Text Spanner misbehaving?

2009-04-17 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf

I'm working on a piece that calls for a custom text span (v2.12.1). After 
setting up the following (I'm copying from the online manual):
\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = #slargandosi poco a poco
\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right text) = # 
and applying the \startTextSpan and \stopTextSpan where I want them in the 
score, I get what you see in the attached graph. Is the left text not 


Diosnelattachment: noText.jpg___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with (complex?) ties

2007-10-08 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
You can't tie notes on different layers/voices. A workaround would be to add 
some invisible notes to the voice where you want the ties, and probably to 
align them with the visible ones so the ties end at the right place.


- Original Message - 
From: Trevor Fancher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 17:20
Subject: Re: Help with (complex?) ties

Trevor Fancher trevor at fancher.org writes:

I am trying to get http://fancher.org/want.png but as far as I can get
is http://fancher.org/want.png .

That second want.png link is supposed to be http://fancher.org/got.png .

Sorry for any confusion.

Trevor Fancher

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Doesn't anybody use the term irregular values/figures? That's the general 
term I learned waay back (actually, it was figuras irregulares).


- Original Message - 
From: Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:23
Subject: Re: tuplets


Hi Charlotte,

In what context do we actually need to use this generic term? Surely we
can avoid it? I'd be happy to try to re-draft the relevant paragraph(s) 


Can you propose anything else for
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.11/Documentation/user/lilypond/Tuplets ?

(I'd be interested in seeing what you can propose, since the French
translation is currently relying on hideous neologisms ;)


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: connecting a arpeggio

2007-08-03 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
The only solution I found was to use an invisible chord to attach the 
arpeggio symbol to. In previous versions, it was possible to hide/unhide 
some notes of a chord, and there was no need to use a third voice, but that 
does not work anymore.


- Original Message - 
From: Peter Terpstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 17:29
Subject: connecting a arpeggio

Dear readers,

How do i connect a arpeggio between 2 voices?

staffClassicalGuitar = \new Staff  {
\set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\relative c' {
 { e' b gis!\arpeggio }
\\ { e,\arpeggio }


~ End

This does not work.

Kind Regards,



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tweaking arpeggios

2007-07-26 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
You may have to work out your own tweak for this one... Check 
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/input/regression/lily-db2f26903c.ly for an 
example of a bracket and see if you can combine it with arrow heads.


- Original Message - 
From: Daniel Tonda Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 22:30
Subject: Re: Tweaking arpeggios

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tweaking arpeggios

2007-07-26 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf


Off the top of my head, I can't remember the syntax, but look for something 
like \DownArpeggio or \ArpeggioDown. The line would still be squiggly, 
though, and I think that's fine as far as I know, because a straight line 
usually means plaqué (i.e. non arpeggiated), so the arrow would be 
meaningless in this context.



- Original Message - 
From: Daniel Tonda Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 21:23
Subject: Tweaking arpeggios


Is there a way to set the squiggly line of the arpeggio to a straight
line with the arrow included?

This is because in guitar music, sometimes the direction of the strum is
indicated with an arrow pointing upwards in case the strum s from the
low strings to the high strings, and viceversa.

Daniel Tonda C.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-09 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf

I'm not aware of your settings, but something like this should work:

\include staff1.ly
\include staff2.ly
\include staffn.ly

Each stafx.ly file should have its own \score block.


- Original Message - 
From: sdfhsdfhsdfhs [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 14:44
Subject: Merging scores in one pdf

is it possible to merge several choirstaff in one pdf, each with its 

subtitle, instrument name, ... ?
book seems to split one .ly into several .pdf; but i have to do the
opposite: several .ly (or one big .ly) into one .pdf.

I tried to merge them with a pdf file merging tool, but it has two major
1) the resulting pdf is much bigger than the sum of all initial pdfs.
2) if i merge 40 scores that are each 1.25 page long, the resulting pdf 

contain 40x2=80 pages instead of 40x1.25=50.

I did not find anything in the forum about it.

View this message in context: 

Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spanish-speaking users

2007-02-28 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Hi, Francisco. This is Diosnel Herrnsdorf, from Paraguay. I don't know if 
there are other people using Lily here, but you can at least count one :)


- Original Message - 
From: Francisco Vila [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 15:33
Subject: Spanish-speaking users

I would like to contact all spanish-speaking users in this list, just
to have an estimation of how many of us are there, and possibly
foundate a lilypond-user-spanish list.

Here at the Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Badajoz we are
teaching LilyPond to many students as an optative subject, both in
mid-level studies (pre-college) and higher education.

Thank you,
Francisco Vila Doncel. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf

Hi there!

I'm sorry if this is not the exact place to post this kind of issues... if 
that is the case, please redirect me to the right place.

