Canorus 0.7 released
Canorus development team is after more than a year of active development happy to announce the new release of Canorus - a free cross-platform music score editor, version 0.7. Release 0.6 was skipped for various stability issues. You can download it here: Changelog: - Added support for printing and preview of score using LilyPond backend. - Added integrated Midi recorder. - Added resources storage inside the document. - Added User's guide. - Added transposition support. - GUI improvements: - Anti-aliasing in score view. - Music fonts loaded in runtime. - Show note name when inserting notes. - Integrated User's guide browser. - Copy&Paste rewritten and now supports copying complete voices and staffs. - Import/Export improvements: - Basic MusicXml import - Basic Midi import - LilyPond now exports partial measure, uptext, downtext and rehersal marks - New export filters to PDF and SVG based on LilyPond - Plugin improvements: - setSelection() and selection added to scripting engine. - rebuildUi() and repaintUi() added to scripting engine. - Added separator action for menus. - Model improvements: - Added color property to music element. - Added facilities for calculating intervals from/to music pitches and key signatures. - Redesigned key signature, diatonic key and diatonic pitch. - Redesigned playable length and absolute length. - Shipped Python 2.5 on Microsoft Windows. - Support for Qt4.4. - Official support for Mac OS X. - Available translations: - English - German - Slovenian - Norwegian - Hebrew Regards. Matevž Jekovec Canorus development team ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Canorus 0.7beta release
After more than a year of an active development Canorus team is proud to announce immediate release of Canorus version 0.7beta. You can download it here: Release 0.6 was skipped for various stability, timing and reorganizational issues. Users should test the beta release thoroughly and report any bugs to our devel mailing list for the final version to be released in two to three weeks. Translation strings are now frozen until the final version, so translators are welcome to translate Canorus to their language and post translations of the GUI and the User's manual until Sunday, 22nd March 2009 24:00 CET! Best wishes. Matevž Jekovec Canorus development team Changelog: - Added support for printing and preview of score. - Added integrated Midi recorder. - Added resources storage inside the document. - Added User's guide. - Added transposition support. - GUI improvements: - Anti-aliasing in score view. - Music fonts not installed anymore. - Show note name when inserting notes. - Integrated User's guide browser. - Import/Export improvements: - Basic MusicXml import - Basic Midi import - LilyPond now exports partial measure, uptext, downtext and rehersal marks - New export filters to PDF and SVG based on LilyPond - Plugin improvements: - setSelection() and selection added to scripting engine. - rebuildUi() and repaintUi() added to scripting engine. - Added separator action for menus. - Model improvements: - Added color property to music element. - Added facilities for calculating intervals from/to music pitches and key signatures. - Redesigned key signature, diatonic key and diatonic pitch. - Redesigned playable length and absolute length. - Shipped Python 2.5 on Microsoft Windows. - Support for Qt4.4. - Official support for Mac OS X. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
SVG separate files
I'm running a 3-page document $ lilypond -dbackend=svg and I get test.svg with node with nodes for each page then. Quoting the documentation under -d backend=svg chapter says "This dumps every page as a separate SVG file, with embedded fonts." Is there a way Lily could produce separate files for each page. Unfortunately appart from Scribus, no SVG viewers actually support multiple pages yet (Inkscape, Firefox, Qt). Regards. -Matevž ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Canorus 0.5 released
