Separation of content and lay out [WAS]: lay out

2005-06-07 Thread dax2
On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 12:46:27 +0200
Mats wrote:

> I would claim that this idea clearly has influenced the design
> of LilyPond from the first version. You can set parameters to
> determine the layout in the \layout{...} block.
> However, there will always be special cases where the automatic
> layout decisions taken by the program will not be good enough,
> so therefore we can never get rid of the need to tweak certain
> parameters at a specific place in the score. This means that
> it will be impossible to get a 100% separation of content and
> layout.

I agree and I accept that printed music is a compromise between
lots of different principles with readability at highest priority.

It can be argued that contents cannot and should not be separated
from layout, but as all extremes this opposite point of view is
also misleading.

Which is why Lilypond works well even if there are lots of details
to be mastered when one wants to write orchestral scores (and
voices for the instruments with captions, lead-ins or cue-notes

The intelligent nesting of "tweaks" is very promising.

/Donald Axel
dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Already have music in score

2005-06-12 Thread dax2
On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 15:53:53 +0100
andrew wrote:

>  Any suggestions to what is wrong .

I use to collate with a source which is known to work. I look
forward to reading the entire section on scores in the manual.
I need more templates, but it is possible to produce nice templaces
from the newer Mutopia sources.

Here I have added << and >> after score { and appropriately before
ending the block. This works:

\version "2.4.5"

bassMusic = {
   c4 d f e

bassLyrics = \lyrics { etc  etc etc }

\score  {
  \context Voice = bassVoice {
 \clef "G_8"
 \context Lyrics = bassusLyrics \lyricsto bassVoice { \bassLyrics }

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: jedit and dvi

2005-06-12 Thread dax2
On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 12:30:16 +0200
Bertalan wrote:

> It is not stable, but all functions that worked before, should work now 
> as well.
> There are some new functions that doesn't work (like internal pdf viewer)
> Download lily4jedit-0.2.8-2 from
> You must unzip it into jEdit's jars directory.
> There is also a new dependency, that you must install manually:
> Download jtextcheck from:
> It is very big, but you only need to put one jar file into jEdit's jars 
> directory:
> jtextcheck-1.0-b5.jar

I get some errors regarding lilyjedit-, stating that there
are some more dependencies. The first of these reads like this
(I folded the lines):

[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry:
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: 
 Requires version 1.3.2 or later of errorlist.ErrorListPlugin,
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: 
 but errorlist.ErrorListPlugin is not installed.

Is there a fast way to get the dependency list so I can try jedit
with Lilypond plugin? 

I think I should try the "score-builder". Sounds fascinating!

Thank you beforehand - and again thanks for so much quality
typesetting discussions and knowledge on the list!


lilypond-user mailing list

Dependencies for lilypondTool: WAS: jedit and dvi

2005-06-12 Thread dax2
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 02:03:01 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 12:30:16 +0200
> Bertalan wrote:

> > There is also a new dependency, that you must install
> > manually: Download jtextcheck from:

 ... I found the other dependencies on

Sorry for previous posting and thanks for a nice plugin!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Placing turn between notes

2005-06-14 Thread dax2
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 22:23:59 +0200
Mats wrote:

> Fairchild wrote:
> > I believe the ^#". . ." also can now be simply ^". . ."; similarly with -#".
> > . ." and _#". . .". 
> Yes and no! Before version 1.8, ^#"..." was equivalent to ^"...",
> whereas ^#(...) was the old syntax for text markup, i.e. the current
> ^\markup{...}.

This is an interesting thread. I have searched Mutopia for "turns"
in between notes but could not find examples.

Nor did I find an example of turn between notes
in the "trill" section of the manual.

One could live without, I guess, nevertheless it is essential
for understanding timing of a turn in an Mozart-like adagio.
The example in this thread demonstrates how to do it, but
I cannot get it to work. I have folded long lines. Quite impressive
output for so short an example, huh? Something which especially
hurts my pride is the "Braces don't match" postulate.

Well, reading this errmsg. I have tried to change \line {
into \line <

and then the snippet translates but it still does not give any
turn. And the beam is tilted the wrong way.

Can you help me? Thanks in advance.

Processing `'
Parsing... error: parse error, unexpected '{', expecting '<':
 { \musicglyph #"scripts.mordent" \hspace #0.3 error: parse error, unexpected '}', expecting '=':

} error: parse error, unexpected '<', 
 expecting DRUM_PITCH or NOTENAME_PITCH or '>':
 < error: Error found in this music expression. Ignoring it:
  } error: parse error, unexpected '>':
   >> warning: Braces don't match:
 e {

error: failed files:


\version "2.4.5"

ViolinoI = {
c'8.^\markup {
   %% change to \line <  %% does not help
   \line { \musicglyph #"scripts.mordent" \hspace #0.3
   \musicglyph #"scripts.turn"
}  des16

\score {
  \context Voice = primo {
 \clef treble

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Placing turn between notes

2005-06-14 Thread dax2
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 16:24:36 +0200
Mats wrote:

> Why not read all emails in the thread? Nicolaus Sceaux sent a
> working example for version 2.5 and Jeff Covey explained in a
> followup how that should be modified to work in version 2.4.

Oh dear, I can't even claim that the threading of my mailer 
wasn't working:-> Thank for the directions. I managed to get a nice
turn now (and it is easy to add accidentals within the column, I
have collected examples and intend to put them on my webserver).

Anyway I am a bit confused about why the turn did not appear
between the notes c' and des'

An easy workaround would be to push the markup with spaces.

I hope this working example will help others too. 



\version "2.4.5"

ViolinoI = {
c'8.^\markup { "   " \column 
 < \musicglyph #"scripts-mordent" \hspace #0.3 
   \musicglyph #"scripts-turn" 

\score {
  \context Voice = primo {
 \clef treble
   \layout {
  raggedright = ##t

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Placing turn between notes

2005-06-15 Thread dax2
On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 09:03:13 +0200
Mats wrote:
> (Donald)
> > Anyway I am a bit confused about why the turn did not appear
> > between the notes c' and des'
> Do you mean vertically? Or that it's partly above the flat?

I mean horizontally.

I have produced an example, which is a bit more realistic than the
previously sent, which explains how I understand the meaning of
positioning a turn between notes. I hope the examples are realistic
enough to be of some help. I have placed the source on

Thank you - to all - for such a nice mailing list and such nice
notes from a computer-system.

Example from the literature (what an ugly link, sorry):

Rondo pour le piano, op. 1, bar 7, and seque; and another, perhaps
better example, is the last non blank page with recapitulation.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Placing turn between notes

2005-06-15 Thread dax2

My previous link to Chopin op.1 bar 7 and following

does not give a valid demonstration of the need for
horizontal-to-the-right movement of a turn, so the example is not
really valid, sorry. 

Contrary it demonstrates that the figure should "land" on the
middle note (sixteenth-note number 3) and so, in corresponds to
the "early" realization, which was demonstrated in the previous

I must hunt for another explanation if such exists.

Anyway thanks again for this nice list.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Placing turn between notes

2005-06-15 Thread dax2
On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 11:53:21 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> My previous link to Chopin op.1 bar 7 and following
> does not give a valid demonstration of the need for
> horizontal-to-the-right movement of a turn, so the example is not
> really valid, sorry. 

Here is a more relevant explanation inclusive printed music examples:

So I guess my "written-out" examples are valid (or just meaningful).

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Other Languages, Machine translation

2005-06-26 Thread dax2
On Sun, 26 Jun 2005 23:15:25 +0200
Sven wrote:

> intressant och lärorikt 

Oh I forgot the machine translation link:

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Languages other than English on the mailing list

2005-06-26 Thread dax2
On Sun, 26 Jun 2005 23:15:25 +0200
Sven wrote:

> OK, visst kan det vara både intressant och lärorikt att se andra språk
> än engelska här på listan, men för att kommunikationen ska fungera så
> smidigt som möjligt så tycker jag att man bör försöka att i första hand
> skriva på engelska och bara i nödfall använda andra språk.


Ok, sure it can be interesting and educational to see other languages
than English on the list here, but in order for communication to take
place as smooth as possible I think that one should first of all try
to write English and only in emergency use other languages.

End of translation.

Machine translation from 

Yoke , indeed able the product both interesting and l?rorikt that
watch second language than English here on list , but for that
communication ska officiate so agile as possible so fancy self
that husband should attempt that in first hand write on English
and only in n?dfall uses second language.

End of Machine translation.

I think I agree 40%, we all should try to write English and also
help out as much as possible. The will to try and write as good
as possible in another language is rewarding to a degree high above
the effort you put into it.

The other side of the coin is the inner suffering I have seen
among people who really do not have the intellectual tools to
learn another language on the fly. I am not sure that I understand
this very well, but I believe that shame and anxiety takes hold of
the mind if you are not at all trained in using your own language
as a grammatical language. Such people use phrase-vocabularies and
will have extreme difficulties expressing something new in any
language (that is what I believe); helping and coaching in simple 
English may be the solution here.

If some message arrive in Super Well Written French then of course
it is a different matter: Alors on doit apprendre le langue de 
cette liste si c'nest pas trop difficile (then you should learn
the language of this list if/because it is not very difficult).

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help to unclutter the "a"

2005-07-18 Thread dax2
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 21:12:51 +0200
Georges wrote:

> Thanks, here is my example, the note 9 of the first voice is overwritten
> by beam.

I have a small base of how-to examples which are essential for
small-private-scale writing of any (classical) music. Well, it
is definitely not finished, but I happened to be able to answer
your question.

Have a look.

I am sorry that I stay on a conservative version 2.4.5, but lately
the speed of updates has by far outmaneuvered my setup. I hope the
stem - length will change in your Lilypond-version too.

Description: Binary data

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help to unclutter the "a"

2005-07-18 Thread dax2
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 17:09:51 -0500
Fairchild wrote:

> More precisely, which files at constitute your
> how-to examples?

Oops! I was not so fast, sorry. I can see I need to rearrange my webserver
document root (soon running out of space) and therefore I left my examples
on my workstation.

Now there is a "goodies" directory with the examples which I have submitted
to the lilypond-user list:

... and another contains a copy of my try-out snippets. I must
sort them and put approved examples into the goodies-dir later:

The Roux examples are here:

The stem-length adjustment for Roux I learned from the user-list,
I asked because Chopin op.28.2 did not work out without same kind
of adjustment. So somewhere on the mailinglist you could find
this specifically useful answer: use this to get long stems:

\version "2.4.5"

  \override Voice.Stem #'beamed-lengths = #'(4.0 4.0 4.0)

and this one to get more air in the setting:

  \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #0.5


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Instrument Name Spacing

2005-07-21 Thread dax2

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 03:05:13 +0200
Han-Wen wrote:

> 2.7.2 will have a \paper variable horizontaloffset, which shifts the 
> music to the right, making place for the instrument names. As it 
> happens, I had need for this myself just tonight.
> Alternative: you can try
>   \paper {
> linewidth = ..shorter length..
>   }

I haven't yet tried the 2.7.2  horizontal_offset :-))

Linewidth and text caught my attention:-)

Linewidth seems to be measured in staff-line distances.

\paper is pre-2.5.x (ie. old) syntax, as far as my old 2.5.23 tells me.

I cannot get something like

  \set Staff.instrument = "Violoncello-baroque-longissimo"

to print at all with 2.5.23. It prints with 2.4.5 but the length
of lines are cut on the right margin, and the long-long-name is
still cut on the left side. 

Instrument name is based on 

  \set Staff.instrument = "literal-string"

 - never mind for that now I will dig into it.

Besides that I cannot get middle bar lines to fluctuate just a
little in examples based on the \repeat from Bryan Stanbridge,
using \break in a \repeat probably is the villain.

 - but never mind for now, I will have to dig more into that,
I have especially "researched" into initial line spacings, which
are far from "easy", if one don't know how to add extra spacing.

That is why linewidth caugth attention.

(I have not put any examples on my server yet).

Normally one needs character(tempo), metronome, instrument,
dynamics, pedal, etc, and the initial spacing will not work 
without some adjustment.

But then! When the template is in place, the result is super-nice!

Thanks for such fine tools and devotion!

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
Description: Binary data

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermata on second tied note [example]

2005-07-22 Thread dax2
On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 19:10:22 -0700
Jay wrote:

> In Measure 9  the fermata should be over the second d and the two d's 
> are tied.  The same issue in measure ten.
> So can't I do that yet?

I have minimized your interesting example, and it seems to work
very well, fermata and all on the second, tied note.

Look at the attached small png and tell if that was what you wanted.

Maybe you have detected a 2.6.x-bug?

To all message-writers: Please use an informative subject line.

