Re: [OT] sorry for the spam

2016-05-11 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On 2016-05-11 10:41, Chris Yate wrote:
> There's no point having passwords that you can't remember;

In fact, there is: no one can force you to divulge a password that you 
don't know. Which is why I have started using Keepass with a Yubikey. 
The Yubikey contains a password that I certainly don't know. It unlocks 
the password database kept by Keepass.

Obviously, not all passwords require such security (such as the password 
for a music-engraving mailing list), but there is a point having 
passwords that you not only don't remember but in fact never knew.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond error behaviour

2016-04-19 Thread Stephan Neuhaus
On 2016-04-19 17:54, Tim Reeves wrote:
> Maybe they should be called "mortally-wounding" errors? :)

This is an excellent suggestion. Perhaps we could implement that further
output from Lilypond becomes more and more incoherent as the poison sets
in? And finally, the pain is too much to bear and Lilypond gives up.

Something like this:

$ lilypond playground/
GNU LilyPond 2.19.37
Processing `/tmp/lyp/wrappers/'
Happily parsing...
/Users/sharon/playground/ aargh! they got me, the bastards!
/Users/sharon/playground/ error: unrecognized string, not in
text script or \lyricmode
  bork }
/tmp/lyp/wrappers/ warning: no ... \version ... statement
found, please ... oh god, do I have to go through with this?
/tmp/lyp/wrappers/ dammit, add

\version "2.19.37"

for future compa... ti... bility
Interpreting ... music... though ... it's ... hard ...
Ah crap, I've had it. Tell George he can keep the horse.
Fly, you fools!


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond error behaviour

2016-04-19 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On 2016-04-18 20:29, David Wright wrote:

That begs the question. How do you define "clearly malformed input."
If it is malformed, it can't be clear.

Of course, if you mean "clearly-malformed", then I contest this

I think I was precise enough.

But I must say that I don't feel comfortable with the tone of this 
discussion, so I will, with respect, bow out of it.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond error behaviour

2016-04-18 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On 2016-04-17 13:51, Urs Liska wrote:

Am 17.04.2016 um 04:29 schrieb David Wright:

I think a better analogy than compilers writing programs would be
browsers rendering web pages. Can you imagine a WWW where malformed
pages produced a few error messages on the screen and nothing else?
No, we expect the browser to make its best attempt at a partial
rendition. So please leave LP alone and write a better server.
Yes, it might be nice if LP had an indication of severity level,
but my preference would be for improvements in LP's primary goals.

I think the browser is indeed a good analogy.

If we have malformed HTML or even worse issues like e.g. a failed CSS
include, then yes, we expect the browser to render as much and as nice
as possible. But what LilyPond currently does is displaying a big modal
over the page saying "I'm sorry but I couldn't render the page due to a
fatal error. Please click here to close this message and view the page."

Coming at this discussion rather late, and also from a totally different 
angle, I'd like to make the (slightly off-topic) point that I don't 
think that it's a good idea to make it a design principle that Lilypond 
should try to render even clearly malformed input.

(Note that I'm not saying that it is a happy coincidence that Lilypond 
does, in fact, do this.  It's great for debugging, as I can attest.  All 
I'm saying is that it would be a bad idea for users to rely on this 
behaviour, and for Lilypond developers to embrace it as a design principle.)

We have seen in HTML how malformed input quickly becomes the norm and 
how browser vendors are unable to back out of supporting it. (Just try 
to validate almost any web page that claims to be HTML 4.01 and you'll 
see what I mean.) The result is that render engines are much slower and 
much buggier than they need to be, because they have tons of exceptions 
for stuff that isn't really HTML but where the blame would ultimately 
fall on the browser if it didn't render properly.

(I'm not saying that I advocate browsers refusing to render something 
that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike HTML.  I'm just saying 
that once you go down that rabbit hole, you won't come back up in a hurry.)

Personally, I like the idea of Lilypond clearly saying to the user that 
there is something wrong with the input file. If that "modal dialog" 
went away, users would simply look at the output file and conclude that 
their input must have been OK. Having a clear and unambiguous message 
(even if there is debate about the use of the word "fatal") that _there 
is something wrong with the input file_ frees Lilypond developers to 
extend and otherwise develop Lilypond without the burden of having to 
support wrong but entrenched usage.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: accidentals for just intonation

2015-12-01 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On 2015-12-01 11:27, David Kastrup wrote:


Which explains why my default manner of tuning a guitar, namely just
tuning each string to sound as I think it should in relation to the
sequence of previous strings, has a good chance to end up more playable
than the followup work of a "serious" guitar player believing in tuning
by using harmonics.

This may be off-topic, but this is *exactly* how I do it. For a while I 
was worried that this might be too slapdash, but then I thought, "if it 
sounds good, who am I to argue?" :-)



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Markup for repeated notes or phrases

2015-11-10 Thread Stephan Neuhaus
On 2015-11-09 19:40, David Kastrup (and Simon Albrecht) wrote:
> Stephan Neuhaus <> writes: [...]

Thanks, both solutions work like a charm!

Now another thing, in the same context. Let's say I have

pattern = { 8 8 }

\relative c' { \repeat unfold 4 \pattern }

And let's say I want to add fingering instructions, but only to the
first  , as if I had written

\relative c' { 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 }

Can I do something similar?

Thanks in advance,

GPG key ID 4BDA81D3
fingerprint 5F88 399F 8811 72BE B36A  FC93 4D13 FCB2 4BDA 81D3

lilypond-user mailing list

Markup for repeated notes or phrases

2015-11-09 Thread Stephan Neuhaus
Dear list,

I have a piece that contains phrases that are repeated often. For
example, let us assume that the phrase consists of two sixteenth notes.
In the piece in question, the unit of repetition is in fact much longer;
this is just an example. So I have done this:

phrase = { c16 d16 }
\relative c' { \repeat unfold 8 \phrase }

But the composer has sometimes put expressive marks on some of the notes
in the phrase, some of the time. For example:

\relative c' { c16 d c d c d c d\staccato c d c d c d c d }

Obviously I could do

\relative c' {
  \repeat unfold 3 \phrase
  c d\staccato
  \repeat unfold 4 \phrase

But this obscures the fact that the "c d\staccato" is the same as
"\phrase", just with expression markings added. (When the unit of
repetition is several bars long, this is not as obvious as in this
simplified example.)

Is there an elegant way to keep the structure visible, and yet to add
markings to selected parts of \phrase?

Thanks in advance,

GPG key ID 4BDA81D3
fingerprint 5F88 399F 8811 72BE B36A  FC93 4D13 FCB2 4BDA 81D3

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.19.30 returns error code -1073741819

2015-11-01 Thread Stephan Neuhaus
On 2015-11-01 11:18, Nick Payne wrote:
> On 01/11/2015 18:02, Brian Guo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just installed LilyPond version 2.19.30 on a Windows 10 (64
>> bit) laptop, b
>> laptop, but when I try to compile a simple score, such as:
>> \version "2.19.30"
>> \score {
>>\new Staff \relative c' {
>>  c
>> }
> Have you tried an uninstall/reinstall of 2.19.30? 

If it's an access control problem, I would rather guess that either the
output file already exists and isn't writeable, or perhaps it's a directory.


GPG key ID 4BDA81D3
fingerprint 5F88 399F 8811 72BE B36A  FC93 4D13 FCB2 4BDA 81D3

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