Re: What are the "rules" for repeats?

2004-06-07 Thread Jim Sabatke
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Jim Sabatke wrote:
I've been coding a program to convert BMW bagpipe music files into 
lilypond format.  I've followed repeat examples and am have not been 
using \repeat for repeated sections that do not have alternative endings.

What is the "approved" format for using repeats?

Didn't you beleive my previous answer?
\repeat volta 2 { some music }
Of course I believe you.  I just want to be sure I 
understand.  I'm sure you understand how hard it is to fix a 
parser once you've committed to a plan.

I had mentioned in a previous message that I thought that 
"repeat volta 2" requires 2 alternative endings, so I had 
not been using the "repeat volta" syntax for repeats with no 
alternative endings.

I have not yet tried to generate midi music from the 
lilypond source, and I assume the proper syntax is required 
for that.

If I have two lines that repeat with no alternative endings, 
do I use "\repeat volta 0," or "\repeat {," or something 

Or, if I have one alternative ending, with a d.s. al fine, 
do I use \repeat volta 1?

Thank you,

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

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this because of  the
volume and size of spam files I receive.  If you wish to 
send me a file of one of these types, contact me first and I 
will tell you how to send it:

lnk asd hl |ocx reg bat c[ho]m cmd exe dll  vxd pif scr hta 
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lilypond-user mailing list

What are the "rules" for repeats?

2004-06-06 Thread Jim Sabatke
I've been coding a program to convert BMW bagpipe music 
files into lilypond format.  I've followed repeat examples 
and am have not been using \repeat for repeated sections 
that do not have alternative endings.

What is the "approved" format for using repeats?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

NOTE: Please do not email me any files with the following 
extensions.  They
are deleted on my ISP's server before I ever see them, and 
no bounce message
is sent.  I am not notified they are deleted.  I am doing 
this because of  the
volume and size of spam files I receive.  If you wish to 
send me a file of one of these types, contact me first and I 
will tell you how to send it:

lnk asd hl |ocx reg bat c[ho]m cmd exe dll  vxd pif scr hta 
jse? sh[mbs] vb[esx] ws[fh] wav mov wmf

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vertical spacing between systems

2004-06-06 Thread Jim Sabatke
Dominik Baenninger wrote:
I would like decrease the vertical space between systems of notes. If
found in the manual that I can manipulate this feature with
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
But in which way do I have to include this statement in the code?
Obviously it does not work in the way I tried it (see my code below).
%  my code 
\include "hrnI.src"
\version "2.2.1"
% Set Font size
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\score {
   << \hornOneNote>>
   \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
   #(set-paper-size "a4")
   linewidth = #(* mm 190)

I've been putting it in the
\score  {
\notes  {
 \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
section, and it seems to work there.
I will supply a more complete score if you can't get it working.
Good luck!
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

NOTE: Please do not email me any files with the following 
extensions.  They
are deleted on my ISP's server before I ever see them, and 
no bounce message
is sent.  I am not notified they are deleted.  I am doing 
this because of  the
volume and size of spam files I receive.  If you wish to 
send me a file of one of these types, contact me first and I 
will tell you how to send it:

lnk asd hl |ocx reg bat c[ho]m cmd exe dll  vxd pif scr hta 
jse? sh[mbs] vb[esx] ws[fh] wav mov wmf

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help

2004-06-05 Thread Jim Sabatke
Don Skoog wrote:
I've downloaded Lillypond from the Fink Website but cannot get it to run.
How do I start the silly thing?
Don Skoog
What OS are you running?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

NOTE: Please do not email me any files with the following 
extentions.  They
are deleted on my ISP's server before I ever see them, and 
no bounce message
is sent.  I am not notified they are deleted.  I am doing 
this because of
the volume and size of spam files I receive.  If you wish to 
send me a file of
one of these types, contact me first and I will tell you how 
to send it:

lnk asd hl |ocx reg bat c[ho]m cmd exe dll  vxd pif scr hta 
jse? sh[mbs]
vb[esx] ws[fh] wav mov wmf

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Auto beams and grace notes

2004-06-04 Thread Jim Sabatke
Now that you mention it, I don't believe I have seen grace 
notes in other music; however bagpipe music is absolutely 
full of such notes.  I think part of the reason is that 
bagpipe music is continuous, no rests, no breaks in notes, 
so gracings are used to seperated notes.

