Ambitus_engraver causes ghost laissezVibrer ties on first note of Voice

2022-03-22 Thread Jeff Olson

Do you like ghosts?

Putting an LV tie on the first note of a Voice in which there is an 
ambitus generates two unwelcome "ghost" LV ties floating unattached 
above and below the note, in addition to the desired single LV tie that 
is properly attached to the note.  Here is the MWE (see also attached 
image Ambitus-LV-ghosts.png):

\version "2.22.0"
\new Voice \with { \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } {
  a'\laissezVibrer c'' c'

In this example, the c'' and c' are necessary to establish a range for 
the ambitus to display that is distinct from the note with the proper LV 
tie.  By experimenting with these notes (or simply by visual inspection 
of the output) you see that the two floating ghost LV ties are at 
vertical positions within the first note column that match the two 
extrema of the ambitus.  They are the same LV ties that would be 
properly expected had the ambitus extrema been included as notes in a 
chard with the first note, like this:


So the vertical position of the ghosts is determined by the ambitus even 
though their horizontal position is in the first note column.

This behavior exists at least in 2.22.1 and 2.18.2.  Log files are clean.

The ghosts disappear when the LV tie is not on the first note (e.g. just 
add initial g'):

\new Voice \with { \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } {
  g' a'\laissezVibrer c'' c'

The ghosts also disappear if the ambitus belongs to the Staff context 
(just change Voice to Staff):

\new Staff \with { \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } {
  a'\laissezVibrer c'' c'

I don't like ghosts.  Please fix.


Re: Horizontal spacing per measure?

2022-03-22 Thread Vaughan McAlley
On Wed, 23 Mar 2022 at 13:41, Molly Preston 

> Hello.
> I am wondering if there is any way of changing the horizontal spacing. I
> would like the first two measures to have more room than the third measure.
> The cross-staff beaming I think needs more room and I am not sure how to do
> this other than moving the third measure to the next line.
> I tried using   \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration =
> #(ly:make-moment 1/64)  in the \context \Score, which helps it stretch out
> a bit, but I'm not sure if there's a way to scheme code something that is
> more specific per measure or something? Anything would be helpful. Thank
> you! (Sorry for the long example. I tried to truncate it.)
> \version "2.22.1"
> up = {
> s1 *2 |
> \ottava #1
> \acciaccatura { dis''' 8 }  e''' 8-.  < fis'' fis''' > -.  dis'''>8-.   \acciaccatura { dis''' 8 }  e''' 8-.   -.
>   -- ~  4
> \break
> \ottava #0
> }
> upper = {  \change Staff = "up" }
> lower = { \change Staff = "down" }
> down = {
>  \lower \stemDown \clef bass 8\( ^\ff   \upper -.
> \)
>\shape #'((-0.5 . -7) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
>  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)
>   \shape #'((-0.5 . -10 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
>   \lower 8\( \upper -. \)
>   \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
>   \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)
>   \lower 8\( \upper -. \)
>\shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
>   \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)
>   \shape #'((-0.5 . -10 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
> \lower 8\( \upper -. \)
>  \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
>  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)
>  \lower
>  \clef treble \stemNeutral
>  \grace {s 8 } < e' dis'' >4. --   < e'  dis'' >4. -- r4 |
> }
>  \score {
>   \new PianoStaff  \with {
> \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing = #'(
> (basic-distance . 0)
> (padding . 20))
> }
>   <<
> \new PianoStaff  <<
>  \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
>  \new Staff = "up" {  \up \autoBeamOff }
>   \new Staff =  "down"{ \down }
> >>
>   >>
>   \layout {
>  \context
> {
>   \Score
>  \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment
> 1/64)
> }
> }
> \midi { }
>  }

Hi Molly,

This seems to work. I'm not sure why overriding
SpacingSpanner.common-shortest-duration in the same place doesn't work?


\version "2.22.1"
up = {

  s1 *2 |

  \ottava #1
  \acciaccatura { dis''' 8 }  e''' 8-.  < fis'' fis''' > -. 8-.   \acciaccatura { dis''' 8 }  e''' 8-.   -.
  -- ~  4


  \ottava #0


upper = {  \change Staff = "up" }
lower = { \change Staff = "down" }

down = {
  % change this number to suit your taste, default is 1.2
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #1.75
  \lower \stemDown \clef bass 8\( ^\ff   \upper -.

  \shape #'((-0.5 . -7) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)
  \shape #'((-0.5 . -10 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8\( \upper -. \)
  \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)

  \lower 8\( \upper -. \)

  \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)

  \shape #'((-0.5 . -10 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8\( \upper -. \)

  \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)
  \revert Score.SpacingSpanner.increment
  \clef treble \stemNeutral
  \grace {s 8 } < e' dis'' >4. --   < e'  dis'' >4. -- r4 |

\score {

\new PianoStaff  \with {
  \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing = #'(
   (basic-distance . 0)
   (padding . 20))


  \new PianoStaff  <<
\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
\new Staff = "up" {  \up \autoBeamOff }
\new Staff =  "down"{ \down }


  \layout {

  %\override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment



  \midi { }


Horizontal spacing per measure?

