edit to Lilypond wikipedia article

2020-04-16 Thread David Olson
Hi Lilyponders, 

I just added a sub-section about lyLuaLaTeX to Wikipedia 

[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LilyPond#Integration_into_LaTeX | 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LilyPond#Integration_into_LaTeX ] 

If some of you take a look and make changes 
(or instruct me to do so), it can be better. 


David Olson 

Re: eartraining with lilypond?

2020-04-16 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello Stefan & all,

You wrote:
> has someone experiences and/or ideas for using lilypond for
> eartraining-purposes?
> [ ... ]
> Are there other projects/ideas around?

well, while NOT being a programmer, nevertheless I created a little
web-based cgi-program especially for training note-reading, and it
contains also a part for training absolute hearing.

It's all related to a piano-graphic, on which You can click the
random-created note You've read btw. heared, and it will give a
feedback, if it was wrong or write.

One can chose different difficulties.

The note-reading part contains also some interval-training parts.

What does it have to do with lilypond?
Well, the note symbols I've used are created by lilypond. :-)

I made it in 2010 (3 month) and 2012 (2 month), and it's missing a
chord-training part, but I won't continue this program, and due to not
being a programmer, the code is nearly unreadable (perhaps meanwhile
also for me).

So You can only use it as is.

The good thing is:
There is no costs, no "Werbung", no cookies and so on, the only thing
you have to create is an own two-part user name and an own passwort at
the first session, for getting a later feedback about your progress in
following sessions.

To get the site, you cannot only type


because this website I've closed several years ago. But you can get it
by typing the direct URL:


There You will be asked a user name, it is:
And You will be asked a password, it is:

After this you get directly into the program, where You have to create
your own user name and password as mentioned above. The rest ist mostly
self-declaring, I think.

For potential further questions in detail I would prefer the German
language, because I'm no English native speaker, and I assume, You are a
german, don't You?

For all English speakers:
The program is only in German language, I'm sorry.

Best Regards   Roland

Don't know why I didn't share it in the past - perhaps simply forgotten
OR due to the language and the necessary declaration? ;-)

Re: Access Clef during after-line-breaking of ClefModifier

2020-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2020-04-16 4:47 pm, Noeck wrote:


I have redefined the \clef command to sneak in an override to the
ClefModifier. That works but I can't use it as a layout as it is "baked
in" the music expression.

I guess there is some "after-line-breaking" solution with a lambda
function operating on the grob (ClefModifier). But I could not find it.
I would need access to the kind of clef, the ClefModifier is attached 

While you can get to the Clef grob from the ClefModifier, the original 
string "treble_8" is not accessible near as I can tell.  You are however 
able to reverse engineer it given the glyph, direction, and text:

\version "2.20.0"

  \override Staff.ClefModifier.color = #red
  \override Staff.ClefModifier.extra-offset =
  #(lambda (grob)
(let* ((clef (ly:grob-parent grob X))
   (glyph (ly:grob-property clef 'glyph))
   (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
   (text (markup->string (ly:grob-property grob 'text
;; treble_8
((equal? (list glyph dir text) (list "clefs.G" DOWN "8"))
  '(1.5 . 0.5))
;; bass^15
((equal? (list glyph dir text) (list "clefs.F" UP "15"))
  '(-1.5 . 0.5))
(else '(0 . 0)

  \clef "treble^15" R1
  \clef "treble_8" R1
  \clef "bass^15" R1
  \clef "bass_8" R1

-- Aaron Hill

Access Clef during after-line-breaking of ClefModifier

2020-04-16 Thread Noeck

I have redefined the \clef command to sneak in an override to the
ClefModifier. That works but I can't use it as a layout as it is "baked
in" the music expression.

I guess there is some "after-line-breaking" solution with a lambda
function operating on the grob (ClefModifier). But I could not find it.
I would need access to the kind of clef, the ClefModifier is attached to.

