some piano stuff

2006-10-17 Thread Jan Janovcik
I'm currently typesetting a piece from Ravel in which the following model 
repeats several times.

\new PianoStaff {
  \context Staff = RH {  
   \clef treble
   \key c \minor
   \relative c' {
%\override PianoStaff.TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\change Staff = LH
\times 8/10 { g32 as h d \change Staff = RH g a h d g~ g,~} g g'2.
  \context Staff = LH {  
   \key c \minor
   \relative c' {
\clef treble
 { s4 h d as'2. } \\ { g1- } 

1. What's the problem with the tuplet number? I'm getting a programming error  
( Spanner `Tie' is not fully contained in parent spanner `TieColumn' ) and 
the tuplet number (10 in this case) is way down bellow the lower staff. Is it 
because of the staff switching?

2. I would like to have the collision resolution shift the g whole note (LH, 
voice two currently) to the left and those quick notes going from left hand to 
the right to the right. I suppose it should have something to do with shiftOn 
and shiftOff but I haven't managed to do it... :-(

3. The curly brace at the start of the piano staff is shifted upwards - is it a 
bug or am I doing somthing wrong?

Thank in advance for any help or suggestions.

Jan Janovcik

P.S. I'm using 2.8.7 on Windows XP

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: hyphens and spacing lyrics

2006-09-18 Thread Jan Janovcik
Hi, is there any way to make sure that lyrics do avoid bar lines BUT the 
hyphens won't disappear?

Jan Janovcik

lilypond-user mailing list

Fw: hyphens and spacing lyrics

2006-09-18 Thread Jan Janovcik
- Forwarded Message 
From: Jan Janovcik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 2:01:09 PM
Subject: Re: hyphens and spacing lyrics

Hi, is there any way to make sure that lyrics do avoid bar lines BUT the 
hyphens won't disappear?

Jan Janovcik

Stupid me, sorry for the error. What I had in mind was:

is there any way to make sure that lyrics do avoid bar lines AND the hyphens do 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: advanced \tag -ing

2006-09-18 Thread Jan Janovcik
thank for the suggestion with \partcombine, it does indeed part of the job, it 
merges the noteheads, but it also changes the directions of the stems at the 
same time and that is undesirable. What I would need is something that would 
merge the noteheads and keep the stems down ( the result of merging is supposed 
to be voiceTwo ) Is this even possible, any ideas?
Jan Janovcik

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: advanced \tag -ing

2006-09-14 Thread Jan Janovcik
Thanks a bunch for your suggestion, although not
directly, it pointed me the right way to understanding
how this whole thing really works.
(what I had to realize was that in these situations I
have to write out all the variants explicitly, like 

\tag #'one { f8[ f] } \tag #'two { f4 } 
\tag #'three \tag #'four s4 

Before I would do just those first two without stating
skips in those other two tags and it would cause a
mess... )

Now I can at least produce almost correct output,
there just one more thing I need to take care of. My
actual code now looks like:

\new Staff  
  \new Voice = sopran { \voiceOne \keepWithTag #'one
\Ksopran }
  \context Voice = alt { \voiceTwo \keepWithTag
#'one \Kalt }
  \context Voice = alt { \voiceTwo \keepWithTag
#'three \Kalt }

In the soprano voice there are only two variants - no
problem there. Now when it comes to alto I can now get
lily to print correct notes on correct places, there
is just one problem - for for notes that are common to
both expressions it would not merge the noteheads - as
if the other input was voiseFour. (see the attached
picture) What I need is to have just one notehead
there without the other to be seen. I tried to change
the collision settings ( shiftOff etc. ) but with no
Any ideas how to do this?

Jan Janovcik

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advanced \tag -ing

2006-09-13 Thread Jan Janovcik
I have some question about the tag command.
Here is what I would need and I'm not sure whether it
is even possible (so far I haven't been succesfull
trying to make it work):

Let's say I have 4 different tags: one, two, three and
four. The expressions tagged #'one and #'two are
mutually exclusive, they won't ever appear together in
the output. The same goes for three and four. But I do
need to combine them (4 scores with tags: one and
three, one and four, two and three, two and four) I
tried something like

\keepWithTag #'one \keepWithTag #'two 

but it doesn't seem to work

Another question: Is it possible for the tagged
expressions to be nested, to have a \tag inside of
another tagged expression?

Thanks in advance for all your advice and suggestions.

Jan Janovcik

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french score

2006-03-12 Thread Jan Janovcik

I have 1 small problem: I've been typesetting a piece
in a French score style (i.e. with hiding empty
staves) - the way this option works for me is, that
lily hides the staff but i get an empty vertical space
in the system. Is this normal, i.e. do I have to set
it manualy?