2022-03-22 Thread Molly Preston

I am wondering if there is any way of changing the horizontal spacing. I
would like the first two measures to have more room than the third measure.
The cross-staff beaming I think needs more room and I am not sure how to do
this other than moving the third measure to the next line.

I tried using   \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration =
#(ly:make-moment 1/64)  in the \context \Score, which helps it stretch out
a bit, but I'm not sure if there's a way to scheme code something that is
more specific per measure or something? Anything would be helpful. Thank
you! (Sorry for the long example. I tried to truncate it.)

\version "2.22.1"
up = {

s1 *2 |

\ottava #1
\acciaccatura { dis''' 8 }  e''' 8-.  < fis'' fis''' > -. 8-.   \acciaccatura { dis''' 8 }  e''' 8-.   -.
  -- ~  4


\ottava #0


upper = {  \change Staff = "up" }
lower = { \change Staff = "down" }

down = {

 \lower \stemDown \clef bass 8\( ^\ff   \upper -.

   \shape #'((-0.5 . -7) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
 \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)
  \shape #'((-0.5 . -10 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8\( \upper -. \)
  \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)

  \lower 8\( \upper -. \)

   \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
  \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)

  \shape #'((-0.5 . -10 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
\lower 8\( \upper -. \)

 \shape #'((-0.5 . -7 ) (0 . 3) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
 \lower 8 \(  \upper -.  \)

 \clef treble \stemNeutral
 \grace {s 8 } < e' dis'' >4. --   < e'  dis'' >4. -- r4 |

 \score {

  \new PianoStaff  \with {
\override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing = #'(
(basic-distance . 0)
(padding . 20))


\new PianoStaff  <<
 \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
 \new Staff = "up" {  \up \autoBeamOff }
  \new Staff =  "down"{ \down }


  \layout {

 \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment



\midi { }


Re: Problem rendering all scores

2022-03-22 Thread James.Correa

Thanks H.S.Teoh and David Wright for your replies!

Teoh you were right, it wasn´t related to lilypond...I look at the manjaro 
forum link you send me and applied the solution they suggested and worked!
I thought was something with lilypond because was the only application I had a 
problem, sorry for the noise...

David, you are right, I misspoke, I did a full system upgrade, not just python, 
in fact python had nothing to do with it. Next time I will think before I write!

Thanks again!!
All the best,


James Correa
Composer - guitarist - sound designer

Sent with ProtonMail secure email.

--- Original Message ---

On Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 at 8:39 PM, David Wright 

> On Tue 22 Mar 2022 at 14:19:59 (-0700), H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 08:36:45PM +, James.Correa wrote:
> >
> > > I start to have this problem with lilypond after an update to
> > >
> > > python 3.8 , I am on Manjaro KDE.
> > >
> > > Every time I try to engrave a score I got this message:
> > >
> > > Starting lilypond 2.23.5 []...
> > >
> > > /usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: error while loading shared
> > >
> > > libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> > >
> > > directory
> > >
> > > Exited with return code 127.
> > >
> > > I have no idea what is it or how to fix, can someone help?
> > >
> > > [...]
> >
> > This problem does not seem related to lilypond itself. This may help:
> >
> >
> >
> > If that doesn't help, you may need to install a newer version of
> >
> > lilypond from the Manjaro archives, that is built against a newer
> >
> > version of
> >
> > The underlying problem is that your Python upgrade also replaced/removed
> >
> > a system library (; so either you need to reinstall this
> >
> > library, or you need a newer build of lilypond that doesn't depend on
> >
> > this library (it presumably depends on the newer library).
> If Manjaro is at all like Debian, it may be that a libcrypt package
> has been split off from libc6, and somebody forgot to add the
> dependency. I'm surprised that just upgrading Python would do that.
> I would try and get advice from Manjaro users who must be hitting this
> problem because lots of software will use this package to do hashing.
> Debian parallel:
> buster:
> $ ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 May 1 2019 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
> ->
> $ dpkg -S lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> libc6:amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> (ie, in the libc6 package)
> bullseye:
> $ ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Apr 18 2021 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
> ->
> $ dpkg -S /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> libcrypt1:amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> (ie, in the libcrypt1 package)
> Cheers,
> David.

