How to align object with far right edge of all kinds of barline?

2014-01-12 Thread Philip Thomas
I want to print a graphical object in the right margin that _just touches_ the 
far right edge of the barline at the end of the staff line. I have been 
experimenting with a postscript object included in a \mark \markup {  } 
expression as a RehearsalMark, with an adjustment of the break alignment 
visibility. Vertical placement is not a problem, but I haven’t succeeded in 
achieving precise horizontal placement that works for all kinds of barline.


The appearance is OK when the final barline on the line is a single barline, 
but when there is a double or thin + thick barline, the object overlaps with 
the barline. It appears that the default left alignment is to the _centre_ of 
the overall barline width rather than to the _right edge_ of it. Having to fix 
the horizontal placement separately for each kind of barline would work, of 
course, but would be a pain in the butt, and may not work for all staff sizes.


I would prefer to find a general solution (including a fixed horizontal spacing 
adjustment, if necessary) that works for _all_ kinds of barline.


It seemed to me that a solution that relies on the far right edge of the 
barline ought to work, but I haven’t found any way of doing that from my 
reading of the manuals.


Another possibility might be to align the object with the far right edge of the 
staff itself (rather than of the barline at the end of the line) but I have not 
found a way of doing that either.


Any suggestions as to how to go about looking for a solution would be greatly 


Philip Thomas

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: tunefl and other web services

2012-07-13 Thread Philip Thomas
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 at 18:37:00 +0200 David Kastrup wrote:

The overall more convex shape of women lends 
itself better for smooth
light gradients lending plasticity to a two-dimensional rendition.  When
aiming for a more 
abstract rather than an anatomical impression of
beauty, the fair sex offers definite advantages.

One can further 
enhance visual plasticity by working with large brushes
and graduations of powder makeup.  That does not work well 
with the
knotted landscape of a handsome man.

David shows uncharacteristically loose thinking here in ascribing the 
effect simply to convex shape. There are some other unspoken factors that are 
nonetheless essential to take into 
account. For example, I myself am decidedly convex to the tune of some tens 
of kilos, and I don't have much in the 
way of a knotted landscape. The word plasticity would be a less apt word to 
use in connection with my anatomical 
features than, say, doughiness. Any large brushes and powder used to enhance 
my image would be more akin to those 
used in a bakery to glaze pies and flour-dust loaves of bread. But as convex as 
I am, using my semi-naked image on a 
website would be likely to attract criminal sanctions -- not from me, but from 
the poor victims who felt aggrieved, if 
not visually assaulted, by the effect my image had on their psyches.

So there's more to it than just convexity, I 
suspect. Whatever the missing parameters are, I am personally lacking in them. 
Not that I'm suggesting a more serious 
analysis would be all that productive.

Anyway, I did once beat a dead horse for a while (I tried getting it to
up again, as the first thought after it had collapsed with a
sudden aorta rupture on the riding ground was a severe 
colic attack).  A
rather traumatic experience I would not wish on anybody.

Now, here David's touch is more readily 
apparent: I didn't immediately know whether it was easier to believe him or not 
to. So I'll just have to wait to see 
whether in future posts he starts mentioning sleeping dogs that he has let lie, 
dead cats that he's swung by the tail, 
and so on.

Anyway, my convex body was shaken by a good belly laugh when I read it. And 
yes, I admit that am prepared 
to take the horse story at face value, and I did feel sorry for the horse and 
it's rider, even while I was momentarily 
convulsed with laughter.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: tunefl and other web services

2012-07-12 Thread Philip Thomas
On Thursday 12 July 2012 David Kastrup wrote:

The Debian ad goes to a bit more effort than depicting an arbitrary

snapshot of a woman in a swimsuit.  And I still don't see them pulling
this off convincingly either.

I can imagine, 
speaking for myself but not for St Thomas Aquinas, that many ways of pulling a 
bikini off -- assuming the wearer has 
agreed to that course of action -- might be convincing from at least some 

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Coda

2012-06-26 Thread Philip Thomas
Eluze wrote:

 please be aware that the -\markup will only work in later 2.15 versions -
can use s1*0 here.

David Kastrup wrote:

Huh?  -\markup has always worked from the time chord syntax 
has been
introduced.  The great conflict was just about whether it was a good
idea to let users know about it.

read parts of the great controversy a while ago, as a comparative beginner, 
with some bemusement. Although a beginner, 
I found the need to hang \markup onto bits of nothing quite a few times, and 
tried using both s1*0 and . Maybe it's 
because I'm a singer, but chords don't seem sacrosanct to me, and  looks 
like a less substantial event to my eye 
than does s1*0. The psychological effect of the more substantial looking s 
and 1 isn't somehow rendered nugatory 
by the 0. Also, as a singer, something about  resonates with that 
wonderful piece of Victoriana, Arthur 
Sullivan's The Lost Chord, which for me, at least, adds a colorful 
meta-emphasis to the insubstantial nature of a 

In my own mind (admittedly a quite lonely place, if not downright strange), I 
always mentally call the thing 
that the \markup is hung on a skyhook -- a most agreeable kind of device from 
any perspective -- whatever syntax is 
used to invoke it. I tried defining a variable that I acromyously called sh. 
One could of course retain the 
association of the variable with skyhook, but at the same time add some color 
it, with a stronger allusion to its 
essentially silent nature, by writing it as shh. I had daydreams about one or 
two letters in the Greek alphabet, not 
to mention the very skyhook-evoking inverted question mark (Unicode 00BF).

In the particular context I was dealing 
with, I ended up wrestling with define-markup-command and losing the match 
badly. But I still find  to have more 
intuitive emotional and syntactic appeal than s1*0. A more neutral symbol 
might be nice though.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Opening parentheses in lyrics don't appear

2012-06-15 Thread Philip Thomas
Philip Thomas wrote:

 Dear fellow-users,

 I'm working on a vocal piece in which some lyrics are in parentheses, but
 the opening parentheses don't appear in the output PDF file. The closing
 parentheses are fine. By way of example, here's a couple of bars from the

Phil Holmes wrote:

You may like to check and eventually test David's work on

Phil Holmes

Thanks, developers, for addressing the matter -- and so quickly, at that.
But the likes of me test it? Would that involve downloading a patch?
Pretty scary. Some day maybe I'll get to that stage, but not just yet. For
the moment I'm content to luxuriate in a state of grateful and lazy trust,
and await v.2.16. :)

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: transcribe notes

2012-06-14 Thread Philip Thomas
Peter Wannemacher wrote (13.06.2012 17:52):

I would like to contribute to this cheat-sheet. 
I would be pleased to 
create ideas or comment on those of others.

Excellent! I hope to make some sort of draft available in the next couple 
of weeks to get the ball rolling from my point of view.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: transcribe notes

2012-06-13 Thread Philip Thomas
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:49:16AM +0200, Philip Thomas wrote:

 I'm inclined to try to knock together a draft expanded cheatsheet on
 my own account and float it (e.g. in PDF format) on the user list.

