Beta testers wanted: LilyPond users who also have an iPhone

2010-11-09 Thread Jeff Epstein
I am looking for some LilyPond users who happen to also have an iPhone (or
iPod Touch or iPad), to volunteer to be beta testers.

I have written a iPhone-LilyPond-input tool which will be released at the end 
the year. To avoid hopes getting too high: It does not check your LY code for
errors, nor does it play music, generate PDFs or MIDIs. However, it is a nice
little "scratchpad" in which to write LY code on the go, code which can
automatically be sent to your desktop, where it can be integrated into actual
LY files.

Since my musical focus is relatively narrow--I arrange acapella music--and
since I am a relative newcomer to LilyPond, I need help ensuring it is useful
to the larger community of LilyPond-users-who-also-happen-to-have-an-iPhone. All
twelve of you. I also want to eke out remaining bugs and documentation issues
before releasing it publicly.

If this is something that interests you, please contact me at

Thank you.

lilypond-user mailing list

Merge/Condense vocal parts arbitrarily, on a per-'master staff' basis

2010-09-01 Thread Jeff Epstein
I have been playing with LilyPond on and off for a while now. I'm a programmer
and musician, so I feel like I have a head start. But it's--impressive--heavy
duty stuff. I'm still really doing only the basics with LilyPond.

Anyway, I arrange acapella music. I want to get away from arranging by pencil
and paper, once and for all, and switch over completely to LilyPond. I am unable
to figure out one major need, which I hope someone out there might be able to
help me with.


I can compose the following in LilyPond, no problem. Five vocal parts for an
acapella piece, each on their own staff. Here's an example:

What I need to do, is to merge parts together, arbitrarily, differently within
each "master staff" (each set of staves, on each new line on the
printout...sorry, don't know the right terminology).

Here's what I'm looking to do:

1-4: So from measures 1 through 4, it should be the same (one staff per part).
5-9: But on measures 5 through 10, it should be sop1+sop2 on one staff,
alto1+alto2 on the second, and tenor by himself.
10-14: Finally, measures 10-14 should be sop2 on the top staff, and
sop1+alto1+alto2 on the second.

And so on. This will condense the printout by a LOT, and it feels necessary if
I'm going to dive further into LilyPond as an acapella arranger.

Perhaps I'm missing something easier? I would greatly appreciate your advice on
how to either do what I'm trying here, or perhaps I just need to think about
this problem differently?

Thank you!!!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Merge/Condense vocal parts arbitrarily, on a per-'master staff' basis

2010-09-01 Thread Jeff Epstein
I did NOT cross off the word "impressive" in my original post! I meant to
emphasize it with em-dashes. I don't understand the syntax here yet.

Also, here's the fixed link to the "after" picture:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Merge/Condense vocal parts arbitrarily, on a per-'master staff' basis

2010-09-01 Thread Jeff Epstein
Thank you for the helpful information, Kieren. I will look carefully at 
the polyphony documentation.

I think my question came across differently than I intended. What I 
want is NOT for LilyPond to programmatically determine the best 
layout for each system. Rather, *I* want to tell Lily Pond that,
- On system one, each part should be on their own staff
–- On system two
--- Top staff: soprano 1 and 2
--- Middle staff: alto 1 and 2 
--- Bottom staff: tenor by itself
–- On system three
--- Top staff: soprano 2 by itself 
--- Middle staff: soprano 1, alto 1 and alto 2 
--- Bottom staff: tenor

...and so on. By "arbitrary", I mean that what *I* decide for each staff, 
from LilyPond's point of view, has no rhyme or reason.

I don't know if this changes your answer.

(I'm thinking that each system could be a different LilyPond piece, 
and I would merge them visually, so it looks like one piece when I 
ultimately print it. Not sure if that's feasible, but it's the first thing that 
hits me.)

Thanks again.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: best practices

2010-09-19 Thread Jeff Epstein
> >>> Phil Holmes> writes:
> And anyway, I only said "Um" 

It was an angry Um!  :)

lilypond-user mailing list

How to get a property override into a scheme markup function?