Canorus development team is happy to announce the new release of Canorus - a free cross-platform music score editor, version 0.5. The new version brings lots of new features and import/export improvements. Upgrade is recommended for all the users. You can download it here: *Note for Windows users*: Please use .xml file format for storing your scores. There is a known issue opening the new .can files under Microsoft Windows. Changelog: - Implemented infrastructure for getting MIDI-IN events. - Lots of internal API changes: - Generalized Import and Export classes. New fileformats can now be implemented simply by inheriting those classes. - Import and Export are now done in their own threads. - Rewritten Voice class for insertion, deletion and manipulation for music elements. The score should now always stay consistent when removing a shared element from a single voice. - Scripting engine now uses internal CA-class name names instead of class names only. This solves the naming clashing problem in various scripting languages that don't use namespaces (eg. PHP) and enum<->class names clashes. - Added marks: - Arbitrary text - BookMark - Tempo (bpm) - Ritardando, Accellerando - Fermata (normal, short, long, very long) - Dynamic (f, mf, p, sfz, etc.) - Crescendo, Decrescendo - Pedal (sustain) - Instrument change (effects midi as well) - Rehersal marks (A, B, C, D etc. on barlines) - Repeat marks (coda, varcoda, segno, volta) - Fingering (finger numbers, strings thumb, organ's left/right heel/toe) - Added articulation marks: - Accent, Marcato, Staccatissimo, Espressivo, Staccato, Tenuto, Portato - Up bow, Down bow, Flageolet, Open, Stopped - Turn, ReverseTurn, Trill, Prall, Mordent, PrallPrall, PrallMordent, UpPrall, DownPrall, UpMordent, DownMordent, PrallDown, PrallUp, LinePrall - Implemented export to Midi. - New file format CAN - compressed CanorusML format with resources. This is now the default file format for Canorus. ISSUE: Please use CanorusML file format when using the document on cross platforms. - Using new RtMidi-1.0.7 library. - New translations (Canorus speaks 12 languages): - Danish - Norwegian-NB - Traditional Chinese - German - Hungarian - French - Lots of other cleanups and bugfixes. Regards. - Matevž Jekovec Canorus development team ___ lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond, guile, qt integration
Hi guys. The last time I checked LilyPond supported guile as a gtk frontend (a simple canvas actually) where Lilypond rendered its work. I don't know if I completely understood the concept now, but I'm looking for a Qt4 widget which LilyPond renders to. What I would like is to create a print preview option in Canorus which exports notes to Lily fileformat and runs it. My current plan is to export the notes, run Lily and launch an external PDF viewer to show the preview and/or print it. This brings lots of problems beside (PDF viewer is external, what if user doesn't have any, application is cross-platform etc.). So I thought any of you guys already worked on this or have some experience on it. Regards. -Matevž ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Canorus 0.4 released
Canorus development team is happy to announce the new release of Canorus - a free cross-platform music score editor, version 0.4. The new version brings dozens of new features and stability fixes. Upgrade is recommended for all the users. You can download it here: Short changelog: - Settings dialog. - Customizable colors for Score editor. - Element advanced properties dialog with abilities to change order of elements. - Document recovery, if Canorus crashes. - Copy/Paste. - Undo/Redo. - Splash screen. - MIDI instrument per voice support. - Key signature major/minor support and function marking integration. - All predefined clefs supported by LilyPond with custom offsets. - Scripting engine is now always synchronized with the current API. - Python engine uses objective Swig interface. - New CanorusML support in scripting library for directly opening/saving Canorus files. - New playback support in scripting library. - Supported translations besides English: Slovenian, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, German. - Keyboard bindings for note insertion, playback and selection. - Qt4.3 compatibility. - Lots of smaller additions and even more fixes. Regards. - Matevž Jekovec Canorus development team signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Canorus 0.3.1 released
Canorus development team is happy to announce the new release of Canorus - a free cross-platform music score editor, version 0.3.1. This is a bugfix release of the 0.3 version. Upgrade to the latest version is recommended for all the users. Short changelog: - SVG icons are now shown on Windows. - Fixed hyphen and melisma bug. - Fixed playback of chords. - Fixed LilyPond import and export of key signatures. - Fixed LilyPond import of notes with flats. - Fixed LilyPond crash when importing rests before notes. - Uninstaller on Windows now also removes Canorus directory and menu entry - Fixed some CMake rules for correct QSvg and QXml module inclusion and linkage. Regards. - Matevž Jekovec Canorus development team signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Canorus 0.3 released