On Wednesday 13 June 2012 at 01:10, Graham Percival wrote:

ok.  It won't become part of the lilypond documentation or the website, but
that's not the end of the world.  An informal
cheatsheet like that could still be useful for whoever finds it on the
mailing list.

So far as I'm concerned, the possibility of a later proposal for formal
incorporation in the documentation, if a revised informal cheatsheet found
approval on the user mailing list, would remain open.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: transcribe notes

2012-06-13 Thread Philip Thomas
On 13 June 2012 at 08:53, Janek Warchoł wrote:

As for mentoring, i could help you a bit, but not very much.  And i

cannot promise anything since i am really busy for the next month :(
If you find the CG hard, it may be wise to wait 
until things get
better organised.

I don't think I'll need technical mentoring about gits and stuff for a while. 
first see what I can produce in lay person's format and discover whether the 
substance prompts any interest from the 
user list. 

And thank you for your kind words!

I have received help from people on this list on a number of topics 
connected with music input. They are people who not only love and know a lot 
about LilyPond but who are kind and 
helpful when confronted with (even dumb beginners') questions. You are one of 
them. Thanks tons!

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 115, Issue 58

2012-06-13 Thread Philip Thomas
Graham Percival wrote:

 I cannot in good conscience encourage anybody to become involved
 with lilypond development 
at the present time unless they have a

David Kastrup wrote:

I would have no qualms encouraging people

into trying to get involved.

They can expect some friction, naturally, work they do unnecessarily.
That's a 
possible source of frustration.  It can be minimized by asking
for feedback.  Now if things are as bad as to make 80% 
give up
eventually, it means that 20% eventually manage to contribute.

20% is more than the 0% we get following 
your recommendations.

Graham Percival wrote:

That's because you are an excellent programmer, mathematician, and
round technical guy who would have no trouble learning git
if you didn't know it already.  I am not -- at best I'd 
say that
I'm a good programmer, almost competent mathematician, and
passable technical guy.  So I have a great deal 
of empathy for
people who have difficulty with those.

More to the point, I have experience mentoring over 20 people 
lilypond doc work.  I *know* that people find it difficult.  I
know that people find it difficult even when 
somebody else takes
care of all the git stuff for them!  If you want me to listen to
anybody who says oh, there's 
some friction, but just tell them to
jump in, then mentor at least 5 people who stick around for at
least 3 months.

David Kastrup wrote:

Now if things are as bad as to make 80% give up eventually, it
means that 20% eventually manage 
to contribute.

Graham Percival wrote:

At the karma cost of wasting the time and effort of the 80%.
I'm not 
willing to pay that cost -- especially when we could cut
that in half with 10-20 hours of prep work.

[...] I want 
to get the
reputation of treating lilypond volunteers well, since that will
encourage more people to volunteer.  By 
discouraging people from
having a hard time now, I'm gambling on a long-term benefit in
that when the CG is better 
and we actively recruit volunteers,
more people will step up.

I wasn't expecting this to be a tension-free exercise, 
especially having followed some other recent threads with interest. Nor am I 
going to deflate if an expanded cheatsheet 
doesn't materialize or doesn't attract any interest. I'm not especially 
tough-skinned, but I have some time on my hands 
and the challenge appeals to me. Equally, however, I don't feel inclined, at 
least at present, to dive into what for me 
would be the LilySwamp of Texinfo, Lilydev and git.

What I would like to attempt, for my part, is to make some 
contribution from the perspective of a (comparative but not utter beginner) 
user of the non-programmer variety, and it 
seems to me that expanding and improving the content of a cheatsheet might be 
both useful and within my capacity to 

While Graham and David may not see eye-to-eye on some questions of approach and 
how best to manage user 
contributions, I don't feel discouraged by what either of them has said so far 
as my working on such a task is 
concerned, so I intend to just do it, keeping my aims fairly modest, and see 
what the reaction is, if any, to the 
result. I don't think I need any technical mentoring at this stage, although 
I'll definitely be pleased to get feedback 
-- from anyone -- on drafts.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: transcribe notes

2012-06-13 Thread Philip Thomas
Blast! Resubmitted with apologies -- sent this a short while ago with an inept 
subject heading. Sorry, Philip


Graham Percival wrote:

 I cannot in good conscience encourage anybody to become 
 with lilypond development at the present time unless they have a

David Kastrup wrote:

I would 
have no qualms encouraging people
into trying to get involved.

They can expect some friction, naturally, work they 
do unnecessarily.
That's a possible source of frustration.  It can be minimized by asking
for feedback.  Now if 
things are as bad as to make 80% give up
eventually, it means that 20% eventually manage to contribute.

20% is more 
than the 0% we get following your recommendations.

Graham Percival wrote:

That's because you are an excellent 
programmer, mathematician, and
all-round technical guy who would have no trouble learning git
if you didn't know it 
already.  I am not -- at best I'd say that
I'm a good programmer, almost competent mathematician, and
technical guy.  So I have a great deal of empathy for
people who have difficulty with those.

More to the point, I 
have experience mentoring over 20 people for
lilypond doc work.  I *know* that people find it difficult.  I
know that 
people find it difficult even when somebody else takes
care of all the git stuff for them!  If you want me to listen 
anybody who says oh, there's some friction, but just tell them to
jump in, then mentor at least 5 people who 
stick around for at
least 3 months.

David Kastrup wrote:

Now if things are as bad as to make 80% give up 
eventually, it
means that 20% eventually manage to contribute.

Graham Percival wrote:

At the karma cost of 
wasting the time and effort of the 80%.
I'm not willing to pay that cost -- especially when we could cut
that in half 
with 10-20 hours of prep work.

[...] I want to get the
reputation of treating lilypond volunteers well, since that 
encourage more people to volunteer.  By discouraging people from
having a hard time now, I'm gambling on a long-
term benefit in
that when the CG is better and we actively recruit volunteers,
more people will step up.

I wasn't 
expecting this to be a tension-free exercise, especially having followed some 
other recent threads with interest. Nor 
am I going to deflate if an expanded cheatsheet doesn't materialize or doesn't 
attract any interest. I'm not especially 
tough-skinned, but I have some time on my hands and the challenge appeals to 
me. Equally, however, I don't feel 
inclined, at least at present, to dive into what for me would be the LilySwamp 
of Texinfo, Lilydev and git.

What I 
would like to attempt, for my part, is to make some contribution from the 
perspective of a (comparative but not utter 
beginner) user of the non-programmer variety, and it seems to me that expanding 
and improving the content of a 
cheatsheet might be both useful and within my capacity to achieve.

While Graham and David may not see eye-to-eye on 
some questions of approach and how best to manage user contributions, I don't 
feel discouraged by what either of them 
has said so far as my working on such a task is concerned, so I intend to just 
do it, keeping my aims fairly modest, 
and see what the reaction is, if any, to the result. I don't think I need any 
technical mentoring at this stage, 
although I'll definitely be pleased to get feedback -- from anyone -- on drafts.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: transcribe notes

2012-06-13 Thread Philip Thomas
On 13.06.2012 at 14:46, Colin Campbell wrote:

I'd be willing to give you what help I can, Philip.  My doc skills are 

rusty but I can usually get changes done, and if we get stumped, I can 
probably point you in a useful direction.  
Most of my help will likely 
be encouraging emails, but by the sound of your input so far, you 
probably won't need 
much more.

