latest version breaks some functions

2014-07-05 Thread michael webster
Hey all - I upgraded from 2.14 to 2.18 and this function which had used to work 
fine now throws an error

metMod = #(define-music-function (parser location valueI valueII) (string? 
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'outside-staff-priority = #1000
  \mark \markup {
 \concat {
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #$valueI #1
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #$valueII #1  

the error is somthing like  GUILE expects input type string instead of input 
type unassigned  at  #$valueI in line below

\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #$valueI #1

any idea what's broken??

thanks in advance - cheers Michael

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ways of using Lilypond?

2010-12-18 Thread Michael Webster
@mike - would you be willing to share your Python scripts? I'd love to 
see them... tia

lilypond-user mailing list


2010-12-03 Thread michael webster
in recent comments folks have discouraged vim - I have learned vim  
(MacVim) specifically for Lilypond use and have found it terrific.

I have mapped commands to send to lilypond and view pdf or open midi  
output in Quicktime player.

The syntax coloring is a pain to install but works. vims capabilities  
(eg finding other instances of text the cursor is on, folding,  
navigation) and plugins (snippets, alignment) are super useful in a  
Lilypond context.

So I just wanted to encourage anyone who is serious about longer  
projects to consider vim - like Lilypond it has a steep learning curve  
but you can be very productive once you have it going.

lilypond-user mailing list


2010-12-03 Thread Michael Webster

for those who asked about mapping in vim for example:

this mapping in my vimrc:

map lil :wbar:!lilypond -o % %CR

runs the current file through lilypond when I type 'lil'


map pdf :! open %.pdfCR

map mid :!quit 'Quicktime Player 7'CR:! open -a 'Quicktime Player 7' 

open the pdf and midi (I'm on mac which uses this 'open' command)

I also have an almost working sed script which halves or doubles 
durations (perhaps someone on the list can do this right :) ) Vim allows 
you to pipe selected text through shell scripts rather simply.

I also use the snippets plugin which emulates TextMates very useful 
snippets feature and the Align plugin to align lines of parallel music 
on the '|' character. The snippets let you set small snippets of text to 
expand with the cursor tabbing through values - this allows you to 
automate things like setting up a staff with staffname and midi 
instrument very quickly.

Also vim has a great feature which will open a file the cursor is on - 
so you can straight away open included files with a single keystroke. 
and of course you can navigate multiple open files with the command :b 
followed by a bit of the desired file's name... say 'viola' or 'score' 
or 'two' - you can imagine.

anyway these are a few of vims features.

On the down side vim requires you to relearn how you use a text editor 
in that it requires you to change modes between navigating, inserting, 
selecting, commanding as appropriate so there is some learning 
involved.  try the tutorial to see if vim makes any sense for you -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: center tempo mark on barline?

2010-09-30 Thread michael webster
thanks Phil: I am trying to build a set of re-useable metric modulations - and 
I'm favoring the Carter-style in which the '=' is centered on the barline. I 
have a music function which creates the appropriate \tempo \markup (and midi 
tempo changes thanks to Neil Puttock) from 2 durations, and I'd like to modify 
it to have it centered properly on the barline. The piece I am writing is long 
and has many dozens of such marks so I'm hoping to avoid scooting them all 
around manually... thanks again michael

lilypond-user mailing list

center tempo mark on barline?

2010-09-29 Thread michael webster
hi all - wondering how I might align the center of a tempo mark on a barline? 
any way? tia

lilypond-user mailing list

suppression of identical tempo markings

2010-09-04 Thread michael webster
with this code:

\score { \new Staff { \tempo 4 = 80 c d e f \tempo 4 = 80 g a b c }}

lilypond does not display the second (redundant) tempo indication.

is there a way to force lilypond to display it?  I am using dotted quarter = 
quarter metronome marks in succession and lilypond is refusing to display other 
than the first...


lilypond-user mailing list

metronome marks suppression again

2010-09-04 Thread michael webster
howdy all - a refinement to my question.

yes indeed, setting Score.tempoHideNote = ##f will force lily to display 
redundant makings like \tempo 4 = 80.

but is there also a way to force lily to show redundant tempo markups like this 

\new Staff{
c d e f

%%% this mark shows up %%
 \tempo \markup {   
 \concat {
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #8. #1
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #4 #1  

g a b c

 this mark does not %

 \tempo \markup {
 \concat {
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #8. #1
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #4 #1  
d e f g

lilypond-user mailing list

scheme variable for tempo

2010-07-28 Thread michael webster
I am writing some music with a great many metric modulations. 

I plan to create a set of metric modulations which i could re-use: 
\quarterEqualsDottedEighth and so forth to produce the desired notation.

Simple enough. But what I am after is a way to have these prefab modulations 
affect the tempo. Ideally I could set some kind of variable for the tempo and 
have the metric modulations alter it, so that they would perform as expected in 
every situation. So for example \quarterEqualsDottedEighth would increase the 
tempo by 4/3.

any thoughts? Thanks in advance ...

lilypond-user mailing list

beams over rests

2010-07-28 Thread michael webster
I'm writing a piece with complex rhythms and want to beam rests together with 
notes for clarity.

 c8[ r8] produces a beam on the c which does not extend to the following rest. 

c8[ \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1r8] produces what I'm after in that case...

but in any case manually beaming every beat is a chore...

is there a better way? Ideally there would be a variable to include rests in 
beams as part of the autobeamer

lilypond-user mailing list

beams over rests

2010-07-27 Thread michael webster
I'm writing a piece with complex rhythms and want to beam rests together with 
notes for clarity.

c8[ r8] produces a beam on the c which does not extend to the following rest. 

c8[ \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1r8] produces what I'm after in that case...

but in any case manually beaming every beat is a chore...

is there a better way? Ideally there would be a variable to include rests in 
beams as part of the autobeamer

lilypond-user mailing list

scheme variable for tempo

2010-07-27 Thread michael webster
I am writing some music with a great many metric modulations. 

I plan to create a set of metric modulations which i could re-use: 
\quarterEqualsDottedEighth and so forth to produce the desired notation.

Simple enough. But what I am after is a way to have these prefab modulations 
affect the tempo. Ideally I could set some kind of variable for the tempo and 
have the metric modulations alter it, so that they would perform as expected in 
every situation. So for example \quarterEqualsDottedEighth would increase the 
tempo by 4/3.

any thoughts? Thanks in advance ...

lilypond-user mailing list