Re: Problem rendering all scores

2022-03-22 Thread David Wright
On Tue 22 Mar 2022 at 14:19:59 (-0700), H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 08:36:45PM +, James.Correa wrote:
> >I start to have this problem with lilypond after an update to
> >python 3.8 , I am on Manjaro KDE.
> >Every time I try to engrave a score I got this message:
> > 
> >Starting lilypond 2.23.5 []...
> > 
> >/usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: error while loading shared
> >libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> >directory
> > 
> >Exited with return code 127.
> > 
> >I have no idea what is it or how to fix, can someone help?
> [...]
> This problem does not seem related to lilypond itself. This may help:
> If that doesn't help, you may need to install a newer version of
> lilypond from the Manjaro archives, that is built against a newer
> version of
> The underlying problem is that your Python upgrade also replaced/removed
> a system library (; so either you need to reinstall this
> library, or you need a newer build of lilypond that doesn't depend on
> this library (it presumably depends on the newer library).

If Manjaro is at all like Debian, it may be that a libcrypt package
has been split off from libc6, and somebody forgot to add the
dependency. I'm surprised that just upgrading Python would do that.
I would try and get advice from Manjaro users who must be hitting this
problem because lots of software will use this package to do hashing.

Debian parallel:

$ ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 May  1  2019 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
$ dpkg -S lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
libc6:amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(ie, in the libc6 package)

$ ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Apr 18  2021 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
$ dpkg -S /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
libcrypt1:amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(ie, in the libcrypt1 package)


Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread David Kastrup
Leo Correia de Verdier  writes:

> I added necessary supporting code like Michael (and a voice filled
> with repeated half notes, so I could hear the tempo) and got it to
> compile compile correctly with tempo changes (at least alternating
> fast and slow sections) on Lilypond 2.19.82 Frescobaldi 3.1.3, so I
> wouldn't think that is the root of your problem.

It may simply be the MIDI device he is using.  My own Solton expanders
refuse to go above something like 256 quarters per minute (which is a
nuisance if you have \time 2/2 \tempo 2=136) and generally have a dim
view against beat moments other than 4 or possibly 8.  Which means that
you have to juggle with \scaleDurations and its ilk when generating

If we don't get to see actual compilable code and/or the generated MIDI
files, I doubt we will be able to help him.

David Kastrup

Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread Leo Correia de Verdier
I added necessary supporting code like Michael (and a voice filled with 
repeated half notes, so I could hear the tempo) and got it to compile compile 
correctly with tempo changes (at least alternating fast and slow sections) on 
Lilypond 2.19.82 Frescobaldi 3.1.3, so I wouldn't think that is the root of 
your problem.

> 22 mars 2022 kl. 23:21 skrev Mario Bolognani :
> Many thanks Michael for your comments. Unfortunately, due to my reluctance 
> (and perhaps inability) of using Port and Terminal, I am obliged to use 
> \version 2.20.2 with Frescobaldi 3.1.3, which maybe are the cause of my midi 
> problems. 
> Anyway, many thanks again for your help
> Mario
> Mario Bolognani
>> Il giorno 22 mar 2022, alle ore 22:10, Michael Gerdau  ha 
>> scritto:
>>> Here is my MWE (structure of lilypond coding regarding part of 
>>> “Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda” by Claudio Monteverdi):
>> MWE means I can take the code and compile it. And then it shows the problem.
>> I tried to amend your code as follows:
>> I surrounded it with:
>> \version "2.23.5"
>> \include ""
>> music = {
>> [here comes your code]
>> }
>> \score {
>> \music
>> \layout {}
>> \midi {}
>> }
>> That compiles and creates empty music. Now what is the problem?
>>> When I change \tempo in 3/2 time the speed is more or less the same...
>> I have no way to test that as your code does not contain *ANY* music 
>> whatsoever. I already said, when I created a piece on my own what you 
>> verbally described worked just nicely.
>> Please provide a WORKING piece of lilypond code that shows the problem.
>> That means with EXACT steps as to how the problem can be seen. Claiming "I 
>> change the tempo and it has no effect" is not helpful. We need to see 
>> exactly how you change the tempo. Because IMO quite obviously you are doing 
>> something wrong. I just don't know what.
>> Kind regards,
>> Michael
>> -- 
>> Michael Gerdau   email:
>> GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread Mario Bolognani
Many thanks Michael for your comments. Unfortunately, due to my reluctance (and 
perhaps inability) of using Port and Terminal, I am obliged to use \version 
2.20.2 with Frescobaldi 3.1.3, which maybe are the cause of my midi problems. 

