Re: Frescobaldi on Arch Linux

2021-01-05 Thread Andrew Bernard
I see the same exact versions, but no PDF output displayed in the
music view. Have not had this before. So the question is, how o
troubleshoot this, having checked for versionitis?


On Sat, 26 Dec 2020 at 21:44, damianlegassick  wrote:

> if it helps...
> poppler, poppler-glib and poppler-qt5 here are all 20.12.1-1
> python-poppler-qt5 is 0.75.0-4 from AUR

Re: Why does -dbackend=svg -dcrop remove system-system-spacing?

2021-01-05 Thread David Wright
On Tue 05 Jan 2021 at 19:05:30 (-0500), Trevor Bača wrote:
> I love the functionality for cropped SVGs! (Added back in 2019, or around
> then?)
> Question: it appears that cropped multisystem SVGs remove all whitespace
> between systems. Is this supposed to happen?

I think that removing all the margins is the functionality "crop" is
supposed to add to LP. To generate the equivalent cropped and packed
image without this facility would be quite tedious to do (unless
someone has a trick for doing it?).

> %%% BEGIN %%%
> […]
> %%% END %%%
> Called with ...
>lilypond -dbackend=svg -dcrop
> ... produces test.cropped.svg as attached here.
> Screenshot:
> […]
> Seems like cropping should be around the edges of the image (rather than
> between systems)?

If you just want to crop the whole page image, you can do that easily
at the end of a normal run with the usual utilities. If you require
LP to set the entire score on a single page, just use a very long
custom page (as in NR §4.1.2: width, then length).


Re: Restrict midi2ly to one voice

2021-01-05 Thread Hans Aikema
"midi2ly converts tracks into Staff and channels into Voice contexts"

so make your midi-file contain all music on a single channel should result in a 
single voice

apparently, given the results, your midi is currently 4 channels with music


> On 5 Jan 2021, at 12:26, Stephan Schöll  wrote:
> Hi
> I have a self-recorded/-created midi file which I have quantized and
> simplified to death (lengths and durations to 1/16, no overlaps). Let's
> assume it's the the left hand part of a piano score. Now I want to
> convert it to a lilypond file using
> -d 16 -s 16 -o "\" " file>\MITM_Piano_LH.mid"
> This works without errors on the command line. But lilypond generates 4
> voices and distributes the notes all over these voices which is a mess.
> I optimized the midi file in a way that midi2ly might simply produce one
> voice.
> How can I tell midi2ly to create only one voice? I couldn't find any
> helping hint in the documentation
> Best Regards
> Stephan

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.1.3

2021-01-05 Thread Davide Liessi
Dear friends,

Il giorno sab 26 dic 2020 alle ore 14:08 Wilbert Berendsen
 ha scritto:
> The source tarball is uploaded, packaged releases will probably follow
> soon.

the prebuilt application bundle for macOS can be found at
It should run on macOS 10.11-10.15 and I expect it to run also on
macOS 11, although I have no way to test it.
If you are running macOS 11, I would be grateful if you could test the
application and report the results.
As with the previous versions, the prebuilt application is still
lacking the Documentation Browser and the SVG View (more details in
the release page).

Frescobaldi can be installed also with MacPorts, resulting in a fully
functional application (including the Documentation Browser and the
SVG View) on macOS 10.11, 10.14 and 10.15.
It can be installed also on macOS 10.13, provided that Xcode 10
(instead of Xcode 9) is installed.
On macOS 10.12 the installation fails, but I can give instructions to
make it succeed resulting in an application lacking the Documentation
Browser and the SVG View.
On macOS 11 on the x86_64 architecture the installation fails, but I
can give instructions to make it succeed resulting in an application
lacking MIDI support.
On macOS 11 on the arm64 architecture the installation fails due to a
possible bug in MacPorts and I currently have no solution.

I will update the Homebrew cask for Frescobaldi shortly.
The cask installs the prebuilt application mentioned above, so it
lacks the Documentation Browser and the SVG View.
I plan to turn Frescobaldi into a Homebrew formula again, so that it
results in the fully functional application.
I will need help in doing this and I will write about it soon in a
separate thread.

Best wishes of a happy new year!

