Re: Subdividing beams

2023-01-02 Thread Renato Biolcati Rinaldi
This is a great solution! Thanks a lot, I was fixated with \set baseMoment
and beatStructure things that I completely missed other solutions.


Il giorno lun 2 gen 2023 alle ore 14:58 Jean Abou Samra 
ha scritto:

> Le 02/01/2023 à 14:44, Renato Biolcati Rinaldi a écrit :
> > Hello and Happy New Years
> >
> > I am trying to engrave this piece as per attached, I am going crazy
> > trying to figure out how to replicate the exact beaming of the image.
> When you don't manage to make LilyPond understand what beaming you
> want, there is an escape hatch you can use to set beams manually.
> \version "2.25.0"
> \language "english"
> \relative c' {
>\time 12/8
>\key bf \major
>  {
>\override = #'none
>fs'16^3\cresc (a g8) bf,\rest g'16^3 (bf a8) bf,\rest
>\set subdivideBeams = ##t
>a16^3\f [(bf) bf^3 (c)]
>  }
>  \\
>  {
>c,8 bf s bf c s c d
>  }
>\set subdivideBeams = ##t
>\set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
>\set beatStructure = 2,2,2,2
>32 [(bf'^3 a
>\set stemRightBeamCount = 2
>\set stemLeftBeamCount = 2
>fs^4 ef d
>\set stemRightBeamCount = 2
>\set stemLeftBeamCount = 2
>bf^2 a bf c)] |
> }
> See
> Best,
> Jean

Subdividing beams

2023-01-02 Thread Renato Biolcati Rinaldi
Hello and Happy New Years

I am trying to engrave this piece as per attached, I am going crazy trying
to figure out how to replicate the exact beaming of the image.

with this code I can make three groups of four demisemiquavers, but they
are beamed by a 8th beam, whereas I want them to be beamed by a 16th like
in the original. I tried to change values in all possible ways in \set
baseMoment and \set beatStructure, with no success.

This is the cose I am currently using:

\version "2.25.0"
\language "english"

\relative c' {
\time 12/8
\key bf \major

r8   << {  \override = #'none fs'16^3\cresc (a
g8) bf,\rest g'16^3 (bf a8) bf,\rest \set subdivideBeams = ##t a16^3\f
[(bf) bf^3 (c)]}
{  c,8 bf s bf c s c d } >>

\set subdivideBeams = ##t

\set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
\set beatStructure = 2,2,2,2

32 [(bf'^3 a g fs^4 ef d c bf^2 a bf c)] |


Re: Png cropping

2017-02-25 Thread Renato Fiorenza
Thank you for your replies. Using a GUI like Frescobaldi is not really 
something I can do while programming. However, I can surely insert margins to 
the cropped png, which is definitely what I am going to do.
Best regards,
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Png cropping

2017-02-25 Thread Renato Fiorenza
Hi Simon, hi David,

I am very sorry. I absolutely did not intend to make any sort of accusation. I 
did word the phrase badly, led by the too impulsive thought that I couldn't 
believe that LilyPond, even being so powerful, couldn't do what I thought it 
would be certainly able to do.

Actually, after reading your replies, I realised why this behaviour is actually 
intended and indeed much more rational than giving the option of cropping the 
png as the user wants. I will surely follow your suggestions of adding margins 
to the cropped png, instead of trying to crop the full one.

Thank you for your replies.
lilypond-user mailing list

Png cropping

2017-02-24 Thread Renato Fiorenza
I read in the documentation that it is possible to create a cropped png by 
using "-dbackend=eps -dresolution=600 —png" and inserting this \paper block:

oddHeaderMarkup = ##f
evenHeaderMarkup = ##f
oddFooterMarkup = ##f
evenFooterMarkup = ##f

However, I think the cropping is too heavy. How can I produce a png with some 
nonzero margins? I've tried to add top-margin, bottom-margin, 
top-system-spacing, last-bottom-spacing, left-margin, right-margin, 
paper-width, but none of them seem to work.