/Donald Axel
dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
Description: Binary data

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermata on second tied note [example]

2005-07-23 Thread dax2
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 10:24:15 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 19:10:22 -0700
> Jay wrote:
> > In Measure 9  the fermata should be over the second d and the two d's 
> > are tied.  The same issue in measure ten.

Illustrated in attachment fermat-01-b9.png

> I have minimized your interesting example, and it seems to work
> very well, fermata and all on the second, tied note.
> Look at the attached small png and tell if that was what you wanted.
> Maybe you have detected a 2.6.x-bug?

(No - not a bug:-) Maybe an inconveniency:

Jay wrote a note telling me that there was a mistake here,
it is a dotted eight tied to the next note which happens to
look like a fermata. No bughunting needed.

The example below will show the unwanted readability issue
**only** if included in the very dense default-Lilypond-layout.

See attachment:


which is cut from the original rendering of Jay's music.

%% bar 9 reads as follows:
c 16 d 8. ~ d 16 es es es bes d d d a ges a bes

So there is NO fermata on the second note here, only it looks as
if there were.

However, if there is a little more space around the notes the
problem will disappear.

See e.g. and dotandtie-x1.png (attached).
(Only one bar, Lilypond uses more space).

I a more dense environment (like Jay's original long sequence of
music) Lilypond will, sometimes, try to write notes too close to
each other. One could then specify e.g.:

c16 d8. ~ 
   \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #0.2
 d16  es  es  esbes  d  d  d a  ges  a  bes   |

but I am not an authority on this.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

Description: PNG image
Description: Binary data

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Bad sourcefont [WAS:]What's the least input into a score to get midi output added?

2005-07-28 Thread dax2
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 14:08:33 -0500
Fairchild wrote:

>  Or, better, can Lily be fixed to accept all single
> quote characters interchangeably?

That is not a good idea IMHO. 

Single quotes beyond the standard ' are not widespread common
heritage. 0x92 did not show up as a single quote in my software
and besides the problem could extend to all other kinds of bad
glyphs which are difficult for the beginner to distinguish from
each other (example given: l,1,|,I, or the other often
difficult-to-read series: Ø,Ö,Ô,0,O,Q,o,ò,ó,ö,õ,ô...)

Maybe most people will have difficulties reading the above string
because we use lousy fonts?

It is necessary to tell people to use readable fonts. You may
laugh, I use Linux 12x24 (Fixed/Sony) in order to get past such
mistakes. The smaller 8x16 version of Fixed/Sony is excellent,

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What's the least input into a score to get midi output added?

2005-07-28 Thread dax2
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 22:03:59 -0400
Bec wrote:

> I just tried the "Notes only" template and got an error that I  
> commonly get when I copy and paste from the Lilypond manual - it  
> doesn't like the " ’ " character that is in the manual. I have to  
> manually delete them and reinsert " ' ". Then it typesets fine. Below  
> is the "Notes only" template with the modification, which works fine  
> on my installation of Lilypond 2.7.3 on OS 10.4.

Oh! Now I can see what example was used here. In my browser cut
and paste worked very well. The error which Jay Hamilton, Sound
and Silence" experienced in the first place must come from
something different than the manual or template source.

There may be a browser-bug (automatic replacement of single-quote
into accent aigue.)

If you experience something like that then


Anyway beginner readers should fetch a bunch of simple examples
in some special tutorial-snippet archive. Sebastiano Vigna is
working on that! Han-Wen mentioned it to me earlier. I must say
this is useful! Here is the link:

Example used:

\version "2.4.5"

melody = \relative c'
 \clef treble
 \key c \major
 \time 4/4

 a4 b c d

 \new Staff \melody
 raggedright = ##t
 \midi { \tempo 4=60 }

This message was created with VIM and Sylpheed --

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What's the least input into a score to get midi output added?

2005-07-29 Thread dax2
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 19:23:54 -0700
Jay wrote:

> I did use text mode cut and paste from the pdf and that's where
> the problem came from.
> AND I need to check out the archive too.

Aha! When you use a PDF file you are using something which has
passed through LaTeX or tetex or pdftex (I am not an expert on
these things ... yet) and some characters are changed.

There is a change even for the "source code examples" and I
am not sure where and why it comes.  I get spaces in stead
of the single quote after c as in "\relative c'"

The reason is, that LaTeX tries to improve your text using
substitution for characters which are known to be easier to
read when they are replaced, for example: 

   ffi becomes one character (or rather one glyph)

   double quotes may become >> or some special variants etc.

I fetched lilypond doc in pdf-representation to my workstation 
and as told above I get space instead of the single quote in c'
when I do cut and paste. When I do ps2ascii lilypond.pdf > l.txt
and search for a4 b c d then I get the correct singlequote.

Maybe it is a heritage from TeX or LaTeX being a math-text tool
where c' is a common notation for some kinds of variables.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What's the least input into a score to get midi output added?

2005-07-29 Thread dax2
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 11:34:45 +0200
Sven wrote:

> I guess the real argument is, clean up the documentation so
> that all examples actually work when cut-and-pasted.

They do, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the examples.

The problem is the software for cut and paste or maybe 
the generation of PDF files.

See my explanation about cutting and pasting bugs as
a direct answer to Jay on this very same thread.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: missing term in Icking glossary

2005-07-29 Thread dax2
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 05:14:06 -0400
Luis wrote:

> I agree with this comment. Tenuto is not the opposite to
> staccato. However I believe that detache' is not the opposite of
> tenuto either.

That is good! yes! Tenuto means as long as possible but still with a
pointed start of the tone (ansats/ansatz in Danish, I cannot find
the English equivalent)

Tenuto means keep-it-long, tenere means to keep or hold.

Detache means kept apart, divided, in violin it means a kind of
quick bowing on shorter notes which gives the notes "ansatz" and
otherwise is very flowing. You could say "fast tenuto".

> My understanding of tenuto is to sustain or to hold but I wish
> some of the italian speakers in this list help us out with a
> better definition.
> By the way, In Spanish we pretty much always go by the Italian
> terms when speaking of music, so we use tenuto as well.

Italian is the global music language and it is a pity that we
cannot speak more italian all of us. We should look up Italian
words every time we see them.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Character substitutions in cut+paste [WAS:] What's the least input into a score to get midi output added?

2005-07-29 Thread dax2
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:48:13 +0200
Sven wrote:

> Not totally out of control. Use a latin1-encoded font for the 
> normal text and make sure TeX doesn't do special substitution of
> single quotes and double dashes in the examples.
> But maybe that is too much work.

Maybe you know more about TeX in order to help get this to work;
I do not think that developers should spend too much time on
finding out exactly where this goes awry. 

We - users - could do that if it was important.

As I have written elsewhere, the examples are correct and ps2ascii
will print the correct codes, HOWEVER: cut+paste from Adobe
Acrobat-reader will not get the quote correct on my system with
X11 and a glibc with POSIX environment (which should be clean
ASCII and latin1 :-)

Do you (Svend) know how the Lilypond documentation is generated?

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

2.6.2 Aborting after Element count 1640

2005-08-03 Thread dax2

Is this interesting for the bug list?

Are there any hints or help for 2.6.2?

I look forward to a stable 2.6.2. For the time being I still have
a working 2.4.5 and a 2.5.23 testing. 


This is output from lilypond --verbose, which was
successfully converted from version 2.5.0 (same as 2.4.0): warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns
  \times 2/3 {d16\rest  \z 
   g8[ } \times 2/3 {s8  a16]} 
Optimal demerits: 1.007822
Element count 
pluto:/hjem/lily/Chopin/op28/numero01-262 #

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.6.2 Aborting after Element count 1640

2005-08-03 Thread dax2

  Please don't use too much time on this if this stack trace does not
say something very clear. It dawns on me that maybe I should try a more
straight version. I do not use a patched glibc coming with Gentoo, I
use a straight one from the Glibc-dev-team and I have excluded localization
so that shell and glibc is clean ascii.

  Some programs do not like that solution (others do).

  But of course the stack trace shows that we were coming from
something scm_dapply() in libguile, so libguile could be the
culprit, too, coudn't it?

  Thank you for fast reaction!! Now don't spoil your night's sleep,
I can wait until much later:-) warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns
  \times 2/3 {d16\rest  \z 
   g8[ } \times 2/3 {s8  a16]} 
Optimal demerits: 1.007822
Element count 
Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x40798281 in kill () from /lib/
(gdb) t
[Current thread is 0 (process 1956)]
(gdb) b
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40798281
(gdb) bt
#0  0x40798281 in kill () from /lib/
#1  0x40616c11 in pthread_kill () from /lib/
#2  0x40616f8b in raise () from /lib/
#3  0x40797ec4 in raise () from /lib/
#4  0x407996c8 in abort () from /lib/
#5  0x080fa4a1 in scm_car (x=0x2974) at guile-compatibility.hh:24
#6  0x0811ca45 in Beam::position_beam (me=0x869afe8) at
#7  0x0811c8dd in Beam::after_line_breaking (smob=0x40b88d40) at
#8  0x08218714 in Stem::height (smob=0x41496ff0, ax=0x6) at
#9  0x40593beb in scm_dapply () from /usr/lib/
#10 0x0006 in ?? ()
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 00:09:40 +0200
Han-Wen wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you run it inside gdb and send me a stacktrace of the crash?
> thanks,

You are welcome! It is me who thanks!!!

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.6.2 Aborting after Element count 1640

2005-08-03 Thread dax2

I sent an answer directly to Graham Percival, sorry, here it is.
Han Wen asked me to send full source (which I did but not on the list,
anyone can see it here:

TOOBIGSNIPPET?  I couldn't think of another name:-)

On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 15:20:52 -0700
Graham wrote:

> I recommend that you fix the clashing note columns problem and
> try compiling the example again.  If you still have this "Abort"
> problem,  then send it to bug-lilypond.

But the clashing columns must be there. There were no other solution
to this Mutopia project. I needed to see if Lilypond can make
multiple voice-style piano music and it can, if you learn some tweaks.

There are no rules for making Chopin typesetting without
note-column-clashes (like Bach's handwriting, by the way). Chopin's
voice-style was sometimes reduced (very cleverly and acceptably)
by Breitkopf - engravers, because it was too weird even for them!

But in this Peters-inspired layout every detail means something and
tell's a lot about how to create art from a dead piano.

I have tried to isolate line 560, but it works fine, and then it
comes out like the attachment. I am sorry I cannot get the
snippet to fail. You can see the normal result and the full
piano score on mutopia or
where you can also find the complete source.

By the way, convert-ly-2.6.2 does not change anything in this source
except the version number when going from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0

Code for the attachment - png:

\version "2.6.2"

% force direction of stems
u = \stemUp
z = \stemDown
%% Neutral = \stemNeutral

% explicit staff change
su = { \change Staff = upper}
sd = { \change Staff = lower}

% force direction of tie
tu = \tieUp
td = \tieDown
tb = \tieNeutral

upperTwo =  {
  \override TupletBracket   #'bracket-visibility = ##f
  \override TupletBracket   #'number-visibility = ##f
  \once \override TupletBracket   #'direction = #'1
  \once \override TupletBracket   #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
  \once \override TupletBracket   #'number-visibility = ##t
  \tu \slurUp
  \override Slur   #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

% bar 27
  \override Beam   #'positions = #'(-0.6 . -0.5)
  \times 2/3 {d16\rest  \z g8[ } \times 2/3 {s8  a16]} |


\score {
  \context PianoStaff <<
% Actually this works! See bottom note(*1)
% \override PianoStaff.TupletBracket   #'bracket-visibility = ##f
\time 2/8
\context Staff = "upper" <<
  \clef violin
  %- \context Voice = "one" \upperOne
  \context Voice = "two" \upperTwo
%- \new Dynamics <<
%-   \middleDynamics
%- >>
  \layout {
 \context {
\type "Engraver_group_engraver"
\name Dynamics
\consists "Output_property_engraver"
minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1)

pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")

\consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
\consists "Script_engraver"
\consists "Dynamic_engraver"
\consists "Text_engraver"

%% \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
\override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic

\consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"

\consists "Axis_group_engraver"

\context {
\accepts Dynamics
\override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #7
  }   %% end paper
  \midi { }

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.6.2 Aborting after Element count 1640

2005-08-04 Thread dax2
On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 12:54:05 +0200
Han-Wen wrote:

> fixed in CVS.

And here too, I guess (as Chopin was overriding beaming a lot:-)

2.6.3 is out. It fixes a memory corruption bug that was triggered by
\override'ing Beam settings.

Thanks a LOT!