Re: text at the end of a multimeasure rest

2021-01-05 Thread Josiah Boothby
So in my mockup I forgot to include the reason I hadn't wanted to use \mark
: I'd already been using \mark to delineate sections:

Time = {
  \mark\markup{ Minuet }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ fine } }
  \mark\markup{ Trio }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ D.C. al fine } }

Either the sectional headings or the roadmap text should be applied with
\mark, but not both. I'm of half a mind to do a feature request for
beginning and ending texts to be applicable to repeats (something perhaps
like \repeat \volta 2 { \with \startTextAbove "2x only" \endTextBelow "D.C.
al fine" } { \notes } but the current correct solution is probably just
evading me :P )

On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 11:40 PM Paul Scott  wrote:

> On 1/4/21 11:58 PM, Jacques Menu wrote:
> Thanks Paul.
> There were missing brackets:
> At least mismatched.  It should have been:
> R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup{D.S. al Fine)
> Without parentheses.
> Happy New Year,
> Paul
>   R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup {(D.S. al Fine)}
> JM
> Le 5 janv. 2021 à 07:18, Paul Scott  a écrit :
> On 1/4/21 10:29 PM, Josiah Boothby wrote:
> I think I used to know how to do this but I can't find any evidence of it,
> but I'd like to do something that looks roughly like the following, where
> the text ("fine" or "D.C. al fine") are printed below the line:
> |: /— 4 —/ :|: /— 4 —/ fine :|
> |: /— 4 —/ :|: /— 4 —/ D.C. al fine :|
> ...while separating notes and time into separate variables. It seems like
> I should be able to do this by simply setting text to right-align:
> Time = {
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ fine } }
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4 }
>   \repeat volta 2 { s1*4_\markup\right-align{ D.C. al fine } }
> }
> Notes = {
>   R1*4
>   R1*4
>   R1*4
>   R1*4
> }
> ...but that's clearly not how it works, since the text ends up being
> printed in the middle of the rest. Please remind me how to do this?
> s1*3 s1_"fine"
> ends up breaking the multimeasure rest, so is suboptimal.
> This is one of the pieces of code I have defined in  my common file that I
> load with all of my code:
> endMarkDown = {
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark
>   #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #DOWN
>   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #0
> }
> (The above could probably better but It works for me.
> Then:
> R1*4 \endMarkDown \mark \markup(D.S. al Fine)
> I also have endMark which puts the text above.
> HTH,
> Paul

Re: Repeats with bar-engraver removed

2021-01-05 Thread Laura Conrad
> "Kieren" == Kieren MacMillan  writes:

>> What I do is make the barlines transparent and with 0 width:
>> \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##t
>> \override Staff.BarLine #'extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 0)

Kieren> Why not

Kieren>   \omit BarLine

Kieren> ??

Kieren> Curious,

The short answer is because I didn't know about \omit.

The longer answer is that what I do now is a direct descendant of what I
figured out to do back in 1996 or so.  At that time, the options were
very different from what they are now.  And there was a lot less
support/documentation for how to write music without barlines.

Laura   (
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who
make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the
mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the
spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.

St. Augustine, De Genesi ad Litteram, Book II, xviii, 37

Re: Repeats with bar-engraver removed

2021-01-05 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Thank you Jean !

Le lun. 4 janv. 2021 à 21:42, Jean Abou Samra  a écrit :

> It is not at all silly. The path to the answer is a bit convoluted.

Add a vertical line to TextSpanner

2021-01-05 Thread Thomas Morley

I'm trying to add a vertical line to the left side of a TextSpanner.
This line should connect the TextSpanner with the middle line of the

Here a manual done example code:

  \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
  \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
  \draw-line #'(0 . -2.85)

  \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
  \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
  \draw-line #'(0 . -4.5)

  \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
  \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
  \draw-line #'(0 . -5.7)

Could this be done automagically?


Re: Repeats with bar-engraver removed

2021-01-05 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi John,

> "\omit BarLine" did not work.  Indeed, it did omit bar lines, but the 
> composition ran off the left margin of the page.

I wasn’t posing that as a possible solution to your problem.  =)
I’m just [still] wondering why Laura Conrad, as a regular course of action, 
uses her particular method of “hiding” barlines.