Thanks a lot in advance,
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: improving LilyPond useability

2013-12-03 Thread renato
On Tue, 03 Dec 2013 10:01:30 +0100
David Kastrup  wrote:

> Renato  writes:
> > On Mon, 2 Dec 2013 18:14:52 -
> > "Phil Burfitt"  wrote:
> >
> >> >you don't really get around these programs without reading docs
> >> >(and you shouldn't try to make it easy).
> >> 
> >> I disagree with "you shouldn't try to make it easy".
> >
> > what I meant was "you shouldn't try to make it easy to get around
> > fiddling with the program without reading the docs", i.e. you
> > shouldn't try to encourage not reading the docs
> Why?  I find nothing wrong with things that work as expected as much
> as possible.  It is not a sign of good design if naive expectations
> turn out wrong again and again.  The purpose of LilyPond is
> typesetting music, not a puzzle game.  As it is a language composed
> of arbitrary letters on the keyboard, one needs something to start
> off, true.  An environment with default templates or a sample
> document/run-through at least gives the user enough of a clue to know
> when he needs to look at more stuff or can try figuring out something
> by himself.
> But when he _does_ try figuring out something by himself, then it's
> nice if at least some things work out as expected instead of failing
> for obscure technical reasons.
> There is no point in exhausting the tolerance levels of the user just
> for kicks.  Learning stuff must have proportional rewards, or at some
> point people stop.
> And that means we need a user experience where you are not stuck for
> days in the docs before getting out your first notes.

Hi, I feel like you misinterpreted what I'm saying. All the things you
say are good of course: sensible syntax, good "getting started"
documentation, templates, not exhausting the user. I'm not saying you
should purposefully make lilypond obscure, just saying that you should
not encourage people not reading the docs, i.e. hiding complexity. I
feel that many WYSYWIG editors try to make complex things easy, and
that's usually impossible by definition, so you end up sacrificing
flexibility for the sake of making a good impression on users. I
would like if lilypond never went down that path. 

But that's just my opinion, I'm not a developer nor a professional
(not even amateur) musical typesetter, so I'll just shup up now :=)


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: improving LilyPond useability

2013-12-02 Thread Renato
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 2 Dec 2013 18:14:52 -
"Phil Burfitt"  wrote:

> >you don't really get around these programs without reading docs
> >(and you shouldn't try to make it easy).
> I disagree with "you shouldn't try to make it easy".

what I meant was "you shouldn't try to make it easy to get around
fiddling with the program without reading the docs", i.e. you shouldn't
try to encourage not reading the docs

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: improving LilyPond useability

2013-12-02 Thread Renato
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 2 Dec 2013 15:06:13 -
"Phil Burfitt"  wrote:

> So often people after buying a new shiny thingy, open the box, plug
> it in, and only after numerous failed attempts to get it to work,
> decide to read the manual

Well they'd hit the same wall with Latex, it doesn't "do" anything by
default, yet still it's the undisputed standard for scientific
typesetting. I'd say that lilypond is more or less as good as Latex
(which is not perfect, it *is* rather messy at times), the great
difference is there is much more interest in Latex so there is
excellent documentation and a lot of community activity.

Now, one could make the argument that the crowd Lilypond has to appeal
to (musicians) is in general far less accostumed to command line
programs rather then Latex's crowd (scientist); I'd argue back that
Lilypond doesn't really "have to appeal" to someone who doesn't see the
advantages of WYSIWYM vs. WYSIWYG and doesn't take the time to learn
it. I mean, lilypond is text-editor + command-line by design, you don't
really get around these programs without reading docs (and you
shouldn't try to make it easy).

So I think "improving lilypond's usability" should boil down to:
1) better language functionality (personally I haven't used lilypond
all that much so I can't really point out any show-stopper there)
2) better docs

and nothing else

my 2 cents,

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: fret diagrams with no staffs

2013-11-04 Thread Renato
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 4 Nov 2013 03:15:34 +
Carl Sorensen  wrote:

> Have you read through the Learning Manual?  If you're trying to work
> your way through the Notation Reference without having read through
> the Learning Manual, it will be *very* difficult.

So far I've managed to hack my way through with lilypond having only
skimmed through it, but I guess now I need to find the time for a more
proper study. 

Thank you *very* much for your detailed reply, I'll try the suggestions
after reading the manual :)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: fret diagrams with no staffs

2013-11-01 Thread Renato
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 1 Nov 2013 02:56:17 +
Carl Sorensen  wrote:

> On 10/31/13 8:47 AM, "Renato"  wrote:
> >However I have not been able to (due to my superficial knowledge of
> >lilypond and snippets dealing with "chord diagrams over a
> >staff" scenario):
> >1) use fret-diagram-details to set the various parameters it offers.
> >It would be best to set this once and for all instead of for every
> >single chord
> For \markup fret diagrams, you override the fret-diagram-details
> property of a TextScript object (see
> Customizing markup fret diagrams):
> \override TextScript  #'(fret-diagram-details . (
>(finger-code . below-string)
>(number-type . arabic)
>(label-dir . -1)
>(mute-string . "M")
>(orientation . landscape)
>(barre-type . none)
>(xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
>(xo-padding . 0.3)))

how/where should I put that in my example? The code in
the link produces a staff, which I don't want (and I didn't find
a way to remove it)... I might be missing something obvious, sorry for
that, as I stated I don't have a good grasp of lilypond's fundamentals
(yeah I know that's a fault on my part, but time is what it is)