Anyway, many thanks again for your help


Mario Bolognani

> Il giorno 22 mar 2022, alle ore 22:10, Michael Gerdau  ha 
> scritto:
>> Here is my MWE (structure of lilypond coding regarding part of 
>> “Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda” by Claudio Monteverdi):
> MWE means I can take the code and compile it. And then it shows the problem.
> I tried to amend your code as follows:
> I surrounded it with:
> \version "2.23.5"
> \include ""
> music = {
> [here comes your code]
> }
> \score {
>  \music
>  \layout {}
>  \midi {}
> }
> That compiles and creates empty music. Now what is the problem?
>> When I change \tempo in 3/2 time the speed is more or less the same...
> I have no way to test that as your code does not contain *ANY* music 
> whatsoever. I already said, when I created a piece on my own what you 
> verbally described worked just nicely.
> Please provide a WORKING piece of lilypond code that shows the problem.
> That means with EXACT steps as to how the problem can be seen. Claiming "I 
> change the tempo and it has no effect" is not helpful. We need to see exactly 
> how you change the tempo. Because IMO quite obviously you are doing something 
> wrong. I just don't know what.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Gerdau   email:
> GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: Problem rendering all scores

2022-03-22 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 08:36:45PM +, James.Correa wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>I start to have this problem with lilypond after an update to
>python 3.8 , I am on Manjaro KDE.
>Every time I try to engrave a score I got this message:
>Starting lilypond 2.23.5 []...
>/usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: error while loading shared
>libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
>Exited with return code 127.
>I have no idea what is it or how to fix, can someone help?

This problem does not seem related to lilypond itself. This may help:

If that doesn't help, you may need to install a newer version of
lilypond from the Manjaro archives, that is built against a newer
version of

The underlying problem is that your Python upgrade also replaced/removed
a system library (; so either you need to reinstall this
library, or you need a newer build of lilypond that doesn't depend on
this library (it presumably depends on the newer library).


Let's eat some disquits while we format the biskettes.

Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread Michael Gerdau

Here is my MWE (structure of lilypond coding regarding part of “Combattimento 
di Tancredi e Clorinda” by Claudio Monteverdi):

MWE means I can take the code and compile it. And then it shows the problem.

I tried to amend your code as follows:
I surrounded it with:
\version "2.23.5"

\include ""

music = {
[here comes your code]

\score {
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

That compiles and creates empty music. Now what is the problem?

When I change \tempo in 3/2 time the speed is more or less the same...

I have no way to test that as your code does not contain *ANY* music 
whatsoever. I already said, when I created a piece on my own what you 
verbally described worked just nicely.

Please provide a WORKING piece of lilypond code that shows the problem.
That means with EXACT steps as to how the problem can be seen. Claiming 
"I change the tempo and it has no effect" is not helpful. We need to see 
exactly how you change the tempo. Because IMO quite obviously you are 
doing something wrong. I just don't know what.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau   email:
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread Mario Bolognani
Here is my MWE (structure of lilypond coding regarding part of “Combattimento 
di Tancredi e Clorinda” by Claudio Monteverdi):

\key do\major
\time 3/2
\set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 6 2)
\tempo \breve. = 70
\time 4/4
\set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4)
\tempo 2 = 65
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark.extra-offset = #'(+13 . -1)
\mark\markup\italic\column{ "Sinfonia"}
\key fa\major
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark.extra-offset = #'(+15 . -1)
\mark\markup\italic\column{ "Principio della guerra"}
\key do\major
\time 3/2
\tempo \breve. = 70
\set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 6 2)
\time 4/4
\set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4)
\tempo 2 = 60
\time 3/2
\tempo \breve. = 70
\set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 6 2)

   % and so on

\bar "||”

When I change \tempo in 3/2 time the speed is more or less the same...

Mario Bolognani

> Il giorno 22 mar 2022, alle ore 19:26, Michael Gerdau  ha 
> scritto:
> Hi Mario,
> please always include the list as well.
>> Sorry Michael for my ignorance, but what is the meaning of the acronym MWE?
> MWE == Minimum Working Example
> It means a piece of code as short as possible that just shows the faulty or 
> suspicious behaviour.
> That greatly helps others to help you because they see and understand what 
> you do and possibly what is wrong.
> Another side effect is that while creating the MWE you often come to a point 
> where it starts to work which will give you a hint as to what was wrong in 
> the first place.
>> In any case the performance of Monteverdi’s “Combattimento di Tancredi e 
>> Clorinda” in 3/1 uses something like \breve. = 70… 80, but my impression is 
>> that \tempo \breve = “something" is not a valid construct.
> I don't know the music you are typesetting but I have successfully used 
> either of the following:
> \tempo \breve. = 100
> \tempo \breve. = 200
> \tempo \breve. = 300
> and they resulted in different speed upon playback.
> That's what I wrote in my previous email. When it does not work for you, then 
> there may be something else that's wrong with your code but w/o knowing what 
> you do nobody can tell for sure.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Gerdau   email:
> GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Problem rendering all scores

2022-03-22 Thread James.Correa
Hi everybody,

I start to have this problem with lilypond after an update to python 3.8 , I am 
on Manjaro KDE.
Every time I try to engrave a score I got this message:

Starting lilypond 2.23.5 []...

/usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Exited with return code 127.

I have no idea what is it or how to fix, can someone help?

All the best,

James Correa
Composer - guitarist - sound designer

Sent with [ProtonMail]( secure email.

Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread Michael Gerdau

Hi Mario,

please always include the list as well.

Sorry Michael for my ignorance, but what is the meaning of the acronym MWE?

MWE == Minimum Working Example

It means a piece of code as short as possible that just shows the faulty 
or suspicious behaviour.

That greatly helps others to help you because they see and understand 
what you do and possibly what is wrong.

Another side effect is that while creating the MWE you often come to a 
point where it starts to work which will give you a hint as to what was 
wrong in the first place.

In any case the performance of Monteverdi’s “Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda” 
in 3/1 uses something like \breve. = 70… 80, but my impression is that \tempo \breve 
= “something" is not a valid construct.

I don't know the music you are typesetting but I have successfully used 
either of the following:

\tempo \breve. = 100
\tempo \breve. = 200
\tempo \breve. = 300
and they resulted in different speed upon playback.

That's what I wrote in my previous email. When it does not work for you, 
then there may be something else that's wrong with your code but w/o 
knowing what you do nobody can tell for sure.

Kind regards,

 Michael Gerdau   email:
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
And what \tempo should be adopted in order to have a medium-fast midi 
output? \tempo \breve. = 100 or 200 or 300 seem not changing midi output.

For me
\tempo \breve. = 100 or 200 or 300
does change the tempo rather distinctively. However you probably want 
something along the line of \breve. = 30 or so :)

To understand why it does not work for you a MWE might be helpful.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau   email:
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: 'baroque' time signatures

2022-03-22 Thread Mario Bolognani
Any suggestion regarding this


And what \tempo should be adopted in order to have a medium-fast midi output? 
\tempo \breve. = 100 or 200 or 300 seem not changing midi output.

Many thanks for any suggestion.


Mario Bolognani 

> Il giorno 21 mar 2022, alle ore 23:04, Michael Gerdau  > ha scritto:
> [what is the difference between \set Timing.measureLength = ...
> and \set Score.measureLength = ... ]
>> The Timing alias is given to contexts that manage the timing (measure 
>> length, subdivision, etc.). Usually, this is the Score context. However, if 
>> you move the Timing_translator to another context like Staff in order to get 
>> polymeter (in the upcoming version there will be a predefined 
>> \enablePolymeter command doing that behind the scenes), a \set for Timing 
>> becomes equivalent to \set Staff ... Thus, while using Timing is probably 
>> not very important for users who never typeset polymetric music, it is done 
>> in the documentation in order to account for all cases.
> Ah ok. I thought there must be a reason :)
> Thanks for explaining that.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Gerdau   email: 
> GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Mario Bolognani


2022-03-22 Thread Michael Dykes
Upon checking, that was the version I was using.

When I tried to use the tutorial, and follow along and click on each image,
I kept on getting "file not found", so I followed the written instructions
myself and got the files I had attached above.


On Tue, 22 Mar 2022 at 11:26, Michael Dykes 

> Sorry, I have been away from my computer for some time.
> Thank you very much!
> Michael D
> On Mon, 21 Mar 2022 at 03:48, Phil Holmes  wrote:
>> I don't know what version of nwc2ly you're using, but I rewrote the
>> original one to use for converting nwc text files to liliypond.  There
>> are instructions on how to use it here:
>> This covers creating 4-part choral scores automatically - please see the
>> page on "voices".  The instructions also link to a zip file with the
>> required .exe files and a document with extra commands.
>> Hope that helps.
>> On 20/03/2022 23:21, Michael Dykes wrote:
>> > I have used the nwc2ly program to begin converting NWC files that my
>> > dear friend Larkin who recently passed away to lilypond files. I have
>> > found that the biggest "issue" is that since the scores are 4-part
>> > choral music, with the original having soprano and tenor voices with
>> > stems upward, and alto and bass voices with stems downward; while the
>> > converted lilypond file has both soprano and alto with stems the same
>> > direction, and the same for tenor and bass.
>> >
>> > I am not sure how to write a mwe, so I have attached a screen shot
>> > from Frescobaldi. I would appreciate any help possible.
>> >
>> > Michael Dykes
> --
> -In Christ,
> -Michael D

-In Christ,
-Michael D


2022-03-22 Thread Michael Dykes
Sorry, I have been away from my computer for some time.

Thank you very much!

