Re: lilypond errors on a guitar minor sixth chord

2017-04-14 Thread Stan Mulder


Got it. I used your first solution with the addendum. If at some point 
in the future I need more chords, I will construct a more extensive file 
for guitar chords. I did construct a fingering file for plectrum banjo a 
while back. It's got 25 chords for each of 12 keys, but I don't have any 

Thanks for the clarification on the reply-all. I wasn't sure what to do. 
Is there some place on the web were I can see other discussions?


On 04/14/2017 06:25 AM, Thomas Morley wrote:

2017-04-14 5:18 GMT+02:00 Stan Mulder <>:

Define it yourself, search the NR for 'storePredefinedDiagram'. Leading to:

\version "2.19.56"

\language "english"

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {e-flat:m6}

\include ""

\new FretBoards \chordmode { e-flat:m6 }

%% That should rather be:

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond errors on a guitar minor sixth chord

2017-04-13 Thread Stan Mulder
I would seem that lilypond doesn't like minor sixth chords. All my 
guitar fretboards seem to be fine, but I get errors on all chords with a 
minor sixth. Here's some of the code:

b-flat4 bf/f g4:dim/e e-flat:m6

Here's the corresponding error complaining about the "m6"

warning: No string for pitch # (given frets (11 11 8))

b-flat4 bf/f g4:dim/e



If i remove the sixth and just make it an "e-flat:m", there's no error.

I thought a minor sixth was pretty standard. Or am I misinterpreting the 

I have \include "" at the top of the file...

I'm using \version "2.19.49"


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Volta endings and using \set Score.repeatCommands

2017-04-11 Thread Stan Mulder
That worked Thomas. I used your next to last example because I'm not too 
worried about the midi. Thank you.


On 04/11/2017 05:22 AM, Thomas Morley wrote:

2017-04-10 3:45 GMT+02:00 Stan Mulder <>:

Hi group.

I'm trying to construct a certain volta ending where there is a first and
second ending, but the first ending does a D.S. to the sign, while the the
second ending is a multiple repeat for solos. I seem to have made it render
correctly, but I keep getting this error. Hopefully this is enough code:

warning: already have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurely


DSalCoda = {
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
   \mark \markup "D.S. al Coda"

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }

   \alternative {
   \bar "||"
   \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta voltaSolos)
   \bar ":|."


Hi Stan,

(1) %%%

In general, the settings accepted in the argument-list for
repeatCommands may manually create repeats with or without alternative
Drawback: \unfoldRepeats doesn't work on those manual settings. See
the following example where simple repeats are done (manually and via
\repeat volta ...):

\relative {
   \set Score.repeatCommands = #'(start-repeat)
   d4 e f g
   \set Score.repeatCommands = #'(end-repeat)
   \repeat volta 2 { d,4 e f g }

(2) %%%

If you don't care about midi you could do the following.
Note that 'start-repeat would be used to begin a (new) repeated
section, but _not_ to start an alternative ending. Don't use it here.

\repeat volta 2 { c'1 }
\alternative {
 \set Score.repeatCommands =
 'end-repeat ;; print the ending repeat-bar
 '(volta #f) ;; finish first volta
 (list 'volta voltaSolos) ;; set text for second volta

Though, in your example you don't want the closing repeat-bar, but \bar "||".
Hence 'end-repeat should be deleted and to ensure a closing first
VoltaBracket use \allowVoltaHook "||" at top-level.

Full example:

\allowVoltaHook "||"

DSalCoda = {
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
   \mark \markup "D.S. al Coda"

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }

\repeat volta 2 {c4 c c c }
\alternative {
 c4 c c c
 \bar "||"
 \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list '(volta #f) (list 'volta voltaSolos) )
 c4 c c c
 \bar ":|."

(3) %%%

If you need unfoldRepeats, an override may fit better:

\allowVoltaHook "||"

DSalCoda = {
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
   \mark \markup "D.S. al Coda"

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }

voltaTxt =
 \once \override Score.VoltaBracket.before-line-breaking =
 #(lambda (grob) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text voltaSolos))

\repeat volta 2 {c4 c c c }
\alternative {
 c4 c c c
 \bar "||"
 c4 c c c
 \bar ":|."


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Volta endings and using \set Score.repeatCommands

2017-04-10 Thread Stan Mulder


The output looks the way I want it as I showed in a previous image 
attachment. It's just that  I am getting that warning, so I thought 
something is wrong somewhere.


On 04/10/2017 11:19 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:


I get the same warning.

What in the output do you want changed?


*From:*Stan Mulder []
*Sent:* Monday, April 10, 2017 8:02 PM
*To:* Mark Stephen Mrotek <>
*Subject:* Re: Volta endings and using \set Score.repeatCommands

Mark & Jacques,

My example was not complete. But if you try this, you still get this 

Interpreting music...

warning: already have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurely

\version "2.19.58"

DSalCoda = {
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
  \mark \markup "D.S. al Coda"

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }
\repeat volta 2 {c4 c c c }
\alternative {
c4 c c c
\bar "||"
\set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta voltaSolos) 

c4 c c c
\bar ":|."

So I think I am doing something wrong with the Score.repeateCommands.


On 04/10/2017 12:24 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:


When I insert

\repeat volta 2 {c1}

Before the \alternative, no error messages appear.


[] *On
Behalf Of *Jacques Menu Muzhic *Sent:* Monday, April 10, 2017
12:47 AM *To:* Stan Mulder <>
<> *Cc:* lilypond-user
<> <> *Subject:*
Re: Volta endings and using \set Score.repeatCommands

Hello Stan,

Here is what I get with 2.19.55:

*Starting lilypond 2.19.55 [Untitled]...*




<0>: error: syntax error, unexpected \alternative

\alternative {

Interpreting music...

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Finding the ideal number of pages...

Fitting music on 1 page...

Drawing systems...

programming error: Spanner `VoltaBracket' is not fully contained
in parent spanner. Ignoring orphaned part

continuing, cross fingers

Layout output to

Converting to `document.pdf'...


fatal error: failed files:


*Exited with return code 1.*

*Your code lacks something like:*

\repeat volta 5 { … }

ahead of \alternative.

Le 10 avr. 2017 à 03:45, Stan Mulder <
<>> a écrit :

Hi group.

I'm trying to construct a certain volta ending where there is
a first and second ending, but the first ending does a D.S. to
the sign, while the the second ending is a multiple repeat for
solos. I seem to have made it render correctly, but I keep
getting this error. Hopefully this is enough code:

warning: already have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurely


DSalCoda = {   \once \override
Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \mark \markup
"D.S. al Coda" }

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }

\alternative { {   s1   \DSalCoda   \bar "||"
} {   \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list
'volta voltaSolos) 'start-repeat)   s1   \bar ":|."
}   }


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Volta endings and using \set Score.repeatCommands

2017-04-10 Thread Stan Mulder

Mark & Jacques,

My example was not complete. But if you try this, you still get this 

Interpreting music...

warning: already have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurely

\version "2.19.58"

DSalCoda = {
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
  \mark \markup "D.S. al Coda"

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }
\repeat volta 2 {c4 c c c }
\alternative {
c4 c c c
\bar "||"
\set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta voltaSolos) 

c4 c c c
\bar ":|."