> >2) Display names on top of chords
> For this, you probably don't want to use \markup fret diagrams.
> You probably just want to create a score with a ChordNames 

Mmh, I've looked into this and made some tests, but I'd like to enter
my chords with the \fret-diagram strings, not with  (or worse
\chordmode{c}) - that is because I'm rather picky about fingerings and I
want to input jazz "non-standard" chords, so I don't want lilypond to
try to outsmart me, I want to enter exact strings and frets. 

so, basically I'd want to:
1) use \fret-diagram to input chords
2) not have a staff
3) display the chord names I want on top of the diagrams (I want
control over that, not lilypond deciding my chord needs to be called a
Csus13... possibly I'd like to put something like "CM7 or Am9")
4) set the properties of fret-diagram-details (like if roman numbers
for the fret number should be upper or lower and so on)

I realise that listed like this it seems like asking much, but
I thought that what I wante was actually pretty simple: just a sheet
with some chords and a way to tune some aesthetics
(fret-diagram-details). just to give an idea of what I'm after I made a
picture of two books I own which have something similar:

something in that ballpark would be great :)


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lilypond-user mailing list

fret diagrams with no staffs

2013-10-31 Thread Renato
Hash: SHA1

Hello, I'd like to produce a sheet with guitar chord diagrams. For now I
have this, which is a good start

\version "2.16.2"

\markup{first set of chords}
\fret-diagram #"s:3;f:1;6-x;5-3-1;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-1;" 
\fret-diagram #"s:3;f:2;6-x;5-3-1;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-1;"
\fret-diagram #"s:3;h:1;f:2;6-6;5-4;4-5;3-5;2-6;1-4;" 
\fret-diagram #"s:3;h:1;f:2;6-11;5-10;4-12;3-11;2-10;1-12;"

\markup{second set of chords}
\fret-diagram #"s:3;f:1;6-x;5-3-1;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-1;" 
\fret-diagram #"s:3;f:2;6-x;5-3-1;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-1;"
\fret-diagram #"s:3;h:1;f:2;6-6;5-4;4-5;3-5;2-6;1-4;" 
\fret-diagram #"s:3;h:1;f:2;6-11;5-10;4-12;3-11;2-10;1-12;"

However I have not been able to (due to my superficial knowledge of
lilypond and snippets dealing with "chord diagrams over a
staff" scenario):
1) use fret-diagram-details to set the various parameters it offers. It
would be best to set this once and for all instead of for every single
2) Display names on top of chords

If someone could help me with these I'd be most grateful.

best regards,
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond blog! who wants to join?

2013-06-01 Thread Renato Biolcati Rinaldi
"Il laghetto del larghetto"..
(laghetto= pond in Italian)

Just kidding, but it's fun:-)


On Fri, 31 May 2013 23:59:12 +0200
Janek Warchoł  wrote:

> 2013/5/31 Janek Warchoł :
> > this cannot wait any longer: there has to be a LilyPond blog.
> > Unless someone has a better idea, i'm going to create a blog on
> > tomorrow morning.
> and it's time for a first contest!  The blog needs a catchy name.
> Whoever suggests the best name will be the first one interviewed on
> the new blog!
> :D
> Janek
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Renato Biolcati Rinaldi 

lilypond-user mailing list

Strange Pedal and Trill behavior maybe a bug?

2008-02-20 Thread Renato Biolcati Rinaldi

I found this weird behaviour if Trill (on right hand) and SustainDown (on
left hand) are used simultanously on the first measure of a piano staff.
Take the example below: the trill is not centered with the note head as it
would be without the \sustainDown on bottom staff.
I used a tweak with:  _\markup {\musicglyph #"pedal.Ped" \hspace #-1.4 "."}
Please note that the \musicglyph of the Pedal has no "dot" as the
sustainDown, so I had to add that \hspace #-1.4 "." piece. If there is a
command for Ped with a "dot" let me know, because I haven't seen it on the
list. If not, it may be a good idea to add it.
This way the Ped. is not well aligned, but if I use \hspace inside the
markup to move it on the left, I have the very same problem with the trill
on top staff. Therefore I used this override:
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -2.0 . 0.0 )
And now it looks OK.

