Unable to produce slur in ossia staff

2015-10-12 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, my name is Seng and I seem to have run into a problem when using 
Lilypond 2.18.2 on Windows 7. I'm trying to include an ossia staff which 
contains a principal note and two ending grace (Aftergrace) notes. I also 
want a slur to connect the principal note and the second grace note, but 
when I compiled the score, Lilypond gives a warning where it tells me it 
cannot end the slur and there is an unterminated slur. The output file 
does not have any slur at all. Here is an example of the problem:

\version "2.18.2"
\new Staff = "main" \relative c'' { \time 2/4
{ c2  }

\new Staff \with {
  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
  alignAboveContext = #"main"
  firstClef = ##f 
{ \afterGrace c2( { b16[ c]) }
 } >>

What is wrong?

Thank you.
Seng Liang.

lilypond-user mailing list

figured bass problems

2005-11-18 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I have a problem with figured bass in Lilypond version 2.7.17 for Windows 
(98). Here is the file: 

\version 2.7.12

\relative {

\context Voice {
\clef bass
f,8 f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f g g g g c, c c c f f f f a a a a g g g g c, c 
d e 
f f f f a, a a a bes bes bes bes bes bes b b c4 r4 e f c r4 e f c c' c, r4 
f r4 r2 bes,4 r4 r2 c4 r4 r2 c4 r4 r2 f8 f d' d c c bes bes 
a a d d c c bes bes a a d, d bes bes c c f f f4 r8 f f4 r8 f f4 r8 f f4 f f f 

 \context FiguredBass \figuremode {  \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t 
r1 6 42.. 6 48 6\!2 74.  78 r2 64. 68 r2 r4 68 6\! 5 r2 6 6
\! 51 r2 6 54 }  } 

2 problems came up.
1. I wish to put two extender lines lined up vertically from the figure 6 4 
in bar 2. But what happens in the output file is there is only one extender 
line and it extends at a point between the figures 6 and 4. Is this a bug and 
is it related to the operating system that I am using (Win98)? I know for a 
fact that the above method works ( 6 42.. 6 48 ) because when I only typed 
that bar (2nd bar), the 2 extender lines did appear.
2. How do I shorten the distance between the figured bass and the bass notes 
above it? Is it possible to change the font and/or size of the figured bass 
numbers as well? 
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.

lilypond-user mailing list

Lyric problems

2005-11-12 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I'm using Lilypond 2.7.12 for Windows 98 and I am having some lyric 
difficulties. Here is the file:

\version 2.7.12

\relative c' {
\set Staff.instrument=Soprano
\clef treble  #(set-accidental-style 'modern) 
\key f \major 
\time 2/4
 \autoBeamOff  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #2.5 
 f'2 g, c a' f  { \tiny g c f,4 } \\ { \normalsize g,2 c f,4 }  r4  
\bar .|.  }
 \addlyrics { Al -- le -- lu -- ja,  al -- le -- lu -- ja. }

I would like to know why are the lyrics in bar 6 to 8 missing? 
For these bars, there are no changes in melisma and note durations, the only 
difference is the pitch between these two voices.
Therefore, how can I make the words le, lu and ja appear only once 
respectively on the notes g2 c2 and f4?
Thank you.

lilypond-user mailing list

Piano centered pedal

2005-11-11 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I would like to know if I can make piano centered pedal marks much the same 
way as piano centered dynamics? I'm now using the piano centered dynamics 
template from the manual and I would just like to know what needs to be changed 
in order for it to work as piano centered pedals?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.

lilypond-user mailing list

score layout

2005-11-09 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I am typing a score for a work for voice and strings and I have a problem 
with the score layout. I am using Lilypond version 2.7.12 for Windows (98). 
Here is the file: 

\version 2.7.12 
\relative {

\new ChoirStaff  
\new GrandStaff 
\new Staff  { \set Staff.instrument = Violins 1 c1 } 
\new Staff  { \set Staff.instrument = Violins 2 c }  
\new Staff  { \set Staff.instrument = Viola \clef alto c } 
\new Staff  { \set Staff.instrument = Voice c } 
\new Staff  { \set Staff.instrument = Bass \clef bass c, }   }

As you can see, the score layout used is the old-styled layout, where the voice 
staff lies between the viola and the bass. This layout is perfect except for 
one thing; How do I connect the vertical barlines between the viola staff and 
the violin staff above? The barline break between the viola and voice staff, as 
well as between the voice and bass staff, is intended though.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.