So I think I am doing something wrong with the Score.repeateCommands.


On 04/10/2017 12:24 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:


When I insert

\repeat volta 2 {c1}

Before the \alternative, no error messages appear.


[] *On Behalf 
Of *Jacques Menu Muzhic *Sent:* Monday, April 10, 2017 12:47 AM *To:* 
Stan Mulder <> *Cc:* lilypond-user 
<> *Subject:* Re: Volta endings and using \set 

Hello Stan,

Here is what I get with 2.19.55:

*Starting lilypond 2.19.55 [Untitled]...*



<0>: error: syntax error, unexpected \alternative

\alternative {

Interpreting music...

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Finding the ideal number of pages...

Fitting music on 1 page...

Drawing systems...

programming error: Spanner `VoltaBracket' is not fully contained in 
parent spanner. Ignoring orphaned part

continuing, cross fingers

Layout output to 

Converting to `document.pdf'...


fatal error: failed files: 

*Exited with return code 1.*

*Your code lacks something like:*

\repeat volta 5 { … }

ahead of \alternative.

Le 10 avr. 2017 à 03:45, Stan Mulder <
<>> a écrit :

Hi group.

I'm trying to construct a certain volta ending where there is a
first and second ending, but the first ending does a D.S. to the
sign, while the the second ending is a multiple repeat for solos.
I seem to have made it render correctly, but I keep getting this
error. Hopefully this is enough code:

warning: already have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurely


DSalCoda = {   \once \override
Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT   \mark \markup
"D.S. al Coda" }

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }

  \alternative { {   s1   \DSalCoda   \bar "||"
} {   \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta
voltaSolos) 'start-repeat)   s1   \bar ":|." }   }


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Volta endings and using \set Score.repeatCommands

2017-04-09 Thread Stan Mulder

Hi group.

I'm trying to construct a certain volta ending where there is a first 
and second ending, but the first ending does a D.S. to the sign, while 
the the second ending is a multiple repeat for solos. I seem to have 
made it render correctly, but I keep getting this error. Hopefully this 
is enough code:

warning: already have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurely


DSalCoda = {
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
  \mark \markup "D.S. al Coda"

voltaSolos = \markup { "2, 3, 4 . . ." }

  \alternative {
  \bar "||"
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta voltaSolos) 

  \bar ":|."

lilypond-user mailing list

List test

2017-04-09 Thread Stan Mulder

Is this list working?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to create a leadsheet from a collection of parts in a score

2016-04-03 Thread Stan Mulder
tisimst> writes:

> No reason you can't do what you proposed! There is going to be quite a few
ways to do what you'd like. I'm not sure they would be any better than yours
without seeing a sample of the final score. However, once you implement your
idea, it may be helpful and instructive for you to share your file here (or
privately with any number of our experienced users) to get some commentary,
both about the code structure and general coding style, and potentially
things that could be improved/simplified/etc. Lots of good things to learn
here from others!
> Best,
> Abraham

Thank you Abraham. I will try to come up with an example soon. I would like
to learn how to accomplish this without resorting to kludges that create bad
coding. My philosophy in coding is that something should be written once (if
at all possible) and then included as many times a necessary. That way, when
it's time to do a revision, you just change the single definition and all
other instances of that passage get updated as well, rather than having
multiple versions of the same notes. That's a nightmare.

Talk with the group soon as I get a little further along with the project.

lilypond-user mailing list

How to create a leadsheet from a collection of parts in a score

2016-04-02 Thread Stan Mulder
I would like to create a lead sheet from a 7-piece jazz score where the
melody moves between trumpet, clarinet and trombone. Is there a suggested
way to do this without creating spaghetti code? 

Is it as simple as defining various clarinet, trumpet and trombone variables
that contain notes and then concatenate those notes into a single "lead
sheet" variable? 

Thanks group.

lilypond-user mailing list

Grab a constant from the OS?

2016-03-23 Thread Stan Mulder
I do this successfully for my tagline (the line at the bottom of the last

lilystring = #(string-append "Engraved in LilyPond " (lilypond-version) " -

\header {
  title = "My Song"
  tagline = \markup {
\column {
  \fontsize #-2 \lilystring

It produces this text:

"Engraved in LilyPond 2.19.38 - Linux"

But I would like it to read like this:

"Engraved in LilyPond 2.19.38 - Linux Mint 17.3"

I'm not sure where external constants come from, like grabbing the current
version of the OS. From lilypond or from scheme? I have not worked with
scheme at all, but if it is from scheme, is there a recommended tutorial
that would help with this? And how can I accomplish the immediate goal?


lilypond-user mailing list

Best support programs for Lilypond

2016-03-05 Thread Stan Mulder
Just wondering how to achieve the best output with supporting programs when
working with Lilypond. I find Frescobaldi a huge leap forward in using
Lilypond. Frescobaldi increases productivity many times. 

Are there any other programs I should be using to speed the notation process?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Put text spanner below the staff?

2016-03-05 Thread Stan Mulder
Andrew Bernard> writes:

> \override TextSpanner.direction = #DOWN
> and
> \override TextSpanner.direction = #UP

Thanks. Multiple ways of doing it. I need to dig into the internals/options
for lily commands.

I did try the "_" and "-" method of markup, but that didn't work. It seems
like it would though. But I have my answer now. Thank you group.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Put text spanner below the staff?

2016-03-04 Thread Stan Mulder
I think I found it:


lilypond-user mailing list

Put text spanner below the staff?

2016-03-04 Thread Stan Mulder
I am using a text spanner to designate an area to ritard, but the text is
placed above the staff. How do I get it below the staff?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Create a snippet line of music after the main music

2016-02-26 Thread Stan Mulder
Great. Thank you Klaus.

lilypond-user mailing list

Create a snippet line of music after the main music

2016-02-26 Thread Stan Mulder
At the end of a jazz piece I'm arranging I would like to suggest some notes
for a solo at the bottom of the piece of music. Is there an easy way to do
this? This is what I envision on the resulting piece of paper:

main song notes
main song notes
main song notes
main song notes
main song notes
main song notes
main song notes


"Suggested solo for the bridge:"
line of suggested notes on a single staff

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Controllling repeat volta text

2016-02-22 Thread Stan Mulder
David Wright> writes:

> Perhaps this is more to your liking:

Thanks David. You got it!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Controllling repeat volta text

2016-02-22 Thread Stan Mulder
Andrew Bernard> writes:

> Something like this?
> \version "2.19.36"
> voltaAdLib = \markup { 1. 2. 3... \text \italic { ad lib. } }
> voltaLast = \markup { \text "last" }
> \relative {
>   \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list(list 'volta voltaAdLib) 'start-repeat)
>   s1*8
>   s1*8
>   s1*8
>   s1*7
>   \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta #f) (list 'volta
voltaLast) 'end-repeat)
>   s1
>   \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
> }

Thanks for the help Andrew, but I had previously tried what you suggested,
and was not what I wanted. 