\version "2.20.0"

% this works but is redefining a standard command
clef =
#(define-music-function (clf) (string?)
 \override Staff.ClefModifier.extra-offset = #(cond
   ((string=? clf "treble_8") '(1.5 . 1)) ; exaggerated position
   ; there are more conditions in real function
   (#t '(0 . 0))
 #(make-clef-set clf)

  \clef "treble_8"
  \clef "bass_8"

% how can I know what kind of clef it is here?
  \override Staff.ClefModifier.after-line-breaking =
  #(lambda (grob)
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'extra-offset '(1.5 . 1)))
  \clef "treble_8"
  \clef "bass_8"  % should not work here!


Read git tags using Scheme

2020-04-16 Thread Noeck

I am using the function below which is adapted from

While it works and the .ly files compile successfully, the function
issues a warning (?) I’d like to get rid of.

1) If the document is in a git directory, this is printed:

 Parsing...git: /…path/to…/lilypond-2.20.0-1/lilypond/usr/lib/libz.so.1:
 no version information available (required by git)

Where does it come from and why is it issued?
Doing `git --version` in bash does not issue it.

2) If the document is not in a git repository another log line is added:

 fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Which I understand but I’d like to hide it anyways because I want to use
the same file no matter if it is used with git or not.

Any ideas how to achieve this?



\version "2.20.0"

#(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
#(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))

#(define (strsystem_internal cmd)
   (let* ((port (open-input-pipe cmd))
  (str (read-line port)))
 (close-pipe port)

#(define gitshort (let* ((res (strsystem_internal
  "git describe --long --dirty='+' | sed 's/-/./' | sed -r
  (if (string? res) res "")))
% if (string? ... is my clumsy way to ensure it returns a string

\markup { "Version" \gitshort }

Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2020-04-16 3:06 am, Chen Leo wrote:

For people who understand lilypond's internals, is it possible to
write a custom time-signature-engraver that synchronise with the
barlines and does not add extra space to other staves by just using

Let me first clarify I have only skimmed this thread, so I cannot 
comment on the alignment issue at hand nor whether a custom engraver 
would help.  Rather, I just wanted to speak to your next question:

Or does it have to be written in c++ since a lot of other
files seems to be included in the original time-signature-engraver

There has been a lot of work to enable creating Scheme engravers, though 
not all functionality in C++ is directly exposed to Scheme.  So while 
you might need to reimplement the logic of some helper functions, I 
would say most of what is done in C++ can be done in Scheme.

For instance, here is the existing Time_signature_engraver ported to 

\version "2.20.0"

%% Ported from time-signature-engraver.cc:
#(define (Time_signature_engraver_scm context)
  (let ((time-signature #f)
(last-time-fraction #f)
(time-cause '()))
(define (make-time-signature engraver)
  (let ((time-fraction
(and (pair? time-fraction)
 (not (eq? time-fraction last-time-fraction))
   (set! time-signature
   (or last-time-fraction
   (let ((denom (cdr time-fraction)))
 (or (eqv? 1 (logcount denom))
   (ly:grob-property time-signature 'cause)
   "strange time signature found: ~a/~a"
   (car time-fraction)
   (set! last-time-fraction time-fraction)
((time-signature-event engraver event)
 (set! time-cause event)))
  ((process-music engraver)
   (or (ly:grob? time-signature)
   (make-time-signature engraver)))
  ((stop-translation-timestep engraver)
   (and (ly:grob? time-signature)
(ly:prob? time-cause)
(let ((measure-position
(ly:context-property context 'measurePosition))
(ly:context-property context 'partial-busy #f)))
  (and (ly:moment? measure-position)
   (< 0 (ly:moment-main measure-position))
   (not partial-busy)
 (ly:grob-property time-signature 'cause)
 "mid-measure time signature without \\partial"
   (set! time-signature #f)
   (set! time-cause '())

%% Test:
test = #(define-music-function () ()
  (ly:expect-warning "mid-measure time signature without \\partial")
  (ly:expect-warning "strange time signature found: 3/6")
  #{ { \time 3/4 b'4 4 4
   r4 \time 5/4 b'2 2
   \time 2,3,2 7/8 \repeat unfold 7 b'8
   \compoundMeter #'((3 2 8) (1 2))
 \repeat unfold 5 b'8 b'2
   \time 3/6 R2 } #})

\new Staff \test
\new Staff \with {
  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
  \consists \Time_signature_engraver_scm
} \test

