Re: Markup functions and punctuation in lyrics

2021-11-02 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
On Nov 2, 2021, at 1:00 PM, Aaron Hill  wrote:
> Not sure if this was already suggested, but could you use something like this 
> to concatenate arbitrary markup?

I think that what you’re suggesting is in the spirit of what David was 
suggesting, but I’m trying to reduce the input overhead at this point and feel 
like what you propose increases it slightly.

> On Nov 2, 2021, at 1:11 PM, Jean Abou Samra  wrote:
> The difference between a music function and an
> even function is that the return type of an event
> function is narrower -- it must return something
> suitable as a post-event, such as \p, -., \marcato,
> etc. This brings syntax flexibility in the case
> where a note is immediately followed by the application
> of an event function. The handling of arguments remains
> the same. It does not help here.

Thanks for that information.  So I guess that leads me back towards something 
like your first post.  I’m going to need to pick that code apart and see what I 
can understand there.

> Since you ask about this again, here is some code that
> I wrote when you asked the first time. It post-processes
> the lyrics to squash punctuation with the previous lyric
> event. I had abandoned it because it was getting complex.
> Try it and see how it fares -- it has not been extensively
> tested.

Oooo.  This is decidedly more complicated looking than your first post, but 
I’ll definitely take a look as the interface looks really promising.  Given my 
one track mind, I’ll probably wait until after I’ve had a chance to pick apart 
and understand your first suggestion.

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Re: Markup functions and punctuation in lyrics

2021-11-02 Thread R. Padraic Springuel

> On Oct 31, 2021, at 6:02 PM, David Kastrup  wrote:
> If the ugliness of juxtaposition is ok, you may use things like
> \,\man
> for concatenating stuff, too.

What about event functions?  Can a command which does the concatenation be 
written as an event function so that the juxtaposition isn’t needed?  (I’ve 
never written an event function and the extending manual doesn’t provide much 
info about their capabilities/limitations.)

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Re: Markup functions and punctuation in lyrics

2021-10-31 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
> On Oct 18, 2021, at 5:57 PM, David Kastrup  wrote:
> I'd lean towards defining \man like in the question and a function \maN
> that takes the following markup and concatenates it.  That's viciously
> unclever but sometimes not having to worry whether the computer gets
> everything right is its own reward.

David, can you elaborate on this suggestion a bit?  \man is only a single 
example of the kind of function I have to write (there are similar ones for 
various pronouns, possessive adjectives, etc.) and so I’d like to separate the 
punctuation handling from the word selection (to avoid duplicate code in each 
function.  I’m working on applying that idea to Jean’s code, but perhaps your 
idea is better suited to said separation.  Is it anything more elaborate than 
establishing a function which effectively does `\markup \concat { \man, }`?  
And if not, is there a more succinct way of writing that?

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Markup functions and punctuation in lyrics

2021-10-18 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
I’m using some functions to allow me to select words in the lyrics of some 
hymns in a systematic way so that the same hymn can be used referring to one or 
more persons (and in some cases, either a man or a woman).  These functions 
work just fine when they appear in the lyrics by themselves, but when there is 
punctuation immediately after one of these functions, the punctuation gets 
shifted to its own syllable.  Is there a way to have the function interact with 
punctuation more intelligently?  I’m thinking I need to use \concat somehow, 
but how do I write the function so that it only does the concatenation when the 
next character is punctuation?

Attached is an example showing one of my simple word selection functions 
followed by a comma.

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036

Description: Binary data

Differentiate between including and direct compiling a file

2021-08-07 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
Is there a way for Lilypond to differentiate between a file which is being 
compiled directly and it being included in the compilation of another file?  
Something equivalent to `if __name__ == “__main__”` from python?  I’d like to 
add simple examples to my various tools that I can use to test it (both during 
original development and after an update which breaks something) and remind me 
of what the tool does when I haven’t used it in a while. Ideally, I’d hide 
these examples inside a construction like this so that the example output is 
only produced when the tool file is compiled directly. 

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey 
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Re: Mass file linting

2020-12-18 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
Stupid send button. 

> On Dec 18, 2020, at 6:15 PM, David Wright  wrote:
> I remember you tried it out in May in connection with identifying
> included files, though I didn't follow the thread to see whether
> you incorporated it into your final method.
> Cheers,
> David.