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
I have noticed from the bagpipe example file that this is very
common in bagpipe music, but I can hardly recall having seen grace
notes in the middle of a beam anywhere else, so I actually think that
LilyPond agrees with common typesetting practice.
However, I clearly see the problem in your application, so it might be
worth to introduce an additional option in LilyPond.
Jim Sabatke wrote:
I hope I haven't missed this in the manual.
Auto beams don't seem to work when there are grace notes between the 
beamed notes.

Can this be modified so the notes are beamed?

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help getting started

2004-06-03 Thread Jim Sabatke
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
etc". The second thing is the expansion of the unified index. The index 
is a great way of finding what section something is is, but it's not big 
enough. For example, the "<<" operator isn't there and neither is "#". 
It does have a link to the Scheme tutorial, but that's only useful if I 
know that "#" is related to Scheme. Some other things that are missing: 
"(", "\(", "-x", "^x", "_x", "\markup", "\new", "\context" - (this is 
present, but it has a link to Piano Staves, for some reason).

This is a task that doesn't require all that much knowledge of how
Lilypond works. Someone just needs to plow through
Documentation/user/*.itely (in the source archive) and add lots of
Would you be willing to take up that task?
Aren't there tools for auto-indexing directory trees for 
search engines?

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: strange problem whith pagenumber

2004-06-03 Thread Jim Sabatke
I couldn't get pagenumber = no to work with 2.3 either.  I 
also had lots of layout problems.  I went back to 2.2.1 and 
everything worked.

Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
the setting of pagenumber = no has no effects. In the contrary: I get
two numbers in top and the bottom of the site. Any ideas?
[lilypond 2.3.3. / Linux]

Wolfgang Mechsner
lilypond-user mailing list

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help getting started

2004-06-01 Thread Jim Sabatke
donald_j_axel wrote:
On Mon, 31 May 2004 19:48:40 -0500
Jim Sabatke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm researching "how do I make a note head smaller" because 
I need to fit a few more notes on a line to keep it from 

Many techniques can be found in the documentation, this is one of them.

place the commands.  I've tried searching the lilypond wiki 
site, but the searches returns mostly hits on how to setup 
the wiki.

You hit a weak point here. Your criticism is a little over the
target though. Some Lilypond writers think it is very nice that a
lot of things defaults to sane values. So if you do not think that
it should be so you could write notes with rosegarden or noteedit
and think about what problems these two programs run into.
It was not meant to be harsh criticism.  I was only trying 
to point out the extent to which I've searched for answers.

The wiki is still really young. Most people working with Lily or
programming to the Lilypond project also have other things in
their lives, be it jobs or families, and after hours trying to get
the right lilypond output they tend to take up other tasks:-)

Again, I did not blame the coders.  They are doing wonderful 
work.  I wanted to point out that there is a need for 
documentation.  I am willing to help with this, although at 
this point I would have very little to contribute.

I'd like to see a wiki site setup for people to share 
solutions to problems, and to begin to document how to do 
things in lilypond.

But that is how the wiki started! It was Ferenc Wagner (or so I
think) who set it up because "Open Source is about collaboration :-)"
You can find a link to the wiki at the bottom of each
documentation page, including the examples page.
You will soon find out that it is very difficult to write decent
documentation and that many Lilyponders actually write useable but
annoying (wrong) English.
If documentation is usable, then it is good.  Grammar and 
word choices can always be modified by others.  I don't find 
such language very disturbing anyway; it's the content that 
matters, and I'm grateful for any help there is.