-- Aaron Hill

Re: GS problem with Lily 2.21.0

2020-04-16 Thread Timothy Lanfear
These lines would seem to be relevant showing a mixture of gs versions 
9.26 and 9.21,

On 16/04/2020 13:46, Simon Albrecht wrote:

warning: No such directory 

warning: No such directory 
'/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/gs/fonts' for GS_FONTPATH


Setting GS_LIB to 


Setting GS_LIB to 

Invoking `gs -dSAFER -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595.28 
-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=841.89 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH 
-r1200 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false 
-sOutputFile=bug.pdf -c.setpdfwrite -f/tmp/lilypond-1LrrwN'...

gs: Interpreter revision (926) does not match gs_init.ps revision (921).

On my machine

/usr/local/lilypond-2.21.0/lilypond/usr/bin/gs --version returns 9.26, 
conflicting with 

I hadn't noticed because I run my distribution's gs not Lilypond's. A 
packaging error somewhere?

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

RE: Running convert-ly on WIndows

2020-04-16 Thread John Schlomann
Hi Michael,

Thank you for your response.

It appears to be working now. I added environment variables PYTHONPATH and 
PYTHONHOME. I'm not sure they're both needed. I might try removing PYTHONHOME. 
If either of these are described in the LilyPond doc I complete missed them.

PYTHONPATH contains two paths:
  C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin
  C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\lib\Python2.4

PYTHONHOME contains only the first of those paths.

Now on to converting several hundred .ly files, including a lot of Scheme code.

Best regards,

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Gerdau [mailto:m...@qata.de]
> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 4:09 AM
> To: John Schlomann; lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: Running convert-ly on WIndows
> Hi John,
> I don't have this problem.
> > I've just installed 2.20.0 on Windows 10. I've been using 2.18.2. When I try
> > to run convert-ly I get an error from line 61:
> [snipped]
> Care to share more details on what you do exactly?
> Exact command, where you invoke it etc. pp.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> --
> Michael Gerdau email: m...@qata.de
> GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

RemoveEmptyStaves doesnt remove percussion staff

2020-04-16 Thread neuro黃學仁
How can one remove the empty percussion staff in Grandscore?
The \RemoveEmptyStaves seems not working on percussion staff.

Sample files can be reached at http://orchestra.tw/lilypond_Q

To run lilypond 00.ly (http://orchestra.tw/lilypond_Q/00.ly),
and it results in 00.pdf (http://orchestra.tw/lilypond_Q/00.pdf)

Thanks very much for any advise~


Re: GS problem with Lily 2.21.0

2020-04-16 Thread Urs Liska
Hi Simon,

Am Donnerstag, den 16.04.2020, 14:46 +0200 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
> Hello everyone,
> I’m having a problem with my newly installed Lilypond versions
> 2.20.0 
> and 2.21.0: Any compilation I start aborts while GS tries writing a
> PDF.

This sure sounds like the familiar issue with an OS version of
Ghostscript not matching that expected by LilyPond.

What LilyPond version did you use, the download from lilypond.org?
Did you run LilyPond from the command line or from Frescobaldi? I have
the impression that Frescobaldi for some reason chokes again with this
problem (although I think I had fixed it in the past), but didn't have
the time to properly investigate.