%%%begin lilypond code%%%
\version "2.11.40"
\include ""
 upper = \relative c'' {
   \clef treble
   \key ef \major
   \time 12/8
f4.^\markup { \finger "23" }\startTrillSpan \grace { e16\stopTrillSpan
([f16] } g8-.-3) g-4 (d-1) ef4.-2 (c-1) 
  lower = \relative c {
   \clef bass
   \key ef \major
   \time 12/8
 bf8-.\sustainDown  ()\sustainUp   b,-.\sustainDown 
()\sustainUpc,-.\sustainDown  ()\sustainUp
c,-.\sustainDown  ()\sustainUp%7
\new PianoStaff  <<
   \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano  "
   \new Staff = "upper" \upper
   \new Staff = "lower" \lower
\layout {   \context {
  \override NonMusicalPaperColumn
  #'line-break-system-details =
  #'((alignment-offsets . (0 -13))) } }
\midi { }

%%%end lilypond code%%%
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Re: Lilypond language definition for Notepad++

2008-01-23 Thread Renato
> is there a lilypond language definition available for Notepad++ 4.7,  which 
> supports user language definitions?

Hello, I also use Notepad++, just use the TeX language definition. To
use it as default when opening a new file go to
Configuration->Configure Styles,  search for TeX and add ly as
"defined extesion" (I have the Italian version of Notapad++, so terms
might be slightly different).


lilypond-user mailing list


2008-01-23 Thread Renato
Hi all
I am trying to copy  the famous Nocturne N. 2 Op. 9 by Chopin, but am
getting crazy to make this figure:
3d bar: the turn upon the c8 note.
I've been trying all possible configurations of code like this:

 \once \override TextScript #'script-priority = #-100
c8^\turn^\markup { \flat }^\markup { \flat }^\markup { \natural


\once \override Script #'script-priority = #-100
c8^\turn^\markup { \flat }^\markup { \flat }^\markup { \natural

Changing the order of various components didnt help, the turn goes either on
top or on bottom, but nevere between flat and natural signs, I've also tried
crating a double voice with a s8 and dividing signs: it didnt work

I am using this now:
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -1.5 . -3.2 )
(The override is needed because fingering is not centered)

 this is a regular turn without flat and natural signs, but the one in
Chopin's piece requires that the note before a turn is a b, and not a bflat
as it would be the case on a normal turn, I guess this is called a
"chromatic turn" but I am not sure.

If there is a different more modern way to draw a "chromatic turn", it's OK,
I dont want to create an exact replica of the original source, I just want
to create a good modern version.

Moreover: is there a way to draw a little slur on the fingering (12121) like
in the original?