No, I was able to get Lilypond itself to get me the information I needed. 
That’s probably why I forgot about it: I didn’t end up using it. 

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey 
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Re: Mass file linting

2020-12-18 Thread R. Padraic Springuel

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey 
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


> On Dec 18, 2020, at 6:15 PM, David Wright  wrote:
> On Fri 18 Dec 2020 at 16:09:51 (-0500), Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
>>> On 17 Dec, 2020, at 4:27 PM, David Menéndez Hurtado  
>>> wrote:
>>> pip install python-ly
>>> ly "reformat" >
>>> That runs exactly the same that Frescobaldi does. More documentation: 
>> I should probably smack my forehead over this.  I already had python-ly 
>> installed on my system, indicating I’ve probably used it before.
> I remember you tried it out in May in connection with identifying
> included files, though I didn't follow the thread to see whether
> you incorporated it into your final method.
> Cheers,
> David.

Re: Partially formatting syllables in lyrics

2020-11-23 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
Should have known this would be in the manual.  Thanks. 

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey 
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


> On Nov 21, 2020, at 12:00 PM, Xavier Scheuer  wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 at 17:45, Fr. Samuel Springuel  
> wrote:
> >
> > How can I apply italics to part of a syllable in the lyrics context?  When 
> > I use the method I usually use to apply italics, it automatically creates a 
> > new syllable:
> >
> > #(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t)
> > \version "2.20.0"
> >
> > \new Staff
> > <<
> > \new Voice = "mel" { c' c' }
> > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel" { \lyricmode { hat\override 
> > Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic (s) \revert 
> > Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape show } }
> > >>
> Hello,
> As the doc says: "Markup mode may be used to format individual syllables in 
> lyrics".
> NR 2.1.1 Common notation for vocal music > Entering lyrics
> Hence you can use \concat and \italic.
> \markup { \concat { hat \italic (s) } } show
> Cheers,
> Xavier
> -- 
> Xavier Scheuer 

Re: Identify included files

2020-05-25 Thread R. Padraic Springuel

> On May 25, 2020, at 2:58 AM, Wols Lists  wrote:
> On 24/05/20 21:28, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
>> It’s not quite as straight-forward as you seem to think:
>> 1) You haven’t accounted for the possibility of multiple folders with 
>> varying levels of hierarchy.  The changed file might be in ../ relative to 
>> one file, ../../ relative to another, ../some/dir/levels relative to a third 
>> and other possible variations.  It might also be specified 
>> /with/an/absolute/path in some files.  All of that complicates the search 
>> string for grep.
> This is a real can of worms ...
> I THINK all paths are relative to where lilypond is running. So any
> include file that itself contains relative includes is asking for
> trouble - it's "random" whether those paths will be valid or not...
> Cheers,
> Wol

It depends on the state of the relative-includes variable.  If true, then paths 
are relative to the file in which the include statement appears.  If false, the 
paths are relative to the main input file.  Default behavior is false.  It’s 
explained here:

Re: Changing slur behavior

2020-03-26 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
> On 26 Mar, 2020, at 9:54 AM, Aaron Hill  wrote:
> On 2020-03-26 2:24 am, Kevin Barry wrote:
>> I think the right way to do what you are trying is to write an
>> engraver that listens for slur events and alters the spacing of the
>> music. (I would write one if I could, but I'm not at that level yet.)
> Firstly, know that slurs are not the only way to define melismata.  You can 
> instruct LilyPond to have a single lyric syllable span multiple notes using 
> \melisma and \melismaEnd:
> \version "2.20.0"
> \fixed c' { b4( g a2) | b4\melisma g a2\melismaEnd }
> \addlyrics { one two }
> This does not solve the spacing aspect of the original post, but it shows how 
> you can avoid messing about with slurs.