> I installed both versions yesterday, and the first tests were 
> successful, before this problem came up. Inbetween I mounted and 
> unmounted an SD card.
> Any clues for how to investigate/proceed? A complete, verbose log is 
> found below.
> Best, Simon
> %%
> Starting lilypond 2.21.0 [bug.ly]...
> Log level set to 287
> Relocation
> LilyPond binary has absolute file name:
> /home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr'
> Using run-time value for datadir,
> setting it to 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current'
> Using run-time value for localedir,
> setting it to '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/locale'
> Using run-time value for relocdir,
> setting it to '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/relocate'
> Using relocation config directory 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/relocate'
> Relocation file 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/relocate/fontconfig.rel
> oc'
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/fonts/fonts.conf'
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/fonts'
> Relocation file 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/relocate/gs.reloc'
> warning: No such directory 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghostscript/9.21/font
> s' 
> warning: No such directory 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/gs/fonts' for
> Prepending 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghostscript/9.21/Reso
> urce' 
> to GS_LIB
> Setting GS_LIB to 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghostscript/9.21/Reso
> urce'
> Prepending 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghostscript/9.21/Reso
> urce/Init' 
> to GS_LIB
> Setting GS_LIB to 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghostscript/9.21/Reso
> urce/Init:/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghostscript/
> 9.21/Resource'
> Relocation file 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/relocate/guile.reloc'
> Prepending '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/guile/1.8'
> to 
> Setting GUILE_LOAD_PATH to 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/guile/1.8'
> Prepending '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/bin' to PATH
> Setting PATH to 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/bin:/home/simon/bin:/home/s
> imon/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sb
> in:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin'
> Setting GUILE_MIN_YIELD_1 to '65'
> Setting GUILE_MIN_YIELD_2 to '65'
> Setting GUILE_MIN_YIELD_MALLOC to '65'
> Setting GUILE_INIT_SEGMENT_SIZE_1 to '10485760'
> Setting GUILE_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE to '104857600'
> Effective prefix: 
> '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current'
> FONTCONFIG_FILE="/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/fonts/f
> onts.conf"
> FONTCONFIG_PATH="/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/fonts"
> GS_LIB="/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghostscript/9.
> 21/Resource/Init:/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/ghost
> script/9.21/Resource"
> GUILE_LOAD_PATH="/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/guile
> /1.8"
> PATH="/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/bin:/home/simon/bin:/h
> ome/simon/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bi
> n:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin"
> []
> Guile 1.8
> [/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/
> lily-library.scm]
> [/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/
> output-lib.scm]
> [/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/
> markup-macros.scm]
> [/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/
> parser-ly-from-scheme.scm]
> [/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/
> file-cache.scm]
> [/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/
> define-event-classes.scm]

Re: resetting accidentals at word breaks

2020-04-16 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser

Hi Benjamin,

accidental-styles.chant-cautionary =
      (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
      (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave #t)))

Great to hear!

Now I am trying to figure out how to draw the first accidental within 
a melisma at the beginning of the group of notes rather than 
immediately before the note it modifies.  I'd be interested if anyone 
has any ideas where to start on that.  I will consult the 
documentation and see what I can come up with.

This is an interesting feature that should also be needed in some forms 
of traditional Gregorian chant notation. (The Graduale Novum uses

but the chosen place is not simply "beginning of word".)

Maybe this could be done by constructing an engraver that i) keeps track 
of possible accidental-start-positions (i.e. word beginnings in your 
case), ii) watches out for accidentals and moves them back horizontally, 
either a) by graphically X-offsetting them or b) by adding an accidental 
to the first note of the word (with Y-offset).

Unfortunately, this is completely out of my depth, but I wouldn't be 
surprised at all (yet quite impressed) if, for instance, Aaron or Harm 
were able to come up with something like that.

Assuming, of course, that this is not already implemented by the 
Gregorian folks?


Re: GS problem with Lily 2.21.0

2020-04-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson

On 4/16/20 2:46 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote:

Hello everyone,

I’m having a problem with my newly installed Lilypond versions 2.20.0 
and 2.21.0: Any compilation I start aborts while GS tries writing a PDF.

I installed both versions yesterday, and the first tests were 
successful, before this problem came up. Inbetween I mounted and 
unmounted an SD card.

Any clues for how to investigate/proceed? A complete, verbose log is 
found below. 

I hope you don't find this question insulting, but you didn't by chance 
have the PDF files open in Adobe reader or some other PDF viewer that 
locks the file? If so, the simple solution is to close the PDF file 
before trying to run Lilypond.

If not, it might help others to provide debugging hints if you tell what 
operating system you use.


Re: resetting accidentals at word breaks

2020-04-16 Thread Benjamin Bloomfield
Thanks.  I did figure it out, and it ended up being a pretty simple change.
accidental-styles.chant-cautionary =
  (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
  (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave #t)))

Now I am trying to figure out how to draw the first accidental within a
melisma at the beginning of the group of notes rather than immediately
before the note it modifies.  I'd be interested if anyone has any ideas
where to start on that.  I will consult the documentation and see what I
can come up with.