lilypond-user mailing list

rehearsal mark question

2005-11-09 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I am using Lilypond 2.7.12 on Windows 98.
As stated in the manual, rehearsal marks only appear above a staff. While this 
is true for most rehearsal marks, there are some exceptions. The most notable 
one being attacca. The attacca mark appears below a staff for every part, 
but only appears once in a full score below the bottom most staff. Therefore I 
would think this is a rehearsal mark and not a markup text. This creates a 
unique problem. While I can use the \override command to move the attacca 
mark below a staff for every staff, when combining them into a full score 
however, the attacca mark appears below the top most staff and not the bottom 
most. Is there a way to fix this?
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.

lilypond-user mailing list

ties and triplets

2005-11-08 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I have problems regarding ties and triplets with Lilypond version 2.7.12 
for Windows 98. Here is the entire file for your reference (if you copy the 
file to Notepad, every line consists of four(4) bars):

\version 2.7.12 
\relative { 
\time 3/4 
\key a \major 
\partial 8 a'8 e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) d4-. r8 d-. cis16( e) d( b) a4.
( b8) bis( cis) cis4-. r16 d( e fis) 
e( cis) d( b) a4.\( \appoggiatura cis16 b8\) a4 r4 a'8.( gis16) fis4 r8 d d d 
bis4( cis) a'8.( gis16) 
fis4 r8 d d d bis16( cis) cis-. cis-. cis( d) d-. d-. dis( e) e-. e-. eis( fis) 
fis-. fis-. fis( gis a gis) fis( e d cis) cis8.\trill b32 cis b4 r4 
r8 cis16(\p e) r8 a16( e) r8 cis16( e) r8 e16( d) r8 cis16( d) r8 b16( gis) r8 
a16( cis) r8 a'16( e) r8 cis16( e) r8 e16( d) r8 cis16( d) r8 b16( gis) 
a16-.( cis-. d-. e-.) fis-.( fis-. e-. e-.) fis-.( fis-. gis-. a-.) a8\f( cis b 
a gis a) fis( a gis fis eis fis) e( fis16 d) cis4 b8.\trill a32 b | 
a8 e4\p d16( cis b cis d e) d2( cis8) a\p\noBeam e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( 
d16) d4-. r8 d-. 
cis16( e) d( b) a4.( b8) bis( cis) cis4-. r16 d( e fis) e( cis) d( b) a4.( b8) 
a8 e'16\f( fis) e8-. e-. e4-. 
r8 e4\p d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) d4-. r4 \times 2/3 { cis8( a e') } e8[( d) 
d( cis]) cis4( b8[) gis'32( fis gis a]) b16-. b-. b-. b-. 
b4. e8( dis cis) cis( b) b[ gis32( fis gis a]) b16-. b-. b-. b-. b2.:16 b4: b16
( dis e dis) e( b a gis) 
fis8 fis fis fis fis fis fis4 fis r4 r8 gis16( b) r8 b16( e) r8 e16( gis) r8 a16
( fis) r8 dis16( fis) r8 dis16( a) 
r8 gis16( b) r8 b16( e) r8 e16( gis) r8 a16( fis) r8 dis16( fis) r8 dis16( a) 
gis4 d'2\f~d4 cis-. r4 | 
 e,8\p( gis fis e dis e) cis( e dis cis bis cis) cis( a') gis gis fis fis b4. d8
( cis bis) 
\times 2/3 { cis8( dis e) } e4 r4 \setTextCresc r16 gis16 gis gis gis gis gis 
gis gis gis\ gis gis\! fis2.:16 e4\f r4  e8.( dis16) | 
cis4 r8 a8 a a fisis4( gis) e'8.( dis16) cis4 r8 a a a fisis16( gis) gis-. gis-
. gis( a) a-. a-. ais( b) b-. b-. 
bis( cis) cis-. cis-. cis( dis) dis-. dis-. dis( e) e-. e-. e( cis) b( a) gis4 
fis8.\trill e32 fis e8 b gis4 r8 b8\p b4. a8( b cis) | 
cis8( d) d8-.[ b32( a b cis]) d16-. d-. d-. d-. cis4. b8( cis d) dis( e) e8-.[ 
e32( d e fis]) e16-. e-. e-. e-. e4( d cis) 
cis8[( b]) fis' fis b b b4 b r8\fermata a,8 e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) 
d4-. r8 d-. 
cis16( e) d( b) a4.( b8) bis( cis) cis4-. r16 d( e fis) e( cis) d( b) a4.( b8) 
a4~a8[ cis'32( b cis d]) \stemNeutral e16-. e-. fis-. fis-. g8[( e]) e e e e d 
d d d d d d d cis b a g g g fis[ d'32( cis d e]) fis16-. fis-. fis-. fis-. 
fis8 fis d cis b a a4 gis! r4 r8 cis16( e) r8 a16( e) r8 cis16( e) r8 e16( d) 
r8 cis16( d) r8 b16( gis)
r8 a16( cis) r8 e16( a) r8 cis16( a) r8 d16( b) r8 gis16( b) r8 b,16( gis) a4 
g'2\f~g4-. fis-. r4 
fis,8\p( a gis fis eis fis) d( fis e d cis d) e( fis16 d cis4 b) bis( cis) r8 
e'4. d16( cis) b8 cis cis8.( d16) d4-. r8 d-. cis16( e) d( b) a4.( b8) cis( d 
cis b a g) | 
g8[( fis]) fis-. b32( a b cis) d16-. d-. d-. d-. cis8( e) d( cis) b( ais) b4 a 
gis a4. ais8( b cis) | 
\times 2/3  { d8 e fis } fis4 r4 e8( cis) fis( cis) d( b) a16 cis cis cis  { 
cis2:16 } { \setTextCresc s8\ s8  s8\! }  b2.: 
r8 a16\p( cis) r8 e16( cis) r8 gis'16\f( a) r8 a,16\p( d) r8 fis16( d) r8 gis16
\f( a) r8 a,16( cis) r8 e16( cis) r8 fis16\f( g) r8 g16( fis) r8 dis16( e) r8 
e16( d) 
cis e,4 r4 r4\fermata a4 r4 a'8.( gis16) fis4 r8 d d d bis4( cis) a'8.( 
fis4 r8 d d d bis16( cis) cis-. cis-. cis( d) d-. d-. dis( e) e-. e-. eis( fis) 
fis-. fis-. fis( gis) gis-. gis-. gis( a) a-. a-. 
fis( a) fis( d) cis4 b8.\trill a32 b 
a8 e4\p e e8~e8 e4 e4 e8 e8 g4 bes g8 } 