There are two problems. Your example has that horizontal repeat line going
over all of the 32 measures of the solo section. That is excessive. I want
just the last measure of the 32 bars (the 32nd bar) to have the multi
repeat. Plus, the first measure of the solo section should have a repeat
sign. I don't know how to make those two adjustments. 
lilypond-user mailing list

Controllling repeat volta text

2016-02-22 Thread Stan Mulder
I have a jazz piece with a repeating solo section. The number of times it
repeats is indefinite. How do I notate this and then have a final measure
which is the "last time" through that section.

I played with the \set Score.repeatCommands commands, but I cannot quite get
it right.

Below is what I have so far. It's almost correct except that the repeat text
says "1." and "2." for the 1st repeat and last time repeat. Do I just
control text or is there a specific command to control this.

\repeat "volta" 2 {
\alternative {
  { s1 } % repeat as many times as necessary. Maybe "1 thru 99"
  { s1 } % "last time" ending

lilypond-user mailing list

Nashville notation as chord symbols

2015-05-19 Thread Stan Mulder
I would like to use Nashville Notation for chord symbols using Arabic
numbers instead of Roman numbers. Is there any way to do this?

So in the key of C:


So a blues progression might be:

1 4 5⁷

Instead of 
C F G⁷

So a B-flat7 chord in the key of C might be represented at either

♭7⁷ or 7♭⁷.

I think there is a great deal of value with what might be called relative
notation in this way. It is a hard system to learn, but once learned can
make key transpositions much easier.

For my projects I would like to write regular chord symbols, but above or
below those symbols I would have the Nashville number thing. 

After working with this system, I think all the fake books in the world
should be done this way.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can't compile after upgrade to 2.19.19

2015-05-05 Thread Stan Mulder
Keith OHara k-ohara5a5a at writes:

 At version 2.19.16, the name changed from 'eflat' to 'e-flat'
 The convert-ly program will change existing files for you.
 I first saw it suggested here

convert-ly will change something like gsharp to g-sharp, but it won't change
gsharp4 to g-sharp4. Anything with a number after it doesn't convert
properly. So I've had to do all those manually (or with search and replace).

lilypond-user mailing list

Can't compile after upgrade to 2.19.19

2015-05-04 Thread Stan Mulder
I'm getting errors that I cannot fix after upgrading to 2.19.19. These
errors seem to show that lily is not recognizing my english pitch names like
eflat even though I've included near the top of the file. 

I've also added \language english to no avail.


GNU LilyPond 2.19.19
Processing `When It's Sleepy Time Down South -'
When It's Sleepy Time Down South - error: wrong
type for argument 1.  Expecting pitch, found eflat
KeyOne = { \key 
eflat \major }
When It's Sleepy Time Down South - error:
unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
  r8\f\fermata g \tuplet 3/2 {
  aflat8 c eflat} g f~ f4
When It's Sleepy Time Down South - error:
unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
  r8\f\fermata g \tuplet 3/2 {aflat8 c 
   eflat} g f~ f4
When It's Sleepy Time Down South - error:
unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
  \tuplet 3/2 { r8\mf\fermata g8  f } \tuplet 3/2 { 
eflat b aflat } \tuplet
3/2 { f eflat16 f eflat8 } b4
When It's Sleepy Time Down South - error:
unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
  \tuplet 3/2 { r8\mf\fermata g8  f } \tuplet 3/2 { eflat b 
aflat } \tuplet
3/2 { f eflat16 f eflat8 } b4
When It's Sleepy Time Down South - error:
unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
  \tuplet 3/2 { r8\mf\fermata g8  f } \tuplet 3/2 { eflat b aflat } \tuplet
3/2 { f 
eflat16 f eflat8 } b4
When It's Sleepy Time Down South - error:
unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
  \tuplet 3/2 { r8\mf\fermata g8  f } \tuplet 3/2 { eflat b aflat } \tuplet
3/2 { f eflat16 f 
  eflat8 } b4

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can't compile after upgrade to 2.19.19

2015-05-04 Thread Stan Mulder
I might add I'm using the latest version of Linux Mint.

lilypond-user mailing list

Score content spilling off left side of page

2015-03-25 Thread Stan Mulder
For some reason a score I made won't fit all the text on the left side of
the page. I cannot find anything different about this score than previous ones.

The first page looks okay, but it's the subsequent pages with the instrument
abbreviations that are getting cut off with no margin at all.

I'm not using margin commands. Not using the \paper block.

I can't really upload a snippet because it is too much data, but here's a


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Score content spilling off left side of page

2015-03-25 Thread Stan Mulder
Thanks. That seems to have helped.

lilypond-user mailing list

How do I create vertical space between staff lines

2015-02-11 Thread Stan Mulder
I have created a lead sheet with Intro, Chorus and Ending. It's all one
continuous song, but I want to separate with white space the staves of the
Intro from the Chorus, and I want to separate the Chorus from the Ending. So
I would end up with three distinct sections. I'm doing this so that players
who are improvising can more easily see where these sections begin and end.

So, instead of this:


I would end up with this:





I've searched, but can't seem to pull this together. How is this done?


lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond generates a chord from nowhere

2014-12-30 Thread Stan Mulder
I have a fretboard problem.

I have defined a new fretboard for a plectrum banjo. Everything is working
properly when I specify a chord, except when I specify a SLASH chord, i.e.,
a chord with a designation for the bass player. So for example, if I specify
a G half-diminished chord, all is well. But if I specify a G half-diminished
chord with a D-flat in the bass, I get a fretboard fingering I don't recognize.

Okay: g:m7.5-
Not okay: g:m7.5-/dflat

Basically, I think the chord in both instances (with or without the slash
notes) should be exactly the same fingerings. How can I correct this?

Here's an example below:

\version 2.19.15

%% tunings for 4-string banjo
\makeDefaultStringTuning #'plectrumTuning \stringTuning c g b d'

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c}   
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;1;2; % C
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {g:m7.5-} 
#plectrumTuning  #5;3;2;5; % Gø

chordNames = \chordmode {
c1 g:m7.5- g:m7.5-/dflat


melody = \relative c'' {
c1 c c

\score {

\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new FretBoards \chordNames { 
\set Staff.stringTunings = #plectrumTuning
FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot
FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.number-type = #'arabic
\new Staff { \melody }



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond generates a chord from nowhere

2014-12-30 Thread Stan Mulder
Simon Albrecht simon.albrecht at writes:

 Using tags should be more efficient, see
 HTH, Simon


I considered using two different definitions of the chords as Robert
suggested, but when I tried tags, they are more efficient and the code is
easier to maintain. Tags sort of act like an if-then-else construction. It
adds complexity, but it works. Thanks for the help


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Create one png image per pageBreak?