Thanks in advance

Jan Janovcik

PS: This happenned with version 2.7.23 on windows.

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bc vertical alignment

2006-03-12 Thread Jan Janovcik

I've been typesetting a small cantata by Bach recently
and the way figured bass now works (i.e. version
2.7.2x, windows) is really annoying.

Manual says: When using continuation lines, common
figures are always put in the same vertical position.
but for me this seemed to happen even when not using
continuation lines...

How can I turn this off? I would much more like to do
the vertical alignment manualy, but I cannot find out
how to insert a vertical space in the figures.
Any advice would be appreciated..
thanks in advance

Jan Janovcik


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figured bass questionsproblems

2005-10-28 Thread Jan Janovcik
Dear list,
I've been typesetting an early baroque continuo part
and came across several problems.

I'm using lily 2.7.12 windows native and I'm not
wether some of these issues have or haven't been taken
care of in later version which are not yet aviable to

1. (Possible bug...) Please take a look at the
attached bit of my score. Accidentals are shifted
horizontally a bit lower when typeset alone (sharp and
flat with numbers 1 and two respectively), which is
not that bad in itself, but when they are attached to
numbers (6's in my example - numbers 2 and 3) this
problem persists with 6#, while 6 with flat is OK.

Is there a temporary workaround? I tried to override
the padding prop. of BassFigure obj. but without

2. Figured Bass feature as implemented was probably
made with later figured bass in mind, but in earlier
music (around 1650 in my case) sharps and flats occur
more often alone. For these cases it would probably be
better to use greater font size of the accidentals
glyphs for these cases. As seen in the example, the
sharp symbol is very in comparison with the 3
numeral (under number 1. for example).

As with previous problem I wasn't succesfull at
changing the properties of the individual figure. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Jan Janovcik

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

lilypond-user mailing list

figured bass questionsproblems

2005-10-28 Thread Jan Janovcik
Dear list,
I've been typesetting an early baroque continuo part
and came across several problems.

I'm using lily 2.7.12 windows native and I'm not sure
wether some of these issues have or haven't been taken
care of in later versions which are not yet aviable to

1. (Possible bug...) Please take a look at the
attached bit of my score. Accidentals are shifted
horizontally a bit lower when typeset alone (sharp and
flat with numbers 1 and two respectively), which is
not that bad in itself, but when they are attached to
numbers (6's in my example - numbers 2 and 3) this
problem persists with 6#, while 6 with flat is OK.

Is there a temporary workaround? I tried to override
the padding prop. of BassFigure obj. but without

2. Figured Bass feature as implemented was probably
made with later figured bass in mind, but in earlier
music (around 1650 in my case) sharps and flats occur
more often alone. For these cases it would probably be
better to use greater font size of the accidentals
glyphs for these cases. As seen in the example, the
sharp symbol is very in comparison with the 3
numeral (under number 1. for example).

As with previous problem I wasn't succesfull at
changing the properties of the individual figure. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Jan Janovcik

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.
lilypond-user mailing list

problem with running lily

2005-09-22 Thread Jan Janovcik

I'm a happy user of lilypond and as such I persuaded
my friend to give it a try. I helped him with
istallation (Win98). Everything seemed to be ok.
Running lilypond for the first time without any
arguments resulted in in a Welcome to LilyPond file
as expected. Proccessing this file proved to be a
problem though:

Here is the feedback from the program screen an the
log file:

GNU LilyPond 2.6.3
Error: /undefined in .setp
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--  
--nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--  
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push   .runexec2   --nostringval-- 
 --nostringval--   --nost
ringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1129/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--  
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory

Log file:

# -*-compilation-*-
Processing `'
Interpreting music... [2]
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... 
Calculating page breaks...
Layout output to `'...
Converting to `scale.pdf'...GPL Ghostscript 8.15:
Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

`gs -q   -dCompatibilityLevel#1.4  -sPAPERSIZE#a4
-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200  -sDEVICE#pdfwrite
-sOutputFile#scale.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f' failed (1)

Any idea, what might be the problem?


Jan Janovcik

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

lilypond-user mailing list


2005-01-13 Thread Jan Janovcik
I came across a problem with convert-ly. I was trying
to convert some 1.4 input files. Lilypond 1.4
obviously wasn't able to recongnize ties in the
process of lyrics assignment, so you had to add one
more _ in case of tied notes.
Convert-ly is not able to address this issue, so the
result is, one has to tediously search for such places
and remove excess underscores.
Is there any chance, this could be solved somehow in
the future?


Jan Janovcik

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