Canorus development team is happy to announce the new release of Canorus - a free cross-platform music score editor, version 0.3. This release introduces various new features and bug fixes. Upgrade to the latest version is recommended for all the users. Short changelog: - Added support for Ties, Slurs and Phrasing slurs. - Added support for Lyrics. - Multiple selection. - Added support for Function markings manipulation. - Rewritten Playback to support repeat barlines. - LilyPond imoprt and export of Lyrics and other fixes. - SVG icons used instead of PNG. - Improved ScoreViewPort rendering. - Fixed lots of crashes and other annoying bugs. Regards. - Matevž Jekovec Canorus development team signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Canorus 0.2.5 is out
Canorus development team is happy to announce the new release of Canorus - a free cross-platform music score editor, version 0.2.5. The release took lots of effort from core developers, various contributors, testers and translators. This release mostly brought huge under the hood changes. Among others, the most notible features are the new GUI and LilyPond support. Finally we would like to mention a close-related project to Canorus, Harmonia ( A project aimed at harmony analysis which works as a Canorus plugin. Changes summary: - New Doxygen documentation. - Initial work on MacOSX port. - Improved function marking rendering - Scripting engine now offers integration with Canorus menu, import/export dialogs and keyboard and mouse events. - New completely XML CanorusML format. - LilyPond document export support. - LilyPond voice import/export support. - Rewritten GUI. Now supports multiple main windows. Added lots of icons. - Translations support. Current translations: English, Slovenian. - Majority of the code rewritten so we have a more robust foundation now for future development. - Lots of warnings, crashes, bugfixes and memory leaks fixed in MIDI, GUI and Scripting engine. Matevž Jekovec Canorus project manager signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: page layout
Thanks, it works! I added breakbefore = ##t to \header in \score block and the score began on a new page. Regards. - Matevž Arvid Grøtting pravi: > Matevž Jekovec> writes: > > >> I'd like to have the first page introductory one (title, author, lyrics, >> its translation etc.) and the next pages the score itself. I'm using >> \book for this but I can't force the very first staff to be on the >> second page - it's always on the first one, although it gets cut-off. >> > > You need a \layout block within the score, with the setting "breakbefore = > ##t". > > (You may also need other changes; I haven't looked closely at your code.) > > Cheers, > > signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list
page layout
Hello, I'd like to have the first page introductory one (title, author, lyrics, its translation etc.) and the next pages the score itself. I'm using \book for this but I can't force the very first staff to be on the second page - it's always on the first one, although it gets cut-off. Attaching the score and preview. Using lilypond-2.11.4. Regards. - Matevž \version "2.10.0" #(set-global-staff-size 19) global = { \pageBreak \set Score.skipBars = ##t % incipit \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.0 % tight spacing \key f \major \time 2/2 \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'neomensural \override Voice.Accidental #'style = #'mensural \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \override NoteSpacing #'stem-spacing-correction = #0.6 \cadenzaOn % turn off bar lines \skip 1*5 \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f \bar "||" \skip 1*1 % need this extra \skip such that clef change comes % after bar line \bar "" % main \cadenzaOff % turn bar lines on again \once \override Staff.Clef #'full-size-change = ##t \set Staff.forceClef = ##t \key f \major \time 2/2 \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'default \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'default \override Voice.Accidental #'style = #'default \override Score.PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t % FIXME: setting printKeyCancellation back to #t must not % occur in the first bar after the incipit. Dto. for forceClef. % Therefore, we need an extra \skip. \skip 1*1 \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##t \set Staff.forceClef = ##f \override Staff.BarLine #'hair-thickness = #0.3 \skip 1*2 \break % Prima pars \skip 1*6 \break \skip 1*6 \break \skip 1*6 \break \skip 1*6 \break \skip 1*6 \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f \bar "||" \pageBreak \skip 1*8 \break % Secunda pars \skip 1*8 \break \skip 1*7 % let finis bar go through all staves \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f % finis bar \bar "|." } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver" \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t } } isUp = ^\markup \sharp esUp = ^\markup \flat nUp = ^\markup \natural cantusNotes = { \transpose c' c'' { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Cantus" \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" % incipit \clef "treble" a\breve g1 r2 a2. a4 a2 % 4 \skip 1*1 % extra bar % main \clef "treble" \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-8 . 