Re: System in different colors

2012-04-11 Thread uunail

Thanks to everybody who replied.

I now learned that you can really change the color of each barline in the

As I was defining the colors of the following part at the beginning, the
definition was taken directly from there on with the consequence of the
timing issue eluze described.

By moving the \override behind the first notes in the last part (as David
suggested), the override only worked for the then following barline which is
how I wanted it to be.

Thanks again
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Re: System in different colors

2012-04-11 Thread uunail

I tried \once \override but it didn't work.

As far as I understand the BarLine is a part of the staff context which
cannot be changed from one occurence to the other (that is why you have to
use the /startStaff and /stopStaff). And in my example it is changed for the
whole staff (or the three parts).

My problem however is, that the barline between my part 2 and three is
already shown in the color of the part 3 where I think it is defined and
belongs to part 2.


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System in different colors

2012-04-10 Thread uunail

Hi everybody

Using this wonderful tool I again have a problem.

I want to use different colors in a piece to illustrate that they are played
by different people (and not using multiple systems).

The snippet below works almost fine with only one little thing that I want
to have changed:

\version "2.14.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 18.65)

\header {
title = "System in different colors" 

\language "deutsch"

staffVoice = \new Staff {
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
\time 2/2
\key f \major
\clef treble
\tempo 2=78
\relative c' {
\context Voice {
\override Staff.Clef #'color = #red
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'color = #red
\override Staff.KeySignature #'color = #red
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
\override Stem #'color = #red
\override DynamicText #'color = #red
\override Tie #'color = #red
\override TextScript #'color = #red
\override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
\override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
\partial 4*3
4^\markup{ \larger {Part 1}}_\f   
\context Voice = "melodyVoi" {
%\partial 4*3
\revert Staff.Clef #'color
\revert Staff.KeySignature #'color
\revert Staff.BarLine #'color
\revert Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color
\revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'color
\revert NoteHead #'color
\revert Stem #'color
\revert Tie #'color
\revert DynamicText #'color
c4\(_\mf h c\)
\bar "||"
\context Voice = "melodyRep" {
f1 R1
\bar "|." 
\context Voice = "interlude" {
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
\override SystemStartBar #'color = #black
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
\override Stem #'color = #red
\override DynamicText #'color = #red
\override Tie #'color = #red
\override TextScript #'color = #red
\override Accidental #'color = #red
\override Rest #'color = #red
\override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
\override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
f4^\markup { \larger {Part 3 }} e f g
c,4 r  r
\bar "||"

\score {
\layout {}

\paper {}

The double bar in front of part 3 is printed in red but I want to have it in
black as it belongs to part 2.

So the color change obviously works fine within a bar (as in bar 2). However
when the color change is done on a bar the behaviour is different and not
the way I want it to be.

Can someone help me.

Best regards


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Re: lilypondtool,problem

2008-01-03 Thread uunail

I went back to the bundled version from the Lilypond Tool page. It contains
jEdit 4.3pre9. Now everything works fine again.

Thanks for the hint.


Bertalan Fodor-2 wrote:
> Well, it seems that jEdit developers have broken something. I suggest
> using the pre11 version of jEdit or the bundle while I can get to fix the
> problem.
> Bert

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Re: lilypondtool,problem

2008-01-03 Thread uunail

I used the excellent Lilypond tool for quite some time.

I now have the same problem after I installed both Jedit (1.4.3pre12) and
Lilypondtool (2.10.4 from jEdit repository) on my new machine.

The machine runs WindowsXP SP2. Java installed is version 1.6.0_03.

Hope this helps to trace back the problem.

Best regards

Uwe Nagel

Bertalan Fodor-2 wrote:
> Which version of jEdit?
> Did you try the bundled LilyPondTool at 
> or the plugin from jEdit repository?
> Stefan Thomas írta:
>> Sorry,
>> that's me again with another problem, concerning the
>> lilypondtool,that I use on windows XP.
>> When I click the score setup wizzard the following error occurs.
>> "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: bsh/UtilEvalError
>>  at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>>  at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

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Re: Problems with german umlauts

2007-01-24 Thread uunail

I have very good experience with Jedit. It runs on any platform.