Thanks a million, Colin. You've been added to my ever-growing list of kind 
sources of advice. I'll try not 
to overburden you. I hope to get a first draft done in a week or so. Cheers, 
Philip (also rather elder)

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: transcribe notes

2012-06-12 Thread Philip Thomas
 Janek Warcho? writes:

 I'm not sure.  This is a music notation question: what's this?.
 Lily documentation aims to answer different kind of questions: how do
 i engrave this? and it assumes that the user knows what's what he

 Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:
 She wants a certain type of note.  Chances are that she can find out
 which one it is by herself much easier when we have images of all notes


 Phil Holmes Writes:
It's not too hard to find elsewhere, TBH:

I'm not convinced we need to turn the Lilypond documentation into a general
musical tutor, glossary notwithstanding.

I also don't think that the LilyPond documentation should seek to give
answers to basic music notation questions like what is this note called?
or what is a breve?, although the answers would mostly no doubt be
available, somewhere or other, in the MG or elsewhere.

The breve with double lines on each side is, of course, covered on NR page
40 (PDF version), which a search of NR for breve quickly shows. This
particular question would probably be addressed adequately by adding a
reference in the \breve and breve entries in the NR LilyPond Index to NR
page 40. Ideally, it might also receive a mention (and an image) in the NR
Cheat Sheet, which I found very useful when I first started using LilyPond.

I remember finding some gaps in the Cheat Sheet as a new user. Might it be
worth reviewing to see whether it could be expanded and improved without
over-burdening it with detail? If it would help for me as a comparative
beginner to do some work along those lines, I would be pleased to give it a
try, if someone would let me know how to proceed. I should mention that I'm
no programmer. (And I wouldn't be offended by a polite thanks, but no

Not quite the same issue, but I routinely find that it's necessary to search
both LM and NR for information which is fairly basic (and also, for that
matter, not so basic, in LM as well as NR). Is a combined index, somewhere,
for LM and NR feasible? Or even better, for _all_ of the documentation? I've
found myself in IR and even Extending more often that I was expecting, when
trying to tweak defaults and to write new music functions to abbreviate
input code (and will maybe do so one day -- over the rainbow -- trying to
write new markup commands).

While on the question of how to find answers to questions oneself, which in
fact I try hard to do before laying them at the feet of the kind and expert
people who reply to questions addressed to the user list, I would,
personally, find a grand version of all manuals combined in the one
searchable PDF document very useful. It might take a while to download, and
cross-links to other parts of the documentation might need adjustment for
that format, but such a file would in general suit my needs very well. (In
fact, I have already asked a friend to produce such a grand version for me,
but I decided to wait till Lily 2.16 appears.)

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: transcribe notes

2012-06-12 Thread Philip Thomas
On 12 Jun 2012, at 20:46, Philip Thomas

 I remember finding some gaps in the Cheat Sheet as a new user. Might
 it be worth reviewing to see whether it could be expanded and improved
 without over-burdening it with detail?

On 12 June 2012, at 21:58, James wrote:

Thanks, James.

I wasn't aware of this product, and I have no reason to think that it's
anything other than a good one. Just a few observations:

-- A cheatsheet is already part of LilyPond's own documentation, and that
seems proper to me. It's a tool for people who use LilyPond, particularly
new users wanting to learn basic stuff. It should, if it's a useful tool,
ideally be maintained and improved over time as part of LilyPond's own

-- Such a cheatsheet ought to be available in electronic form, as well as
being printer-friendly, to enable users to copy code for slightly less basic
operations (assuming it is expanded in that direction), and to enable users
to follow links (e.g. to common templates).

-- The Kainhofer cheatsheet costs money (albeit not much money), but
LilyPond and all its documentation, as we all know and greatly appreciate,
comes free.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: transcribe notes

2012-06-12 Thread Philip Thomas
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Philip Thomas
 I remember finding some gaps in the Cheat Sheet as a new user. Might
 it be worth reviewing to see whether it could be expanded and improved
 without over-burdening it with detail? If it would help for me as a
 comparative beginner to do some work along those lines, I would be
 pleased to give it a try, if someone would let me know how to proceed.
 I should mention that I'm no programmer. (And I wouldn't be offended
 by a polite thanks, but no

On Tuesday 12 June 2012 at 22:29, Janek Warchoł wrote:

If you want to contribute to LilyPond, chapter quick start in
Contributors' Guide
tells you how to setup your working environment.  Be aware that being an
independent contributor (meaning that you don't have to rely on other people
to do something for you) can be a bit of hassle, but it doesn't require
specialistic knowledge (i.e. if you can use LilyPond without getting
headache all the time, you are probably tech-savvy enough to manage to do
this :))

Thanks, Janek.

I'll look at the CG. But would an expanded cheatsheet would be useful? And is 
it the kind of thing that a comparative beginner would be likely to be able to 
make a useful contribution on? Just a quick reaction is all I'm seeking, not a 
considered judgment. I can wear the idea that I might fail or might produce 
something that doesn't find support.

Yeah, I do get headaches using LilyPond -- but not all the time :)

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: transcribe notes

2012-06-12 Thread Philip Thomas
On Tuesday 12 June 2012 23:41, Graham Percival 

I'm afraid that my first reaction is thanks, but no thanks.  See below.

Be warned that the CG is not actively maintained.  I estimate that
approximately 20% of the advice in the CG misleading, and 10% of the advice
is harmful.  It was not intended to be harmful, of course, but when policies
and the technical layout of lilypond development change but the CG is not
updated, the end result can be worse than giving no advice at all.

I cannot in good conscience encourage anybody to become involved with
lilypond development at the present time unless they have a mentor.  It
would, of course, be really nice if somebody like Janek offered to mentor
you on this.


At the present time, I doubt that many beginners notice the cheatsheet at
all, expanded or not.  However, if the cheatsheet were improved, we could
give it greater prominence, all the way to including it on the main doc page
on the website (probably under the regular use heading).  I could see that
being very useful, actually.

The more I think about it, the more this seems like an excellent way to get
into lilypond development.  But I still cannot honestly encourage you to do
this unless you have an experienced mentor.

Hi Graham,

I get slightly mixed messages from what you say.

