Re: Lilypondtool conf

2007-01-19 Thread Chris Capoccia
 How could I avoid this ?
you need to use backslashes before each of the spaces like this:
%lilypond %args /home/yoochan/classeur/lilypond/danse\ 
macabre\ -\ St\ Saens/

 Moreover, I would like to use evince instead of JPedal as pdf
 reader, does someone have some tips on how to do this ?

a lot of the specifics here depend on which window manager you are using
(i.e. kde, gnome ...).

if you're using kde, just right click on any pdf file and select properties.
then push the button that looks like a wrench. here you can choose which program
is the default for opening this file type and a lot of other things.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-22 Thread Chris Capoccia
 is there a way to make the circles closer in the macro definition?

i overrode the baseline-skip property, and now the circles are closer together.

fingerD = \markup{\override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \column{◍ ● ● }}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-21 Thread Chris Capoccia
Chris Capoccia chriscapoccia at writes:

 the tin whistle fingering tips might be helpful:

using the idea from the tin whistle fingering discussion, i was able to come up
with something that i think will work well:

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)
  indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 180\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in

\layout {


\version 2.8.7
\header {
title = The Ninety and Nine
composer = Ira D. Sankey (1874)
poet = Elizabeth C. Clephane (1868)
melody = \relative c' {
   \clef treble
   \key g \major
   \time 6/8

\partial 8
   d16_◍_●_● d_◍_●_● g8._◍_●_● g16_◍_●_● g8_◍_●_●
g4_◍_●_● g8_◍_●_● fis4_●_○_○ fis8_●_○_○ g4_◍_●_●
   g16_◍_●_● g_◍_●_● b4_◍_●_● b8_◍_●_● g4_◍_●_●
g8_◍_●_● a4._●_●_○ r4
\bar ||
\partial 8
   d,8_◍_●_● g4_◍_●_● g8_◍_●_● g4_◍_●_● g16_◍_●_●
g_◍_●_● b4_◍_●_● b8_◍_●_● g4_◍_●_●
   g8_◍_●_● a4_●_●_○ a16_●_●_○ a_●_●_○ fis4_●_○_○
fis8_●_○_○ g4._◍_●_● r4
\bar ||
\partial 8
   g8_◍_●_● b8._◍_●_● b16_◍_●_● b8_◍_●_● g4_◍_●_●
g8_◍_●_● b4_◍_●_● b8_◍_●_● g4_◍_●_●
   d'8_●_◍_● d8._●_◍_● d16_●_◍_● d8_●_◍_●
d8(_●_◍_● b8)_◍_●_● g8_◍_●_● a8(_●_●_○ g8)_◍_●_●
a8_●_●_○ b4_◍_●_●
   d8_●_◍_● d8.^\fermata_●_◍_● d16_●_◍_● e8_○_○_○
d8(_●_◍_● b8)_◍_●_● g8_◍_●_● a8(_●_●_○
b8^\fermata)_◍_●_● a8_●_●_○ g4_◍_●_●
\bar |.


text = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = 1. 
   There were nine -- ty and nine, that safe -- ly lay
   In the shel -- ter of the fold,
   But one was out on the hills a -- way,
   Far off from the gates of gold.
   A -- way on the moun -- tains wild and bare,
   A -- way from the ten -- der Shep -- herd’s care,
   A -- way from the ten -- der Shep -- herd’s care.
  \new Voice = one {
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto one \text
   \layout { }
   \midi { }
 \wordwrap-string #
Verse 2.

“Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine;

Are they not enough for Thee?”

But the Shepherd made answer: “This of Mine

Has wandered away from Me;

And although the road be rough and steep,

I go to the desert to find My sheep,

I go to the desert to find My sheep.”

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-21 Thread Chris Capoccia
Mats Bengtsson mats.bengtsson at writes:

 If you want to save some typing, you can define macros for these
 patterns, like
 fingerD = \markup{\column{◍ ● ● }}
 and then use them like d16^\fingerD

i like the idea of using a macro, but there is more space in the vertical
direction between each circle with this method.
has the circles closer together.

is there a way to make the circles closer in the macro definition?

lilypond-user mailing list

adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-18 Thread Chris Capoccia
is it possible to place fingering diagrams in the score like this:
the solid holes are closed finger holes. the open holes are not covered by the
finger. the cracked closed hole is the one used to make vibrato.

i don't need to reproduce the diagram clint gloss uses, i would be happy with
something much simpler:
three characters in a vertical line above or below the staff for each note. i
could come up with my own scheme for which characters represent whether the hole
should be covered or not. maybe x for covered, o for open and ~ for closed with

in case you're curious, the notation is for the fujara. it's a traditional three
hole overtone flute from central slovakia.

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