Now please observe the ties in bar 43/44, 71, 83/84, 113/114. The ties are 
incorrectly positioned vertically on the notes. Why is this? Is this another 
bug in 2.7.12? I've included the entire file because when I tried to replicate 
the individual bars with the ties, everything is ok( the ties are correctly 
positioned when I only generate that particular bar). I know for certain that 
this problem doesn't appear in versions 2.6.x

Secondly, why are there brackets appearing underneath the triplet notes, above 
the 3 symbol in bars 31 and 97 respectively? I know from experience that only 
the 3 symbol appears when using version 2.6.x Is there a way to get rid of 
the brackets for the triplets? 
I'm assumming that since both these problems occur in 2.7.12 and not in 2.6.x 
that the problem lies in the programme and not the file itself. Can anybody 
please help?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.
P.S. I would be happy to send the pdf file if anyone would like to see it 
instead of generating it themselves. I don't know if these problems are system 
related (I'm using Windows 98). So if you use XP the problem might not appear 
in your pdf file.

lilypond-user mailing list

figured bass extender lines

2005-11-08 Thread Seng Liang
Hi, I have a problem regarding figured bass extender lines in Lilypond version 
2.7.12 for Windows. Here is the file: 

\version 2.7.12 
\relative {  
\context Voice { 
\time 4/4 
\key c \major 
\clef bass
c,8 c c c d d e e f4 } 
\context FiguredBass \figuremode 
{  \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t 
6 42 6 52 5 34 }  }

  Here, what I intend to do is to put the figured bass 6 4 for a duration of 
a half note and 6 5 for the same duration, and 5 3 with a quarter note 
duration. I would like extender lines to appear after 6 4 and 6 5 and run 
the duration of figured basses. However, 3 problems crop up.
First, the extender line from the figure 6 extends from the first beat until 
the 3rd beat, erasing the 6 from the 6 5 figure. How do I make the extender 
line stop before the second 6 and start again after it, stopping at the end 
of the bar? 
Secondly, how do I make 2 extender lines to begin after 6 and 4 for the 
first and second figured bass?
Lastly, if you look at the file, the order of the figured bass is from the top 
(6 4 means 6 appears on top of 4). However, when I put 5 3 on bar 2, the 
order is reversed in the pdf file. Why is this?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Seng Liang.

lilypond-user mailing list