If I read what you say last, first, I get the feeling that an expanded and 
improved cheatsheet might be worth some work to see whether it turned out to 
look useful. I know that in my first spasm of experimentation with LilyPond a 
few years ago, I kept a printout of the then cheatsheet close at hand 
(annotated increasingly with time, but long since lost) and I referred to it 

If that's correct, I guess your initial thanks, but no thanks is directed 
more to the possibility of my becoming a more serious contributor, with a 
virtual drive in my Windows environment to draft stuff with an unfamiliar text 
processor and create patches and use the git and stuff like that. I've had a 
look at the CG and, whether it's up-to-date or not, it looks pretty 
impenetrable to me at first sight, if not downright scary. I can't see me 
setting myself up as a contributor in that way at this stage, even with a 

I'm inclined to try to knock together a draft expanded cheatsheet on my own 
account and float it (e.g. in PDF format) on the user list. If it generates 
interest, I can do some further work on it. If Janek (who, I can see from the 
many posts of his that I've read, is patently good-natured) is prepared to keep 
an eye on what I produce, that would be great, and hopefully others would also 
have something to say. If it finds sufficient favor over time, I can then ask 
for advice as to whether and how to proceed with a more formal contribution. On 
the other hand, if my drafts just produce yawns and/or jeers, they can be 
consigned to the arid and boring realm of failed endeavors, and I'll smile 

Does my thinking seem to be in a sensible direction having regard to what you 

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Opening parentheses in lyrics don't appear

2012-06-11 Thread Philip Thomas
Dear fellow-users,

I'm working on a vocal piece in which some lyrics are in parentheses, but
the opening parentheses don't appear in the output PDF file. The closing
parentheses are fine. By way of example, here's a couple of bars from the

\version 2.14.2

\relative c'

\new Voice = melody {
  \time 12/8
  fis2.( f |
  a4.) a4 g8 g4 f8 f4. |
\new Lyrics \lyricsto melody {
  blue __ (oo -- by -- doo -- by -- doo)

I have looked but haven't succeeded in finding a reference to this in the
documentation or on the forum, but at this stage I don't feel confident in
reporting it as a bug. Any advice would be appreciated. Apologies, as usual,
if I've missed an existing solution or explanation.

BTW, I know that I can solve the problem with a work-around, e.g. enclosing
the syllable concerned in quotes as (oo produces the correct result, but
it's not a very elegant solution, especially for repeated instances.



lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Opening parentheses in lyrics don't appear

2012-06-11 Thread Philip Thomas

-Original Message-
From: Phil Holmes []
Sent: Monday 11 June 2012 15:13
To: Philip Thomas;
Subject: Re: Opening parentheses in lyrics don't appear

- Original Message -
From: Philip Thomas
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 2:04 PM
Subject: Opening parentheses in lyrics don't appear

 Dear fellow-users,

 I'm working on a vocal piece in which some lyrics are in parentheses,
 the opening parentheses don't appear in the output PDF file. The
 parentheses are fine. By way of example, here's a couple of bars from


 \version 2.14.2

 \relative c'

 \new Voice = melody {
  \time 12/8
  fis2.( f |
  a4.) a4 g8 g4 f8 f4. |
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody {
  blue __ (oo -- by -- doo -- by -- doo)


 I have looked but haven't succeeded in finding a reference to this in
 documentation or on the forum, but at this stage I don't feel
confident in
 reporting it as a bug. Any advice would be appreciated. Apologies, as
 if I've missed an existing solution or explanation.

 BTW, I know that I can solve the problem with a work-around, e.g.
 the syllable concerned in quotes as (oo produces the correct result,
 it's not a very elegant solution, especially for repeated instances.

I found I had to use the (word solution - I use a regex in my
that creates lilypond code to do just this.

Phil Holmes

Thanks Phil,

Especially for a reply within minutes, if not mere seconds, from when I
posed the question!

Not quite the reply I was hoping for, but at least it suggests that I'm not
barking up the wrong tree completely.

(If I were game enough, I might admit that when I first glanced at your
reference to the (word solution, I took you to mean MS Word, which can be
quite handy, using macros, in working on .ly text files to do this sort of
task. But I'm not game enough.)

If other experienced users have encountered the same problem with opening
parentheses in lyrics, this seems to me to be significant enough to be
reported as a bug, but I'm not experienced in reporting real bugs as
distinct from apparent errors in the documentation. Would that be making a
mountain of a molehill?

Cheers, Philip 

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Possible multiple bugs, any way around?

2012-06-11 Thread Philip Thomas
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 15:50:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sami
Subject: Re: Possible multiple bugs, any way around?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Only if there is unrepeated music played before the repeated sections.
Otherwise putting in any more elements than are necessary can cause
unnecessary visual clutter.  Ask me how I know.  ;-)

Look at most jazz lead sheets, there is usually no equivalent of \bar
at the start or \bar :| at the end.  A prime exception is some lead
sheets where the form is truncated with repeats so that it stays on a
page (e.g., Waltz For Debby in the old illegal Real Books, which has
nested repeats to negotiate).  But most standards start with no repeat
glyph and end with the equivalent of \bar |. yet everyone knows to
the forms as needed.


I got this habit working with big bands. They don't use them there
but I wish they did. I have a small of markers at hand to highlight
key changes, tempo changes, the most notable dynamics, segnos, codas
and I always wanted to highlight the beginning and ending of a repeated
section, to avoid on the job mistakes, esp. if I had to sightread hard
material on stage. So, I grew to like them. It forms an nice little
there for my eyes, start here, finish there...

Hi Sami,

I'm in the camp, with you, that prefers this particular bit of clutter. An
end repeat barline makes my poor underworked neurons look feverishly for the
begin repeat barline, and if it doesn't leap out at me, I'm in trouble. But
I mostly sing more classical stuff. Jazz players live lives replete with
repeats, and will have more acute reflexes than mine.

To insert a repeat barline at the very beginning, however, there is a
snippet on exactly this point in the Notation Reference in section 1.4.1
Long repeats under the heading Manual repeat marks (see page 130 in the
PDF version of the Notation reference, or see the web version at:
The snippet is headed Printing a repeat sign at the beginning of a piece
and can be found under that heading in the web version or at page 132 in the
PDF version. HTH.

Adjustment of the ordering of these symbols is possible, but as I discovered
recently it's not one for beginners to do anything fancy with. It will get
you into the wonderful world of so-called break alignment, meaning the
ordering of various musical symbols (clefs, time signatures, etc., as well
as barlines) before and after line breaks. In fact, however, the topic
covers the ordering of those elements in the middle of lines as well (i.e.
where there is no break). If you want to pursue some of the possibilities,
see the Internals Reference at section 3.1.22 BreakAlignment and other
areas cross-referred to from there.

It is not a totally impenetrable topic, but as a not-much-more-advanced
beginner than you, I personally found it rather a jigsaw puzzle. I never did
find out what a vector is, or how to understand, successfully manipulate,
or vary the number 3 following make-vector in the snippet. However, I
did eventually manage to put together some perfectly sound (I hope) code
which had the effect of ending a line with a new time signature _following_
a _double_ barline, followed immediately on the next line with the time
signature _preceding_ a _begin repeat_ barline (as it should under what I
understand to be the accepted musical convention, although unfortunately not
in Lily's default). This involved the elapse of many hours, the consumption
of certain beverages in some quantity, and the uttering of some very
colorful language. I felt good at the end of it, though. :)

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Opening parentheses in lyrics don't appear

2012-06-11 Thread Philip Thomas
 Phil Holmes wrote (11 Jun 2012 14:46:31):

 It was mentioned in earlier emails (as in lots of years ago) as a possible
 bug, since you can't have slurs in lyrics.


