
2014-07-18 Thread Раул Апонт
 Good evening, fellows.

At this time I will need some of your help. I’m trying to place some music 
within some paragraphs in  L A T E X. I use the command line to invoke  
lilypond-book and everything seems to be fine, but when I go to the PDF file, I 
get text but no music.
I use:
lilypond-book --pdf --output= folder   myfile .lytex
And it compiles fine, I guess. I see no errors in the log, I get a successfully 
completed compilation according to the command line. When I check the PDF, no 
music there. I open the  *.tex file with  T E Xstudio, try to compile it and it 
gives me a missing file error like this:
File `4a/lily-302d4edc-1' not found. \includegraphics{4a/lily-302d4edc-1} .
It looks for a non-extension file which is not on that folder. What can I do? 
May I have a fully functional sample from you, guys? One might come handy for 
Thanks in advance.
Раул Апонт___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help ~ LilyPond Tablature

2013-12-04 Thread Раул Апонт
 Hello, I need some help with this concern.

I just wanted to know what is this bongos notation about, I do not understand 
what “bohm” or “boho” is, it would be a pleasure to get some help of you guys, 
I would definitely thank you if you send me a brief description of this 
notation, it is interesting because I use the bongos and I teach how to play 
them, having handy this notation is a plus to enhance the teaching. Thank you 
in advance.<>___
lilypond-user mailing list

Help ~ LilyPond Tablature

2013-10-09 Thread Раул Апонт

I need just a little help about a tablature. I know already how to get a 
tablature with LilyPond, the situation I have now is about a Bass Guitar 
tablature. I have tried to change the clef using the Bass clef, I still get a 
six-string tablature, I just need to know HOW I GET the four and five-string 
tablature because of the Bass Guitar range.
If you could send me an example, it would be great.

Thank you.

Раул Апонт___
lilypond-user mailing list