Anyway, here it goes. Up to this morning, I've been using version 2.11.14 
without any problem. Today I decided to download and install the brand new 
2.11.15. And here's where my problems began... I tried converting a file 
from within jEdit... no way. No big deal... I opened a comand prompt and did 
it manually from there. The result does not seem to be any different from 
what I've already typed. Anyway, I went back to jEdit and  ran lilypond over 
the file. Everything went fine until the program tried to make the final pdf 
file... it could not. Here's the resulting output:

This is a console shell for running LilyPond and related commands.
Enter %help to see the available special commands.

LilyPond ready.
%lilypond %args C:\Documents and Settings\DiosnelH\My 
Documents\Scores\Moreno Torroba\Suite Castellana\suite_castellana.ly
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/DiosnelH/My Documents/Scores/Moreno 
Torroba/Suite Castellana/suite_castellana.ly'

Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64][72][80][88][90]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
C:/Documents and Settings/DiosnelH/My Documents/Scores/Moreno Torroba/Suite 
Castellana/suite_castellana.ly:163:23: warning: cannot find start of 

{fis'' d'8[
  \! fis d'] fis d'[ e c'] d b'[ d b'] d 
b'[ c a']}\\

warning: Ignoring grob for slur: DynamicLineSpanner. avoid-slur not set?
C:/Documents and Settings/DiosnelH/My Documents/Scores/Moreno Torroba/Suite 
Castellana/suite_castellana.ly:193:55: warning: Ignoring grob for slur: 
DynamicLineSpanner. avoid-slur not set?

{\set doubleSlurs = ##t \times 2/3 {d' fis8
  \( c e) d fis(} 
\times 2/3 {c e) d fis( c e)\!} d fis c e4 d fis8 \set 
doubleSlurs = ##f }\\

C:/Documents and Settings/DiosnelH/My Documents/Scores/Moreno Torroba/Suite 
Castellana/suite_castellana.ly:201:23: warning: cannot find start of 

{fis'' d'8[
  \! fis d'] fis d'[ e c'] d b'[ d b'] d 
b'[ c a']}\\

Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64][72][80][88][93]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
warning: outside-staff object DynamicLineSpanner has an empty extent
warning: outside-staff object DynamicLineSpanner has an empty extent
warning: too many colliding rests
Layout output to `suite_castellana.ps'...
Converting to `suite_castellana.pdf'...'gs' is not recognized as an internal 
or external command,

operable program or batch file.
`gs -q   -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS#595.28 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS#841.89  -dCompatibilityLevel#1.4 
 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200  -sDEVICE#pdfwrite -sOutputFile#suite_castellana.pdf 
-c .setpdfwrite -f suite_castellana.ps' failed (1)
c:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/ly/init.ly:37:1: 
error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here

(if (or (pair? toplevel-scores) output-empty-score-list)
c:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/ly/init.ly:37:5: 
error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting '='

(or (pair? toplevel-scores) output-empty-score-list)
programming error: Parsed object should be dead: static scm_unused_struct* 

continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Parsed object should be dead: static scm_unused_struct* 

continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Parsed object should be dead: static scm_unused_struct* 

continuing, cross fingers
error: failed files: C:\\Documents and Settings\\DiosnelH\\My 
Documents\\Scores\\Moreno Torroba\\Suite Castellana\\suite_castellana.ly

Processing time: 15 seconds

LilyPond ready.

I'm attaching my .ly file just in case. The first thing I can think of to 
solve this is to roll back to 2.11.14, but maybe there's a problem with the 
win installer and somebody can look into it.


Diosnel Herrnsdorf 
% Suite Castellana, de Federico Moreno Torroba
% digitación original de Andrés Segovia
% según edición de Ricordi Americana BA12925

\version 2.11.14

	#(set-paper-size a4)

	title = Suite Castellana
	composer = Federico Moreno Torroba
	instrument = Guitarra
	arranger = Digitación: Diosnel Herrnsdorf
	copyright = © 2007 Diosnel Herrnsdorf
	tagline = \markup \small \center-align {Music engraving by Lilypond 2.11.15 – www.lilypond.org \smaller ref. Ricordi Americana BA12925}

acelera = \markup { \small \italic {accel.} }
allegro = \markup{ \bold {Allegro, tempo di fandango} }
expresion = \markup { \smaller \italic {espr.} }

Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Thank you, Roger. I'm aware of the apparent problems with the (de)crescendo 
hairpins, but those did not seem to bother the previous version. The real 
problem seems to lie way down, when lilypond tries to write a pdf file from 
the ps output...