2014-12-28 Thread Stan Mulder
Thomas Morley thomasmorley65 at writes:

 2014-12-23 3:58 GMT+01:00 Stan Mulder st45882wz at
 Attachment ( text/x-lilypond, 11 KiB
 Attachment ( text/x-lilypond, 5950 bytes
 Attachment ( text/x-lilypond, 8 KiB


That is awesome! It is over my head, but it works. I am filling out the
fingerings for the plectrum banjo fretboard. I will let you know how it
goes. Many thanks!


lilypond-user mailing list

Create one png image per pageBreak?

2014-12-22 Thread Stan Mulder
I would like to specify a fretboard guitar chord and then create a png image
of just that chord alone (fretboard with fingerings and chord name above
it). But I would like to do this for all the chords and have a separate
image for each chord. 

If this can be automated, that would be great. It seems that a \pageBreak
might create separate images, but it only create separate pages when the
page is filled up. Is there a way to accomplish this? I'm doing this for a
friend who would like to have an image for each individual guitar symbol, so
he can arrange chords in MSWord. In the short run this might be a good way
for him to work with chords. In the long run he should learn Lilypond, but
that is for the future!

Or maybe this can be done with the \book{} command?

I would appreciate some suggestions/examples here.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Create one png image per pageBreak?

2014-12-22 Thread Stan Mulder
Urs Liska ul at writes:

 Do separate \score blocks with page breaks between help you?

Maybe I missed something, but I didn't have success with \score blocks. I
seem to have more success with \book blocks, but now I have a lot of white
space around the fretboard symbol and I want to eliminate that. Can you help
with that?

\version 2.19.15
%#(set-global-staff-size 30)

\paper { oddFooterMarkup = ##f }

%arabic  = \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.number-type = #'arabic
%plec = \set Staff.stringTunings = #plectrumTuning 
plec = \set Staff.stringTunings = #guitarTuning 
fretprop = \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot

chordC= \chordmode { c   } \book {  \new ChordNames { \chordC  } \new
FretBoards { \plec \fretprop \chordC  }  }
chordCm   = \chordmode { c:m } \book {  \new ChordNames { \chordCm } \new
FretBoards { \plec \fretprop \chordCm }  }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Create one png image per pageBreak?

2014-12-22 Thread Stan Mulder
 How about compiling your code with
 lilypond -dpreview -dresolution=200
 (or whatever resolution is apropiate)

Oh wow! That -dpreview trims the file nicely. I was prepared to use
ImageMagik's convert program to trim the whitespace thusly, convert -trim
filename.png outfile.png -- but now I don't have to do that.

I guess the question is, since I've got to construct a lot of repetitive
lines of code for each chord, am I doing this in the most efficient manner?
This would be great for a for-loop kind of thing. Do you see any way to
simplify or automate my code? Maybe with macros, or something else?

\version 2.19.15
%#(set-global-staff-size 30)

\paper { oddFooterMarkup = ##f }

plec = { 
  %\set Staff.stringTunings = #plectrumTuning 
  \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.number-type = #'arabic
  \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot

chord_C= \chordmode { c   } #(define output-suffix chord_C)   \book {
 \new ChordNames { \chord_C  } \new FretBoards { \plec \chord_C  }  }
chord_Cm   = \chordmode { c:m } #(define output-suffix chord_Cm)  \book {
 \new ChordNames { \chord_Cm } \new FretBoards { \plec \chord_Cm }  }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Create one png image per pageBreak?

2014-12-22 Thread Stan Mulder
Thomas Morley thomasmorley65 at writes:



That is very nice! You are working at a lower level than I know how to do.

I had one problem. Lilypond didn't like hash-table-≥alist so I changed the
≥ to a  character and it compiled fine.

However, I have a couple of requests if possible.

I am using my own plectrum banjo fretboard definition. I wonder if that can
be incorporated into your code? I will post an example of my file below.

The other question is, is it possible to output the images with more
descriptive filenames, such as


Here's my file

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c} 
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;1;2; % C
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:6}   
#plectrumTuning  #4;2;1;5; % C6
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7}   
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;1;5; % C7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7.5-}
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;1;4; % C7b5
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7.9-}
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;2;5; % C7b9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:9}   
#plectrumTuning  #o;3;3;2; % C9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:9^7} 
#plectrumTuning  #2;o;1;2; % Cadd9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:6.9} 
#plectrumTuning  #o;2;3;2; % C6add9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:11}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;3;3;3; % C11
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:13}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;2;4;6; % C13
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:aug} 
#plectrumTuning  #o;1;1;2; % C+
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:aug7}
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;1;6; % C+7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:sus4}
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;1;3; % Csus4
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:sus4.7}  
#plectrumTuning  #5;3;1;5; % C7sus4
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m}   
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;1;1; % Cm
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m6}  
#plectrumTuning  #3;2;1;5; % Cm6
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m7}  
#plectrumTuning  #3;3;1;5; % Cm7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m7+} 
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;o;1; % Cm-maj7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m9}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;3;3;1; % Cm9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:maj7}
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;o;2; % Cmaj7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:maj9}
#plectrumTuning  #2;o;o;2; % Cmaj9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:dim} 
#plectrumTuning  #3;5;1;4; % Cdim
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:dim7}
#plectrumTuning  #3;2;1;4; % Cdim7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m7.5-}   
#plectrumTuning  #3;3;1;4; % Cø

Thank you for taking a look.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Create one png image per pageBreak?

2014-12-22 Thread Stan Mulder
Thomas Morley thomasmorley65 at writes:

  I am using my own plectrum banjo fretboard definition. I wonder if that can
  be incorporated into your code? I will post an example of my file below.
 I'll have a look tomorrow. Right now it's in the middle of the night here ...
 In any case I'd need to know how'plectrumTuning' is defined.

