Symmetrical hairpins

2023-09-24 Thread Arjen


I'm trying to place symmetrical hairpins under a bar, but it turns out 
that the left (crescendo) hairpin is longer than the right 
(descrescendo) hairpin.

\version "2.24.1"
\new Voice \relative <<
  { c'2 c2 }
  { s2\< s2\> <>\! }

Tweaking with the lengths of the spacers turns out very difficult and 
results in hairpins at unequal vertical positions:

\version "2.24.1"
\new Voice \relative <<
  { c'2 c2 }
  { s4...\< s32\! s2\> <>\! }

And sometimes I need an absolute dynamic in front of the hairpins, in 
which case the left hairpin becomes very small:

\version "2.24.1"
\new Voice \relative <<
  { c'2 c2 }
  { s4...\pp\< s32\! s2\> <>\! }

Is there an (hopefully easy) way to give both hairpins equal size and 
vertical alignment, regardless of the presence of an absolute dynamic in 


Re: Othering??

2023-05-11 Thread Arjen

My guess:

"Othering" is the visual result of a word of 8 letters ending in 
".ing" (e.g., Building) partly being overwritten by the word "Other".
This can happen when a progression line is repeatedly overwritten by 
ending it with a lone carriage return character (CR, ASCII 13) causing 
the cursor to return to the beginning of the same line on the terminal 
screen. Only when a line feed (LF, ASCII 10) is received, the cursor 
will move one line down.


To find out which word exactly is overwritten each time, try capturing 
the output in a file. On unix-like platforms there are several 
techniques for this, redirection comes to mind.

lilypond-command > output.log 2>&1

Arjen Bax

Op 10-05-2023 om 18:04 schreef Paul Hodges:
Eh?  It's a perfectly good word that gets a moderate amount of use, 
typically describing the treatment of people who are to be considered 
outsiders to a group.  It is a fairly modern coinage, but "other" is 
recognised as a transitive verb by both Oxford and Meriam-Webster in 
their recent dictionaries (my older Shorter Oxford doesn't list 
"other" as a verb, though).


*From: * Vincent Gay 
*To: * 
*Sent: * 10/05/2023 13:44
*Subject: * Re: Othering??

Le 10/05/2023 à 14:26, Andrew Bernard a écrit :

a word that does not really exist in English

DeepL translate Othering in French by altérisation, which is not
really French either (the right word would be altération)

I suppose this is related to the use of sharp, flat and other beccare

Vincent Gay

Envoyé depuis mon saxo-phone :)  <>  
-  <>

vertical placement of trillspan and upbow

2023-03-05 Thread Arjen


I am trying to switch the vertical stacking order of the upbow symbol 
and the trillspan in the following fragment by overriding the 
script-priority of the upbow symbol.

The upbow symbol should be the topmost.

\version "2.22.1"
\relative a'' {
  g1\startTrillSpan ( ~
  \once \override Script.script-priority = #1000
  g2\upbow\stopTrillSpan ~ \acciaccatura fis8 g8 e8)

I tried replacing "Script" with "TextScript", but it did not work either.
And I tried overriding TrillSpanner.script-priority to -1000 (placing it 
before the g1), which also didn't work.

Can someone please be so kind to explain how to accomplish this?


Re: Missing notes after lyrics end: bug?

2013-12-15 Thread Arjen Bax
Op 15-12-13 19:09, TaoCG schreef:

> Instead create a subvoice and
> assign the lyrics later to it.
>   sopV = \relative c'' { c4 c \new Voice = sopL { \voiceOne c2 c } c4 c } 

Thank you. Works like a charm!

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards / Vennlig hilsen,
Arjen Bax

lilypond-user mailing list

Missing notes after lyrics end: bug?

2013-12-15 Thread Arjen Bax
I am typesetting an SATB hymn with where the lyrics of the four voices
are almost the same. This results in ChoirStaff setup with two Staff
contexts and a Lyrics context inbetween. The staff contexts each contain
two voices.

  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff = upper <<
  \new Voice = sop
  \new Voice = alt
\new Lyrics \lyricsto alt
\new Staff = lower <<
  \new Voice = ten
  \new Voice = bas

Now in bar 38 soprano and bass have 2 syllables less than alto and
tenor. I'd like to add the alternative soprano text above the upper
staff just for that single bar.