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.6.3 manages [was:]2.6.2 Aborting after Element count 1640

2005-08-04 Thread dax2
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005 01:17:34 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> Han Wen asked me to send full source (which I did but not on the list,
> anyone can see it here:

And Lilypond-2.6.3 manages beautifully; this is an update for
Mutopia-project. The note-printing is fine. 

There remains some warning-hunting (New Piano music source
need not a special middle voice for dynamics)

Interpreting music... 
warning: can't find or create new `Dynamics'
warning: can't find or create new `Dynamics'
MIDI output to `Chop-28-1-L262.midi'...

  ... and small title and bottom-text adjustment.

Thank you so much - the printing here is so nice:-)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

LilyPond Version in PDF

2005-08-07 Thread dax2

   Working with a couple of different LilyPond versions I
sometimes must reassure myself whether some output really was
LilyPond 2.6.x or something else.

   I think it would be nice to be able to see from the PDF which
LilyPond version was used to transform the source. Though I have
grep'ed through source file and devined based on source filenames
I have not been able to locate the place from where Ghostscript
takes the "Creator(LilyPond)".

   Thank you for reading,

   Regards/Donald Axel


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.6.3 manages -- remove midi

2005-08-07 Thread dax2
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:44:44 +0200
Mats wrote:

>\midi {
>  \context{
>\type "Performer_group_performer"
>\name Dynamics
>  }
>  \context {
>  \PianoStaff
>  \accepts Dynamics
>  }

Thank you! The diagnosis was excellent and the warning is gone.

By the way it also helps to remove  \midi{} altogether.

The midi has no use here, there are invisible notes which become
audible and it is awful to listen to.

The hidden notes are anchorpoints for legato slurs which must
cover the empty space in the right hand to indicate that the left
hand beginning is included in the arpeggiando-group.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Does what: \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

2005-08-07 Thread dax2

   Normally I write comments so that I can understand why things
are like this or that in the source:-)

   I think there are some additions from convert-ly and others
from the Mutopiaproject-editor. That is ok with me; however, I
cannot find out from where this one comes and what might have been
the original intention:

  \override Slur   #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

  There are NO SLURS in the voice in question!!!

   Lilypond 2.6.3 warns:
Interpreting music... 
warning: can't find property type-check for `attachment' (backend-type?).
  perhaps a typing error?
warning: doing assignment anyway

   When out-commenting the "override Slur - line" the resulting
postscript file is slightly different from line 19735 out of
approx.23000 lines, but I cannot get much out of the differences
and I cannot see any differences on the rendered page.

   The result (without assignment to #'attachment) is ok (I will set
it up on my website).


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Does what: \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

2005-08-07 Thread dax2
On Mon, 8 Aug 2005 00:28:51 +0200
dax2 wrote:

>   \override Slur   #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)
>   There are NO SLURS in the voice in question!!!

The Slur - override makes sluts attach to the top of the stem
instead of going to the notehead. That way you can move the slurs
away from another voice.

However in this case the slurs were too tight anyway so I removed
them and anchored another set of ties to invisible notes, that way
getting space beneath the slurs and being able to draw the slur to
the beginning of the bar (where the right hand otherwise is silent).

There are some very interesting uses of Slur-attachments in 
the Mutopiaproject setting of Chopin - Etude op. 10.9.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Scrollkeeper-update warning

2005-08-13 Thread dax2

Don't read this if you are in a hurry:-)

LilyPond 2.6.3 compiles from source on my (slightly modified)
Gentoo-2005.0 and it runs like a breeze.

However, LilyPond documentation "make web" takes extremely
long time (12 hrs or more)  on my systen (128MB small RAM but with
TWM it is fast), so I downloaded the docs RPM for Fedora Core4 and
it installs and runs.


scrollkeeper whines: warning: xx overrides yy

What is scrollkeeper whining about? :-) (See screen dump below)

The FC4 RPM runs scrollkeeper-update
rpm -q --scripts -p lilypond-documentation-2.6.3-1.i386.rpm


 man scrollkeeper-update tells me that scrollkeeper keeps track
of OMF files etc.

   This utility is generally executed as the last  step  of  installation,
   after the OMF file is copied into place.

 OK ok so I guess these warnings aren't interesting?

The old, overridden OMF file 
contains this (among other things):

which is an URL for a >>>non-existent<<< file. So I guess the warning should be:

   "Scrollkeeper OMF database references are changed 
presumably for the better! Enjoy!"

   Thanks for fine Documentation RPM and for the extremely useful
improvements of the docs!


pluto:/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 #rpm  --nodeps -Uhv lilypond-documentation-2. >
Preparing...### [100%]
   1:lilypond-documentation ### [100%]
scrollkeeper-update: warning: 
/usr/share/omf/lilypond/2.6.3/lilypond-internals.html.omf overrides 
scrollkeeper-update: warning: /usr/share/omf/lilypond/2.6.3/lilypond.html.omf 
overrides /usr/local/share/omf/lilypond/
scrollkeeper-update: warning: 
/usr/share/omf/lilypond/2.6.3/lilypond-internals.html.omf overrides 
scrollkeeper-update: warning: /usr/share/omf/lilypond/2.6.3/lilypond.html.omf 
overrides /usr/local/share/omf/lilypond/2.6.3/lilypond.html.omf

... etc.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spaces in system names [WAS] Output other than PDF

2005-08-21 Thread dax2
On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 11:08:22 +0200
Han-Wen wrote:

> I think /usr/local/bin/lilypond is the shell script to invoke it from 
> the command line. It currently says
># run the program
>python "$INSTALLDIR/" \

Remember to use $@
which keeps variables with spaces (like filenames) together.

set "gamma waves"
for u in $@
echo $u
  -> gamma waves

for u in $*
echo $u
  -> gamma

There is problems with spaces in filenames any way you
look at it. If one shell script calls another - then what?

People who use Lilypond would not suffer much (more:-) 
by learning to avoid spaces in filnames.

> but if you put "$*" it doesn't work for multiple arguments
> I guess I have to convert this one to python as well.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: incipit index help

2005-10-08 Thread dax2

   Hello Aaron, why do you send so much lilysource?

   Isn't the problem identifiable with one oboe-block?

   You have two braces just after "\\score"

I cut off after one oboe block and moved one brace and then
Lilypond runs. I know,- I know. It does not work when you have
more blocks of \\score. Then Lily whines "You already have music
in score".

Maybe there is some "New Staff" syntax which must be present
when you have many scores in one file. I wish we had a complete
small score-example to multiply for this example. By the way
I have somewhere ... but I'll send this short answer first.

I guess there must be some kind of complete syntax with score,
staff and all in order for more \\scores to work.

Maybe the default values for the data-structs within \\score
comes in here and plays "a blind hand".

With gvim/vim/vi you can check braces with "%" (percent-sign)
in command mode.

\version "2.6.3"

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)

  linewidth = 160\mm
  indent = 0\mm
#(set-global-staff-size 14 )
\layout { raggedright = ##t }

\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe" {
\time 4/4
\key e \minor
\clef treble

\partial 8 e'8
a'4 gis'8 f' e'4. e'8 |
gis'16 gis'8. ~ gis'4. e'8 gis' b' |
\time 3/4 a' gis' f'4. e'8 |
d'2 r8 e'  |
\time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c''4 b'8 a' |
\time 3/4 gis'2. |
\time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c'' b' d''16 c'' b' a' |
gis'4. f'8 e'4. e'8 |
e' f' gis'4

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed with installation, fedora core 4

2005-10-15 Thread dax2
On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 10:14:03 -0700
David wrote:

>  > sudo rpm -i ghostscript-libs-7.07-41.i386.rpm
>file /usr/lib/ from install of 
> ghostscript-libs-7.07-41 conflicts with file from package 
> ghostscript-7.07-40
>file /usr/lib/ from install of ghostscript-libs-7.07-41 
> conflicts with file from package ghostscript-7.07-40

The last command complain that you already have libgs and libijs.
You could use the upgrade option for RPM: (but this may not
resolve the Ghostscript version-problem)


  If you want to install something which is already present
then you must remove the installed package first. That would
be extremely difficult in most cases, so therefore you would

  rpm -Uhv package-name-i386.rpm

  This upgrades or installs the package currently installed to a
newer version. This is the same as install, except all other
version(s) of the package are removed after the new package is
installed. Using "long options" would make the command look
like this:

  rpm --upgrade --hash --verbose 

which means exactly the same as rpm -Uhv.

  I have at present two versions of ghostscript in order to run
lilypond and groff with man-page macros.

  One gs is /usr/local/bin/gs which is 8.50, the other is 
/usr/bin/gs which is version 8.15

  I need /usr/bin in order to display or print output from e.g.
man -t groff_char >; gv

  And I must stress that it is not the gv command which changes
but the libraries which it uses.

  I am sure there has been said something about ghostscript on
this mail-list before. However I cannot remember exactly why
the "stable" version of RedHat and Fedora and others is 7 and
why 8.15 and 8.50++ behaves so different (and non-compatible).

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: help needed with installation, fedora core 4

2005-10-16 Thread dax2
On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 20:16:17 -0700
David wrote:

>  > sudo rpm -U /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/ghostscript*8.15.1*
> error: Failed dependencies:
> is needed by (installed) ImageMagick-
> is needed by (installed) gimp-print-4.2.7-7.i386
> Again, any advice would be appreciated.

The message means that "rpm -U  should remove the files
listed; but because they are needed by ImageMagick and gimp-print
the RPM program will not do that until you force it (e.g. using
the --nodeps flag. I do not recommend this for beginners though
I almost always do so myself).

Managing shared libraries is definitely not for beginners and
in my opinion not very exciting. You may run into the above problem
if our Lily-RPM does not have exactly and

Maybe there could be made some symlinks, but we don't know when
you install Lily, because it has not built into the package information
that it may happily replace and with symlinks
(in MS-lingo called short-cuts) from the new, backwards compatible

In your case I would consider finding out what package needs the
current lib-files, so that you can re-establish ImageMagic(k?) and
Gimp-print if you need them.

   rpm -qf /usr/lib/


My system says that my belongs to ghostscript-gnu-8.16

Now, if I had a (more or less stupid) program which insists on I could make a symlink with a command like this:

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Assuming that is backwards compatible with 7!

The naming of libraries and symlinks representing those libraries
to older versions and the information in the libraries regarding
versions for each function is a chapter for more advanced users,
I never really needed it, doing the above exercises and then testing
whether the program will run afterwards (we are not talking about
secure servers here:-)

I am not sure but I think that ldconfig helps me in most cases
making these symlinks automatically (see man-page for ldconfig,
the section named "Description":
   ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache 
   to the most recent shared libraries found in the 
   directories specified on [...cut]

However, in some cases RedHat has made programs link against funny
version-numbers meaning that a home-rolled packagde needed to
coexist with manual symlinks or even manually saved/restored libraries,
as was the case with my libssl (updated for security reasons).

So I have, in order to satisfy some RedHat version of minor interest:

root   19 Jun 16  2004 /lib/ ->
root   800103 Sep 27  2002 /lib/
root   15 Sep 28  2002 /lib/ ->

(Note: The "old" file is named so only to remind me that I have this
odd construction:-) This is the best I can do - not directly relevant
for your problem, I know, sorry.

Hope this can help you a little - otherwise yell again.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Roadmap to lily code

2005-12-06 Thread dax2
On Tue, 6 Dec 2005 19:48:34 +0100
Erik wrote:

> On Monday 05 December 2005 18.17, Mehmet Okonsar wrote:
> > Hello users and creators of the best music notation program in
> > the world!
> >
> > What can you suggest for learning Scheme?
> > A set of few links for getting from almost 0 up to Lilypond
> > source. Recommended readings textbooks and on-line tutorials..
> > Thanks
> You can check out

I will not turn this into a discussion about Scheme (we could
maybe find another list) but I think that some words are in place.
I was interested in understanding why a programmer would choose
Scheme (or Lisp) for a programming language and I found only half
answers. You cannot make pointer-mistakes in Scheme, for example.

I found that my RedHat has a nice scheme-interpreter, University
of Massachusetts at Boston scheme, sounds nice. I tried to find
out how a programmer would read a string and e.g. cut the first
letter (character) and put it into a variable.

It is easy to understand that Scheme makes a new variable each
time you get something which has to be stored. Changing strings
is not possible in scheme; you create a new one and overwrite or
delete the old one, I think. Correct me if I am wrong (but see
the quote below from wikipedia first).

However I wanted to know how this language would cut strings and I
never found out - I even think that UMB-scheme cannot assign the
first half of a string to another (new) string. 