I’ll have to play with this to see how I like it.  The reason I initially 
wanted to mess with slurs was on the off chance that I later wanted to take the 
chant and turn it into a fully modern

> Assuming you really want to use slurs to adjust spacing, here might be one 
> way to do it:
> …snip...
> The engraver listens for slur-events, injecting a spacing-section-event and 
> adjusting some context properties as needed.  The logic is very simple, and 
> there are no safety checks.  Be warned this likely could fail with more 
> complicated music.
> -- Aaron Hill

Thanks for this Aaron.  After some playing I’ve adapted this to the way I 
usually encode chant (where all notes are basically quarters):

\version "2.19.84"

Slur_spacing_engraver =
#(lambda (context)
 (let ((slur-event-dir #f))
   (define (change-spacing dir)
   (ly:context-event-source context)
 (ly:make-event-class 'spacing-section-event)
 (let ((score-context (ly:context-find context 'Score)))
 (lambda (args)
   (apply ly:context-pushpop-property
 score-context 'SpacingSpanner
 (if (< 0 dir) (drop-right args 1) args)))
 `((base-shortest-duration ,(ly:make-moment -2))
   (shortest-duration-space 2)
   (spacing-increment 0)
 ((start-translation-timestep engraver)
   (set! slur-event-dir #f))
   ((slur-event engraver event)
 (let ((dir (ly:event-property event 'span-direction #f)))
   (set! slur-event-dir dir
 ((process-music engraver)
   (if (ly:dir? slur-event-dir)
 (change-spacing slur-event-dir))

\layout {
\context {
\override SpacingSpanner.shortest-duration-space = 3
timing = ##f
\context {
\consists \Slur_spacing_engraver
\remove Time_signature_engraver
\omit Stem
\omit Slur

music = { 
  a' g'
  a'( g')
  a'( ges')
  a'( g')
  a' g'

words = \lyricmode { Some words to go un -- der notes }

\new Staff  
 \new Voice = "mel" { \music }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel" { \words }

I’ve found a problem: accidentals inside of slurs end up colliding with 
preceding notes.  Is it possible to modify the Slur_spacing_engraver so that it 
doesn’t ignore accidentals and takes them into account when deciding the 
spacing between the notes?

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Changing slur behavior

2020-03-23 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
I’m trying to copy some music (chant) in which slurs are not indicated by 
bezier curves, but by changing the spacing between the notes (bringing them 
much closer together).  Now, while I’ve been able to figure out how to get the 
visual look, I’m not happy with the interface at the moment, as it requires 
inserting extra commands into the music so to turn on and off the tight 
spacing.  Furthermore, if I only have the tight spacing, then each note gets 
its own word when I start adding lyrics with \lyricsto.  What I’d like to do, 
therefore, is high-jack the existing slur notation so that the source looks 
“normal” but then instead of the usual curve, my spacing changes are applied 
instead (or at least in addition to).  Is there a way to accomplish this?

In the MWE below, \starttight and \endtight are my first pass attempts which 
apply the spacing, but don’t mark the notes as slurred (resulting in the words 
being applied wrong and messing up the spacing).  \startslur and \endslur apply 
both my spacing and the usual slur, allowing the lyrics to be assigned right 
(and the spacing preserved properly when that happens), but also causing the 
normal bezier curve to show up.


\version "2.19.84"

% remove stems and auto bar lines
chant = { 
\set Score.timing = ##f
\omit Stem

starttight = { \newSpacingSection \override 
Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment -2) }
endtight = { \newSpacingSection \revert 
Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration }

startslur = #(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?)
  (set! (ly:music-property note 'articulations)
  (cons (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction -1)
  (ly:music-property note 'articulations)
 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements 
  #{ \newSpacingSection \override 
Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment -2) #}

endslur = #(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?)
(set! (ly:music-property note 'articulations)
  (cons (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction 1)
  (ly:music-property note 'articulations)
 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements 
  #{ \newSpacingSection \revert 
Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration #}

music = { \chant
  a' g'
  a'( g')
  \starttight a' \endtight g'
  \startslur a' \endslur g'

words = \lyricmode { Some words to go under my notes }

\displayMusic \music

\new Staff <<
 \new Voice = "mel" { \music }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel" { \words }

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Reciting tones

2020-03-22 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
While typesetting chant, I have a pair of functions for dealing with recitation 
notes: one applies to the notes, the other to the lyrics (see MWE below).  This 
works, but I’m wondering if there isn’t a way to combine the two functions into 
one that has a few extra features:

1) The function automatically detects whether it’s in a musical or lyrics 
context and applies the appropriate settings/overrides which are exclusive to 
that context.
2) The function looks to make sure that it’s always in parallels with itself 
(that is, when the function is applied in the notes, there should be a 
corresponding application of the function in the lyrics at the same musical 
moment), raising an error when it’s not (or at least a warning like a bar 
3) Line breaks are allowed between the words encapsulated in the function in 
the lyrics, in which case the reciting tone note will be repeated at the 
beginning of the new line.