I have tried the following, defining the auxiliary soparno lyrics to be:

  sopTxt = \new Lyrics = sopL \with {
alignAboveContext = "upper"
  \lyricsto sop \lyricmode { be with Him }

and replacing bar 38 of the soprano melody { c4 g g2 } by

  << { c4 g g2 } { \sopTxt } >>

This has the intended effect of the lyrics "be with Him" being aligned
above the upper staff, but as a side effect, the complete soprano melody
from the next bar onwards vanishes! Is this a bug, or should I do this

Complete minimal working example, omitting the lower staff:

  \version "2.16.2"

  sopTxt = \new Lyrics = sopL \with { alignAboveContext = "upper" }
\lyricsto sop \lyricmode { A C }

  sopV = \relative c'' { << { c2 c } { \sopTxt } >> c4 c c c }
  altV = \relative c'  { c4 c c c c c c c }

  \score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff = upper <<
\new Voice = sop { \voiceOne \sopV }
\new Voice = alt { \voiceTwo \altV }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { A B C D E F G H }

Where are the four c4 notes of the soprano?

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards / Vennlig hilsen,
Arjen Bax

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LibreOffice, Latex Docs ?? Documenting Lilypond's *.pdf output

2013-10-12 Thread Arjen Bax
Kevin Tough> writes:

> As a Lilypond newbie in what direction should I be looking to be able to
> create documentation including Lilypond's pdf output. Inserting the
> *.pdfs into Libre Office in Fedora seems to be a dead end, at least
> directly.

Create encapsulated postscript images with the eps backend and insert the
eps-files as images into your LibreOffice document.

  lilypond --ps -d backend=eps

On Linux and Mac, inserting eps images is no problem at all; I believe that
on Windows, LibreOffice will recognize and use ghostscript if you have
installed it.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Decorated scores

2007-06-19 Thread Arjen Bax
Helge Kruse> writes:

> for some ornaments this sounds great. Even if this a bit offtopic, I dont 
> have a program to convert a bitmap graphic (TIFF, JPG,...) to EPS. Does 
> anbody knows any program that runs with Windows XP?

ImageMagick is a set of command-line image-manipulating tools. As you are using
lilypond, this should pose no problem to you. The binary distribution can be
downloaded here: .

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Decorated scores

2007-06-15 Thread Arjen Bax
Helge Kruse> writes:

> I would like to include some graphics in the score like celtic ornaments at 
> the page borders. What are best practices in an MS Windows environment?

Occasionally, I use \epsfile to insert ornamental graphics between \score{}
blocks. To convert any graphics file to eps, I use Imagemagick's 'convert':
convert ornament.jpg EPS2:ornament.eps

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Text alignment center of note head

2007-06-15 Thread Arjen Bax
TiagoM> writes:

> How can one align a \markup with the center of the notehead instead of it's
> left edge?

Use \halign:

\version "2.10.20"
  c''^\markup{\halign #0 "Centered"}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dynamic page size

2007-05-14 Thread Arjen Bax
Jonas Nyström schreef:

> Is it possible to specify the page size to dynamically relate to the
> content?
> For example, is it possible to create a single system page with dynamic
> width, corresponding to the number and the width of the bars?
> (Like Finale Scroll View?)

I don't think so, but I would start by specifying a ridiculously large
page width (wide enoug for your music to fit on one system) and
ragged-right = ##t and using the eps backend.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bug? \lyricsto aligns with markup, not with note

2007-03-29 Thread Arjen Bax
Dominic Neumann wrote:

> I've tried it with my version 2.10.20 and it seems to work as
> appreciated (see attachment).
> Maybe you should update to the current stable version. You can install
> it without the debian package system or so.

I installed lilypond 2.10.20 without any problem today and my problem is


lilypond-user mailing list

bug? \lyricsto aligns with markup, not with note

2007-03-28 Thread Arjen Bax
Hello lily-lovers,

Before filing this as a bug, I thought to ask it on the lilypond users
list first whether is is a bug or a feature.

Using lilypond 2.8.7 (which is the current version on Debian Etch).

When attaching Lyrics to a Voice with \lyricsto and the Lyrics context
is above the Voice context and the note in the Voice context has a
markup attached (with ^ or _), then the Lyrics text will be aligned with
the center of the markup text instead of the note. See example.

When the markup is removed, the Lyrics will be aligned ok.
Also, when the Lyrics context is moved below the Voice context, the
Lyrics will be aligned ok.

Is this a bug? Is there a workaround?

Thank you,
Arjen Bax

\version "2.8.7"

bas = \relative c'' { c1_"This is a rather long markup" }

versII = \lyricmode { Word }

\score {
\new Lyrics = basL { s4 }
\new Voice = basV { \bas }

\context Lyrics = basL \lyricsto basV \versII

lilypond-user mailing list

collision of dynamic signs and markup text

2006-03-13 Thread Arjen Bax
Hello lilypond-users,

In the following fragment

\new Staff { \dynamicUp c'\f^"Solo" }

the dynamic sign "f" is overwritten with the text "Solo". I know that I can 
solve that with

\new Staff { c'^\markup{\column{"Solo" \dynamic f}} }

but it happens rather often in the piece I'm typesetting and this solution 
causes rather much typing and is error-prone.

Is there an automatic way to achieve non-colliding texts?

Thanks in advance,


lilypond-user mailing list