Re: Issue on vertical spacing of a TupletBracket

2021-12-09 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Paolo,

Maybe this gives you a starting point?

\version "2.23.4"

ignoreH =
   \propertyTweak horizontal-skylines ##f
   \propertyTweak extra-spacing-width #empty-interval

ignoreV =
   \propertyTweak vertical-skylines ##f
   \propertyTweak extra-spacing-height #empty-interval

ignore = \ignoreH \ignoreV \etc

\time 6/4
\override TupletBracket.direction = #UP
\override TupletBracket.outside-staff-priority = #1000
\tuplet 3/2 { a''-\ignore ( a'' ais''-.) }
\tuplet 3/2 { a'' a'' ais'' }

Hope that helps!

Re: Issue on vertical spacing of a TupletBracket

2021-12-09 Thread Paolo Prete
On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 2:53 AM Paolo Prete  wrote:

> 1) the upper margin should be calculated from the BOTTOM of the
> TupletBracket

Then I wonder if is there a way to overlay a white filled box on the
TupletBracket, or a white vertical line at its bottom, in a way that the
new padding is calculated from it. I don't know if this would help, but it
could be a starting point.


Re: Issue on vertical spacing of a TupletBracket

2021-12-09 Thread Paolo Prete

Unfortunately your work-around can't be applied because the issue happens
for every articulation, not only for the staccato. In addition, it would
not affect the midi output of the articulate script.
Note that the issue is not on the staccato dot, it is on the gap between
the accidental and the bracket. What is faulty is the second bracket, not
the first one.
I just verified that TupletBracket has the outside-staff-priority set to
##f as default.
If I give it a value, the brackets result aligned:

\time 6/4
\override TupletBracket.direction = #UP
\override TupletBracket.outside-staff-priority = #1000
\tuplet 3/2 { a'' a'' ais''-. }
\tuplet 3/2 { a'' a'' ais'' }

However, this messes up slurs, because it won't be possible anymore to put
the bracket inside them.
I think that there are two issues at the same time on the calculated

1) the upper margin should be calculated from the BOTTOM of the
2) the lower margin should take into account every visibile accidental

Let's hope there's at least a work-around for this, I think it is very


Re: Issue on vertical spacing of a TupletBracket

2021-12-09 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Paolo,

> please look at this snippet (tested with 2.22.0)

Definitely a bug; you should post it to the -bug list.

> Is there a way to fix this?

I hope so… If you're totally stuck and need to get the score out the door ASAP 
(the story of my life!), here's a "build-it-from-scratch" workaround:

\time 6/4
\override TupletBracket.direction = #UP
\tuplet 3/2 { a'' a'' ais''-\tweak extra-offset #'(0.75 . 1.5) ^\markup 
\with-dimensions-from \null \musicglyph #"scripts.staccato" }
\tuplet 3/2 { a'' a'' ais''}


Issue on vertical spacing of a TupletBracket

2021-12-09 Thread Paolo Prete

please look at this snippet (tested with 2.22.0):

\time 5/4
\override TupletBracket.direction = #UP
\tuplet 3/2 { a'' a'' ais''-.}
\tuplet 3/2 { \once \hide Accidental a'' a'' ais''}

As you can see, the vertical gap between the staccato dot and the tuplet
bracket is shorter than the gap between the same bracket and the
accidental; however, this is not taken into account and the result is
visually faulty.
Is there a way to fix this?


Re: Advice for vocal score

2021-12-09 Thread Shane Brandes
Well, after monkeying around with things I came up with splitting the music
data files with includes. So something like \include "" \include
"" for a single part. etc. So a single part would be multiple
includes and then the includes could be included where needed in the vocal
score. However, it turned out that while this was doable in certain cases
it wasn't in, all for the reason that I needed to put voices into other
lines and merge them in sometimes funky ways that were not receptive to
such a method. So the upshot was I abandoned the idea, but it might have
worked well for something simpler than what I happened to be doing. Anyway,
I do not expect to have to make too many further edits to either the full
or vocal score so there shouldn't be too much double maintenance in any

regards and thanks again for the help,

On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 5:30 PM Kieren MacMillan <> wrote:

> Hi Shane,
> > I think Wol has mentioned the exact tool, Tags,  required for what I am
> trying to accomplish. Those are not something I have ever used or even run
> across.  Hopefully I can manage them without further assistance.  Thank you
> all!
> I will be interested to see how you use the \tag system to accomplish this
> without duplicating the information (which I thought was what you wanted to
> avoid). Please do share your final solution with the list when you get it
> working, so we can learn from it.
> Cheers,
> Kieren

How to place slurs above multiple objects

2021-12-09 Thread Paolo Prete

Suppose that I have a slur that must be placed ABOVE a note which is part
of a a TupletBracket and an OttavaBracket .

As the documentation explains, TupletBrackets and OttavaBrackets  need to
have the outside-staff-priority property set to false in order to be
printed inside slurs.

However, with this method, I loose the benefits of the avoid-collisions
properties applied to these objects, because these properties are ignored
if outside-staff-priority property is set to false.

Then I wonder if is there a way to preserve the outside-staff-priority for
these objects and have a command that draws a slur regardless to its
collisions with them. In this way I would manually resolve collisions for
only one object (the slur) instead of two.