2010-09-21 Thread Jeff Epstein
(FYI: I am a programmer, non-GUI Java, but am new to scheme.)

In section 6.4.3 in the pdf Notation Reference manual (v 2.12.3), there's a
markup function written in scheme. In that fashion, I've successfully created my
first scheme function:

   #(define-markup-command  (mBox layout props s_boxText)
 "Print the given string in a box and small-caps. Example usage:
c4.^\\markup \\mBox \"section a\""

  (interpret-markup layout props
 (markup #:center-align #:box #:caps s_boxText)

Calling \displayMusic on the following confirms the above (despite having a lot
more parens and the additional "#:line"...which I don't understand, but doesn't
seem necessary).

   \displayMusic   c1^\markup { \caps \center-align \box "V. S."}

results (partially) in

  (#:caps (#:center-align (#:box "V. S."

I'm TRYING to add this property-override:

   c1^\markup {
  \caps \center-align
  \override #'(box-padding . 0.5)
  \box "V. S."}

But doing \displayMusic on it results in:

 (#:override (box-padding . 0.5) (#:box "V. S."

which does NOT work in the above scheme function, although it compiles just fine
as long as it is never called. When I do try to call it with

   \relative c'  {
  c1^\markup {\column {
 \line {\mBox #"section a"}}

I get this error: Unbound variable: box-padding


I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Is there a translation between an ly
property and scheme? "box-padding" does exist in the Internal Reference manual,
and I've not yet found anything in the other manuals, nor in this forum
(searching for scheme property override), that strike me as relevant.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to get a property override into a scheme markup function?

2010-09-21 Thread Jeff Epstein
I should say that I only want the box-padding setting to be overridden for this
one markup-call to \box. Perhaps I should be using \once or \tweak or something
related...but I don't think it changes the basic question.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to get a property override into a scheme markup function?

2010-09-22 Thread Jeff Epstein
Carl Sorensen> writes:
> [...] \displayMusic function missed a quote that you need in your argument
list--note that it should be
> #:override '(box-padding . 0.5)   not
> #:override (box-padding . 0.5)

Excellent. Thank you!

> Could you please file a simple bug report at bug-lilypond


FYI: The final function that I came up with is this:

#(define-markup-command  (mBox layout props s_boxText)
  "Print the provided text in a box and small-caps. Example usage:
c4.^\\markup \\mBox \"a\""

   (interpret-markup layout props
  (markup #:line
  (#:override '(box-padding . 0.5)
 #:box #:center-align #:caps s_boxText))

I had to shuffle the properties around. If #:caps was listed earlier, it would
not take effect. Also, I eliminated the extra parens, and realized the override
parens are needed, and must surround the s_boxText variable in order to apply.

Thanks again, Carl.

lilypond-user mailing list

Column line spacing with individual markup-lines, via a scheme function

2010-09-22 Thread Jeff Epstein
Phil Holmes> writes:
> Is it a known feature that using the font sizing commands \teeny, \huge, 
> etc., leads to inconsistent line spacing when compared with using fontsize?

   As this was posted, I happened to be researching just this topic.

   I'm trying to use the below scheme-markup function, kLineSpacingTest, to
   create individual markup lines that COULD be placed inside a column, or just
   be used by themselves. The musical notes a1 and aes1, below, are the
   potential usages I'm looking for.

   Unfortunately, the line spacing when placed in a column (as in a1) is as if
   the font is--I believe--the default size. This is despite every line having a
   "#:fontsize -3". Hence, way too much space.

   Here's an image of the rendered sheet:

   The spacing for both a1 and d1 are exactly the same--too far apart. The
   others (aes1, b1, and c1) all have different spacing, which surprises me, as
   the font-sizes are all -3. I like b1 best, but any of these three are better
   than a1 and d1.

   So the question is: If every line in a column has the same spacing, why
   should the column itself impose a larger-than-necessary line-height? Is there
   a way to override this behavior WITHOUT needing the redundant fontsize
   setting between \markup and \column? Can you absolutely define markup line-
   height regardless of fontsize, and potential collisions?

   Thank you for any advice.