However, the subject on how to get started is by no means new. The
discussion pops up every half year. The best answer is "don't get
started :-) with criticism, but go ahead following some of the
examples be it from Mutopia or from the collection going with
the source" and use the source even if it is "involved".
It is a couple of months ago I finished layouting a small 0.50"
piece, Chopin's C-Major Prelude, it took me 1 month, and I have
forgotten much about which contexts are default etc and what they
do. Yes, we definitely have to explain this and keep up working
with the wiki. It is different from writing parts for an orchestra
or just copy/beautify a score, which I have been doing 30 years
ago. With ink.
Again, I would be happy to help where I am able.
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help getting started

2004-05-31 Thread Jim Sabatke
Joe Neeman wrote:

I don't think it's possible to use lilypond without lots of painful 
research.  I haven't been able to find an index, or google search that 
will reliably return simple information.

In my opinion, the most important piece of missing documentation is one 
that describes the basic syntactic and grammatic structure of lilypond. 
I have learned quite a lot by following examples, but I still don't 
really understand what lots of things do. Whenever anyone learns a 
language like C, there are lots of documents/text books that say things 
like: "this is an expression", "this is the structure of a funcion 
call", "this is how to write a function declaration", etc. In lilypond, 
all the examples say is: "this is how to change the stem width". They 
don't say "this is the general format for changing an engraving 
property" or "this is how the \score block is structured".

If anyone else is interested, I think we should try to write a 
comprehensive guide to the stucture of the lilypond language. I'd do it 
myself, but I don't know most of the answers...

I agree.  I asked before "what is the structure of an ly 
file?"  I never got an answer.  That leaves me guessing from 
examples.  I was using 2.3.1 for a while, until I found out 
that some of the formatting doesn't work yet.  When I went 
back to 2.2.1, I had to make major changes to a simple 
layout to get it to parse.

I'm researching "how do I make a note head smaller" because 
I need to fit a few more notes on a line to keep it from 
going nuts and extending lines way past explicit "\break" 
commands.  I've googled and grep'd tons of documents, and I 
still don't know how to do it.  I've found possible 
solutions, but the syntax doesn't seem to work anywhere I 
place the commands.  I've tried searching the lilypond wiki 
site, but the searches returns mostly hits on how to setup 
the wiki.

I'd like to see a wiki site setup for people to share 
solutions to problems, and to begin to document how to do 
things in lilypond.

Lilypond needs an honest to goodness user manual.  I don't 
fault the developers; they are still developing and 
documenting as best as they can.  A good start would be to 
layout the syntax for basic usage.

Endless trial and error is really discouraging.
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problem installing for SuSe

2004-05-31 Thread Jim Sabatke
I'm trying to install Lilypond 2.2.1. I'm running Suse 9.0 and am
getting an error stating 
that mftrace is not found. I do have mfrace installed. I've attached the
make output. Any help would be appreciated.

My Hardware Specs:
Athalon 1700xp
Asus motherboard

I installed lilypond 2.2.1 on my SuSE 9.0 system.  I downloaded:
I created an rpm of mftrace with checkinstall, and installed 
both packages via YaST2.

Did you install the fonts package also?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Line break not working

2004-05-31 Thread Jim Sabatke
Probably doing something dumb, but the end of the following 
source does not break to a new line.  It prints the grace 
notes from the next line and then ends the line:

lilypond 2.2.1
\score {
\notes {
\time 4/4
\key d \major
\relative c'
\transpose c c' {
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'length 6)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'thickness 0.22)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'damping 2)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0)
\override Script #'padding = #3
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0)
\partial 64*8
a'8  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 1
\bar "|:" %% START_REPEAT_BAR B
\hdbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] \gg a8.[ \dg 
cis'16 ] \gg e'8.[ fis'16 ] \dbe e'8.[ cis'16 ]  |

\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 2
\dbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] \gg a8.[ \dg cis'16 ] \dbha 
a'8.[ g'16 ] \tg fis'16[ a'8. ]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 3
\hdbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] \gg a8.[ \dg cis'16 ] \gg 
e'8.[ fis'16 ] \dbe e'8.[ cis'16 ]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 4
\thrd d'8.[ b16 ] \gg g8.[ \dg b16 ] \dbhg g'4 
\tg fis'16[ a'8. ]
%% this is not printed ==>>>  \bar ":|"
\break %% END_REPEAT_I End Line: 1 Bar: 5