In the file usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/ I added the
following lines:

%% tunings for 4-string banjo
\makeDefaultStringTuning #'plectrumTuning \stringTuning c g b d'

  The other question is, is it possible to output the images with more
  descriptive filenames, such as
 Well, I have no good idea how to achieve it.
 Would be great to read the names for the chords from 'somewhere'. Then
 they could appended to the filenames.
 Though I've no idea where to look for that 'somewhere'

lilypond-user mailing list

Transpose not the resulting notes, but the codes that produced the notes

2014-12-21 Thread Stan Mulder
So let's say I started writing a song in Ab and then I decide it really
should have been written in Eb. Is there a way to transpose the underlying
lilypond codes?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Transpose not the resulting notes, but the codes that produced the notes

2014-12-21 Thread Stan Mulder
Urs Liska ul at writes:

 Am 21. Dezember 2014 23:31:52 MEZ, schrieb Stan Mulder st45882wz at
 So let's say I started writing a song in Ab and then I decide it really
 should have been written in Eb. Is there a way to transpose the
 lilypond codes?
 Yes: using Frescobaldi 

Great. I am using the wonderful Frescobaldi. I will look for this feature.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trying to subscribe

2014-12-11 Thread Stan Mulder
Colin Campbell colinpkcampbell at writes:

 Ordinarily, the list manager sends an email, to which you need to reply. 
 Could it be in a junk folder on your email client?

No. I received nothing. I subscribed a second and third time. Nothing. I
don't use spam protection either.


lilypond-user mailing list

Trying to subscribe

2014-12-09 Thread Stan Mulder
I am trying to subscribe to the lilypond list. Nothing I do works. Now
trying this. Thanks for listening.

lilypond-user mailing list

Trying to creating a plectrum banjo fretboard

2014-12-09 Thread Stan Mulder
I am not a fretted string player, but I am arranging music for a dixieland
band I play in. I would like to add fret diagrams for the plectrum banjo
player. I think I could do it if it were a guitar part, but plectrum banjo
doesn't seem to be defined in Lilypond. This is where I am lost. I would
like help creating a file I can include to achieve this in my various
scores. I'm not sure where to define the strings/tunings. They should be
tuned: C G B D

I created the following, defining some fingerings, but that's as far as I got:

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c}   
#plectrum-tuning  #o;o;o;3
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m} 
#plectrum-tuning  #o;o;1;1
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:6} 
#plectrum-tuning  #o;2;1;2
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7} 
#plectrum-tuning  #o;3;1;2
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m7}
#plectrum-tuning  #o;3;4;5
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m6}
#plectrum-tuning  #o;2;1;1
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:aug}   
#plectrum-tuning  #o;1;1;2
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:aug7}  
#plectrum-tuning  #2;1;3;4 %6
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7.5-}  
#plectrum-tuning  #o;3;5;4
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:maj7}  
#plectrum-tuning  #o;o;o;2
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:maj9}  
#plectrum-tuning  #2;o;o;2
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:9} 
#plectrum-tuning  #o;3;3;2
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7sus}  
#plectrum-tuning  #o;3;1;3
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7.9-}  
#plectrum-tuning  #4;3;2;5
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:dim}   
#plectrum-tuning  #3;2;1;4
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:11}
#plectrum-tuning  #o;3;3;3
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:13}
#plectrum-tuning  #o;1;3;5 %6

Can anybody help me get a basic skeleton started? Thanks in advance.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trying to subscribe

2014-12-09 Thread Stan Mulder
Daniel Berjón Díez asuranceturix at writes:

  On 09 Dec 2014, at 19:46, Stan Mulder st45882wz at wrote:
  I am trying to subscribe to the lilypond list. Nothing I do works.
 I don't think it worked this time either. I for one cannot read your
  trying this. Thanks for listening.

Thank you. I tried to join the lilypond-user group via the web
( but there was no
response. I guess using the browser based interface is the way to
do it??

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trying to creating a plectrum banjo fretboard

2014-12-09 Thread Stan Mulder
FWIW, I made some progress on my own defining a plectrum banjo chord file
definition. I copied and named it The file is incomplete, but lilsted
below. All chords are not accounted for, just the ones in my current project. 

I found it strange that when I defined a chord like a G half-diminished and
added a different bass note with the slash notation, lilypond treated it as
a completely different chord from the regular G half-diminished without the
bass note. So I had to define it three times:

storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {g:m7.5-}
#plectrumTuning  #5;3;2;5; % Gø
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {g:m7.5-/des}
#plectrumTuning  #5;3;2;5; % Gø/Db
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {g:m7.5-/bes}
#plectrumTuning  #5;3;2;5; % Gø/Db


\version 2.16.0

   mandolincafe website (,
   sheetmusicdigital website (

 This file is a fretboard definition for plectrum banjo where strings
are tuned C G B D
 by Stan Mulder 2014

% chord definitions require default pitchnames
\languageSaveAndChange #default-language

%% C
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c} 
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;1;2; % C
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m}   
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;1;1; % Cm
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:6}   
#plectrumTuning  #o;2;1;2; % C6
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7}   
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;1;5; % C7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m7}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;3;4;5; % Cm7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m7+} 
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;o;1; % Cm-maj7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m6}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;2;1;1; % Cm6
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:aug} 
#plectrumTuning  #o;1;1;2; % C+
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:aug7}
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;5;6; % C+7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7.5-}
#plectrumTuning  #o;3;5;4; % C7b5
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:maj7}
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;o;2; % Cmaj7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:maj9}
#plectrumTuning  #2;o;o;2; % Cmaj9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:9}   
#plectrumTuning  #o;3;3;2; % C9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:sus4}
#plectrumTuning  #o;o;1;3; % Csus4
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:sus4.7}  
#plectrumTuning  #5;3;1;5; % C7sus4
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:7.9-}
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;2;5; % C7b9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:dim} 
#plectrumTuning  #3;5;1;4; % Cdim
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:dim7}
#plectrumTuning  #3;2;1;4; % Cdim7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:m7.5-}   
#plectrumTuning  #3;3;1;4; % Cø
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:11}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;3;3;3; % C11
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {c:13}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;2;4;6; % C13

%% Db
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des}   
#plectrumTuning  #1;1;2;3; % Db
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:m} 
#plectrumTuning  #1;1;2;2; % Dbm
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:6} 
#plectrumTuning  #1;3;2;3; % Db6
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:7} 
#plectrumTuning  #1;1;o;3; % Db7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:m7}
#plectrumTuning  #1;1;o;2; % Dbm7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:m6}
#plectrumTuning  #1;3;2;2; % Dbm6
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:aug}   
#plectrumTuning  #1;2;2;3; % Db+
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:aug7}  
#plectrumTuning  #1;2;o;3; % Db+7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:7.5-}  
#plectrumTuning  #1;o;o;3; % Db7b5
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:maj7}  
#plectrumTuning  #1;1;1;3; % Dbmaj7
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:maj9}  
#plectrumTuning  #1;1;1;1; % Dbmaj9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:9} 
#plectrumTuning  #3;1;o;3; % Db9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:7sus}  
#plectrumTuning  #o;4;2;4; % Db7sus4
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:7.9-}  
#plectrumTuning  #2;1;o;3; % Db7b9
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {des:dim}   
#plectrumTuning  #4;3;2;5; % Dbdim

Re: Alternate, as in separate, chords

2011-05-26 Thread Stan Mulder
Stan Mulder st45882wz at writes:

 Is it possible to put a different set of chords above the main line of chords
 like this (I hope this formats correctly):
 And what about the parenthesis around the chord name. Is that possible?