Thanks again,


- Original Message - 
From: Rutger Hofman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Diosnel Herrnsdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 20:31
Subject: Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

Interpreting music...
C:/Documents and Settings/DiosnelH/My Documents/Scores/Moreno 
Torroba/Suite Castellana/suite_castellana.ly:163:23: warning: cannot find 
start of (de)crescendo

{fis'' d'8[
  \! fis d'] fis d'[ e c'] d b'[ d b'] d 
b'[ c a']}\\


{a'4.^\lento \times 2/3 {\slurDown gis16( a gis)} e2}\\{e,8\rest e 
cis'4 s8 e, b'4}\\
  {\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.05 a2 \once \override 
NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.03 gis}\\{a,2\p a} |
{g' cis fis4. \times 2/3 {\slurDown e'16( fis e)} d4. a'8}\\{s8 e, 
ais4 e8\rest f a4\}\\{s1}\\{a,2 a} |
{fis'' d'8[\! fis d'] fis d'[ e c'] d b'[ d b'] d b'[ c 
  {a,1\mf}\\{s4 \acciaccatura e'''8( \once \override NoteColumn 
#'force-hshift = #-0.1 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t d4) s 
\acciaccatura c8( \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.1 \once 
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t b4)} | \break

It appears that the pair \ \! is not voiced correctly, if I read the 
warning well. If \! of line 163 is instead also attached to the lower 
voice at the same time (i.e. first note of line 164) , this warning 

{fis'' d'8[ fis d'] fis d'[ e c'] d b'[ d b'] d 
b'[ c a']}\\
  {a,1\mf\!}\\{s4 \acciaccatura e'''8( \once \override NoteColumn 
#'force-hshift = #-0.1 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t d4) s 
\acciaccatura c8( \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.1 \once 
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t b4)} | \break

I guess the same holds for the second warning.

I tried this with 2.8.8. Maybe 2.11.891 has independent bugs, I don't 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Thank you very much, Stan. I managed to run the file with version 2.10.15 
without problems (except for those warnings)... I'll try to solve those 
little hicups and see if I can manually convert it to 2.11.15. For the 
time being, I have to stick to the Win version... I look forward to having a 
Linux box again.

And yes, Moreno Torroba was a fantastic composer... this is one of his most 
lyrical pieces. If you still don't have it, try to get David Russel's 
recording of Castles of Spain.


- Original Message - 
From: Stan Sanderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Diosnel Herrnsdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Rutger Hofman [EMAIL PROTECTED]; lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 01:39
Subject: Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15


I just ran your file using LilyPond 2.11.15. While there were a  number of 
warnings, the processing completed successfully and the pdf  looks good. 
Now, if I could only play Torroba.

I'm using a Mac w/ OS 10.4.8. I posted earlier today about my  experience 
with convert-ly being broken and what I did to correct it.  It appears 
that the cure depends on your platform or requires  waiting for the next 



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sostenido/bemol

2007-01-03 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
As I told Christopher a few days ago (my mistake for not sending the message 
to the list), here in Paraguay we use sostenido for sharp and sostenida 
for sustain.



- Original Message - 
From: luis jure [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 12:39
Subject: Re: sostenido/bemol

El Fri, 29 Dec 2006 16:57:41 -0500
Christopher A. LaFond [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

What I'm saying is that most people in the Spanish-speaking world (at
least according to online results) seem to be using nota sostenida,
not nota sostenido for sharp (note).

yes, i can confirm that's true, nota sostenida is by far more usual
than nota sostenido. that doesn't mean necessarily that it's more
correct. which, to be frank, i'm not really sure...

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pasting lilypond output into a Word document

2006-08-09 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf

Why not try with lilypond-book? You'd be skipping Word.


- Original Message - 

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 22:48
Subject: pasting lilypond output into a Word document

I'm in a Windows environment at the moment, and I'm adding music examples 
rendered by Lilypond to a Word document. I'm getting quite low printout 
quality. I'm copying the music from the pdf file (using the snapshot 
tool in Adobe Reader 7.0 while viewing at 100%, then drawing a marquee 
around what I want copied, which sends the selection to the clipboard) and 
pasting into the Word document. The selection is not so large that Word 
has to reduce it to fit the page. But the result looks much worse than if 
I print the pdf file directly.

Is there a better way to do this? Many thanks, again.

--Jon Wild

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Landscape from Lilypond 2.0.1 on Cygwin

2003-10-07 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Can't you open your file in your reader, rotate it, and save it in the new
position? Not optimal, but doable, I guess.


- Original Message -
From: J. Daniel Ashton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 13:26
Subject: Re: Landscape from Lilypond 2.0.1 on Cygwin

 Mats Bengtsson wrote:

  Don't blame LilyPond in this case,


  blame your version of ghostscript (which is used internally in
  ps2pdf). I can confirm that the orientation
  is correct when I use GNU Ghostscript 6.52 but upside down when I use
  GNU Ghostscript 7.05. If you want to investigate further, try with

 I was guessing that.  Thanks for the pointer.