Together with the excellent Lilypond Tool for Jedit from Bertalan Fodor you
get very nice features like syntax checking etc.

And it can save the file UTF-8 encoded.

All about the editor and the newest version of the plug-in is given in the
following thread. Just download, install and enjoy. 

Of course there are many other editors available (like emacs, ...) that do
the same job.

Best regards

Uwe Nagel

David Gippner wrote:
> When using any convert option of WinEdt with UTF-8, the File cannot be 
> compiled and is corrupted.
> Yours,
> David
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: problems with german umlauts

2007-01-23 Thread uunail

Is your .ly file UTF-8 encoded?

Uwe Nagel

David Gippner wrote:
> Dear list,
> I've got problems with german umlauts in Lilypond 2.11.13-1. Wherever 
> there is one, I just get blanks.
> What can I do against that?
> Yours sincerely
> David Gippner
> P.S.: If this is useful, I can provide a PDF of what I mean. Requests to 
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: Knees and spacing: bug?

2007-01-05 Thread uunail


As Han-Wen is pointing out, the algorithm is correctly trying to keep the
distances constant.

If you want to change the output you may consider moving the objects instead
of changing the durations.

I have done this in your example by moving the 16th in the first bar a
little bit to the left:

pedal = {
\clef bass \time 6/8
f,8 f, f, f8. 
\once \override Stem #'X-offset = #-0.25
\once \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #-0.33
f16 f8
f,8 f, f, f8. f16 f8
f,8 f, f, f8.*8/10 f16*16/10 f8

You may want to experiment with the numbers in the offsets to get a result
that suits you best.

Best regards


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Re: Knees and spacing: bug?

2007-01-05 Thread uunail


As Han-Wen is pointing out, the algorithm is correctly trying to keep the
distances constant.

If you want to change the output you may consider moving the objects instead
of changing the durations.

I have done this in your example by moving the 16th in the first bar a
little bit to the left:

pedal = {
\clef bass \time 6/8
f,8 f, f, f8. 
\once \override Stem #'X-offset = #-0.25
\once \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #-0.33
f16 f8
f,8 f, f, f8. f16 f8
f,8 f, f, f8.*8/10 f16*16/10 f8

You may want to experiment with the numbers in the offsets to get a result
that suits you best.

Best regards


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Re: Knees and spacing: bug?

2007-01-05 Thread uunail


As Han-Wen is pointing out, the algorithm is correctly trying to keep the
distances constant.

If you want to change the output you may consider moving the objects instead
of changing the durations.

I have done this in your example by moving the 16th in the first bar a
little bit to the left:

pedal = {
\clef bass \time 6/8
f,8 f, f, f8. 
\once \override Stem #'X-offset = #-0.25
\once \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #-0.33
f16 f8
f,8 f, f, f8. f16 f8
f,8 f, f, f8.*8/10 f16*16/10 f8

You may want to experiment with the numbers in the offsets to get a result
that suits you best.

Best regards


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Re: between-system-padding in multiple score blocks

2007-01-04 Thread uunail


I tested your code on version 2.10.5 and it worked satisfyingly.

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Re: Lilypond and jedit

2007-01-03 Thread uunail

With your help (I erased all the blanks in the file- and direcory names)
everything now works.