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website:
‣ email:

Re: Repeats with bar-engraver removed

2021-01-05 Thread J Stasko
Dear Pierre Perol-Schneider,  I am sorry, but \bar ".|:" and \bar ":|." did
not work.
Dear Kieren MacMillan, I am sorry, but "\omit BarLine" did not work.
Indeed, it did omit bar lines, but the composition ran off the left margin
of the page.
Dear Laura Conrad, I am sorry, but your solution also did not work, the
behaviour was the same as that of Ms. MacMillan's solution.

For all of the above three tests, I included the Bar_engraver and removed
the statement regarding \set ScoreTiming.

Dear, it looks like your solution does indeed work!
Thank you for your careful work.

And to answer one question which arose: the idea to remove the bar engraver
is included in the manual under chant music.

I would like to thank everyone who provided answers!  This is not something
I could have found time to figure out myself, and I certainly wish one of
the simpler solutions would have worked.

Happy New Year! Bonne et heureuse année!

John Staško

вт, 5 янв. 2021 г. в 03:32, Pierre Perol-Schneider <>:

> Maybe it's a silly question but why not simply something like:
> \version "2.18"
> { c'1 \bar ".|:" c' c' c' \bar ":|." c' c'  }
> Cheers,
> Pierre
> Le lun. 4 janv. 2021 à 20:23, Jean Abou Samra  a
> écrit :
>> > I need to be able to engrave repeats, but I fear that the
>> > bar-engraver, which I turned off for chant music, is responsible for
>> > engraving the repeats: when I turn it back on, then the repeats
>> > appear, but since the music is chant, it runs off the page.
>> >
>> > How to do this?
>> >
>> > The work is attached.
>> >
>> > Thank you.
>> Hello,
>> Your diagnosis is right. The Bar_engraver is responsible for engraving
>> all kinds of bars and preventing breaks when there aren't any.
>> Here is one solution (though not the only one and most probably not the
>> most concise one): rewrite it to engrave just repeat bar lines while
>> ignoring requests for regular bar lines and not preventing lines breaks
>> anywhere.
>> \version "2.21.80"
>> %  Original file is at
>> %
>> #(define (Tweaked_bar_engraver context)
>> (let ((bar #f)
>>   (spanners '())
>>   (considered-bar #f))
>>   (make-engraver
>> ((process-acknowledged translator)
>>(if (not considered-bar)
>>  (set! considered-bar #t)
>>  (let ((gl (ly:context-property context 'whichBar))
>>(default-bar-type (ly:context-property context
>> 'defaultBarType)))
>>(if (and (string? gl)
>> (not (equal? gl default-bar-type)))
>>  (set! bar (ly:engraver-make-grob translator
>> 'BarLine '()))
>>  (ly:grob-set-property! bar 'glyph gl))
>>(if bar
>>  (lambda (sp) (ly:spanner-set-bound! sp RIGHT bar))
>>  spanners))
>>(set! spanners '()))
>> (end-acknowledgers
>>   ((spanner-interface engraver grob source-engraver)
>>  (if (and
>>(or bar (not considered-bar))
>>(ly:grob-property grob 'to-barline))
>>  (set! spanners (cons grob spanners)
>> ((stop-translation-timestep translator)
>>(set! bar #f)
>>(set! considered-bar #f)
>> \layout {
>>\context {
>>  \Staff
>>  \remove "Bar_engraver"
>>  \consists #Tweaked_bar_engraver
>>  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
>> }
>> See complete example attached.
>> Best,
>> Jean

Restrict midi2ly to one voice

2021-01-05 Thread Stephan Schöll

I have a self-recorded/-created midi file which I have quantized and
simplified to death (lengths and durations to 1/16, no overlaps). Let's
assume it's the the left hand part of a piano score. Now I want to
convert it to a lilypond file using -d 16 -s 16 -o "\" "\MITM_Piano_LH.mid"

This works without errors on the command line. But lilypond generates 4
voices and distributes the notes all over these voices which is a mess.
I optimized the midi file in a way that midi2ly might simply produce one

How can I tell midi2ly to create only one voice? I couldn't find any
helping hint in the documentation

Best Regards