 Daniel Ashton  PGP key available http://Daniel.AshtonFam.org
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://ChamberMusicWeekend.org
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ# 9445142  http://ZephyrBrass.com

 Lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need help with Tempo marking / Arpeggios

2003-10-02 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
This seems to be the answer... Thanks, Graham.


- Original Message -
From: Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Diosnel Herrnsdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 02:26
Subject: Re: Need help with Tempo marking / Arpeggios

 On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 14:49:54 +
 Diosnel Herrnsdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the tips, Graham. I finally found a way to move the tempo
  around... and yes, it was in the manual. The arpeggio, however, is a
  different issue. I'm copying a guitar piece; the top voice of the
  arpeggiated chord (three top notes) is a quarter note, while the bottom
  voice of the chord is a dotted half note. Thus the obvious (for me)
thing to
  do was to write them in different layers... I guess I'll have to keep
  playing with it.

 Ah, I understand the issue now.  The answer is invisible notes.

 Here's an example:

 {  a4\arpeggio c e \hideNotes a,  }
 { a,2. }

 The syntax might need a bit of work, but I hope you get the idea.

 - Graham

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need help with Tempo marking / Arpeggios

2003-09-28 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Thanks for the tips, Graham. I finally found a way to move the tempo marking
around... and yes, it was in the manual. The arpeggio, however, is a
different issue. I'm copying a guitar piece; the top voice of the
arpeggiated chord (three top notes) is a quarter note, while the bottom
voice of the chord is a dotted half note. Thus the obvious (for me) thing to
do was to write them in different layers... I guess I'll have to keep
playing with it.


- Original Message -
From: Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Diosnel Herrnsdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 04:08
Subject: Re: Need help with Tempo marking / Arpeggios

 On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 02:18:30 +
 Diosnel Herrnsdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think this might be an easy problem to solve... only that I spent so
  time on it that I cannot think of anything else. Please take a look at
  attached file and see if you can help me to:
  1 - Prevent the Tempo Marking (Adagio) from colliding with the notes;

 Have you read the section about fine tuning a piece in the Tutorial?  It
 deals with issues such as moving marks around (to avoid collisions).

  2 - Have one Arpeggio symbol for each chord.

 If you want one arpeggio line for each chord, I think you need to make
 each chord a single chord (as opposed to two chords, sepearated by \\ ).

 - Graham

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: forwarded message from Mike Fisher

2003-09-25 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
As I found out, that's not the way to do it. First of all, make your
test.ly file available under your CygWin tree. Then open the CygWin
terminal and say ly2dvi -p [route here]/test.ly

That should do the trick.


- Original Message -
From: Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 17:54
Subject: forwarded message from Mike Fisher


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

 Lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can't open lilypond

2003-09-24 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf


Does your CygWin terminal show a prompt? Will it 
let you input commands? What do you mean by "cannot close the normal way"? Does 
it mean that it does not accept the "exit" command?

If it does, then at least the terminal is working. 
I thought I had the same problem, but then it dawned on me that I was trying to 
run lilypond from a DOS prompt... and CygWin installed a Unix version of it, so 
it wouldn't work.

As for the bug file, try doing a file search... if 
you did everything right, it should be in c:\cygwin\home\Aksel\ (or whatever 
your user name is)


  - Original Message - 
  Aksel Kjær 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 
  Subject: can't open lilypond
  I have downloaded LilyPond 1.6.11, Windows version. As far 
  as I can see i have about 50 megabyte files on my hard-disk, but I can't reach 
  the files. I have got the cygwin-icon on my desktop, but when I try to open it 
  I get nothing but a black window. which I furthermore cannot close the 
  normal way.
  I have tried to run the the program using 
  C:\cygwin\usr\share\lilypond1.6.11 but I only get a list 
  concerning the files and no hint what to do next.
  I have also tried to make a bug.txt file as it is suggested 
  in the online manual, but nothing seems to happen.
  I hope you'll be able to help me.
  Yours sincerely
  Aksel Kjær

  list[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
Lilypond-user mailing list

Need help with Tempo marking / Arpeggios

2003-09-24 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Hi there,

I think this might be an easy problem to solve... only that I spent so much
time on it that I cannot think of anything else. Please take a look at the
attached file and see if you can help me to:

1 - Prevent the Tempo Marking (Adagio) from colliding with the notes; and
2 - Have one Arpeggio symbol for each chord.

Thanks and regards,

Diosnel Herrnsdorf

Description: Binary data
Lilypond-user mailing list