Shame on me, sort of, I couldn't go on especially when I got the
advice to try to understand what you actually **can do** with
Scheme, because every operation translated into machine code or
C-code in my head. I am still wondering why you cannot take the
first half of a string ... So I need a good introduction to "the
rationale behind Scheme", and I think I have found such one on

"The dialect of Lisp known as Scheme was originally an attempt by
Gerald Jay Sussman and Guy Steele during Autumn 1975 to explicate
for themselves some aspects of Carl Hewitt's theory of actors as a
model of computation. Hewitt's model was object-oriented (and
influenced by Smalltalk); every object was a computationally
active entity capable of receiving and reacting to messages. The
objects were called actors, and the messages themselves were also
actors. An actor could have arbitrarily many acquaintances; that
is, it could "know about" (in Hewitt's language) other actors and
send them messages or send acquaintances as (parts of) messages.
Message-passing was the only means of interaction. Functional
interactions were modeled with the use of continuations; one might
send the actor named "factorial" the number 5 and another actor to
which to send the eventually computed value (presumably 120)."

When I read such stuff I wonder why a message isn't an object. And
how do they propose to cut a string ... (enough said;-)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Roadmap to lily code

2005-12-08 Thread dax2
On Thu, 08 Dec 2005 12:00:50 -0200
Pedro wrote:

> I could sea the advantage of re-writing lily in only one language. but
> this language would have to have a fast implementation and be dynamic
> and very high-level. I can't think of a better choice than common
> lisp ;-)

If it's not a sarcasm then you must be a nice creative person to
ask: how did you learn Lisp? I guess you weren't interested in
string-handling? Or is there a CommonLisp "substring" function?

How do you "think" (invent, construct) control-flow if Scheme (and
Lisp?) uses only tail-recursion as a flow-control mechanism?

/Thanks in advance from Donald

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

OK for 2.7.25 on an almost ordinary Gentoo

2005-12-29 Thread dax2

Nice success for quick Gentoo-build of development version 2.7.25:

For busy readers: Everything works after compile (no need to read more).

I downloaded source for 2.7.25 and configured using clily
and runs using "here-lily" and keeps 2.6.4 for normal work.

There was no problem at all on my workstation:

Linux 2.4.31tun2 #2 Sun Nov 6 00:22:00 MET 2005 i686 
AMD Duron(tm)  AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

gcc version 3.3.6 (Gentoo 3.3.6, ssp-3.3.6-1.0, pie-8.7.8)

Everything is quite common except there is a Gentoo Ghostscript
and another. One gs works for Lilypond, the other for e.g. man -t groff_char


#rpm -q ghostscript

It is not a serious problem to have both versions of ghostscript
around (I probably could coerce manual page formating to use the other gs.)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with \relative

2006-01-30 Thread dax2
On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:43:44 +0100
Kees wrote:

> In the mean time I have found out more about relative, allthough I'm 
> not quite sure.
> E.g.
> If in relative I write: a b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g, I get
> the second a one octave higher then the first, the third an other octave 
>   higher then the second
> So, I do have some things to figure out.
> Kees

You could stick with absolute notation which is much easier to read
when things get rough, and in my opinion more correct for e.g. a score.

Who, today, would like to read a score with "Corni in F"? If they could
avoid it. Now they can.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

can not get --help info from out/

2006-04-28 Thread dax2

Hey -- I think I saw this on the list but my search through all
mails does not give any hits.

Why do I get this error -- I cannot figure out. Same happens with When I rerun the script, the empty convert-ly.1
satisfies make, so the build continues.

chmod 755 out/convert-ly
/usr/bin/perl /usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2/buildscripts/out/help2man \
  out/convert-ly > out/convert-ly.1
help2man: can't get `--help' info from out/convert-ly
make[1]: *** [out/convert-ly.1] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2/scripts'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I use python-2.4.3.

neptun:/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2 #scripts/out/convert-ly --help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/out/convert-ly", line 39, in ?
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib
neptun:/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2 #

It seems like the make process assumes that lilypond is already installed?

I can install pre-built package if need be, no big deal.

Regards/Donald Axel
dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Memory fault 2.8.0 with convert-ly source.

2006-04-28 Thread dax2

   With Lilypond-2.8.0 on a relatively new Gentoo (2006.0) with updated
mftrace, ghostscript-8.50-gpl and so on I tried my "old" ly-file. (In
another mail I report a problem building 2.9.2.)

   First I converted from 2.4.5 to 2.8.0 with convert-ly, no problems.
But when I tried to run lilypond then I get lots of
errors. There is a violin-voice included, also converted, so errmsg. is
from the include-file.

   The old sonata-input was nicely (no errmsgs) transformed by
lilypond-2.4.5 and I think by 2.6.4 too (I am not sure, that machine is
being repaired now, however;-)

   Thank you for any comment / Donald Axel warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur 
not set?
   d''4.->(c'''8)  c'''4
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... 
NepGen2:/hjem/lily/Romant #

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can not get --help info from out/

2006-04-29 Thread dax2
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 23:09:32 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> Hey -- I think I saw this on the list but my search through all
> mails does not give any hits.
> Why do I get this error -- I cannot figure out. Same happens with
> When I rerun the script, the empty convert-ly.1
> satisfies make, so the build continues.

Aha! For some not known reason config.make had a wrong python,
/usr/bin/python instead of /usr/local/bin/python.

This may explain.

BTW the reason there are two pythons is that rpm (on SL) needs 
python and I have not experimented as to wether it will accept
a new version.

Now the lilypond-book.1 is generated all right and the build process
stops only when there is an include-file error. I think I can handle
this one myself. There are also two CXX installed.


/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2/stepmake/bin/ ../VERSION > 
rm -f ./out/general-scheme.dep; DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="./out/general-scheme.dep 
./out/general-scheme.o" /usr/bin/g++4 -c -Woverloaded-virtual -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  
-DNDEBUG -I./include -I./out -I../flower/include -I../flower/./out 
-I../flower/include  -O2 -finline-functions -g -pipe -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/include/freetype2   -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2 
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   -Wno-pmf-conversions -W 
-Wall -Wconversion -o out/general-scheme.o
../flower/include/libc-extension.hh:48: error: previous declaration of 'int 
isinf(double)' with 'C++' linkage
/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h:202: error: conflicts with new declaration with 
'C' linkage
/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h:202: error: declaration of 'int isinf(double) 
throw ()' throws different exceptions
../flower/include/libc-extension.hh:48: error: than previous declaration 'int 
make[1]: *** [out/general-scheme.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2/lily'
make: *** [all] Error 2
neptun:/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2 # 

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can not get --help info from out/

2006-04-29 Thread dax2
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 23:09:32 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> import lilylib as ly
> ImportError: No module named lilylib
> neptun:/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2 #

I forgot to mention that I made local "make install" in the
directory containing lilylib, so that I now have


even if Lilypond-2.9.2 has not been built yet.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-05-03 Thread dax2

   Thank you to Erik Sandberg for the link to the thesis!

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 14:17:03 +0200
Erik wrote:

> On Saturday 29 April 2006 12:30, Tomas Valusek wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data
> > flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great help
> > for obtaining global idea what LilyPond's about.
> I have a created one in my master thesis, see
> it is however incomplete because the thesis is quite unrelated to the 
> back-end 
> parts of lily (so it won't help you with grobs, for example).

Thank you for the link and sharing this interesting thesis with
the list and the rest of the interested public. Your idea of a 
music stream format is most interesting.

And the illustrations and voice-diagram are very good.

I think you make a short-circuit in describing the weakness of
the LilyPond language in the Sweedish abstract on page 11:

[translated by me]

It should then be possible to click away the quarter note and
draw two quavers to replace it, then save the file back changing
the edited part of the file. The problematic part of this is that
the program would need understand that the number four on the
quarter note after the second eighth note would need to be
written; it is very hard to get a program to understand this.

Det borde då gå att klicka bort fjärdedelsnoten, och dra dit
två åttondelsnoter i dess ställe, och sedan spara tillbaks det
redigerade stycket till LY-filen. Det problematiska i detta, ar
att programmet skulle behöva förstå att fyran efter det andra
a:t behöver skrivas in; det ar mycket svårt att förmå ett
program att förstå detta.

Lilypond will accept absolute pitches and duration specification
after each pitch. A graphical editor could write a full specified
lily-language file, and even add lots of scheme or guile to get
special symbols etc.

To me the real problem is that the graphical layout is not
specified in a uniform way from Lily-Version to next version,
which Han Wen Nienhuys and all are very much conscious about, so
converting conv-ly will hopefully work better and better.

You could say that the graphical layout isn't specified in the
source file, but that is not the complete picture. If you write so
and so you get the same print everytime owing to the built in
rules which are very good. The graphical lay-out is understood,
implicated. Some call it "exformation" because it is undertood but
not mentioned in the source file or "the message containing
information". The message is sent to some entity (the program)
with expectations. These expectations change from version to
version which is why the "scheme" part of Lilypond isn't as
reliable as it should be; but it is not so bad after all.

As you maybe point out in your thesis the Lilypond layout is very
good, actually better than most amateurs could do with other

However, specifying spaces where Lilypond does not automatically
make them is a nightmare for a beginner.

If you look at any professional orchestral voice it begins with
(or should begin with) clef, keys, time-signature, tempo or
character (Allegro con brio or whatever) and metronome marks plus
sometimes a short bar with some accidentals. If you try to make
such a printed voice with earlier Lilyversions (I havent got 2.9.2
up and running yet) then things will clutter.

So somehow you need to specify more spaces even if you are a Lily
beginner which is why there are so many problems: spacing is not 
a real part of the language but is in the scheme additions.

Once more thank you for the interesting master thesis to Erik
Sandberg, the idea of a music stream language is so clear that I
think I could write my pieces by hand in MusicStream (using a lot of
completion/copy paste:-)

Regards/Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help getting started

2004-06-01 Thread dax2

   Thanks for your kind reaction,

On Tue, 01 Jun 2004 06:48:59 -0500
Jim Sabatke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If documentation is usable, then it is good.  Grammar and 
> word choices can always be modified by others.  I don't find 
> such language very disturbing anyway; it's the content that 
> matters, and I'm grateful for any help there is.

Yes, I agree - especially with a wikiwiki in mind.

> > However, the subject on how to get started is by no means new. The
> > discussion pops up every half year.

> Again, I would be happy to help where I am able.

Go ahead: We should add some WISH list entries on the WIKI and maybe
remove a lot of the foreign language entries (on wiki-writing).

So I added a wiki page from Joe Neemans information.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond on Sparc

2004-07-26 Thread dax2
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 20:44:01 +0200

> I just found that a Sun Sparc is, as second hand not expensive at all

> Who can help with own experience?
> Does Solaris accept rpms?

You must have some nerve and stamina to get through with SPARC and
RPM. Solaris uses pkg-system, which is much the same as RPM, however,
you can install and use the RPM system on a SPARC too.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Midi2ly Was: Re: Finale for Linux?

2004-08-26 Thread dax2
On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 13:38:15 -0300
Pedro wrote:

> Why don't you try to enhance midi2ly? It's written in python which is
> easier and faster to learn and work with than C.

Python is overrated. C is easy, once you get the knack of it.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Fine essay

2004-09-07 Thread dax2

Such a marvel - the essay on music printing and the comparisons
to Ed. Peters and others.

These illustrations are making fingers itching to restart
typesetting with lilypond:

and not less this:

Thank you for this life-inspiring piece of work!!!

Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

The origin of the name lilypond

2004-09-08 Thread dax2

   Some days ago I read something interesting (and/or amusing)
about the origin of the name Lilypond.

   What was the idea behind the name Lilypond?

   Where can I read the (surprising?) story?

   Would you add it to the preface (Documentation)?

   I think it was in the docs for Lilypond but I cannot seem
to find it though I have been searching for two hours: 


mudela->LilyPond ./Documentation/misc/CHANGES-1.3

etc. etc. ...

The reason for the choice of the name was beautiful and
a little surprising: Lilypond was a place of peace? But I
cannot find the reference.

Thank you for the beautiful documentation - which has been 
improved a lot since I started with lilypond-1.6.


   Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: two notes of the same pitch

2004-09-08 Thread dax2
On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 09:26:33 +1000
Joe wrote:

> results in all three accidentals superimposed and only two noteheads.
> There aren't too many examples of this sort of thing in music, but I
> have seen things like this typeset by splitting the stem like so:
>   |
>  / \
> xx x

Example: Chopin ballad g-minor op.23 bar 170, 171.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Documentation build

2004-10-16 Thread dax2
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 22:12:15 +0200
dax2 wrote:

>There's a problem building lilypond-2.3.22 on my system.

So I grabbed the 2.3.22 source tarball and remembered to get
ec-fonts. But still something goes wrong on documentation, I have
added output from make install below. System is gcc-3.3.2, Gentoo

Happily, though, the lilypond binary runs and produces .dvi and
handsome .ps, .pdf (and midi too) from a well-known .ly file.