%% this is printed twice: at the end of the first line, and 
the beginning of the second line:
    \bar "|:" %% START_REPEAT_BAR B
%% this is printed at the end of the first line, after the 
"|:" that shouldn't be on the first line
\hdbe e'8.[ a'16 ] \hstc cis'16[ 
a'8. ] \hdbe e'8.[ a16 ]

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help getting started

2004-05-31 Thread Jim Sabatke
Hendrik wrote:
I'm trying to make my first file with Lilypond.  What I have so far:
\version "2.2.0"
\include ""
\header {
 title = "Una Caricia"
 author = "Eduardo D. Bensadon"
melodie = \relative la''' {si-2 la#-1 si fa2-4 sol-4}
begeleiding = \relative sol' {r <> <> r <> <>}
bas = \relative la, {mi2. si'}
\score {
 \notes {
  \clef violin
  \time 3/4
  \key sol maj
  <<  \melodie
Of course this does not work.  What I would like to ask: are there some
examples where do re mi ... are used in stead of c d e?  The manual sais to
\include, but this doesn't seem to do it.  And further: any
comments on why this doesn't work are of course welcome.
Is there some book or anything on Lilypond?  What is a basic document
structure? etc. etc.
The point of this all: is it possible making anything work without browsing
through the endless tutorials on the web, and memorizing things like #(ly:
blabla) which I really don't understand (yet).
Pf, I'm asking a lot, but one can always try right?
Greetings, Hendrik
I don't think it's possible to use lilypond without lots of 
painful research.  I haven't been able to find an index, or 
google search that will reliably return simple information.

To be fair, lilypond does a lot.  It is big and complex. 
I'm sure that comprehensive documentation for all user 
levels would be very time consuming to produce.

I would like to see some varied introductory tutorials that 
show how music is constructed for different music types.  I 
am planning to do this for bagpipe music, if the lilypond 
people are interested in making such tutorials available.

I also think there may be a little bit of a "I struggled 
like hell to learn it, so should you" culture.  But again to 
be fair, there would probably be no end to the questions if 
people don't learn where to look things up and perform 
seemingly endless searches for info.

I understand your frustration.  I'm new to this too and I 
have spend days at a time trying to find little clues for 
why seeminly simple music doesn't print properly.  I'm 
trying to write a specification language that will translate 
bagpipe source music notation into lilypond source.  This 
way, other Linux users who want to do this may find it a lot 

BTW, I have no clue why your music doesn't work.
Good luck!
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ly file definitions and layout

2004-05-30 Thread Jim Sabatke
Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Sunday 30 May 2004 19.14, Jim Sabatke wrote:
More specific info:
lilypond version 2.3.1

2.3.x is a bit dodgy right now, esp. when it comes to page layout. I recommend 
you to either use 2.2 or wait until it stabilises.


Thank you!  I'm downloading 2.2 right now.  At least the 
develeopment team has some page layout feedback from all this.

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ly file definitions and layout

2004-05-30 Thread Jim Sabatke
Jim Sabatke wrote:
Is there a document that describes the layout of an ly file?  I've 
looked for a couple days and haven't found one.

I ask this because I can't seem to integrate \score into my files and 
get expected output.  I've followed example files that I've found via 
grep, and none of the layouts seem to work.

I was using this format:
\header { ... }
\paper { ... }
\notes {  ...
   { lots of notes }
and that worked almost well enough, except that page numbering and 
taglines didn't work.

Then I tried every variation of using \score that I could think of, or 
find by example.  The closest I could get was:

\header { ... }
\score {
   \notes {
{ notes }
\paper {
This ignored all header into, but did split the piece into two pages, 
which didn't happen by the previous method.

I'm completely lost.  Is there a reference for this?
More specific info:
lilypond version 2.3.1
A sample ly file that does not print properly.  I am 
guessing at \header placement and info as I can't find a 
defintion for source file layout, and I've searched google 
and every piece of documentation I could think of.  Note: 
I've run into very simple looking examples for \score that 
error out.

I am totally confused and stopped dead in my tracks.
The following does page layout properly, but does NOT 
printer header or tagline info.  It DOES suppress page 
numbers.  If I remove the first \header block, the output is 
the same.

