Chord name exceptions

2013-05-05 Thread Nandi
I would like to have a predefined \hungarianChords command, which is
based on the \germanChords (H instead of B, uppercase sharp and flat
symbols), but which keeps the default setting E/D instead of E/d.  Also,
I'd need altered chords (es, fis etc.) to end in Hungarian sz like this:
esz, fisz etc., starting with capital letters in such cases like D/Fisz etc.
(or have the uppercase sharp/flat symbols).
I've read through the documentation about chordNameExceptions and
chordRootNamer, but couldn't figure out, how to achieve the desired changes.
Any help, please? Thanks in advance:

lilypond-user mailing list

Templates combined?

2013-05-03 Thread Nandi
Hello everyone, I'm trying to do a SATB vocal score with a harp accompaniment,
and I'd like to  combine the following two templates: Single staff template
with notes, lyrics, chords and frets + Vocal ensemble template, so that I can
enter more stanzas, one after the other, below each other, for all staffs, and
have the harp chords only above the soprano staff. I just couldn't figure out
how to  combine the pieces. (Later I may add some piano accompaniments, too,
so if it can also be incorporated in the template, that would be great.)
Thanks for any help: Nandi

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Templates combined?

2013-05-03 Thread Nandi
Urs Liska ul at writes:

 As I don't quite see what you exactly want to achieve, I suggest you
 - decide which of the templates is better as a start, 
 - try to figure out which music variables you would need in addition,
 - send this as an attachment and
 - tell us exactly what is still missing

This first template almost does what I want (SATB + piano + one stanza):

global = { \key d \major \time 4/4 }
sopranoMusic = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  r4 d2 a4
sopranoWords = \lyricmode {
  Words here
altoMusic = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  r4 a2 a4
altoWords = \sopranoWords
tenorMusic = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  r4 fis2 e4
tenorWords = \sopranoWords
bassMusic = \relative c' {
  \clef bass
  r4 d2 cis4
bassWords = \sopranoWords

upper = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  r4 a d fis2 a e' a4
lower = \relative c, {
  \clef bass
  d d'4 d d'2 cis cis'4

\score {
\new ChoirStaff 
  \new Staff = sopranos 
\set Staff.instrumentName = #Soprano
\new Voice = sopranos { \global \sopranoMusic }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopranos { \sopranoWords }
  \new Staff = altos 
\set Staff.instrumentName = #Alto
\new Voice = altos { \global \altoMusic }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto altos { \altoWords }
  \new Staff = tenors 
\set Staff.instrumentName = #Tenor
\new Voice = tenors { \global \tenorMusic }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto tenors { \tenorWords }
  \new Staff = basses 
\set Staff.instrumentName = #Bass
\new Voice = basses { \global \bassMusic }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto basses { \bassWords }

\new PianoStaff 
  \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #Piano  
  \new Staff = upper \upper
  \new Staff = lower \lower


But I would need chords for the soprano part and more stanzas for each staff,
as this second template has it:

verseI = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #1.
  This is the first verse

verseII = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #2.
  This is the second verse.

verseIII = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #3.
  This is the third verse

verseIV = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #4.
  This is the fourth verse

theChords = \chordmode {
   c2 g4 c

staffMelody = \relative c' {
   \key c \major
   \clef treble
   c4 d8 e f4 g
   \bar |.

\score {
\context ChordNames { \theChords }
\new Staff {
  \context Voice = voiceMelody { \staffMelody }
\new Lyrics = lyricsI {
  \lyricsto voiceMelody \verseI
\new Lyrics = lyricsII {
  \lyricsto voiceMelody \verseII
\new Lyrics = lyricsIII {
  \lyricsto voiceMelody \verseIII
 \new Lyrics = lyricsIV {
  \lyricsto voiceMelody \verseIV

I would like to combine these two,
but unfortunately I couldn't figure it out how.
Thanks for your help:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Templates combined?

2013-05-03 Thread Nandi
Urs Liska ul at writes:

 attached you'll find a working file where I (partly) combined the
 templates (you'll figure out the rest).

Unfortunately I can't unarchive the .bin file.
Can you send it in another format, or just
copy the .ly text here? Thanks very much!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Templates combined?

2013-05-03 Thread Nandi
Urs Liska ul at writes:

 Hm, as far as I know (and my mail reader tells) I attached a plain .ly
 file ...
 But you'll find the content of that file at the end of this message (in
 the hope mail transfer protocols and readers won't mess it up ...)

Your .ly file was somehow downloaded as a .bin,
but I've changed the extension back to .ly and it worked well.
After modifying the missing { \altoWords } etc. strings
to { \verseI } etc., it works perfect. Thanks for your kind help!


lilypond-user mailing list