However lilypond-book does not run (well, that fits with the
build error on documentation) and says that there is an error
(program error) after starting to calculate line breaks (see below).

output from failing part of make install (same as make all):

LANG= makeinfo -I ./out --output=./out/ out/lilypond.nexi
./out/macros.texi:90: Unknown command `ifdocbook'.
./out/macros.texi:113: Unmatched [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
./out/macros.texi:122: warning: macro `internalsref' previously defined.
./out/macros.texi:94: warning: here is the previous definition of `internalsref'.
./out/macros.texi:129: warning: macro `hyphenatedinternalsref' previously defined.
./out/macros.texi:102: warning: here is the previous definition of 
./out/macros.texi:133: warning: macro `inputfileref' previously defined.
./out/macros.texi:109: warning: here is the previous definition of `inputfileref'.
makeinfo: Removing output file `./out/' due to errors; use --force to 
make[2]: *** [out/] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond-2.3.22/Documentation/user'
make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond-2.3.22/Documentation'
make: *** [install] Error 2

output from lilypond-book (2.3.22)

Interpreting music... [1]
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... Backtrace:
In unknown file:
   ?:  0* [lilypond-main ("lily-121110178" "lily-651736029" "lily-900027513" ...)]
In /usr/local/lily/share/lilypond/2.3.22/scm/lily.scm:

[  ... ] In procedure ly_scm2double in expression 
(ly:parser-print-score p (ly:music-scorify m p)): Wrong type argument: "None"

/usr/local/bin/lilypond-book: error: Process /usr/local/lily/bin/lilypond -f tex  -I 
/hjem/lily exited unsuccessfully.


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Acciactura legato slurs

2004-10-25 Thread dax2

   Here is a short version of a message awaiting moderator
approval because it was too long.

   Lilypond 2.3.23 built from CVS without problems, docs too.

   1) the slurs turns 180 degrees in the special
  "acciaccatura" section shown below.

I had attached to png's and source; but you can easily imagine
slurs from note to note where the curve is the wrong way


instead of

/   \
   o o
   | |

   2) convert-ly from 2.3.22 to 2.3.23 did not change anything,   
  (used on Chop. op.52 Ballade 4 from Mutopia-Project)
  not even the \version, but I guess that is ok. 
  I expected some output, though.

Source example (from Mutopia, Chop. op.52, look for dolciss.)

   \set Staff.fontSize = #-1
   \override Stem   #'length = #5.5
   \override Beam   #'thickness = #0.384
   \override Beam   #'space-function = #(lambda (beam mult) (* 0.8 
(Beam::space_function beam mult)))
   \times 2/21 {
   cs16[_"dolciss." \( e a cs e a]
   cs[ a' cs, 

%%dax: The slur here turns downside up in 2.3.23.

   \acciaccatura {
   \once\override Slur   #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 8 )
   \once\override NoteHead   #'font-size = #-4
   \once\override Stem   #'font-size = #-4

As this is bleeding edge release and I don't know how many spam
mails there are awaiting moderator I thought it better to send
this short version.


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Acciactura legato slurs

2004-10-27 Thread dax2

   Thank you very much for the answer, it works, yes:

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 13:26:38 +0200
Erik wrote:

> > %%dax: The slur here turns downside up in 2.3.23.
> >
> >\acciaccatura {
> Remove the following line, and it works fine:
> >  \once\override Slur   #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 8 )
> >  \once\override NoteHead   #'font-size = #-4
> >  \once\override Stem   #'font-size = #-4
> >  e16
> > }

However, as a programmer and musician, and a maintainer of some
Mutopia piece (not the above, though) I need to know what happens
here, so I looked up and tried to understand why Keeler (the
maintainer of the above Mutopia entry) put the Slur extra-offset
there in the first place.

I have cut and tested a minimal example to submit to this list and
a picture png so that it should be easy to read and understand the
example - hopefully!

Thank you for reading so far:-)

Regards/Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: acciacatura at the beginning of a measure

2004-10-31 Thread dax2

Erik Sandberg helped Victor Miller, who wrote:

> > I have a vocal line which has an acciacatura at the beginning of a

I have tried out (to learn setup/acciaccaturae etc.) and the
Miller example needed some end-brace and some notes in second
voice. Here it comes as an example for myself and other interested
not-so-much beginners. Before using as a tutorial model we should
add comments explaining context voice and pianostaff (and remove
superfluous comments).

%% Victor S. Miller wrote 2004-10-30 and Erik Sandberg answered
%% with some correction included below.
%% Here's a file that shows acciaccatura before first note
%% and besides is a nice model for piano and voice:
 \version "2.3.23"  %% You need this for automatic upgrading with convert-ly

 V =  \relative c' {
 \key g \major
 \clef "G_8"
 \time 4/4
 \acciaccatura c64 d2. r8 g, | %9

 T =  \relative c' {
 \key g \major
 \time 4/4
 %% Erik Sandberg added:
 \grace s64
 \times 2/3 {
   d'4~ ~ ~ 
   2 | %9

 B =  \relative c {
 \key g \major
 \time 4/4
 %% Erik Sandberg added:
 \grace s64
 b1 | %9

 \score {
   \context Voice = "A"
   {  \V }
   \context PianoStaff  <<
   \context Staff = "up" {
   \new Voice
   \context Staff = "down" {
\clef bass
 \layout { }
 \paper { 
raggedright = ##t 
%% you can get the file from 
%% OBS: My filenaming scheme will be changed soon, need some ideas 
%% for signalling source version number and lilypond version number 
%% in the filename.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-book error, Unknown-file, lilypond-main

2004-10-31 Thread dax2

   I cannot get lilypond to run the lilypond-book.itely example.
It is NOT the screech-boink example which ends up clear and crisp.
Version: 2.5.0 (same as 2.4.0 I assume)

   The most important here is the information of errormessages.
The backtrace, I mean, doesn't give much help as to what is wrong.
I have tried other small examples of lilybook syntax because I
would really like to work with it, instead of photocopying
poorly written music examples. My small examples work well, but
I need the features of the bigger examples.

   Is it the lilypond-book.itely example which is "sick"? It says
itself, in a comment, that there are another documentation about
the same and that it needs clean up etc.

   Or is this a bug in the lilypond-book program?

   Processing "Documentation/user/introduction.itely" comes out
with same msg: 

In unknown file:
   ?:  0* [lilypond-main ("lily-812241671" "lily-294177649" "lily-1071717568" ...)]

Regards - and thanks for all the help hitherto!


Output from running lilypond-book:

pluto:/hjem/lily/lbook #lilypond-book -o ubuk lilypond-book.itely
/usr/local/bin/lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 2.5.0
Reading lilypond-book.itely...
Writing snippets...
Running lilypond...
Now processing `'
Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected '-':
  linewidth = None 
   - 2.0 * 0.4\in
Interpreting music... [1]
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... Backtrace:
In unknown file:
   ?:  0* [lilypond-main ("lily-893666954" "lily-331325452" "lily-1338510005" ...)]
In /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.0/scm/lily.scm:
 606:  1* (let* ((failed #) (handler #)) (for-each (lambda # #) files) ...)
 608:  2* [for-each # #]
In /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm:
 652:  3  (if (null? rest) (letrec ((lp #)) (lp list1)) ...)
 656:  4  (begin (f (car l)) (lp (cdr l)))
 657:  5* [# "lily-893666954"]
In /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.0/scm/lily.scm:
 610:  6  [catch ly-file-failed # #]
In unknown file:
   ?:  7* [#]
In /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.0/scm/lily.scm:
 610:  8* [ly:parse-file "lily-893666954"]
In unknown file:
   ?:  9* [# # #]
   2: 10* [ly:parser-print-score # #] In procedure ly_scm2double in expression 
(ly:parser-print-score p (ly:music-scorify m p)): Wrong type argument: "None"

/usr/local/bin/lilypond-book: error: Process /usr/local/bin/lilypond -f tex -I 
/hjem/lily/lbook exited unsuccessfully.
Removing `ubuk/lilypond-book.texi'
pluto:/hjem/lily/lbook #

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Small patch geometry URL

2004-11-03 Thread dax2
-- This is not important
-- may be done faster by hand.
-- May possibly be completely removed, geometry is included std. with tetex.

--- INSTALL.texi2004-11-03 22:19:29.0 +0100
+++ INSTALL-new.texi2004-11-03 22:22:37.0 +0100
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 @item @uref{,Texinfo} (version 4.7 or newer).
 @item The
[EMAIL PROTECTED]://,geometry
 package for LaTeX}.
  This package is normally included with the @TeX{} distribution.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Acciactura legato slurs

2004-11-04 Thread dax2
On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 13:20:34 +0200
Mats wrote:

> My guess is that the hack was introduced to compensate for some
> version of LilyPond, where the acciaccatura slur was curved
> upwards by defaul, and was placed at the note heads or even
> below the beams. The best (?!) way to find out why is probably
> to try the original code without the extra fix using the original
> version of LilyPond. You can also get a hint from the layout in the
> existing PS/PDF versions in Mutopia.

Thank you very much!

The question is resolved: Earlier versions would, without
the little "extra-offset" tweak, print the slur in the
main staff, like attached acciacc-slur-lily-2.3.3.png.

The maintainer improved this by adding extra-offset, cf. attached
picture acciacc-slur-extra-lily-2.1.0.png.

(I could not experiment with the exact same version as
the maintainer has used, sorry!)

However, this leaves the question as how to distinguish the music
layout commands from "repair" additions (which at this time in
the history of the humanities' quest for beautiful musicprint
are quite natural.)

Thinking system-language: The Lilypond language must have
certain freedoms in order to calculate an appropriate layout.

Thinking practical: If the maintainer with reasonable confidence
can assume that certain direct manipulative assignment (tweaks)
are temporary, version-dependent adaptions, then he could mark 
those "tweaks" in some way; but which way?

Regards/Donald Axel

P.S: The (chroot'ed) 2.3.3.hwn version 
complainted about missing fonts.

warning: can't find font: `ecrm6'
warning: Loading default font

etc.etc. for ecrm8, 10, 17, ecbx6, 8, 10, 12, 

but the transformation otherwise succeeds.

These fonts are not present in the newer version
2.4.0 installation either.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ecrm6 [WAS] Acciaccatura legato slurs

2004-11-04 Thread dax2
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 11:34:45 +0100
dax2 wrote:

> These fonts are not present in the newer version
> 2.4.0 installation either.

WRONG! Sorry: They are here:

dax:/ # kpsewhich ecrm6.pfa && echo YES


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --
Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: note missing in pdf, ps and png

2004-11-04 Thread dax2
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 22:30:03 +0100
Sébastien wrote:

> I just tried lilypond 2.4.0 with a sheet converted from 2.2.0; it works well. 
> The DVI output is OK, but the PDF, PS and PNG don't display note
> symbols, as you can see here :
> What is happening? What could I do for making better PDF or PNG output ?

Did you "source" (run in current command-interpreter/shell) the new lilypond
environment setup, lilypond-profile?

Good luck!

lilypond-user mailing list

Documentation build

2004-10-16 Thread dax2
Now processing `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/ly/'
 *** [out/lilypond-internals.texi] Error 139
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/Documentation/user'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/Documentation'
make: *** [all] Error 2
pluto:/usr/local/src/music/lilypond #


Output from make install



true local-install
Not installing stepmake
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake'
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/Documentation'
true local-install
make PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C user install &&  make 
PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C bibliography install &&  make 
PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C pictures install &&  make PACKAGE=LILYPOND 
package=lilypond -C topdocs install &&  make PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond 
-C misc install && true
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/Documentation/user'
cd ./out && /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/lily/out/lilypond --verbose 


Now processing `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/ly/'
 *** [out/lilypond-internals.texi] Error 139
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/Documentation/user'
make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/Documentation'
make: *** [install] Error 2
pluto:/usr/local/src/music/lilypond #


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Stem length adjustment

2004-11-09 Thread dax2

I need to adjust stems manually so that they do not collide.
How can I do that?

In the example below stems grow longer when there are no beams (4rths)
however, LilyPond ignores stem-length when there are beams.

What can I do?

\clef bass
\override Stem  #'length = #10.0 %tweak 
b,4   ais, b, g,
b,8   ais, b, g,


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stem length adjustment

2004-11-10 Thread dax2
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:31:23 +0100
Mats wrote:

> The length of unbeamed stems is determined by the 'length' property
> of the Stem object. The corresponding property for notes with beams
> is called 'beamed-lengths'.
> These properties specify the normal length and LilyPond has fairly
> advanced algorithms to calculate the actual length to give a results
> that looks nice. The property that Roland mentions below determines the
> minimum length of stems when there is a beam.
> All this is documented if you go to the on-line documentation, section
> "Stems" and follow the link to the program reference of the Stem object.