Michael D

On Mon, 21 Mar 2022 at 03:48, Phil Holmes  wrote:

> I don't know what version of nwc2ly you're using, but I rewrote the
> original one to use for converting nwc text files to liliypond.  There
> are instructions on how to use it here:
> This covers creating 4-part choral scores automatically - please see the
> page on "voices".  The instructions also link to a zip file with the
> required .exe files and a document with extra commands.
> Hope that helps.
> On 20/03/2022 23:21, Michael Dykes wrote:
> > I have used the nwc2ly program to begin converting NWC files that my
> > dear friend Larkin who recently passed away to lilypond files. I have
> > found that the biggest "issue" is that since the scores are 4-part
> > choral music, with the original having soprano and tenor voices with
> > stems upward, and alto and bass voices with stems downward; while the
> > converted lilypond file has both soprano and alto with stems the same
> > direction, and the same for tenor and bass.
> >
> > I am not sure how to write a mwe, so I have attached a screen shot
> > from Frescobaldi. I would appreciate any help possible.
> >
> > Michael Dykes

-In Christ,
-Michael D

Re: Scope of context properties

2022-03-22 Thread Masaki, Akikazu

Thanks! That makes sense!
Simply, order of precedence and where a property is defined cause such 
behavior, I see.


On 2022/03/22 21:00, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Le 22/03/2022 à 05:01, Masaki, Akikazu a écrit :

Hello all,

In Learning Manual
3.3.4 Modifying context properties
The clefGlyph property will take effect only if it is set in the Staff
context, but some properties can be set in more than one context.

How do I know which properties can be set in more than one context?
I can't find info from Internals Reference.

By the way, clefGlyph takes effect in the Score too, like extraNatural.

\version "2.22"
{ \set Score.clefGlyph = "clefs.C" 1 }

On the other hand, for example, ottavationMarkups is valid only in the Staff.
What is essential difference between them?

You can set any property in any context, but of course it will only
have an effect if you set it in a place LilyPond where is going to
read it. So how does LilyPond look up properties? When it wants
a property in a context, it reads it in the context, and if undefined,
falls back to the parent context, then to the parent of the parent,
etc., until a value is found. That way, you can override properties
in the Score context and have them take effect on all Staff contexts,
but this only applies if the Staff contexts themselves don't have
their own settings for the property in question. clefGlyph is unset
by default in Staff, so the value in Score will get used. On the
other hand, the definition of the Staff context has a setting for
ottavationMarkups, as you can see from
That means it will take precedence. If you don't want it to, remove
this value.

\version "2.22.2"

%% Takes effect
   \set Score.clefGlyph = "clefs.C"

%% No effect
   \set Score.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals
   \ottava 1

%% Takes effect
   \set Score.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals
   \unset Staff.ottavationMarkups
   \ottava 1

Is that clear?


Re: Cross-staff glissando with crescendo and dynamics

2022-03-22 Thread Leo Correia de Verdier
Hi David!

The issue, put in a slightly simplified way, is that the Voice context to which 
the dynamics are attached has moved away from the Staff under which the 
dynamics were originally aligned, leaving lilypond ”in doubt” about under what 
staff the \mp should be.

The answer in the linked thread solves this by creating a second Voice for the 
dynamics, that stays in the original Staff.

The other solution mentioned, which I’d prefer (but that may be a matter of 
taste) would be creating a separate Dynamics context.


> 22 mars 2022 kl. 13:55 skrev David Santamauro :
> So I figured it out based on:
> Not an unreasonable solution, but I still don't quite understand the 
> underlying issue.
> Thanks
> From: David Santamauro 
> Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 8:36 AM
> To: 
> Cc: GMAIL 
> Subject: Cross-staff glissando with crescendo and dynamics
> Hi, I'm not understanding the warnings I'm getting with the following 
> snippet. I've included a possible work-around that is musically identical, 
> but visually unappealing:
> %%
> \version "2.22.2"
> \include ""
> \score {
>   \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harp" } <<
> \new Staff = "s_harp_upper" {
>   \relative c'' {
> \clef "treble"
> s1|
> s4 r4 r2  |
> % work around without warnings
> R1*2
>   }
> }
> \new Staff = "s_harp_lower" {
>   \relative c {
> \clef "bass"
> f,1\p\glissando\<
> \change Staff = "s_harp_upper"
> bf'''4\!\mp
> \change Staff = "s_harp_lower"
> r4 r2
> % work around without warnings
> f,,,1\p\glissando\< \clef "treble" bf'''4\!\mp   r4 r2
>   }
> }
>   >>
> }
> %%
> For the cross-staff I get 4 of these:
> programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might 
> contain several staves.
> continuing, cross fingers
> Can someone explain what those warnings mean and how to code the cross-staff 
> gliss with dynamics and crescendo. correctly?
> Thanks

Re: Cross-staff glissando with crescendo and dynamics

2022-03-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 22/03/2022 à 13:36, David Santamauro a écrit :

Hi, I'm not understanding the warnings I'm getting with the following 
snippet. I've included a possible work-around that is musically 
identical, but visually unappealing:


\version "2.22.2"

\include ""

\score {

  \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harp" } <<

    \new Staff = "s_harp_upper" {

\relative *c''* {

\clef "treble"

*s1*       |

*s4* *r4* *r2*  |

        % work around without warnings




    \new Staff = "s_harp_lower" {

\relative *c* {

\clef "bass"


\change Staff = "s_harp_upper"


\change Staff = "s_harp_lower"

*r4* *r2*

        % work around without warnings

*f,,,1*\p\glissando\< \clef "treble" *bf'''4*\!\mp *r4* *r2*






For the cross-staff I get 4 of these:

programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which 
might contain several staves.

continuing, cross fingers

Can someone explain what those warnings mean and how to code the 
cross-staff gliss with dynamics and crescendo. correctly?

