RE: Glissandos

2010-05-10 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr

-Original Message-
Neil Puttock said

RE: Glissandos

2010-05-07 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr

-Original Message-
Xavier Scheuer said 

>I am completely ignorant about that too.

>But according to the doc (internals) the #'bound-details value should
>be in the form:
>#'((right (attach-dir . 0) (padding . 1.5)) (left (attach-dir . 0)
>(padding . 1.5)))

>Which code did you try actually?

I tried this code from the Notation manual.

\once \override Glissando #'(bound-details right Y) = #-2

Which can be used to alter the left end by substituting left for right.

Will try the code suggested later when I do my chores and can get to my
other computer downstairs.

Thanks for your interest.

Ossie Wilson

lilypond-user mailing list


2010-05-07 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr
My daughter is arranging a simple song to be sung by primary school children
in an eisteddfod  in the next few weeks and I am trying to typeset her
arrangement in LP (2.12.2 on WINDOWS XP). There are non lyric passages where
vocal sounds are used to indicate city noises, forest noises and ocean
noises. These are to be defined by pictorial impressions of the way the
sound fluctuates together with attached words like "Vrmmm", "bbring bbring"
etc on the song sheet submitted to the adjudicator before the performance
and the song must presented with no deviation from that format.


I have been using cross headed notes, arpeggios (with hidden notes), zigzag
glissandos (also with hidden notes) etc to show these effects. However, I
have struck a few problems.


1)   I would like to be able to vary the width and lengthy
of the zigzag on glissandos to better indicate the variation in pitch to be

2)   Where noises vary from low pitch to high pitch and back
down again, I have been using a series of connected glissandos (hidden
notes) but there are gaps where the hidden notes are missing. I have
attempted to close these gaps by adding to the length of the individual
glissandos by changing the appropriate bound-details. This does lengthen the
glissandos appropriately but also raises their angle from the horizontal so
that the missing note space remains but at a higher pitch. I tried to avoid
this by using the same function but using X instead of Y e.g.
#'(bound-details right X). This did not work but showed no error in the log
and did not show the glissando at all in any shape. I realize I am
completely ignorant when it comes to modifying the behaviour of LP objects
and rely on what I am able to read that someone else has devised. 

Does anyone in the LP community have any practical advice on either or both
of these problems (not just read the manuals) or can they suggest other
symbols that already exist where these changes would not be required.


Thanks for your interest. 


Ossie Wilson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: silent crash on large score - how to debug?

2010-03-07 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr
FrÃdÃric Bron wrote


So it seems there is a regression between 2.12.2 and 2.12.3 or 2.13.10.


This morning the LP website is still recommending that users download and
use this version of LP. Surely it should be withdrawn as being unstable or
some message be inserted warning that for at least Windows users this
version  should avoided like the plague! It is unlikely to be fixed when all
efforts are concentrated on 2.14.0.


Ossie Wilson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Strange behaviour of dotted notes

2009-08-05 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr
On 30th July, Nick Payne had a problem with getting dots to move with their
notes. Today, I had a similar problem which is shown in the minimal example
.ly file attached..

The first example shows the situation I wanted to modify.

The second example uses \once \override NoteColumn 'force-hshift which ends
up with the notes moved but their dots stationary. I did try the same
procedure with DotColumn without any success.

In the third example I inverted the two voices and used the same command as
above and the dots moved with the notes.

Could anyone please explain what is causing this very strange behavior with
dotted notes.

In the piece I am converting from a very rough manuscript to 'quality LP'
output, there are a number of similar occurrences. I have noticed that the
upper voice seems to get preference in the leftmost note column over the
lower voice. Can this priority be changed?


Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list


2009-03-30 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr
Good Morning Robin


Robin Bannister wrote :-

After a cursory look, I would say this file is badly mangled as regards key

In part one at bar 29 it helps to say 

\key dfinstead of\key cs   

because the subseqent notes are e.g. df, gf, ...

The original key is df but it was changed in an attempt to get rid of double

Also part one should declare _at_least_  one additional key change:  at bar
13,  to \key gf \major This is odd because to insert this in the "low"
voices you have to first split up the initial 26 silent bars. 

You had better tell Richard Rogers that - I am working from a copy of the
printed score.

But then again, at the top it says

  "Generated from a MIDI File by LyFromMIDI ..."

I believe that is blocked with a blank. It is a residual from my templates.
I have this Visual Basic programme that will convert MIDI to Ly if the
conditions are right and it has been used on occasions when no paper copy is
available. Part of the programme allows me to edit the Ly file and I use
this to hand enter from paper copies.

So \transpose isn't really your problem at the moment.  

You have to get it looking right in the original first. 

The original Ly file did produce an exact (well near enough) copy of the
paper copy I was working from but it removed all the chord names which I
believe a skilled pianist who can read music readily does not require. As
for me, I am no musician of any sort and printed music is a lot of lines and
dots on sticks, like looking into a paddock through the wire fence at the
remains of a wooded paddock after a bushfire has gone through it. I am
forbidden to hum, whistle, sing (?) because I have no notion of pitch or
timing - but I do enjoy listening to good music.


And yes, Win98 users are stuck at 2.8.

I do have computers with much faster chips and later versions, but I am
still waiting for a stable version to appear. I thought it would be 2.12 but
now there is talk of 2.14 in the next couple of months so heres hoping that
we will get a new command \nbd (no bloody doubles) included  in it.


At least I didn't draw fire from Graham Percival because I did at least read
the appropriate section of his new documentation even though Carl says that
snippet is broken (in docs for the latest 'stable' version).


Thanks for your help - one of the good things about LP is the band of
willing helpers.




lilypond-user mailing list


2009-03-30 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr
Good evening David and Francisco


I tried the snippet in my Ly file but there was no change to the pdf file
output. There were no errors flagged in the Log file - just a record of
straight-forward processing.


I then tried the snippet example but using English notation for the notes
involved and there was an error about the ( prior to the 'let' and no


I have attached the Ly file with the snippet definition in it (I possibly
have placed it incorrectly) for your perusal as David requested.


Thanks for your interest.


Ossie Wilson
Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list


2009-03-29 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr
I am using LP 2.8.6 on a Windows 98 300MHz machine.


My current problem is in transposing a song (for a grand daughter) and a
whole bunch of double accidentals and natural/accidental combinations have
turned up in the resultant printout - not too good for fast recognition by
the accompanist (according to my wife). I have found a snippet quoted in NR
1.1.2 for LP 2.12.2 which looks like it could do a simplifying job on the
music, but is designed for another notation language other than English. As
I wouldn't know an 'es' or an 'is' if I fell over them and know nothing
about scheme, I am asking has someone already translated this for an English
notation and whether this snippet could be applied to LP 2.8.6.


Thanks in advance to all who read and and can help.


Ossie Wilson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Phrasing Slur across piano staves

2008-01-12 Thread Ossie Wilson Snr
Hi, Valentin.


Ended up doing it less elegantly, not changing staff but using four leger


The example as given in the LSR & also examples in the manual for changing
staff can not be used with Template D.2.2 'Piano and melody with lyrics.
Could the LSR example code be modified to conform with the template


Ossie Wilson 

lilypond-user mailing list