Bertalan Fodor-2 wrote:
> This may be because you have a space in the file path. Put your lilypond 
> files in paths without a space. So avoid c:\documents and settings if 
> possible.
> At the end of the week there will be a fix for this.
> uunail írta:
>> The action I described was happening in the Adobe PDF view. In the Adobe
>> reader I see the tags attached to music.
>> If I click in the PDF preview window nothing happens. (I also do not see
>> any
>> tags attached)
>> Uwe
>> 1. Do you click in the PDF preview window or in Adobe Reader? The PDF 
>> preview window should not open Firefox but jump to jEdit.
>> 2. Go to Utilities>Global options>Docking and set LilyPond instant help 
>> as Top.
>> Please report if you succeed.
>> Bert
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: Lilypond and jedit

2007-01-03 Thread uunail

The action I described was happening in the Adobe PDF view. In the Adobe
reader I see the tags attached to music.

If I click in the PDF preview window nothing happens. (I also do not see any
tags attached)


1. Do you click in the PDF preview window or in Adobe Reader? The PDF 
preview window should not open Firefox but jump to jEdit.
2. Go to Utilities>Global options>Docking and set LilyPond instant help 
as Top.

Please report if you succeed.


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Lilypond and jedit

2007-01-03 Thread uunail

After installation of the newest version of both Lilypond (2.10.0) and the
Lilypond Tool for Jedit (2.10.2) on my XP machine I have the problem, that
point-and-click doesn't work. It opens a new (empty) tab in my Firefox
browser instead of jumping into the editor.

I looked into Bertalan Fodor's (excellent) demo of the tool but still didn't

In addition to the point-and-click problem there is one window shown in the
demo (Lilypond instant help) that I do not have which is useful creating a

Can anyone tell me

- how to setup point-and-click correctly (the manual doesn't describe my
- how to get this instant help window in the editor?

Thanks in advance

Uwe Nagel

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Re: Verse and refrain spacing

2006-01-07 Thread uunail (sent by


I had a similar problem. Try 

        \override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t
in the Staff context.



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Re: Another Stanza problem

2005-12-25 Thread uunail (sent by

Thank you very much for your help. With the "alignAboveContext" I now managed to set the piece with three stanzas attached to five voices in three staves (one for sopranoI and sopranoII, one for alto and one for tenor and bass).

This means that I have six lines of lyrics between the alto- and the mens- staff which makes it difficult to read and allocate to the voice.

Thus I wanted to have a blank line as a separator between the alto- and tenor- lyrics. The workaround I'm using is to put another stanza written in white (= invisible) at this place. Is there another, perhaps more elegant way to achieve that?


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Re: Another Stanza problem
lilypond-user mailing list

Another Stanza problem

2005-12-20 Thread uunail (sent by

Hello forum,

using the satb template from the manual I created the following file which is an old choral.

The problem with this arrangement is that each voice has different lyrics.

Thus I want to show the lyrics for two stanzas directly connected to each voice. The first stanza works perfect. However if I attach the second stanza to the voice I get a junking event: `LyricEvent' warning and the output is incorrectly showing again the lyrics for the first stanza with the number 2 in front.

Here is my .ly file. The problem line is marked.

\version "2.6.4"
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\header {
        title = "Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her"
        arranger = "Johann Eccard, 1553-1611"
        footer = "Martin Luther, 1483-1546 gekürzt"

\include ""
global = {
\key f \major
\time 2/2

sopIMusic =  \context  Voice = "sopranI" {
        \dynamicUp \stemUp \slurUp 
        \set Staff.instrument="Soprano I"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {
                \partial 4 f'4
                e2 d
                e c
                d e
                f r4 f4
                f2 c
                c a
                c b
                a r4 a4
                d2 d
                c e
                f d
                c r4 f4
                e2 d
                c c
                b4 (a) g2
        \bar "|."

sopIIMusic = \context  Voice = "sopranII" {
        \dynamicDown \stemDown \slurDown 
        \set Staff.instrument="Soprano II"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {
                \partial 4 a'4
                c2 h
                c4 g a2.
                h4 c c
                c2 a4 b2 (a8 g a2)
                g f4 f
                e a2 g4
                a a c c
                g2 a4 c2
                (h8 a h2)
                c r
                r4 c2 b4
                a2 g
                f4 f2 e4
        \bar "|."