Thank you everybody for responding. I found something that works really well,
although I don't know how to get a gray color... red works though. Also, the
parenthesis are black, while the chord symbol is red. Any suggestions to get it
coordinated? Also, is it possible to parenthesize multiple chords? 

Here's what I have done that works well. First I have two sets of chord blocks.

harmonies = \chordmode {
  e2:sus4.7/b e:7

harmoniestwo = \chordmode {
  \parenthesize c1 
  \parenthesize b2:m7 e:7
  %etc with skips etc   

And then in the score section, add an extra ChordNames block for harmoniestwo:

\score {
  \transpose c c
\new ChordNames {
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  \override ChordName #'color = #red
  \override ChordName   #'font-size = #-0.5
\new ChordNames {
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  \override ChordName   #'font-size = #1.0
\new Voice = one { \melody }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto one \text
\new Lyrics \lyricsto one \texttwo
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Alternate, as in separate, chords

2011-05-25 Thread Stan Mulder
Is it possible to put a different set of chords above the main line of chords
like this (I hope this formats correctly):


And what about the parenthesis around the chord name. Is that possible?

lilypond-user mailing list

Instrument name on second page

2009-10-26 Thread Stan Mulder
I understand that the instrument name will appear on the header of all pages by
default. I can't seem to get it to display on any page. I especially want the
song name and instrument name to appear on all pages in case the second page
gets lost in the shuffle. This is what I've got so far for a 7 piece dixieland 

\version 2.12.0
\header {
title = From Monday On
subtitle = 
composer = composed by Harry Barris/Bing Crosby
arranger = ver. 2009-10-25
transcriber = transcribed and tweaked by Stan Mulder
meter = moderate
piece = Swing
tagline = \markup {
\column {
transcribed and tweaked by Stan Mulder


\header {instrumentName = Trombone }
\score {
\transpose c c

\new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\new Staff = trombone \trombone


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Instrument name on second page

2009-10-26 Thread Stan Mulder
David Kastrup dak at writes:

  \header {instrumentName = Trombone }
 I use just instrument here.
 instrumentName is used in staffs.

That's helpful. Thanks.

lilypond-user mailing list

Chord substitution mystery

2009-05-05 Thread Stan Mulder
I was using a chord substitution scheme submitted here by Kieren MacMillan. It
works well and I enhanced it for augmented chords. However, I'm trying to
display a plus sign as the augmented symbol and in the case of the C augmented7
chord it displays C7/#5 instead of C+7. Whereas the C aug 9 is fine, showing

 \paper {
   ragged-last  = ##f
 FGGChordNames =
 c e g b d'1-\markup { \super maj9 }
 c e g a d'1-\markup { \super 6(add9) }
 c e gsharp'1-\markup { + }
 c e gsharp bflat'1-\markup { +\super 7 }
 c e gsharp bflat d'1-\markup { +\super 9 }
 chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions 
  FGGChordNames #t) ignatzekExceptions)
 melody = \relative c'' {
c4 c c c c
\bar |.
 harmonies = \chordmode {
\set chordChanges = ##f
\set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions
 \score {
\new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\new Voice = one {
 \layout { }
 \midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chord substitution mystery

2009-05-05 Thread Stan Mulder
Kieren MacMillan kieren_macmillan at writes:

 You've got an errant ' in your chord definition -- you actually want
   c e gsharp bflat1-\markup { +\super 7 }
 Hope this helps!

That does help. I guess the quote mark put that particular note in a different

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding notes above drumstaff

2008-05-05 Thread Stan Mulder
Kieren MacMillan kieren_macmillan at writes:

 (lilypond example snipped)

That looks like it works. I think the notes should be smaller though so the
drummer knows they are only cues.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding notes above drumstaff

2008-05-05 Thread Stan Mulder
Matthew Rowles rowlesmr at writes:

 2008/5/6 Stan Mulder st45882wz at
  Kieren MacMillan kieren_macmillan at writes:
(lilypond example snipped)
   That looks like it works. I think the notes should be smaller though so the
   drummer knows they are only cues.
 Try the \tiny tag...

I tried that. I thought the font could be even smaller so I tried \teeny but got
the following error: 

$ lilypond --png
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `'
Parsing... error: unknown escaped string: `\teeny'

\teeny { error: syntax error, unexpected STRING

\teeny { error: errors found, ignoring music expression

\new DrumStaff
error: failed files:

Yet the docs say \teeny exists.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding notes above drumstaff

2008-05-05 Thread Stan Mulder
Graham Percival gpermus at writes:

 On Tue, 6 May 2008 03:28:43 + (UTC)
 Stan Mulder st45882wz at wrote:
  I tried that. I thought the font could be even smaller so I tried
  \teeny but got the following error: 
  $ lilypond --png
  GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
 \teeny was added recently to 2.11.  For 2.10, you could use
 something like \set fontSize = #-3 instead.

That works. Actually a fontsize of -5 looks pretty good but the stem stays the
same size. Shouldn't it get shorter as the note head shrinks?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding notes above drumstaff

2008-05-01 Thread Stan Mulder
As a drummer I've struggled to find a way to write drum kicks as well. Another
term may be rhythmic cues. This technique can be seen in almost all the drum
parts of modern stage band music.

Just clarify this further for others, the technique is to have a single line of
small notes above the drum staff (on the G or A line in treble clef) that
indicate rhythms the horn section is playing. It's an optional cue for the
drummer to ad lib something that emphasizes what the horns are playing to give
it a kick.

This document
says the following:

Kicks Over Time
If you want the band to
accent a certain rhythm,
are not concerned with
which specific drums are
played, and want the
without going into stop
time, you can add the
rhythm on top of slash

This page ( shows the 
Cues on the drum part are to let your drummer know what is going on in the
orchestra...he needn't try to catch every nuance.

I'm having trouble finding a graphics example online. If I had a piece of stage
band music I could make a scan...

lilypond-user mailing list

countPercentRepeats = ##t

2008-04-15 Thread Stan Mulder

\set countPercentRepeats = ##t

Is it also possible to set the repeat number, the number above the percent
repeat sign? 

Modern stage band pieces I come across tend to number according to the 

For example, if one has a 16 bar phrase starting with four bars of notes then a
repeating section, one would see the notes to be repeated in bar 5 but then bars
6-16 would be numbered 6 through 16 as well. 

As a percussionist/drummer it drives me crazy to count a 4, 8 or 16 bar phrase
on odd numbers.

lilypond-user mailing list

Make an invisible measure?