Aha. Not a solution, but I now have a better feel for the problem.


 I think I'll send a report to
 the bugs group.

I think it would be good to have a simple solution for something which must
arise reasonably often, but I'm most certainly no developer.

 Jan-Peter Voigt wrote (Jun 2012 15:48:45):
 you might use markup-lists. In markups, the parens are typeset:

 \version 2.15.40

 % should run in 2.14

 % define a music-function, to convert a markup-list to a list of

 lyricmarkup = #(define-music-function (parser location mup)(markup-list?)

 (make-music 'SequentialMusic

 'elements (map

 (lambda (syl) (make-music 'LyricEvent

 'text syl

 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1 1)))


 % a test


 \new Staff \new Voice = mel \relative c'' {

 c4. b8 a4 cis


 \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel

 \lyricmode {

 \lyricmarkup \markuplist { (oo bi doo) }
 % override can't be inside markuplist!

 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT





 But you can't use lyric-overrides inside the markup-list - so if you use
 a lot them, this will not be helpful :-(
 ... and using \lyricmarkup \markuplist {} is a lot to type ...

 But still, you might try it ;-)

 Eluze wrote (Jun 2012 06:57:36):

 you can use text-replacements, see NR 3.3.3 Special characters. ASCII

 it's described there how to add your own characters, e.g.

 \paper {
   (lparen; . ()))

 I don't know if its really elegant!?

Many thanks Jan-Peter and Eluze. I think on balance that, unless and until a
more simple solution appears, I might as well stick to (word for the time

Cheers, Phil

lilypond-user mailing list

Problem doing Scheme tutorial

2012-06-04 Thread Philip Thomas
Dear fellow-users,

After failing to write what I thought should be a fairly simple
define-music-function, I thought, this is it: Learn something about Scheme
in a more structured way, old chap! One can only go on for so long relying
on the (invariably kind and expert, and mostly very patient) advice from
fellow users on this forum.

I did what was told to me by the Extending manual:

1.1.1 Scheme sandbox

The LilyPond installation includes the Guile implementation of Scheme. On
most systems you
can experiment in a Scheme sandbox by opening a terminal window and typing
'guile'. On some
systems, notably Windows, you may need to set the environment variable
to the directory ../usr/shr/guile/1.8 in the LilyPond installation. For the
full path to
this directory see Section Other sources of information in Learning
Manual. Alternatively,
Windows users may simply choose 'Run' from the Start menu and enter 'guile'.

Once the guile sandbox is running, you will receive a guile prompt:


You can enter Scheme expressions at this prompt to experiment with Scheme.

What I got, however, when I ran the Command Prompt and typing guile, was
the following:

ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file ice-9/boot-9.scm in load path

Can anyone help, please? I am running LilyPond 2.14.2 under Windows 7 64-bit
(in case that's relevant).

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Music function for manual vertical placement of systems and staves

2012-06-03 Thread Philip Thomas
Dear fellow users,

I have managed to design some simple music functions, but I haven't
succeeded with this one.

The score (SATB choral) is short but has a certain complexity (a number of
repeated passages, pronunciation notes under lyrics, large markup text
appearing mid-score, etc.). After getting a lot of help on a number of
issues from the forum (thank you, Harm, in particular!), I wrangled
unsuccessfully with flexible vertical spacing, so I decided to position the
systems and staves manually. I fairly quickly got the result I wanted in
terms of appearance, after a little juggling, but now my file is cluttered
up with code like this:

\overrideProperty #Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn
#'line-break-system-details #'((Y-offset . 20)
   (alignment-distances . (10 10 10)))

It seemed to me that a darling little music function should be able do the
trick, and hoped to get it to work with syntax something like this: 

\SATBVert [SystemVerticalPosition] [SopToAltoStaves] [AltoToTenorStaves]
e.g. \SATBVert #20 #10 #10 #10

I tried to write a function along the following lines, but it didn't work:

SATBVert = #(define-music-function 
(parser location sysvert StoA AtoT TtoB) 
(number? number? number? number?)
\overrideProperty #Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn
#'( (Y-offset . $sysvert)
(alignment-distances . ($StoA $AtoT $TtoB)))

I'm pretty sure, from what I've read, that what I'm missing is type
predicates, but my tiny and inexperienced brain hasn't discovered or worked
out the syntax for how to include them. (I won't trouble you with
reproducing my failed experiments.) Or maybe there's something else wrong
that I haven't discovered.

If someone could point me in the right direction -- a relevant example would
be great -- I would be very grateful.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Layout of staff systems and text blocks

2012-05-31 Thread Philip Thomas

2012/5/30 Philip Thomas
 The problem: How do I get the Background Notes to sit happily where I
 want them on page 3?

From: Thomas Morley []
Sent: Wednesday 30 May 2012 23:40

Hi Philip,

how about this setup?
It adds the Background Notes to the footer of page three.


The definition of 'third-page' could be changed to other page-numbers
quite easily.


Hi Harm,

Once again you have been incredibly kind and helpful.

Since writing to the forum yesterday, I had been experimenting with an added
Dynamics context to act as a kind of skyhook for the Background Notes.
That succeeded in placing the Notes beneath the lyrics OK, but it wrecked
the horizontal spacing of the previous staff system.

Your solution is much more elegant, and it worked immediately on my score,
with a couple of adjustments, e.g. to center the footer, including page
numbers, on pages 2 and 3. (I followed your suggestion as to changing your
'third-page' definition separately for each page, which would have been a
little tedious if there had been 100 pages; sometime I will learn how to
define the footer for 'every-other-page'!) Thank you so much, anyway!

Two problems remain:

First, the two systems on the last page are now jammed together too close,
although visually there seems to be plenty of space available. Can you
suggest what \paper setting I should look at to fix that? Vertical spacing
issues are not the easiest to resolve, I have found. There are scads of
properties and it isn't altogether clear how they all work, individually and
in combination.

Second, can you suggest how to add a segue indication below the bass line
lyrics? It would be placed at the end of, and below, the second system on
page 3 -- i.e. above the Background Notes and to the right. It would seem to
be more logical if it was anchored in the music or lyrics rather than as
part of the footer.

Thanks tons, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Lyrics hyphens - which glyph?

2012-05-31 Thread Philip Thomas
Can anyone tell me which glyph is used for (automatically inserted) lyrics
hyphens? They seem, to my eye, to be wider and lower-placed than ordinary
text hyphens. I would like to add them manually in certain circumstances and
I want them to match. 

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics hyphens - which glyph?

2012-05-31 Thread Philip Thomas
From: Marek Klein [] 
Sent: Thursday 31 May 2012 13:08
To: Philip Thomas
Subject: Re: Lyrics hyphens - which glyph?


 2012/5/31 Philip Thomas
 Can anyone tell me which glyph is used for (automatically inserted)
 hyphens? They seem, to my eye, to be wider and lower-placed than ordinary
 text hyphens. I would like to add them manually in certain circumstances
 I want them to match.

