Re: Lyric after staff?

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

A mixture would be

\score {
 \new Staff <<
   \new Voice = A { c' d' e' d' \bar "|." \stopStaff }
   \lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "A" }
   { A-4 ve Cae- sar, \unset associatedVoice "morituri te salutant." }

That's a good solution, albeit tricky...  Thanks a lot!

The problem with \lyricsto is that it also tells LilyPond to pick off 
the rhythm from the associated Voice, and then LilyPond lets the lyrics 
die together with the associated Voice.

Yes, I understand this.  I think I would personally prefer that the lyrics 
"too much" be put after the scores (and perhaps a warning issued).  After 
all there is no reason to have them disappear without errors.

Many thanks again,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Positioning volta bracket

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

You can use extra-offset. eg:

\once \override Score.VoltaBracket #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.5)

will lower the following bracket by 1.5 staff units.

Perfect, that's exactly what I needed.  (And it turns out that the offset 
of -1.5 is also the value I need.)

Thank you, Nick!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Left align first word of lyrics

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

So the lyrics are supposed to be aligned as a block first which is then 
centered on the note.


I think that the current machinery is rather working by aligning 
everything independently to the note in question.


That would place the prealignment of the lyrics into the "seriously 
tricky" realm.  So it is quite possible that you'll not get any "off the 
cuff" elegant solution for this.

A good solution is also constrained by the alignment only being possible 
when the lyrics have been turned into stencils, and that happens 
depending on the text font defaults at the time of typesetting.

A tedious solution is likely doable where you basically specify 
something like

\syllable #1 { Cccc C Cc Ccc c }
in the first stanza,
\syllable #2 { Cccc C Cc Ccc c }

in the second stanza and so on: then each stanza would typeset the whole 
column, align it, and pick out the right row.

That's an interesting idea.  A bit tedious as you write, but better than 
nothing however.  Am I right that the \syllable primitive is not part of 
LilyPond, and that this is just an idea of yours?



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric after staff?

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

What is the best way to put lyrics past the end of a staff, like this:

A B C D   E F

The words "A B C D" are placed with \lyricsto, but how is it possible 
to put words at positions "E F"?  When written in the lyrics, they are 
simply ignored, even if the staff is not large enough to fill the 

It's probably simplest to use Lyrics with manual durations for such 

 \new Staff { c' d' e' d' \bar "|." }
 \lyrics { A-4 ve Cae- sar, "morituri te salutant." }

Hmmm...  Somehow this works with your simple example, but not with 
slightly more complex ones:

\score {
  \new Staff <<
\new Voice { c' d' e' d' \bar "|." }
\lyrics { A-4 ve Cae- sar, "morituri te salutant." }

continues the staff after the final "|." and places "morituri te salutant" 
under it.  And:

\score {
  \new Staff <<
\new Voice = A { c' d' e' d' \bar "|." }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto A { A-4 ve Cae- sar, "morituri te salutant." }

simply removes the "morituri te salutant."

Maybe it would make sense if "associated" lyrics would just continue 
with the normal durations when losing their associated Voice rather than 
committing suicide.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Positioning volta bracket

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

Is there a way to position (or to adjust the position of) the volta 
brackets manually?  With the following example:

\relative c'' {
  \repeat volta 3 { d4 d d d }
  \alternative { { c4 d e f } { e4 f g a } }

the volta brackets are raised, because of the final "a" note, but it 
could have fit under the volta bracket at the "normal" position, since 
it does not clash with the "3." indication.

I tried

\layout { \context { \Staff \override VoltaBracketSpanner #'Y-offset = #N } }

with various values for N, without success.

Using what version of LilyPond?  With 2.17.12 I see something like the 
following (which looks reasonable):

Still 2.14.2...

With 2.16, this looks less pretty.

But I see that 2.16.2 would not help...

By the way, the question was: how is it possible to adjust the position by 
hand (independently of the default position)?


lilypond-user mailing list

Lyric after staff?

