Decomposing Lilypond-book for makefile optimization?

2006-07-12 Thread Jeff Smith
Hi gang. I'm using lilypond-book to render some musical diagrams into a latex document. I'm having a problem for which I need help to solve.My document has about 30 short musical compositions that are included as diagrams. They are also full compositions in their own right, so I want to use the stand-alone .ly files within my doc. (I hate the idea of having two versions of each .ly) So far so good. I can use \lilypondfile in my latex doc, preprocess with lilypond-book and everything is happy.
Except...My document is quite lengthy. Every time I make a change to the master doc (the .lytex source), lilypond-book robotically goes along and recompiles all the lilypond files, even though they haven't changed. Needless to say, this creates a LOT of extra compile time, which I would rather avoid. Furthermore, due to the document's dependency on all the .ly files, if I only change one of those, then lilypond-book still runs, and stomps on all the intermediate latex files, which causes EVERYTHING to rebuild.
I have a clumsy workaround, in which I skip lilypond-book. Instead, I use \includegraphics in my .tex file, and I compile the .ly files separately, using some spiffy makefile wizardry to detect when they have changed. This works just fine.
Except...To compile my .ly files into a graphics format suitable for the \includegraphics statement, I am currently doing lilypond --png, then passing that to an autocrop tool that crops off the header, footer and borders, leaving me with an isolated block of music, much like the output I get from lilypond-book, which is then converted to EPS format. The problem is that, by going through PNG format, I get all kinds of unslick, grainy artifacts in the final EPS. 
I've also tried to render using lilypond --ps which produces usable looking output, but it is still embedded in a full-page image. When I autocrop that, it just ends up looking horrible.
What I'd LIKE to do, is stick with my fancy makefile to compile the various .ly files as necessary, but use the same pipileine that lilypond-book uses to spit out its cropped EPS format images. I know it must be possible, because lilypond-book is doing it, but I don't speak python well enough to unravel HOW it does it.
Can anybody provide some pointers on how to get lilypond to spit out cropped EPS files? Are there some hidden command line switches that might do it? -- Jeff SmithComputer Science Dept.
University of Saskatchewan
lilypond-user mailing list

PDF has wonky note glyphs

2004-06-17 Thread Jeff Smith
I finally got my latex docs displaying very pretty in-line music
using lilypond-book in DVI. (Thanks for the hint.)

But when I produce PDFs from the DVI, the note glyphs are wrong.
I just get the stems, no note heads. 

For the record, my pdf generation path is as follows:

lilypond-book -f latex MySource.latex
latex MySource.tex
bibtex MySource
latex MySource.tex 
dvips -Ppdf -G0 -o MySource.dvi

Any suggestions?
Jeff Smith
Computer Science Dept.
University of Saskatchewan

lilypond-user mailing list

Install from rpm - where is the profile script?

2004-06-16 Thread Jeff Smith
I've installed lilypond on two machines: Fedora Core 1 and RH9.
In both cases, I installed using apt-get, so the rpms were loaded
for me.

Lilypond runs on its own and produces beautiful output. But when
I try to include a \begin{lilypond} environment in a LaTex
document, the latex compile crashes stating:

! LaTeX Error: Environment lilypond undefined.

After finding nothing helpful in the published documentation, I
finally found a reference to the scripts that
are shipped with the source code. 

My apt-get came from the CCRMA project, but nothing there talks
about needing profile scripts. So I'm very confused. I presume
that I need to tell LaTeX how to find this stuff, but since I
haven't actually built my own executables, I have no scripts.

So I tried downloading the source files and sourcing the
appropriate file. But it STILL doesn't work.

Is there anybody out there who's dealt with this problem and is
willing to share their secrets?
Jeff Smith
Computer Science Dept.
University of Saskatchewan

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