I've heard/used tuplets since the mid 1980s when I first started learning
music. However, I've always understood it to specifically mean 'two in the
time of x', probably as a mispronounciation of 'duplets' by confusing it
with 'two' (two-plets - I grew up in Norfolk!).

This specific usage is why I raised this issue in the first place - it
seemed wrong to me to use it as a generic term. I don't actually know of a
generic term for 'x in the time of y' groups. The only common feature I've
come across for teaching such concepts is the 'in the time of'
construction, which isn't exactly catchy but at least fits with the LP
syntax of \times!

I don't particularly like the idea of creating a neologism just for the LP
manual, whatever Finale may have done. As we've already seen, it's going
to cause problems for translating the manual into other languages and
won't necessarily even be clear to native English-speakers.

In what context do we actually need to use this generic term? Surely we
can avoid it? I'd be happy to try to re-draft the relevant paragraph(s) if


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