Getting cross-staff cases right is depressingly hard. I've opened

However, I think you need to clarify how you expect it to
render in the first place. Normally, consecutive dynamics
stay vertically aligned on the same baseline. Here this
does not work, because the mp needs to jump in the
upper staff. What would you do to typeset this if you
were LilyPond?


Re: Cross-staff glissando with crescendo and dynamics

2022-03-22 Thread David Santamauro
So I figured it out based on:

Not an unreasonable solution, but I still don't quite understand the underlying 


From: David Santamauro 
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 8:36 AM
Subject: Cross-staff glissando with crescendo and dynamics
Hi, I'm not understanding the warnings I'm getting with the following snippet. 
I've included a possible work-around that is musically identical, but visually 

\version "2.22.2"

\include ""

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harp" } <<
\new Staff = "s_harp_upper" {
  \relative c'' {
\clef "treble"
s4 r4 r2  |

% work around without warnings
\new Staff = "s_harp_lower" {
  \relative c {
\clef "bass"

\change Staff = "s_harp_upper"
\change Staff = "s_harp_lower"
r4 r2

% work around without warnings
f,,,1\p\glissando\< \clef "treble" bf'''4\!\mp   r4 r2

For the cross-staff I get 4 of these:

programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might contain 
several staves.
continuing, cross fingers

Can someone explain what those warnings mean and how to code the cross-staff 
gliss with dynamics and crescendo. correctly?


Cross-staff glissando with crescendo and dynamics

2022-03-22 Thread David Santamauro
Hi, I'm not understanding the warnings I'm getting with the following snippet. 
I've included a possible work-around that is musically identical, but visually 

\version "2.22.2"

\include ""

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harp" } <<
\new Staff = "s_harp_upper" {
  \relative c'' {
\clef "treble"
s4 r4 r2  |

% work around without warnings
\new Staff = "s_harp_lower" {
  \relative c {
\clef "bass"

\change Staff = "s_harp_upper"
\change Staff = "s_harp_lower"
r4 r2

% work around without warnings
f,,,1\p\glissando\< \clef "treble" bf'''4\!\mp   r4 r2

For the cross-staff I get 4 of these:

programming error: My pure_y_common is a VerticalAlignment, which might contain 
several staves.
continuing, cross fingers

Can someone explain what those warnings mean and how to code the cross-staff 
gliss with dynamics and crescendo. correctly?


Re: Scope of context properties

2022-03-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 22/03/2022 à 05:01, Masaki, Akikazu a écrit :

Hello all,

In Learning Manual
3.3.4 Modifying context properties 

The clefGlyph property will take effect only if it is set in the Staff
context, but some properties can be set in more than one context.

How do I know which properties can be set in more than one context?
I can't find info from Internals Reference.

By the way, clefGlyph takes effect in the Score too, like extraNatural.

\version "2.22"
{ \set Score.clefGlyph = "clefs.C" 1 }

On the other hand, for example, ottavationMarkups is valid only in the 

What is essential difference between them?

You can set any property in any context, but of course it will only
have an effect if you set it in a place LilyPond where is going to
read it. So how does LilyPond look up properties? When it wants
a property in a context, it reads it in the context, and if undefined,
falls back to the parent context, then to the parent of the parent,
etc., until a value is found. That way, you can override properties
in the Score context and have them take effect on all Staff contexts,
but this only applies if the Staff contexts themselves don't have
their own settings for the property in question. clefGlyph is unset
by default in Staff, so the value in Score will get used. On the
other hand, the definition of the Staff context has a setting for
ottavationMarkups, as you can see from
That means it will take precedence. If you don't want it to, remove
this value.

\version "2.22.2"

%% Takes effect
  \set Score.clefGlyph = "clefs.C"

%% No effect
  \set Score.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals
  \ottava 1

%% Takes effect
  \set Score.ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals
  \unset Staff.ottavationMarkups
  \ottava 1

Is that clear?


Re: Displaying typesetting information at compile time

2022-03-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 22/03/2022 à 09:15, Richard Shann a écrit :

Perfect! Thanks, I should have thought to track down documentation for
page-post-process ...