2008-04-15 Thread Stan Mulder
In my last measure before the CODA I have a DS al Coda. Immediately after this
is the CODA. The problem is lilypond says there are two simultaneous marks here.
So I inserted a skip measure s1 just before the CODA section. This works, but
now I've got a small empty measure. IS there a better way to do this or can I
make that empty measure invisible?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: volta repeat challenge

2008-04-11 Thread Stan Mulder
Stan Mulder st45882wz at writes:

 I want to repeat a 16 bar comping section. 
 I can get it to write the slash marks, but the repeat symbols won't show up. 
 using the comp macro found at (I think) which writes the slash
 marks. I can post that if necessary.

I solved this one. I had \bar || commands before and after the volta brackets
and thus the volta was being ignored. Doh!

lilypond-user mailing list

Filename output numbering

2008-04-11 Thread Stan Mulder
When specifying --png at the command line, songs over 9 pages have a sorting


My image viewer is seeing page 10 of my score before I get to page 1. Then when
I get to page 9 I've got to back up and find page 10. 

Is there a way to control output filenames? Or perhaps padding with zeros in the
filenames would be a suggestion for a future version.



lilypond-user mailing list

Forcing a chord output

2008-04-11 Thread Stan Mulder
If you have the same consecutive chords, only the first one prints out.

Is it possible to force display of a subsequent chord in this case? I find this
is necessary when a new phrase or section appears:

end of A section:
... C:7

beginning of B section
C:7 ...

Normally the C7 in the B section won't display. Is there a way to change this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: shortInstrumentName help

2008-04-10 Thread Stan Mulder
I wanted to thank everybody for the help. I had it all mixed up.

The shortInstrumentName must come before the \trumpet part, etc. otherwise it
won't work. 

I forgot to group with curly braces as well. This worked like a charm though:

\book {
\score {

\new StaffGroup = horns 

\new Staff = trumpet \transpose c c {
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Tpt 
\new Staff = clarinet \transpose c c  {
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Clr 

lilypond-user mailing list

volta repeat challenge

2008-04-10 Thread Stan Mulder
I want to repeat a 16 bar comping section. 

I can get it to write the slash marks, but the repeat symbols won't show up. I'm
using the comp macro found at (I think) which writes the slash
marks. I can post that if necessary.

\repeat volta 2 {

\comp #64
s1*16^\markup {SOLOS}


If I insert the repeat bars manually with \bar |: and \bar :| only the
opening  repeat sign appears.

The chords are defined separately and get inserted at another place.

lilypond-user mailing list

Number over the percent repeat?

2008-04-09 Thread Stan Mulder
In a percent repeat, can I get the number of measures to be repeated over the
double percent sign?

\time 4/4
\repeat percent 2 { d8 f4 d8 e4 e | d2 csharp }

lilypond-user mailing list

constructing a jazz piece

2008-04-09 Thread Stan Mulder
In constructing a small combo piece, I'm not sure how to modularize individual

For example, notes are specific to a certain instrument whereas a segno
or coda is common to all parts. 

I'm confused as to where these things get inserted.

For example, Do I put the coda symbol in each of the trumpet, trombone and
clarinet parts or do I do keep each individual part as simple as possible and
add the coda instructions at a higher level?  

And then when each individual part is printed out the codas and segnos are all
there. I hope that makes sense.

Is there an example somewhere? I'm using as a basis for my 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructing a jazz piece

2008-04-09 Thread Stan Mulder
David Bobroff bobroff at writes:

 What I do is to put road-map stuff (key changes, time changes, repeats, 
 segnos etc.) in a 'global' block.  Then I combine that with parts for 
 the individual part scores, and with the top staff in the main score.


Is there an example somewhere?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructing a jazz piece

2008-04-09 Thread Stan Mulder
David Bobroff bobroff at writes:

 You can put all sorts of things in the 'global' block like rehearsal 
 marks, too.

I get it now. Thanks.

lilypond-user mailing list

shortInstrumentName help

2008-04-09 Thread Stan Mulder
I'm want my score to have short instrument names. What I've got is not working.
Apparently I need to separate the trumpet and clarinet contexts but I'm not sure
how to do that.

\book {
\score {

\new StaffGroup = horns 

\new Staff = trumpet \transpose c c \trumpet
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Tpt 
\new Staff = clarinet \transpose c c \clarinet
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Clr 

\midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Two questions: slashes and rhythmic cues

2006-05-12 Thread Stan Mulder
I've read the archives and see people discussing this but not sure 
anything was decided. I'm writing a jazz lead sheet and need slashes 
with chords over them. It's the slashes that I'm having a problem with. 
I found that I could use the following:

\override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
g4 g g g
g g g g

But when the parts are transposed the slashes move all over the place 
for the Bb and Eb instruments. Is there are way to keep the slash 
exactly on a certain note and ignore the transposition? Also, that 
symbol should not be a playable one. Is there a way to differentiate it 
from a repeat slash marking so as to not have it play in the midi output?

The second question regards rhythmic cues, smallish notes that would 
appear in or above the staff indicating rhythmic hits or kicks, but 
again this would only indicate rhythm and not be a playable note in midi 
output. It should also not be transposable.


lilypond-user mailing list

Two questions: slashes and rhythmic cues

2006-05-12 Thread Stan Mulder
Let me try posting this again. Previously post got attached to another 

I've read the archives and see people discussing this but not sure 
anything was decided. I'm writing a jazz lead sheet and need slashes 
with chords over them. It's the slashes that I'm having a problem with. 
I found that I could use the following:

\override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
g4 g g g
g g g g

But when the parts are transposed the slashes move all over the place 
for the Bb and Eb instruments. Is there are way to keep the slash 
exactly on a certain note and ignore the transposition? Also, that 
symbol should not be a playable one. Is there a way to differentiate it 
from a repeat slash marking so as to not have it play in the midi output?

The second question regards rhythmic cues, smallish notes that would 
appear in or above the staff indicating rhythmic hits or kicks, but 
again this would only indicate rhythm and not be a playable note in midi 
output. It should also not be transposable.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which version of Lilypond to use?

2006-05-12 Thread Stan Mulder

Graham Lloyd wrote:

Which version of Lilypond should I useor can I use...on my iMac OS X 10.1.5?


I think it's best to use the latest stable version if it's available for 
your system. I'm on Linux and my distro installs version 2.6.3 as a 
systemwide default, but I was able to download the latest 2.8.x which 
installed itself in my home directory and that works really well. I see 
there is package available for OS/X here:

Have you tried it?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Stan Mulder

I've tried them all except for Jedit and have settled on Noteedit. It gets me 
started, then I manually edit the .ly file.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New User

2006-04-28 Thread Stan Mulder

Melanie Grouse wrote:
I'm not sure if I doing this right, or even if this is the right forum 
for me, - I have just started using Lilypond to transpose music for my 
son who is a trumpeter so he can play in church. 
I feel like I am blundering around in the dark, I haven't ever used a 
progam like this before, and while I have got it working, I know it is 
capable of a lot more.  I want to add lyrics to the single line of 
music, and I can't work that out.

