Re: Change staff within a chord

2005-09-15 Thread lfanele

Did I missed the solution? How can one change staff within a chord?
Best Regards,
Mehmet Okonsar, pianist-composer

hi mehmet, and everybody who helped me,

this is something i came up with for changing staffs within a chord:  
would be still great to have a more explicit way to do it rather than  
this fuzzy logic.

hope it is helpful for anyone, stephen


\version 2.6.3

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

oben =

\key c \major
\time 4/4
b8  r c' r cis' r d' r |
dis' r e' r f'2 ~ |
f'4 c' e' c' d' c' f' |
c' e'8 r b d' r c' r r4 |
\bar ||

untenhoch =
\override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
\override Stem #'length = #20
d f8 s8 e g8 s8 e g s f a s8 |
fis a s g b s g b2 |
g b4 g f a |
g8 s f s e g

unten =
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 4/4

g,8 r c, r a, r d, r |
b, r e, r d,! d!2  |
c,4 c a, f, |
e,8 r e, r c, r r4 |
\bar ||


\context PianoStaff

\context Staff = oben \oben
\context Staff = unten \untenhoch
\context Staff = unten \unten


lilypond-user mailing list

change staff within chord?

2005-09-14 Thread lfanele

hello list,
how would i change the staff within a chord (it is important that the  
necks keep connected across the staves? the \change Staff command  
doesn't work within the chord  ... .

here is my sample code:

\version 2.6.3

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

topmargin = 0\cm
linewidth = 10\cm
leftmargin = 0\cm

\layout {
   \override LyricText #'font-size = #0
\override LyricText #'font-shape = #'regular

% o = { \change Staff = oben \stemDown } % wechselt auf anderen Staff
% u = { \change Staff = unten \stemUp }

o = { \change Staff = oben \stemDown }
u = { \change Staff = unten \stemUp }

oben =

\key c \major
\time 4/4

%  \u d f \o b8 this won't work
d f b8  r % put d and f on lower stave
e g c' r % put e and g on lower stave
e g cis' r  % put e  g ...
f a d' r  % put f % d ...


unten =
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 4/4

g,8 r c, r a, r d, r |



\context Staff = oben \oben
\context Staff = unten \unten


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: putting number on top of each other

2005-09-12 Thread lfanele

Am 11.09.2005 um 21:22 schrieb Henrik Frisk:

hi list,
back again with some problems: is there a way to put numbers on top
of each other. i need this for the funktionssbezeichnung (sorry, i
just know the german word). right now i'm using a mixture of \super
and \override TextScript #'extra-offset tweaking (picture attached),
which is quite a pain - maybe there is an easier way?

Perhaps you could explain what Funktionsbezeichnung is, and where  
it is used? I've never seen something like this.

There's the \column command:

\markup {\column {1 2}}


sorry, i wasn't really exact: i just realize my english is seriously  
lacking some basic music- specific expressions. maybe this picture  
makes cleare what I'm trying to do (this has been done with the  
\column command):

the \column is close to what I'm looking for, but i would be great if  
i could i change the spacing between the numbers so it is more narrow  
(is there a override command for that?). \figuremode would work  
(narrow spacing...), but i need the flexibility of the \lyricmode.  
what would be the best way to go?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: text in staff

2005-08-22 Thread lfanele

thanks everybody,
the #'extra-offset command worked fine for me.

Am 22.08.2005 um 09:50 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

If you want to move something vertically, it's almost always better to
use the padding property instead of extra-offset. The reason is that
if you set padding, then LilyPond will realize that you have moved
something and migh for example add some extra spacing between the
staves to avoid that your moved text collides with the stave above.
If you use extra-offset, then LilyPond will not adjust the layout
of anything else. See the section 9.2.1 Common tweaks for examples
of how to set the padding property.


Kris Shaffer wrote:

The markup command is the correct way to do it, but instead of  
\lower, use  the extra-offset property.  For example,

\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -10)
will create a quarter note C, place the word markup above the  
staff, and  the extra-offset will shift it 0 staff spaces  
horizontally and 10 staff  spaces down.

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

text in staff

2005-08-21 Thread lfanele

hi everybody,
getting quite fluent in lilypond by now. it's even more fun using it,  
if you get to know the app better.

one thing i'm still struggling with: how to put text in the staff?
the picture below has been done with photoshop (not the most elegant  
way :) )

i tried the \markup command \lower put that didn't help.attachment: text_in_staff.jpg

any suggestions?
lilypond-user mailing list

unnamed port error

2005-08-19 Thread lfanele

i guess this is just some stupid mistake on my behalf: i can't get  
this code to work, because I always get an  Parsing...unnamed  
port: In expression ’font-shape: unnamed port: Unbound variable:  
’font-shape error. i'm not really a programmer, so I don't know what  
to do about that.

thanks for your help,

\version 2.6.3

\remove Time_signature_engraver
\remove Bar_engraver }
   \override LyricText #’font-shape = #’italic }

notation =
\relative c'
\clef treble
c1 d e f g a b c

text = \lyricmode
what1 am I doing wrong here ? ? ?


\context Staff = notation \notation
\context Lyrics = text \text


lilypond-user mailing list

default font

2005-08-17 Thread lfanele

hi everybody!
what is the name of the default font for lilypond? i'm on os 10.4.2  
and lilypond 2.6.3.
what would be the \layout command to globally set the font-size and - 
type for lyrics and mark-up (i've seen it in the manual but never  
really got it to work).

as always thanks a lot for your help,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: force natural sign

2005-08-16 Thread lfanele

is there a way to put a natural sign manually? in this example the  
natural sign is left out at the b, but i want to make sure the  
reader understands it is a b not a bes.

See 6.1.3 Cautionary accidentals.

It's possible that this won't work in 2.6, though.  I tested it in  
2.7.4, but I have a
vague recollection that ! forces a natural to appear was a recent  

- Graham

Thanks Graham, the ! did the trick, but in the 2.6 manual there is no  
hint that the ! forces a natural to appear. Having just learned  
lilypond 2 days ago, I think it won't be a good idea for me to switch  
over to the 2.7 releases (please correct me if i'm wrong about that).


lilypond-user mailing list

slurs and brackets

2005-08-14 Thread lfanele
hi everybody,i just discovered this great piece of software yesterday and i am really amazed by its functionality and engraving beauty. i quickly decided to use this software for my work instead of sibelius or finale, which are way too clumsy to use for my taste.Right now i'm working on a music-theory book for my university and i could quickly do most of the things i wanted to with lilypond.Still i have some questions:- i want to show the half tones between e and f,  b and c: i would like to use a V shaped slur for that (right now it's just a simple slur), is there a command i have overseen to generate such a shape. i tried some markup commands but that didn't yield the results i wanted.- is there a way to put the analysis brackets below and above the notes (depending on the situation). The Ligature Brackets may be a workaround for this, but they have a slightly different shape.this is my example code:\layout{\context {\Staff                 \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"                \remove Time_signature_engraver                \remove Bar_engraver}}\relative c'{c1\startGroup d e (f)\stopGroup g\startGroup a b (c)\stopGroup}\version "2.6.3"thanks a lot for your help and sorry if these are too obvious questions,Stephenp.s: i might be back for more ;)___
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