Ahem, well, like with a number of Scheme interfaces, that documentation
is nonexistent.


Re: Time signature guide

2022-03-22 Thread Leo Correia de Verdier
I hadn’t seen David’s reply until after I posted, otherwise I wouldn't have 
basically repeated his answer.
A disadvantage of the << … \\ … >> syntax in this case is that it applies 
\voiceTwo to \melody (it has all its stems turned down, for instance). While 
you can reset that with \oneVoice I prefer just placing them in parallell in 
the same explicitly initiated Staff, as I did.

> 22 mars 2022 kl. 10:27 skrev Rip _Mus :
> Thank you so much,
> you offered two similar and valid solutions!
> Regards
> Il giorno lun 21 mar 2022 alle ore 10:19 Leo Correia de Verdier 
>  ha scritto:
> I’m not sure I understood your question right, but I think the usual way to 
> do it would be to write the ”global” variable as a sequence of tempos, time 
> signatures and other events separated by spacers or skips. 
> Something like:
> %%
> \version "2.23.6"
> global = { \time 4/4 \tempo "Allegro" 4 = 144 
>\time 3/8 \tempo "Adagio" 8 = 76 
>\time 5/8 \tempo "" 8 = 92 
>\time 3/2 \tempo "Vivo" 2 = 152 
>\bar "|."
> }
> part = { c'1 | d'4. | e'4~ 4. | a'1. }
> \new Staff << \global \part >>
> \layout { ragged-right = ##f }
> %%
> > 21 mars 2022 kl. 09:51 skrev Rip _Mus :
> > 
> > Good morning,
> > I would need advice.
> > In a score with many time signature changes (where I therefore cannot use a 
> > stable global variable of tempo and time signature), there is a way to set 
> > a "guide" in which to set the various time signature changes, without " 
> > dirty "the instrumental variables?
> > Perhaps there is some suitable context for this? Or other strategies?
> > 
> > Thank you very much
> > 
> > Rip_mus

Re: Time signature guide

2022-03-22 Thread Rip _Mus
Thank you so much,
you offered two similar and valid solutions!


Il giorno lun 21 mar 2022 alle ore 10:19 Leo Correia de Verdier <> ha scritto:

> I’m not sure I understood your question right, but I think the usual way
> to do it would be to write the ”global” variable as a sequence of tempos,
> time signatures and other events separated by spacers or skips.
> Something like:
> %%
> \version "2.23.6"
> global = { \time 4/4 \tempo "Allegro" 4 = 144
>\time 3/8 \tempo "Adagio" 8 = 76
>\time 5/8 \tempo "" 8 = 92
>\time 3/2 \tempo "Vivo" 2 = 152
>\bar "|."
> }
> part = { c'1 | d'4. | e'4~ 4. | a'1. }
> \new Staff << \global \part >>
> \layout { ragged-right = ##f }
> %%
> > 21 mars 2022 kl. 09:51 skrev Rip _Mus :
> >
> > Good morning,
> > I would need advice.
> > In a score with many time signature changes (where I therefore cannot
> use a stable global variable of tempo and time signature), there is a way
> to set a "guide" in which to set the various time signature changes,
> without " dirty "the instrumental variables?
> > Perhaps there is some suitable context for this? Or other strategies?
> >
> > Thank you very much
> >
> > Rip_mus

Re: Displaying typesetting information at compile time

2022-03-22 Thread Richard Shann
On Mon, 2022-03-21 at 17:28 +0100, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 21/03/2022 à 17:24, Richard Shann a écrit :
> > On Sun, 2022-03-20 at 20:09 +0100, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> > > 
> > [...] perhaps there is something altogether
> > simpler?
> In that case, just output the info at the end of page-post-process
> instead
> of storing it and retrieving it later.
> \version "2.22.2"
> \paper {
>     page-post-process =
>   #(lambda (paper pages)
>  (let ((n-systems 0)
>    (page-min #f)
>    (page-max #f))
>    (for-each
>     (lambda (page)
>   (for-each
>    (lambda (line)
>  (let ((sys (ly:prob-property line 'system-grob)))
>    (if (ly:grob? sys)
>    (let ((sys-page (ly:grob-property sys 'page-
> number)))
>     (set! n-systems (1+ n-systems))
>     (set! page-min (if page-min
>    (min page-min sys-page)
>    sys-page))
>     (set! page-max (if page-max
>    (max page-max sys-page)
>    sys-page))
>    (ly:prob-property page 'lines)))
>     pages)
>    (ly:message "~a systems on ~a pages"
>    n-systems
>    (1+ (- page-max page-min)
> }
> \repeat unfold 10 { 1 1 \break }
> \repeat unfold 13 { 1 1 \break }
Perfect! Thanks, I should have thought to track down documentation for
page-post-process ...