Thanks and Bye
lilypond-user mailing list

Distance between staves

2005-05-17 Thread Renato Biolcati Rinaldi
How do I decrease the distance between staves?
The command
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
Doesn't seem to help much, I tried all possible combination of numbers but
there is always a minimum distance between staves which I don't know how to
I would like to print the attached music on a sinlge page without using a
font too small (say with a 16). The orginal is printed on a single A4 page
with a font size more or less like feta 16, with Lilypond I need two pages
instead, and there is a lot of room between staves.
This is concert piece so after all I may also keep it in 2 pages, but I must
copy plenty of parade music and it is imperative that I am able to print a
piece on a sinlge A5 landscape sheet and with a decent font size because
it's music to be played while standing or even worse while walking:-)
\version "2.4.6"
\include ""
%Per brani da sfilata togliere il commento
%#(set-default-paper-size "a5" 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\header {
	title = "Marcia Sinfonica"
	instrument = \markup { Alto Sax E\smaller \super \flat }
   	composer = "V. Monti"
altosax = \relative c'' {
\clef "treble"
\key f \major
\time 2/4
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "alto sax"
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
%per i numeri di prova
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-numbers
 \set Score.markFormatter
= #(lambda (mark context)
 (make-box-markup (number->string mark
%per le mutipause
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
\transposition ef
d4(a8) r16 d	|
f4(d8) r16 f	|
a4~a16 gs16 (a16 bf|
a4) r4		|
d,4(a8) r16 d	|%5
f4(d8)  r16 f	|
e4~e16 d16 (cs16 d|
e4) r4		|
g2~		|
g8 e16(f g f e g|%10
f2)~		|
f8 d16 (e16 f e d f|
e2)~		|	
e8 (e16 f g f e f|
d8) r8 r4	|%15
R2		|
\repeat volta 2 {\mark \default f2~ 		|
f8. e16 (d8.) cs16(|
d2)~		|
d8. e16(f8.) g16(|%20
a4..)(f16)	|
d8. e16 f8. d16	|
e2~		|
e4 r4		|
bf'2~		|%25
bf8. a16 g8. e16|
a2~		|
a8.(f16 e8. d16	|
e4..) d16(	|
cs8. d16 e8. f16|%30
d2)~		|
d4 r4 \mark \default \bar "||" 			|
f2~		|
f8.(e16 d8. cs16|
d2)~		|%35
d8.(e16 f8. g16	|
a2)~		|
a8. d,16 cs8. d16|
bf2~		|
bf8 r8 r4	|%40
\appoggiatura { g8[a]} bf4 a8. gs16(		|
a8) r8 r4	|
\appoggiatura { d8[e]} f4 e8-> d8->		|
a8-> r8 r4	|
\appoggiatura { g8[a]} bf4 a8. gs16(		|%45
a8) r8 r4	|
\appoggiatura { d8[e]} f4 e8-> d8->		|
}\alternative { {a8-> r8 bf8.-> (a16		|
g8) r8 a8.-> (g16|
f8) r8 g8.-> (f16|%50
e8) r4 a8->	|
d-> r8 r4	|
R2}{		|
a8 r8 a8. a16	|
a8 r8 a8.(bf16) } }|%55
\mark \default \bar "||" c4 c4~			|
c4 d8. (c16)	|
g2~		|
g4 a(		|
bf a		|%60
g a		|
f2)~		|
f8 r16 a'16(g8. f16|
e8. g16) f4~	|
f e(		|%65
bf2)~		|
bf8 r16 g'16 (f8. e16|
d8. f16) e4~	|
e d(		|
a2~)		|%70
a8 r8 a8.(bf16)	|
c4 c~		|
c d8.(c16)	|
g2~		|
g4 a		|%75
bf c		|
d e		|
f2(		|
d8) r8 r4	|
f4. d8		|%80
bf8 g e bf'8	|
a4. c8		|
d e f g		|
a4. d,16 c	|
bf4. d16 e	|%85
\repeat volta 2 {\mark \default f8 r8 c4(	|
b bf		| 
a8) r8 a8.(bf32 a	 			|
g4 f4		|
e8)(r8 d'8. c16	|%90
c8) r8 d8.(c16)	|
c8 r8 g8.( a16	|
bf8. c32 bf a8 g8)|
}f8 r8 a8.(b16	|
cs4 d8. e16	|%95
d8) r8 f8. e16	|
d4 c8. bf16	|
a8 r8 a8. b16	|
cs4 d8. e16	|
d8 r8 f8.(e16	|%100
d4 c8. bf16	|
a8) a16-. a-. a8-. a-.|
a-. a-. a-. a-.	|
\mark \default \bar "||" bf8.(a16 g4~)(		|
g8 b16 c d e f g|%105
a8. g16 f4~)	|
f8 g16(f e8) d-.|
c4 g8.(a16)	|
bf8 c16(bf a8 g8|
\repeat volta 2 {\mark \default f4.) f16(g)	|%110
a4. a16(bf)	|
c4. b16 c	|
d8-.(c-. a-.) f-.|
d4. e16( f	|
g4.) a16(bf	|%115
c4.) c16(d	|
e8) d-. g,-. a-.|
}f8 f'16 f f8 f	|
f f(e ef	|
\mark \default \bar "||" \key bf \major d2~)	|%120
d8 cs( d a	|
bf2~)		|
bf8 f' (e ef	|
d2~)		|
d8 g, b d	|%125
c2~)		|
c8 g( c ef,)	|
g4( a		|
bf c		|
d~) d8. c16	|%130
bf8.(c16 d8. ef16|
f4.) c16( d	|
ef4. g,16(a)	|
bf8 f16 g( a bf c d|
ef4.) a,8->	|%135
bf-> f16 g(a bf c d|
ef4.) a,8->	|
bf-> r8 bf-> r16 bf16->|
bf8-> r8 r4	|
\mark \default \bar "||" \key ef \major R2*4	|%140-143
r4 r8 d8	|
ef r8 r4	|%145
R2		|
\bar "||" \mark \default  bf2~ \segno		|
bf4 ef(		|
g,2~)		|
g4 bf		|%150
ef,2~		|
ef4 r4		|
bf'2~		|
bf4 d4(		|
c2~)		|%155
c4 r4