%% Generated from BMW source
%% Conversion program by: Jim Sabatke
%% Written in Java, AWK and ANTLR
\include ""
\header {
%% texidoc = "@cindex Bagpipe Music"
title = "Dunrovin Farm"
composer = "Michael Grey"
source = "Jig"
tagline = "Printed by Lilypond from BMW source"
pagenumber = no
\score {
\notes {
\time 6/8
\key d \major
\relative c'
\transpose c c' {
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'length 6)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'thickness 0.22)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'damping 2)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0)
\override Script #'padding = #3
\partial 256*13 s 256*13
\bar "|:" %% START_REPEAT_BAR B
\partial 64*8
e'8  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR_A Line: 1 Bar: 1
\gg d'8[ \eg a8 \dg a8] \gg a8[ fis'8 a8]  |
e'8[ \eg a8 \dg a8] \gg a8[ fis'8 a8]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR_A Line: 1 Bar: 2
\gg a8[ a'8 a8] \gg fis'8[ e'8 d'8]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR_A Line: 1 Bar: 3
\gg a8[ fis'8 \eg fis'8] \gg a8[ a'8 a8]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR_A Line: 1 Bar: 4
\gg fis'8[ e'8 d'8] \dbe e'4. \gg d'8[ \eg a8 \dg 
a8] \gg a8[ e'8 a8]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR_A Line: 1 Bar: 5
\gg a8[ g'8 a8] \gg e'8[ d'8 cis'8]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR_A Line: 1 Bar: 6
\gg a8[ e'8 \strla e'8] \gg a8[ g'8 \tg a8]  |
\noBreak %% END_BAR_A Line: 1 Bar: 7
\partial 64*40
\gg fis'8[ d'8 \strlg d'8] \lgstd d'4 ^\dsegno \bar 
\break %% END_REPEAT_I End Line: 1 Bar: 8

%% End of musicLine
}  %% end notes
\header {
piece = "Dunrovin Farm"
composer = "Michael Grey"
    source = "Jig"
tagline = "Printed by Lilypond from BMW source"
pagenumber = no

\paper {
linewidth = 17.0 \cm
papersize = "letter"
indent = 0.0 \cm
\context {
\override TimeSignature #'style = #'C
\override TimeSignature #'break-visibility = 

}  %% end score
%% End of input
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

ly file definitions and layout

2004-05-29 Thread Jim Sabatke
Is there a document that describes the layout of an ly file? 
 I've looked for a couple days and haven't found one.

I ask this because I can't seem to integrate \score into my 
files and get expected output.  I've followed example files 
that I've found via grep, and none of the layouts seem to work.

I was using this format:
\header { ... }
\paper { ... }
\notes {  ...
   { lots of notes }
and that worked almost well enough, except that page 
numbering and taglines didn't work.

Then I tried every variation of using \score that I could 
think of, or find by example.  The closest I could get was:

\header { ... }
\score {
   \notes {
{ notes }
\paper {
This ignored all header into, but did split the piece into 
two pages, which didn't happen by the previous method.

I'm completely lost.  Is there a reference for this?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Still can't reduce space between beams on grace notes

2004-05-29 Thread Jim Sabatke
Thank you, that worked!  And no, I don't mind being pointed 
at documents.  I use that concept when teaching too.  I am 
just very confused right now as I am learning a lot of new 
things at the same time: lilypond, music terminology, 
reverse engineering another entry style from a bagpipe music 
program, a parser generator (ANTLR).  It's a lot to 
assimilate at once.

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
This is a bit more tricky, since it's determined by the
space-function property, as described at 

However, you are lucky! There's a good example in the Tips and Tricks
document on the web page, search for
I hope you don't find my answers too indirect, the intention is to help
you learn how to find the answer yourself the next time.

Jim Sabatke wrote:
I now have the thickness of the beams working right, but I have no 
idea of how to make the space between them smaller.

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Auto beams and grace notes

2004-05-29 Thread Jim Sabatke
I hope I haven't missed this in the manual.
Auto beams don't seem to work when there are grace notes 
between the beamed notes.