Thank you very much! I tried to read the section Stem, but must
have failed to understand, Thank you very much.

Please disregard the second question which I have just sent
to the list. (with source-snippet and another small picture).

Thank you very much, really.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

THANKS Stem length adjustment

2004-11-10 Thread dax2

   Well, I am very happy to get things to work. 

Mats wrote:

> ??? The property stem-length only applies to notes typeset within
> text markups with the \markup{ \note ... } function.

   Not quite true.

   \override Stem  #'length = #20.0 %tweak gave some very long
stems for quarter notes in a normal system with music expression.
I found out in order to verify that I got hold of the right

   I did not expect that there are different lengths for different
number of beams. I was not clear-minded enough to search
the documentation again  ... fatigue :-(

   Therefore many thanks again; I also found left- and
right-padding (dimension, in staff space)
Space to insert between note and accidentals.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Accidental clash

2004-11-10 Thread dax2

I am sorry to bother you again, List! But again I am at a dead
end. I have been scanning Documentation/user for Accidental,
accidental, and I found

cautionary-style etc.


right-padding (dimension, in staff space) [same as above]


so I tried this:

\override Voice.Stem #'beamed-extreme-minimum-free-lengths = #'(1.5 
\override Accidental #'padding = #'2.0
\override Accidental #'right-padding = #'2.0
\override Accidental #'left-padding = #'2.0
b,8   ais, b, g,
b,8   ais, b, g,

and it translates, generates nice notes but the accidental will
not move! so there is no change when I add padding (one at a time,
many sizes of padding values etc.) What am I doing wrong?

I am tired and there is probably something completely self-evident
which I have overlooked. A friendly hint would be appreciated!

By the way Chopin players will recognize beginning of prelude 2,
the "snake-like progression of somebody out of balance".

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
lilypond-user mailing list

Neither Accidental nor AccidentalPlacement

2004-11-10 Thread dax2

Unfortunately the AccidentalPlacement object does not get my
a-sharp here out in the clear. There is no effect of my settings,
see below. First I tried Accidental #'right-padding and all the
other vars, but no result.

Can somebody help? It need not be a solution
based on moving accidentals, maybe more space
in general would be a good idea.

The weird layout of the voices is of course
a very musically interesting idea otherwise I would
not struggle to be able to LilyPond-typeset it.

Thanks to Roland and Mats.



BASSMIDDLE = \new Voice {
\override Stem  #'beamed-lengths = #'(5.0 5.0 5.0) %tweak
%% \override Stem  #'length = #20.0 %tweak
%% what is wrong with stemUp? Doesnot materialize.
\override Voice.Stem #'beamed-extreme-minimum-free-lengths = #'(1.5 1.5
\override AccidentalPlacement #'padding = #'2.0
\override AccidentalPlacement #'right-padding = #'2.0
\override AccidentalPlacement #'extra-offset = #'(2.0 . 2.0)
\override AccidentalPlacement #'left-padding = #'2.0
b,8   ais, b, g,
b,8   ais, b, g,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Neither Accidental nor AccidentalPlacement

2004-11-12 Thread dax2

Thank you! It worked very well.
The previous tips too.

Result is Chop-28-2 now safely submitted to Mutopiaproject!

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 10:32:17 +0100
Mats wrote:

> The reason that it doesn't work is that the AccidentalPlacement
> object is created by the Accidental_engraver which lives in the
> Staff context, not in the Voice context. To make a long story
> short, you should do
> \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement #'right-padding = #'2.0
> to move the accidental.
> /Mats

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Web page documentation

2004-11-20 Thread dax2
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 00:00:43 -0800
Chip wrote:

> dax2 wrote:
> > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 16:04:07 -0800
> > Chip wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>I agree. I have it open all the time. BTW, I don't use MS Windows. I do 
> >>use the online version of the docs, I figure it will be more uptodate 
> >>than the local copy (which I haven't found anyway).
> >>--
> >>Chip
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Did you look for it?
> > 
> > Regards
> I can't believe someone actually asked such a question, which is 
> probably why you didn't print your name. But I won't stoop to making a 
> smart-ass remark as some would do.
> Yes, I used the locate command and found hundreds of .ly files in 
> /usr/local/share/lilypond and other locations, but no actual manual files.
> Regards,
> Chip

Sorry, no offense intended. My name is Donald Axel and should be
below as a signature.

The doc files are in Documentation. The manual file(S?) is in
lily/out/lilypond.1 in the CVS source tree when built.

I will return. Regards, Donald.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: who uses lilypond

2004-12-03 Thread dax2
On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 12:38:22 +0200
Aaron wrote:

> Does anyone mind an informal survey?

> Who uses lilypond?

  Donald Axel, 58 - Computer instructor
Long ago I took a university degree in musicology.

> Did you use it for your own composition?

  Only one setting

> Did you publish anything?

  2 pieces on Mutopia

> Did you copy orchestral parts using lilypond? (music copyists)

I will, soon ...

> students
> other

> What do you use lilypond for?

So far small piano pieces.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Another Lilypond Story

2004-12-17 Thread dax2
On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 23:27:38 +0100

> In other word, by making the music available, I just remove the hurdle
> of having to retranscribe it by ear. I just make my music easier to find,

Thank you for doing that. I liked very much the style, the drive,
the feeling and of the demo track, super performance! As a
(former) violinplayer I especially admire the violin performance,
tone, makes the instrument sound not searching for at tone but
stating things as imperatives.

> In my mind, it's that simple. It does not mean anything else...
> Am I being naive or stupid ? 

Of course not. 

>   Did I miss anything ? It might be true that
> I ought to be more explicit about what people are allowed to do with these
> scores, but I don't think I'm giving away anything serious here. The music
> is copyrighted, one cannot just play it nor record it without my consent, 
> The score is freely available. That's it. Not more, not less.

That is how I see it too. Maybe with the addition that there might
be some genuine artist who got some inspiration from you and who
makes a new "Mr.Toad story", which would be impossible if you had
taken a patent on "stories including toads illustrated with music."

Copyright is different and is intended to make it possible for
artists to get bread on their table (every day). And for the public
to listen to music which has been written out of sheer pleasure.

Regards/Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: simple install question perhaps?

2004-12-19 Thread dax2
On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 11:52:23 -0500
Josh wrote:

> My lilypad installation seems to have went well, went with the
> binary (stable) v.2.2.5 for Mac OSX 10.3.6,  hope that's
> correct. got various confirmations in the FINK commander:
> @@@
> @@@ Installation Complete.
> @@@
> @@@ Start a NEW shell to get the correct lilypond environment
> settings.@@@
> * GNU LilyPond: (lilypond).
>   The GNU music typesetter.
>   install-info(/sw/share/info/ creating new section
> `GNU music project'
> * GNU LilyPond program-reference: (lilypond-internals). LilyPond
>   program-reference.
> * Glossary: (lilypond/music-glossary). Glossary of music terms.

Your question:

> I'm an absolute UNIX newbie,
> wasn't sure how to start a new shell to set the environment as
> above, couldn't find the info on that

To start a new shell means to start a new environment:

Close your command line window
Or better for a newbie: log-out completely
And then login again

And then try it out again.

The installation on MacOSX (which I know only from hearsay)
adds a configuration to the start-up-scripts for your windows
environment and your shell.

A shell is a command-interpreter.

Setup of X11/Apple Windows and shells can be done in many ways.
This is the simple approach.

Regards/Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Building Lily

2004-12-21 Thread dax2
On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 23:40:46 -0500
Luis wrote:

> Please excuse me... now I have a strange problem: If I run lilypond as
> root, it works... but if I do it as a regular user, I get this:
> -
> GNU LilyPond 2.4.2
> Processing `'
> Analizando...
> Interpreting music... error: can't find `feta20.afm'
> Music font has not been installed properly.  Aborting
> -

This is the font environment setting question again.

May be caused by a shell-environment which is not properly
initialized. You must read all the shell-login scripts (and
understand and debug them :-(!))


   keep running as root

or, better, use


which should be manually added or sourced from your /etc/profile
or /etc/bashprofile (what name is used by bash?) Some setups use

   . /etc/lilypond/lilypond-profile

but names are distribution specific, so it could be

   . /etc/profiles.d/lilypond

(I avoid these problems by having a /.lilypond script at hand at
every time which I source manually :)

SOURCE: source a script means to run the script by using the
dot-command (or "source"-command in bash)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Building Lily

2004-12-22 Thread dax2

   Great that the normal user could use Lilypond!

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:05:28 -0500
Luis wrote:

> (too bad I moved it instead of just copying: now I don't
> now where it went, hehe).

Hey that's not so hard, you can find the script again e.g.

   find /etc -name 'lilypond*'

or on most Linux (not SuSE-default setup, though):

   locate 'lilypond-profile'

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Start brackets [was:]delimiters

2005-01-25 Thread dax2
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 01:17:53 -0700
Steve wrote:

> Thanks for the help.  I switched back to version 2.4.3 for now.  By
> the way, it seems that this is a known bug in version 2.5 (see

Thank you for this link; I think you mean to refer to

where the word "delimiter" does not occur, the word bracket
is used instead.

It was very nice for me to see your string quartet template,
which I tried out on 2.5.0 which works nicely. 2.5.0 is the
same as 2.4.0.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "exploding" a choirStaff

2005-02-28 Thread dax2
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 10:28:34 +0100
Mats wrote:

> It's always very difficult to understand and find problems in
> an uncomplete section of code.

True - as a reader I am amazed of the wealth of good advice, even
when questions could be better formed.

This particular answer is very enlightening, something I have
wanted to know, especially whether it would make sense to have all
the staves from the beginning, switching them on/off. Dividing a
piece into more sections and using "music-macros" carefully will
probably solve readability problems for larger projects.

As a (still) newcomer to Lilypond I need these advices and hints to
the different parts of the documentation, which is, by the way,

Thank you for this "stream of musical work"

Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Dynamics too far below, Piano+song based Template

2005-04-08 Thread dax2

   Dear Friends,

   I have so far only done 5 or 6 pieces in Lilypond notation. I
am very fond of the results. In my new project there is a challenge:

   Ped-marks come too far below the lower staff, if I use a
separate dynamic-Staff.

   I missed templates for piano-quartet/trio.

   I used the "Song" or "lied" template after realizing that the
beautiful "Mutopia-project" piano-trio by Mozart in E-flat was 
written with a Lilypond notation which goes longer back than the
first of my Lilypond-versions! Ugh!

   I use 2.5.0 (or 2.4.0) and it works nicely.

   My new template and 2.4 can do "Ped" marks without separate
middle/lower dynamic staff, just doing \sustainDown works.
However, the smart PianoTemplate solution allows markings to be
placed precisely where you want them using space-rests s2 s16. The
technique is to have an extra (virtual) Staff<<>> for Dynamics,
like this:

\context Dynamics = "PedMarks" <<

%%  \new has been replaced by \context in 2.4.x

So I added the necessary tweaks cut-and-paste from an older
"piano-template", and it works BUT:

The ped-marks come too far below the lower staff.

The "black magic" tweaks are given here:

I updated them using convert-ly, not much was changed though.

The warning I get is not the real problem:

Full example*:

Now processing `'
Interpreting music... warning: Cannot find or create `Dynamics' called `pedal'



But this is not the real challenge; the problem is that the
distance between the lower staff and the dynamic mark has grown
out of proportion.

You can find the full pdf-file and sources here:


I will try to study more intensively on "Gray Nereides" and
examples from Mutopiaproject. One of the most fascinating is
the Chopin etude op.25-1. This is brilliant work, and I feel
stupid when I read the source. How did he find out?

Well, I better read the docs thoroughly, I have skipped too
many parts. However, are there any hints for a reader, then I
will be glad. I am impressed how much Mats Bengtsson helps
all of us people here on the list.

Thank you for any hint, and regards from 


dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dynamics too far below, Piano+song based Template

2005-04-08 Thread dax2

More pondering (lily-pondering?:-) brought the solution.

On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 14:26:35 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> So I added the necessary tweaks cut-and-paste from an older
> "piano-template", and it works BUT:
> The ped-marks come too far below the lower staff.

Thanks again - searching the list "dynamics" gave me the 
clue needed:

Mats wrote on (Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 15:22:49 +0200):

> I don't like the current solution in the template using lots of 
> extra-offset settings.

> \score {
>   \context PianoStaff <<
> \context Staff = "upper" \upper
> \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamics
> \context Staff = "lower" <<
>   \clef bass
>   \lower \pedal
> >>
>   >>

which means that I can have two parts on the same staff; the notes
***and*** the dynamics/pedmarks with space-rest-placement.

