simultaneous music is introduced.
I introduced this log message to identify possible cases. IIRC this was
the main reason to not merge into master yet.

I'll look into it the next days.


> Stéfano
> El sáb., 4 may. 2019 a las 14:13, Stefano Troncaro
> (>>) escribió:
> Hi Jan Peter, I'll update and let you know if I find any problems
> with the updated refactor-override branch.
> Thank you for all your work in the Edition Engraver!
> El vie., 3 may. 2019 a las 3:37, Jan-Peter Voigt ( >) escribió:
> Hi Stefano,
> a lot of lilypond-unrelated business prevented me working on
> the edition-engraver and especially in the
> refactor-override-branch for quite a while.
> Meanwhile there where some small issues to fix in master so
> the two branches diverged.
> So the old and stale 'refactor-override-branch' is a
> development branch removing and changing code related to
> \override, \set et al..
> Now I merged master into 'refactor-override-branch' so it is
> up to date with master.
> For now I suggest using the updated branch. I am going to test
> it soon so that is fit to be merged into master.
> And the next development branch is 'absolute-timing' meant to
> introduce anchors and the correct handling of cadenza sections.
> If there are any problems with the 'refactor-override-branch'
> please let me know and I am going to fix it asap.
> Jan-Peter
> Am 30.04.19 um 17:16 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
>> Hi Jan-Peter,
>> Sure! Please let me know if you manage to solve it so I can
>> update.
>> Thank you!
>> El dom., 28 abr. 2019 a las 16:05, Jan-Peter Voigt
>> (>>) escribió:
>> Hi Stefano,
>> sorry for the delay. I've been away for several days.
>> I have to look into this deeper ... I guess it is related
>> to the
>> grob-property-path 'bound-details.left.text'.
>> Hopefully I can solve this issue soon.
>> Best
>> Jan-Peter
>> Am 21.04.19 um 20:42 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
>> > Hi all, long time since I posted here, hope you all
>> have been well!
>> >
>> > While using the Edition Engraver today I noticed that
>> the following
>> > override works in the old refactor override branch,
>> while on the
>> > current master it prints a textless spanner and a warning:
>> >
>> > \version "2.19.80" \include "oll-core/package.ily"
>> \loadPackage edition-engraver \consistToContexts
>> #edition-engraver Voice \addEdition test \editionMod test
>> 1 0 Voice.A { \override

Re: Unterminated slurs in multi-voice volta alternative ending

2019-05-05 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Sa., 4. Mai 2019 um 23:30 Uhr schrieb :
> Hello everbody
> The following example produces 2 compile warnings (cannot end slur,
> unterminated slur). I'm missing the slur between dis in bar 3 and d in
> bar 4, both in an additional temporary voice context.
> It's a snippet from a SATB arrangement with 2 alto voices put in one
> staff. In order to align the text to alto 1 I chose to add temporary
> voice contexts for alto 2 (which is most of the time).
> (The only alternative I could imagine is to
> * write alto 2 in a completely separate voice, hiding notes during
> "oneVoice" portions with invisible breaks (s)
> * to combine the alto 1 voice and the alto 2 voice together in one
> (multi-voice alto) staff,
> * add the lyrics to alto 1 (alto 2 lyrics are identical to alto 1 lyrics).

Hi Stephan,

please try to break down the problem to a minimal.
Superfluous code obfuscates the problem and may prevent people to have
a deeper look at your request.

You may have arrived at:
\new Staff { \new Voice b( \new Voice b) }
Which reproduces the mentioned warnings.
Reason: two _new_ Voices are done in sequence, but they are not
related to each other, apart from being printed one after the other.
Thus the Slur does not work from one Voice to another.
You rather want to _continue_ the already started Voice. This is
possible with \context instead of \new
\new Staff { \new Voice b( \context Voice b) }
Though, in polyphonic cases this may fail again.
This can be cured by using named Voices:
\new Staff
{ \voiceOne d'2( d') }
{ \new Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo } b( \context Voice = "2" b) }

Albeit, using this approach in your example leads to the code below,
which is hard to read, with all those equal settings needed again and

\version "2.19.83"

global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 4/4

altoVoices = \relative c'' {
  \repeat volta 2 {
g4 g g g
  \new Voice = "down" {
s2 d4 d
  \alternative {
  fis2 r2
\context Voice = "down" {
  d2 r2
  g4 r fis2(
\context Voice = "down" {
  d4 r dis2(
\context Voice = "down" {

altoLyrics = \lyricmode {
  \repeat volta 2 {
This is a new
  \alternative {
  song, uuh, __

\score {
  \new Staff {
  \addlyrics {

I'd recommend to code the two Voices completely separate, putting them
together in \score

global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 4/4

one = \relative c'' {
  \repeat volta 2 {
g4 g g g
  \alternative {
  fis2 r2
  g4 r fis2(

two = \relative c' {
  \repeat volta 2 {
s2 d4 d
  \alternative {
  d2 r2
  d4 r dis2(

lyr = \lyricmode {
  \repeat volta 2 {
This is a new
  \alternative {
  song, uuh, __

\new Staff
\new Voice { \global \voiceOne \one }
\new Voice { \global \voiceTwo \two }
\addlyrics \lyr

Looks much cleaner and easier to read.
Although one could simply remove the structure:
\repeat ... \alternative ...
in second Voice and Lyrics.
Additionally I'd go for \new Lyrics ... instead of \addlyrics for all
but most simple cases.
addlyrics is a shortcut, sometimes more "cut" than "short" ;)

I'm aware some people don't like entering Voices separately as I recommend.
Then  \parallelMusic may be the way to go:

> BTW: Is there a way to combine/collapse breaks within one staff in
> multi-voice scenarios?

Here I don't understand what you mean.


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