*Benjamin Bloomfield*

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 10:02 AM Lukas-Fabian Moser  wrote:

> Hi Benjamin,
> Now I need to figure out automatically adding cautionary accidentals the
> first time the pitch appears after the accidental has been reset.  I've
> been having trouble finding documentation on defining new accidental
> Styles, but I will continue looking a bit before turning to the forum for
> more help.
> I didn't search the archives for a ready-made solution, but I just want to
> point you to the (reasonably well-documented) place where the standard
> accidentalStyles are defined: They are all in scm/music-functions.scm.
> In particular, you could look at the definition of the modern style and
> tweak its "laziness", since in the definition of make-accidental-rule, we
> read:
> @var{laziness} states over how many bars an accidental should be
> remembered.
> @code{0}@tie{}is the default -- accidental lasts over 0@tie{}bar lines,
> that
> is, to the end of current measure.  A positive integer means that the
> accidental lasts over that many bar lines.  @w{@code{-1}} is `forget
> immediately', that is, only look at key signature.  @code{#t} is
> `forever'."
> Maybe this is not compatible with your wish to enforce repetition of
> accidentals after a (invisible) bar line. But since everything is written
> in Scheme, one should be able to hook into check-pitch-against-signature if
> push comes to shove.
> Best
> Lukas

GS problem with Lily 2.21.0

2020-04-16 Thread Simon Albrecht

Hello everyone,

I’m having a problem with my newly installed Lilypond versions 2.20.0 
and 2.21.0: Any compilation I start aborts while GS tries writing a PDF.

I installed both versions yesterday, and the first tests were 
successful, before this problem came up. Inbetween I mounted and 
unmounted an SD card.

Any clues for how to investigate/proceed? A complete, verbose log is 
found below.

Best, Simon


Starting lilypond 2.21.0 [bug.ly]...

Log level set to 287


LilyPond binary has absolute file name:


Setting INSTALLER_PREFIX to '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr'

Using run-time value for datadir,

setting it to 

Using run-time value for localedir,

setting it to '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/locale'

Using run-time value for relocdir,

setting it to '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/etc/relocate'

Using relocation config directory 

Relocation file 



Relocation file 

warning: No such directory 

warning: No such directory 
'/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/gs/fonts' for GS_FONTPATH


Setting GS_LIB to 


Setting GS_LIB to 

Relocation file 

Prepending '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/share/guile/1.8' to 


Prepending '/home/simon/lilypond/2.21.0/lilypond/usr/bin' to PATH

Setting PATH to 

Setting GUILE_MIN_YIELD_1 to '65'

Setting GUILE_MIN_YIELD_2 to '65'


Setting GUILE_INIT_SEGMENT_SIZE_1 to '10485760'

Setting GUILE_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE to '104857600'

Effective prefix: 







Guile 1.8
















Re: eartraining with lilypond?

2020-04-16 Thread Richard Shann
On Thu, 2020-04-16 at 12:04 +0200, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear community,
> has someone experiences and/or ideas for using lilypond for
> eartraining-purposes?
Denemo (a graphical front end for LilyPond) has various educational
games. One I added recently works by playing a few notes at random from
a bar of music and the waiting for you to play the last played note on
your MIDI keyboard. The idea is that you create a bar of music with a
selection of notes you want to practice and then run the game on that.
Some of the older games play intervals and ask you to name them, etc.
Not really anything to do with LilyPond though...

Richard Shann

Re: SVG style and contributing barrier to entry

2020-04-16 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> In any case, I'm subscribed so I'll cross-post and CC James so
> that the patch (which looks correct to me) is not lost.

I've just applied it to staging.


Re: Alignment issues of Time signature above the staff

2020-04-16 Thread Chen Leo
Hi Kevin,

Thank you for your suggestion.

I have looked into the source files of lilypond, and the original 
time-signature-engraver is written in c++.


For people who understand lilypond's internals, is it possible to write a 
custom time-signature-engraver that synchronise with the barlines and does not 
add extra space to other staves by just using scheme? Or does it have to be 
written in c++ since a lot of other files seems to be included in the original 
time-signature-engraver file?


eartraining with lilypond?

