Beaming- help needed

2006-04-19 Thread Naomi McFadyen

I'm having a few issues with beaming...
I had to turn manuel beaming on to alter one bar, but now need to go back to
automatic beaming... I can't find any code to do this in the manuel. Can
someone please help?

Here's a sample of the code:

\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #' ( )
\key g\major
#(set-global-staff-size 16.00)
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
\override Score.MetronomeMark #' padding = #3
\once \override TextScript #' padding = #2.5
\time 3/8

r16\mf^\markup{ \override #' (font-size . -0.5) \hspace #-5 \bold Andantino
e grazioso } b'16( g'16 e'16) e''8
a'4 b'8
g'8. g'16 c''8
fis'8. g'16 a'8
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
\set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
gis'16 a'32( gis'32 a'32 gis'32 a'32 gis'32 a'32 gis'32 fis'32 gis'32)
a'8. b'16 c''8 ~
c''16 b'16( gis'16 e'16) d''8
c''4. ~ 
c''8. b'16 a'8 ~
a'16 d''16( b'16 g'16) g''8


\version 2.5.25  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

Here's a link to view the PDF:

Cheers :)

I use Windows XP and lilypond version 2.6
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Extra Rests?!

2006-04-19 Thread Naomi McFadyen

Above is a PDF of another part I'm doing.
If you look at the 2nd to last line- the first bar of, and the last line, I
think it's pretty obvious what my issue is here!
I have rests in where there shouldn't be... also, it isn't putting in
'breaks' in that last line either can someone please solve the mystery
as the code looks fine to me!

Below is the last chunk of code:

r8 r16 cis''16 d''8
d''4. ~
d''8. b'16 c''8 ~
c''8. c''16 f'8
g'8. b'16 e''8
f'8. a'16 d''8
r16 gis'16( b'16 d''16) c''8 ~
c''16 f'16( a'16 c''16) bes'8 ~
bes'16 gis'16 a'4 ~
a'4 gis'8 \break
c''4. ~
c''16 a'16( f'16 d'16) c''8
b'4. ~ 
b'16 g'16( e'16 c'16) bes'8
 a'4. { s16 s16\ s16 s16 s32 s32 s32 s32\! } 
r16\p b'16( a'16 c''16) fis'16( a'16)
r16 a'16( gis'16 b'16) d''8 ~
d''16 r16 r8 r8
d''16(\ c''16 b'16 a'16) r8
r16 gis'16( b'16 d''16 ~ d''8 ~
d''8) d''8 a'8\!
r16 gis'8 d''8\ c''16 ~ 
c''16 e'16 gis'8 ees'8\!
r8 r8 e'8\p^\markup{ \override #' (font-size . -0.5) \italic rit. }
b'4. \break
R4.^\markup{ \override #' (font-size . -0.5) \italic A Tempo }
r16 b'16( g'16 e'16) e''8 ~
e''8. c''16 d''8 ~ 
d''8. b'16 c''8
a'16( gis'16 a'4 ~
a'4)^\markup{ \override #' (font-size . -0.5) \italic rit. } gis'8
\bar |.


\version 2.5.25  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

Cheers :)

I use Windows XP and lilypond version 2.6
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Re: Extra Rests?!

2006-04-19 Thread Naomi McFadyen

.Time signature is 3/8 by the way new bars are on a new line.
If the bars didn't have the right value in them, it would cause many more
problems than what the PDF shows.
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Re: Drum Kit Writing

2006-04-17 Thread Naomi McFadyen

Thanks for this Cameron- this helps a great deal
I just about understand what you've done, so shall have a go at applying the
same way to my piece. 

The multirests at the start of my part still confuse me as to how I could
get that to work without doubling it all up in both voices, however, I shall
see how far I get...

Cheers! :)

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Drum Kit Writing

2006-04-16 Thread Naomi McFadyen

Hi there.
I've been trying to write a drum kit part (this is for a brass band
arrangement I've done) and am having problems...

I was wondering if someone could please post up an example kit part for me
to have a look at?

I've pasted the code I've done so far below it took a while to get this
far... problem I'm mainly having, is getting it so that both voices in the
part go underneath each other without doubling up the rests... when putting
in the code for voice 2, with rests, it looks like I'm seeing double, which
is annoying... (voice 2 rests I've removed in the code below, but as you can
see, voice2 now positions itself right at the start of the staff).

If someone can explain 'in English' the most effective, easy way of doing
kit parts (with use of multi-rests etc), that would be great... and also
explain the separation of each bar as well.

I've played around with a couple of different ways of writing the kit part
and do have issues also with time signature (I want 12/8... but 4/4 has
overriden it, despight no \time 4/4 command being there...) the code below
is fine with this though.

Also, on occassion I somehow manage to make extra staffs, which are treble
clef and hold the info of the drum part I've inputted... it's odd, and hard
to explain, so hope you kinda understand where I'm coming from! 

Must be the way you have to input the info but this code below is the
best I've managed to get, based on reading the manuel.

Could do with a hand in general in going in the right direction with this...
Cheers in advance... :)



  title = \markup{ \override #' (font-size . 6) \bold SAVING ALL MY LOVE
  composer = \markup{ \override #' (font-size . -1) Gerry Goffin  Michael
Masser }
  arranger = \markup{ \override #' (font-size . -1) arranged by Naomi
McFadyen }
  instrument = \markup{ \override #' (font-size . 1.3) \bold \italic { Drum
Kit } }
  copyright = \markup{ \override #' (font-size . 0.5) \italic 
Copyright Universal/MCA Music Publishing | arrangement Copyright NaomiMusic
Publishing 2005 }
  tagline = \markup{ \left-align \override #' (font-size . 0.5) \italic
\bold }

up = \drummode { \time 12/8 \partial 8 r8^\markup{ \override #' (font-size .
-0.5) \bold \hspace #0 Andante Cantabile }
\set Score.skipBars = ##t R1.*4 crashcymbal8 hihat8 hh8 hh8 hh8 hh8 hh8 hh8
hh8 hh8 hh8 hh8 }
down = \drummode { bassdrum4. snare4 bd8 bd4. sn4. }
\new DrumStaff 
\new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
\new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \down }

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Re: Drum Kit Writing

2006-04-16 Thread Naomi McFadyen

Incidentally, I'm using Windows XP and lilypond version 2.6 (will be getting
2.8 soon)...
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