 I found this in archive:
 By Knut Petersen:

 Well, lilypond never uses the dash glyph for hyphenation of lyrics.
 Instead of a hyphen it puts a /draw_round_box into the output postscript

 I used \override LyricHyphen #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print to
 tell lilypond to really generate a hyphen glyph instead of a centered
 round_box, but that hyphen will be printed at the start of the preceding
 syllable and thus needs a manual x-offset override if nobody knows
 a better way to handle the problem;-(


Thanks tons, Marek.

Not as simple as I'd hoped, but it's good to have an answer -- and amazingly
quickly, at that. So it will be a matter for experimentation and/or
compromise, it seems. My apologies for failing to find the answer myself on
the forum.

All the best, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics hyphens - which glyph?

2012-05-31 Thread Philip Thomas

From: Marek Klein []


 2012/5/31 Philip Thomas Can anyone tell me
 which glyph is used for (automatically inserted) lyrics hyphens? They
 seem, to my eye, to be wider and lower-placed than ordinary text
 hyphens. I would like to add them manually in certain circumstances
 and I want them to match.

 I found this in archive:
 By Knut Petersen:

 Well, lilypond never uses the dash glyph for hyphenation of lyrics.
 Instead of a hyphen it puts a /draw_round_box into the output
 postscript code.

 I used \override LyricHyphen #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
 to tell lilypond to really generate a hyphen glyph instead of a
 centered round_box, but that hyphen will be printed at the start of
 the preceding syllable and thus needs a manual x-offset override if
 nobody knows a better way to handle the problem;-(


From: Philip Thomas []

Thanks tons, Marek.

Not as simple as I'd hoped, but it's good to have an answer -- and
amazingly quickly, at that. So it will be a matter for experimentation
and/or compromise, it seems. My apologies for failing to find the answer
myself on the forum.

All the best, Philip

Sorry, Marek -- it's me again.

I'm really a novice, and it's time for confession: I don't know how to use
the code \override LyricHyphen #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print to
actually produce a glyph in the compiled score. My reading and
experimentation didn't get me anywhere on the point. I want to produce a
hyphen manually which is in fact identical in appearance to a lyrics hyphen.
It seems that I'm not quite ready for compromise, after all. :) If anyone
can enlighten me, I'd be very grateful.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Layout of staff systems and text blocks

2012-05-30 Thread Philip Thomas
Dear fellow users,

I am setting an SATB choral piece that runs to 9 systems, which include
several repeated passages, plus a larger-than-usual header (it contains the
text of the piece and a translation) and two other largish text blocks
(Background Notes plus Pronunciation Guide). The Header, Background Notes
and Pronunciation Guide each occupy about 1/3 page. The structure of the
music, with repeated passages, is such that the following groups of music
systems should each be visible together to the singers: systems 1+2, 3+4+5,
6+7, 8+9.

Fitting the text and translation inside the header was a problem, but I
solved it by some head-scratching, hair-pulling and foul language, not to
mention searching the documentation and user forum archives. The result was
the construction of a 3-column markup which is included in the subsubtitle
field of the \header block, and it looks beautiful to my eye!
{\patSelfOnBack} :)

But back to the problem.

I wish to keep the printed version to four sheets (i.e. which can be printed
on both sides of an A3 sheet, then folded). The following arrangement is
readily implemented by the following LilyPond

  \header {  }
  \score {  }
  \markup { \BackgroundNotes \Pronunciation_Guide }

With suitable line breaks inserted, that results in: 

Page 1: Header (about 1/3 page)
SATB system 1
SATB system 2

Page 2: SATB system 3
SATB system 4
SATB system 5

Page 3: SATB system 6
SATB system 7
SATB system 8

Page 4: SATB system 9
Background Notes (about 1/3 page)
Pronunciation Guide (about 1/3 page)

But that arrangement is not optimal, since it separates systems 8 and 9,
which contain repeated music, by a page turn.

The optimal layout for printing would be:

Page 1: (as above)

Page 2: (as above)

Page 3: SATB system 6
SATB system 7 (followed by a segue indication to emphasize that the
music doesn't stop at that point)
Background Notes (about 1/3 page)

Page 4: SATB system 8
SATB system 9
Pronunciation Guide (about 1/3 page)

The problem: How do I get the Background Notes to sit happily where I want
them on page 3? The following arrangement would work in a sense:

  \header {  }
  \score { \sectionA }
  \markup { \backgroundNotes }
  \score { \sectionB }
  \markup { \pronunciationGuide }

However, that option would require chopping up the \score. The music, in
each of the SATB parts, both notes and lyrics, would have to be split into
two sections, which would then need to be separately combined into SATB
staff systems. Not a very elegant solution, I thunk to myself, plus I didn't
know what it would do to the \midi output (although in this instance midi is
not of prime importance).

I tried adding the whole of the Background Notes, within the \score block,
as a \markup to a note or placeholder at an appropriate point in the Bass
part at the beginning of system 7 (since the Bass is the bottom line of the
system). But the compilation seemed to hang, I presume because of the size
of the \markup. And in any event, there's the problem of getting the
vertical spacing correct since the \markup wants to appear above the Bass
lyrics. So far, head-scratching, hair-pulling and foul language haven't
worked for me, and neither has consulting the documentation and forum
archives. (I should mention that learning LaTeX for the purpose didn't seem
to me like a very attractive option. It's enough of a challenge to learn
LilyPond plus rather more than a smattering of Scheme.)

Any suggestions for addressing the problem would be greatly and gratefully
received. Otherwise, I'll have to choose between chopping up the \score and
having a lousy page turn.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Manual volta placement and invisible barline kills previous barline

2012-05-28 Thread Philip Thomas
On 21/5/2012 Philip Thomas wrote:

 At any rate,  my problem with the colliding volta bracket remains.

On 21 May 2012 Thomas Morley replied:

Perhaps you may want to try the code below, in which I used the break-
visibility-property to deal with a TimeSignature.
It's _very_ hackish and dirty. :)

\version 2.14.2

% DEFINE volta-related variables for use in score:

startVoltaOne = \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta 1.))

startVoltaTwo = \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f)(volta 2.)

endVolta = \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))

pointStencilTimeSignatureAtLineBegin = {
  \once \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = #point-stencil
  \once \override Score.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
  \time 4/4

\score { \relative c' {

  \clef treble

  \key g \major

  \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4

  c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 |%1-3

  c4 c4 c4 c4 |  %4


  \startVoltaOne  c4 c4 c4 c4 \endVolta  |   %5

  \startVoltaTwo c4 c4 c4 c4 \endVolta | %6

  c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 \bar |.  %7-8

} }


P.S. Please note that I changed your volta-related variables.

Thanks tons, Harm.

I pasted your code into my file, with variations to meet the particular
context, and got it to work in one place but not in another, where
repositioning always messed up the barline at the end of the previous line,
but in a different way from what I originally described. I'm very grateful
to you for the tweak that did work, and I'll keep experimenting on the one
that didn't.

But I want to try to understand what was going on so I can address problems
in the future. I searched the documentation, the user forum, and (with some
trepidation) all the .scm files. I couldn't find anything to explain
point-stencil, for example, let alone anything that would explain why your
hack worked. If it's not too much trouble, could you possibly try to explain
a little how it works?

In asking, could I mention a couple of other things.

I figured that a volta bracket (and/or a volta bracket spanner) must somehow
be told where to place itself -- at both the beginning and the end, but I
couldn't find how that is done. I dove into the break-align swamp but it
turned out to be more like quicksand. Although I couldn't find any
explanation of staff-bar, that seemed a likely candidate, but I got nowhere
trying to adjust the break-align-symbols or break-align-anchor properties of
VoltaBracket or VoltaBracketSpanner. For example, some trials that didn't
work included the following (the context is correctly Staff, I think, and
not Score, because I moved the Volta_engraver from the Score to Staff
context so that it would appear on each line in the vocal score):

\override Staff.VoltaBracketSpanner #'X-extent = #'(1 . -1)
\override Staff.VoltaBracketSpanner #'extra-X-extent = #'(1 . -1)
\override Staff.VoltaBracket #'extra-X-extent = #'(1 . -1)
\override Staff.VoltaBracket #'break-align-symbols = #'(clef)
\override Score.KeySignature #'break-align-anchor = #3

I haven't showed above all the permutations that I tried, but my conclusion
was that the grob-interface is by no means fully supported by the
VoltaBracket or VoltaBracketSpanner objects, and neither is any other
interface that I tried to use.

I also tried experimenting with extra-spacing-width of the components that
are in the break-align complex, but that got me nowhere too.

In fact the only thing that I was able to use successfully to adjust the
horizontal alignment of a volta bracket was:

\override Staff.VoltaBracket #'X-offset = #1

but then, of course, the end of the volta bracket moved to the right
together with the beginning, so I had a new collision on my hands.

I'm certainly not asking for a full explanation of all of these phenomena,
but I wanted at least to show that I have been trying to get a handle on
what is going on myself. And my basic problem still remains: how can I tweak
the horizontal alignment of volta brackets?

I must say that it feels a bit frustrating, after a while. I like using
LilyPond, but I wish it was a bit less of a challenge at times. The piece
I'm working on has repeats, but it is not in the nature of some avant-garde
monster that will inevitably be difficult to tame. While I greatly
appreciate the help of users on this forum -- including you -- it is
sometimes hard to escape the feeling that one can only get so far without
being a programmer.

Well, I haven't given up, but after all LilyPond is designed for
perfectionists (in terms of the appearance of the printed product), and I
don't want to produce my score with bloody collisions and/or ugly alignment
of such a mundane thing as a volta bracket!

Anyway, now that's off my chest, if you could possibly give me a brief
explanation of how on earth your hack works, and maybe some idea

Re: Volta + rehearsal mark?

2012-05-26 Thread Philip Thomas
 Subject: Re: Volta + rehearsal mark?

 On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Philip Thomas
 I realize, of course, that the above is an old post, and it seems that 
 Markus has not been active on the forum for a few years. I came across 
 his post while searching for inspiration in addressing some problems 
 with volta bracket alignment, and I hoped that Markus's attachment might
be useful.
 However, what follows his signature in the post is a load of 
 apparently meaningless characters. If this means that his attachment 
 has gone with the wind, well that's just the way it is. On the other 
 hand, if there is something elementary that I can do in order to see 
 the attachment, then I would be most grateful to hear about it.

 On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 17:37, Christ van Willegen
 Here's the original attachment.


 Christ van Willegen
 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Dear Christ,

I just opened your email and have saved the attachment. I will find out in
the coming hours whether it does indeed help in dealing with the problems
that I'm encountering. But I wanted to say, now, how much I appreciate your
digging it out. I guess you must be the user forum administrator or
something like that, but even with good record keeping it must have taken
quite some effort on your part to find something submitted 6 years ago.

I am a comparative beginner, and I have been amazed at how ready the
LilyPond community is to answer questions, even when asking them displays
ignorance about the documentation. In fact I do try to help myself as much
as I can by researching the documentation and the forum, but there is a
learning curve that one needs to persist in climbing, and I suspect most
people (particularly non-programmer types) need some help from others in
order to succeed. Both you and, of course, Markus Schneider with his
original post (even though I don't know whether he is still an active user),
are generous sources of such help to me.

Have a great weekend. I'll be spending a large part of my weekend polishing
up a special edition of a piece for the choir to sing at my baby
grandson's baptism in a few weeks' time. I hope the attachment you sent will
help me to sort out (most particularly) an ugly near-collision between volta
brackets and the key signature, but even if it doesn't work, I already feel
mightily heartened by your kindness. Thank you so much.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Volta + rehearsal mark?

2012-05-25 Thread Philip Thomas
 Markus Schneider

 Wed, 19 Jul 2006 02:34:30 -0700


 I attach a example file you may find useful with some functions and

 variables I use regarding volta bracket / rehearsal mark placement.







I realize, of course, that the above is an old post, and it seems that
Markus has not been active on the forum for a few years. I came across his
post while searching for inspiration in addressing some problems with volta
bracket alignment, and I hoped that Markus's attachment might be useful.
However, what follows his signature in the post is a load of apparently
meaningless characters. If this means that his attachment has gone with the
wind, well that's just the way it is. On the other hand, if there is
something elementary that I can do in order to see the attachment, then I
would be most grateful to hear about it.


Cheers, Philip



lilypond-user mailing list

Manual volta placement and invisible barline kills previous barline

2012-05-21 Thread Philip Thomas
Hi fellow-users,


I don't know whether I have one joint problem or two separate ones. My
apologies for running them together in the same post if they are in reality
separate issues.


I'm putting together a vocal (choir) score in the key of G major which has
five repeated sections. I tried input using automatic repeats, but getting
that correctly coordinated between both music and the lyrics defeated me
(volta repeats starting in the middle of hyphenated words, etc.), so I opted
to insert manual volta brackets. That makes the midi output wrong, of
course, but that's not a bother in this case.


The manual volta brackets work fine in most places in the score, but there
is one point where it is critical to the score layout for a volta bracket to
start at the beginning of the line. I found that the volta bracket starts
too far left and gets forced into the sky by the F sharp in the key
signature. (See Example A in the mock-up input code below.)


Aha, I thought: try adding an invisible barline at the beginning of bar 5.
That works fine to position the volta bracket correctly, but it also makes
the barline at the end of bar 4 invisible also, even when I add a manual
single barline at the end of bar 4. (See Example B below.)


If anyone can help me (a) to solve my problem, but also, hopefully, (b) to
understand what is going wrong with the solution I tried, I would be very


Cheers, Philip





\version 2.14.2


% DEFINE volta-related variables for use in score:

startVoltaOne = \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta 1.))

startVoltaTwo = \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta 2.))

endVolta = \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))


\markup { \column {

  EXAMPLE A - Volta bracket in bar 5 is badly positioned:


} }


\score { \relative c' { 

  \clef treble

  \key g \major

  \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4

  c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 |%1-3

  c4 c4 c4 c4 | \break   %4

  \startVoltaOne c4 c4 c4 c4 \endVolta \bar :| |   %5

  \startVoltaTwo c4 c4 c4 c4 \endVolta | %6

  c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 \bar |.  %7-8

} }


\markup { \column {

  EXAMPLE B - Invisible barline inserted at beginning of bar 5 correctly
positions volta bracket,

  but cruelly kills off barline at the end of bar 4:


} }


\score { \relative c' { 

  \clef treble

  \key g \major

  \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4

  c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 |%1-3

  c4 c4 c4 c4 \bar | | \break  %4

  \startVoltaOne \bar  c4 c4 c4 c4 \endVolta \bar :| |   %5

  \startVoltaTwo c4 c4 c4 c4 \endVolta | %6

  c4 c4 c4 c4 | c4 c4 c4 c4 \bar |.  %7-8

} }






lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Manual volta placement and invisible barline kills previous barline

2012-05-21 Thread Philip Thomas
 Aha, I thought: try adding an invisible barline at the beginning of 
 bar 5. That works fine to position the volta bracket correctly, but it 
 also makes the barline at the end of bar 4 invisible also, even when I 
 add a manual single barline at the end of bar 4. (See Example B

 does explain break-visibility.

 David Kastrup

Thanks, David.

I hope I'm not missing the point. I have some understanding, I think, about
the visibility of _bar numbers_ (for example, I realize that an invisible
barline at the beginning of a piece will make the first bar number visible,
if the break-visibility of bar numbers is set correctly). I also understand
that overrides are available to make bar numbers visible or invisible
depending on where they are located in relation to line breaks (that is, at
the end, middle or beginning of the line).

My problem, however (apart from that I first encountered, namely, the bad
placement of the volta bracklet colliding with the key signature), was the
disappearance of the _barline_ at the end of the preceding bar when I added
an invisible barline at the beginning of the next line. I apologize if it
should be readily apparent how what is said in the documentation you cite
about visibility of bar numbers would be applicable to visibility of
barlines in the circumstances I mentioned, but it wasn't apparent to me. For
example, I can't find anything that tells me how adding an explicit
invisible barline affects break-visibility properties of any explicit
barline in the preceding bar or line.

While I'm certainly not sure that I've properly understood the role of
break-visibility in this, a quick check suggests to me that an invisible
barline \bar  when placed at the beginning of _any_ bar appears to make
the previous barline invisible even if it has been spelt out as \bar |.

At any rate,  my problem with the colliding volta bracket remains.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Defining a new markup command (e.g. \lower by a specified amount)

2012-05-15 Thread Philip Thomas
I am having great difficulty getting the hang of defining new markup commands.

The examples given in the Extending 
manual in section 2.2.3 New markup command definition are comprehensible to 
me in their own right, but they aren't 
exactly simple examples, and I have so far failed to adapt definitions found in 
the scm/define-markup-commands.scm file 
to make my own new commands.

The particular problem that I'm trying to get to grips with at the moment is 

want to use the \lower command at about 15 places in text in a \markup block 
(i.e. outside the \score block). The 
\lower command works just fine to get the spacing I want between sections of 
text (whereas both \override #'(baseline-
skip . xx) and \vspace #xx have proved quirky). The problem is that I don't at 
this stage know exactly how much I want 
to lower the text by (\lower #xx). When the overall layout of the score is 
settled, I would like to experiment with 
different values of N, without having to change each \lower command separately. 
The solution seemed to me to be to 
define a new markup command (e.g. \dropNextline) which specifies the amount to 
which the line should be lowered. Then 
my 15 entries could all read \dropNextLine { text text text }, and the 
experiment would only involve changing the value 
of xx in the define-markup-command code until the overall spacing is correct 
when judged by the eye. But I'm bu**ered 
if I can get it to work. Sorry if I'm ignorant of something I should have found 
in the documentation.

I guess I have 
two questions:

(1) How to define a suitable \dropNextLine command?

(2) Is there an explanation anywhere from which I 
can learn in a graded, structured, way how to define my own markup commands so 
I don't have to presume repeatedly upon 
the kindness of other users on the forum? Are there some examples which would 
lead me by the hand a bit more gently, 
starting from the commands scm/define-markup-commands.scm and working them up 
into a useable result?

By the way, I 
have found define-music-function code much easier to handle, although I readily 
admit to being rather a beginner.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Pronunciation hints in \markup block

2012-05-14 Thread Philip Thomas
I am setting a piece of vocal music in which I wish to include pronunciation 
hints for the singers. For example, I 
might want to indicate that an e in a word should be pronounced as eh 
(rather than ee). To achieve this, it would 
be handy to insert eh (possibly in italics) immediately over (or under) the 
e concerned.

I have found suggestions 
for adding \dynamic marks to lyrics. Tailor-made new dynamics could then be 
included, formatted as desired and tweaked 
into the correct position. But I don't really want to clutter the lyrics line 
within the music itself. I intend in any 
event to include the entire text in a \markup block, immediately following the 
\score. Is there any way of adding this 
kind of markup to the text in the markup block? Any help appreciated. Sorry if 
I've missed something blindingly obvious 
in the documentation or on the forum.

Cheers, Philip

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Installing LilyPond fonts for use in programs under

2012-05-09 Thread Philip Thomas writes:

 Is it possible to install the Feta/Emmentaler font(s?) in Windows 7 so that 
characters become 
 available in applications running under Windows?

Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:

The easiest way to 
do that is probably by installing Denemo

Thanks, Jan.

I tried it, and the font was indeed then present in font lists 
under Windows, but in a rather quirky way -- small glyphs with difficult-to-use 
spacing. My workaround: When I need a 
LilyPond glyph in a Windows program, I produce it in PDF format from a .ly file 
by the conventional LilyPond route, and 
then use Adobe Reader's snapshot feature to copy and paste it. Not entirely 
satisfactory since resizing of the pasted 
image results in some loss of definition of the image, but I'll work on 
improving that.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Installing LilyPond fonts for use in programs under Windows 7

2012-05-09 Thread Philip Thomas wrote:

 And by the way, what is the relationship between Feta and Emmentaler?

Nienhuys replied:

feta was the original Type1 font.  Since Type1 fonts can only hold 256
entries, we had several of 
them.  Later we unified them into
Emmentaler (a big cheese) which has all the glyphs in a single font.

Nice! -- 
especially since feta cheese has been a protected designation of origin 
product in the European Union since 2002, 
whereas the name Emmentaler is not protected and thus available for any 
cheesemaker to use. The metaphor can easily 
get stretched too far, though: Emmentaler cheese is characteristically full of 
holes ...

Suggestion: The documentation 
led me to be confused as to the font name. For example, in the Notation 
Reference (v.2.14.2), section A.7 (page 575), 
one finds:

A.7  The Feta font
The following symbols are available in the Emmentaler font ...

Not exactly a top 
priority matter, but at some stage the terminology might be worth clarifying.


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