#(define-markup-command  (kLineSpacingTest layout props s_comment)
  "Print the comment. Example usage: c4.^\\markup \\kLineSpacingTest \"a\""

   (interpret-markup layout props
  (markup (#:fontsize -3 s_comment))

   \relative c'' {

  a1^\markup {  \column  {
 \kLineSpacingTest #"a1 1"
 \kLineSpacingTest #"a1 2"
 \kLineSpacingTest #"a1 3"}}

  r1 r1

 ^\markup {  \kLineSpacingTest #"aes1 1"  }
 ^\markup {  \kLineSpacingTest #"aes1 2"  }
 ^\markup {  \kLineSpacingTest #"aes1 3"  }

  r1 r1

  b1^\markup { \fontsize #-3 \column  {
 \kLineSpacingTest #"b1 1"
 \kLineSpacingTest #"b1 2"
 \kLineSpacingTest #"b1 3"}}

  r1 r1

  c1^\markup  { \fontsize #-3 \column {
 "c1 1"
 "c1 2"
 "c1 3"}}

  r1 r1

  d1^\markup  {   \column {
 \fontsize #-3 "d1 1"
 \fontsize #-3 "d1 2"
 \fontsize #-3 "d1 3"}}

lilypond-user mailing list

How to merge two scores into one?

2017-01-05 Thread Jeff Epstein
I'm not understanding how to merge two scores into one. The song just 
continues, but it's a different section with a different voice configuration. 
The first section has a single voice, the second has two. The only way I can 
figure it out so far is to print out two scores. Is there a way to merge these 
into a single score, so the song continues on the same line? Thanks.
Code file:

Generated output:

Full code:
    \version "2.18.2"        \header {       title = "How to merge two scores 
into one?"    }        melodyVerse = \relative c' {       \clef treble       
\key c \major       \time 4/4           c8 d e f g a b4    }        
melodyChorusTop = \relative c'' {       \clef treble       \key c \major       
\time 4/4           c8 b a g f e d4    }        melodyChorusBottom = \relative 
c {       \clef bass       \key c \major       \time 4/4          c'2 f,2    }  
          lyricsVerse = \lyricmode {      do re mi fa so la ti    }        
lyricsChorusTop = \lyricmode {       do ti la so fa me re    }        
lyricsChorusBottom = \lyricmode {       do fa    }                \score {     
<<     \new Voice = "verse" { \autoBeamOff \melodyVerse }     \new Lyrics 
\lyricsto "verse" \lyricsVerse     >>     \layout { }    }        \score {     
<<     \new Voice = "chorusTop" { \autoBeamOff \melodyChorusTop}     \new 
Lyrics \lyricsto "chorusTop" \lyricsChorusTop         \new Voice = 
"chorusBottom" { \autoBeamOff \melodyChorusBottom}     \new Lyrics \lyricsto 
"chorusBottom" \lyricsChorusBottom     >>     \layout { }    }

lilypond-user mailing list

Newbie question: brief alternative notes-and-lyrics in repeat

2009-02-14 Thread Jeff Epstein
How do you create lyrics for brief alternative notes, existing in repeated 
sections (when there are not enough notes to justify duplicating the entire 
section)? Here is a demonstration picture of what I am trying to do:

The red is what I can't figure, either with or without a second-verse of 
lyrics. I cannot seem to add anything else without causing a problem. Below is 
the lilypond code for the above image.Thank you for any advice.

(I am new to LilyPond, but I'm a programmer and have an excellent first 
impression--and I was going to spend 90 bucks, when this is free??!!)

\version "2.12.2"

\relative c'' {
   \time 4/4
\repeat volta 2 {  c4 b a g  }
\repeat volta 2 {  f4 e d c  }
\repeat volta 2 {  c'4 b a <<
\override Stem #'direction = #UP
   {  g4  }
   \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.7
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
\override Stem #'length = #4
   {  g16 a g8  }
\repeat volta 2 {  c,4 e <<
\override Stem #'direction = #UP
   {  g4 c4  }
   \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.7
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
\override Stem #'length = #4
   {  g8 g8 c4  }
\addlyrics { do ti la so fa mi ray do do ti la }

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