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

Hi list,

What is the best way to put lyrics past the end of a staff, like this:

A B C D   E F

The words "A B C D" are placed with \lyricsto, but how is it possible to 
put words at positions "E F"?  When written in the lyrics, they are simply 
ignored, even if the staff is not large enough to fill the line-width.

Many thanks,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Left align first word of lyrics

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

Indeed, many thanks, I did not expect that the solution would be so 
trivial.  I tried with various values of self-alignment-X, but not with 

-1 is the same as LEFT

Okay, I did not read the manual carefully enough (again).  I know and see 
that you put much effort in it, but please understand that lambda users do 
not always find their way through it.

The solution is not perfect, however.  I was more expecting a solution 
where the note is centered above the lyrics, and the lyrics aligned 
left; in this case the lyrics are indeed left aligned, but the note is 
also left aligned...

What should the lyrics be left-aligned to then if not to the note?

To each other.  This would give something like:


with the note on the first line, and the lyrics on the five next lines. 
The lyrics are all left-aligned, and the note is centered on the longest 


lilypond-user mailing list

Positioning volta bracket

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

Hi list,

Is there a way to position (or to adjust the position of) the volta 
brackets manually?  With the following example:

\relative c'' {
  \repeat volta 3 { d4 d d d }
  \alternative { { c4 d e f } { e4 f g a } }

the volta brackets are raised, because of the final "a" note, but it could 
have fit under the volta bracket at the "normal" position, since it does 
not clash with the "3." indication.

I tried

\layout { \context { \Staff \override VoltaBracketSpanner #'Y-offset = #N } }

with various values for N, without success.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Left align first word of lyrics

2013-05-21 Thread Gregory Heytings

Is it possible to automatically left align the first word of multiple 
line lyrics ?  By default the lyrics are all centered under the note, 
which is okay in most situations, but perhaps not optimal for the first 
word of a staff.  For example, the words "Ccc", "Cc" and "C" are 
centered under the c note with the following code:

\score {
  \new Staff <<
\new Voice = A { \relative c' { c d e f } }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto A { Ccc ddd eee fff }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto A { Cc dd ee ff }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto A { C d e f }

I know that it is possible to move a particular word by hand with 
"\once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #...".  This solution 
is however not only painful to type in, but its result is also most 
often only approximately correct.

l=\once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1

\score {
 \new Staff <<
   \new Voice = A { \relative c' { c d e f } }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto A { \l Ccc ddd eee fff }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto A { \l Cc dd ee ff }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto A { \l C d e f }

Avoids the need for typing much, and seems to left-align accurately 
according to my output.

Indeed, many thanks, I did not expect that the solution would be so 
trivial.  I tried with various values of self-alignment-X, but not with 
-1...  The solution is not perfect, however.  I was more expecting a 
solution where the note is centered above the lyrics, and the lyrics 
aligned left; in this case the lyrics are indeed left aligned, but the 
note is also left aligned...



lilypond-user mailing list

Left align first word of lyrics

2013-05-18 Thread Gregory Heytings

Hi list,

Is it possible to automatically left align the first word of multiple line 
lyrics ?  By default the lyrics are all centered under the note, which is 
okay in most situations, but perhaps not optimal for the first word of a 
staff.  For example, the words "Ccc", "Cc" and "C" are centered under the 
c note with the following code:

\score {
  \new Staff <<
\new Voice = A { \relative c' { c d e f } }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto A { Ccc ddd eee fff }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto A { Cc dd ee ff }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto A { C d e f }

I know that it is possible to move a particular word by hand with "\once 
\override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #...".  This solution is however 
not only painful to type in, but its result is also most often only 
approximately correct.

Many thanks in advance,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Enhancement request, add a new command to fill the rest of staff with blank space

2013-05-15 Thread Gregory Heytings

Both are more tangible than "ghe".  They give an identity to a person 
communicating on this list, even if it differs from the name on some 
identity card.

Okay, done.  Let's talk about real stuff now.


lilypond-user mailing list