2020-04-16 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear community,
has someone experiences and/or ideas for using lilypond for
I know, there is gnu-solfege, but it has the disadvantage, that it doesn't
exist as an app or can be used browser based.
Are there other projects/ideas around?

Re: SVG style and contributing barrier to entry

2020-04-16 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> I just discovered that the “style” tag created inside svg output
> uses the wrong syntax, [...]
> A trivial one-line patch to fix this (based on git master): [...]


> Wanting to submit this patch, I've looked at the LilyPond
> Contributor's guide¹, and frankly, I'm amazed by the height of the
> barrier to entry: [...]

Well, you just *did* submit a patch, and I'm going it to apply soon.
BTW, you can also send e-mails to the 'bug-lilypond' list without
being subscribed; it just takes longer until such e-mails are
forwarded from the quarantine area, and you might miss responses.

Note that those 'barriers' have mainly historical reasons; we will
probably soon move to a different system that should provide a better
framework for one-time patches like yours.

On the other hand, submitting patches regularly needs *a lot* of
self-discipline, this is, you have to follow strict rules to make a
good-looking patch – you can't expect that developers are cleaning up
random contributions.  Believe me, submitting via git-cl or doing a
pull request on github and friends is just the last step, and it is by
far the easiest part in the whole process.


Re: SVG style and contributing barrier to entry

2020-04-16 Thread Patrice Levesque

> I'll cross-post and CC James so that the patch (which looks correct to
> me) is not lost.

Thank you very much.


· Patrice Levesque
· http://ptaff.ca/
· lilypond.wa...@ptaff.ca

Description: Digital signature

Re: SVG style and contributing barrier to entry

2020-04-16 Thread Jonas Hahnfeld
Am Donnerstag, den 16.04.2020, 05:00 -0400 schrieb Patrice Levesque:
> Hi!
> I just discovered that the “style” tag created inside svg output uses the 
> wrong syntax, e.g.

Re: h1\rest instead of R1 will not be centered

2020-04-16 Thread Bernhard Kleine
This worked perfectly! Thanks a lot!


Am 14.04.2020 um 13:15 schrieb Phil Holmes:
> See
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.21/Documentation/notation/writing-rests#full-measure-rests
> /Positioning multi-measure rests/
> --
> Phil Holmes
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Bernhard Kleine 
> *To:* lilypond-user mailinglist 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:03 PM
> *Subject:* h1\rest instead of R1 will not be centered
> Hi,
> I have the following extract of Mendelssohn 100.Psalm.
> While pauses in \voiceOne and \voiceTwo settings are far from
> centered, one can use h1\rest and approriate ones  and silence the
> second voice. However these surrogate R1 pauses are not centered
> in the measure. How to center these h1\rest pauses?
> Thanks a lot for your patience.
> -- 
> spitzhalde9
> D-79853 lenzkirch
> bernhard.kle...@gmx.net
> www.b-kleine.com, www.urseetal.net
> Ich darf auch auf mein neues Buch "Falter in Lenzkirch" aufmerksam machen 
> (Infos bei mir)
> -
> thunderbird mit enigmail
> GPG schlüssel: D5257409
> fingerprint:
> 08 B7 F8 70 22 7A FC C1 15 49 CA A6 C7 6F A0 2E D5 25 74 09
D-79853 lenzkirch
www.b-kleine.com, www.urseetal.net
Ich darf auch auf mein neues Buch "Falter in Lenzkirch" aufmerksam machen 
(Infos bei mir)
thunderbird mit enigmail
GPG schlüssel: D5257409
08 B7 F8 70 22 7A FC C1 15 49 CA A6 C7 6F A0 2E D5 25 74 09

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Running convert-ly on WIndows

2020-04-16 Thread Michael Gerdau
Hi John,

I don't have this problem.

> I've just installed 2.20.0 on Windows 10. I've been using 2.18.2. When I try
> to run convert-ly I get an error from line 61:

Care to share more details on what you do exactly?
Exact command, where you invoke it etc. pp.

Kind regards,
Michael Gerdau email: m...@qata.de
GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

SVG style and contributing barrier to entry

2020-04-16 Thread Patrice Levesque


I just discovered that the “style” tag created inside svg output uses
the wrong syntax, e.g.
