Re: Verse and refrain spacing

2006-01-07 Thread uunail (sent by


I had a similar problem. Try 

\override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t

in the Staff context.



View this message in context: Re: Verse and refrain spacing
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vertical staff height

2005-11-14 Thread uunail (sent by

Thank you for the message which unfortunately didn't help.

By coincidence you answered another question today that gave the decisive hint.

My problem was not the staff height, it was the empty space between the staves in the first line.

With an

\override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t

this problem can be solved and the first line is sized adequately.


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Vertical staff height

2005-11-13 Thread uunail (sent by

Hi everyone

Being new to Lilypond I'm impressed about the possibilities of this program.

My first sheet already looks good. However there is one thing that I want to change and I don't know how:

The first staff is very high (probably due to the four stanzas) and as a result I had to reduce the global staff size, such that the piece fits on one page. Is there a way to tell the program to reduce the size of that first staff?

Start of Lilypond file:


\version 2.6.3 % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

#(set-global-staff-size 14)
#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column)

 title = No.1 Trinklied
 subtitle = Gedicht von G. Eberl
 composer = F.X.Engelhart,Op.29

global = {
\key d \major 
\time 3/4

\override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-size = #1 

% Shortcuts for vertical Rest position mods

poszero = \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0

possix = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #6

posseven = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #7

posten = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #10

% Shortcuts for vertical Text position mods

TextZero = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #0.0

TextZeroFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #0.5

TextOne = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #1.0

TextOneFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #1.5

TextTwoFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.5

% Shortcuts for Markups

UGluck = \markup { \large \center-align { Gluck } }

LGluck = \markup { \large \center-align { gluck } }

sopranone = 	\context Voice = refrain 
\relative c' {
a'^\mf \TextTwoFive fis^\markup { \large Gemäßigt, aber mit frischem Ausdruck } g
a d a
e' cis b
b^ a a \break 
a a a
a4.^ fis'8 fis4
g fis e
d2 r4^\markup { \small \italic Fine } \bar || \break }

soprantwo = 	\context Voice = verse \relative c' {
d'4\p cis b\
e4. \!d8\ cis4\!
d cis\b\!
e4. d8\ cis4\! \break 
cis\d e\!
fis4.^\markup { \small \italic ritenuto } e8\ d4\!
d^^\markup { \small \italic langsam } cis^ b^
a2 s4^\markup \small \italic { a tempo } \break 
s s a-.^\markup \small \italic { (kurz) }
a-. s s
s s a-.
a-. s a
a s a
a2^\fermata a4^\markup \small \italic { D.C. al Fine }}

altone = \context Voice = altos 
\relative c'{
fis4 d e fis fis fis g g g g fis fis
g g g fis4. a8 a4 b a g fis2 s4
gis4 a gis
a4. e8 e4
gis a gis
a4. e8 e4
fis fis fis
fis4. fis8 fis4
gis gis e
e2 r4 
r r e
e r r
r r fis
fis r fis
g r fis
e2 g4

tenorone = \context Voice = tenors 
\relative c'{
d4 a a d a d cis e cis d d d
cis d e fis4. d8 d4 d cis cis d2 s4
b e d
cis4. b8 a4
b e d
cis4. b8 a4
ais b cis
d4. cis8 d4
fis e d
cis2 r4
r \posten r \TextOneFive cis^\UGluck 
\TextOne cis^\LGluck \possix r \possix r
r \posten r \TextZeroFive d^\LGluck 
\TextZeroFive d^\LGluck \posseven r \TextZeroFive d^\LGluck 
\TextZero e^\LGluck \posseven r \TextZeroFive d^\LGluck 
\TextOne cis2^\LGluck \TextOneFive cis4^\markup { \large \center-align {Drum}}

bassone= \context Voice = basses 
\relative c {
\context Voice = gluone \relative c {
d4_\mf fis a
d, d d
a a' a
d,_ d d
a' b cis
d4._ d,8 d4
g a a
a2 d,2 \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0 r4
e\p e e\
a4.\! a8\ a4\!
e e\e\!
a4. a8\ a4\!
fis\fis fis\!
b,4. b'8\ b4\!
e,4_ e_ e_
a2 a, }
\context Voice = basstwo \relative c {
\override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #-2 
a' r r
r r a,
a' r r
r r a,
r r a
a'2_\fermata a4 }

gluck = \lyricmode {
Gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck. Drum }

refrain= \lyricmode { 
Lie -- serl, schenk ein, schenk ein, lass no a Ma -- ßerl nei, laß uns net dur -- sti sei; Lie -- serl, schenk ein! }

versone= \lyricmode {	
\set stanza = 1. 
sHir --scherl dös laft und springt wo dös kloan Ba -- cherl rinnt,
wenn's vol -- ler Liab und Zorn dur -- sti is worn. }

verstwo= \lyricmode { 	
\set stanza = 2. 
Um und um auf -- m Feld san kloa -- ni Blea -- merl gstellt,
bet -- teln um Him -- mels -- segn, bet 

Re: Running Lilypond through jEdit in Windows

2005-11-11 Thread uunail (sent by

Thank you for the information. I installed Java 5.0 according to your suggestion.

However I did not yet have success. On starting jEdit I get the following error message:

Cannot start java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: lilytool/LilyToolPlugin (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0). Try updating to a newer veriso0n of the plugin.

Can you help me?

Best regards


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Lilypond through jEdit in Windows

2005-11-11 Thread uunail (sent by

Thank you once again.

Indeed jEdit didn't start the correct java version.

After uninstallation of both java versions and jEdit I then installed java 5.0 and afterwards jEdit.

Now everything works fine.


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Lilypond through jEdit in Windows

2005-11-08 Thread uunail (sent by

According to your message you wanted to upload the 2.6 compatible version onto the jEdit plugin central.

Until now (two weeks later) this is obviously not yet done.

I tried to use the downloads you refer to, but after installation of the files I get java error messages while running.

Is there any way you can help me? I'm using the native windows versions of both Lilypond and jEdit.

Best regards


Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing list