RE: small blank space just after clef/time signs for example

2009-11-18 Thread Piero Faustini

> It seems OK to me (with 2.12.1) but maybe you want it effective even earlier. 
> For that (and the \partial question) you could try using  
> |  \grace s1  
> to get the music started.  (Lilypond may not like this.) 
, it seems not, at least for MIDI.
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RE: small blank space just after clef/time signs for example

2009-11-18 Thread Piero Faustini

thanks, very useful.But for \stopStaff and \startStaff it won't work at the 
beginning, with a "s" invisible pause. Is there some "invisible" symbol I can 
use too cause some spacing? This would be useful also if I don't use "partial" 
measures at the beginning. 
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: small blank space just after clef/time signs for example
> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 13:22:32 +0100
> MonAmiPierrot wrote:
> > I also would like to be given the possibility to put the blank space
> > between different examples from the same musical context
> For big gaps you can use \stopStaff and \startStaff and put
> suitable spacer rests in between.
> For small gaps you could try misusing the BreathingSign:
> |   severStaff = {
> | \once \override BreathingSign #'text =
> |   \markup \whiteout \with-dimensions #'(0 . 1) #'(-4.5 . 0.5) \null
> | \breathe
> |   }
> where the 1 is saying how wide the gap should be.
> To use this right at the beginning you need to precede it with
> a small spacer rest like s8.
> There is an tempo example at NR 5.1.5 Style Sheets
> which has the indication over the clef.
> But positioning with #'extra-offset may cause problems.
> An easy way to put text above the clef is
> to have a RehearsalMark before the music starts.
> |\mark \markup "Allegro"
> Cheers,
> Robin 
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RE: Very small question about jEdit & LilyPondTool

2009-08-18 Thread Piero Faustini

> > Hello,
> > as I have an italian keyboard/system in windows XP, I believe I don't have a
> > key for character "~". Is there a way to set it in a dead key in jEdit?
> > Help me please with my ligatures, or I'll live forever in a "staccato"
> > world!!!
> > 
> Ciao Piero,
> I have an italian keyboard as well and I get the tilde
> holding AltGr + ì
> I'm on linux, but I guess it's the same on windows..

No, it's not :(thanks
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RE: Very small question about jEdit & LilyPondTool

2009-08-10 Thread Piero Faustini

> Save the following one-line file as Insert_Tilde.bsh in your
> /.jedit/macros directory:
> textArea.setSelectedText("~");
> Go to: Utilities > Global Options > jEdit > Shortcuts
> In the Filter field, you can start typing "Insert Tilde" to
> help you find it in the list of commands. Click in the
> "Primary shortcut" cell for "Insert Tilde". In the box that
> opens up, press a dead key that you'd like to be associated
> with it. It'll tell you if it's already being used (best not
> to override any active keys). You can also use key-combos,
> but it's better to find a single key (like F4 or whatever).
> Click OK and try it in a file.
> Let me know if it works.
> - Mark

Perfect! Thank you very much!
My music now "ties" better!
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RE: Help for paper about LilyPond and WYSIWYM sofware

2009-04-22 Thread Piero Faustini

>For sure, I'll keep you posted. When's your presentation?

1 month to go... and not a word written...

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(de)cresendi syntax

2009-04-11 Thread Piero Faustini

> recognising the original Italian from is adjectival.

thus sorry for them, but it is WRONG at all. This is plain english syntax rules 
roughly applied to a foreign language: in english you can say both "the sun 
keeps raising" and "the raising sun".But in italian, gerund is never usable as 
an adjective. The corresponding adjective would be something like "crescente" 
and thus YES, would need a plural form ("crescenti").But as an english, you may 
still want to use gerund "crescendo" as an adjective - thus, in english - no 
need for a plural form.When will we burn our dictionaries?
P.S. Why don't we translate ALL Lilypond syntax in italian???  Look:
\nuova Partitura {\nuovo RigoPianoforte {<<\contesto Rigo = "MD" {\chiave basso 
\relativo do' {
do re mi fa sol...

Can you imagine a better old-fashioned music code?

Please please please mum please

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RE: (de)cresendi syntax

2009-04-11 Thread Piero Faustini

All of this, of course, to avoid answering Werner's question... that's REAL 
pedantery ;)

> To be pedantic, if "crescendo" is not a noun there is no

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RE: Feat. request: autobehaviour of \unfoldRepeats

2009-04-11 Thread Piero Faustini

Thanks Valentin,

> It is now:

Quante ne sai? Scoprilo con CrossWire!
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RE: General settings in ext file

2009-04-10 Thread Piero Faustini

> As an example - the preferences file here
> colors noteheads red. The \layout blocks
> "cascade", so even though the \layout block
> in the preferences file is outside of the
> \score blocks, it still works as if it were
> inside of them.

Exactly what I need to know, in your example, Mark. Very useful and 
interestingTHANK you (and Lilypond)
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