Can this be modified so the notes are beamed?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Page numbers and taglines

2004-05-28 Thread Jim Sabatke
The following code snippet doesn't seem to either turn off 
page numbering, or to print a tagline:

\header {
%% texidoc = "@cindex Bagpipe Music"
title = "Title"
composer = "Composer"
piece = "Piece"
source = "March"
tagline = "Printed by Lilypond from BMW source"
pagenumber = "no"
I also trind pagenumber = no without quotes
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Note problems

2004-05-28 Thread Jim Sabatke
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Jan Kohnert wrote:
Am Samstag, 22. Mai 2004 06:49 schrieb Jim Sabatke:
I've just spent about 16 hours straight trying to get some
bagpipe music to print out properly.  I've used the lilypond as a starting point.  I am also trying to expand
the grace note groupings required.
The immediate problem is:  How do I make the non-grace note
stems all point down?  The expample ( doesn't
have any g, a or b notes on the staff, and they all want to
point down.

Try "/stemDown" into the requiered "/notes" section.

Which, of course, should be \stemDown·
If you also want the slurs and ties to move down, try
\voiceOne instead.
Thanks for the answer.  It seems so obvious, but lilypond is 
 huge.  I can't imagine how it can be fully documented.

I'm sorry I didn't thank you gentlemen sooner, but I've been 
trying to develop a conversion program for bagpipe music to 
lilypond format.  I am substantially extending the existing file and will be glad to share it when I've finished.

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Still can't reduce space between beams on grace notes

2004-05-28 Thread Jim Sabatke
I now have the thickness of the beams working right, but I 
have no idea of how to make the space between them smaller.

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Flat beams

2004-05-27 Thread Jim Sabatke
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Jim Sabatke writes:

Bagpipers are used to reading music with flat beams. The stems should
be long, enough to not interfere with the clutter of grace notes.
I've done a lot of web research on beams, and various kinds of
"concaveness" seem to be something what I'm looking for.
I'm not sure what value(s) to set, and how to set them.
Can anyone help?

Have a look at slope-limit (maybe damping)
(Documentation, program-reference, backend, layout objects (grobs), beam)
I had found that document during my initial search for a 
solution, however, I have no idea how to use the functions 
or set the variables.  I couldn't find any examples; I 
searched the web, mail lists and my installed documents and 
examply ly files.

For example:  How does one set "slope-limit"?
Sorry for being such a newbie to this program.
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Grace note beams and stems

2004-05-27 Thread Jim Sabatke
Stan Sanderson wrote:
On May 27, 2004, at 1:26 PM, Jim Sabatke wrote:
Two problems with grace note beams:
1. The beams are way too thick for my use.  I can get the single grace 
note flags really thin, but haven't been able to find what to set for 
the beams.

2. On a beamed grace note set like g32[ a' d' g], the a' note head is 
up agains the bottom beam.  How do I lengthen the stems when the heads 
are squeezed up too tightly?

Jim Sabatke
With respect to your second question, here is my solution to a similar 

\acciaccatura {\override Stem #'beamed-lengths = #'(3.6 4.2) af,16[ af']}
The upper note was originally hidden in the beam; by adjusting the 
beamed-lengths, I was able to achieve the desired results.


Thanks Stan.  That is working!  I'm still guessing  at 
values, trying, adjusting, etc.

Is there an explanation of the values anywhere?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Grace note beams and stems

2004-05-27 Thread Jim Sabatke
Two problems with grace note beams:
1. The beams are way too thick for my use.  I can get the 
single grace note flags really thin, but haven't been able 
to find what to set for the beams.

2. On a beamed grace note set like g32[ a' d' g], the a' 
note head is up agains the bottom beam.  How do I lengthen 
the stems when the heads are squeezed up too tightly?

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How do I force a bar line?

2004-05-27 Thread Jim Sabatke
Thanks!  That partly worked.  I had to change it to 
"\partial 64 s64" or I would get 2 huge empty bars at the 
start of line.

Problem: Now a single bar line is printed right before 
closing "||" and ":|" bar lines.  Can I eliminate this?