Thank you Mats and every other optimistic Lilyponder!

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with line breaks

2005-04-11 Thread dax2
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 11:11:07 +0200
Mats wrote:

> can be set in the \header block for each score.

In short, I've tried some solutions, see below. However, none works.
Could Helder use a \Tex command?

Or simply: make three files "", ""
and ""

which is guaranteed to work;-)


The 2.5.x possibilities are interesting, but I cannot find them. I
tried some header blocks on the example from Helder Gomes da
Silva, but no pagebreaks occurred.

There is a \pageBreak "music-expression" which does not work
in 2.5.0 when it is at the last or first bar, like this:

gi = {\set Staff.instrument = "Gui. I"
   \set Staff.instr = "I"
   e g c' a | e g c' a | e g c' a
   e g c' a | e g c' a | e g c' a
   e g c' a | e g c' a | e g c' a
   e g c' a | e g c' a | e g c' a
\bar "|."

Then there are titles

\score {
\header {
  piece = "Piece1"
  opus = "Opus 1."

where \header is a container for title, sub, work etc. Quoting
from 2.5.0 docs:

Titles are created for each \score block, and over a \book.

The contents of the titles are taken from the \header blocks. The
header block for a book supports the following

The title of the music. Centered on top of the first page.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with line [page] breaks

2005-04-12 Thread dax2

Thank you for the answer, I found out the new 2.5.19 makes all the
breaks you could want;-)

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 16:25:48 +0200
Mats wrote:
> The support for page breaks between scores was introduced in
> version 2.5.2. Note that version 2.5.0 is much older than
> the latest stable version, 2.4.5, for example.

Yes, I know, 2.5.0 was 2.4.0 except I took it from CVS - and
it is very stable, really. Therefore I am a bit reluctant to
replace it, even though it is contained in a "checkinstall"-RPM.

> If you have several \book{...} in your .ly file, you will
> get a separate output file for each of them, so there's no
> need to split the input into several files if you go for that
> option.

Typical for me: I went for a solution which is easy to understand;-)

And one with the least effort regarding upgrading. However I am
curious too! So I tried to upgrade (on a Gentoo where the
compilation went relatively smooth):

root-prompt# checkinstall 

/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -m 
644 lilypond-syntax.vim 
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/vim'
make --no-builtin-rules final-install
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `final-install'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond'
make: *** [install] Error 2

  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.

Ugh! Well, I can get the stable release which will work.

But I don't understand this, the system appears to run smoothly
even if it complains "No rule to make target `final-install'."

... and a test shows that even though the installation stops here
the binary works.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What is final-install target

2005-04-12 Thread dax2
On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 10:51:20 +0200
dax2 wrote:

>   This may be unimportant for normal usage, but I am curious
> about the build system. What is final-install? and $(LOOP)?

LOOP is a "make-syntax"-command defined in: stepmake/generic-vars.make

LOOP=$(foreach i,  $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) PACKAGE=$(PACKAGE) package=$(package) -C
 $(i) $@ &&) true

   ... but target all is also LOOP so when
or if final-install restarts the "LOOP", then what?

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

What is final-install target

2005-04-12 Thread dax2

  This may be unimportant for normal usage, but I am curious
about the build system. What is final-install? and $(LOOP)?


# cd /usr/local/src/music/lilypond
# cvs update -d ./
# #version

# make install

make --no-builtin-rules final-install
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `final-install'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond'
make: *** [install] Error 2

rgrep -r final-install .

./Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-2.1: builds, leave final-install to toplevel 
srcdir makefile.
./ChangeLog:(final-install): Fix description.  Mention sourcing of login
./make/  $(SRCMAKE) final-install
./stepmake/stepmake/toplevel-targets.make:  $(MAKE) final-install


It is hard to me to guess how much is missing, but the lilypond
system apparently works.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What is final-install target

2005-04-12 Thread dax2
On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 10:56:37 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> LOOP is a "make-syntax"-command defined in: stepmake/generic-vars.make

I am trying again: 

cvs update -d ./
make distclean;
configure --prefix=/usr/local/lily-2.5.19
make all

[ ... coffee break:-)]

(Don't hold your breath)/Regards Donald

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What is final-install target

2005-04-12 Thread dax2
On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 15:21:00 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> cvs update -d ./
> make distclean;
> configure --prefix=/usr/local/lily-2.5.19
> make all

I forgot to mention that I ran ./ before the ./configure command.

Unfortunately it did not help to run cvs update and distclean. 
I can run the resulting lilypond file and there's a nice .ps file, 
which cannot be converted to PDF, though.

Maybe the PDF-error does not have much to do with the unfinished
installation. How could I get a qualified guess on this matter?

I have been able to revert to 2.5.0 (or 2.4.0) and the PDF-output
is ok now. 

I should upgrade to 2.4.5 because of lilypond-book, I suppose?

Last part of "make install" output:

/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -d 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -m 
644 ./out/lilypond-words 
&&   /bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh 
-c -m 644 ./out/lilypond-words.vim 
&&  true
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -d 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -m 
644 lilypond-compiler.vim 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -d 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -m 
644 lilypond-ftdetect.vim 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -d 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -m 
644 lilypond-ftplugin.vim 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -d 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -m 
644 lilypond-indent.vim 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -d 
/bin/sh /usr/local/src/music/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/../bin/install-sh -c -m 
644 lilypond-syntax.vim 
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond/vim'
make --no-builtin-rules final-install
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `final-install'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/music/lilypond'
make: *** [install] Error 2
pluto:/usr/local/src/music/lilypond # 

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF-generation lily2.5.19 [was] What is final-install target

2005-04-12 Thread dax2

I made a here-lily of the development version but the still
cannot be converted to pdf neither by lilypond nor by ps2pdf12/13 or
just plain ps2pdf. ghostscript version installed: 7.07.1-r7 (r7
is Gentoo-installer-fingerprint, one could be suspicious about
the integrity of that package, of course.)

Any comments will be welcome! Thank you in advance. I am sorry that
I could not work the CVS 2.5.19 through the installation. I don't know
if it was any help I wrote about the "make install" error (No rule
to make final-install).

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 21:34:15 +0200
dax2 wrote:
> I have been able to revert to 2.5.0 (or 2.4.0) and the PDF-output
> is ok now. 
> I should upgrade to 2.4.5 because of lilypond-book, I suppose?

CCRMA lilypond-2.4.5-1.rh90.ccrma.i386.rpm installs on my Gentoo
workstation (which has RPM) and it runs and produces nice PDF too.



kernel 2.4.28ax2-tun i686
Python:  dev-lang/python-2.3.3-r1 [2.3.3 (#1, Aug 29 2004, 
dev-lang/python: 2.3.3-r1
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.59-r4
sys-devel/automake:  1.8.5-r1
sys-devel/libtool:   1.4.3-r4
virtual/os-headers:  2.4.21-r1

*  app-text/mftrace
  Latest version available: 1.0.34
  Latest version installed: 1.0.31
  Size of downloaded files: 51 kB
  Description: traces TeX fonts to PFA or PFB fonts (formerly pktrace)
  License: GPL-2

*  media-fonts/ec-fonts-mftraced
  Latest version available: 1.0.8
  Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
  Size of downloaded files: 8 kB
  Description: EC Fonts for Lilypond
  License: public-domain

Many thanks to Han-Wen, Jan and Nicolas and Mats for friendly
replies to happy note-hackers, and for this terrific music-tool!

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF-generation lily2.5.19

2005-04-12 Thread dax2

Thank you for offering a special ebuild for ghostscript-afpl.
Yes, I am very interested.

I realize that there is GNU-ghostscript and Aladdin-ghostscript,
until now I did not know the difference.

I am planning to use lilypond-book for two "booklets" on music
theory. It will be a very nice tool.


On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 13:58:59 -0700
Daniel wrote:

> You'll need ghostscript 8.15 in order to build/run more recent lilypond
> 2.5 releases.  Under Gentoo you can either install ghostscript-afpl, or
> use a custom-written ESP ghostscript ebuild for 8.15_rc2.  I'm at work
> right now but I have such an ebuild at home if anyone is interested. 
> This build is less than 100% stable and "make web" still fails partway
> through, but if you aren't interested in building the documentation, it
> will at least let you build and run the app.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF-generation lily2.5.19

2005-04-12 Thread dax2

Ok! It works! Thanks!

The new ps2pdf cuts off some piano bass at the bottom of the
page, though. 

I built Aladdin ghostscript-8.50 for /usr/local/ and my path
sets /usr/local/bin before the others (it is not a bastion host:-)

The ghostscript-afpl is blocked on my Gentoo (by itself?)

ps2pdf makes a nice PDF-file, I can see improvements to the
quality. It is clickable.

I use the here-lily script to setup path/font for 2.5.19.

I can still use 2.4.5 for Red Hat-9 which I got from CCRMA; it
installs in "/usr" and of course I use /etc/profile.d/ to
get the TEXMF parameter.

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 14:48:17 -0700
Daniel wrote:

> ESP builds their product based on GPL Ghostscript (which is identical
> with AFPL ghostscript as far as I can tell) but they add a bunch of
> features, including CUPS integration along with a bunch of printer
> drivers.  Because of all the extra work they do, they are generally one
> or two versions behind.  Last time I checked, the latest unstable GPL
> version was 8.50.

That explains a lot. Thank you very much!

> It's not too hard to modify the AFPL/GPL build process to include extra
> printer drivers (such drivers are downloadable from

Yes, I have actually once looked into the Ghostscript printerdriver
specifications, it seemed very clear and logic to me. I do not need
for now - I hope for a "Brother" laser-printer later.

Thank you again.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF-generation lily2.5.19

2005-04-13 Thread dax2

  When running from Lilypond or -sPAPERSIZE=a4: Yes - no cut offs now!

  I had guessed that it was the paper size but could not find a
clue in "man ps2pdf"; there is in "man gs" as you write. Thanks!

  Running ps2pdf from Lilypond works perfectly, producing clickable PDF.

  I have no (ly:set-point-and-click 'line) so I am a little astonished.
When sending a PDF file for print I guess it should not be clickable,
though this is a very minor thing, of course.

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 09:30:38 +0200
Mats wrote:

> Probably, your Ghostscript is configured to provide letter size papers
> by default. As long as ps2pdf is called from within LilyPond you should
> get A4 size anyway but if you run ps2pdf yourself from the command line
> you need the extra flag
> ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4
> See the ghostscript documentation for information on how to change the
> default paper size of your installation.

"man gs" will tell.

Thank you very much for the hints and help!

[ Reposting: I thought I had posted this to the list - 
  readers who wants to find an answer should be able 
  to follow the thread.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: question opening 2.4.5-1.rhfc1.ccrma-RPM

2005-04-13 Thread dax2
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 11:28:33 -0500 (CDT)
Hector wrote:

>   I downloaded lilypond-2.4.5-1.rhfc1.ccrma.i386.rpm.
>   When I try to run rpm, I receive the message that it is not
>   a rpm file. 
>   What should I do?

Are you sure it is the true rpm-file you have downloadet? Sometimes
Mozilla gets an errormessage and puts it into the downloaded filename
especially when there is a link-chain before you get the actual 
archive or RPM-file.

So please check the length of the file. Maybe look inside the
first part of the file with hexdump? Check the file with the
"file" commandline command?

Ok - if you don't know how to use the commandline, look at the
file properties and return with the length (and checksum) of the

If you are not using Fedora Core 1, then choose another download-RPM.

If you have the newest KDE, you can click and open RPM's with Kpackage.

Good luck!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: question about lilypond

2005-04-13 Thread dax2
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:11:55 +0300
iordache wrote:

> Hello.I downloaded Lilypond and the test. The test worked out
> fine, but when I tried to enter Cygwin a black window appeare
> with the words [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~.What should I do next?

You have opened a Cygwin command line interface.

The Cygwin Lilypond installation should (as far as I know) let
you click on your source and then it will translate it.

So with your favourite program-editor (worst case: wordpad) create
a file called "" or something ending on .ly

containing e.g.

   c'   c' g' g'   a' a' g'2
   f'4  f' e' e'   d' d' c'2
   \bar "|."

\addlyrics { do do sol sol la la sol
 fa fa mi mi re re do


and click on it from the MS-filebrowser.

I am not sure I should help you like this, because I do not use
Lilypond on Microsoft and therefore I actually just tell you what
I would try first.

However, try this - and return if you still are in doubt. 
There should be better editors than wordpad.