2) a1^\markup {\large \bold "Prima pars"} | g2 r4 a4~ |% 3 a8 a a4 bes2~ | bes4 a a2 | % 5 g1 | g2 r4 g4 | a2 g4 f~ | % 8 f8 f e4 f2 | e r4 a4 | c'2 c'4 bes~ | % 11 bes8 bes a4 g2 | fis r4 fis4~ | fis g a2 | % 14 a4 a bes2 | a r4 c'4~ | c' bes2 a4 |% 17 a a2 a4 | g2 r4 g4 | a4. a8 a4 g | % 20 a a a2 | a r4 a4~ | a c'2 bes4 | a g2 a4 | % 24 r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 | bes bes4. bes8 a4 | % 27 g2 a | r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 | % 30 bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a~ | a1~ | a || % 34 \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-5 . 2) c'2^\markup {\large \bold "Secunda pars"} c' | % 35 c'4 a2 a4 | a a2 a4 | a2 a |% 38 r4 c'2 c'4 | d'2 c'4 e' | e' e'4. e'8 f'4~\melisma |% 41 f' e'8 d' e'4\melismaEnd e' | f'2 r4 c'4~ | c' c' d'2 | % 44 c'4 e' e' e'~ | e'8 e' f'2\melisma e'8 d' | % 46 e'4\melismaEnd e' f'2 | r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 | % 49 bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a | r4 c'4 f' f' | % 52 e' d'2 c'4 | bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a~ |% 55 a1~ | a1 \bar "|." % 57 } } cantusLyrics = \lyricmode { % incipit _ _ _ _ _ % main Ec -- ce, quo -- % 3 mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur % 5 ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per -- % 7 ci pit cor -- de et % 10 ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12 de; vi -- ri ius -- % 14 ti tol -- lun -- tur, et % 16 ne -- mo con -- si -- de -- % 18 rat; a fa -- ci -- e in -- % 20 i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub -- % 22 la -- tus est ius -- tus:% 24 et e -- rit in pa -- ce % 26 me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,% 28 et e -- rit in pa -- ce % 30 me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.% 34 In pa -- ce fac -- tus % 36 est lo -- cus e -- ius, % 38 et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- % 40 ta -- ti -- o __ e -- ius, % 43 et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45 ti -- o __ e -- ius. % 47 Et e -- rit in pa -- ce % 49 me --
Re: LilyPondTool 2.10.2 Visual Edition (tm)
Thanks! It works perfectly, including the hyphenation for my language (Slovenian). Running KUbuntu Feisty unstable. btw. Any way you could add a MIDI player for the score? Regards. - Matevž Bertalan Fodor pravi: > Hi, > > I've just released LilyPondTool's new version on sourceforge > ( > I called it visual edition because it is so trendy and because > LilyPondTool now features some visual tools, thanks to its integrated > PDF viewer. See the demos at > > The new release is available through manual installation (For > instructions see You will need the > latest versions of some other jEdit plugins (so go to Plugin Manager > and Update) > > This release is the last major release for the 2.10 branch. > The main development will go with the 2.11 version of LilyPond from > now on. > > The most important feature in the release is the advanced > point-and-click capabilities. > > > New features: > >* pdf ruler with intelligent override >* edit in place in pdf >* intelligent point-and-click position handling >* Scheme parts are highlighted if the complex parser is running >* length-of mmrest etc., lyrics avoid barlines and some more > > Some of the fixes are: > >* glyphs like clefs and braces are now placed at the correct > vertical position >* document wizard didn't start on some configurations >* OpenOffice based hyphenation didn't work for some dictionaries > > Bert signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list
date insertion
Is there a predefined constant in Lily which shows the current date and/or system time. This would be useful for the footer tag for example, when was the document generated - this would mark the version of the score then, if you made any newer versions of your document afterwards. Regards. - Matevž signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list