Are any of these things possible?  Priority wise, I’d say that #3 is the most 
important for me (as it would allow me to use the same source on different 
sized paper and/or with different sized staves), while the others are more 
“nice-to-have” things that would help my workflow without being critical.  On 
the other hand, I naively expect #1 to be easy to implement, perhaps by looking 
at the associatedVoice property (which would be set for a lyrics context, but 
presumably not for a music one). 


\version "2.19.84"

% apply to lyrics in chant which should all appear below a single note
recite-words = { \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT }

% a note in chant which is sustained for multiple words
% argument for ly:make-duration is 1 for half notes, 0 for whole, -1 for breve
% also has second optional argument for number of dots
recite-note = #(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?)
(withMusicProperty 'duration (ly:make-duration 1) note))

% remove stems and auto bar lines
chant = { 
\set Score.timing = ##f
\omit Stem

music = {\chant \recite-note c' d' e' f' }

words = \lyricmode{ \recite-words "A phrase all sung on one note" mov -- ing 
words. }

\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "mel" { \music \music }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel" { \words \words }

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Re: Lyluatex

2018-09-18 Thread R. Padraic Springuel
Well, LuaTeX is still having trouble finding the executable, just in this case 
it’s looking for C:\Program.  That, of course, is not a complete path to the 
lilypond executable.  The space in the path is clearly not being escaped 
correctly.  Try adding quotes around the complete path or edit your PATH 
variable so that `lilypond` is recognized without the complete path. 

Br. Samuel, OSB 
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey 
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


> On Sep 18, 2018, at 10:36 AM, foxfanfare  wrote:
> Urs Liska-3 wrote
>> Did you correctly quote that here? I see -shell-escape instead of 
>> --shell-escape.
> Hi Urs, 
> Actually, I just copied what was written in the GitHub documentation:
> I tried with the -- and also with 
> \usepackage[program={C:/Program Files
> (x86)/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond-windows.exe}]{lyluatex}, and yet again:
> D:\tex>lualatex --shell-escape test.tex
> This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX)
> system commands enabled.
> (./test.tex
> LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 5
> (using cache: C:/texlive/2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic)
> luaotfload | main : initialization completed in 0.263 seconds
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
> Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo(load luc:
> C:/texlive/2018
> /texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl/lmroman10-regular.luc)))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/lyluatex/lyluatex.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/ctablestack/ctablestack.sty))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xkeyval/xkeyval.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/xkeyval.tex
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/xkvutils.tex
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/keyval.tex
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphicx.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics-cfg/graphics.cfg)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics-def/luatex.def)))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/minibox/minibox.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3-code.tex)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3pdfmode.def)))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/environ/environ.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/trimspaces/trimspaces.sty))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/currfile/currfile.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/kvoptions.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/ltxcmds.sty)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/kvsetkeys.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/infwarerr.sty)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/etexcmds.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/ifluatex.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/filehook/filehook.sty))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfpages/pdfpages.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ifthen.sty)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/calc.sty)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eso-pic/eso-pic.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/atbegshi.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/ifpdf.sty))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xcolor/xcolor.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics-cfg/color.cfg)))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfpages/ppluatex.def))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/metalogo/metalogo.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ifxetex/ifxetex.sty))) (./test.aux)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii
> [Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
> ) (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/epstopdf-base.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/grfext.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/kvdefinekeys.sty))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/pdftexcmds.sty)
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/epstopdf-sys.cfg))
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/pdflscape.sty
> (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/lscape.sty))(load luc:
> C:/texliv
> e/2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl/lmroman7-regular.luc)(load
> luc:
> C:/texlive/2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl/lmsans10-regular.luc)
> (load luc

Re: lyluatex: call for Fedora users

2018-03-28 Thread R. Padraic Springuel

> On Mar 28, 2018, at 12:06 PM, Federico Bruni  wrote:
> sh: all: command not found"

That's the result of a bug in io.popen that was present in the version of 
LuaTeX which shipped with TeXLive 2017.  The bug was fixed shortly after TL2017 
was released so some other distros may have picked up the fix.  The bug is not 
in TL2016 or the TL2018 pretest. 
lilypond-user mailing list