You can search the mail archive with Google and find more answers
to frequently asked questions (we all should;-)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Turn with two accidentals

2005-04-16 Thread dax2
On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 10:36:43 -0700
Paul wrote:

> The error message says exactly what the problem is and agrees with the 
> way \column works for me with 2.4.2.  The example in the Text Markup of 
> the manual for 2.4.2 is:
> \markup { \column < a  c > }

Ah! You came first! I cannot resist sending a solution with a
somewhat realistic example (my newest composition;-)

violino = {
   \key cis \minor
   \time 3/4
\teeny \sharp
\musicglyph #"scripts-turn"
\teeny \sharp
   \bar "|."

The PostScript quality is excellent; I apologize for the PNG quality
(but it is good for a SMALL attachment :-)

I love this "dictionary" (which does not have a "turn" example, though.)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
lilypond-user mailing list

Helpful error message:

2005-04-23 Thread dax2

This errormessage was most helpful:

Don't you want polyphonic voices instead?:

Yes I do! 

A quick glance in the user manual UNIFIED index:
Polyphony, and then I could see that I should add two backslashes, \\

So the parser seems to have some nice way to analyze the input,
wonder how it is done. The gis occurs as a whole note in the first
voice. No grudges(from the parser) after I wrote:

   %% bar 55
 <<{gis,1} \\
 {\times 2/3{gis,8(fis b}  \times 2/3{d'   b   fis )}
  \times 2/3{gis,8(d fis}  \times 2/3{b  fisd  )} |

Donald Axel

Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48] warning: Adding note head to incompatible stem (type = 1):
 {\times 2/3{gi
   s,8(fis b}  \times 2/3{d'   b   fis )} warning: Don't you want polyphonic voices instead?:
 {\times 2/3{gi
   s,8(fis b}  \times 2/3{d'   b   fis )}
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... [3][6][9][12][15][18][21][24][27][30][33][36][39][42]

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Random dynamics disappearance - maybe font-aleatorics

2005-04-23 Thread dax2

   The dynamics disappeared from the print of the
classic-style music which I am working on.

   They are now back again. Weird!

   I used lilypond-2.4.5, I have Gentoo but a handrolled

   I had a piano part and for some reason inserted a polyphonic
bar 55 where there was an extra (long) bass-note.

   The dynamics were gone, I noticed.
   There were still dynamics in the "midi" output.

   I removed the << {gis,1} \\ { b4 d fis } >>
and the dynamics reappeared

   I have tried to regenerate the missing-dynamics-input inserting
the <<{}\\{}>> again, but the dynamics are ok - no error.

   Could it be that I experienced a font-search error (again)? 

   HERE is my question:

   Could this kind of error could be the same as the
gv/font-search-mechanism error?

   Unfortunately I did not check the .pdf or .dvi output.

   It resembles the font error which I sometimes get when I view
my .ps files with gv:

   Sometimes the fonts for lilypond-music are replaced by strokes
and small numbers, especially when gv was loaded with a postscript
file, it was rendered ok, and afterwards a new .ps file is
generated and gv detects this and reloads. A very practical feature.

   However once in a while notes are numbers and everything except
staffs are wrong font-units. Usually I do open the file again and
everything is ok.

   For example once I noticed that braces for the piano staves had
become a small digit-2. Everything else was ok. How come?

   Is there something aleatoric here on my computer system? :-)

   Is k-pathsearch the culprit?

   You can have a look at my sourcefile on   %% (but there are dynamics!)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Solfeggio

2005-04-24 Thread dax2

On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 21:28:29 +0100
Bernard wrote:

> I guess its partly a matter of what you use Lilypond for. If you are
> basically encoding music that has already been written then It may well
> be easiest to use relative entry. However I have a large number of
> lilypond scores that are "works in progress" - pieces I am writing.
> These are revised/edited quite heavily and I find this almost impossible
> if the score uses relative notation.
>   /Bernard
> > I have and I wouldn't want to go back to absolute entry.  At least until 
> > we find out what Nicolas' editor does.
> > 
> > Paul Scott
> > 

Thank you for all remarks here. I think it is time for a couple of
examples: Bruce J Keeler entered the Mutopia-project Chopin op.52
which is a complex and beautiful example. Suffice it to say that
he uses relative. He uses spacing to help read the rhythm.

topPart = \notes \relative c'' {
%% 1
< g g' >8\( ^\andante < g g' > < g g' >   < g g' >

The later, much more difficult passages are also written very
beatifully and clearly.

However, I need to go to c'' above in order to get the reference.
So writing this way pleases me more:


This is a very innocent example, not much to talk about. However,
look at the left hand:

\relative c' {
f,,16 ( c'' a c d, c' )

would become:

\absolute {
f,16(  c' a c' d  c') [...]

Now you can see that the three c' are the same in one look,
like when you read printed music, you read a block at a time.
Well anyway I wouldn't like playing from the Lilypond-source:-)

I suggested the solfeggio - notation because I think some kids would
be delighted to write do re mi.

And as far as I can see one could do it almost without programming new
features in Lilypond. There is an italian (or french?) entry-language,
isn't there? And there is \transpose, so maybe something like this would do:

\version "2.5.X"

\include ""

\transpose do la' {
\key do \major
   do re mi fa | sol  la si  do' |
   do re mi fa | solb la sib do' |

I still think I would recommend noteedit for the kids! However,
this demonstration of Lilypond's strengths isn't far off, is it?

And Nicolas Sceaux gave the code for "autoAlteration". Which was
astounding! Impressive! And it works (with 2.5.19 and up)!

So people who want larger pieces like the Chopin Ballad op.52
could with use absolute-pitch, and sometimes with less typing.
However, the Ballad was actually set using \relative pitch 
and is very clear set, so that reading is not so hard after all
except for left hand passages with many ups-and-downs.

Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: snap (bartok) pizz

2005-04-24 Thread dax2
On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 16:19:20 -0500
Fairchild wrote:

> \version "2.4.3"
>   STUFF = {
>   \relative c' {
> \override TextScript #'font-name = #"cmbsy10"
> c4^\markup { \char #13 }
> \once\override TextScript #'font-name = #"cmex10"
> \once\override TextScript   #'extra-offset = #'(-9.75 . 1.1)
> c^\markup { \char #12 }
> c c c c c c
>   }%end relative
>   }%end STUFF
>   \score{
>   }%end score

The example works beautifully. I was using 2.4.5 to get a result.
2.5.19 came out with an internal error. However, \version actually
says 2.4.3, so it is ok.

Now with 2.4.5, even if output is splendid, I get these "funny"

Why:  no such encoding: "Tex-math-extension"???

Calculating line breaks... 

programming error: no such encoding: "TeX-math-extension"
Continuing; crossing fingers

programming error: programming error: cross thumbs, using: "latin1":
Continuing; crossing fingers
Layout output to `pizz-bartok.tex'...
Converting to `pizz-bartok.dvi'...
Converting to `'...
Converting to `pizz-bartok.pdf'...

Regards/Donald Axel
dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: snap (bartok) pizz

2005-04-25 Thread dax2
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:18:57 +0200
Mats wrote:

> To avoid confusion, I can tell you both that the function
> make-circle-stencil was introduced in version 2.5.19 and is
> not available in any stable version (which probably is what
> Sean has installed).

It works with a little change: make_circle_stencil should
have only two parameters (in 2.5.19) I would like to know how I
get the tempo-indication away from the staff.

This has been mentioned before, so I will look it up. I like
realistic examples so I will post it again when I find out how to
make a little space for tempo and character (Lento).

\version "2.5.19"

#(def-markup-command (bartokPizz layout props) ()
  ;; (make-circle-stencil 0.7 0.1 #f)
  (make-circle-stencil 0.7 0.1 )
(list 'draw-line 0.1 0 0.1 0 1)
'(-0.1 . 0.1) '(0.1 . 1)

% -- 
% Han-Wen Nienhuys -

vlcello = {
\clef bass
\key a \major
\time 3/4
\tempo 4 = 62
   f8^\markup {Lento}-\markup{\bartokPizz }_\markup{(pizz)}
   g8^\markup { \bartokPizz }
   c'8^\markup { \bartokPizz }
   g,8^\markup { \bartokPizz }
   fis'4\ff^\markup { \bartokPizz }
   c,2^\markup { \bartokPizz }
   \bar "|."

\score {
   \new Staff { \vlcello }

\layout { raggedright = ##t }

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
lilypond-user mailing list

Needed: Much more space for initial markups

2005-05-01 Thread dax2

   Is there a non-tweak way to achieve the needed spacings?

   Thanks - in advance - for any comment.

   I used Lily - GNU LilyPond Linux Gentoo.

   Professional orchestral music (parts) I wrote for the
Danish RSO and others needed:

   1) Character (Allegro con Brio or whatever)
   2) Tempo, approx. metronome mark X=128
   3) Start-dynamic  (mf or whatever)
   4) Phrasing, slurs etc.
   5) Other instrument-proprietary marks
   (like bowing for violins, Pedal for pianoforte, stop for horn, etc.)

   This may not be common practice in amateur orchestras, however,
I hope it is clear that all these markups are needed for
professional results. And they seem to go into one big lump,
except if you do something like I did in the attached example.

   Could it be made to default values? 
   Is this a stupid question?

   Many Mutopiaproject scores do not have all of these. Actually,
I could not find any!

   I am not sure where to put this mail.

   This is so important, in my view.

   Actually Mats Bengtsson adviced me to scan the mailing list for
"padding" and gave the entry point to the documentation "Common

   Great documentation, I mean it, excellent language and many
practical examples, but not much concrete help for this: when I
tried for example \override MetronomeMark #'padding = #'3.0 or
#'padding = #3 nothing happened.

   I cannot stop thinking: Is this a LilyBug or a DonaldBug? :-)

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel
Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \markup adjustments

2005-05-05 Thread dax2

   Hi, I recently got the solution from Mats Bengtsson.

   We should search the list before sending too many questions.

   It is easier to search if you are very careful with the subject,
like "adjusting \tempo position" (my suggestions, anyway).

   Solution (I have my tempo in the piano right hand:)

manusdextra = {
   \clef treble
   \key g \minor
   \time 4/4
   \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #'3.0
   \tempo 4=92  %% initial tempo must be in midi-section-command
%% in order for it to influence the midi-generation.

On Wed, 04 May 2005 12:57:31 +
David wrote:

> I have a small orchestral score.  I have a global section which contains
> things like rehearsal letters, repeats and tempo markings.  There is
> only a single tempo marking at the beginning.  How can I adjust its
> position in individual parts?  I've looked through the docs and have not
> managed to find a way to do this.
> -David
> LilyPond v2.5.22
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spacing around tempo marker

2005-05-06 Thread dax2

   I answered this directly to Randy but not to the list (sorry, my mistake).

On Thu,  5 May 2005 08:15:54 -0400 (EDT)
Randy wrote:
> My tempo marker is being placed too close to the staff lines -
> it interferes with some of the stems on the beginning notes.  Is
> there any way to control the amount of space below the tempo
> marker?

   I recently got the solution from Mats Bengtsson.

   Solution (I have my tempo in the piano right hand:)

manusdextra = {
   \clef treble
   \key g \minor
   \time 4/4
   \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #'3.0
   \tempo 4=92  %% initial tempo must be in midi-section-command
%% in order for it to influence the midi-generation.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can't see web pages

2005-05-22 Thread dax2
On Sat, 21 May 2005 22:30:49 -0300
Bruno wrote:

> Hi, I'm not able any more to see some of Lilypond's web pages.
> Often, when I try a link, 

What link? Nobody can answer your question if you do not
say what link.

Normally the sites responds pretty servilely. I have
just tried a few links to be sure that the site is up.

>   ... I receive an error message named http
> 406. My platform is Windows XP and my brouser, Internet Explorer
> 6.026. I have tried other computers, all with Windows, with the
> same results. How could I get help about that?

The 406 code means that Your Microsoft platform does not have
the appropriate language code installed - could it be that you
have told the browser not to accept UTF-8 (Unicode 
Transformation Format Type 8?)

Donald Axel

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Saving a file in Utf-8

2005-05-29 Thread dax2
On Sat, 28 May 2005 20:00:09 -0500
Rob wrote:

> I downloaded jEdit, and that seems to work fine for UTF-8.  From
> what I gathered, jEdit says that the Word files were saved in
> UTF-8Y, which puts a Byte Order Mark at the beginning of the
> file.  I'm guessing that's why they didn't work with Lilypond. 

I thing you need to use plain text files. UTF-8 is the same as
multi-byte international character set. 

If you need UTF-8, find out whether your Latex and Lilypond
program set supports UTF-8. Otherwise you can use for example
Latin-1 with Lilypond and company.

As a rule of thumb, do some research before posting a question,
or wait until you feel almost desperate;-)

>From your posting quoted above it seems to me that you need
some basic guidance into character set handling.

Regards/Donald Axel
dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

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