altoMusic = \context  Voice = "alt" {
        \dynamicUp \stemUp \slurUp 
        \set Staff.instrument="Alt"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {
                \partial 4 f4
                g2. g4
                g2 f2.
                d4 g2
                a f
                c2 c2.
                f2. e4
                g g f2
                r2 e
                a4 a g2
                e4 c2 h4
                c2 r4 g'2
                f e4
                d c c4. c8
        \bar "|."

tenorMusic = \context Voice = "tenors" {
        \dynamicUp \stemUp \slurUp 
        \set Staff.instrument="Tenor"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \clef bass
        \relative c' {
                \partial 4 c4
                c2 d
                c4 c2 a4
                f2 g4 c
                c a c d
                c2. f,4
                g2 r
                r r4 g
                d' d c2
                d2. f2
                (e8 d c4) c
                r4 a g f
                g4. (e8 f4) g
                a4. (b8 c2)
                f,8 (g a f g2)
        \bar "|."

bassMusic = \context Voice = "basses" {
        \dynamicDown \stemDown \slurDown 
        \set Staff.instrument="Bass"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \clef bass
        \relative c {
                \partial 4 f4
                c2 g'
                c, f
                d c
                f4 f f d
                e2 f4. (g8
                a4) f g2
                r4 d a' a
                g2 b
                c4. (b8 a4. g8
                f2) g
                c,4 f e d
                c2 r
                r r4 c
                d8 (e f4) e2
        \bar "|."

SopIVerseI = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "1."	Vom Him -- mel hoch da komm ich her, ich bring euch gu -- te neu -- e Mär,
                                der gu -- ten Mär bring ich so viel, da -- von ich singn und sa -- gen will.

SopIVerseII = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "2."	Euch ist ein Kind -- lein heut ge -- born von ei -- ner Jung -- frau aus -- er -- korn,
                                ein Kin -- de -- lein so zart und fein, das soll euer Freud und Won --ne sein.

SopIVerseIII = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "3."	Es ist der Herr Christ, un -- ser Gott, der will euch führn aus al -- ler Not,
                                er will euer Hei -- land sel -- ber sein, von al -- len Sün -- den ma -- chen rein.


SopIIVerseI = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "1."	Vom Him -- mel hoch da komm ich her, ich bring euch gu -- te neu -- e Mär, neu -- e Mär,

Re: Vertical staff height

2005-11-14 Thread uunail (sent by

Thank you for the message which unfortunately didn't help.

By coincidence you answered another question today that gave the decisive hint.

My problem was not the staff height, it was the empty space between the staves in the first line.

With an

\override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t

this problem can be solved and the first line is sized adequately.


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Vertical staff height

2005-11-13 Thread uunail (sent by

Hi everyone

Being new to Lilypond I'm impressed about the possibilities of this program.

My first sheet already looks good. However there is one thing that I want to change and I don't know how:

The first staff is very high (probably due to the four stanzas) and as a result I had to reduce the global staff size, such that the piece fits on one page. Is there a way to tell the program to reduce the size of that first staff?

Start of Lilypond file:


\version "2.6.3"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

#(set-global-staff-size 14)
#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column)

  title = "No.1 Trinklied"
  subtitle = "Gedicht von G. Eberl"
  composer = "F.X.Engelhart,Op.29"

global = {
        \key d \major 
        \time 3/4

        \override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-size = #1 

% Shortcuts for vertical Rest position mods
poszero = \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0

possix = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #6

posseven = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #7

posten = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #10
% Shortcuts for vertical Text position mods