Problem 2: The solution printed the bar beginning "||" lines 
before the time signature.  Researching the web, I found the 

\override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders 
= #(make-vector  3

This changes the order, but the clef and key signs are 
printed over each other.  How do I get the key sign "after" 
the clef?


Mats Bengtsson wrote:
One trick is to start the piece with
\partial 16 s16 \bar "||"
Jim Sabatke wrote:

QUESTION:  How do I force a bar immediately after the time signature 
at the beginning of a piece?  I've tried the following, and many other 
things, with no success:

\notes {
\time 2/2
\key d \major
\relative c'
\transpose c c' {
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'length 6)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0)
===>>>  \bar "||" \noBreak
\partial 64*12

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Flat beams

2004-05-26 Thread Jim Sabatke
Bagpipers are used to reading music with flat beams. The 
stems should be long, enough to not interfere with the 
clutter of grace notes.

I've done a lot of web research on beams, and various kinds 
of "concaveness" seem to be something what I'm looking for.

I'm not sure what value(s) to set, and how to set them.
Can anyone help?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

How do I force a bar line?

2004-05-26 Thread Jim Sabatke
I'm writing a converter for BMW (a windows bagpipe music 
program) to Lilypond conversion program.  There are 
thousands of BMW files on the web, so it will be useful.

Pipers are very picky about how their music is printed, 
hence this and other questions I will be asking.

QUESTION:  How do I force a bar immediately after the time 
signature at the beginning of a piece?  I've tried the 
following, and many other things, with no success:

\notes {
\time 2/2
\key d \major
\relative c'
\transpose c c' {
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'length 6)
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0)
===>>>  \bar "||" \noBreak
\partial 64*12
e'8 a'16
\noBreak %% Line: 1 Bar: 1
\dbhg g'4 a'8[ e'8] \dbhg g'4 \tg d'8[ e'8]  |
\noBreak %% Line: 1 Bar: 2
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

How do I use this?

2004-05-23 Thread Jim Sabatke
I'm having some grace not layout problems.  Setting the
#(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0)
seems to work for single grace notes, but beamed grace notes 
still have really thick beams.  I've tried playing with:

that I found in the documentation, but have no idea of how 
to use it.  I've searched the doc's, the web and the 
lilypond wiki, with no help.

Am I trying the right thing?
Can anyone help?
Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Note problems

2004-05-22 Thread Jim Sabatke
I've just spent about 16 hours straight trying to get some 
bagpipe music to print out properly.  I've used the lilypond as a starting point.  I am also trying to expand 
the grace note groupings required.

The immediate problem is:  How do I make the non-grace note 
stems all point down?  The expample ( doesn't 
have any g, a or b notes on the staff, and they all want to 
point down.

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trouble compiling 2.3.1 *solved*

2004-05-20 Thread Jim Sabatke
Jim Sabatke wrote:
I'm getting a seemingly endless stream of the following errors.  Any 
idean of what I'm missing?

Compiling ./out/fdl.texi...
./out/introduction.texi:88: @image file `henle-flat-bw.txt' (for text) 
e: No such file or directory.
./out/introduction.texi:88: @image file `baer-flat-bw.txt' (for text) 
: No such file or directory.
./out/introduction.texi:88: @image file `lily-flat-bw.txt' (for text) 
: No such file or directory.

Answering my own question.  I updated texinfo to the latest 
version (4.7.1) and that allowed a complete compile.

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Trouble compiling 2.3.1

2004-05-20 Thread Jim Sabatke
I'm getting a seemingly endless stream of the following 
errors.  Any idean of what I'm missing?

Compiling ./out/fdl.texi...
./out/introduction.texi:88: @image file `henle-flat-bw.txt' 
(for text) unreadabl
e: No such file or directory.
./out/introduction.texi:88: @image file `baer-flat-bw.txt' 
(for text) unreadable
: No such file or directory.
./out/introduction.texi:88: @image file `lily-flat-bw.txt' 
(for text) unreadable
: No such file or directory.

Jim Sabatke
Hire Me!! - See my resume at
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy 
and good with ketchup.

lilypond-user mailing list