Melanie and group,

Here's what I do, and I use Linux: I use a graphical program to input 
the general notation. Then I export that info to a Lilypond music file. 
Then I can tweak the music with a text editor until I get it they way I 
want it. The point is that a graphical front end program makes writing 
Lilypond code easier.

What would be helpful to new users is to point out a list of notation 
programs they could use which will export Lilypond code. Does anybody 
have that link? In Linux I'm using Noteedit. It's not perfect, but it 
provides a great start. There's Rosegarden and Denemo as well.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stem lengths in 2.8.1

2006-04-21 Thread Stan Mulder

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Quoting Stan Mulder [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi group.

What is the method of changing the stem length for /beamed/ notes?

If you search the mailing list archive for stem lenght beamed, for 
example, you will find a number of relevant emails, including



I see like this referred to several times in 2004:

\override Stem #'beamed-lengths = #'(1.0 1.0 1.0)/

However, there is no 'beamed-lengths' attribute listed in the 2.8 
documentation. And when I compile using that command I get this:

Interpreting music...
warning: can't find property type-check for `beamed-lengths' 
(backend-type?).  perhaps a typing error?

warning: doing assignment anyway

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stem lengths in 2.8.1

2006-04-21 Thread Stan Mulder

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Stan Mulder wrote:


I see like this referred to several times in 2004:

\override Stem #'beamed-lengths = #'(1.0 1.0 1.0)/

However, there is no 'beamed-lengths' attribute listed in the 2.8 
documentation. And when I compile using that command I get this:

Right! I recommend both you and me to read the NEWS
for version 2.8, which explains the change and provides
and example. All the information from the NEWS file hasn't
made it into the main manual yet, but several people are
working on it.
I'll check it out Mats. Lilypond sure is a fast moving target, and that 
means progress.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stem lengths in 2.8.1

2006-04-21 Thread Stan Mulder
Thanks Mats. Below is what I ended up with. It's a simple ly file that 
generates headless stems for rhythmic studies. Students take a known 
song and fill in the noteheads to help learn rhythm, especially 
syncopation. I've made a few more like this dealing with sixteenth notes 
and triplets. This one is for eighth notes and works for swing rhythms 
as well. I like the beam a bit higher as it helps to differentiate the 
beam from the staff.

\version 2.8.1

#(set-global-staff-size 24)
up = \drummode {
   \time 2/2
   \override Beam #'thickness = #0.55
   \override SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.20
   \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
   \override Stem #'details #'beamed-lengths = #'(5 6 7)
   \repeat unfold 352 sn8
down = \drummode {
   \repeat unfold 176 bd4

\new DrumStaff 
   \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
   \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \down }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stem lengths in 2.8.1

2006-04-20 Thread Stan Mulder

Hi group.

What is the method of changing the stem length for beamed notes?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: small phrase to small png

2005-04-27 Thread Stan Mulder
To increase resolution you can do
ps2png -R 300 filename.eps
for 300 dpi. Or set it to something higher.
Bo Herlin wrote:
Yes, the \layout did it. Very useful.
But how can I get better resolution? --preview is just... preview
Can i get the hi-res version without the page?
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
\layout{ raggedright = ##t }
in your file if you dont want your notes spread out over the
full line width.
Bo Herlin wrote:
Yes, but I was hoping for a shorter picture of the measure for 
something as short as { c' d' e' f' } which results in a 627x41 
pixel image, when it could be something like 250x41.

Maurizio Tomasi wrote:
Bo Herlin wrote:
I am wondering if someone can help me figuring out how i can get a 
small  png or eps picture out of a small phrase of say 4 notes? I 
dont want a whole page or anything, just the bar with the notes. 
Is it possible?

Thanks in advance
lilypond-user mailing list
Use --preview from the command line.

lilypond-user mailing list

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Drum Scoring

2005-04-26 Thread Stan Mulder
Jennifer Clark wrote:
That's exactly it - this makes a lot of sense to me as an arranger as 
it avoids the need to spell out explicitly what the drummer is most 
likely better at doing anyway.

I suppose I could scan that section if needed.

That would be really handy!

Try this:
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: small phrase to small png

2005-04-26 Thread Stan Mulder
In addition to the other suggestions, if you are on Linux/Unix, after 
using the --preview command you can convert the eps file to an image with:

ps2png filename.eps
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
\layout{ raggedright = ##t }
in your file if you dont want your notes spread out over the
full line width.
Bo Herlin wrote:
Yes, but I was hoping for a shorter picture of the measure for 
something as short as { c' d' e' f' } which results in a 627x41 pixel 
image, when it could be something like 250x41.

Maurizio Tomasi wrote:
Bo Herlin wrote:
I am wondering if someone can help me figuring out how i can get a 
small  png or eps picture out of a small phrase of say 4 notes? I 
dont want a whole page or anything, just the bar with the notes. Is 
it possible?

Thanks in advance
Use --preview from the command line.

lilypond-user mailing list

Lyrics above the staff?

2005-04-25 Thread Stan Mulder
How can I block the following so that my lyrics (percussion sticking) 
appears above the staff?

sticking = \lyricmode { R8 R L L R R L L }
up   = \drummode { \acciaccatura sn8 sn sn \acciaccatura sn8 sn sn 
\acciaccatura sn8 sn sn \acciaccatura sn8 sn sn }

down = \drummode { hhp8 bd hhp bd hhp bd hhp bd |}
lilypond-user mailing list

2.5 percussion documentation examples are broken?

2005-04-25 Thread Stan Mulder
If one compares the 2.4 and 2.5 percussion notation page, you can see 
that the 2.5 examples are broken:
lilypond-user mailing list

Notation question

2005-04-23 Thread Stan Mulder
I'm new to the list and I'm trying to get my lyrics (percussion sticking 
in this case) above the beams instead of below the noteheads. I've 
fiddled around with context but I'm lost. Code is below.

I also noticed that my grace notes (grace note on the flams) were the 
same size as the regular notes. What gives? They should be smaller than 
the main note.

Any suggestions for simplification is appreciated.
\version 2.5.18 {}
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\header {
 title = Flam Tap Exercise
\paper {
 linewidth = 9.0\cm
 vsize = 10.0\cm
 indent = 0\mm
sticking = \lyricmode { R8 R L L R R L L }
up   = \drummode { \acciaccatura sn8 sn sn \acciaccatura sn8 sn sn 
\acciaccatura sn8 sn sn \acciaccatura sn8 sn sn }
down = \drummode { hhp8 bd hhp bd hhp bd hhp bd |}

drumContents = {
   %%\set DrumStaff.instrument = #Drums
   \new Lyrics \sticking { }
   \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
   \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \down }
\score {
  \new DrumStaff { \drumContents }

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