TextZero = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #0.0

TextZeroFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #0.5

TextOne = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #1.0

TextOneFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #1.5

TextTwoFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.5

% Shortcuts for Markups

UGluck = \markup { \large \center-align { Gluck } }

LGluck = \markup { \large \center-align { gluck } }

sopranone = 	\context Voice = "refrain" 
                \relative c' {
                a'^>\mf \TextTwoFive  fis^\markup { \large Gemäßigt, aber mit frischem Ausdruck }  g
                a d a
                e' cis b
                b^> a a \break 
                a a a
                a4.^> fis'8 fis4
                g fis e
                d2 r4^\markup { \small \italic Fine } \bar "||"  \break }
soprantwo = 	\context Voice = "verse" \relative c' {
                d'4\p cis b\<
                e4. \!d8\> cis4\!
                d cis\< b\!
                e4. d8\> cis4\! \break 
                cis\< d e\!
                fis4.^\markup { \small \italic ritenuto } e8\> d4\!
                d^>^\markup { \small \italic langsam } cis^> b^>
                a2 s4^\markup \small \italic { a tempo } \break 
                s s a-.^\markup \small \italic { (kurz) }
                a-. s s
                s s a-.
                a-. s a
                a s a
                a2^\fermata a4^\markup \small \italic { D.C. al Fine }}

altone = \context Voice = "altos" 
                \relative c'{
                fis4 d e fis fis fis g g g g fis fis
                g g g fis4. a8 a4 b a g fis2 s4
                gis4 a gis
                a4. e8 e4
                gis a gis
                a4. e8 e4
                fis fis fis
                fis4. fis8 fis4
                gis gis e
                e2 r4 
                r r e
                e r r
                r r fis
                fis r fis
                g r fis
                e2 g4

tenorone = \context Voice = "tenors" 
                \relative c'{
                d4 a a d a d cis e cis d d d
                cis d e fis4. d8 d4 d cis cis d2 s4
                b e d
                cis4. b8 a4
                b e d
                cis4. b8 a4
                ais b cis
                d4. cis8 d4
                fis e d
                cis2 r4
                r \posten  r \TextOneFive  cis^\UGluck 
                \TextOne  cis^\LGluck  \possix  r \possix  r
                r \posten  r \TextZeroFive  d^\LGluck 
                \TextZeroFive d^\LGluck  \posseven  r \TextZeroFive  d^\LGluck 
                \TextZero  e^\LGluck  \posseven  r \TextZeroFive  d^\LGluck 
                \TextOne  cis2^\LGluck  \TextOneFive  cis4^\markup { \large \center-align {Drum}}

bassone= \context Voice = "basses" 
                \relative c {
                \context Voice = "gluone" \relative c {
                d4_>\mf fis a
                d, d d
                a a' a
                d,_> d d
                a' b cis
                d4._> d,8 d4
                g a a
                <> \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0 r4
                e\p e e\<
                a4.\! a8\> a4\!
                e e\< e\!
                a4. a8\> a4\!
                fis\< fis fis\!
                b,4. b'8\> b4\!
                e,4_> e_> e_>
                << a2 a,>> }
                \context Voice = "basstwo" \relative c {

Re: Running Lilypond through jEdit in Windows

2005-11-11 Thread uunail (sent by

Thank you once again.

Indeed jEdit didn't start the correct java version.

After uninstallation of both java versions and jEdit I then installed java 5.0 and afterwards jEdit.

Now everything works fine.


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Lilypond through jEdit in Windows

2005-11-11 Thread uunail (sent by

Thank you for the information. I installed Java 5.0 according to your suggestion.

However I did not yet have success. On starting jEdit I get the following error message:

Cannot start java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: lilytool/LilyToolPlugin (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0). Try updating to a newer veriso0n of the plugin.

Can you help me?

Best regards


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Lilypond through jEdit in Windows

2005-11-08 Thread uunail (sent by

According to your message you wanted to upload the 2.6 compatible version onto the jEdit plugin central.

Until now (two weeks later) this is obviously not yet done.

I tried to use the downloads you refer to, but after installation of the files I get java error messages while running.

Is there any way you can help me? I'm using the native windows versions of both Lilypond and jEdit.

Best regards


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list