I have a number of pieces written in fakebook style that I want to transpose to other keys.
I know the command
\transpose c g should move things up a 5th (or maybe down a 4th).

I read the manual page on transpose, but I cannot figure out from that where to insist the command.
Everything I've tried has ended in numerous errors.
The models in the manual just don't show me how to do it.
And how do you transpose the chords?

For concreteness, the whole file is below.
I want it in C Major, instead of G Major -- up a fifth.
I'm sure if I see
how to do it once, I can do it ad infinitum.



\header {
  dedication =  "November 12, 2004"
  title =       "Bob and Barbara's Wedding"
  subtitle =    "composed: 27. October,  2004"
  source =      ""
  composer =    "Robert E. Jamison"
  enteredby =   "rej"
  copyright =   ""

harmonies = \chords { % r4 g2. b:m/fis e:m d c d g d g2. b:m/fis e:m c g a:m d d c d e:m d/fis g c g d c d e:m d/fis c d g g %


melody = \notes
         \time 3/4
         \key g \major
         \relative c  { {\clef bass}    {
%            \partial 4 d4
        d2 d4           d2 d4           d c b           a g fis
        g2 b4           a2 b8 c         b4 c d          a2 b8 c
        d2 d4           d2 d4           d g fis         e d c           
        b g2            c4. d8 b4       a2.~a2  d,4     
        e2 g4           fis g a         g4. a8 b4       a4 b c
        d4 g,4 d'4      e8 d c e d c    d4 g,4 g'4      a,2 g8 fis
        e2 g4           fis g a         g4. a8 b4       a b c
        e8 d c b a g    a2 g8 fis       g2.~g2.
         \bar "||"}}

\score {
  \notes <<
    \context ChordNames {
        \property ChordNames.chordChanges = ##t
    \context Staff = one \melody

  \paper{ }
  \midi{ }

-- ****************************************** Robert E. Jamison Professor of Mathematical Sciences Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634-0975 (864) 656-5219 http://people.clemson.edu/~rejam/ http://www.clemson.edu/~rejam/ ******************************************* Vision without action is a daydream; Action without vision is a nightmare. ---- Japanese proverb

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